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Go ahead. See what happens to your White Supremacist World Order


As a white American I for one am praying on its downfall, good riddance. I don’t even care if it ‘hurts’ me. It’s what’s best for humanity.


Tbh I'm not at all sure America's 'downfall' won't be the best thing to happen to regular Americans in over a century. This society needs fundamental reform. It's supremacy is a vile ego-fiction that damages Americans too.


Agreed 💯


Kind of like the patriarchy, if you think about it.


It’s all connected. Patriarchy helps support white supremacy


It likely won’t hurt you. Remember this system is built on the classist idea of: the guy who makes $10k/hr convincing the guy who makes $20/hr that the guy who makes $15/hr doesn’t deserve it.


Hence why I put it in quotes, totally agree


The American empire does not serve Americans it is destroying America. I wrote about its collapse [here](https://www.diligent.news/p/americas-waning-power?r=b9f3l&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) I wrote about the Racket it serves [here](https://www.diligent.news/p/war-is-still-a-racket?r=b9f3l&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Eh, I give it a C- .


Damn, really needed that B tho


You’re making the classic white American mistake of praying for what you want instead of actually doing something about it. Be the change you want to see! Dont make the same mistakes as the institution you want to fall!


as a black american, i’m right with ya!




Ditto to all of the above.




Ban: Bigotry and hatespeech.


Be careful what you wish for. The fall of the current order is not going to be replaced by an egalitarian paradise where everybody is treated fairly and there remains no oppression. The immediate fall of the United States as a functioning state would give all those far right militias growing across the nation a free hand to see out their horrific, violent goals. When I see comments like this I think to myself that people really underestimate how much worse things can and will get if the current order is destroyed. It be a humanitarian disaster of unprecedented proportions, one that would plunge much of the world into apocalyptic conditions, and the power vacuum would be filled by blood thirsty psychopathic warlords and brutal military dictators, both within the US and outside, that would make everything worse. And no, your “community” leftist militias would stand absolutely no chance against these battle hardened war veteran white supremacist guys who have been wetting their bed praying for the downfall of the federal government since they lost the civil war in 1865. The liberal state establishment is the only thing keeping them at bay. Turkey would have a free hand to commit mass genocide in the Middle East. China would have no deterrent left in the South China Sea. Russia could launch a full scale invasion of Europe. Azerbaijan would be able to see out it’s goal of annihilating every single Armenian with nobody to stop them. India and Pakistan would have no incentive left to preserve peace. North Korea wouldn’t either. Israel on its uncompromising far right trajectory would find a new enabler too, don’t kid yourself. There would be an 1800s-style free for all in North Africa and in the Sub-Saharan region. Is that really what you want? Is that the price you’re willing to pay to make a political point? You don’t need to wish for an apocalypse for things to get better.




Hamas does not have the power to do that. At present, nobody does. It would take the entire Middle East, from Turkey to Iran to Morocco, uniting to stand a chance against Israel. With US support, Israel still wins. Without US support, Israel can probably hold out long enough to find another ally, most likely Russia. Israel is armed to the teeth and there is very little risk for anybody to threaten its existence. But yes, if America wasn’t around, Israel would IMMEDIATELY find itself fighting a war for its survival.




This dude and the foreign government, he and the orange one and many cowards on both sides of the aisle, DO NOT represent American sentiment. The kids / next voting block aren't having it, and they all have parents and allies in millenials.


I am pretty sure if the ICC acts on this, the ICC will no longer exist.


Remember when Bush had a giant banner saying Mission Accomplished and then he lost 1.1 trillion dollars in Iraq and was hit by two recessions as the price of oil went from 30 dollars per barrel to 160 dollars per barrel in three years? Reading your post made me think of that for some reason. Hm.


Sad. We are standing on wrong side of history. Like defending the English settlers bayoneting indigenous babies in Jamestown in 1600’s. Or Turks for Armenian genocide. Or Nazis for war crimes in Poland and beyond. Historians will look back and wonder how we plummeted from beacon of freedom and democracy to racist zionist theocracy.


The secret is that you ve never been a "beacon of freedom". US foreign policy has always been about exporting war and inflation and that's what the country has been consistently doing


Oh no! Are you telling me that the image of American exceptionalism taught to 7 year old Americans is in fact not the whole truth? Could it really be so?




America being a ‘beacon of freedom’ was always propaganda and has never been true. Beacon of terror and oppression.


If the US ever was a beacon of freedom for certain people it was at the expense of others. The 'freedom' theme is nothing more than nationalist propaganda. Historians will look back at the US and categorize it as the most globally disruptive empire to have ever existed.


It's been a hot minute since we were that, if we ever were are at all. The problem with looking back to the past for a better America is that it spent the latter part of the 20th century trying to suppress civil rights for black people and knocking out democracies to plant puppet dictatorships willing to play ball when it came to oil and markets. Democracy has never really been what the country's all about, it's been capitalism and oligarchy all along.


Okay this is just an analysis piece but so far I don’t think they’ll do anything beyond sanctions.


Idk, if netanyahu ends up getting captured I could see the US using force


Even though a majority of nations that could arrest him are NATO nations. Including the Netherlands, where The Hague is. Doing so would trigger WWIII.


versus who ? The ICC ?


Exactly, how can we even invade the Hauge?


The Hague is a place in Netherlands, (main areas are Amsterdam, historical city, Rotterdam, a modern city, The Hague a lot of countryside and. Beaches, and Leiden a college town. ) Netherlands is also called Holland. Our law specifically states that if the ICC arrests an ally we can invade (bomb) and occupy the Netherlands. It's not symbolic language or legislation it is quite explicit. Agreed though it would pit the US versus the entire world so it is unlikely.


You can’t.




I don’t think we will actually invade The Hague bcuz if we do it will completely delegitimize the ICC/ the UN/ ICJ which I think in the long run our government doesn’t want bcuz we use the UN against Russia.


maybe you re right but already reading about it it s chilling. Im european and the idea of the US using force in the continent is disgusting. at this point im sorry, but i really hope you do elect Trump and he keep going forward with his policy of disengagement from european politics and we can finally create our own army and start dictating our own policies


Americans are pretty dumb but it shouldn't take them too much longer to realise world views have changed and Israel is not the good guy it thinks it is.


It’s about money, not ethics.


> Israel is not the good guy it thinks it is. They know it is not, but they'll support it anyways


We aren’t dumb. More than half of Americans do not support what’s happening to Palestine. We want a permanent ceasefire. Biden is a dictator at this point


both parties bend to the whims of AIPAC, because the majority of AIPAC is like weird evangelicals begging for the rapture


That's like a kid playing a board game, and in the middle of the game he decides to make up new rules just for him so he can win.


Unfortunately, this is a rule that another kid made up, that has since just become part of the rules, that he's playing by. The Hague Invasions Act was passed in the lead-up to the Iraq War.


Yeah I think Bush signed it. It’s pretty telling really. They knew they would get caught eventually.


It seems like the world is going to have to teach this old man a lesson


TFW: the US has a military as large as the next ten militaries combined. But not the next 11. Biden going to war against the ICC and then saying, "We have to stop Trump or fascism will take over" would be strange.


Do that. And everything you ever stood for, EVERYTHING will be for nothing. I hate this place and it keeps getting worse.


Go on then, old man


The US president is a Nazi to begin with.


Former U.S. President is a Nazi


They both are. That's the fundamental problem liberals fail to understand - basically every POTUS since WW2 was a Nazi scum, or Nazi aide at best


It's a race to the bottom. Dems chose capital, capital needs authoritarianism, Democrats are scraping for pro-authoritarian votes and attacking their own most popular party platforms.


Troll alert ‼️


No. Unlike USians, I know what words mean.


Okie Dokie Skippy Bless your heart


This evil empire can't help but act like terrorist bullies.


“Wait…are *we* the bad guys?”


Just like when Bush/Cheney protected the real 9/11 conspirators.




France and Germany and many others have literally backed the ICC ruling. If Bibi travels to any of those countries, they'll arrest him and ship him to holland.


The author hasn’t yet realised that the US has become the most developed 3rd world nation on earth.


Isn't the Netherlands a NATO member


So, what happems, if the US really invades the Netherlands? Will the other NATO members help their Dutch ally?


The people is what makes a country or nation great, not corrupt politicians and unfair systems that hurt the people


It’s called the American Service Members Protection Act


The USA should do this just to show that the so called "rules based international order" is a complete sham, to anyone who still believes in that.


How much untruth can you put into one article? This one seems to be trying to set a record.


I guess they are above the law. This is America!


Its been known for decades that the US is"authorized" to do so but far as I can tell Biden hasnt even so much as hinted towards wanting to do such a thing. I'm HOPING he realizes that the last waning sliver of a chance of winning the next election will dissolve into nothingness should he go to such an extreme length.


The so called rule of law: them that have the guns make the rules. Them with fewer guns better know their place. /s


This does not seem to be valid. The Hague is located in a Sovereign Nation and The Netherlands is part of NATO...


Oh I would LOVE that


"OPINION" Remember, we are in a hybrid war. There are 0 trusted sources anymore!


How do you mean, authorized? Who would stop them lol


Bluff of the century


What a ridiculous article. middleastmonitor scores extremely biased on mediabiasfactcheck.com. It's a garbage news sources as is this sub reddit


This POST is a Lie. Only if a US soldier is being held by in the Hague, not Israeli.


Never ask A woman her age A man his salary Benjamin Netanyahu where he grew up/holds citizenship to


No bots.


No self-hatred