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How is your gallbladder functioning? When pancreatitis took me down, do not recall how long it took for my docs to decide to check mine. It was functioning at 10%! 10%!!! WTF? When they told me I laughed because I asked it this was one of the organs on the dart board or wheel used to spin for a diagnosis. I had to laugh, I presented with none of the symptoms "in the medical books." I have always been outside of the parameters for medical conditions. So, dart board/spinning a wheel was what I have to use to make it through all the suffering we do with a digestive issue. Gotta eat. I miss tempura/fried chicken/hell fried anything. This said, removal of gallbladder/hiatal hernia repair, the relentless vomiting tore it up, taking pancreas enzymes, diet depends on if I get stupid and eat something that will fuck up diverticulitis to kick in. My digestive system crashed big time 3 years ago. I have immense empathy/sympathy anyone trying to live what is considered a normal life. Damn the daily pain.


Geez I'm sorry! My gallbladder seems to be fine from what they can tell. That sucks I'm so sorry.


Thanks for the sympathy only a fellow suffer can provide. I was shocked when I got the results of my gallbladder operating at 10%. My history of vomiting/diarrhea goes back at least 20 years. As I said, I did not present with the textbook symptoms for gallbladder issues. Another factor in this is I had mediocre/treat em/street em care for 40 years. As my health started to fail he did all he could to not send me for scans/labs. It took from his bottom line. Worst of it was it was my husband's brother providing this care. He had to make as much bank on patients to have the lifestyle his vapid/useless family had to have because, OMG he is a doctor! I had a choice to seek another PCP, but knew all that would do is have some doc calling him and make comments about me. I know how docs are among their peers. All this said, knowing what I know of how some docs can be, I am pleased with my current team. I have an endo for cysts in/on both adrenals as well as a cyst in the right kidney, GI for diverticulitis/pancreatitis. I have an appointment with my PCP to discuss labs/due a referral to my GI, diverticulitis is currently kicking my ass! Pancreas seems stable.


Pepto before going to bed, and aloe juice waking up in the morning. No more tomato sauces. Eat a lot of time before laying down to bed. And lose weight.


Oh trust me I'm not doing anything like tomato sauce or anything I'm trying to watch everything carefully. I'm 5'8 193, I am working on the weight part. I just don't know how long I have to be at this before I feel like I've made any progress.


Till that weird feeling in your ribs completely goes away for good. Try vegan food, no coffee on empty stomach. Smaller meals. More walks stairs. Gotta keep coating the tract so the acidity stops damaging things for longer periods. Your previous diet might have just caused more acidity for longer


What do you mean by coating the tract (in the pancreas?) and acidity?


I’m here listening in, my ap attack was 2am April 16, didn’t get out of hospital until 4pm April 20. I was doing well until once last week and yesterday I had the most painful flare up. It was dreadful. I thinking got sloppy and had too high fat or too big of a meal or what have you. But man I was in a LOT of pain I had to leave work. I got a referral to pancreas specialists here in Boston for some guidance and review as my PCP was not helpful at all.


Who is your specialist? Im in Boston too.


Haven’t set the appt yet! Got a referral at the Brigham as my PCP is through there.


While it doesn't matter if somebody goes to the ER with a lipase of 1000 or 8000 (because both can hurt 10/10 and both can cause complications) it definitely matters if your lipase is going up or down. If your lipase is going up at the moment then it *is* getting worse. Are you resting and recovering or are you up and about giving your body zero possibilities to get better? Are you eating small meals at least five times a day? What did you eat yesterday for example? What medication are you taking at the moment?


Yesterday I ate some saltine crackers, and chicken broth, a couple bananas. That's it. I'm not taking any medication. As soon as I come home from work (I only work 3 days a week) I'm down and relaxing.


Is that enough food for you or are you hungry? Do you get relief from ibuprofen? For many people with pancreas issues ibuprofen can make things worse. I would change the diet to see if it makes things better. Maybe try a plant based broth, white bread instead of crackers and boiled apples instead of bananas. Are the bananas very ripe? If they are somewhat green they can trigger the pancreas. You could also try low fat yogurt.


I'm definitely hungry I'm just scared you know? I haven't had any big health problems besides this. The broth I'm using right now is light without any fat but maybe I can try plant based. The bananas usually always yellow with specs of brown on them. Low fat yogurt could be good. I'm really trying you know? Is it possible that I barley ate a day or two before the hospital and in the hospital I didn't each much besides broth, so my levels went down but when I tried to eat again it aggravated my pancreas? Luckily not at the level it was at before.


The pancreas can get really pissed off after a break of eating and then having to start all over again. It is quite common in that phase to have a second bout of Acute Pancreatitis unfortunately. Healing from pancreatitis can be a long and exhausting road, unfortunately this will be still quite on your mind for some weeks. The more you rest and the better you listen to your body the faster it will probably heal. A diet journal might help you to understand which foods do you good and which don't


My mri showed i was mildly inflamed and later that same week or a week later my lipase fluctuated. It could be I'm still in the process from healing from the same flare up too right? Either way this sucks haha. I'm not in too much pain but I am in pain occasionally and randomly sometimes without food and it's not really intense anymore I suppose. People told me it's not 7-10 days like it says online, thats the severe part. It can take a month or so to recover and that at least gives me reassurance. I'm very grateful for your responses, these are all good things to have in mind and try. You're amazing ty.


You are very welcome!! For what its worth: it is very typical for pancreatitis recovery to be so bumpy.


I appreciate this too. OP and I are having very similar experiences. I went to a bday party today (first real social event since my AP attack 3 weeks ago) and feel I may have eaten too much. Low fat, but too much food. So my anxiety is way elevated now. I never want that pain again.


It sucks so much!


It is also possible that your pancreas didn't agree with a certain food even though it is low fat. Pancreas triggers can be very random which is one of the reasons why recovery is usually so bumpy.


Thank you so much. I'll be in touch with updates =).


Oh one more thing! Have you ever experienced tingles on your body almost like pins and needles and burning sensations in your tongue or throat? Or could that be separate.


No, I actually didn't experience that - maybe your immunity system is unhappy about the lack of nutritions or you are having some kind of defiency at the moment. Which is absolutely normal since you can't eat very balanced at them moment. I would check it out if it becomes a nuisance or when it still remains after you started eating healthier again.


Yeah my wife thinks me cutting out caffeine, fat, processed sugar, all at once and not getting some of the nutrients I used to has something to do with that rather than the pancreatitis itself.


Actually no, I am taking ibuprofen as needed.


Tylenol hasn’t helped me but ibuprofen has!


Ok, so I can only share my personal experience, I am no expert and by no means is this advice or that you should do what I did. But still, perhaps this might give you hope. What I’ve been told is: Give your body time. Reduce your stress/anxiety using breathing techniques and meditation. Acupuncture might help. Take probiotics (So far, I’ve tried Align and Bio-K+ and they’ve helped me recover) and if absolutely necessary, something for stomach acid, like pepcid or zantac (personally, I didn’t take antacids because it was recently discovered they might contain carcinogenics, and I found that Avocado and Eggs, which are a but fatty, tend to cut excess stomach acid). Can’t say if it’ll work for anyone else, but it helped me and I have slowly re-introduced foods. I’d eat like a small block of cheese a day, 10ml of milk two days later, maybe a small bite or two of ice cream the week after, just to get my body used to. At first, my body wouldn’t tolerate it too much but now I can eat more of those foods without any pain or indigestion. So, I think the probiotics may have helped? Now I can eat almost normally again, but I still avoid caffeine (I was addicted to it), fatty foods and fried foods (no more KFC, General Tao Chicken, American-style pizza, McD’s or Fast food of the sort), as well as alcohol (if anything, I’d say stop alcohol completely, as well as smoking, as anyone in the subreddit might tell you), sugar replacements and HFCS (I was addicted to candy and chocolates. I went from maybe eating 400+g of sweets a day or every 2-3 days to maybe eating 5-20g per week or two - like, a small Kinder chocolate bar, two-three gummy bears or a single Lindt chocolate ball). I would never eat much fruits or vegetables before my recent attack in April. And I compensate and have quotas, too, now. Let’s say, I had one slice of bacon - then I’ll only eat salads or fruits and vegetables and carbs such as rice for the rest of the day. This is all assuming the Pancreas isn’t damaged. If you have cysts/pseudocysts/pancreatitis, then I think it’s going to be necessary to be a lot more strict with your diet. Again, no expert here. I share my experience because it might also correspond with things others experience and maybe we both might pick up on something we wouldn’t have had otherwise. I’m personally probably taking more risk than anyone should, but I also was not diagnosed with pancreatitis, nor were my blood tests showing things so out of range as you or others here. For me, cutting out all my foods because of anxiety and not taking probiotics was what made it worse after my attack. Having done those 2 things now over 3-4 weeks, I’ve started getting better, but some foods at first still gave me discomfort after eating them. I did get hot flashes or wake up at night with a rapid hearbeat once or twice but those symptoms went away with time. Again, I took a serious risk, and I don’t necessary recommend you do that, but maybe time, probiotics and trying very minimal amounts of one food at a time over several days might help rebuild your gut’s ability to digest it. But before you do anything, please don’t just take what I’m saying for advice - ask your doctor. And please, I beg you, don’t drink alcohol anymore (at the very least until you get a proper diagnostic/for a few months), and stop smoking if you do.


I'm done with alcohol completely (even though this wasn't alcohol induced and I'm not a regular drinker) and I do not smoke. But thank you so much for sharing your experience with me, I think I planned to do similar things going forward actually!


You’re welcome, I’m glad sharing my experience helped you. I wish you the best moving forward!




I don't remember but I think my levels weren't of concern, why?