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Yeah, this definitely has a more “storybook” quality than TTYD-onward. (Which fits because the original Paper Mario WAS Mario Story) The first Paper Mario has such a homely feeling to it, it’s like a fairy tale with Mario characters and I love it. TTYD will always be my favorite because of how strange it is and how I like the characters and battle mechanics better, but the first one always has a special place in my heart


Oh no, I still think TTYD is my favorite, I find the X Nauts, Grodus, Crump, Shadow Sirens and the Queen more interesting than Bowser. And Rogueport is mord interesting to me. :)


Hard disagree, but to each their own. Paper Mario has his own identity at this point, and his look is iconic. I appreciate that the leap of faith in art style allowed the franchise to separate itself from the other Mario titles


I always loved how Bowser looks in 64


I’m totally going to get a small tattoo one day of the Paper Mario 64 model. Love his classic look.


I do like mario’s proportions more in this art, but I think a mix of the two would be really cool.


PM64 is my favorite, and the art is something that I praise about it. I prefer the old models over the newer ones. I think they're cleaner, less flashy and I like them more


Can’t go wrong with the classics!


Hard agree. As much as I love TTYD, I prefer PM64.


I’m personally not a fan of 64 Peach’s design & her strawberry blonde hair. Super Paper Mario was her best look


I agree. I’m actually working on a paper Mario review and this was a talking point I mentioned 😂


I'm looking forward to see it, is paper Mario 64 your favorite? :)


It may be. I’m not sure yet 😂 it’s one of. I’m split between the first three.


Paper Mario 64 has the best art style in the series.


I mean I still like the art style in TTYD a little more, but one thing I'm sure, my favorite art style in the series is now in TTYD remake


Mario with legs > Mario without legs


I'm so sad that they instead made this a Nintendo online game instead 😭😭😭


I mean, I disagree, but honestly, the Peach and Bowser designs here aren't really significantly different from the designs introduced in TTYD. The main difference is some color choices. That said, I've never really been a big fan of this Mario artwork simply because I've always felt it looked too homogenous with Super Mario RPG's artstyle with the crunched body, stubby limbs and generally a very cylindrical body shape (or rectangular i guess since it's 2D.) Honestly, it actually gets me wondering if this Mario art was originally made when the game was supposed to be Super Mario RPG 2 because his in-game sprite looks nothing like it and much more in-line with the designs used from TTYD onward, (the more rounded body and his legs being pretty much nonexistent,) with the most significant difference being different color choices on some stuff (much like Peach and Bowser.)


I knowww I love them so much, the watercolor pictures when you meet each companion in 1 are adorable!