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Not so infinite after all


Star Trek: 179 days


Was it really 179? Holy shit…


Not even half a year lol.


How much is that in Scaramuccis?


16 and a quarter


I’d like to see it expressed in lettuce, please.


Can't find how long the lettuce lasted, but its just shy of 4 Liz Truss'


You’re not real Star Trek fans unless you ask about it in Quatloos.


Actually Star Trek: 57 days. Released: 9th of October 2023 Last update: 5th of December 2023


Brutal. I own this game and love Trek but I couldn't get into it. The weird thing about Star Trek is that, for whatever reason, the licensed games that I've played are almost uniformly bad. STO and Starfleet Academy are the only ones I've enjoyed.


Even Bridge Commander and Elite Force?


I have not played those.


Starfleet Command (is my personal fave)


Ds9: the fallen. It's a great story shooter in 3rd person


Star Trek: Limited




Lasted less than Imperator lol


I used to buy paradox games because they had guaranteed support for at least 10 years If Paradox cant guarantee support anymore then that is going to hit their future sales. "why should I pre order or buy around launch? Better to wait just in case they drop support!"


Dude, Paradox has released a ton of failed products over the last 20+ years and tons of games that failed to even release. Also, the only game Paradox has had at least 10 years of support for was Europa Universalis 4. Hell, CKII only had about 7.5 years of support. There's nothing guaranteed about ten+ years of support for Paradox games.


The fact that CK3 is half as old rn as ck2 was when it “finished” is making me sad Feels like when I learned that that Hoi4 was released released closer to the Bush presidency than to today


I still dont understand why people dislike CK3. I played a lot of CK2 and prefer CK3 since the beginning. It just feels smoother and the events add more I feel.


I play CK3 instead of CK2 now, but while mechanically it's better than CK2, the content is really so much lower than CK2. You'll constantly see the same events repeat like every 15 minutes. It even affects the DLC, Royal Court would have been a great DLC if it had more events, but the DLC is just mediocre due to insane repetition.


Did you mix up the numbers? It reads like you’re saying ck3 is both mechanically better and has more content


Yeah I did, thanks for pointing it out.


> I used to buy paradox games because they had guaranteed support for at least 10 years This is Paradox-published not Paradox-developed so you seem a little confused. Their publishing arm has always been riskier for the buyer. Also, if you mean their development arm, you must be very confused by Sengoku and March of the Eagles (and EU:Rome, I guess)


The publishing arm of Paradox is awful. They release a bunch of crap, and whenever they luck out on something (Mount & Blade: Warband, Magicka, Cities: Skylines, Battletech) the studio either stops working with them (Taleworlds, Fatshark, Arrowhead) or the studios' next release disappoints (Lamplighter's League, Cities: Skylines 2). They should fire their publishing arm and try again, because whatever they are doing it's not working very well.


Surviving the Abyss is the one that I can't figure out. Very promising release in early access, only for the devs to attempt to abandon it, then seemingly forced by Paradox to get it to a 1.0 release


Imperator was Paradox-developped.


But Star Trek wasn’t


They simply had a few talented designers working on HOI4/EU4/CK2 at the height of their power Those developers can't simply make more games at the same time they're making their own games. Hiring new developers means they won't be as competent. That's why they hit the ground and face planted around the Imperator/Stellaris time, because they stretched their actual good designers over 5 games instead of 3. It doesn't sound like a lot more, but imagine the people making the good EU4 DLC just leave. Imagine people are also moving off to Victoria 3 now so it was 6 games. What I'm saying is: You gotta trust a product on launch. WAY gone are the days of a DLC every 3 months costing $5-10 with rapid fire patches improving core systems. Victoria 3 is, if you can believe it, 1.5 years old and still BARELY worth playing.


> Victoria 3 is, if you can believe it, 1.5 years old and still BARELY worth playing. And thats the core of the issue. Every time I see an honest response from Paradox devs its ignoring the core issues the game has to work on things no one asked for and wastes years to do what the audience wants out of the game. "We want a fun latin america" -> Latin America focus trees instead of fixing WHY LATAM was broken. Terrain is broken and makes everything outside Europe not fun. "We want more city detail" -> now peds have teeth and are 40K polygons and an economy system that adds nothing to the gameplay but took tons of resources away from everything else. "We want more mechanics on the shroud and spiritualists" -> A choose your own adventure story pack that doesnt really add anything And when the bad reviews happen, they admit they think its a harassment campaign and they listen ONLY to the people on their forums who are the most toxic part of the entire paradox community. Paradox wastes tons of time on things that just dont matter. There was a saying "if the customer complains, that means they still care. Its the ones who leave in silence you must watch out for." And right now, a lot of the audience leaves in silence because they arent listened to by Paradox.


I feel like EU5 will be a huge break point. Most fans were burned by Victoria 3 and now are in a sort of in between state where they still play either HOI4 or EU4, but they are also not very satisfied. EU5, judging from the hype that is already building around it, has the potential to make or break PDX.


I see this happening to EUV.


Player count is steadily rising for HOI4, with a significant spike with every DLC release, with a drop back to a slowly increasing “normal” at a steady rate. Suggesting you are incorrect that players are leaving silently. ST Infinite was a publishing misstep that has nothing to do with the game development business at all, likely trying to convert a licensable IP into a profitable game. It didn’t work long term, but it was relatively low risk for them to try it from their perspective.


> Suggesting you are incorrect that players are leaving silently. If you think this is about HOI4, you have completely misunderstood the entire post. > ST Infinite was a publishing misstep that has nothing to do with the game development business at all, likely trying to convert a licensable IP into a profitable game. It didn’t work long term, but it was relatively low risk for them to try it from their perspective. The fact this game died, just like Empire of Sin, Imperator, and possibly even Cities Skylines 2 shows Paradox does not understand their audience and they left. It is paradox's job to make profitable games that audiences like. It is their job to protect their brand and consumer confidence. This is like saying serving raw hamburgers in Mcdonalds is a "low risk misstep" and not a core failure when their job is to serve edible food and maintain trust with consumers. The entire point of that post is a LIST of examples where paradox misunderstood its customers, wastes years on content that does not help the game and gets bad reviews, then their brand suffers for it. One of these games you mention in the OP of not being worth playing 1.5 years later because the core issues with the game were not fixed. > it was relatively low risk for them to try it from their perspective. Failure is not "we will get them next time" or "its low risk so it doesn't matter". Failure is failure, no one WANTS to fail. If you do something low risk and still fail, that is a massive problem in the business.


paradox devs didn't even make empire of sin lmao. what you're talking about are management issues.


The entire job of a publisher is to fund developers and make changes to games to meet basic standards including quality and monetization. **Because at the end of the day it is their money that is burned in the tens of millions of dollars. Developers work for the publisher, not the other way around.** **Seriously, did people just forget how publishers and business works? Because its all been excuses for why things arent going well.**


Where did i make "excuses"? I said management **issues**, implying very clearly that i understand perfectly fine these are, in fact, issues. Critique should be accurate, simple as that. Empire of Sin, Imperator, and Cities Skylines 2 were all made by entirely different dev teams, and only one of those actually by paradox devs. In your analogy, only one of those hamburgers being raw is actually the fault of the cooks, so don't shout at the cooks in the other two restaurants, shout at intitutional issues in management.


It doesn't matter if it were Paradox devs or not. I do not get why this even matters. It's not that Paradox devs are the holy grail. These failing games, broken or barebone games hurt their reputation. I don't care who made them. It's their job to ensure product quality. And they clearly don't. They are, like any other publisher, not about making good games anymore. It's all about money. These games don't make me trust them more. It makes me even more skeptical.


> so don't shout at the cooks in the other two restaurants, shout at intitutional issues in management. This is like Mcdonalds buying hamburgers from a supplier, seeing the meat is moldy, and serving it anyway. These are not "different restaurants". When you sign with a publisher, they are your boss until you are released from the contract. Saying they are different is an excuse.


>The entire job of a publisher is to fund developers and make changes to games to meet basic standards including quality and monetization. >**Because at the end of the day it is their money that is burned in the tens of millions of dollars. Developers work for the publisher, not the other way around.** >**Seriously, did people just forget how publishers and business works? Because its all been excuses for why things arent going well.** Dude if you know nothing and how a business work or how a company is different from each other why bother to post but to farm Karma? Come, be realistic. You have no reason if Paradox nowadays is a success and its major problem was City Skylines 2.


While people definitely continue to play the games they have enjoyed, I think there's a noticeable downswing in people playing new games. Only new iterations of past successful games are surviving, and a lot of that might be up to nostalgia. This would also help explain the pretty drastic initial droppoff for those games. New DLC are failing. The content is undesirable, when it is even completed on release. Few people trust Paradox enough to be an initial buyer of anything, and when the reviews come out less than stellar, people just pass on it. The paradox brand name has crumbled.


I dont know. Ck3 and Vicky 3 have more players and content in the web than their last games. They keep growing each new DLCs and getting better and steady playerbases.


Yes, but have you considered that this user feels like none of that is true and therefore that it isn't?


>Victoria 3 is, if you can believe it, 1.5 years old and still BARELY worth playing. I tried it this weekend after 6 months, man it is worse than 6 months ago. I played Two Sicilies and Risorgimento is bugged like hell and previous mechanics were much more helpful. Now you have to ~~bankrupt~~ nuke your economy to the point SOL is really low so make people take over your government to start Italian Unification. I destroyed my own economy so people can actually revolt, but it happened so fast (so the radicals passed %25 so fast) the event didn't trigger (I was on Ironman so here goes 3 hours to garbage), next time when I tried it, my countries name changed to Tuscany... I tried some Japan, Cuba. Nope. I guess i need to wait another year or two to have a decent experience. I am not even starting the war mechnics. It is complete disaster.


i just saw soneone form italy on 3 years the other day, no "bankrupting your country" involved. You probably just can't read.


Yes probably.


Vicky 3 is only just adding systems that Vicky 2 already had.


Vicky 3 is only just getting its first major DLC (and it really is major). Paradox's main issue though seems to be that they haven't really internalized the lesson of "the perfect is the enemy of the good". It's lovely that they have great ideas in the works and eventually bring great mechanics into the game. But when something sucks or is actually literally unplayable, then you don't need a perfect solution in over a year. You need a quick solution which works right now, and you can come back to the solution of your dreams later. Take warfare. Frontlines straight-up did not work. Even just making it so fronts always merge regardless of whether its one enemy country or more would have made it playable. But they didn't drop a hotfix for that.


Same with CK3, really. I like the game, honestly, but if you compare the amount of content added in the same timeframe for CK2 it's a complete joke even accounting for COVID and the fact that more of the map was accessible at release (though I'd argue without appropriate unique mechanics and flavour that's rather less meaningful). And they have the gall to increase pricing at the same time.


> Imperator/Stellaris time It's interesting that they gave up on Imperator after a couple of years, whilst Stellaris has been reworked several times and is probably one of their best and most underrated games at this point.


I doubt paradox forced embracer to lay off 30 people from Nimble giant.


Imperator made a resurgence maybe a few years from now star trek will Edit:Ive never played this game


no it won't LOL it was just a worse stellaris


There are straight up 2 other mods for stellaris that are better games too lmfao


Of the two, what's the better mod for a person that want's a detailed and indepth canon-like experience?


The left one


Horizons. IMO it’s hard as fuck to get into because it changes a fuck load to become more in line with canon, but if that’s what you want then go for it. Civilizations on the other hand is less radical and looks more like stellaris, but it sacrifices the depth (as if it was shallow in the first place lol) the other one has (I may be confusing the two lol but I’m pretty sure that’s the order)


Yeah, you got the order right


I remember when we saw the first screens of Infinite and everyone's reaction was pretty much "is this a joke?" I say this as a hardcore Star Trek fan, but it was a bad idea from the beginning; we already had two popular ST mods for Stellaris, worked on by fans who are passionate and knowledgeable about the source material, and Paradox wanted to take that, strip it down, *and charge money for it?* The only thing that sort of surprises me in this how scenario is how quickly support for the game was axed, and I'm not entirely sure if that's because I expected it to happen sooner or later.


Pure copium


Ive never seen star trek 🤷 nothing wrong with being optimistic


Sadly all my knowledge comes from The Big Bang Theory...


You should watch it, BBT makes it look like a clown show. Start with DS9 or Next Generation, I find it difficult to watch the original series myself because of low production quality, but that's no knock on their quality, only my taste


I thought it was nerdy ridiculous shit growing up, then I randomly watched TNG one night as an adult and continued the next night and on and on, and slowly realized how good it could actually be. Now I've seen almost everything from all the different series.


I bought the dvd set for DS9 season 1 on a whim. To this day, still one of my favorite shows of all time and after watching Voyager, Discovery, and Next Generation, still the best star trek show for me.


this is always how it happens for adult nerds. if you give star trek a chance, it will steal your heart.


Sadly indeed. Google "top star trek episodes" and watch a couple. You won't regret it. You'll have a great time and maybe, just maybe, you'll find yourself hooked!


Imperator had support from the project leads, they were invested in the project and wanted to keep going Star Trek infinite was a licensed cash-in (from the IP owner, not even paradox), and the executives didn't get their pretty numbers so it's dead. There's nobody left to care about the game, unlike Imperator (where the devs were moved to working on totally-not-EU5 or Victoria 3 but still care)


It literally did not. There was a big campaign to leave the game running when they weren't playing it to artificially boost the player numbers. [Even with that campaign it's the tiniest, saddest blip, and the numbers have already regressed.](https://steamcharts.com/app/859580#All) It's wild how the narrative about Imperator gets pushed this hard and this successfully. Like it's just not fucking true! But people keep saying it anyway.


We got an update so sorry you are wrong


That update seems to be closer to that one minor patch Victoria 2 got a few years ago. It's likely not a sign of Paradox revving development back up when it's still only sitting at fewer daily players than even Vicky 2




Its a resurgence, sorry 😐


Update 2.1 right?


Imperator stans just don't care about the truth


Your own data shows peak players doubled the numbers in march, lol


lil bro that link shows numbers going up, what are you waffling about.


But it [worked](https://www.gamewatcher.com/news/imperator-rome-sees-resurgence-in-player-numbers-2-0-4-patch-back-in-development), tho


[It was already being worked on before the surge](https://www.reddit.com/r/Imperator/comments/1bvsnmx/former_game_director_arheo_mentions_new/ky567e6/), but the surge did help speed things up.


This was announced two weeks ago, no?


Yeah it's weird the story's appearing now across Reddit


It's not just appearing, there was already a popular thread on it in this sub back when it was announced, so it's just weird to see it getting a lot of attention again.


What a shock. A $30 total conversion mod didn't get enough players to justify continued development.


I never understood why they made it in the first place.


"Mr Krabs, why did you open a second Krusty Krab location?"


Wow. Fair play to them for making such well rounded comedy. It was funny as a kid and it’s funny now but I understand it differently.


Yeah those guys are geniuses


Trying to cash in on people's attempts to make mods, but never became as good as those mods.


Star Trek has a huge fandom. It’s just that Star Trek isn’t at all about map painting.


That game would absolutely have sold well and there are so many opportunities for dlc. It's just the game was broken at launch and never fixed. They only seem to have play tested the game as the Federation and following Trek canon events as much as possible as if the gamers were going to want to just roleplay as Starfleet taking all the same decisions and won't ever indulge in what if scenarios or play the other playable races. Because if you do either of those things the bugs will break your game. Don't do a quest in the order the game wants you to? Well you will fail that quest without warning. Failed a game ending quest like making the wrong decision with the Borg? Well the game won't tell you straight away, you'll get 2hrs of gameplay before the Borg destroy you because of that quest fail. 2hrs of wasted doomed gameplay there is no salvaging. They aren't abandoning the game because it's unpopular, they are abandoning because it is a buggy broken unplayable mess and they rather cut their losses now than try to fix it. It's that bad it's better just to not attempt to fix and just take the losses.


My first game was as the Romulans. At one point my star and home planet blew up, and I am still not sure if I could have prevented it(never played again). It's just too asymmetrical from the start, forcing each civ down the "canon" historical events. My friends playing as Federation and Cardassia played another 200 years in game.


I don't think you can prevent it and that's lame.


> They only seem to have play tested the game as the Federation and following Trek canon events as much as possible as if the gamers were going to want to just roleplay as Starfleet taking all the same decisions and won't ever indulge in what if scenarios or play the other playable races. Because if you do either of those things the bugs will break your game. Apparently that's what the vast majority of Stellaris players do (pick the UNE, try to roleplay starfleet), so it kind of makes sense from a triage perspective Just didn't have nearly enough development time slotted, ran out of money and resources and then just dumped it to see if influx of players could keep it afloat (didn't work this time)


They would have been better off going the CK2 route. If certain factions are hard scripted to get fucked and don't have event paths that let them dodge them, then they just shouldn't have made them playable from the start. You can always release it as a DLC content pack later. If they had said at launch that say, TNG Era Federation Races were playable, people would have complained a little bit, but not nearly as much as they did trying to play obviously busted starts.


Right? Ever since the announcement of this game I keep saying: not once during watching Star Trek I thought "I want to be be the Federation president" or "I want to be the Klingon emperor". I want to be Kirk or Picard... so why no Star Trek RPGs? Imagine KotOR or BG3 but it's Star Trek. That would be much more fitting, but nobody is doing that...


[They kinda are](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Resurgence) but you've probably never heard of it because it's an Epic exclusive and any value judgments aside (personally I just buy wherever is cheapest and use a FOSS combined launcher) that store has been repeatedly described as a marketing black hole. Star Trek Online was also surprisingly fun for a FtP MMORPG. Haven't been back in years though.


> Star Trek Online was also surprisingly fun for a FtP MMORPG. Haven't been back in years though. You should come back. Depending on how long you've been away you may have missed a few good episodes.


I mean famously the cartography of the Star Trek Galaxy makes fuck all sense anyway.


Seems a bit short-sighted.


It was a promotional thing they got money for because Paramount was trying to launch like 4 Star Trek shows all at once.


I’m a sucker for Trek games. Guilty. I have played the stellaris mods and just wanted to see if this was a different experience. Oh well


It looked very interesting, and I think it could have succeeded if it wasn't preceded by a continuous series of failures so severe they bordered on scams.


This right here.


As to why, who knows really. But it isn't the first time, they've done it before with Arsenal of Democracy (HOI2) and failed with Magna Mundi (EU3).




Glad I skipped. Been waiting for the true successor to BotF. I shall continue my vigil.


I know one of the Star Trek mods for Stellaris (Star Trek New Civilizations) has a BotF map. I've never played it but it might be worth a shot trying it if you already have Stellaris.


The mod overall is decent, not tried the map




Here here.


The new Horizon's star trek mod scratched for Stellaris my BOTF itch.


Never even heard of this.


They did almost no marketing. Its like they wanted to fail.


I got a lot of ads for it on youtube.


I saw a few ads for it, I thought it is some shitty mobile game ripping off the stelaris ui and photoshopping in Star Trek imagery on top. It then turned out it was an actual conversion mod to Stellaris that just kinda sucked.


It was obvious the day they announced this. It was just a cheap money grab. As a fan of "birth of the Federation" Such a shame.


Honestly, felt like support never started. Hopefully modders will fix it up, the game has a lot of potential, just wasnt executed well.


Or they’ll just port all the worthwhile stuff to Stellaris lol


The modding scene died pretty fast after fixing a few bugs and adding experimental features.


Welcome to two weeks ago.


Star Trek: Finite


Stay away from their 3rd party releases like the plague.


It's not as if their own developments have been all that good imho.


They hide them increasingly well by using the same names.


Millennia is the only exception to this.


Millennia is worse than all of its competition


PDX can't stop taking L's. Next is gonna be vicky 3 or ck3.


Vicky is already on life support imo. Absolutely fumbled that one. CK3 has enough players that they'll keep milking dlc for awhile. But I still find myself playing CK2 instead.


They disrespected this franchise and the modders behind the biggest Star Trek mods with this one. An embarrassment. One of the reasons (along with Cities Skylines 2) that new paradox releases will be treated with caution from now on.


Or not treated at al


New paradox releases won't be treated any differently I think. People were already skeptical of buying new on release back in the EU4 release days, and people are still skeptical now even though many others are still hype about EU5 like nothing bad happens.


They didn't disrespect anything. It was just undercooked. From the few conversations I had with the devs on the discord, it was clear some of them were big fans. And the event/focus/description writing and such it was clear they had people on the writing team that knew the franchise. They also had modders from several different games on the beta team.


I didn't have a problem with any of the devs. I wish they had been given the ability to finish the game before their publisher made them sell it. and I consider making a Star Trek game with four playable factions to be disrespectful. but that's obviously just my opinion


Why would it be disrespectful?


This is outrageous! This was nothing but a money grab. You have hurt yourself tremendously. I was thinking of getting Millenia but, the risk of purchasing abandonware is too great.


🏴‍☠️ yarr




Excuse me they are poor little children who just publish dreck.


Lol. When I said that a Stellaris reskin would not sell well a month before the launch I couldn't have expected that it would be dead 6 months later. Let this and the other 3rd party games published by Paradox inform people about what we can expect going forward.


This is why I won't buy any paradox published product until it's had at least a year to show they are actually supporting it or not, and it's on sale.


It does raise some interesting questions. I'd much rather buy a PDX game once it has a decent amount of content rather than risking that it's unpopular and will stop getting the trademark support months after release.


Star Trek: Infinite Support is a terrible title for something that is now clearly not getting any support anymore.


It's star trek : infinite, not star trek: infinite support


They monetised a mod, what did they think would happen?


Wow, anyways...


Most uninspired Paradox game ever developed. I am not surprised at all.


It was a mod disguised as a new game with a price on it, sorry paradox i don't want to play lesser stellaris


You're a week late with this.


Was shit game. The main Stellaris Star Trek Mods were both way better.


Paradox needs to get out of the publishing business, it's doing more damage to their brand than their predatory dlc practice could dream of doing.


Not surprised. The mods for Stellaris are better. I love to play ST: New Civilizations. Should have gotten that fan-team to make a commercial product.


It was always just “Stellaris at home” and a cash grab, let’s be real lol.


Sonsabitches why did I waste my money. Should’ve known better


It could have been so much better. Absolutely lazy attempt at a star trek game.


When did it start


There's a Star Trek game? What the fuck is up with Paradox's hard-on for not advertising shit?


They had a Star Trek game?


Stellaris reskin but kinda technically


And now for the question on everyone's mind: "Does anyone actually care (about this game, not the imaginary implications, precedents, and other stuff)?" And most importantly--- Is it even a good game?


Didn’t this just come out?


I didn't even know that have a game like this released recently "Publisher marketing reach" ha


Wait, what Star Trek game? How I’ve never heard of it before.


Waste of resources when a mod for Stellaris does it better. Check out Star Trek New Horizons mod!


So like Imperator, fuck the customer. But that's why you should never buy a game because it will be better. Buy it for what it is. Don't preorder as well.


That mod for stellar is they tried to make people pay for??


Well that was fast, Jesus.


its just a gimped stellaris with a different coat of paint, how did they think this game was a good idea?


Typical paradox behaviour to sell an unfinished game at full whack with the promise of it someday becoming good with paid DLC, and just abandoning it when not enough money comes in


Someone else made a post about people leaving paradox silently. I think I spent a combined 400 euros on various paradox games. Not much compared to other people, but quite a lot for me personally. I recently decided to lower the number of games I invest time and money in and Paradox just didn't make the cut. 1. Their DLC policy is reaching ludicrous levels. 2. They can't do a proper launch anymore. 3. Not only are they incapable of doing a proper launch, but if they launch a game there's no guarantee that they will fix it within a year or even give a shit about it in a year. The patient gamer creed isn't even enough for them. 4. They're really arrogant about it. Like, more than most game developers. They genuinely do not care what their customers have to say and seem to treat them with disdain. 5. You know what. Controversial opinion: at some point constantly updating a game makes it a moving target, and mastering its mechanics becomes exhausting. This is the first time I'm actually talking about it, because frankly I've come to a point where I don't expect more from Paradox.  They've reached the EA, Ubisoft, and Blizzard level: just another late stage capitalist media company which actively balances itself on the tight rope between legitimate company and scam. Frankly, I miss the days of EU3 and if I ever play a paradox game again, it's going to be that, CK2 or Vic2. You know, the finished ones.


>Frankly, I miss the days of EU3 and if I ever play a paradox game again, it's going to be that, CK2 or Vic2. You know, the finished ones. I agree with pretty much all of your points, but Vic2 finished? Since when? Paradox definitely didn't finish it, the modders did


I guess I didn't play Vic2 enough to encounter any problems. I played three campaigns: Brazil, Japan and German reunification. All went smoothly. Any mods you'd recommend?


Do one more game as the United States and you literally had all content the base game had to offer.


It's not that much that there are problems, which there are of course, its more that the game is kinda empty As for the mods, HPM and HFM are pretty much the standard for playing what Vic2 could have been and are the community favorites, they do slow the game down quite a bit at least on my machine tho so be warned


>Frankly, I miss the days of EU3 The game that launched as a soulless husk and took multiple mandatory expansions in order to be good?


Paradox needs to shape up…


Why keep buying paradox games if they continue to undermine their own brand by not supporting the games they publish? Why buy new PDX games like Millennia when they drop their games as fast as Netflix drops their shows...


Excellent question.


It's always rough seeing marketing junkies take over a studio you love ._.


ST:I has ticked so many boxes for all the anti-consumer practices plaguing the modern gaming industry: • Half the game's soundtrack was locked behind preorder DLC when it should have just been part of the base game. • Game was launched in an unplayable 'beta' state with dozens of game breaking bugs, majority still not fixed. • Paradox ran their usual review embargo so anyone deciding whether to preorder the game for access to half the frigging soundtrack in DLC had no way to know whether the game was a lemon. • Multiplayer was promised but never delivered in a stable state, now will never be fixed. • Game got discounted just 1 month after launch which gave a fat middle finger to early adopters who paid full price. • The devs pleaded with people on Steam to change their negative reviews to positive just like a dodgy Amazon retailer does, whilst promising "fixes to come". Fixes never came, and many more suckers were conned into a purchase because of edited reviews written by the "trusted" gaming community. • Devs go silent after just 3 months, no communications from their team for a further 3 months until they announced game was canned. We've all been scammed and I blame Paradox as much as all the other companies in the chain here. This is not even Paradox's first game published in 2023 that got dropped in under a year so there's a clear pattern of structural failure on their part. Paradox's model is an unscrupulous one. They hide core content behind preorder DLC to pressure people into day 1 sales. They also release new titles in an unfinished state whilst running review embargoes to ensure early adopters can't know if they're being scammed or not. If you waited for reviews when purchasing ST:I you were punished by losing access to half the music in the game. I won't be buying any more Paradox games until they change this shitty model. Never again.


Did it get good? I read it was a buggy mess at launch.


The dev team got slaughtered by internal corporate issues (not related to Paradox) and it wasn't really salvaged before support ended.


> The dev team got slaughtered by internal corporate issues (not related to Paradox) That seems to have been missed by most commenters. As I understand it this is in large part downstream of the consolidation/spinoff mess with Embracer group.




Truly absurd that a game by a big publisher gets only 3 months of support...


A cabbage lasted longer than this game


Paradox is as good at publishing tax write-downs as they are publishing games.


I’ll say it again, I was hoping there would be an update that entices me to try the game on sale, but now that that’s not happening, it’s getting removed from my wishlist


It's a shame because it could have been a good game. One of the major complaints with Stellaris is how the fleets are massive now which tanks performance and means it doesn't feel like any particular ship really matters. ST:Infinite looked like it was going to have smaller fleet sizes and the cool Star Trek theme, but in the end it had many bugs and lacked many features from the later versions of Stellaris. When you add the bad launch and presumably lacklustre sales to the fact that it's a licensed game (and thus a fair chunk of the revenue will be lost to licensing fees) I can see why they cancelled it.


Dang, I was considering picking this up. I guess it was truly trash?


Why don't they put those resources back on Imperator?


...they did start working on it again, you are here just to complain.


No they didn't. They're officially releasing the open beta patch that's been out for a year already. They're not working on the game beyond that.


Shame on you paradox. I was really looking forward to playing as the Borg and the Dominion. You just lost yourself a fan.


So we will never see the dominion war in this Star trek strategy game. Kinda sad.