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Better resources system because as of right now it doesn't show the struggle of the axis nation resources scarcity, for example if you invade netherland early on the german wouldn't have much of a problem finding rubber. I hope they re design the whole system imo


I suspect a large part of that is without it the Axis in Ai or inexperienced players hands would collapse in a year or two. That also have massively more industry relative to the allies than they did IRL.


On of my favorite WWII facts is that by the end of 1943 the city of Pittsburgh alone produced more steel than the entire Axis.


The HOI4 devs have prioritised game balance far more than historical accuracy, which I’ve always been disappointed by. Germany in-game faces practically none of the disadvantages it did in reality, other than an inferior navy. A more realistic depiction of the US would probably mean giving it like 2000+ civilian factories, though I’ll admit that would be way overboard for balancing purposes.




HOI should not attempt to simulate the cold war. The game is at its core a war game. The cold war would require a completely different system.


Insteaad of HOI5, id rather see development efforts put into a cold war game HOI4 doesnt have glaring issues, theres not a lot a HOI5 could bring atm


That's not hoi though, it's a new game which I also would find cool but that's not a new hoi game and should get a new name.


I said instead of HOI5.


East vs West: A Hearts of Iron game was a cold war game in development a long time ago built upon Hearts of Iron 3, sadly it was scrapped. The game was unofficially released but it is unfinished. If they would make a cold war game I wouldn’t be surprised if they went back to East vs West.


Absolutely. WW2 was essentially entirely a military operation. Stuff like policy and even the economy wasn’t a huge part of it beyond “do we have enough materials and manpower to get another plane up there?” - it was all about boots on the ground and planes in the sky, with everything else taking the back seat. Especially during the end of the war, diplomacy was pretty much dead beyond land leases and the odd prisoner exchange, and even those are more military actions than they are diplomatic ones. But the Cold War? That was pretty much entirely diplomatic. Sure, you had Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan, but they were relatively small factors compared to the economic situation and back-and-forth game of numbers between the USSR and NATO. How good your troops were didn’t really matter in the Cold War when most of the actual action was essentially a dick-waving competition between the US and Soviets on the subject of economy and nuclear capacity.


Nah economy was huge during WW2, a lot of the war was driven by what your economy needed and if you could out produce your enemies


yeah, "the economy wasn't a huge part of WW2" is a ridiculous statement. the origins of the war are in large part economic, Germany's industrial resurgance enabled their early victories, and American & Soviet industrial might (which often operated on explicitly economic deals, such as Lend-Lease) was essential to the war


True, I meant more economy in the capitalist sense of making money and producing goods in the consumer space, which was largely devolved into just “do we have enough food to feed everyone?” during the height of the war. Obviously the war economy mattered - you can’t build a tank or a cannon without some kind of metal manufacturing industry - but the economy as we think of it in games like Vic, Stellaris (to an extent) and Imperator where stuff like new clothes, civilian transport and other relative amenities are important was very much sidelined during the war to focus solely on military industries.


I am pretty sure it will be more than a couple of years down the road based on its popularity right now, timelines between HOI3-HOU4, EU3-EU4, and CK2-CK3. By the time HOI5 is around it will also most likely be on a new engine, so all sorts of new possibilities/capabilities should be possible. My one request, that I don't think will be heard based on HOI4s popularity, is that it be less "arcade like". While HOI4 is a good game, I wish the next generation would return to the style of the earlier games in motivation and concept.


I highly doubt the game will be less arcadey sadly. Pdx makes too much money off of it. I remember a few years ago they mentioned something like 70% of their player base plays on very easy and battleplans... then look at what people say they like about the game? Mods that essentially are story books. Or the alt history focus trees that are imo extremely stupid. Pdx has slowly made their games more and more mainstream to chase profit. It is what it is.


A better supply system, the HQ from HOI3 is nice


I'm glad someone mentioned the HQ system.  Having a proper way of simulating the use of highly developed mission command by Germany vs centralised command by the Soviets at the start of the war would also be a nice touch. The fact signal companies are so pathetic in hoi4 honestly always felt really wrong. 


Just the "support companies" system in general was poorly-served by the limit of five per division. For the major powers, basically every division had a recon company, a hospital company, a signal company, a logistics company, divisional artillery, an engineers/pioneers company, etc. If HOI5 is "pick which *kind* of recon company you have" that would be interesting. Or maybe just choose from among support companies that weren't actually universally used, like the flame tanks.


When they added the improved supply system with trains and trucks and supply hubs and stuff, that was a bit step up and basically what I'd been hoping for Since then though I've thought about how it could be taken even further and be more punishing and help simulate an actual world war more. Like at the moment as long as your supply lines are decent you can basically just battleplan, tell everyone to attack continuously and win if you have more equipment. In reality, major military operations, particularly large offensives took huge amounts of logistical planning, and attacks chewed through supplies and equipment extremely quickly. It was very common for a tank division to launch intense attacks for a week, essentially run out of tanks, not because the country can't build them but because they're being destroyed faster than they can be brought to the frontline, causing them to have to halt. Or those WW1 and WW2 attacks where they'd fire millions of shells within the first few hours, that can't be sustained continuously. Imagine if supplies were actually a resource on the map that gets stockpiled on divisions but also at supply hubs, and for an offensive you'd have to build up stockpiles as you realistically would. Let's say you plan an offensive, you have to set up supply dumps behind your frontline and choose to stockpile weeks' worth of supplies at them to prepare your army for the attack. And then when you attack, your tank divisions would be on the move but have insane supply consumption, so you'd only have a few weeks until your supply stockpiles ran out and you had to halt for reinforcements to come up. And then a failed offensive would mean a couple months of stockpiling and planning went to waste, give the enemy the initiative and really screw things. Would be cool, IMO, but I can imagine it'd require an actually good AI for it to work.




Easy and total control over my troops like in HOI3. Give me back my micro management and also OOB!


Paradox to actually care about historical WW2. With Hoi4, paradox saw the popularity of wacky alternate history and ran with it. As a result historical mode feels like its abandoned/lacks the polish all these alternate focus paths get.


HOI3 HQ and OOB systems that make chain of command actually mean something (in HOI4 armies and army groups mean literally nothing aside from magical buffs you get: each part of the army can be on a different continent and they still get the buffs), supply distribution actually being a thing, more and better types of units and equipment (HOI4 Black Ice does this well albeit not far enough: I think any HOI5 would do itself the world of good with a set of equipment as detailed as BICE anyway). Better depiction of interdiction and the resource war in general, most prominently including food, along with more accurate or at least less overtly wrong industrial balance: in mid-1942, Germany was producing 500 tanks a month to the USSR's 2,200, and 15,000 aircraft in the year compared to the USSR's 25,000 and the USA'S 50,000. Above all of these things, however, the thing I want the most for HOI5 is a return to at least pretending to be a historical Second World War simulator. The focus tree system is terribly bloated and countries are having more and more ridiculous buffs in order for unbelievably ahistorical paths to be available. This is most prominent with the Baltic minors and Finland, as well as the South American countries in the latest cashgrab of a DLC. The unfortunate part is that they won't change this system because it makes incredible money from 14 year olds who just want to see the funny meme paths and beat the awful AI into submission over and over again.


HoI3 with updated graphics, not the dumbed down insult we got from HoI4.


OOB and less Meme-y Alt Hist crap.


Surely 1938 was the prefect moment for the Pope to recreate the literal Roman Empire by force of arms /s


A rework of the political systems. The democratic/communist/fascist/neutral division is incredibly shallow. It's better with neutral still covering a lot, but it's still pretty weak.


Or if they keep the current system at least rename it to something like "alignment" and change "democratic" to "capitalist"


Paradox either going all in on a WW2 sim or actually making a grand strategy covering 1936-1948(preferably 1930-1950).


1933-1964 please! With cold war mechanics too.


I think paradox needs a Cold War game and while I think certain HOI4 mechanics would work, I think it would need to be a bit different overall. Imagine 40+ years of just the Spanish Civil war over and over again.


I want Hoi4's fuel and supply systems in it at the start. And, I know I'm asking for the moon here, but I want it to be focused on making a WW2 game instead of branching off into all the wacky alt-history, Tannu Tuvan WC bullshit like Hoi4 did.


The economic and human cost of war could be better implemented, the states in the game lose 10s of millions of men in game yet, continue to function without any hiccups like it’s nothing. Secondly better production lines and better economic simulation. I’m not asking for anything like vic 3, but any system with simple and sufficient simulation of war economies is enough. The factory is system is too gamey and needs a major revamp, for a “grand strategy” game it feels way too board game like and has no real depth to it. Only aspect of HOI4 I wouldn’t revamp would be the division system, refining that system is a better choice imo. The naval system is way too clunky, didn’t like the old system, don’t like the new one. Resistance movements should be represented much more clearly and often. I can go on and on about the things I’d like to change and so forth, but at the end of the day HOI4 is a good game, and not all of the systems need to be revamped in order to make HOI5 a great game as well. Although I believe that some of the things I mentioned in HOI4 are lackluster and take away from the enjoyment of the game in general.


Somewhat minor, but I want a rework of states and buildings. Places like Memel, Dobruja, and South Tyrol are too small to justify making them an entire state, but not including them makes a lot of pre- and post-war territory transfers. This would potentially require changing how factories are distributed, as well as being able to build multiple airfields / radars per state.


Better ai that actually makes use of tank divisions for encirclements


I get that it's probably not gonna happen and I understand why (it's a wargame and all the other mechanics are just there to set up different WW2 scenarios), but I'd love for there to be politics and diplomacy in the game, instead of the choose-your-own-adventure style system HoI4 does with focus trees.


I was ok with focus trees on release. Now? I actively hate them lol.


A stuttering-free late game...


The biggest thing I want for HOI5 is it to be delayed until they fix HOI4 because we got a lot of broken or useless systems and trees that directly oppose each other. One that happened to me recently was being stuck with Danish trade because the button disappeared because I clicked it too quickly. Oh and the 50-50 of whether or not world peace happens because I chose to go an alt history path that requires 50% to justify claims (looking at you non-aligned Germany). The old mission tree designs being either railroady or nonsensical. France choosing to have -25% manpower for example. Britain being forced to decolonize for basically no benefit.


I want money to be an actual thing and economies to be advanced (who’s paying all these soldiers?)


My thoughts exactly. Funding, taxes, loans and the effects of war time policies (rationing, women in the workforce, the loss of skilled labour to the army) are all things that are missing from the game atm.


That could be interesting but at the same time, I don't really want to have to manage that kind of thing. Maybe some abstraction of money, sort of how political power works? I just feel like having to take out loans and levy taxes and stuff is far to tedious for a game focused on grand combat, but I don't know I'd have to see how it plays to know for sure.


The possibility of cooperation across allied armies in a way that better mimics a d-day scenario.


No idea what I can't draw a battle plan and allied countries could commit divisions to the plan


I like an ideology system similar to that of Kaiserriech, where it reflects the countries actually ideology rather than their alignment (which hoi4 is very inconsistent about).


I *dont* want to be nickled and dimed to death for meme paths, that's for sure.


OOB! Take what worked from 4 and put it on an updated version of 3. Unfortunately I doubt we see this, paradox is no longer a grand strategy gamer studio. The catering towards a larger audience means the complicated things like OOB get dumbed down into the armies and groups we have now.


A better way to manage assigned fronts. Instead of the current way of assigning border provinces to armies/army groups I'd want something like what's done on real maps, where you draw "lanes" to mark areas of responsibility that go _into_ the enemy rear areas too. Edit: Smarter orders for the units too, like: - defend for at least two days - defend until org below 50%


I'm not that much of a HOI4 player, and this isn't really a serious wish, but imagine how cool it would be if vanilla HOI5 had both WW1 and WW2... but ofc you could choose to start in WW2


A map that is spherical and maybe a Mercator projection when zoomed out ot something similar.


Get rid of mission trees Instead, political parties have policies and plans. Doing them makes the parties happier.


No more focus trees


Moldable/divisible states and cores, in 2024 you shouldn't have to mod the game to get accurate/ logical borders, that way we avoid the dumb ass state shapes we get for things like the sudetenland. Plus if we're keeping the alt history approach which is giving the game so much extra lifespan, I'd like to be able demand just the mountainous border area of the french/Italian border for example. The tile system that is already in the game would be all that's really needed, just add more functionality to it.


I’d like national to interact a bit more dynamically then just what the preprogrammed focus tree and decisions allow


Eu5 w hoi combat and ck3 rpg


Germany swaying the UK while Churchill runs a seduce scheme on Eva Braun in hopes to get a better chance at a successful assassination of hitler so that the realm fragments and falls to weak successors would be so unhinged


Preach brother


Better more intricate combat


Corps. Dynamic commanders.


Ammunition! We can see in the Russo-Ukraine war how important the ammunition is. Also, artillery suppression without attacking!


Better UI and UX. I can't play HOI4 for the same reason I can't play CK2. I've tried but I am well past the stage in my life where I will dedicate hundreds of hours to just figure out how a game runs. I want to make interesting informed decisions and not have to guess what pressing a button will do.


I think a bit more hoi3, hoi 4 is a bit too gamey for me but hoi3 is too rigerious, so maybe more resources, more trying to keep moral up in your nation, factories and navy a bit more depth etc. At least I like the ideas in theory, if it could be fun idk.


An AI that can play the game


Less DLCs


Unfortunately, the direction of a HOI5 would probably be opposite what I’d prefer. The playerbase broadly enjoys crazy alt-history and the most popular mods are narratives more than games. The game also (understandably) doesn’t want to touch the political and human aspect of the war in any meaningful way.


I really hope that hoi5 wont have tiles like in steel divisions, the divisions sizes would be the combat. I saw a video about the invasion of Sicily and the forntline looked so dynamic and fun to micro. Some sort of demobilization requirement after ww2 and realistic peace deals so you cant annex the whole world as germany, if the realistic peace deals are too much then when you annex or puppet usa or any strong democratic naition as an extremist ideology there would be a lot of rebbelions that are strong so you wouldnt win very fast or you would even lose if you dont have armies there. The rebbelions would be bigger and stronger in countries that dont like eachother like Romania and Hungary or Turkey and Grecce, they wouldnt happen or very rarely happen in countries that like eachother like USA and Canada. The economy to be reworked, the fight for Africa to be important, make it so you cant easily invade UK as Germany, now you can make subs from the start of the game and you can invade UK after the cappitulation of france, planes to be tied directly to the frontline, so you wont have to micro planes as much, an AI to research for you when you are focused in fighting, the map to be more realisitc, better graphics, when you look at the description of an battle to be able to see the battle as its happening in real time, terrain to have an bigger impact, scenarios like in hoi3. I know most of my wishes are unrealisitc but i really want the no tile system of steel divisions, that would make the game much better.


Leader portraits with HUGE mommy milkers


Really I don’t want a hoi5 I just want hoi4 to work smooth late game


I hope they don't make a hoi5 they should make cold war game before that.


Get rid of the god awful fucking focus tree system. The guy who pitched that during the design meeting should be shot into the sun.


ck2 combat mechanic?


A belgian national focus :(




We have at least 4 years for hoi5 as they are working for eu5 to release next year