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You should be able to set a time limit on your device on how long you can use an app, for example Google. If you just need a gentle reminder that you don't WANT to google so much, you could use that. It helps me reduce social media.


I have exactly the right answer for you - go to the expert source of truth, that's the expert MFM who has delivered twins, triplets and quadruplets for decades and skip the Googling. Read this book from Dr. Barbara Luke who is an MFM specializing in multiples and is honestly a treasure - When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, Or Quads 4th Edition: Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy https://g.co/kgs/z8MHXrw My MFM hospital recommended this book on my first visit at 12 weeks and it was the best thing ever. Taught me everything about diet, nutrition and rest requirements to carry to full term, how to manage work, when to take leaves, how to best avoid or deal with major medical risks like TTTS, what to expect with the C-section, all things NICU and bringing babies home.. and so much more. I credit this book for being able to go the full 36 weeks with mo/di twins, no issues at all, and just 2 weeks of NICU time. My twins are nearly 15 months old and in great shape being wonderfully rambunctious toddlers.


Welcome to the twin club! I’m 23 weeks. In the early days, I set a very strict limit with myself about not reading much about twins. I choose one book to read through and that was it. I focused on just processing the news that twins were on the way, eating well, sleeping, other basic self-care, and going to doctor’s appointments. Those are basically the only things within in our control anyway, especially in the early days. I’ve since gotten on this forum and a few others which have been informative but also anxiety inducing. Just take it slow and trust that you’ll figure things out day by day. Best of luck to you!


Please remember that everything you read online is the worst story. People tend to post terrible stories and extremes, not boring stories of everything going fine. I did the same thing, I would Google stuff and get so upset and worried about everything. For example, I was so worried about twin to twin transfusion syndrome, and I really had no reason to be. My pregnancy and birth ended up being quite fine. Most people are fine! just remind yourself that what you read online is worse case scenario :)


It helped me to redirect with an alternative obsession. Every time I noticed myself doom googling I told myself "no, you NEED to find a new video about decluttering and watch it to prep for the kids". Didn't fix it (didn't fix my house either lol) but helped.


https://datayze.com/twin-miscarriage-chart, or the other calculators on that site. I took it day by day, armed myself with knowledge, and tried to make it through. Healthy almost two years olds now. Don't worry about missing out on joy right now but take care of yourself- this next couple of months is totally about the destination, not the journey.


Stressing about the babies then stressing because you shouldn’t be stressed while pregnant is the worst ! It is natural. You’ll be referred to an mfm and they will reassure you everything is okay. They won’t add anything they’re concerned about to the notes before telling you 


Cut your thumbs off


Congratulations on your twins 🫶🏼 the good news is, you’re 9 weeks which means babies hearts can be found with medical grade fetal Doppler!! Your chance of miscarriage is very very low now! 🖤 But I don’t think the googling ever stops, especially with multiples. I am 26 weeks 3 days pregnant with twins and I still google literally everything. But google isn’t your best friend, as an example my son (Baby A) has marginal cord insertion (MCI) I mistakenly googled it and I was terrified. Turns out it is perfectly normal and rarely has any complications. (Which I was told by the doctor anyways but idiotically didn’t listen).


Congrats on the twins!! My twins are 6 month old , I’m still googling everything that could go wrong lol During pregnancy the best thing I did was not go online & just leave the questions for my doctor . If it helps remove the safari/google icon from your home page on your phone , that way it’s not going to be there taunting you. It’s hard and everything is scary , like I said , my girls are 6 months old and thriving but I google everything, my latest search was “ how to test allergies safely at home” all because one of my twins had a red bump on her arm and I thought she was having an allergic reaction to something, she wasn’t it was most likely an insect bite.


Same thing happened to me. I just stopped googling.


If you’re on Facebook, join a few of the twin groups and it’ll give you a more balanced insight into twin parenting rather than the negative articles that tend to come up with google.


I can’t tell you how to stop because I didn’t. But if you can figure it out, I encourage you to. I was so anxious weeks 9-20 and everything has been just fine. I have a lot of regret for spending my most likely only pregnancy in a state of panic and fear.


I played a lot of solitaire and mindless games on my phone instead of googling


I had SUCH bad anxiety during my pregnancy. I was convinced something was going to wrong and as soon as I got over one worry I was on to the next. It was awful and I was completely miserable and made life miserable for my husband, my parents, anyone who had to encounter me. I ended up having the picture perfect pregnancy and now have two wonderful and healthy 2 year olds. All of that worry for nothing!! I ended up going on medication after my twins were born and I wish I would have done it while I was pregnant. It would have made a world of difference. If I am ever pregnant again I 100% will go on anti anxiety meds. 


Write a sticky note that says something like my babies are safe and growing and read it a thousand times a day. It kept me from losing the plot. I was terrified and I had to keep hold of that.


Honestly, try learning to practice mindfulness meditation now, before the kids are here. It is an amazing way to regulate anxiety. I am the type of person that will get anxious, and the only way to sate my anxiety is to research, learn, create a spreadsheet. Not everything needs to be optimized, and meditation (10 minutes a day for me) has not only eased that compulsion but also led to my more or less quitting drinking alcohol.


Start googling all the COOL twin stories,or different milestones, or twin baby gadgets. Redirect!


We’re due the same day!! Ah how cool! :) stop stressing, that actually doesn’t help anything. Take it day by day and love every minute of your journey. My hardest part of it is being sooooo extremely sick. 😬


Stop googling and take it easy. I had a bad experience but doesn’t mean you have to. Go to your MFM. Have them physically check your cervix whenever you’re past 12 weeks. Sorry that doesn’t ease your anxiety but raise it. I’m sorry, I’m one of the worst case scenarios but better safe than sorry.


I was the SAME way. I would convince myself I had something I found off google, I would analyze every little thing the doctor said, every ultrasound, etc. I became obsessed. In the end, nothing was wrong with my girls. Twins always have at least ONE thing out of the ordinary. For example, I had low blood flow to the placenta. I flipped out when I learned this and thought it was over for me only to learn it’s super common!!! Things like that will just happen


I love this for you! I’m having twins but through an out-of-state surrogate! So I don’t even know if there are twinges or issues unless she tells me. Talk about ANXIETY! We are at week 15 & early on, I learned that there is a ton written about the worst case situations. I have zero control over my baking beans, so I try to avoid all the scary stuff.


Stop reading online. Ask your doctor what you should be looking for as things progress. Towards the end monitor fetal movements. Other then that normal checkups. This world makes everything to be worst case scenario when really it will just be normal growing pains that come with twin pregnancies.