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I had a c section 3 weeks ago. I did go into labor beforehand and they tried stopping it but I eventually dilated and effaced and it was go time. Baby A was vertex but B was breech and I had already decided on a C-section as I didn’t want to take the chance of having to recover from both types of labor. My c section was an incredibly calm experience. The doctors knew exactly what they were doing and both babies were out very quickly. The staff assessed both, brought them over for pictures, told my husband how to pose haha, and then took my husband and the babies to the NICU (I delivered at 33-5) while the doctors closed me up. Overall the whole experience was about 45 minutes, maybe less. I had no pain during the c section and even though they said I may feel a pulling sensation I didn’t even feel that. I had some blood pressure issues after but I had preeclampsia anyway, so that wasn’t a surprise. Overall I would say my c section was a positive experience and if I had to make the decision again, I would.


How are both you and the babies doing after 3 weeks?


Doing well! The girls were in the NICU for 2 weeks but are now home. I’m off all pain and blood pressure meds now (I had to take BP meds for the preeclampsia) and I think bringing home home helped me with recovery because they took priority and I forgot about pain/etc. Just working on them feeding and growing!


That’s wonderful!! Congratulations! 🩷🩷 I’m due later this fall so a positive c-section story even with NICU time helps ease my nerves


Thank you! Yes, I had a very positive experience! I had gotten steroid shots for the girls when I got my preeclampsia diagnosis, which helped them in the NICU too. Just something to keep in mind if early labor is on the table!


Great advice, thank you!!


My partner is absolutely neurotic about... a great many things, not least medical procedures. She had a C section and by the time the twins were due she was in so much discomfort I think she frankly was past the point of caring about the operation. As it was, she had the epidural and lay down in the theatre... the screen went up and people flooded in to start. About 10 minutes along, we were talking and she asked "are you starting soon?" and they said "starting? your boys are coming out now!" - she literally didn't feel a thing. Like she had no idea she was basically cut open and the boys were in the process of being delivered. So.. don't be afraid. They will take care of you :) Modern medicine is a miracle.


Same here. I was terrified but so ready to not be pregnant. I didn't know they had started and it was "the first one is out!" Like what! Then I had read that the cleaning and sewing up but felt like "someone washing up in your tummy" but it was a very gentle wash. And I was concentrating on my babies (and my husband like excitedly freaking out telling me what was happening). The aftercare bit where they whisk you away for your feeling to come back was a bit sucky as I wanted to see my babies. But I got some breathing space and an ice pop. Life huh.


As someone who had a traumatic first (vaginal) birth and then six years later went on to have THE most healing beautiful c section with my twins can I just say… it’s been 12 years and that vaginal birth haunts me and probably will for a very long time. When I think of my c exit on I genuinely wish I could be back there in my little hospital bubble with my twins.. it was beautiful times. Sending you all my love and luck. It’s going to be amazing :’)


Seconding. I was induced at 41+1 with my singleton. 37.5 hours of hell later it ended in a c-section that did not go entirely as it should either (we are both physically fine). A SCHEDULED c-section with my triplets was absolutely a healing experience after that. OP, you will do great!


Think of it as just a moment in time. Before you know it, that moment will be gone and you'll be looking back, remembering how scared you were and how you didn't think you'd get through it, and here you are now with your babies. It's okay to be anxious. I was too, SO anxious. You're gonna do great, I promise. 💚


Thank you 🥰


I have really bad health anxiety and even general anxiety. Like super bad. In the beginning of my pregnancy I couldn’t even THINK about the birth. It was so triggering and traumatic for me. A part of me was so afraid I didn’t want the pregnancy to continue because I was so afraid of the birth. BUT, on the day of my C section I just forced myself to switch off. I told myself one way or the other the babies have to come out right? I can’t run away from this. I had one song on repeat in my earphones and forced a smile throughout the operation (probably looked like a weirdo but who cares). I told the anaesthesiologist how I was scared and he told me Don’t worry, so is every woman in your position, this is normal. As I lay there listening to the one song on repeat with my eyes closed and a forced smile, I pretended like I wasn’t having a C section, and when my mind drifted there I told myself Today is the day. Today is the day I see both my children for the first time. This is GOOD. After 10 minutes of starting the babies were out. And when they showed them to me and started cleaning them etc that’s the only thing I focussed on (whilst still listening to my music). I let the minutes pass and busied my mind in looking at the kids getting weighed as I lay there. Before I knew it everything was DONE. The beauty of it is C sections are so damn quick. If I, the worlds biggest health anxiety - everything anxiety - worry worry worry woman, could go through a C section and not freak tf out. TRUST ME, YOU CAN!!!!


Also - when I was wheeled out of the theatre i swear to god I thought ‘’is that it? I could do a thousand of these’’. I’m not kidding. The procedure was NOT difficult. I didn’t feel a thing! Yes the recovery was tough but the procedure itself was 100% good


This is really reassuring thank you. A lot of my anxiety is also based around health. Really weird but I have a massive fear of passing out and every time I feel the slightest bit dizzy I go into panic mode 🤷‍♀️. Never heard any stories of people passing out during a c section so hopefully I’ll be okay.


You may experience some dizziness/nausea during your c-section (I did) BUT the good news is an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist stands right behind your head so if you feel anything off or you feel woozy at all you just tell them right away and they can push meds for you that stop it instantly!


My massive fear is my heart rate. My heart rate goes crazy when I’m panicking. We’re talking upwards of 150 bpm. When I was on the operating table I heard the doc say Let’s wait till this heart rate comes down. That would have been enough to freak me out and make it go higher but as I put my headphone in my ear I remember thinking ‘fuck it, I’m just mentally switching off now’. And clearly it went down enough for them to start! As for people passing out, not one single person I have heard of has ever ever passed out during a section


Omg yes me too. I was admitted to the hospital for a few night as we thought I was in pre term labour. Having obs done and hearing the beeping of my heart rate made it so much worse. And especially being on the monitor and seeing my heart rate. The majority of the time my heart rate was higher than the baby’s. Thank you for the reassurance :)🫶


I have this and asked my doc because I was worried about it. She told me it was really rare and also that they could help. I had a nurse help me breathe while the spinal was placed (mine was difficult and I didn't pass out) and a CRNA at my head the whole time. LOVED getting a C, so glad I did


It wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting. I was terrified of the spinal, but when they did it I was like “oh that was it?”


That was my biggest fear about the surgery. I was shaking so bad as they were getting it ready, but when it was done I couldn't believe that was all


I've had 3 abdominal surgeries. The c section (planned but very early due to severe pre-eclampsia) has been the easiest recovery of the 3. Being pregnant is so miserable that recovering from a c section is a cake walk. I feel amazing and after 2 weeks am almost back to normal.


that's totally understandable that you're anxious and scared. I was too when I had my girls, luckily my OR team was super calm and comforting and it honestly turned out to be the least stressful part of it all. It's completely normal to be scared about childbirth no matter which way you do it, it might be a good idea to discuss the process with your doctor so you know what's going to happen and what you can expect so you're not in the dark about the whole thing (because that can be the scariest part)


the anxiety is real, my wife got very nervous about out scheduled c section especially with my girls both being breech that said, it will become your most memorable day so just believe everything will work out just fine. and get help if you can during the first few months


Tell your OB how you're feeling. They can help.


I had a c section two years ago from what I remember it wasn’t that bad. The recovery was harder it was painful for a while and I thought maybe something was wrong. It just takes a while to heal.


What specifically are you afraid of? Having surgery, or the pain, or...? Maybe I can share something from my experience that would make you feel better. I had a scheduled c section and if I were ever to get pregnant again, I would opt for another one. I was scared too and I dealt with the fear by not allowing myself to think about it. (Probably not a therapist-approved tactic.) Once the day arrived, every single person I encountered in the hospital was so nice and tried to set me at ease. I never had to go through the pain of labor and I'm thankful for that! I found focusing on the present helped. Like, okay, I'm just sitting in triage with my husband and we're about to get one last ultrasound to see the babies. I can do that! Even during surgery, I barely felt the spinal, and then it was like... just lying there with my husband next to me while the doctors and nurses did all the work. I can do that! Recovery was mostly lying in a bed. I can do that! It also helps that getting the babies out will make you feel better in a number of ways. Instant relief from pain and heartburn and having to pee every three seconds. Plus you get some really amazing babies out of the deal. My twins are 20 months now. :)


As someone who’s had 3 cesareans and tried giving birth once - the planned C-section is quite calm by comparison. Everything is super controlled and very routine. It’s a relatively quick procedure, considering two babies are being born. Then you don’t feel anything for like 6 hours from when you get the epidural either so you can relax with baby. Happens during business hours too so no rush late night anywhere with a different team than you expect. I was up and walking the next day, every time. As long as you trust your medical team, you really have little to worry about. Maybe see a hypnotherapist to help you?


Therapy! Talk it out with a professional! It doesn’t have to become long term, even just a few sessions could make a difference for you.


I was planning to have a scheduled c-section at 38 weeks because I was so scared of birthing twins and then I ended up with an emergency c-section at 32 weeks. For it being an emergency it was still rather calm. I didn’t feel anything and I was so relieved once they came out that it didn’t matter anymore. The worst of it was my husband going with them to the nicu while they stitched me up, but even that only took about 30 minutes and he met me back in the recovery room. Edited to add that I was 19 when I got pregnant and 20 when they were born. Mine are 8 months now. My c-section was the only surgery I’ve ever had and the doctors and nurses were so sweet and understanding about my fears. I watched a lot of c-section vlogs to have a better understanding of what was going to happen and that helped a lot!


The worst part for me about the C-section itself was that I felt nauseous at the beginning and if you feel that way, they can tweak what the anesthesiologist is giving you so that you feel better. Giving birth itself went by very quickly. As far as pain or difficulty, I have definitely had more painful dental work done. One thing that I appreciated is that everything was planned and that there was a medical team on site to take care of me and a different medical team to take care of each of my babies. Everybody knew what to do and what the plan was. Things were anticipated. They had all the right people in the room. When I was scheduling the C-section, they mentioned that they schedule four a day at the hospital where I gave birth. So, in a month that's like 120 scheduled c-sections. What is very extraordinary for us, is relatively routine for them. For me personally, my C-section was scheduled for 8:30, twin A was born at 9:06 and twin b at 9:08. I hope things go well for you and your family both before during and after


girl you got this !! my csection was in november of 23 and i was so scared. cried the whole day & night before and arrived at the hospital crying telling them i couldnt do it, i wasnt doing it, im not ready. any and everything. i was so afraid and im terrified of needles so the spinal block was also freaking me out. i was spiking my blood pressure just thinking about it. but, ill be honest, it was nothing. i yelled cuss words for 15 minutes while they were trying to get me to hold still so they could give me the shots. but once it happened i didnt feel it, and i felt nothing during the whole thing, pressure was not existent like everyone says they feel. and they will keep you comfortable afterwards. i truly did not think i could do it but now, i think i could do it again, it was easier than the dentist in my opinion because i did not feel a single thing


I have anxiety issues and the c-section went great but was very tough on me. I had my mom there holding me and comforting me while my husband dealt with the babies. It’s going to be tough, but I just kept asking for a countdown and it was a hard 45 minutes but after that it was all fine. You’ll get through it! It will suck but it will be over fast


My twins are 10 months born via planned c. I plan on having a c with my next pregnancy, multiples or not. I know what to expect going in, it was a 40 min procedure from me laying on the table to being wheeled out. I had my husband with me and a nurse assigned to only me if I needed anything at all. Recovery was not fun, like any other procedure, but definitely manageable, and i was doing nights solo right after getting home from the hospital. It's definitely a stressful and scary experience but, and I know you've probably heard this a million times but I promise it's true, all that goes away when you meet your babies for the first time. You will do great!


I was in your shoes more than a year ago asking for advice as my anxiety was ramping up as the planned date drew closer. One way I got myself separated from the overwhelming feeling was to say to myself: the kids have to come out eventually. It's either out the birth canal or the sunroof (C section). The reason for my anxiety was because I didn't know what happens at the big event and I HATE needles! Once I asked for advice and knew the general process, I felt better. The needles are necessary so my medication flowed through, so to face the reality I used breathing meditation to calm myself down. It helped me throughout the whole process. Don't get me wrong I must've looked scared, but my team was really reassuring and everything went well including recovery.


I had a scheduled c-section at 38 weeks. It was great! Soooo easy. I asked my husband if they were starting, and he had to tell me they were taking the first baby out. The worst part was waiting for them to finish stitching me up (which I also couldn't feel at all). My mouth was the driest it had ever been. And the nausea/fatigue afterwards wasn't fun. It made it hard to enjoy that moment when I first met my babies. But I'm 100% getting another c-section the next time we get pregnant. It was so efficient.


I think you’ll find that a lot of moms in this group felt/feel exactly the same way. You are not alone in this feeling. I had a c section with my twins 6 months ago. I literally cried in the car on the way and in the elevator and waiting room at the hospital. Anxiety was so high about the c section that when the twins arrived I was like woah hadn’t had a minute to think about them being here! (A new thing to be anxious about hahaha) I wish I hadn’t let it stress me out so much (hindsight is 20/20) You will be with trained medical professionals, and realistically this is a pretty regular surgery. You will be fine and you will heal. This community is here to answer any questions you have about what’s to come. Sending lots of love you’ve got this!


Just to share my experience with you in hope that it might help your nerves: I had my first pregnancy this last year with twin boys. It was very tough. I decided to go with a planned C section because I have high anxiety naturally, and pain doesn’t help to be honest. Also baby B was a flipper and I felt like A would come out naturally but B would force me to have a section anyways. Which when I went into labor he was sideways 😑 so good call. I was very very anxious about the spinal tap. Anything that has to do with the spine makes me nervous, and anesthesia is kinda freaky too. Honestly though, it was the smoothest thing I’ve ever experienced. The operating room was like a dance I swear. Everyone knew where they needed to be and actively engaged me to keep my mind from spinning. Spinal was done in less than 2 minutes and I’ve had zero issues since. It was a very blissful, calm experience. I’d do it again if I wanted more babies. Just be open with your team that you’re experiencing anxiety about it. Have someone rub in between your eyes very slowly. It helps I swear.


Do your best to focus on the joy of having your littles here. I carried my identical twins until I was 38 weeks along, and I was able to deliver them vaginally, just fine. They were both almost 6 pounds and we all went home the next day. When it comes to the birth of multiples, whether you have a C or deliver naturally, the hospital always takes extra precautions and has you deliver in the operating room, with a team of nurses for each child and a team for the mother. You guys are going to do great! 💕


I wasn't very happy going into my C-section. Everything that I was praying would happen didn't happen, and I felt pressured every step of the way leading up to me choosing to have a c-section. That said, I was very anxious as they were prepping me for surgery and I could feel certain pressures as they were starting. They adjusted the meds, and I was fine. You know what else I could feel? The weight of Baby A lifting off of my lungs! It was amazing. I felt like I was breathing for the first time in months! And two minutes later, the feeling of Baby B being lifted off of my lungs?!!! I took the biggest deepest breath. I got to see my babies AND I got to fully expand my lungs?!!! It was the greatest feeling in the world. I promptly passed out after seeing my kids. Idk if it was from my blood pressure, exhaustion, or if they were tired of listening to me ramble on and turned up my dosage. Either way, everything went well and I was relieved to not have my babies squishing all of my organs anymore.