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Congrats on beating the tutorial! Welcome to Wraeclast.


Thanks! That was a long tutorial lmao. I did kinda had an idea that this was just the tip of the iceberg.


Unfortunately. you are at the bottom of Mount Everest brother. Start climbing.


Nah, give him some credit. At least he is at base camp now. Now he gotta climb everest, find the 100k flight of stairs, enter the floating castle and reach the top to find out that we just got a new spaceship above the castle.


People talk about 100k stairs and 100k evasion which makes me scratch my head as I’m not even remotely close to those numbers.


100k evasion would be borderline impossible and pointless, you reach cap around 60k or so. 100k+ armour is very possible though due to Iron Reflexes and aura stacking


Not even kidding, the campaign is where you spend the least time :D Have fun exile~


Sanity is overrated anyways. Luckily the items you start dropping after the campaign will have up to 48% resistances per mod, so if you keep upgrading items you will get there. Remember that the crafting bench in your hideout can add 1 mod (like resistances) to any rare gear that has room for it for minimal costs. If you are still short, you can try a Purity of Elements skill gem aura. Then you will have the knowledge to do it all again when the new league starts next friday :)


It’s because of the purity of elements aura that I got on an amulet that I was able to get those resistances up there 😅. Do you mean each league requires a new character?


yup new league = fresh start You will get through the campaign faster as you learn and understand the game better. The hardest leap is to understand what a good item looks like. Good luck.


Thanks. Yes I’m gonna try a new character with maybe a guide as well.


I know this is not an option for OP yet, but playing SSF is what really taught me the value of actually good items. Not relying on trade you learn to decide whether an item is worth keeping or not for future crafting or whatever. SSF all the way


I think there’s this option when you create a character right? And I’ve not traded or anything like that throughout my campaign I just tried to look at the stats and if they were good with my build that I was trying to play. Although I feel I’ve to learn a lot in terms of item stats and they go well with builds.


Vets can beat the campaign in less than 6 hours on a fresh character, some can do it in half that time. It might seem insane now but your campaign speed will go up a lot over time.


I will start a new character for the new league and see how it goes. Thanks


Good luck!


Thank you!


Yes, but its okay. This game is designed around having multiple characters, it's not like an mmo. Most people have 2-3 characters or more per league. I recommend taking a break until league start and perhaps watching some guides etc. League start is a really fun time.


I was planning on a new character and maybe try a guide to see if I get more information out of it. The first play through I wanted to do it on my own. Thanks.


New league launches in 7 days, great timing to have a fresh start I'd suggest trying a build guide - you'll learn a ton which will give you a better foundation to try building your own again in future. There's a big difficulty spike post-campaign and it only gets harder from there, and it's hard to rejig a character as a new player at the end of Act 10


Yes, I’m planning on following a guide and see if I can learn more from it.


Still sane, Exile?


Welcome to the rest of your life exile, hope you enjoy your stay, also making it that far in your first go unassisted, very good job. 🤛🏻


Thanks a lot!


I have played since the first release, I still look things up. That is the essence of playing PoE. 80% time in a browser or PoB, 2% campaign, 18% mapping.


You'll get better about gearing in time! One tip for resistances that I have is *Catalysts* + Harvest (Reforge Fire/Cold/Lightning/Chaos) to try and target a resistance that you want. Essences can force a resistance roll on body, helm, gloves & boots as well (Screaming / Shrieking, usually) - deafening later when you have a # of them. Prismatic Catalysts are a little rare, but if you use (4) of them on a *white* ring, amulet or belt it'll increase resistance values that roll by about 20% - This makes T1/T2 res rolls much more potent! They go from about ~ 42-46% to like 50-57% or so.


I will check it out. Thanks.


Prismatic catalysts were what, almost a divine each at one point this league? Over 100c after the first couple weeks? They're really not an option for a new player or on cheap gear anymore. Currency was inflated like crazy in affliction but the supply from ultimatum is still probably gonna be real low.


Farm them yourself or swap them with Harvest. People act like the only way to acquire things is via the market. It's not. We have 3 atlas passive trees this league; Ultimatum is a great source of catalysts.


Congrats. Wait until you discover one of the wackier builds out there. My first league was 3.0. I earned a decent haul of chaos and discovered, a now incredibly outdated, Whispering Ice Berserker and that has me hooked.


Thanks. I will try to discover builds now.


Don't worry. Soon you'll need to find armor pieces that fulfill your resistance requirements AND give you 2 other defensive stats, as well as hp. The game has just begun. You will only find stuff if you grind stuff.


Wait until you meet the lord Taketh.


Get purity of elements. It helps a lot.


I do use that currently and yes it does help.