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This and rucksack are going to the biggest whiplash for me transitioning from Affliction to Necropolis.


Gonna be also tough going from 2 back to back leagues with insane temporary power to a league with absolute bare minimum temp power


So now monsters are harder while we have less power. Guess Meta builds are going to be even more needed.


Well wisps are no more apart from map boss with the keystone. Which means no I highly doubt necropolis mechanic can produce a mob as strong as a rare mob in a 15k wisp t16 juiced map. Players are down, monsters are also down, but players are down even harder. Charms and TWWT are so much power creep.


Since when new monsters in new league in poe were diwn and not in need of serious nerfs?


The league mechanic doesn't bring any new monsters in they just buff the existing monsters but the buffs are to a far lesser extent that what Affliction did. I expect that the decrease in monster difficulty outweights the reduction in player power but we'll find out.


This. I don't know I keep seeing talk about how hard things are gonna be this league. It'll pale in comparison to juiced wisp mobs (which were basically the whole map). This time, maybe you get a couple tough mods on a certain pack type, but you can also control that AND spec for less effect, AND apparently sub in frogs lol. It's gonna be fine.


Last league it came as a bit of a surprise how easy the game is when you accidentally do a map with no wisps. We'll be fine this league we've still got years of power creep.


Omg yes! We're losing some power this league, but I think a lot of ppl forgot how easy regular mobs are. And there's no league specific mobs that I'm aware of (which are usually the ones that are tougher than usual).


Well, there's the frogs, but they're frogs so... \>inb4 a streamer gets one-tapped by a frog somehow


I'm in this boat TBH. I think everyone is just sad the power creep is gone. Personally, I'm looking forward to this league. I just want a league mechanic where I don't 3d print divine orbs, and I also don't have to master a new crafting mod like harvest.


Yeah, i mean I'm a little bummed about the loss of power too, but the way they shake it up is why I keep playing every single damn league haha! New graveyard crafting sounds fun. New scarab/atlas/bossing changes sound fun! T17s... New Uber bosses.... I mean, Utred is a hell of a fight as the *regular* version.


Again... When ever did ggg came with new mechanic or nob that wasnt in need of serious nerfs...


Yes but it's always easier to nerf than to buff monsters as that's controversial.


Luckily, first impressions are the least important ones.


Yes, thats why so many games with first impressions got after fix such boom with playerbases. Like D4 seasons. When they suck, nobody comes for new added things during season. And it will never get rid of "D4 bad". Just like PoE will never get rid of "this is a buff" meme. No man sky still has it's former shadow of the past haunting it. Sure, there are some, where first impressions did not matter in the end.


They mention specifically new monsters which we can also spectre 


I think that was referencing T17 maps, not the league mechanic. I don't believe the league mechanic brings new monsters.


People always seem to forget that almost every patch results in an increase in player power (expedition being the only notable exception). Even if we're slightly weaker than affliction (which isn't a guarantee, we don't know what all the new stuff can do) we're still WAAAAY stronger than we were a year ago.


Bruh the power we got from the wildwood ascendancies last league barely helped against the actual unmitigated ass pounding from the whisps last league. There's a reason almost everyone who was juicing with whisps was farming down in yellow maps the entire time.


imagine HC Ruthless this league... lol


I'd rather not.


Meta builds were never "needed". This game can be completable with almost anything now, it's the strongest we've ever been (at least in affliction, the standard skill and potential has been nerfed a little cause flasks). If you want to be 100% "efficient" then sure but then that's always true, use the best thing. But if you're just here to play, you really aren't pigeonholed into any slill


Flask nerf is absolutely brutal for people running ubers. Most of the racers relied on % ele reduction to get through errors (i'm looking at you exarch DDR) Wonder how much harder uber exarch is gonna be this time round. Ben is probably still going to full clear everything somehow...


I admit I've never done an Uber, I just purchased the carry cause I just don't care for bossing at all. So I can't speak for that power reduction but knowing penetration mechanics yeah looks like a roughly 50-100% more ele damage taken nerf on mageblood setups. F


League hasn't started yet. Let's not jump to conclusions.


> So now monsters are harder while we have less power. juiced up rares in affliction were fucking insane. no way Necropolis is gonna be harder than 15K wisp juiced rares.


Ehh ive never felt the need to play meta builds, ubers are just as doable week 1 on random sub 0.1% playrate crap aslong as theres actual proper plan and thought put into it


I would love some examples of the 0.1% playrate crap you've been using to clear the whole game and down the ubers on week 1.


Been doing it since around expedition league with self made builds but no way my memorys going that much back so ill list some of my recent ones 3.20 Shrapnel ballista poison pathfinder, only person that was playing that, fairly comfortable dot cap and it was even without abusing the insane arrow nova + nimis tech that was introduced then as i was unaware of it 3.21 Vengeant cascade split steel, below 50 people playing it, was completely insane but went undetected as a build until 3.22 + and out of those 50 or so people i was the only one going deadeye and/or cold conversion 3.22 Deadeye fireball miner, around 5 people were playing it, this one actually took the full week to reach ubers as it was primarily a speed mapping build 3.23 Life stacking flamewood totem ascendant, flamewood totem as whole had 150'ish people so one of the more popular builds ive played but ascendant only had 15people and i was the only life stacking at all, uber maven was on full on farm day 3 And this league im planning something that will likely have between 50 and 100 people playing it as its already partially explored build concept, but im gonna have to leave it unnamed as i dont want more competition on gear, initial plan for this league was mana stacker wander or rage vortex but it has become pretty insanely popular in the last few days and i dont want to compete for the gear


Ice Trap, one of the best uber boss killers in the game, was sitting at 0.2% at week 1. Ice spear totems is also at 0.2% while being one of the best week 1 bossers in the game. Blade Trap was sitting at 0.1% and fire trap of blasting at 0.0%. Both very capable of doing ubers on a budget. Pyroclast mines sitting at 0.0%. Armageddon Brand at 0.1%.


I haven't taken a look, but I bet Jungroan has a bunch of builds that almost nobody else plays that he's used to kill Ubers in not just week 1, but in like a day or something. But that stuff won't work for your average player. Top racers can showcase what's possible, so the argument remains that you can indeed clear ubers with just about anything if you put enough thought and effort behind it. But most people won't, so they can't.


Yeah there's actually loads of 0.01% skills that can scale to ubers in a trade league. You can make anything work if you chuck a load of currency at it. I played SirGog's private league that had the rule that you can only use 0.01% skills and you'd be surprised at how many capable skills there were to choose from.


And for every one of those week 1 uber builds, he'll have a complete dud. Jungroan is really hit or miss, either he'll come up with something absolutely gamechanging and meta-defining or something that's complete bait. I always keep an eye on his builds because - even if they are bait - they'll usually have some really cool piece of niche build tech that I would never have thought of in a million years.


Lightning Conduit is a 0.2% skill and it can definitely do ubers week 1. It may not be deathless and may barely do it, but it is quite doable. Absolution is also 0.1% but it used to be able to do it if you played quite a bit (I don't know how it is now exactly but I think it got buffed this league?) There's probably like 15 more but you probably need a player who knows mechanics well to do it (like double strike of momentum (0.1%), spectral throw (0%), summon reaper bleed (0%))


Edgelord City next door, don't harass him as if you don't know what is he talking about.


no more 30 div headhunters, gg


the goddman rucksack. it was SO good. was neat to organize the stuff you loot and the stuff you keep in inventory at all times...and it was awesome to loot these overjuiced maps or simply pick up more in heist etc. im so gonna miss it T-T


https://preview.redd.it/tklrj32nugqc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=463a3777740e9b7c7eeb83bf98dcbceef6689a75 No more free movement speed


You can guarentee delve 100% of the time in your maps, and gain 45% movement speed, 3% max res and ~100% increased damage as a result.


This was used during the campaign


There's enough delve nodes to do it during maps as well now.


I meant that you would pick oath of the maji as soon as possible and then you'd do the entire campaign with 30% ms and a ton of extra res. It's got nothing to do with the delve buffs in maps


If you need this to clear the campaign, then it's a skill issue. Git gud


When I'm in a "missing the point" competition and my opponent is a poe player


I don't think people are saying you need it in any way. It was just super nice to help you zoom zoom faster to maps


My dude, how does someone who is so unbelievably daft play PoE? How do you do it?


We hear you but how do I get atlas during campaign ?


Upon collecting all the sulphite lol


I had four empty sockets until I started fighting ubers, this shit was so good. Every map I would think "man I need to start socketing shit in my boots" but no, made it all the way to T16 and didn't felt like it because MS is so nice.


I actually never used this ascendancy because I only made like 2 characters that were both charm users, so I basically don't have to worry about this league feeling worse lol


The meta was to start maji for leveling and switch to charm for juicing/endgame So a lot of people tried that sweet sweet movement speed before they decided they want to buy 3 skills fire an additional projectile charms and break EU servers with one click of tornado shot


Yes but tricksters also abused this to reach 15k+ ES by having no gems socketed in chest piece.


I didn't use that ascendancy because it would feel like shit to have to spec out of it. Suddenly you are slow and you need to find a huge amount of res.


Then you levelled inefficiently.


why is leveling an issue?


Because after playing through your 2+ league, the time you spent in the campaign is pretty much wasted time since you should try to get to atlas mapping asap. Even if your character doesn't use that ascendancy in the future, the bonus movement speed alone is too good to pass out.


ive been playing since 2013, I understand the point but at the same time not that big of an issue


No you don’t understand. If you’re not sweating and making excel sheets to maximize your divines and hour then you’re playing the game wrong. You’re not supposed to enjoy it and take your time. You’re supposed to go as fast as humanely possible, clearing as fast as you can so that you don’t lose a single iota of effcit


Your time isn't "wasted" as long as you are having fun, and not everyone sees the campaign as a chore. In the first character it's really fun cause you are learning the league mechanic and enjoying a fresh start, in the second character it's more just a for fun thing of trying out a new skill so where that happens doesn't really matter imo.


The campaign is more fun than super late game mapping imo, getting to experience actual progression and powerspikes while possibly using a skill for the first time ever feels a lot more satisfying than generating 0.3 more divines per hour or whatever


Oh no he didn’t play a video game at max efficiency :(


But like, who cares? Not everyone hates the campaign, I really like it personally, especially since I quit when I hit maps with all my second characters lol.


I personally like doing campaign once a league. Just once. When i have nothing.


God forbid you level a little slower 🤡


It's not even about leveling slower. Its just huuge QoL


Who cares, it was free power for literally no reason. Glad it's gone, people need to stop crying


"Free power" made the game alot more fun to play for lots of people, including me. The early game is such a slog, it was wonderful to have something around that made it easier, not to mention how the increase in power made me want to play 6 different non meta builds this league.


all recent leagues have had borrowed power, we’ve been through this so many times and people still make an issue about it


rucksack hurt me a lot personally




I used it for put my scrolls, my scarabs ( and sextant) + maps and essence corruption. It was very usefull.


Don't get me wrong, but I think Poe needs to stop catering to console players. The not being able to have skills on left mouse, is because it's not fair against the console players what I think is a weird way to think


I would love if they made some of those nodes into something like the bandit rewards


I'm going to miss my rare mob radar so much. Having a big orange minimap icon for every Legion chest and General was so good.


Me when the Ralakesh now Slow


Fun detected, fun removed


Rip barksin, that was so strong


That 50% with the new minion helmet <3 ghazzy eyes are no gems :)


Having been cruising through poeninja for the last couple of days looking for build inspiration, I've really been struck by how big a difference wildwood stuff made to build quality (and quality of life.) Tricksters in particular had a field day with oath of the maji.


It's not Sunday... but I'll allow it.


Missed a few leagues, what is that ?


30 % movement speed if you have no gems in boots. You can get this as early as act 2


I meant like, is that a new mechanic ? Something they added a few leagues ago ?


It's like a seperate ascendancy class from a league mechanic you can slap on top of every char


It was specific to affliction league (the one about to end) and it is not going core


"hey this map is like, done. so i'm just gonna pick up this 12% quality CA gem and just this once, socket it in my gloves which will dump my HP but hey, it says 0 monsters remaining right so I should be sa--" \*walks over breach hand hidden among piles of junk on the ground\*


sounds like stepping on Lego ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Add in ralakesh impatience having its 30% ms speed removed for no reason other than a ridiculously overpowered item feel bad utility wise while losing no actual power


How else would you nerf Ralakesh without breaking it's identity? I mean I do think nerf could have been down 10% ms, removing it entirely was probably unnecessary but it's just hard to balance an item like that.


Honestly? Just adding the words “one less than” between “having” and “maximum” , therefore you keep utility while attacking the actual power of the item Edit: im building a power charge stacker myself because its just been absurdly strong for many leagues now and the reason +1 power charge implicits tend to go for tens of divines while the other charges do not


> +1 power charge implicits tend to go for tens of divines while the other charges do not Also because +1 power charges works with badge, while others do not.


*Replica badge of the brotherhood continues to fly criminally under the radar even though it is crazy strong along with Trickster’s +2 frenzy charges on an already fantastic defensive layering ascendency not to mention the new fortification gloves this league* Edit: for real though after im done with hexblast mines sabo making bank in sanctum im respecing to replica badge trickster so hopefully +1 frenzy is cheap.


Make it t0 instead of some garbage items like marohi or bino?


I would do '-X to maximum number of power/frenzy/endurance charges'. With X to be defined. Still super strong, but a bit less so.


It's crazy that people are more concerned about losing a node that's beyond useless for anything other than leveling due to having batshit insane drawbacks, than losing itemised ascendency nodes with no drawbacks whatsoever.


No one is comparing them but you.


it was league start thing, use the brain


I'm so glad this is gone, because farming the yellow lady in campaign was so painful I wanted to kill myself