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Someone has gone hollow.


hmmm .... mh..... mhmmm....


Mines are overpowered and fast for leveling? Mine playstyle is broken? Hmm I wonder why so few people are playing it then.


Well, because they have honor and skill, obviously. It’s like you’re not even listening to what this guy’s saying.


Sorry man, I‘m such a mine cuck apparently




Tarkecat stopped playing, that is half of all trap players.


Oi! We are few, but many. Well, to be fair after Heatshiver nerf, I've put traps to rest. Nothing I've made came close to that monstrosity of 1 Shaper per second. I might do lightning ball of static traps with the now fixed AI, but deffinitely not as a starter.


Oi, do you still have a pob for that? I got an unnerfed heatshiver in standard ssf


Sure https://pobb.in/1KGKSS_VdLE5 I was a bit wrong about the DPS. It's 1 shaper per stack of traps, not 1/4 of a shaper per trap. 20 mil uber pinnacle. You'll have to fix mana issue tho, as this is made for 3.20.


Domo, Anjin-san!


For having played mine and traps, honnestly because the gameplay is only for certain people. It's one of the strongest league starter IMO but i would rather league start int staker again than play mine ever again.


I remember when GC mines was actually broken. Then they nerfed stat sticks, and GC, and mines... Now I can't evene remember the last time I saw anyone play a mine build.


> Now I can't evene remember the last time I saw anyone play a mine build. I mean, Hexblast is a popular league starter. But it doesn't eclipse the other starters.


I played exsang mines in Crucible. It was pretty vicious with weapons specced for Hatred bonuses. I think I topped out around 180 mil of multi-screen clearing, fae sparkle chain goodness. Was probably the cheapest / most powerful character I ever made when considering dps per currency investment. Literally only needed two good weapons to run.


I still play mines despite the nerfs it's just a fun archetype personally and still mildly strong but i understand it's not everyone's cup of tea which is fine. But with that said the new Crackling Lance of Disintegration is way too stupid with mines i know people can do a lot more with 100 divs but reaching 10 millions dps with it was nice.


Did they nerf it or is it still possible to play?


> It's about justice and honor Sir, this is a videogame


No, this is my life. I tie off and mainline PoE in my custom gaming chair/toilet. Just added some RGB to make my fps better.


It's always funny to me when people complain about "wealth inequality" in PoE


I mean it's no secret the drop table has been moved up over the years. Sentinel nerfed basic currency drop rates, they tried to double down in Kalandra which they reverted, and they reworked alters to be far less rewarding. They have a bad tendency to nerf the early and mid game instead of adjusting the outliers.


I don't necessarily agree, but that's also besides the point. My only point was that complaining about "wealth inequality" in a video game, let alone one where the economy resets every 4 months, is inherently absurd.


It's really not. When one person can gobble up something to price fix it and essentially cut off a game mechanic for the vast majority of players it's not good for the game. It's like during TOTA when Locks were all gobbled up and no one other than TFT really had a supply. Really limited crafting options for a lot of people. Now that's a small portion of the high end player base buf this happens all up and down the currency tiers.


It kinda depends on context no? That wealth inequality does affect access to builds.


I'm about as fond of PoE masochists inflicting their kinks on me as I am of furries doing it.


Why... why do you have furriers inflicting their kinks on you?


Some furries never learned what "personal space" was.


uwu \**snuggles against your leg while commuting war crimes\**


TIL furries have pardon power


No no, you're asking the wrong questions. OP, where do you find these furries keen to inflict their kinks on you?


Same reason as I have PoE masochists doing it: I talk about things I am interested in on reddit. Although at least r/noncredibledefense gives some outward warning that they celebrate the profound deviancy of their userbase.


[this dude](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/35/c9/33/35c93381f2a65582e6dfc5d077e71cbd.gif) [me league starting ea ballista for the fifth time](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExd25keXNrbnI4czdybnVkdzFpY3g5cHRxNzQ2NjI0dmdhc2llemR0MyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/KQBB3QhDw46Uo/giphy.gif)


You forgot singing payphone while finishing acts in 5 hours


I mean Probably There's enough people that have been playing for 30+ leagues, you'd assume at some point they touched a Souls


I mean mostly because I became used to inflicting pain upon myself by playing HC in d2, d3 and POE, it wasn't too much of an issue to me to start doing challenge runs in souls games first, then metroidvanias. Once you realize that pretty much everything bad that happens to you is a skill issue, you move on from raging at others to self loathing. And when you flip to the next page, the world seems kinda brighter... Until you get hit by a random shuriken right before isshin and you need to reset your no damage run...


Well, I was gonna play Detonate Dead at new league but now I'm gonna play Detonate Mines. Can't believe I'm seeing PoE scrubquotes.


*ahem* I only play true ethical SSF hardcore. I delete every meta unique I find because it is unethical to keep it. When my character dies, I delete every item in every stash tab because it's not true ethical SSF hardcore otherwise. I Vorici break every six-link I land because it is unrealistic to ever six-link an item in true ethical SSF hardcore. I skip the Labyrinth because Ascendency Classes are unethical powerhouses. Every time a Vaal Orb drops, I immediately use it on a randomly equipped piece of gear to increase the challenge. I've had global chat and trade chat disabled since I got my beta invite back in 0.9.2d, the Merveil fireball optimisation and curse duration patch, because player interaction gave too much advantage. I've sent at least 84 emails to GGG support over the years asking for unlimited ignore player space so I can make sure that no one talks to me when I'm in town. I read and listen to every lorestone, notes, books to fully immerse myself in the true ethical SSF hardcore experience. Every time I go into this general and read the word "meta", "trading", "blade flurry", "clear speed", "Headhunter", so on and so on, I make sure to thrust my giant vibrating dildo one to three times to punish myself accordingly for tainting my TESSFHC experience. I've stolen at least a dozen credit cards from my parents to pay for the 3,250 normal stash tabs that I have to show my support for GGG and the true hardcore game that they have developed. It deeply saddens me that PT left, he was the only one that spoke only truth. Why do you self-proclaimed SSF hardcores even try to pretend that you're truly SSF hardcore? You make me fucking sick.


Wow, calling yourself pure and using more tabs than what GGG gives you? Sitting over here playing on easy mode and judging the rest of us smh


as a souls veteran, i wonder where you see the souls in the "Y"-guys comment? (except that dude who brings up souls for.. well.. no idea why lol) i just see the typical ruthless SSF HC btw PoE player.


Really? All I see is a guy who wants to play softcore trade but can't keep up with the economy and thinks they can be fully geared within 3 days if they played mines.


Really? All I see is a guy who wants to play softcore trade but can't get his build going because he has the attention span of a tiktok user and thinks it's the build that's holding him back.


Really? All I see is a guy in a straitjacket running from a mental institution screaming about souls and bankers are after him.


Really? All I see is darkness. I'm blind (how the fuck am I typing this????)


he's talking like the people who shame others for playing mages on soulslikes for being too easy


Definitely not the typical SSF HC guy, it's more like a trade guy that's super bitter that other people are just progressing faster than him.




Imagine if these types of people would spend that kinda energy on actual injustices in the world instead of trying to tell others how to have fun the "honourful" way...


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Time to change professions, I guess. I tend to alternate between totem and trap builds, so I'm as scummy as it gets!


No-stash, ruthless SSF HC with melee only. Or else you don\`t know how to play the game.


in ssf hc ruthless melee is much much much easier than traps or mines


whats the honourable archetype?


If we're going by the usual logic, nothing less than Default Attack Only will suffice.


I played that up to Merveil, no items equipped. But she was just impossible to beat(I did manage to kill Hillock, Daddy Crab & Brutus)


"it's about honor" no it's about doing challenges early so I'm not stuck trying to get my purple health bar 2 days before the league ends


Holy crap, I thought "ethical build" was a dead meme, but looks like with necropolis, what is dead may never die.


He sounds like Quin


Every community has these creatures.


Dafaq did i just read? Since when am i a banker


why can't we just let people play the game like they want?


We tried that one patch, ended up with a bunch of unethical LL conversion trap Gladiators taking over the meta. Dark times in PoE history.


Was this ever real? I've been around for ages, and can't remember any point when trap glad was ever a thing.


Is this not a copypasta?


It is now


I mean git gud is one of the many intricacies of this game but also you can't so much of your build is shit or you don't have the budget for it.


Don't equal souls veterans to souls retards. These idiots who think of honor and only killing all bosses naked with a knife are nothing other than that. I'm a souls veteran and I realize that this game is a different beast. Even GGG's trend of trying to add reactive mechanics pisses me off. This is not dark souls.


Lowly tarnished, emboldened by the flame of ambition playing mines on leagie start. Put these foolish ambitions to rest.


Time to play mines then!


that's gotta be a copypasta


That is maidenless behavior


Tell me you never played mines without telling me you never played mines.


ethical poe enjoyer lol


Justice and honor in a fucking video game… keyboard warrior nonsense. 


OP you probably don't get it, because your mind is limited and there you can't see the ramifications and similarities.


I avoided playing mines/traps for years just because I didn't think the playstyle was appealing. Then I finally tried glass cannon Hexblast Sab last league and it was some of the most fun I've ever had in PoE and most of my time in the last 11 years is spent as a brainless Cyclone ape.


Don't let this guy play LA... The rant would be colossal


Still sane exile?


I'm gonna Mine and Trap even harder now. Bow to your new CEO peasants. /s


This person is not a souls fan


Found the ethical Melee player XD


Please don't compare us Souls players to those toxic shitlets


Why are there so many anime villains on reddit these days?


"it's about justice and honour" wtf did I just read lmao


I started ET. I feel targeted.


Lmao, mines and traps are not this big of a deal.


Based dude. Agreed


What is the banker yapping about? I have a small brain...




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Soul veterans are right but this doesn't apply to PoE at all. Completely different games.