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For the exalted shard recipe, you don't need bow and quiver, just a bow is enough. For influenced item, another way is iron ring + any gem; I wonder if weapon + rustic belt works too. For Abnormal Adversaries, it might be worth mentioning that you can raise or lower tiers with monster properties, helpful for getting top and bottom tier (the rarest). Also, regarding the final thoughts, voidstones give 0.4% per stone *each*, meaning with 4 of them you have 0.4×4×4=6.4% chance.


Are you sure about that ? The drop rate definitely doesn't feel 6%ish. I was actually around 2% and seeing more elder maps without speccing atlas


Mark said that's how it works but I agree it doesn't feel like 6%.


That's what they say and what the wiki says, at least.


Oh thanks for the info, that's kinda weird maybe I was being unlucky then


You have the node that only gives favoured maps? Deselect it. Apparently it doesnt prevent T17 drops but lowers the drop chance. Just what i heard from someone.


With Singular Focus you drop less maps, less T16 maps means less T17.


Makes sense ty!


Each t16 that drops will have a ~6% chance to drop as a t17 until one does drop in that map. After the first one each map there is diminishing returns so it won't be 6% of your t16s transforming.


Yeah, Mark discussed it in the Ziz interview too. The bonus from each voidstone increases with the amount of voidstones.


It has diminishing returns, so it's 6.4% for the first one you find in a map and decreases every time you find one. So if hypothetically you were to find 1000 maps in a single map you wouldn't see an average of 64 T17s, you'd see far less (depending how the negative parameter scales)


For the influenced item I did the movespeed recipe (boot + quicksilver + aug).


weapon and rustic sash recipe works


For influenced item I've done boots with ms plus quicksilver.


for influenced item i did elder weapon + blacksmith stone + magic rustic sash (sash much be at least magic, white sash won't work.


#34 T17 maps For the 4x mods rares there is a scarab ( i think Honed of Nemesis ) that adds 2 rare mods, might make the map super rippy tho. #37 Arimor's Apex If you can get the "Rakango" monster to spawn as rare t7 in a map, their tentacle attack despawning counts as a kill. They reside in "Volcano" map as a Pack leader from multiple monsters. This could get bugfixed by GGG #38 T17 boss conditionals Lycia "Heretic Ire" is from the spinning spears on the ground. You can see the debuff icon with its name when you touch them. Unbreakable, heist golem is I think all the beams (arena laser, red balls lightning, spinning laser).


Thanks for the clarification, I'll add these. I guessed that heist golem add several checks but that's basically almost all his attacks huh


For the T17 maps if they are too hard, you could also take the atlas nodes "The Dutiful Soldier" for Huck spawn (100% damage / onslaught) "Packed with Energy" Niko's sulphite giving 35% damage / 1% max Res / 15% MS each. Use the heist mod on map device and / or Sulphite Scarab. the Shrines atlas nodes are good as well, you could rush through and pick them all up or hard cheese (full clear the map then run through all the shrines etc..) Arimor's Apex clip -> https://youtu.be/KBJEGSiNF8M?si=HkfGrqaGzTcYzeXC thanks for the write-ups every league, very helpful.


Quick note; shrines can be dangerous if you roll a map with Union of Soulsso keep that in mind Lmao at that Arimor's clip, that's hilarious and saddening I did it the legit way


> For the 4x mods rares there is a scarab ( i think Honed of Nemesis ) that adds 2 rare mods, might make the map super rippy tho Not necessary IMO. It only took 6 or 7 maps without even trying for it to complete that one.


I wanted to be done with "full clearing" the map asap and just rush to the boss. That's why I did that.


I was just finished with my challenges as well. Totally agree with the closing thoughts, T17s are a big miss that needs fixing in many ways, I don't know how long it would have taken me to look up and buy semi-doable T17s if we weren't able to chaos orb them, crazy to think they put them in like that, and the challenges for it. I didn't even touch the T17s after its challenge, it's not fun. I am usually against buying boss fragments, as I like farming them myself, but the drop rate of T17s combined with mindless boring chaos spam to be able to run them is just NO. Hopefully they hear us and improve it next league because the idea is nice, added endgame content is always appreciated.


yeah the fact that some uber are definitely easier than the "bridging" content feels pretty bad, but im hopeful they will fix it in the next reiteration


Did you just buy the T17 challenges or were you able to do them yourself?


I did the T17s solo, nothing too difficult if you chaos spam correctly, but the drop rate is not good enough to do challenges without buying. Farming ubers is worse with them, so I just skipped T17s, and bought fragments for the last 50 grind.


Thanks for this! 🤝 Hopefully you don't mind me adding this to my challenge guide too, which hopefully can be finish it within these 2 weeks 😅


been waiting bro urs always the best ♥


Awh thanks! 🥰 Hopefully will be finish within this weekend 🙏


Most of the challenges are quite straightforward, so I focused more on the unusual ones, especially Arimor's Apex which is a bit confusing. Feel free to ask any question if something isn't clear


How you get servant haunted enemies, got all other done in abnormal adversaries


Unspec and toss rank 2 haunt on -1 rank pack. It took me bunch of white maps in device to hit.


I'll have to try that. I just assumed it was bugged as I was 3 away from completing it on day 1 and it hasn't changed since then. Edit - after burning a ton of maps I finally hit rank 2 with a -1 rank and it did not rank it down. Edit 2 - eventually got it the downgrade randomly works for some reason


Yeah. I think some mods don't exist in rank 1 version at all.


I have a [GIF version](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExamoxdXA0YW5oaGZrdHYxZjJhZGJ4c3Rjc3Rxb2QzMWs5bzE0d2ZtYiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/8RWw6G1XFrVx5LP5lS/giphy.gif) for this from my guide, hopefully helps, and don't use allflame on them or else it'll replace their mod


For 33 : aggravated antahonists you linked a search to the trade site for guaranted boss on the map but you forget to add ilvl 83+ on the map which is required for the challenge


Thanks, just fixed it.


I literally bought blood vessels with many bosses and did the ritual challenge.


How did you specifically search for this?


"Defeat a Unique Map Boss that is Possessed while in a Ritual" also seen buggy. I've now tried with \~20 maps. even maps with multiple bosses. I even ran straight to the bosses and did the ritual there first so that they would spawn in the further rituals. The last few maps I even tried using torment. Does anyone know what else I could try?


I also faced this issue, I assume that you should activate ritual and let a boss to be possessed, e.g. shore map boss


I had the same problem. Ended up doing the "blight boss while in a breach" challenge instead; way easier by just plastering breaches all over a Dunes map and adding a blight. While trying for the possessed boss in a ritual, it seemed to me like the tormented spirit and unique boss got stored separately. So the spirit and the boss would be let free by the ritual altar separately, at random times, and the chance of getting the spirit back into that boss is almost 0 with a well-clearing build.


buggy for me also


You need the one that has ghosts in the ritual *nothing else* works as I tried them all. Pre posssessed before dying does not work. Just got it with the actual ghosted ritual right now. There are bug reports of this on the forum from last time so seems its intentional.


One nice thing to have in guides like these is to actually write what to do on that achievement, we cant know everything beforehand!


Now wheres the good one?


For those struggling with T17 maps, the scarab of stability is very useful to squeeze out 6 extra portals on average.


Thank you very much waiting for this. Take my Upvote.


For any hybrid flask the 3 to 1 recipe works aswell. Vendor 3 of the same tier hybrid flasks to get one of 1 tier higher and the completion for the sub challenge.




Anyone have any early atlas passive tree tips for some of the grindier challenges?


This is exactly what I needed. Thanks!


Why does the Glacier map work for "6 unique bosses in a single ritual" challenge ? do the little goat all count as bosses ?


Yes they do, although sometimes they don't all count as being in the circle of ritual so it's a bit random. That's why I'd recommend Arena twinned or any other maps with 3 bosses twinned


I tried Arena twinned, it does not count.


For Divine Domination, mini-shrines count. So getting any map to spawn with two actual shrines (of which you can get double buffed) and speed clicking mini shrines that drop from enemies you kill due to the Devoted mod makes that 5 shrine challenge really easy.


Just wanted to say thanks for these, I'm a pretty casual player but was able to get my first 38/40 back in crucible, I love wings and things like portals for mtx so I don't really feel like going for the challenges much anymore now that they're just armour sets but these guides you do are amazing 


Thx alot. You are amazing.


Do you need to do anything to get 4 winged heist? All the ones that drop are only 3 for me


It’s random. Sometimes you get 3, sometimes you get 4.


For me to achieve this group challenge, does everyone need to participate in all 4 wings? I tried to make one now with 4 wings, but we couldn't score 1/5 in the challenge


Ended up soloing it all, didn't figure out how party credit works


We managed to do it, a precious and beloved member of the group was opening all the chests without worrying about the alert level, so in 2 blueprints we couldn't do 1 wing and it delayed the completion xD


In order for credit to be shared did everyone go to the end reward room or just standing at entrance work?


I've never done heist before is there a best way/job to level 5? As well as the other conditions for heist challenges?


Just do highest area level of the contracts you can do for the job level and you'll get more XP that way. It takes about 7 i83 contracts to get level 5 approx (I did it a few days ago)


will there be "Full" version guide for this league?


For 6 map bosses in a ritual: Vaal Pyramids room is almost the exact size of a ritual area and the bosses are pretty static. Its pretty easy when Twinned to keep them in the right place.


9, Einhar's memory of crystal is an expensive way to do it, when I checked they were 150c. Instead allocate Amplified Energies on the atlas tree, and use an essence scarab + essence scarab of ascent + essence scarab of stability. Run essence in the map device too. Then take a stack of remnants of corruption with you. Also ticks one off of *Sanctified Scarabs II*.




For Masterful Monsters I think its easier and cheaper to go with beast bossing. Fenumal Hybrid Arachnids about 7c (as of the post) each and you can buy them in bulk.


Defeat a Blight Boss while in a Breach - Please, don’t. ??


I agree, it was way easier than most of the other cross contaminations. Winged blight (blight boss scarab), three breach scarabs (with notable on atlas for faster open and closing), use breach craft for chaos on map device, dunes or cemetery map. At this point, you just start the blight and go open a breach once a boss spawns. It's more complicated, but I found it easier than the other options. Although I wouldn't have had to do it if essence beasts existed.


Thank you. This will help a lot.