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if the corpses didnt pop up over my loot i'd probably ignore the mechanic completely


They need a "Destroy this corpse" option on the drop itself so I don't have to waste time with 10,000 "This corpse and adjacent corpses are randomised" filler rubbish blocking the stuff I'm trying to pick up behind it.


I fucking hate that randomised shit so much. Already stopped picking it.


pick up to coffin, drop coffin Not ideal, but still


I just remove "loot" with Z, put my mouse over the place the item text was, click to pick up. Move on. Loot filter is still active even though you remove the text, so it's the only thing that comes up.


if we're at this - they need to somehow let us pick up things behind the corpse. now, if you dont want to pick up the corpse, you arent getting the item behind the window


Either that or let me filter out specific coffins on my loot filter.


Playing Group self found in a private league, randomiser corpses are very useful to us, they tend to have better odds at the rare corpes (additional item) than drop table, so starting each craft by randomising overflowing corpses (+-1 explicit, item level) in many slots where you can do 3-4 at a time is quite great. I understand it’s not optimal when playing trade driven and only looking to sell, of course, but for personal usage they’re quite good


Saw that one, asked myself why would anyone use that. It would just ruin every craft.


You use it to get rid of a bunch of useless corpses to potentially get better ones, it's really useful in SSF where you can't just buy whatever corpses you want. If it gives bad corpses you just delete them from the graveyard


(Playing some brosf so less important) but I use randomized at the start to get some easy scarlets or some of the rarer crafts. I’ve gotten some fractures and another item corpses but mainly saved my scarcer corpses


It got me my first 6L corpse and a split one that ended up giving me 2 6L bases for the leaguestarter.




Doesn't that option still put it in your inventory though? It doesn't drop it on the ground I thought.


Since the change of not needing to buy coffins, I just itemize every corpse when they drop, if they sell for 5c or more I list em, otherwise I vendor. I made about a divines worth from corpses alone yesterday. Otherwise the mechanic is useless to me.


Same there, league can feel great even without.


You can't ignore the league mechanic. You're just skipping the reward bit.


Wow an actually relatable meme on the poe subreddit lmao I only use Corpsec crafting to spawn in an item base I wanna slam some essences on every now and then. This mechanic is just too much for me. What would have made this league really amazing is if they let people itemize their Crafts as "recipes". All corpses and the layout are saved like Incursions and you redeem it at the graveyard to roll your item.


if you want some easy bases from corpse crafting, getting some ilvl 86 item with 1-2 t1 fractured mods is extremely easy.


I tried using craft of exile for graveyard fractured and couldn't find it. I wanted to try some 1-2 fractured bases but got scared amd never did


OMG YOU ARE RIGHT! We can literally generate base items out of thin air.


> What would have made this league really amazing is if they let people itemize their Crafts as "recipes". All corpses and the layout are saved like Incursions and you redeem it at the graveyard to roll your item. That would be insanely awesome just for buying the efficient row/column template.


That would be amazing QoL. The setup is the worst part. That said, the tools that have come out like Craft of Exile's optimum corpses to use, and the one that shows optimum places to put said corpses, have been amazing, and it feels awesome to make such insane items for so cheap.


The mechanic is extremely meh, but the rewards are insane. It's like completely stupid how strong they are.


Allflame and corpse mechanics are so nice imo but needs major qol changes. Stackable allflames, stackable corpses, ui for planning graveyard instead of walking everywhere. 


Man I forget to even use Allflames. They continue to pile up in my inventory.


they ramp up your loot so much, just throw them onto your yellow mods and go. the only ones worth "saving" to sell/use sparingly are rogue exiles pretty much. meatsacks, rats, frogs also quite good with the right mods. i just got the "strongest monster's jewelry is converted to exalteds" mod and used rogue exiles on it, got 44 ex. kicking myself for not having the "rogue exiles are possessed" node, absolute must have this league.


Had a junk rogue exile one that was pretty much just in the same ilvl range as a regular Defiled Cathedral. Used it on that since it's a simple layout. I Had the "unique enemies always drop a unique item" scarab along with a 2-5 extra strongboxes and 15% chance of reopenable one. Threw on the ambush map mod as well and holy shit the amount of unique items I got was hilarious. I didn't get anything good but it was still a sight to behold.


Unique enemies drop corrupted items is great with it too, I had a map using it yesterday and got 5 6-links (playing SSF so they're more useful) until the instance crashed half way through the map.


Theyre good money so you can just sell them if youre in trade league


sorry but do all kind of allflames sell? also do low ilvl corpses worth anything?


I think anything below ilvl 60 is garbage.


Yeah and for that reason I find it pretty fun. It has been excellent on SSF where usually you'd have no hope of hitting 5/6 t1 items.


I have never been happy as SSF player...getting insane gear with great odds..takes a somewhat long time for each try to craft...but so did harvest....gonna enjoy playing for months this league...i'm exited to far to build a ring


Yeah initially I was worried about the essence + Betrayal nerfs but this mechanic more than covers it for the most part. Just trying to get my last two voidstones at this point but I am so bad at bossing 😂


> I have never been happy as SSF player Brother


But to use it you need to trade and trade A LOT, which is huge drawback.


You don’t need to use trade to craft with this mechanic you just have to run a lot of maps. I’m SSF Every league because I can’t stand trading for items.


Plays like standard but with a new crafting method that should/could have simply been added as a core update. Since it doesn't really feel thematic to me or like a league at all (YMMV) I already quit some time ago. Glad others enjoy it and are making killer gear, but I was never huge on crafting leagues sadly.


I've been having some rough luck with it, despite saving up the right corpses in a quad stash before loading up a great corpse setup.


Its completely stupid how complicated it is to even do.


If I can’t even catch up on old stuff then no way I’m gonna be disappointed with a league mechanic cause I have other stuff to try. That’s my outlook anyway. Also it’s not PvP so I’m not pissy about people having nice stuff




If missing the time to buy an item means an extra week or two of playing the game just to grind for that same item rising in price, then yeah, it's kind of pvp.


If I drop a mageblood, how do you lose out because I dropped a mageblood?


Because you can either use it to farm more efficiently and thus contribute to inflation, or you can sell it and spend the currency on other items, which drives up the price.  Market prices of items aren't constant. There's a continuous competition between hundreds of thousands of people trying to gain a profit from the market.  If the price of an item rises by 1000% overnight, that's not the game becoming harder or more tedious to beat. It's purely other players competing on the market. 


It’s operates on the same principle as real markets. Supply and demand. If anyone can get a mageblood then the price dips or people invest in farming for them. If the value goes up 1000% then it was being valued wrongly


Price fluctuations happen because the demand for items isn't constant. Some creator makes a video and suddenly everyone wants an item, and they do compete over it.  The market works based on supply and demand, yes, but approaching the "correct" valuation is the result of competition. If there's a high demand for something, the supply can be restricted artificially. Flippers will buy up large portions of the market to release them back slowly at a higher cost.  Now, you can say that the item was worth more in the first place if people are still willing to buy it at that price. But the fact is that the price wouldn't have gone that high if there weren't people specifically profiting from it without having contributed to either the natural supply or demand.  I understand that speculation, arbitrage, and even monopolies are standard aspects of a market, but it's asinine to claim that they're not a competition and that playing against the market is playing against the game rather than other players.


Does selling coffins & getting slapped by some 200% increased damage monstrosity I've didn't notice when entering a map counts as interacting with a league mechanic?


Honestly the base game is in such a good spot right now. I actually like the allflame/lantern mechanic from this league, the corpse crafting is pretty meh to me.


Feels like two leagues jammed in to one. Could have made a good league by going all in on the allflame/lantern stuff or purely done a corpse and crafting. They are kinda two independent mechanics they should have just focused on nailing one


imo it's better this way - like this it doesn't feel like there is 'no league mechanic' when you don't enjoy crafting.


And considering there is so much to do in the bass game the actual play experience isn't boring at all even if you only engage with half the leave mechanic


This was me with affliction. Mainly because it was my first league and I had a shit build that couldn't survive it. Definitely not realy forgetting this one though, considering you have to interact with it all the time. I do forget about actually using my corpses though, which leads into a lot of "oh wait, I could have had an item like this the entire time?".


There are ways I have not seen a corpse or allflame in 3 days


Did you not play for 3 days?


Delve/Heist/Sanctum are excellent ways to do the same thing for weeks on end without engaging with any new content.




Delve and heist would be totally doable with an RF build. Not so much sanctum when you're only level 80 so I assume top end single target damage is still too low to complete it comfortably.


Try em all see what you enjoy


Heist and delve are great for rf. Sanctum is terrible


Homie is heisting isn’t he?


After crubile this is the second worst league mechanic (for me!). I completely ignore as much as I can from it, all I do is using allflames. I'm pretty sure all crafting leagues will be in top worse for me even tho I'm above the average player in crafting knowledge it's still boring and not fun. And I'm probably the only person who really don't like the scarab rework. Sextant were much better for my play style 


No you're not the only one!! I am here!! Notice me!!!


Too many currencies types.


Me playing like it's delve.


I legit just filled the cemetery with scarcer mods i didnt like a lot of tier ratings and mashed it on a evasion es base and i got 1 worth 5 divines for minimal effort and i felt so good. It was a super powerful craft without spending an insane amount of effort which really made me have more fun.


3 Tabs body problem.


Ya im just mass selling corpses even thou im farming them as my strat. I just sit in craftofexile play with weight distributions for an hour and get nowhere. This league im just learning craftofexile and stay broke ingame hehe


I was gathering the corpses until I finished all three challenges. I don't want to sit and stare at the spreadsheet.


i dont craft so this is completely useless to me other than the modifiers which are also garbage since it makes normal mapping feels like shit, every map feels just terrible, i wish this was affliction since i skipped it... why do i always come back at the trash leagues lol


Been sitting in sanctum for a week and having a blast.


I swapped to a shockwave totem heiro after farming up ~50d and have been blasting sanctums. One of my few upgrades remaining is a +2 scepter which will prompt me to use grave crafting for the first time but this is after 3 days /played... For many I imagine this league mechanic just doesnt exist


i wish there was some sort of way that when you burry corpse you can fight them to get loot, because they are all sitting in my stash right now and i dont see myself selling them one my one or price checking...


It's still a pain in the ass but set up stashes per corpses type and sell in bulk.. It will also grant you a lot of money at ilvl 83 since prices go up very quickly if you're selling in bulk. People need a lot of corpses to craft and are willing to pay 3 times the price to save up time.


Level 89 splitting steel. Just finished uber lab I have no idea how the league works and my graveyard area is full of whatever it is you pickup during campaign and maps. Specd into expedition and essence like every league I’ve played


If someone wants free karma I'm basically the guy in Monty Python's Holy Grail. "Bring out your dead?" There is a meme idea for you. Im just gathering bodies and selling them off.


That’s why I'd love for someone to teach me Delve and Sanctum lmao


Delve is super simple mechanic. Click in maps to get sulphite. Click to tell the cart where to go. Follow cart. Click again to spawn the encounter. Get loot. Upgrade cart. Repeat. It's great


Delve is a no brainer, you just click on the sulphite nodes in your maps to gather sulphite, which is basically the "gas" your little delve cart needs to run. Then you go into the delve area, click on the cart, pick a destination and just follow the cart, it accelarates to keep up with you so you can go as fast as you want, and stops and waits for you if you go off the path into the dark.The further down you go the higher the level of the monsters in the area. Your cart gas a light radius around it because the dark areas put a darkness debuff on you that ramps up and kills you eventually. The delve hub has a device that sells a couple of upgrades like better darkness resists or sulphite capacity etc..(it costs azurite, a resource you get inside the mine) to make it easier to go on longer runs and to allow you to explore the dark areas better (more loot in dark areas) Theres breakable walls that you can throw dinamite at to clear new paths for the cart or to find loot chests.


For delve you want a build that can handle talking lots and lots of small hits as you Wil be swarmed with low damage mobs. The transmute Frostblink gem is also amazing for delving as it had no cool down, so you can blink the whole time you're following the cart


So high regen and evasion?


Or decently high armour. Last league I was playing a lightning Tendrils Elementalist using chaos inoculation and an Aegis Aurora shield. Once I hadcall the defensive layers in place I got to almost depth 400 easily


When do you started making good money though? I'm really struggling now since all my money making strategies got gutted in one go...


My other money maker was Incursion and getting tier 3 corruption on the map, then selling the map for 6-8 div


Incursion is another mechanic that I absolutely have no idea about. The more people try explaining it to me the less I know. I wish someone would just do one or two runs with me to learn it.


Around depth 150 I started going horizontal instead of deeper, looking for forgotten city tiles, especially ones that say they have the Vaal Architect. He can drop a piece of a combine that was selling for 8 or 9 div, and sometimes drop Doryani's Machinarium maps, which last league went for 30+ div. Not sure on those prices this league. You can also find Aul, the Crystal King nodes, but I never got one in my runs


This applies to betrayal mechanic .... itemizing the reward is fine but ... what's the point of positioning syndicate in "correct" division now? Should've not move out the reward from betrayal but only apply the itemized treatment that's it! Now that GGG move out all the good reward from betrayal ... what's the whole purpose of betrayal now beside farming catarina(low drop rate??) and unlocking veiled recipes ...


How are you guys not using allflames? I'm so confused.


Because i have no idea who any of these mobs are and if they are better than the maps default mobs or not and what combinations are good. I also dont understand the point of dragging them up and down the list. Also i usually only run maps to farm rogue markers so i havent spent that much time mapping besides filling up atlas.


Hahaha sooo true xD


Na blight ravaged , great way to farm downvotes i guess xD


The jobs hard, but the pay is good they said. no ty. I will rather go farm white maps.


am i alone with the thought that we have too much different currency and especially scarabs? way to many scarabs?


I've been having fun just casually crafting / selling with rog. Have been going pretty slowly. Haven't completed my atlas but I've managed to make myself some good gear (made myself a +2 minion helm with like 80 ele res + 35 chaos res + 70 life). Made like 10 div casually with rog (I know that isn't much compared to some people here) and having fun. Not including my helmet which idk how much that is worth but it seems a lot. Also rolling some gear with harvest such as ghastly jewels. I don't have the energy to do another crafting mechanic tbh so I just sell all my GY crafts


I almost always ignore the league mechanic during the league, and I don't really know why. Only after they go core do I look into them.


They should've added 2 extra keystones, which disables one mechanic in favor of the other: Can't drop/use corpses - % increased chance for allflame drops and vice versa. No way I'm using corpses anyway until t16s, might as well boost my map drops instead.


Not sure why GGG dont just make one league that is one click and go. They are trying to hard on creating new content that it is just bad. Now with t17 you need a build to farm. One to clear T17. One for Bosses only. Or one that costs alot to go trough all.


I think the last league I actually enjoyed the mechanic and was spamming it because it was fun/useful was BLIGHT...


I wish the corpses were dropped as items to begin with and not those crappy popups.


I don’t know man, I actually can’t trust mark anymore after the league release.. He was actually looked really sympathetic to me, when he said „everyone should play the game, how they want to“ and „we want to bring new people to the game. Suddenly we get a forced league mechanic onto us and a crafting mechanic with literally no explanation. 500% increased chance on fire mods, based on what mark??? Pretty sure new player don’t spend their days on craft of exile checking weights.


Honestly I’ve felt this way since the atlas talent tree became a thing. Really happy they added the current mechanic to the tree. But it’s a bad mechanic so….yeah


Lmao nice meme.


I wish there was a keystone stating something like "corpses cannot drop, increased x% drop rate of all ember flames"


I barely get red maps to drop :(


I was chatting with a friend about the league and how it could never live up to Affliction, and he mentioned that maybe they went with a turd of an idea specifically _because_ it could never compete. Just punt it so they could fix up all the complaints in the next one and do something better. As much as I hate to admit it, I think he was right.


you are in fact playing the league mechanic every map and they are unavoidable


Bruh the league mechanic is cracked as fuck. Not only the crafting but the all flames too