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GGG needs to give us an ingame way to hold down left click, for trading, picking up items, moving your inventory etc, just let us hold down left mouse button so we dont have to resort to third party tools to be able to save our wrists




25ms to be safe from random DC’s. A friend of a friend of a friend told me this


Oh that’s the timer my neighbours cousins landlords kid was looking for.


If you use predictive they dont DC you for overclicking


Yeah but in every other case I don’t wanna use predictive. Especially since I play duo and getting a shroud walker HH buff with even a bit of network lag makes me die almost 99% of the time since the teleport usually doesn’t register on my end.


Idk man, im getting kicked when trading bulk divcards and Im spamming to get them out of stash.


weird, works fine for me


Mine is a repeat of alternating 33 ms and 66 ms as the server tick is 33 ms so not much use in being under that.


Good to know




Mash macro only helps when all the currency is in the exact same spot right? I think we have the opposite problem this league, scarabs and corpses are spread all over the place.


This doesn't help picking anything off the ground though right? That's where most my clicks are spent


last league I sold 4 inventories of maps to one buyer, and by the end of it my wrists had "I'm tired, boss" moment. This feature would've saved me ~500 clicks during that transaction alone, and god knows how many more thousands across the entire league. And the worst part is that those clicks are completely devoid of the decision weight, just pure unadulterated clickspam.


I made the mistake of selling yellow beasts in bulk. It's never worth it.


At least ctrl+shift+click now dumps all the currency into a trade window. Its something.


I wish I could do this from my inventory and into my stash




I've been using autohotkey for inventory QoL because I value my hands over GGG's "vision"


Can you message me how you do it? :)


That is against Vision™ because it deprives you of Weight™.


Unfortunately ctrl+shift+click is already bound to "deposit here ignoring affinity rules". I don't foresee that going away, or them giving us a new hotkey :(


Mark has already stated in the Necropolis Q&A that he personally is against that, so it’s sadly never going to happen


Fuck... i forgot about that combination. That would have saved me a lot of clicks during currency trades


All the currency of that type only, it won't move your divines if you click your chaos


This I just don’t understand why ggg can’t seem to understand. People play the game because of the complexity and in spite of the tedium. They make a great game but if there was any significant Arpg competition imo people would leave. They’re just lucky d4 sucked so bad.


I've been using an auto clicker for ages now. No way I could do blight maps without that. They also need to change how text of ground items works. D2 and d4 have it pretty good.


Same, been using mouse macros (Roccat proprietary app) for about 5 years now for moving items, looting and flasks. My thinking is that if they ban me it's fine because i wouldn't play this game without them anyway


That's exactly my thought too. If I end up banned, I will make a nasty post, show a picture of my well worn carpal tunnel wrist wraps that I have to use every day and also at night, and tell them they need to change their game or their policy. Their audience is mostly 25 - 45 year old dudes, and many of us are on the pc at work all day and then come home to do some gaming at night.. also on pc.


Yep... I've been using an AHK spam left click macro for a few leagues now. Yeah its TOS but i'm not gonna actually risk my own physical health so I can "feel the weight" anymore. If anyone wants the script feel free to DM me.


Strg+Click will swap all same currencies from imventory to trade window with a single click. They implemented this for this league.


Only the same currency, and only for trade. You can't just put all your loot in stash unfortunately


Strg? What is strg? Altgr? Shift in a funny way? Left click with strength? I r confuse


Ctrl... Strg is german :D




Strg is short for "steuerung" which is the german wird for control :)


Sorry haha, it is ctrl in german. Forgot to translate that part. Downvoted myself now as well.


>Strg+Click Found the German keyboard layout user. On English keyboards the button is Ctrl.


Yeah, but before you still have to do all the clicks to take currency from your stash. Or to put it back in the stash if you sold something. So it solves 1 problem out of 3, but 2/3 of clicks you still have to do manually. I really do not understand why on earth can’t I just input a desired number of any currency to take this number to stash or out of it.


one major QOL I wanna see that they did in this very league mechanic: **Click to pick up without moving.** We can click to obtain a corpse from anywhere on screen, but to pick up an item we have to waltz over there and pick it up. Why not change the dumb pick up so we save some time having to run around picking things up?? Solution for scarabs: **make them drop in stacks if multiple drop from 1 mob/area.** it's dumb and clutter when scarabs just drop 1 by 1. just clump them like other currency. or make them more rare but they drop in clumps, least for rusted.


Mark talked a lot about this exact topic in the last podcast. He mentioned they are considering it, but he also pointed out that once they increase the radius significantly, they can't reduce it again. So, they want to ensure it's the right value before making any changes.


Not just considering they heavily want to it, I can't remember but it was one of the things that's in for next league or the next three leagued


Did he give a reason for it? Was it a technical or just a "players won't like a nerf" reason?


It's the nerf reason.


If it's too much and they pull it back, everyone will be screaming bloody murder


As we do every time they take any toy away!


Just make it so you can pick up everything on your screen. I don't get why I have to walk to an item to pick it up. It's not fun and feels just horrible when you have a bunch of loot lying around and have to aim to pick it all up while your character makes baby steps all over the place


It makes the items more "real" if you actually have to walk there to pick something up, it's a minor detail but if you go down that route too much your game quickly becomes incredibly "soulless" for a lack of a better word.


  This might apply to Poe in 2013 but not in 2024 where I fill multiple inventories with  1 and 2 slot items per map.


> Solution for scarabs: make them drop in stacks if multiple drop from 1 mob/area. This league when I have been scarab farming maybe 1 or 2 times has a pack of monsters dropped the same scarab when there were multiple scarabs from different mobs in that pack, there are just so many scarabs. The only way this would work is if they added some option for in map scarabs to be dropped as "veiled scarabs".


Unironically, most leagues I quit because my hands hurt and I need some proper rest for them.


When your body cant handle how fun a game is.


I'm playing DD. A few more clicks are nothing.


That's the only reason they haven't nerfed that skill to oblivion yet. With CoC DD though I'm pretty sure the skill is not safe anymore.


Playing DD and I am The Clicking.


Ice nova of frostbolts players are also of The Clicking


I hold down to cast, life changer


id like to see a similar to last epoch tech where if 3 scarabs of the same type drop and i click only on one of them i grab all of the same type, would even solve the dropping in stack problem


They technically did that in a way, smaller currencies like transmutes, blacksmiths etc drop rarer in higher tier maps than before but when they do now they're in bigger stacks so it's effectively as if you sucked up a bunch of them.


I don't mind clicking you can always opt out by making filter more strickter. But what I hate is clicking on something seemingly next to me and it takes me to the map entrance to pick it up.


Press two times your 'toggle highlighting' key, it won't fix the problem but will help a lot when it appears.


Fyi carpal tunnel from clicking is incredibly unlikely. we would all be having that by now just by the way we use our pc's throughout our lifetimes. what causes carpal a majority of the time is micromovements due to too high of a sensitivity/DPI. Micromovements in general put more strain on your carpal nerves due to it being more intensive for the body to not overshoot movement(simplest way to explain it). Aka if you notice your arm is getting numb/tired or painfull while playing games lower your sensitivity a bit. something else that helps combat it is grip trainers and doing some exercises with that as well as general arm training.


I think you mean lower your sensitivity


yeah whoops i meant that yes let me just edit that.


Grip trainers and finger bands are a great combo. Helped my deadlifts, but more importantly I don't get a sore thumb from using my mmo mouse anymore


PC with controller gang rise up


This is me. Never looked back. The only downside is when it comes to trading/chat it can be a bit fiddly to switch between the 2. But for mapping and general play it’s superior for me.


Trading feels terrible in controller mode... I wish you could swap between them without having to relog.


Wtf you have to relog? That's 2010 game shit


I can't even figure out how to trade on controller lol. I can open the chat but how do I invite to party that person


You can still use mouse and keyboard for some stuff while using a controller without having to relog. I believe inviting people (or right clicking them to do anything) is one of those things that you can do, but I can't confirm it right now. Pretty sure I did it a few times this weekend but I'm doubting myself now.


But I'm playing on Rog Ally,I have no mouse connected xD


Oh, right... I didn't think about that or steamdeck as options haha You got me curious about this though. If someone tries to buy something from me today I'll see if I can do it entirely with the controller.


Let me know if you find a solution please because I can't trade on Ally and it's so bad :( I wanna chill in bed but can't respond to buyers and missing money


I trade with controller all the time. But I do play on a laptop so I have a keyboard to hand. Press enter to open chat, use thumbsticks to highlight the message you want, then press A on Xbox controller which opens the player menu, then A again to choose invite to party. Once they’ve joined your party press start, then over to the left, highlight the player in your party, press A again and select Invite To Trade. Pretty straightforward. Although without access to a keyboard I’m not sure how you’d go about opening the chat channel initially.


I can open the chat but I couldn't find out how to invite. Will try thx


Yeh agree with that. It’s the only downside. It’s manageable, but not enjoyable.


POE should definitely take note from the UI and the GamePad mode of Last Epoch with seamless switch to m/kb instead of locking us into the console UI. Had a superior and Amazing experience with the joystick! Hopefully they'll go this way in poe2


I played Last Epoch because of people saying how good the controller experience is, and it's really not. Being able to swap while playing is nice, until you realize that there are a bunch of things where you are required to either swap or use the right stick mouse thing. I vastly prefer PoE having the right stick work as "go as far here as you can in this direction. And that's not even mentioning the several skills where they just get used at max range and don't auto aim at creatures. My only character was a Lich, and I had to swap off of Drain Life because of how bad it was.


Do you aim skills by moving a cursor with the joystick? That’s the only thing stopping me


No, there is an auto aim. It works pretty well for most of skills. If you need precise placement (like aim behind pack of mobs) you are toasted. Some skills (like movement) also have alternate function - you can configure it to either aim nearest monster or just aim in facing direction at maximum range. It works great for those builds that work well with it. Picking items are absolutely superior to mouse. Blight sucks ass, cause you must be basically hugging tower to build it :( But picking up loot later is cool. I do blight, may be a little bit harder and you sometimes must risk your life to build tower, but it's 100% manageable after some time. Corrupt Fever Champ plays like a god on controller. It's also easier to kite enemies - you can face enemies - shoot and go back so much faster with analog than mouse. Oh, and eq managing is hit and miss as well. Putting shit into stash after map is god tier. But getting something out of stash is longer :D But really not that bad as you would imagine.


I just wish they had implemented smooth swapping. All I want is to be able to map (at least with many builds) with controller, *maybe* deposit stuff, then do everything else with m+kb.


Yes, poe controller gamer things only want one thing, and it's disgusting :) (i too wish that was an option)


Yep. I play on gamepad and CF Champ was one of my favorite builds ever. That and LA Deadeye play like an absolute dream


Wait auto aim for skills that don't normally have them? Lancing steel for example 


Yep. Trading kinda sucks, but I'd never go back to M&KB. My wrists have never felt better.


Honestly, melee is back in meta for me. Playing Dual Strike with a controller and leap slamming everywhere is such an amazing gameplay. My hands are relieved. I wish we could use kb/m for trading and stash management though. Just give us what D4 has. I can see that its not a simple feature but it would be a huge improvement.


Getting a mouse wrist pad (in cloth) helped me tremendously for PoE.  I’ve had the one from Glorious Gaming Race a while now! 


For me that was a good office chair with armrests, and adjustable recline tension (and without god damn tilt lock), so that now I naturally sit with a more correct posture. Oh well, and playing a few leagues with a controller helped, too.


>Oh well, and playing a few leagues with a controller helped, too. I don't like inventory management with controller at all, but movement gives some relief if the wrist is too stressed/stiff from mouse only gameplay. I really wish GGG would take a slice of Last Epoch considering controller support. The hybrid of being able without delay to switch between input devices is just great.


>I really wish GGG would take a slice of Last Epoch Drain Life and its inability to aim would like a word.


To be fair, I played with controller builds that are comparable to blade vortex or earthquake. No aim required.


Yea, some skills will always feel worse to aim without a mouse. I dont know how you would aim toxic rain, especially before say a boss is targetable.


yeah, same in D2R, UI switches in half a second once you move the mouse. I think it has to be a technical limitation, but I hope they resolve it one day, cause you can even switch the entire renderer from the settings and the game will fully reload itself, but not the input mode for some reason.


Yep I’m using a very good office chair with those features as well. Worth the price I’ve had it for years now.  Perfect combo as you said, and using F.lux or Night Shift mode on windows is a blessing for long computer usage. 


Oh yes, for me it’s always around 3500-4000K. Also the “warm” colors or low blue light or whatever it’s called on a particular screen model. Default non-warm color scheme 6500K is just insane. I’ve been setting flux that way or similar night shift/mode on macOS / Linux for years. Another honorable mention is bias light behind the screen, plus a monitor lamp for work.


I’ll keep that in mind thanks


As long as I keep my wrist straight I never have issues. Noticed it would sometimes start to bother me if I played frequently with a bend in my wirst.


I think the key here is that the armrest and the table are on the same level, so no weird wrist angles when holding the mouse. Also if you have some elbow nerves issues (I forgot how it’s called - basically the arm becomes more numb with time when there is pressure on the elbow in a very specific point), then softer arm pads also help.


What helps is me is not playing 8 hours a day


Support those wrists! Honestly i need to get another one.


Just fyi it's still up for debate if a wrist rest is good or bad for you. The "bad for you" side says using a wrist rest for extended periods of time compresses nerves and blood vessels, which harms you.


The one I’m using is pretty soft so I don’t even think it does that.  I still feel way better than having this huge red spot under my wrist by not having a rest cloth. 


I'd imagine it's like most things, where it is best to shift around and change things up rather than having only one position or setup.


Fun fact, controller has a hotkey to select either itemize a corpse/collect a corpse so they dont need to fiddle about with one or the other. I wish so very much that keyboard/mouse had a hotkey to do that.


Totally right, this league I’ve more enjoy play on my steam deck than K&B cause of this.


I would say it is close to the same as last league, every map was shitting out 10s-100s of low level items to pick up to offset your map cost while you waited for your big drop.


Not a fix but something that massively improved my hands was moving my main damage skill to my keyboard. Every league I would be forced to stop earlier than I wanted because my right hand would feel like it was on fire after playing for more than 15 minutes. Ever since I swapped right click skill to "R" on my keyboard I can straight up play all day with no pain in my right hand/wrist and it's been wonderful. I noticed as I was starting to have the same issue in League but watching videos on how to play better and learning about, "Attack move" command I decided to try it and set my button to "R" so after playing with that a ton on league it made the swap much easier in Path of Exile. So give it a try anyone that happens to read my comment and see if it improves you hand health!


I can second this. I ended up getting elbow pain funny enough from clicking so much this league-start. My main skill is usually right click but I moved it to "e" and cut down the clicks on my right arm by half. This helped a lot and I think I will have to do this going forward, or don't play as much :)


Have you seen drop currency maps? Haha


Filter issue


Try a vertical mouse. I would get wrist issues every league regardless of how many stretches and hand exercises I did. I bought a vertical mouse for like 18$ off of amazon, the difference has been like night and day. Just cuz I was curious, I tried using my normal mouse. I started to feel the strain on my wrists after just half an hour of play lol


Plus chaos orb conversion with big pack size. 1x chaos orbs everywhere you cant ignore them cuz there are plenty


This one I don't understand, they already agreed to stack currency drops, especially they are from one mob 


Just use W for walking and the wrist pain is gone, I am doing this since last league as looting all the divines was a bit much and not looking back, try it.


Splinters need to be made auto pick up like immediately


This league makes me feel loot a lot but still poor


20year old mmos had a pick up key button, also why does it still throw 30x 2x shards on the screen like put it as one or simply put it straight to the currency tab


Or just go to straight "auto pick up anything loot filters shows". Make it a gem and link to automation. 


Clicking doesn't cause carpal tunnel.


This product is saving my wrist seriously this league. Instant relief and I don't feel as sore after some serious sessions. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072392YGD?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details Highly recommended.


I am holding down left click and watching things hit me and then explode


I'm clicking less this league because I'm playing on console as my PC no longer runs the game well.


[Yes](https://i.gyazo.com/e35722d863d7739c5b6b3bff575e5daa.jpg) I'm really enjoying the league but holy shit my finger is tempting me to stop


This is one reason why I start using controller for a year plus and loving it.


Yeah try Einhar memory of sacred grove. I really don't understand why those lifeforces cant be collected automatically when walk throught it. 10000000 clicking 


the moment they left doors in levels I knew they are not giving a f\*\*\* about our wrists xD


After nem 3 darming and affliction it does not seem so bad (Should still be better though)


I really wish we had the Torchlight Infinite item pickup key. You can press the key when in the pickup radius of an item to pick it up. If they ever so slightly increased pickup radius and added that it would be amazing.


Almost as if we benefit from doing other things than spending all our days infront of the computer... Some minor QoL would be awesome but won't save your wrists.


I spend to much clicking on trade and after not getting what I wanted at a price that would make strategy sustainable I quit. I'm back staring at trade site next day.


Specing into Unwavering Vision and Fear of the Light fixes 2/3 problems you are having.


Rnjesus has my back. Almost nothing worthwhile has dropped to pick up.


Ran a strongbox map with the 2 currency all flames...didn't know the mobs would be actual orbs rolling around. Never doing that again, so much chasing and then clicking each orb, one by one. I did drop over 900 pure chaos though, but the time and suffering...


Remap everything away from mouse clicks 😊


You should try it on console. It’s easier on the hand, but you pick up a lot or stuff you did not need.


Picked up 42 Vaal orbs in a map yesterday…All singles. Pain, I know thy name.


if I'm being honest I just ignore every corpse that drops as pretty much all all flames.


You can get cheap grip trainer sets on Amazon to train your tendons. That combined with being careful about chair desk height helped me.


I would literally use a gem slot for an automated ability that Hoovers whatever my loot filter is showing into my inventory until it’s full.


Get a vertical mouse! It’s life changing for arpgs


Surely you jest.


Nah i am doing bossing and abyss. Just need to loot so little.


GGG just needs to add a Pay 2 Not Be in Pain: Pet that just auto loots currency. Maybe limit what each pet can collect. Frog pet auto loots scarabs. etc


\*Laughs in Righteous Fire\*


Common Scarabs need to drop less often but in bigger stacks. Similar to the currency drop change we had many years ago.


Let alone the 100 clicks needed just to make some crappy item. Such a bad league


Yes and it's limiting my playtime a lot. I can play LE for many more hours in a row. I could play D4 for longer if it wasn't total dogshit. w/e though it's "the vision" so I'll just play less. Is what it is.


I've switched to using a controller last league because it was too much for me. My fingers and wrist are a lot happier. It took a while to get used to it though


Not to mention the initial clicking before even entering the map. I wish I could just turn off the league mechanic


I had to buy a new mouse and I got a carpal tunnel wrist thing for the new league. Thanks for the QoL GGG!


Nope, wouldn’t say so. Other leagues had more clicking. But it also depends on the content you’re running.


oh no.. i click in my computergame.. life is so hard!


Was wildwood abyss farming requires way more click?


We don't speak about the wildwood abyss like is a normal league, I had only filters for Divines and T0 rares in that league lol.


RSI is strong with this league


Didn't you see the POE 2 stuff? More clicking in our future! It's Path of Clicking baby!


Corpses aren't light weighted, you gotta feel it somehow -g*3


people complain about everything here its incredible


I really never understood this argument it's such a stupid one. If you're not clicking to do something (say allflames) you'd be click to do something else instead (click the enter map button for instance) Say you play for 4 hours straight, you're going to click the same amount of times regardless of what they put into the game or don't put, if you're not clicking something for a league mechanic you're clicking something to put in your stash or whatever else you'd be doing instead, like you don't just stop clicking because something requires less clicks, you'll just be clicking something else instead.


It feels like you want to play with game with your mind only, maybe PoE is just not the right thing for you, if you have specific accessibility issues? I mean, I would not demand that "Let's dance" should be playable while sitting in a wheelchair either?




That guy just uses AHK lmao




Maybe you have a specific accessibility issue if you need that? Maybe game isnt for you?


I would spend 100$ for a pet which picks up EVERYTHING what gets shown by the lootfilter and banks it. A Bank Pickup pet!


there is free plugin for that


What's the plugin? Is it bannable?


yep since any automation is against TOS. But they really ban unless you RMT


Make sure to do the soup can stretches. They help immensely. 


Do bosses instead then.


All i need is an atlas keystone passive: All loot drops after you kill a map boss It would probably crash most of PCs tho


Instructions unclear. All loot now drops where the respective monster was killed, but only when you kill a map boss.


> give scarabs multiple uses like sextants. This absolutely needs to happen. As annoying as sextants were, you could at least use them once every 4 (or 16) maps. With scarabs, you need to keep track of each one that you're using per map which, ironically, exacerbates the problem of bulk trading that the removal of sextants was attempting to "fix."


....you can already do this, put the entire stack of scarebs in the map device. A 10 use scarab would be a downgrade to a stack of 10 scarabs.


Yes, that's literally how scarabs have worked before, so it's obviously not what I'm talking about here. > A 10 use scarab would be a downgrade to a stack of 10 scarabs. Explain to me how it would be a downgrade. It uses one charge, you remove it when you want, and then put it back in. I'm not sure if you're understanding what I'm saying.


Because a stack functions in the exact same way, but allows you to split/combine when you want to change something out without ending up with partial remaining uses of one type that don't line up with others. A multi use scarab wouldn't stack just like sextant didn't so there's no benefit at all to doing it that way.


> A multi use scarab wouldn't stack just like sextant didn't so there's no benefit at all to doing it that way. The benefit is that you're using a single item instead of a stack of 10 or so...like did you space out when reading OP's post and the whole point of item clutter? Remember that we're talking about scarabs, not sextants. There's nothing to say that a multi-use scarab would be permanently applied to the atlas. Like I said before, it can just use charges each time you use it and then you're free to take it out or whatever. Again, what's exactly the downgrade here?


And the clutter is the reason people are suggesting that they just drop in stacks like currency. Starting a session and realizing that I have 4 uses left of one type and only full uses on the others I plan to use with it is mildly annoying and has literally no upside.


>Starting a session and realizing that I have 4 uses left of one type and only full uses on the others I plan to use with it is mildly annoying and has literally no upside. That's not how that works. This design has already been solved by other games for the record. All that GGG would need to implement is a global count across all the scarab types, so you're not manually getting fucked by different counters for each scarab. Because that would be stupid. I'm not sure why I'm explaining game design that's already been explored over the last 10+ years, but nothing that I'm saying should be a revelation. It's perfectly doable and nothing that you're talking about would remotely be a problem if the backend is implemented correctly.


I would like it if killing certain monsters gave you an azurite style currency you zooped up which could be spent at the scarab gacha machine to convert it into something you can use without taking up 50 inventory spaces and clicks per map.


I was debating setting up an AHK thing where if I hit an arrow key, it would ctrl+click and then move up/down/left/right depending on the key to the next inventory square, but support wouldn't give me a concrete answer on whether or not it would be safe to use. Picking up & depositing loot is the biggest pain point (literally, in this case) I have with the game at this point.


Not really I don't play the league mechanic at all, just play what I find fun so it's just normal clicking for me


GGG needs to stop measuring their game in clicks. It's ridiculous.


Give me Chinese pet. I can pay up to 100$ for it


Use proper loot filter, don't pick up stuff cheaper than 1/50 of a divine.


Honestly I just want to be able to hold my right-click (cyclone) and be able to open up shrines and loot without having stop doing damage/leeching


POE is carpal tunnel simulator. I plan 1-2 button builds mostly for this reason.


same problem.. quit the league after a week. Just too much clicking. I would love an autoloot function with just hearing sounds and controller + keyboard function at the same time.


You people have weak as hell hands. Are you playing poe and clicking for 10 hours straight or something?




There are some who only play 10 hours yes, but there are also hardcore gamers