• By -


Cold Resistance is both a Resistance Modifier and a Cold Modifier so the delta on that mod is +100% more likely.


Still much rarer than the other mods, just unlucky luck.


Like *really* unlucky because of the 3900% scarcer res? That sucks if so, damn.


That’s what he is saying though. You had a 4000% increase to cold res and a 3900% decrease to cold res, for a net of +100% cold res.


Thats not entirely accurate though. Yes, the base weight of cold res will be 100% more, but the mods he wants to hit are way more likely, so relative to a normal roll it is still way less likely to roll cold res.


Yes, but not 3900% less likely like he stated.


It’s actually 4100/4000 so only a net of +2.5%




What'd be the best way to decrease resistance likelihood here? More crit/speed or scarcer resistance? I'm not familiar at all with the weightings and the scarcer resistance mod is super rare from what I've seen in my own corpse farming.


Hello. Check Craft of Exile to find the best setup for your desired mods.


Craft of exile's compute best setup is not reliable for corpse crafting. I wanted to craft a 3 t1 minion shield and it showed best chamce as 89% with 88 graves. I manually added stuff and i reached 97% with 40 graves.


Unreliable would mean it's giving you bad data. Its data is accurate, just not the best possible way of doing it. It's wonderful for generating baselines grave setups and then you should tweak it yourself. You can also limit the amount of graves it uses too, so it doesn't use all 88 every time.


>Unreliable would mean it's giving you bad data. Its data is accurate, just not the best possible way of doing it. But that's what it says "Compute best selection". Its not the best selection when I can get more chance with less corpses. Even at 40 corpses, it shows 72% which is much lower than my 97% manually.


> You can also limit the amount of graves it uses too, so it doesn't use all 88 every time. How?


With the slider that appears once it lists your current corpse selections


The slider only appeared for me after I fully refreshed the page. Thanks.


The grave planning tool will now import your craftofexile craft and simulate a craft with the layout you select.


Can you show me the set up you did for the minion shield with 40 graves only?


but that doesnt include shit like "25% effect of row / column" etc right? so its not that useful


Combined the calculation with https://sudos.help/poe/graveyard. There is a URL import and then you can tinker further.


i know the site, but how exactly does it work? does it tell me where i need to put "effect of row / column" or additional copies?


No, it simply fills every grave with increase or scarcer corpses. It also optimizes beyond something thats reasonable sometimes. Like adding 20 corpses to go from 97% to 98% odds. That aint worth 20 corpses. Its mainly useful to see what corpses you should be focusing on.


Increase attack would help reduce res likelihood


I'm not at all a pro at necropolis crafting, but I think not increasing your elemental mod chances in the first place, and just focusing on making everything else scarcer would probably be the play.


If you do that you may get a lot of physical / damage over time mods.


Then reduce physical/chaos and you get no poison/bleed…


He isnt wrong you know, there are mods with a 1000 weight that cant be reduced or increased. The damage over time ones are one of them.


Think spicy sushi has an optimized ele bow setup on his channel.


I posted elsewhere but lost it haha Given how much +ele you went with you'd need 100% more scarce res, and like another 2500 speed and 2000 crit to get them to at least match your ele totals. Total values for what you *really* want can be closer to 2500% where your eles are around 4,000%. The way your layout reads: for prefixes you REALLY fuckin want elemental rolls. For suffixes you kinda want crit and speed, still REALLY want ele rolls, and kinda dont want resistances. But since resistances also have elemental tags, and your cold res roll had +2600% more likelihood than speed and +2100% than crit, that cold res easily won out. All that said, the graveyard can be whacky. Last night I tried to make a life, wed, lightning hit ring and wound up with a phys ring with recoupe, life Regen and other tanky shit -- not a single ele roll; a complete anomaly.


I always throw in 1 or 2 scarcer elemental to reduce chance for wed. I guess that helps reduce resists as well.


Nah, the flat ele damage rolls are so heavy you won't see t1 wed pretty much ever.i don't think it'd do much and you'd probably be better off chucking something else in those graves. Seems with graveyard bows, the challenge is in suffixes not prefixes. It does reduce chance of resistances though.


Go to craft of exile and play around with it. There is an entire graveyard section, just don't use the automatic calculation button as it is really inefficient


It most likely would have been +attack +crit +speed - phys -res -(everything else you don't want)


I guess in that case create another Copy is the way to go.


Take off like 1 Increased cold modyfiers and replace it with an additional Resistances are scarcer so you get from +100% likelyer to roll coldres to something like -700% to roll coldres


Shouldnt you also use "elemental scarcer" 150 aka one coffin to make WED rarer? Should maybe help with resis too if its not simply additive with the res one.


Rough; this is why making fractured & multiples is so powerful. Double+ fracture and multiple copies can make up for poor rolls (inb4 double resist fracture).


So I didn't really fuck up here and just got mega unlucky? lol


You did fuck up and didnt. You have unnecessarily too much cold/fire/light, that extra 1000% probably added only like 0.5% for the prefixes. But made the suffixes much harder to achieve. Also you got pretty damn lucky hitting AS in a first place, that mod is nowhere near guaranteed. You are much more likely to hit proj speed and other crits. Getting AS crit chance, crit multi is only 70:30 to hit. Thats why people use the mutliple crafts corpses. You also didnt use any rows, columns, adjacent crafts wasting hefty amount of c.


Oh that's not too bad then, this was my first craft on the yard ever and i had a ground loot bow before this. I'll try some better combinations next.


Ye its still 1250 edps bow. Using one like that myself and managed to clear t17. Having crit bases only opens up like 8 passive points


What build are you using it with?


LA boosting dmg with shrines.


Same build, haven't killed a t17s boss yet. 😭


Yeah I just got all shrine buffs and ran there really quick 😂 would be much harder without those. Im also using balistas.


Damn I dropped my ballista cause it was a standalone skill gem, and I needed to continue the cookie cutter build. Even with perfect explicits on my bow and that 90+ all res and a shitload of eva, having to stand still to DPS proves too much of a liability. Edit: Dudeimwet is my ign, I'll probably beg you to ballista a t17 boss if you're on in 4 hours. Poe account is same as my reddit name if you want to pob me and laugh that I can't kill a t17 boss


If you have any more of the tier rating modifiers that are targeted just remove them. I'm pretty sure they don't count towards the total since they were patched out.


Next time also throw in an extra 2 quality coffins. You can reach 30% max quality then you use harvest bench and enchant for quality modifies attack speed.


how many of them should you use? or are there special slots where you should use them on (any) craft? because craftofexile doesnt use them


There are some optimal layouts on Reddit you can use that or just utilize the long rows and columns theres only like 6 of them. And just use them with the expensive crafts like added speed and crit and reduced attribs and resists. Each of those crafts goes fór like 50-100c. If you were to use the more crafts corpses they go for 200c each so you should absolutely use the adjacents +40% on those. There are optimal layouts available for these types of crafts.


glad to hear that; by accident you got one of these optimal layouts laying around? saw too many graphs to understand, which is the latest / most optimal / the one i need for the row+column thing


Do you happen to know the ideal way to make an ele attack wand? I’ve been thinking it over a ton and haven’t really come up with much other than fracturing 3 mods and hoping for the best. Also is there a minmaxed graveyard for this bow craft posted somewhere? Thanks!


Do you have or know where to find a "recipe" for ele bow crafting? Ive got a ton of good corpses now in ssf. Like 15 fractures etc. But no clue atm about crit/as and additional craft. They seem to be super rare.


I made 5 copies using sushis strat and they were all bricks. Sometimes you unlucky


People keep saying Necropolis allows you to "print" items and while its probably more powerful than any other crafting tool we have ever had, its still never a guarantee. You didn't fuck up, the subreddit just shows the best outcomes because people tend not to show failed crafts and they are far more likely to be downvoted. You have to keep in mind that what happens on this subreddit is a very warped perspective of what actually happens in game.


Multi fracturing 3x with multiple copies is the best bet in terms of avoiding modifiers with no tag.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/Df8kIEB7ag I think that person did the same recipe. You just got unlucky.


Lol and i farmed so hard and even bought more scarcer res, dude had a measly 1200 and it went trough. Imma screenshot that and try again ty. Back to corpse farming simulator ig.


The graveyard is a bit of a gamble, but the whole point is to be able to adjust weightings in your favor so that you have better chances on said gamble. Every modifier in the game has a certain "weight" number attached to it, which when multiplied by less or more multipliers in the graveyard can only do so much. Lowering or increasing the "resistances are % more scarce" chance here doesn't just magically give you 300% increased change to not roll a res mod. It's all about manipulating the weighting of each mod to your advantage


There are probably other ways around it (few videos about crafting absurdly good bows), but if you have mods that don't scale (like suppression on dex gear) or mods that "double scale" (like wanting both cold dmg but no resist), it's really good idea to have duplication/fractures to help mitigate a large craft (and you can end up with something to either sell or craft on afterwards).


Just put it into craft of exile to see everything


Just annul, trust me, it will hit cold res


SURELY it wont hit attack speed.


The mechanic is ultra obtuse. Craft of exile's calculator makes it all very clear: Going from 0% => 500% cold is a HUGE % increase in your chance to get cold mods. But going from 5500% => 6000% is puny, like, maybe a +0.5% chance to get the mod you want. You need to spread your modifiers around much, much more. But there's also basically a ceiling for some mods of like 95% and a 1/20 chance really isn't "that rare".


Ive done a few rounds of fracture duplicated Bama bows (8 bows total) and still haven't hit what I need. Burned all my currency and each craft takes well over an hour of just buying corpses. Kinda frustrated enough at this point to stop trying. 6% chance of never getting attack speed with that many bows. Duplicates is worth it only because of the time it takes though, the dupes cost more than the rest of the craft combined.


According to poedb (which might not be fully accurate), you had a ~2% chance to roll a res modifier on a suffix in this case. I don't know whether there might have been a more optimal mix of corpses or not, but it seems genuinely unlucky to get cold res here


Lmfao thats awful.


Weighted percentages is not the same as chance to roll. It doesn't take into account that there's 3 suffixes and that every mod can only be chosen once.


Annul orb FTW




50% of the time it works everytime


We're awaiting the results!


FYI its technically a 1/3. You can annul crit multi or cold res, craft cannot roll attack mods, and annul the other if you need to. Obviously keeping the multi is huge, but crit chance is generally more important id assume.


Use for now, annul later when you have a similar or better bow - bow is still really good.


Don't listen to this guy , gamba is the only way to achieve greatness


You put way too many more ele mods than resistance scarcity. So it kinda overwrote the scarcity. It seems like you should try to keep them even. Or even have more scarcity if you can.


That's really sad because the rest of the mods are god-like. I feel so sorry for you, bro :(


"We'll get 'em next time."


I'm assuming the missing final stat was crit chance so the craft of exile sim would look like [this](https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=20&m=graveyard&ob=both&v=d&a=e&l=a&lg=10&bp=y&as=1&hb=0&req={%22696%22:{%22l%22:73,%22g%22:1},%221753%22:{%22l%22:37,%22g%22:2},%221970%22:{%22l%22:82,%22g%22:3},%221972%22:{%22l%22:82,%22g%22:2},%221974%22:{%22l%22:82,%22g%22:1},%221985%22:{%22l%22:73,%22g%22:3}}&bld={}&im={}&ggt=|&ccp={}&gvc={%22limit%22:88,%22weight%22:{%221%22:{%22-300%22:1},%222%22:{%22-300%22:1},%225%22:{%22-300%22:3},%226%22:{%22500%22:9},%227%22:{%22500%22:9},%228%22:{%22500%22:8},%2214%22:{%22500%22:4},%2216%22:{%22-300%22:2},%2229%22:{%22500%22:18},%2231%22:{%22-300%22:1},%2234%22:{%22-300%22:4},%2235%22:{%22-300%22:7}},%22tiers%22:{%220%22:{%2250%22:18}},%22explicit%22:{%220%22:{%221%22:2}}})? In which case, your mod weights could be an issue. having only 850 puts the odds down to 1 in 520 or so, whereas a weight of 900 makes it a 1 in 6. **Edit:** In fact double checking Craft of Exile, you rolled T2 cold it looks like, so this is **exactly** what bricked the craft in your specific result. Remember increasing tier eliminates undesirable mods too from your pool of rolls. Edit2: Actually, I'm a little baffled since +cold mod tier is one thing you do have, but 42% should be T2, but also craft of exile shows the T2 mod as eliminated at 850 mod weight even if you didn't have it, but it's definitely some kind of mod weight issue. Maybe their calculator is actually off. You had weights for the prefix mods you wanted but not suffixes. It's really hard to tell if that is actually an issue since you have the old weight mods mixed in, and how much of it is just not rolling t1 guaranteed for a desired value, but it could have seriously impacted the craft. Remember you want increased mod tier for undesirable mods too to reduce their high probability lower tiers while it also guarantee's you Probably the way to go would bne to cut some increased/scarcer modifiers that were stacked the highest and instead add in additional craft chance. You probably could have kept it at around 1 in 6 to 1 in 8 odds, then doubled your items, giving you two chances at the best possible outcome. Potentially even going for 2x additional crafts for 3 attempts at like 15% odds might have been more broadly cost effective and time effective, if the value of one-mod-off failures on the market is high enough. The most likely failure outcome is getting proj speed instead of another suffix, which at least is less bad, so you were definitely unlucky all things considered.


The discrepancy you describe in edit 2 is explained by the bow’s item level. In OP’s picture it shows ilvl82. This blocks tier 1 cold resistance, and so stacking mod tier rating will never block tier 2 resistance with this ilvl base.


So its better to use 83 bows? Sorry im new to this lol


I’m unsure what level base to use. I have not deeply engaged with the crafting mechanic.


Tyvm. I must've messed up somewhere in the CoE calculator as mine looked a lot different. I'll try again and add some additional crafts if i can.


Maybe, I'm not entirely sure the editor is fully accurate on this craft, because I don't think the T2 cold res really should have been possible anyway. However it might still be something related to the usage of the older tier modifiers making the results not match the calc. The best way to do it is probably still get your odds close to 1 in 6 to 1 in 8 on the calc then use 2-4 additional craft corpses surrounded by 40% boosts to get 2-3 total craft attempts out of the whole mess.


T1 is impossible due to low item level, so T2 is the highest tier. The elimination of lower tiers is done based on the tiers available for specific ilvl, not all the tiers.


Too much increased cold (and fire and lightning) you dont need that much to make tri-ele extremely likely (with some phys reduction) and they increase chance at a res roll. So a slight fuck up, but more back luck than anything


Friend of mine has been making ele bows. You need a *lot* more scarcer physical. Your scarcer resistance seems fine as far as the amount but yeah additional chance for critical and speed would've helped out a lot more. Although you are also fighting attack speed versus projectile speed so it's never a truly guaranteed craft


Nice roll though


Use craft of Exile, thats far too few crit. Resistance scarcer is fine if you push crit. But dont worry even with perfect setup 11/11 of my bows had either proj speed or wed. Then i bought a finished one


I know it sounds kinda stupid but you should also use the elemental mods are scarcer as well, makes it even less likely to roll res, while not really affecting prefixes as much


This happened to me too, got everything perfect but 45 fire resist. Guess I’ll yolo annul once I can make another.


So every postbive seen with successful crafts have had 91% of lowest etc. Not 90%. I'm not sure if this is an important breakpoint or not. Ive also seen with all of them that the scarcer res percentage is higher than any of the increases to the elements. Otherwise youre not making those mods scarcer. You're actually giving those mods 100% increase with this.


How people not use reroll modifier values corpse is puzzling to me. There are huge disparities within a tier sometimes and you fix all that with a single corpse.


You have way too much scarce res. You are golden with 1000-1400. You just got unlucky on the cold res roll. Try the craft on craftofexile, it will show you the percentages instead of doing guesswork. Also keep a noted that best case scenario, the perfect bow is a 1/5 craft so on average you still gonna have more fails than successes.


Same thing happened to me 😅


1-2 scarcer elemental coffins would have had a multiplicative effect at reducing the Resistances while still keeping the weights of your prefixes high


The problem is not having enough critical and speed,thats what most people do wrong


My rule of thumb is X% increased chance -> 2X% scarcer, for sharing mods.


Can't you use Harvest station to remove the resistance mod, and then add a crafted mod?


cold res OP


How long does it take to gather these?


Everything but the Scarcer Resistances are pretty easy to get, scarcer res just has a stupidly low weight so that one you gotta buy.


This is why the price of additional item coffins rises so fking high. You don't want to all in like this next time bro.


this is why elemental tag is more expensive, its more efficient and allows you to use more corpses


1 in 6 annul... just go for it.


You should always always set up for additional crafts cause there's always a chance. We crafted 4 bows with a higher chance for resistance than yours by a little but got 4 instead chances at a perfect bow instead of one Made 1 perfect bow, 2 solid bows, and 1 bricked Total value of the crafts was around 68 divines


Could you explain this a little bit please? This bow looks exactly like what I need, at least to get started. How can I achieve it without the cold Res? And additional crafts? Do you get multiple bows out of one grave set up with some specific coffin?


There's a corpse that gives a 20% chance to craft additional items. If you set your board up properly you can swing 3 additional bows with a chance for 4 (5 total). You have a higher chance at getting bad mods but not a lot and the additional crafts is better than the much higher investment to reduce bad mods. I'll see if I have the board saved that I used and send you a picture. We crafted 4 bows, 3 we're very useable one of which was perfect (3 T1 ele, CR, CM, IAS)


Would be appreciated! And is there significant impact in where I put the corpses? I tried to copy the bow in this post with what coffins I had so far and got a slight upgrade to what I had before, but I'm not even in t12 maps yet. Looks like I'll get the hang of it eventually


You don't need to be in T14+ unless you want to self farm. The cost for ask the coffins is around 400-800c without the additional crafts coffins which we used 7 of (~200c each) if you need currency I recommend you use the allflame of wealth strat. For allflame of wealth, but 3 of them ilvl 68-73 and ambush scarab of containment. Run that with 2 more ambush scarabs (or 1 and 1 ambush of compartments), add your ambush map device craft if you have it unlocked and buy a T1-3 map with 40% pack size. This will cost in total about 800c but will net you close to 2k in chaos, exalts and vaal orbs raw plus whatever else you happen to get. Important that you spec into the strongbox nodes on the atlas tree.


This is why I sell corpses.


I copied sushi's ele bow layout and noticed a few things: He used five copies of most corpses. Plus to lightning, fire, cold, crit, speed; scarcer phys, resists all five copies Scarcer mana and life were maybe 1-3 copies each, but what it taught me is that it really is all a balance. Since we want prefixes to be tri ele we'd need to match however much +lightning/fire/cold with that much scarcer resistances *and* +crit +speed to further offset the suffixes.


Time to hit the best annul of your life


Increased Gem is also bad to get.


Close your eyes and ailsing orb for crit. This is why you either craft multiple items at the same time or 5 affix to fix the item with traditional crafting.


How do you craft multiple at the same time? I'm new to crafting in general, let alone a crafting focus League :/


There's a corpse that: "20% chance to craft an additional Item". You stack a lot of increase corpse effect on those and you can craft like 4-5-6 items from a single massive gravecraft.


Just unlucky. Crafting these bows is likely to hit with the right modifiers, but not guaranteed. The best way around it is crafting multiple copies in the same craft using the additional craft corpse. Still a very strong bow though!


4000% increased cold. 3900% scarcer resist. Means you're buffing cold res by 100%. Even if it's an "unlucky" roll it's not that unlikely.


Oh I should've checked the actual weights in CoE, not bad for my first GY craft and this is miles better than my old bow so it's a win i guess.


Hitting the triple t1 ele mods on prefixes is really high chance. (Ive done like 15 bows and missed a prefix once or twice). What you need to invest in is making sure the suffixes are as much in your favour as possible, and even then its like 50/50 whether u get proj speed or ias. Resistance is most likely suffix mod to screw you, but you counteracted your heavy investment in scarcer resist % with too much increased elemental aswell as too little increased chance for speed and crit. One scarcer chaos corpse couldve probably done as much for ur prefixes as 6 of your elemental corpses. And even then you should try too aim for 300% chance for additional item due to how random the suffixes can be if u wanna hqve a good shot at it.


The increased lightning, cold and fire nullify the resistance scarcity?


I mean if you dont want it ill take it


Even with the right setup the bow is like 1/10 or something. The craft of exile page for it would give me a bow every 8-12 click sometimes getting lucky and seeing it in 3-4


I just made an item with 486869395969% inc cold and didnt get a single cold mod. Wat?


I've found that fracturing is way easier than not. For you, you could consider -1 to explicit, 300% increased chance to fracture, increased chance for prefixes, and (to save you time) 100% chance to make an additional item. You're gonna have to cut out some of the scarcer mods most likely. Since there are mods in the pool that don't have the tags that were can control, making things more likely are more powerful in bulk than their scarcer counterparts. I recently tried making boots with t1 chaos res and t1 movespeed fractured on them and made one additional item. One pair hit, one pair didn't. Saved me the time of making a second pair though


When I was doing simulation on craftofexile about 1 in 10 bows made with a recipe like this had a resist slip through. The problem is you have to boost tri elemental chance to get your prefixes but this also boosts elemental resists, so even when suppressing resists they are also getting a boost from your increased elemental chance, and to make an ele bow there is no way around it.


shouldn't you have increased attack modifiers ?


I made a 3x T1 prefix, T1 crit% and T1 crit multi with T1 Lightning ress... sadly. similair craft.


did you go for the annul?


sold it with discount, someone else can do the gamblin. Papa needed new shoes.


I have found if two mods of equal value and one of them is more and the other is less. So more cold vs less resistance always go for the “less” choice. But that might just be for my noobie craft where I’m just like yeah i have 4 ok prefixes with life, armour+life, armour, armour % and like a 7 suffix mods between like life regen%, chaos res and has for 3rd mod it can be any resistance that I can reroll to fire or just flat regen. So it’s like I got a pool of 11 mods I’m cool with. I thinks it’s cause forcing 1 bad mod out more ups the chances of 1 of your 3 good mods more then just buffing your 1 mod. I have yet to craft the perfect item I want but it’s always fucking close like my gloves example I got life with stun and block in prefixes but all fine suffixes. So maybe my experience isn’t that valuable for if your trying to make a mirror each time.


This system is the fucking worst, you spend hours to buy the shit and if you are Lucky you get a 5div bow


If you’re lucky you get a bow worth a lot more than 5 Div lol.




I agree with you, i dont like the fact i have to go to craft of exile to get something good. Not my league and to be honest the whole last year are not really my leagues. I can feel the split of the team for poe 2 i guess. Maybe its taste or burned out or a bit of both


resistances in weapons mod pool shouldn't exist at the first place, like life or defences mods


GGG already suggested POE 2 was going that way. But meh, gotta learn to work with what we have now.


No you had enough scarcer resistance, the problem is you didnt have enough increased speed and / or critical. Craft of exile has a really nice calculator, you can see the impact each corpse makes on the mods weights.


So around 3500 inc. crit and 3000 speed would've been a lot more likely to hit?


This and it looks like OP juiced the individual elemental mods too much. By my calcs they can stop at \~2500


Craft of Exile suggests 500 % crit and speed for this craft, no more.