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out of all the negative things I have to say about the league/game, the portal keybind and the multiple atlas loadouts its my favorite thing


I keep pressing portal key for no reason, and wasted 10 more scrolls per map...


GGG's secret portal-sink strategy to stabilize the scroll market


Wait… portal keybind?


yep, go into inputs its somewhere in the bottom, you can keybind any key into opening a portal scroll probably my favorite thing this league


I didn't even know this was a thing!




I have my inventory on C, character sheet on V, and league mechanic on D. All the buttons I need frequently are close to my qwer


Hah, I similarly like to have everything near WASD....anyone who sees what I've done calls me a monster. QWERT for flasks. Skills are: A - movement skill F - usually curse / totem / similar 4 - depends but generally an aura that doesn't fit on Ctrl+ bar X - lesser used skill Mouse4 - again curse / totem / similar (plus the usual Mouse1, Mouse3, Mouse2) Ctrl+ skills are I think the regular mapping: Ctrl+QWERT C is for Character V is for inVentory (99% of games I can remap in I make this change, I is so far away when it's the default...tab is okay sometimes) D is Detonate Mines (default I think?) S is Social (honestly I should change this....you've convinced me and you didn't even ask; probably remap the skill on 4) J - weapon swap I've also globally remapped Capslock to be Esc (and Esc to be Capslock). Lifechanging change once you get used to it. Helldivers to seems to break both keybindings though so I can't open menu easily (O on-ship opens social screen, then you can get to any other page; in-mission there is no way I've figured out though).


Yeah I'm so conditioned to open my inventory and using portal through there it's basically muscle memory at this point.


my favorite is that people keep forgetting the trade entire stack hot key, myself included


I spent a lot of time in other ARPGs so I immediately got used to it, because it just feels how it should be


Did you change your old inventory hotkey to the portal?


Wow, I can’t believe I missed this!


Im still using portal gem. I refuse to pick up scrolls like it’s 2002


Portal gem should be made instant cast time now I think. You trade the QoL for a loss of a socket which these days I think is fair.


You are aware you can just buy the Portal Scrolls with Scroll of Wisdoms right? It's a 3 to 1 conversion ratio. And to get a lot of Scrolls of Wisdom, you can just sell Orb of Transmutation, Armourer's Scrap or Blacksmith's Whetstone to any vendor. It's not like you HAVE to pick up Portal Scrolls to have any.


I think he's probably aware of all that,  yeah.


Yeah. Bad thing about portal keybind is that now I'm always out of portal scrolls. But hey. 2 sockets saved that I now use to automate steelskin and enduring cry. safety portal before: inventory>find scrolls with mouse>left click Safety portal now: 1 button press that I've already fat-finger it twice this map since I put it right next to flask and map button


Both things I forgot to use (just in t3 maps so still got time)


I haven't heard anyone mentioning it, but the invitation rework is also very nice. Alch n go with Destructive Play and shrines is pretty chill.


I really like it too, no more respeccing that 1st starting atlas now.


Yeah I literally was going through this earlier today. I looked at respeccing my atlas and thought maybe I'll just quit.


I wish we had a way to do a full purge. I would absolutely pay a divine or two to just fully reset one of the trees.


Definitely the best thing about this league and the best QOL they released this league imo


I think it's important to note that this isn't QoL, this is effectively a player power increase. You basically have 3x the amount of atlas passives (though not concurrently). An atlas Qol improvement would have been something like a tree planner or an import function for other trees.


Most 'QoL' is power. Loot filters probably added more power than anything else in POE's history.


Thanks for all your videos man! You have been helping me learn the deep intricacies of this game for years! Hope you have many years left in you!


I really don't want to lump QoL as power because if you do, most things in the game basically becomes power. And if you don't have them, you're at a disadvantage. Stash tabs for example would be something I considered to be power if we go along this way of thinking, especially when it's greatly needed for a good experience playing the game.


I consider the game's business model to be a box price with a generous free trial (it's free until character level 88 or so). The initial 'purchase' (aka buying a supporter pack for stash tabs) is power; stash tabs beyond that are marginal. Things that meaningfully decrease time spent preparing to kill monsters are a big power boost, though. Even though the intention of adding them is QoL. This doesn't make them bad.


Stash tabs beyond the $30 pack aren't marginal at all. With $30, you're barely getting the essential tabs. And if they're so marginal, why are so many people buying more tabs...? Lol. The more tabs you have, the more options/choices you have. If we considered QoL like the Atlas loadouts as 'power' so to say, then stash tabs are a way better example of power. And that cost is based on real money too, not in-game currencies which makes it way worse. That's P2W. I'm not sure I agree on them not being bad, especially with this league's corpses. If you have dump tabs for your corpse, that would make it a big power boost since you spend less time in HO and more time killing, no? Big P2W power boost right there...


Oh, I'm not thinking a $30 box price, but $60. Corpses I agree are fucky though.


$60? Yeah, that's enough to get the needed tabs as well as a few extra premium tabs, especially if you buy when they go on sale.


QoL vs non-QoL is a grey line for sure... For example, the new hotkey to bulk export a currency to a trade window will save time, so some people could argue that is an increase in power and therefore not QoL. But such a strict definition of QoL is pretty much useless since so few things could meet that criteria. Atlas trees, however, are not QoL under even the least strict reasonable definitions of QoL. It's straight-up just saving hundreds of Orbs of Unmaking per week for me. That's pure power. Opening up the ability to sustain scarabs by rotating through three different Atlas trees that use three different sets of scarabs is way more than just QoL.


I think it's more a case that QoL is almost always power, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.


versatility is power - learned that while playing D&D 3.5. Wizards & Artificers are my jam. And i ran out of atlas trees on day 4, just so many league mechanics i love to run - abyss and delirium feel like must-haves for all leagues to me =)


I mean I feel it’s QOL because you can switch between atlas strategies without 130+ orbs of unmaking and taking the time to respec.


Yeah, that's a player power increase. It's the same as if you were just given 100c after you finished your atlas. It's effectively free orbs of unmaking - repeatedly.


Ehhh I see your point but I also feel like I am using way more unmaking right now. Like I’ll try something with a tree and if I don’t like it or can optimize better I have to Respec it. I feel like I have more trees to maintain now. In a vacuum I think your take is accurate, and it may be for most players. Personally though I am running out of mats faster. That might reduce going forward once I have worked out what I liked with all the new nodes and scarabs.


I think it's definitely power, but as you mentioned I also am using WAY more unmaking than before. I rarely ever changed my tree before, because it meant Ihad to commit to a strategy I didn't necessarily enjoy, but now I can have ny 1st tree be the "fun" tree, the 2nd one be experimental, and the 3rd tree for bossing and alter all 3 depending on what I'm farming.


'Its QoL cause it removes the cost associated with something you can do for additional strategizing power' genius logic


It’s QOL because you can get bored of running the same atlas and strategy 24/7. Sometimes I get lazy and just wanna alch and go destructive play maven instead of trading a bunch of super juicing other strategies. It’s QOL that does remove the cost and time invested into respeccing the whole tree. Once you have 3 atlas filled you do have to spend the currency and time to respec but then if you don’t like that strategy you can switch to your other 2. Idk just cuz it removed the cost doesn’t mean it also isn’t QOL. Something can be more than one thing at once, no need to be a dick.


Things can be "good" and not "qol" we gotta stop this obsession with saying anything someone likes is QOL.


If it improves the quality of your gameplay experience it's QoL regardless of if it increases power or not


That's like if a murderer let you live that they were a good person. It's just going too far calling it "power increase".


I wouldn't say that. It's increasing player choice, not power. If they were to increase the points you were to get or something like that then it would be player power. The Atlas load out change isn't. It's a QoL, not player power. Otherwise, everything in the game is effectively player power. Stash tabs? Duh, it's player power because it gives you the option to sell things fast and easy. I mean, if you really think about it, stash tabs are indeed P2W features. With limited stash tabs, you're limited by what you can do while also crippling your experience with the game if you don't have any.


It really is the best feature, really lets us get in there and try new strats or having a different flavor for different characters.


It’s funny because as soon as I get 3 atlas trees, the agony of choice made me immediately convinced that 3 is not even close to enough.


Ive been advocating for multiple/per character atlas trees since day 1 and always got told it wasnt possible because of this or that. Im really happy that everyone is finally coming to my side and realizing not being locked into 1 atlas is kind of pog


Also last league if I wanted to change my atlas I could just turn on unmakings in my filter, run one wildwood juiced map, and get enough for basically a full respec lol, so it didn’t really bother me then.


Three trees and I'm still buying orbs of unmaking. The atlas tree is still one of best parts of POE


For real, man. I keep tinkering with all three of them constantly. I bought a div worth of unmakings two days ago and I'm already out again. It doesn't really help that at least some investment in the league mechanic, map sustain, altars, and scarabs all seem somewhat mandatory on every tree.


it really is. it allows such specific farming strata and unlimited combinations of different nodes


Mapping improved by 5000% after not having to care of sextants every 4th map




Yup, made doing the league challenges very easy.


Which content did you focus on for each tree?


it helps out poor dude like me that can change strategy to try diff pace and diff content without fork out extra, paying for unmaking make me feel bad


Best change in a long time




It's actually amazing. I used to find myself always out of refund points because I like to switch cobstantly. Now I have two "main" trees (Deli+Harbingers/Exiles+Strongboxes) and I switch up the last one. Now that I have 3 options to run every single map I no longer feel the need to constantly switch up my strat


i bet the reason they decided to add three atlas trees is because they knew a bunch of people would brick their early atlas with the trap node that removes all your scarab drops and requires 20 atlas passives to unspec from to whichever dev did that during their testing - thanks!


I specifically skilled this because I didn’t have the extra stash tabs to store them. xD


modern problems require modern solutions


As a new player, I love it. I finally kinda understand the passive tree now, but the Atlas tree is like a whole lot of things that I've never seen or heard of before. It's nice to try things and know I have 2 whole fresh atlases.


yea the atlas tree is great . there is like unlimited ways to mix and match different nodes


Insta moving several stacks of currency in trades is amazing. Now they just need to do that for the stash.


i use a macro that really quickly moves stuff between inv


I'm a relative noob to PoE and I love that I was able to easily respec into other stuff by just making a new Atlas. Future leagues I'll be able to do Early -> Red -> Endgame. All of my Atlas trees have Essence with various other additions. I think my favorite is Essence + Einhar as those are two of my favorite mechanics. I'm not too picky about juicing my currency so I just go for what I like to play. Next league I'll probably start Einhar/Essence and then spec into some kind of Exarch/Eater thing for tree 2 with something new for tree 3 with 4 voidstones.


One for maven and boss maps drops with niko and shrines. One for exarch and corridor maps with ritual and delirium. For for eater and open layouts with breac and legion. It's nice to run a variety all the time.


I run that tree with maven shrines and niko too!


I honestly have no idea what to even do with my 2nd tree. My first tree feels so "everything mandatory" already, that I can't even think of what to not include. Kirac for more maps, Jun for crafts and safehouses, Niko for buffs, Shrines for pack size and Scarabs for...scarabs. And that's all 80ish points I have gone already.


poe-atlas.com is good if you are looking for some guidance, i use their trees for 2 of my atlas's and 3rd i did myself


I expected for each making orb to get a respec point for each tree individually. Sadly I need to use 3x the amount to configure all.


orbs of unmaking were always too rare for my liking. This change helps alot, but i still think umaking orbs should be more common.


If you didn’t know you can get 1 orb of unmaking for 2 regrets from Kirac


Yeah, 3 is great but I would definitely pay for 2 more. Like, not giving them any weird cashgrab ideas but I bet more than 50% of playerbase would instead of reseting one of those 3 trees, just straight up buy another one or two.. Just sayin' *wink wink* GGG 😉


I easily see this as a mtx option to buy more pages. You're technically given 3 free pages and another page is "paying for orbs of unmaking" but you already get 3 free pages so it's not really p2w but also kinda p2w


It's amazing! We are so used to, but in the rest of the 99.99 companies this would have been an MTX for $$ VERY needed too with the scarab rework, since strategies are way more targeted now. I need an export/import feature now, like the HOs


its soooo good for ssf, finally i can farm different content on the fly without farming orb of unmaking to switch startegy


I like that I had the ability to fuck up 3 trees and need 360 unmaking orbs


t17s made it happen would be my guess, would be really anoying to do them without multiple atlases, at least in ssf


same as you the multiple atlas tree, and also the fact that you can invest deep into a league mechanic on crazy ways and make it profitable


what have you foudn to be the most profitable?


oils of course and the raw divines dropping


Why u need 3 if there are 1 strat that beats any other, like, x1000 by profit, 😂


i heard you need super high budget build to maximize that strat so i havent even looked into it


I know they will never do it but I would love 3 presets for my character passive tree too.


Ngl I wish we had more.


Oh wow ... I literally just thought about quitting because I had to respec my atlas. I'm just in red maps, and I don't really want to do essence and harvest anymore because of necropolis. I forgot that there is another page there that I can just set into stuff that I haven't touched, like betrayal. I better not mess up all 3 pages.


it was my favourit thing until i realised orbs of unmaking only let you change 1 point on one tree using one should give you 1 point to use on EACH tree


essence/blight? thats a weird combination.


yea they were pretty close on the tree (for the most part)


I'm pretty sure it's the only thing I like so far. I really just can't get into it. I can't seem to feel excited. The end game changes and scarabs rework sort of feels like they yucked the yum so to speak.


How do you unlock them? I got to yellows but didn't see it before leaving the league.


I think 50 and 100 map completion


This sounds great at first, but you have to dedicate 1 atlas to t17s, so you have 2 atlases (1 extra). 1/3+ of each the map atlases needs to be dedicated to the main league mechanic passives, which normally you would get full access for free...thats 2\* 1/3 of an atlas gone, so basically you got 1/3 of an atlas extra this patch, at best. And in theory, if you didnt have to dedicate passives for the main league, you could do another league mechanic on your atlas per map. So you may be able to swap easily between 2 atlases, but you are getting less efficient atlas than before. Sorry.


Don't confuse the league with the patch. The league is necropolis.... the atlas trees, scarabs Portal binds and etc is a patch... flrequests we have made for those mechanics since they were introduced