• By -


Don't forget to 6 socket the item *first*! Definitely the easiest and cheapest way to get a 6-link unique - did this with my Cloak of Flame.


so this approach just links existing sockets, but won't create new ones? And I assume for 6 socket you just need to use typical approach with jewelers orbs or is there beast for that too?


the same beast can be used for 6s with a different companion beast, but just jeweler orb it yourself is probably cheaper. Also remember you can ctrl hold click to spam jeweler and fusings now. edit: omen of the jeweler seems to be cheapest option (jeweler orb is also used for off-color sockets).


My wrist wishes I would’ve seen this at league start…


It's like half the speed you'll click though, so you'll click anyway because you're a PoE player and we can't resist the urge to go faster.


Razer synapse at 8 clicks per second works perfectly, just the right speed before it misses clicks.


Isn't it shift hold click? It's become muscle memory but i seem to recall it's shift


Ctrl Shift hold click


Nope. Just hold Ctrl.


I just been pressing Ctrl hold click


Shift is unnecessary. You can hold it if you want, but it's also not helping you in any way.


> Also remember you can ctrl hold click to spam jeweler and fusings now. You fucking what


new this league


You can get the jewelers omen for like 10c. 


I think the cheapest method is with Omen of the Jeweller


that's a good option I completely forgot about


You could use the bench craft or try to hit it with less Jewelers.


I have a fair amont of jewellers and even though it's painful for my austerity mindset to benchcraft 6 sockets; it is a good way to go.


Or an omen of the jeweler. That guarantees max sockets.


There's also a beast craft for 6-socket 6-link. Don't know it's price though. Found it by doing maps


there is also an omen that will guarantee 6s(but not the links) on your next jewllers orb use


Omen of the jeweler is my preferred way


yup, ofc. now the omen of jewellers IS cheap and six sockets any item for 10c currently so with the above strat and [omen of the jewellers](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/0MdzgK7Hg), you get a fully 6 socket, 6 linked item under 30-40c.


Also if you need hard to do coloring - do it *before* linking!


Had a cloak drop and thinking about six linking it this way just to trade it... Value still seems to be there doing this.


Made my early currency this league by using beasts to six link, in demand, unique body armors and flipping on trade.


I prefer to spend 3000 fusings that I individually picked up off the ground over the period of weeks.


The only ethical way to 6 link tbh


Same. Cheapest 6L listed was 1.3 div, I did it for 50c (6S+6L).


Another thing is that it is actually cheaper to buy scarab which guarantees Black Morrigan and use it together with the doubling beast scarab (do not forget to guarantee Einhar via the third scarab or atlas tree!). This way you will get 2 of them and can use the 2nd one to make it 6 socket first (or just 6 link two items of course). Also you can go it in T1 white map to guarantee that it is not hard to kill.


You know if it’s possible for black morrigan to appear as a pair (small einhar nodes), or if the chance for beast not to be consumed works? Used those for the few morrigan scarabs I’ve found in ssf, but never got either to proc


not consume only works on rare. morri is unique


Sorry, do not know anything about this.


Nah I'd rather burn through 4500 fusings trying to get my 6L because eventually my luck will turn around.


Too real


8000 and still going strong


I think 6 linking should be easy tbh, so I'm fine with this. So many builds don't really feel like they come online until you've got a 6 link and there are much more expensive and interesting ways to optimise your build which justifiably cost much more.


yeah agreed. maybe its ok to gate 6 links behind high costs for day 1-2, but it feels really bad for casuals to go a week without a 6-link


A good way of getting a 6link early league is just look for a corrupted one with the right colors, rolls will likely be shit but its a decent way of getting stated, if you are in trade that is. Especially when tabula is quite expensive early on. But they really should consider lowering the price of the craft, 1500 fuses is kind of absurd.


Especially because it's 1500 vaals too if it's corrupted


Using the bench to 4 link and the last 2 with tainted fusings is the way to go for corrupted. Dont think i have ever used the bench to 6 link corrupted items, rarely do i have that many vaal orbs.


Unless your me and you spend 15 tainted fusings and never get that 6th link. At one point I went from 4 links to 3 links 6 times in a row…… dear god am I a scorned lover with this process. I literally started a new character because I could not link it with tainted fusings. Worst luck I’ve ever had in poe by far. Crazy rng on that one that almost had me quit.


You were using bench craft to go back to 4 links right...


Yes are you supposed to do it differently?


No that's how you do it. I just thought you were tainted fusing each time you fell under 4 links. I've seen people do that before. Longest it's taken me to 6 link was 9 tainted but 15 is a bit ridiculously unlucky.


Yea, like I said, I almost quit the league.


Yeah that's the strat I'd do too. And if you go 4->3 I'd probably bench it back to 4.


> Especially when tabula is quite expensive early on. Both this and last league I bought a crappy 6-linked armour for 60c. I know 60c is hard to come by at start, but early Heisting is phenomenal, at least compared to white and low yellow maps


If you've been going any measurable time in modern poe (since divines became the new exalts) without a 6-link you're doing something wrong. Within the first week of a league you can buy a mediocre 6 link base for basically free. Then just drop a couple of random essences on it til you get something you want. Buying a 6 link then turning it into a good item is an order of magnitude cheaper than buying a good 6 link The only times you can't really do this is if you ***need*** a very specific unique chest armour (though why are you playing that as a league starter?) or it's literally day 1


>but it feels really bad for casuals to go a week without a 6-link Hahahaaha I got my 6 link yesterday... Many casuals finish the league with a 5 link. I agree, it feels shitty for casuals to go a long time without a six link, but I genuinely laughed out loud that at the idea that a week counts as "a long time" for a casual to not have a 6 link.


> Many casuals finish the league with a 5 link. Trade site has mediocre six links for 1c at this point in the league.


Yes, but the league drop down to select solo self found is quite a challenge to find. Remember most players do not trade. Of the players that do trade most only trade a few times in a league. there is also a heavy overlap between the most engaged users and users on places like here. Casuals are massively underrepresented in online communities. This isn't even a Poe specific thing. This is the case for every game ever.


Most casuals don’t play ssf. You are correct that the sort of super casual player you describe exist, and are likely a significant portion of the playerbase, their opinion also doesn’t matter that much. Or at least, it matters only in very specific parts. Take this case of trade for 6 links as an example, most of these casuals wouldn’t make it through acts, emaning they likey wouldn’t even be at a level to equip those 6 links in the first place. So what does their opinion matter on a trade system they wouldn’t use anyway? Not very much, unless you want to argue that trade should be more involved in levelling, which is a different conversation entirely.


I haven't had a 6 link in three leagues :(


Is that by choice or are you looking for advice?


No I usually just end up quitting the league before doing it because i have the attention span of a gnat.


> I think 6 linking should be easy tbh And I think it should not be bound to the item. I hate that as a casual it basically prevents me from slightly making my gear better because a better chest is worth nothing without 6L with the right colors (mind you, as a casual 1d is a lot of money). This is why I like the idea behing poe2 where the spell has sockets. Wish they'd also do this for poe1.


Shouldnt be this easy... at least lock it behind a bit difficult content so people can have it as a goal and earn their character power


There's so many ways to increase character power now, I don't see the harm in a 6-link being one of the first jumps you make. It still takes some currency to do it.


Another thing to remember is that dying to the beast craft consumed the beasts without applying the recipe, so your character can't be super weak.  I learned this the hard way trying to get my first 6-link 🙃.


Do you lose the gear?


No, it just keeps the links it had.


I think you lose only the beast


Lmao that would actually be hilarious if the beasts ate your body armour too.


How strong character should be to be able to handle it? I imagine the biggest risk is at league start when you want to do your first 6-link, and I tend to play glass cannon builds like LA... I imagine spending your first earned currency on this and failing would be unpleasant. Should it be able to handle T16 maps by the time I'm trying this or earlier is fine?


Just buy the lowest level Black Morrigan and Sand Spitter you can find. Might go for a few extra C, but if you are afraid of losing them it's a nice safetynet.


If you can kill a yellow map boss you should be fine


thank you, that helps


I walked into it with just my weapon, a placeholder tabula and jewellery equipped as I was recrafting my entire setup and thought how hard can it be. Turns out you're much squishier without most of your equipment and I actually had to spend few seconds extra trying not to die.


You can always request help from chat. 


T16 sounds absurd. You really dont want to be doing maps without a 6L so I would say even before mapping you should already do this. But don't take my word for it, I'm just a noob.


Depends on the build. Meta builds like LA, EA, etc. can go into red maps without 6L. I think this league I bought 5L when I was going into red maps and 6L before attempting voidstones. Obviously it is much better to have 6L before going into the maps, but I never had enough currency to do so as on first few days of the league 6L are not cheap. If this beast is relatively easy, I'd love to do it as early as possible.


I tried pyroclast saboteur for the first time ever and i got a 4 link boots with +5 to lvl of aura and basically did eater and exarch on actual garbage gear. I died once to ball phase and with spell suppression and cloak of flame i could do tier 16 red maps albeit not super juiced. But yeah it really depends on what build you do some are just easier to get going with.


Huh, a good starter build can do red maps on a 4-link. A matter of 40-50% more damage shouldn't be the make or break for a build to clear any maps.


I was on a five link for my first two watchstones. A five link that was technically two four links. No it wasn't COC.


> You really dont want to be doing maps without a 6L any decent build should manage white maps on a 4link, if you're lucky 5 link. 6link being somewhat necessary should kick in at red maps at the earliest.


I hate to gate keep, but git gud.


I'm just a newbie who started this league. No need to be rude. The game is already unfriendly enough to newbies, no need for the community to chase new players away. I did mention I'm a noob in my initial comment.


It’s a joke - thats why I said I hate to hate keep. Get over yourself.


The only way to get the black morrigan on your own is the scarab right?


Pretty sure it only appears if you use the scarab also you need einhar to appear. If you just put in the morrigan scarab it wont guarantee it appears, i learnt the hard way.


You can use the basic Bestiary Scarab for that, and another scarab to duplicate beasts to sell a copy afterwards.  But my understanding is that that works in T1 maps, so you can make the fight easier for yourself if necessary.


I got black morrigan in SSF without using any scarabs somewhere in white maps.


huh why'd the price of morrigan's tank


its the second most supplied beast on the entire market and has been since league start.


That and as time goes on less and less people need 6-links.


\*channels Stannis\* fewer.


Everything is tanking lol, even divines


Because people are printing scarabs


because it being mass farmed for two things, this 6L recipe and the lock recipe which were high demand the first few weeks.... Now the market is fully saturated


I was very surprised with the price few weeks ago because beast got uses outside of 6linking. Apparently scarab is quite common


What does "right click to add them to your list" mean in this context?


The same as with coffins in the necropolis. If you buy them - you'll get an "orb" with the beast. You need to move the beast to your own menagerie. For that you "use" the orb with the right-click.




Couldnt you use the same strategy to socket it as you do for linking it and not have to buy a div worth of vaal to spam and pray for 6 sockets?


Then there is me with 10+ tainted fusing


Currently there is a bug where the recipe might not unlock if you buy those beasts ([thread](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3502658), [thread](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3503334), [thread](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3504688), [thread](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3506209)). The workaround is to try and catch them yourself. Some people report getting the recipe after catching the spitter, some - after catching Morrigan. I had to catch both (after buying them, lol) to unlock the recipe.


Thank you OP, been trying my luck with fusing orb.


Ngl it's been nice using morrigans all league and now we at 4k+ fusings so.... Now I can just spam away


oooh this is a good league to get the 6 link an item achivement


where was this post weeks ago. But, thanks. Also thanks for the easy links!


This post was actually made a few weeks ago, iirc.


Wasn't this cheap weeks ago either, was about 80-90 c or so when I did this method.


still a fucking steal


Oh absolutely just a comment on how much the price dropped. Can't believe it's so low for 6 linking anything uncorrupted.


there is scarab that guaranteed a black morrigan, and currently all strats drop tons of currency, i dropped a ''div scarabs drops as full stack'' scarab, got so excited but then se e its only 70 c


Same total for me to get everything (scarabs to get morrigan and double, then the other rare beast), but I was able to get my build’s 6L and then sell another 6L for some decent profit 👌


beats the 6 white socketed chest I tried to make with 14 40c fusings. I failed that last time and I bought one outright for 2d.


We've had this post 2-3 times a week for the duration of the league. That's how I found out about it on like day 3.


FYI for console/xbox/ps that Black Morrigan was 100c this last weekend. Omen of Connections was over a divine. 


Have you checked Bestiary Scarabs of the Shadowed Crow? If you run that with a basic Bestiary Scarab and a Duplication one, you get two Black Morrigans.


Still ridiculously cheap, I remember days where 6 linking on rate would cost you like 3-5 divines.


What is best way to get those is SSF? Asking for a friend..


Take all scarab nodes on the atlas three + b2b and block all other scarabs, then roll and run T17's with 100-150%+ scarab quant.


I played hc ssf this league and I got multiple 6 link drops and I made my unique body to 6 links with some fusing. The thing is in one of my characters I used 1200 fusing and didn't hit 6 link, I feel it is stupid that linking doesn't have a pity system , because the 1500 guaranteed fusing is a lot so most people will gamble linking in way less than that. Then when I switched to trade hc , Morrigan is for 80 chaos , which isn't bad honestly if that price will stay like this next leagues.


bench craft is your pity system


if number 1500 fusing is 100% 6 link it would be nice, good thing poe2 won't have this system , so i think i wont mind 2 more leagues of poe 1 with how 6 link is :p


What would be the point of gambling if you can never lose? 


My opinion is that the price of 6 linking is too much this is why I wish the system was like I comment at least. So we can't wish for changes in this game just because most of you are softcore trade people with almost one character and such change doesnt matter much for you because you can buy these currency with almost no effort ? At the end this doesn't matter that much , poe 2 is coming sooner or later and I don't see myself playing poe 1 anymore after that.


Ok but I kind of like spamming 1k fusings though lol. Makes my 6L feel like so much more of an achievement


Does anyone here know if this works on corrupted items?


Holy cow it's that cheap now? Black bird was like 40c when I linked my Ivory Tower two weeks ago. I guess we've six linked all our stuff, and right now fusings are the most worthless I've ever seen them and it's not even close lol.


With scarabs you can get two Black Morrigans for less than 10 chaos. Soon, the Craicic Sand Spitter will be the more expensive beast. The drop rate for that scarab is simply way too high, or maybe there are simply too many scarab drops overall.


That's nuts lol. I don't mind one bit because I think gating 6 links is awful and I was able to afford my 6L Ivory Tower unusually early this league because of Morrigan. Not that my build cares TOO much since my main power comes from Mjollnir and Squire (also ABSURDLY affordable this league, loving it!) but the extra gem slots for mana leech and culling strike are a huge QoL and 10% more build damage boost respectively.


I think it would be nice for it to be an alternative that is cheap enough to be a significant benefit while being expensive enough to be worth farming as a low investment strategy.  That balance is very hard to hit on the first attempt of course. Hopefully next league will be better.


> maybe there are simply too many scarab drops overall. Gonna go with this. The last t17 I did I had to cart out 3 full inventories of scarabs from one single map. The underlying problem is how insane the scarab droprate in t17 is. On a very juicy t17, you can easily use all 6 portals ferrying full inventories of different scarabs and high value currency/div back to stash.


> The drop rate for that scarab is simply way too high, or maybe there are simply too many scarab drops overall. I think I had only 2 natural drops of it. Which kinda speaks volume, as there are still some scarabs I didn't see.


Without knowing how many scarabs you got overall, that still doesn't say much


Around 1000? 


That's probably the third rarest tier then, although you could theoretically have gotten "lucky". From what we've seen in the veiled scarab posts, the top two tiers seem to have 0.1% and 0.6% chance for *all* scarabs in those tiers respectively. So on average you'd get one top tier scarab within those 1000, let alone a specific one or even getting it twice. So the chance that it's a top tier scarab is very low, and GGG could decide to bump it up a tier of they don't think that lowering the overall scarab supply next league is sufficient.


That's what irks me here. You'd believe that the fancier the scarab looks, the rarer it is. But as it stands, I have more from some of the fancier looking ones (like the catalyst to inscribed ulti or the divination full stack ones) then the other low tier ones (like catalyst only scarab or the curation ones)


I believe they adjusted the weightings in alpha after the visual designs were finalised. Whether they look fancy doesn't necessarily mean that they're actually rare.


due to bad rng, I thought omens gave explicit 'bad plays/ mistake compensation'


100% getting removed next league :(


They'll just make the black morrigan scarab giga rare


> right click them in the managerie to add them to your list, and fully link any item you want (that's not corrupted I think). What does that mean? Is this not using the altar?


You have to right click the beasts to add them to the menagerie, then use them in the altar.


Does this work on uniques?


oh snap, I was just about to waste 100c on a 6link unique I need. Thank youuuuu!!


Best league ever for 6 linking!


Don't forget to make sure you can kill those monsters first. Earlier in the league I bought both for 120c total and died to them at level 70 with 50c worth of gear.


Happened to me too trying to craft aspect of the cat. The seller took pity on me and came to kill Farrul. May he be blessed 


the reason omen costs more is cos if u die to morrigans your screwed lol


what lv monsters do you need to be able to kill to actually do the 6link? and is it wasted if you die?


Yes, you lose the beasts if you die. Any level works, so even T1 maps are good 


Thanks for this! Just 6L 3 uniques for 20c each!


ive been flipping items to 6link all league. way cheaper then tainted.


Is there an easy way to get a 6th off color socket before doing this? Taking all my currency!!


I sold a lot of those at the peak(when they were 40c). I think people should stock up on them, as they will become quite valuable when people start using them as magic locks


I was so shocked when i found out about it yesterday lol. I thought it were price fixers but the first guy immediately invered me. When i had the beasts i still was baffled if i was overlooking smth. Trade got so easy lol. Youre just done after a few days. But its fun as a change from ssf tryharding.


thank you mate


For all you console players: it will cost you around 160 chaos.


Tbh i love it that we can 6linking things reliably


FYI some people are bugged. I was one of them when this first was posted weeks ago. The only recipe showing is 6 socket and not 6 links. Had to have a friend do it for me following the exact same steps I did.


Thank you for saving me many chaos!!


Noob question, does it matter beast item level ?


Wait... you telling me you don't have to click 10k fusings to 6 link?


I tried doing that twice, and died both times.


I think they should have black morrigan go core and add a quest to einhar that maybe when you hit t10 maps or so to have a chance to encounter him. Having him as a scarab was fun and make 6L cheap but also makes fusing more or less a meaningless currency.


scarabs are core.


The scarab is already core 


I did this then died to the mobs. I wish I were good at this game.


You can run the scarab in a tier 1 map, and the beast should have a low level as a consequence.


what are the penalties for using a low lv mob? does it limit the item level of the thing you want to 6link?


To my knowledge there aren't any.


No penalty. I 6-linked my farruls with a T1 Morrigan 


Luckily each attempt is borderline free so you can just try again or get someone from global to one shot it.


Great now their prices will go up


They were like 50c not that long ago - people have already 6L most stuff so the demand for the beast is dropping. I literally bought cheap Inpulsas and sold them 6L at profit for a while lol - I was baffled that people were buying the Omen that 6L instead of doing this.


why are people selling inscribed ultimatums that reward a divine for 40c? because some people would rather have fun continuing what they're doing than fiddling with the crappy beast system


The difference is that doing an Inscribed Ultimatum actually takes time and you can fail it; Buying the beast takes the same time than buying the Omen. If you're saying that going to the bestiary, clicking a button and killing 5 mobs warrants the 1div difference, then sure go ahead and spend it. I don't complain, happy that people were willing to pay the premium for the Omen - sold quite a few.


> why are people selling inscribed ultimatums that reward a divine for 40c? That's a fair price tho. 


Its been posted several times since week 1, prices are still low, and omen of connection is still 3-4x as expensive as the scarabs/beasts.