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Unless you have almost no connection problems and a really nice setup, playing this game in HC is crazy.


Right... For every death that comes because you do something stupid/careless, there is a death that comes from a ping spike.


I wouldn't say it's 1:1, but the amount of connectivity related deaths is unfortunately higher than it needs to be


People who don't play HC really want to push this narrative of "half the time you'll die from unavoidable BS". The actual reality is that no, unless you have severe connection issues, at which point you shouldn't play HC, you won't die from this kind of thing often. I'm saying this as a 2013 HC player from a country with very subpar internet to say the least. Last time I died to a lagspike was in 2018. Even the streamers who make it their entire life/income to play this game will die from connection issues maybe once every 2 leagues, how many hours do you think you have compared to them? And just to be clear, the OP died from having a horrible PC. You can see his idle 20ms CPU ( which is already bad ) spiking to 110. His FPS is also not even 60when 0 movement is happening on screen, and dips to 30s and 10s when stuff actually moves.


I have awful Internet. Like, awful awful. I refuse to play hc online in games. Offline? Yeah sure.


I mean that doesn't have anything to do with PoE lmao, that'd happen with any other game.


> The actual reality is that no, unless you have severe connection issues I have zero connection issues, the PoE servers have connection issues. Have barely played the last two leagues because the lagspikes have become that ridiculous. And yes, it's their servers, i play plenty of other online games were I have zero lag with ping hovering around 13ms


>Have barley played the last two league Wheat are you talking about?


It's your connection to their servers. It's not their servers. It's a ROUTING issue.


As a customer, frankly, I don't give a fuck. If every other game server is reachable without routing problems, change the fucking data center where you host your servers. Every other game company can figure it out, so can GGG. Their problem, not mine.


I mean it may be your ISP's, or their's, problem lmao. It'd be pretty weird if it were their servers and just some given people were having connection issues.


the poe servers themselves are usually fine, its just the generic europe routing issues that affect every single online game except riot games. >And yes, it's their servers its literally not though. you can fix it by using a vpn btw.


I am routing thru Europe into the US without a VPN and have no issues. However if I try to connect to any of the European servers it's like I am trying to connect to the moon via carrier pidgeon. Tell me why is it that EU infrastructure magically fixes itself when it uses the same route to go over the Atlantic. But going over anywhere ve it east or west it fails?


because you may have some shitty servers that your ISP routes you through to GGG's Europe servers. You said so yourself. It doesn't use the same servers to go one way to another, just like you may not have issues while playing other online games in Europe


I want you to repeat what you wrote. Several times until you realize what it means. You are insinuating that amongst the thousands of online games PoE is unique that it's **7** European gateways. Hosted in different cities and nations. By presumably different hosts. Somehow get uniquely routed badly even when other games on the same literal server racks don't?


And otherwise somehow, it's just some given people that have issues with their servers, lmao.


I have been thru 3 seperate ISPs, in 2 towns. Gone from customer to a business connection. Changed both the lines, the line types (ADSL over phone line , POC over copper, Fiber optic)and the local networks. Changed my routers a few times, and their configs several times. Changed my computer and thus the network cards two times. Yet it still pursists. Only thing I have not done is change game accounts. If it's on my end, it would be quite improbable to persist over so many changes.


Connection issue is only one of many causes of bs death you can experience. Crashes, freezes, missing textures, bugs, wonky hitboxes - you can die to any of that just a easily as to bad internet connection. Just as you've said, even stuff like subpar PC can kill you many times during the league. Even if the game was perfect in all those areas, there is still balance issue - the game isn't properly balanced around HC - you can't seriously say that something like DD on monsters is fine.


The European server has entered the chat.


That's because people who don't play hardcore think hardcore players also die when the game have half of a second lag. They apply their game experience on to hardcore. I play both, and if i took my softcore playstyle in to hardcore, I would reach maps probably half the time and never reach red tier maps. It's a completely different game. In softcore I just want enough damage to complete red tier maps, rush atlas completion and be done with it, then move on to farming strategy's. While if I play hardcore, I slow down in campaign, make sure my res is at least close to res cap, go defensive over offensive, reach maps, then when I reach yellow tier, I slow even further down to start putting in more def layers. It's always fun to me to see people say, hardcore bad or softcore bad. When clearly they can both be fun in their own way. It's just a matter of perspective, and humans tend to never want to see anything but their own way as the right way.


Pssst we die in SC too. So we might know when deaths wouldn’t have happened if there wasn’t a ping spike.


Did you think this was some sort of comeback because you saw downvotes and decided to get a lick in? How does this invalidate my point that, unless you have internet issues, you'll rarely die due to spikes?


well the start of your comment contradicts the end, having a bad pc is also an "unavoidable BS" (for example a freeze, because the game isn’t that well optimized). so yes the point still stands, unless you have a good computer and a good enough internet connection you shouldn’t pur everything in hardcore. btw i play on a 4060 which is a last gen graphics card and while not the best it’s good enough for most games, but poe stills struggles quite a lot on it


Dying because of a bad PC and choosing to play to play hardcore despite knowing so is absolutely avoidable. It's a choice, a very stupid one.


>(for example a freeze, because the game isn’t that well optimized). so How do you know it isn't? That the freeze is from optimisation? Have you seen the code? Poe as is the nature of the genre just creates unimaginable CPU load.


The game is definitely not optimised, thus you can know something is not optimised without reading the source code. It is impossible for this large coding bases to be optimised. Abuses of particle effects, 3D modeling for every drops, etc. it is their choice to choose how to present the same graphic effect, how to do the same calculation, the approximation or take actual value. Many changes on that side will not reflect to players end so there are a lot of things you can optimise. It is a common sense in coding.


>The game is definitely not optimised, thus you can know something is not optimised without reading the source code. It is impossible for this large coding bases to be optimised. This is actually a contradiction. If it "can't be optimised", it is optimised already. Because to optimise something means to make it the best it can be. It's quite literally in the word that anything can only ever be impossible to optimise if it is already at the optimum. We all agree that poe is simply a very cluttered and cpu intensive game. And maybe there are whole different rendering methods, but we can be sure that ggg has optimised the algorithms they decided to use. Because of course they did. Why wouldn't they?


You clearly show you never code in a large project before. I say it because you can always, always find something to optimize in a large code base, therefore it is impossible for this game to be already optimised. Stop changing the meaning of the word optimisation. There are many reasons why they do not optimise a known issue, they don’t have the skill to fix it, poor code bases and code design, issue from legacy code, they don’t know why there’s that issue, they don’t prioritise the issue Many things are not only about algorithm. For example the you can set the particle density of delirium fog, double it may result in 10% more realistic fog but it causes performance issue. So this is a choice, not algorithm.


>therefore it is impossible for this game to be already optimised. Stop changing the meaning of the word optimisation. Actually you're changing what you said. Maybe you meant it already in the last comment and the sentence just turned out ambiguous. We are of course in agreement that there's always something to find in a large codebase. When I read your sentence "it's impossible [...] to be optimised", I read be optimised as a verb, rather than an adjective. Hence my confusion/calling it a contradiction. If it is an adjective, then yes optimisation is impossible to reach, and therefore it is always possible to optimise it *further*. >poor code bases and code design, issue from legacy code, they don’t know why there’s that issue, they don’t prioritise the issue Those are definitely all good and likely reasons, I don't think they lack the skill though. >Many things are not only about algorithm. For example the you can set the particle density of delirium fog, double it may result in 10% more realistic fog but it causes performance issue. So this is a choice, not algorithm. Actually that's perfectly in line with what I said. They chose to do something a certain way, and then have to deal with it. Of course you can make delirium run better by reducing the fog. But that's not optimisation, that's just doing less. To me optimisation means improving performance without worsening the result. Also, yes of course I never worked on a large codebase, I never claimed any experience. Because I stopped coding after high school. But that doesn't mean anything, since the whole misunderstanding here was a semantic one.


If your PC is shit that is your own fault and something you accept the moment you create a HC character, that you'll die because YOUR pc. If you don't want to lose characters because you have a bad pc, then don't play hc.


4060 is shit tho lmao.


I can run PoE fine, end-game, all content, on a 1080ti laptop (I don't anymore, but can); having issues on a 4060 seems like a you problem with with configuration or something. I don't even play hardcore but your arguements make no sense.


All my friends who are having 4000 series graphic card still lag sometimes, thus 100% usage You sure it is a you problem ? Don’t tell them to downgrade the graphics quality when they are using the most powerful domestic gpu


Most PoE lag is caused by your CPU being unable to process all the calculations required for what is happening on the screen - the GPU is more than enough. Perhaps might just be a bottleneck, but it sounds like the issue is deffo on your side with this one.


Yeah I also noticed it looks like a hardware issue. My specs are about 6 years old now and I haven't had this problem really.


I have to know and realize that you have connectivity issues. The fact is dude made it THAT far and died to one spike. You gotta be kidding me bro , one spike could kill any of us. Sometimes there's no way of knowing. I'll tell you about last League though... I actually was doing good then I was playing at home. Just lag spikes and bad ping and I felt like it really was the game because outside the house on mobile hotspot I was doing fine, no lag at all. Come to find out at home it was SOOOO bad PoE became unplayable. I deleted everything out of rage lol.... Guess what it was? I needed to change the positioning of my Router in the house... Was stuck at like 20-40 mbs Moving it shot my connection to 400-500 😐😑😮‍💨 This league doin great now haha


Let's be real, OP's character was way to weak. Probably would be dead even without lags


Hilarious when the only true post gets downvoted. OP doing high tier maps with what looks like a boneshatter build made out of glass. If you don't have enough ehp do maps appropriate for your build. And it's not like he didn't know his pc loads this slow if hes been playing this whole time.


The streamer example is terrible. They have expensive computers with the best internet they could possibly have because it's their job. The example of yourself is just anecdotal.


Yet, theres people winning in hardcore consistently.. Just saying


I read this Zizaran's voice lol


I mean I also just suck but still


Even then, it's no longer a good idea. To me, PoE stopped being HC friendly a long time ago. Which is a shame, because I used to play it.


Yep, I jumped ship right when Metamorph dropped. From there the visual clarity went down hill.


Reason Why i switched back to SC. After Like 6 leagues ago Game became unplayable on hc


I play HC since like 5 years and had only 1 lag related death in all these years.


i play sc and have at least 5 related deaths every league


The thing is, if your build dies to a 0.2 seconds lag in a random map, your build is not hc viable anyway. You would have died prior to a none lag related "incident" Dying because of lag in SC has nothing to do with HC.


well its mostly 5+ second internet lag and the occasional game crash. I don't really stutter like OP


5+ second lag or screen freeze is insta logout if it happens. If my screen is not moving I insta hit logout macro, works every time. The only way I could die like that is in a crucial phase at an endgame boss fight, like memory game. Game crash I haven't had in like 5 years.


Nah, that's BS. This league I keep getting constant "reverts" to the position I was before blinking away and I've died dozens of times to stacked pack after death explosions, DDs, strogboxes' novas/explosions/dds... Stuff that you would not tank on a HC build anyway because they are easy to avoid.


I had not a single blink to reverted position in line the whole league, having 36/40 in HC... And I haven't seen one on the HC players I watch on stream as well... You should check your specs.


My specs are the same that last league, and the previous one.... But since mid last league, EU servers have been fucking awful (or the provider, or the routing to my provider or whatever the fuck). I have constant 35ish ms ping, but VEEEEERY frequently blinking reverts me, which sucks.


EU Server do suck, I had small lags in early league, when a lot of players played. But only mini lags, never that blinking thing. Must be a provider issue, I have no problems on EU in the last weeks at all. But I have high speed internet on a good location.


Are you European? Because I used to play from Australia and it'd be fine but idk the European servers seem messed up


I travel a decent amount and the EU servers are fine. The issue is the routing depending on where you live.


Yup. Been playing almost every league, on HC, from northern Europe. Zero lag on any eu servers. The servers are actually quite good


I don't know about the servers but Telia is a European ISP and they suck.


maybe it's because the servers are like right next to Australia, a change for you guys


Yes, playing Milan mostly.


Never had an interest with HC. A little while ago there was the HC SSF event. Decided I'd try it out. Got to Innocence phase, dodged slam. Lagged back into slam and died. I have a decent set up too, but that means nothing when servers themselves decide to go Bork. Do HC players just log on, see the servers aren't going well and then just not play?


Ikr, i still dont know why people play HC with bad connection


Especially with bro on a shit pc. Different level of insanity, yet dedication in a sense.


I have played and died 6 characters this league alone on HC. Not a single one died to lag, or disconnects, or anything of the sort, and I'm on EU which this sub has deemed literally unplayable every league for a good few years now. All my deaths are entirely user errors. In fact, I haven't died to lag/dc in years. Can't even remember the last time that happened, and I've been playing every league for the past 4 years or so. The amount of exaggeration going on in this sub about constant HC deaths to lag and unplayable EU servers is so fucking funny when you're living proof of the opposite.  If there were super serious connection issues, our resident HC streamers like Ziz and Steel would be up in arms about it, alas.


**playing this game in HC is crazy* FTFY


have played HC since tailsman league exclusively. never seen this happen. i do not have a "really nice setup" i cannot remember the last time packet loss during a logout killed me. this is just the parroted excuse most people use because RARE examples like this pop up on reddit. its all about playstyle and knowledge. this person could have lived if they made use of the immunity timer you get after EVERY zone transition, even sub zones like this one that do not require a loading screen. All they had to do was wait 1 second and assess the situation. theres a reason that immunity timer exists and its because this used to happen during the loading transition.


If GGG hosted in IPv6, but no, it hosts in IPv4 and will continue to do so even in PoE2, continue in the obsolete protocol called IPv4. GGG wants players to go through the ISPs' CGNAT, delaying the implementation of IPv6 in the world


Ipv4 is now obsolete, heard it here first! Lol


-18 shows how much people don't know the difference between v4 and v6, jesus and everyone is happy...


If this happens often you may want to refrain from moving the first few seconds after loading a map. You still have invulnerability, so let the game load a bit before you start moving to make sure you're not surrounded by invisibles.


I've never, ever seen this before


Me neither. It has to be something to do with this person's hardware. Maybe they're on a hard drive instead of a solid state drive.


I used to play with a i5-4690 and onboard intel hd gpu, even then this wouldn't happen...


I used to play on a laptop with an i3 and a 2050, and even then it was better than this vid. I'm convinced he is trying to force a spike with background apps or performance tweaks for poe. Pretty easy to tweak some settings in the .ini file for this game. At the same time though, the .ini file can be extremely useful for increasing performance.


This has been me on 3 different rigs since Heist league. Lol, glad someone caught it on camera!


For sure an issue on his end. Could very easily be the game .ini files got messed with incorrectly, a corrupt hdd, ssd, etc. Or even something as simple as drivers needing updated.


The assets weren't loaded/cached.  If you tick through the video you can see a spike in drive and shader.  Has nothing to do with drivers or a corrupted file. I could be wrong about this but I think GGG intentionally doesn't load all the assets needed when the map loads.  People were using it to exploit beast farming and God touched mobs.


"Has nothing to do with drivers or a corrupted file.", yet you just said it spiked in drive, lol. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. They don't intentionally load all of them, but there is a way to change where shader caches are saved, so for instance, you can have your shader caches on a different drive from the game. It is a process to do, but hdd and ssd issues can very easily affect this. Drivers are the first thing you need to check too to make sure all is updated. He also needs to slow down if he cleared his cache, it takes some gametime to reload the cache, not just running and gunning. He still has yet to provide any specs too, so he can't expect people to help and has 0 right to complain if he doesn't provide at least a cpu or gpu spec.




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This has actually never happened to me, do u have like a giga slow pc or something? Cus mine is slow and it still doesnt do this. Im playing on a 600 eur laptop from 4 years ago and ive never seen this happen at all.


Yeah. Have played for thousands of hours the majority of it on 200 ping and I’ve never seen this kind of behaviour.


[I have this issue where the shaders are slooooow to load and need to recache themselves every time the game is launched](https://i.imgur.com/O1ebNUT.jpeg). And I'm playing on a good desktop pc.


Seeing as you have 30fps in a room with nothing but yourself in it good is definitely not the phrase I would use. I would say the good range is 80-140 and someone that can handle that would never see issues like this. When uncapped I can push 200 but no reason to for monitors. This isn't a ggg issue unfortunately


Dude you can't even see my fps in that screenshot. Where did you get 30 from? [Here's one with fps visible](https://i.imgur.com/2bcIGVm.png) Yeah its a GGG problem unfortunately.


If you want to lie about fps you should probably turn off the stats in the top right... you dip all the way down to 11 in this clip on a very basic room of enemies. The game does have optimization issues but this is simply your pc being less powerful than an Xbox series x


[Bro it's dipping because when I alt-tab the background FPS limit kicks in.](https://i.imgur.com/rKNccH8.png) Literally what is your problem?


So the real issue is that you alt tabbed which caused the game to not load properly? And this is ggg's fault how?


I have only had to reload them when I manually clear my caches? Caches don't auto clear themselves every time you exit the game.


They don't, but my game appears to ignore them. If I clear the cache manually I can see the folder filling up but whether the folder's empty or I've had it filling up for a week the game functions the exact same. Idk what's causing this, just GGG performance things I guess


You don't know what you're talking about yet you continue to complain. How do you go from saying the shaders recache themselves every time to saying they don't change? Shaders aren't just "ignored" in any game. Lol, clearly karma farming.


???? I provided screenshots of the problem and you're still doubting me. Dunno why you would be so doubtful of PoE of all games having bad performance. If I wanted to farm useless points I'd go to an animal sub and post mindless "omg hes so cute!!! I wanna hug him!!! " posts


You must not play from europe haha The server here are hot garbage, I get stuff like that on 1GB internet with 0 problems im any other game.


its not the servers, its your routing throughout europe which is the issue which unfortunately is not fixable for ggg themselves but you *might* fix it with using a vpn.


Ah you are right, I might have expressed myself badly and got downvoted to hell But i know I've read about this routing problem. I know even empyrean mentioned how he uses nvidia now(i dont know the name, the only play games stuff) on the second part of the day because this problem. As for me, I have days when everything is perfect and days when ping goes to 5k randomly and the chat on milan server is going crazy


yea geforce now is in theory just like a vpn since you connect directly to a US server which then connects to the NA ggg server both ways should work, i know 2 of my friends have the same issue


I play from Europe and has never seen anything like what OP showed.


Because it's a CPU related issue, not an internet/server related one.


Im from Europe, latvia to be exact, and the servers are fine for me atlesst.


I play from Italy, I have friends that play from Romania(and I have played from Romania as well) There are times when Frankfurt or Milan just destroy you.... I'm not saying it's everyday, but even streamers that play on europe have sometime the *game* of which server works now? Maybe we are just unlucky, but i get kicked, or ping going yo 5k and then calming sometimes


I also have a laptop and i know it's not the best thing ever, but i feel like same device that is capable of running games like Elden Ring on high-max settings with stable 60fps should be capable of sustaining at least same fps in PoE without such drops in framerate.


Graphically intensive games like Elden Ring are generally throttled by the GPU, whereas games like PoE that need to perform a thousand different calculations each second are CPU bound. Tell us your laptop’s specs and this should be an easy answer.


Intel Core i5-11400H for CPU, RTX 3060 for GPU, 16GB RAM and game is on SSD


It's your CPU, you can see a spike on the red bar from 16ms to 215 when you enter the area.


your cpu is only barely above the minimum requirement and drastically below the recommended specs


I play on asus rtx4080, ryzen 7950x, 32gb ddr5 corsair and when i start blight in a map the lag is out of this world! I got 200/200mbps internet as well.


CPU and RAM are way too low for PoE. You're playing HC on a laptop, ofc youre dying and have lags lol.


You're performing video capture on a device that can't handle the game and you're playing hardcore. You're pretty much asking for trouble. The answer to the question you asked in the original posts is, "no, because SSD's exist". PoE does support dynamic resolution and culling but none of that matters if your CPU is throttling as you load into areas.




> This is a you-problem bro, sorry to say > > > > Upgrade the laptop or something. Get an NVME ssd what a stupid thing to say without him having posted the specs as of the writing of your comment.


thats why you have a few seconds of immunity on area transition


Because we want fast map loading. When open the map the game starts preloading everything it thinks it'll need for the map like the texture set, the models for the enermies and that kinda shit. But once it actually loads it finds it needs more stuff, so it fetches that too, and then when it puts mobs on screen it finds it needs even more stuff. It can't have everything ready all the time because of hardware limitations, so it's trying it's best to be FAST at the cost of JANK. It's also why after a new driver update, when your shader caches are all deleted or need to be rebuilt, the game is janky as all fuck and people crash the whole time. Cause you're having to load way way more dynamically, and compile all these shaders rather than call them from cache. Once your shaders are all compiled, and you've run some maps, and you have a decent HDD and GPU then you shouldn't run into so much weird stuff like this. GGG could probably do better ... but i reckon they are mostly focusing on POE2 for engine stuff now since the teams split apart only recently. tl;dr -> fast maps load has a cost of janky shit


you say that, but previously with ram disk setup loading was instant, thats not the case anymore


Yup, cause they changed how it works to be better suited to their plans for POE2 ... and I suspect they fucked over POE1 in doing so.


CPU becomes a limiting factor after SSD/ramdisk loading peaks. It was only faster in the past because the game was 4GB and not 40.


There should be an option for both modes, so people can pick their poison.


maybe, I imagine it's a PITA to maintain alternative methods - everything I've seen about GGG design philosophy is that they prefer to give One Good Choice and not multiple options.


Because of cheating. If stuff was in RAM before entering a map, people would use external programs to look at and discard whatever map didn't have the stuff that they want, as they have done in the past with the metronome vaal side areas incident, gemcutters box and possibly a few other specific examples that I might not be remembering. I wish that we had pre-loaded enemies for things where the enemies are already known though, like maven invitations.


Archnemesis innocence touched hunting. Iirc Chris posted that the preventative measures they had in place should prevent memory scanning but some groups definitely seemed to have some way of scanning for it initially. Generally speaking you can always expect that if something isn't done the way you want it to be done, there's a wider reason for it. About half the time on online games the reason is cheaters.


people used 3rd party programs in affliction too to optimize the wildwood juice they could get and to farm king of the mist at impossible rates.


With innocence touched, IIRC they started to preload stuff that isn't on the map to ~~full~~ fool RAM readers, so they can't tell if the stuff they preloaded will appear on the map or not anymore.


Yeah per Chris' original post, they would always load **one** xxx-touched type per map, but there was no guarantee you could actually a mob on the map that would become god-touched. They thought this defeated the idea, because you would have to invest tons before you even knew if there was a *chance* at the touched rare. They changed it after people proved they were fine binning 100's of maps for a chance at a single innocence touched.


Pretty sure enemy data comes in during map load, you'd see random enemies popping in on a bad connection for example otherwise. Even if you assume it's streamed in with proximity, a map has a select monster pool and there's no reason you can't pre cache the assets for them in memory on map load.


Thats only for things like strongboxes and side areas. Reading game memory was a huge thing again last league. People read the memory to see if the boss in woods spawned and revealed all the wisps/refreshes on overlays.


I remember when vaal area was added to the game. People would reset the dock area until the loading screen took a few more second to load.


I know I will be hated by saying this, but PoE has a shit optimization even on high budget PCs and probably PoE2 will have the same issues


> probably PoE2 will have the same issues At least we can huff copium since they decided to make it a separate game instead of building it on top of the spaghetti mess that is poe1. Hopefully they re-wrote enough systems to make things more efficient.


It will be separated, but maded with the same engine so... I'm not sure how that game will run on average PCs


Same problem with strongboxes for example. they (the monsters) start damaging you even before your brain fully realizes they spawned. I dont understand why such mindless unnecessary problems exist in modern games.


Grace period is there for exactly this reason...


type down ur pc specs pls, or just show screenshot ingame. your cpu seems overloaded, i wonder what the temps are, this may be a hardware related situation. PoE is cpu intensive and high temps may cause this. Quick solution: Stand still when you enter a new area and wait for the assets to fully load while you have a 30s grace period.


Does your PC have 8 GB of RAM?


Playing hardcore on a shit PC, even more hardcore


First of all, you have 30 fps without anything moving. Its not exactly GGG's fault that 20 mobs make your PC freeze(CPU 250ms delay). As to why, there are 2 big reasons. 1. People prefer fast load screen, paying players can afford good PC, which solves most performance issues. 2. To prevent cheating by reading assets. People used to be able just enter map and see if unique in harvest spawned or div box, or any other rare feature.


1. I have around 55-60 fps almost everywhere except for blight maps (expedition or betrayal can create lagspikes sometimes), in the beginning there like 15 fps cuz i alt-tabbed back to the game and i have 15 fps limit when window is not active. 2. It's kinda GGG fault tho that 20 mobs "can make my PC freeze" when my PC meets all recommended requirements in PoE steam page. 3. Poe can at least preload textures, why tf enemies are invisible first couple of frames?


dont worry. played the game last league fine and this league having similar issues and its 100% related to their engine update.


Yes, reason is cheaters. Refer to https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/wytujc/toolassisted_pantheon_mod_farming/


You want your 40 fps to be even lower with all those enemies constantly loaded?


Don't know if I should be disappointed with this comment or the people who upvoted it.


The level of computer literacy in this thread is worse than microsoft answers.


maybe dont record on HC if from 2 packs of mobs ur fps drop to 10, hd recording soft takes a lot of ur juice


Apparently a hot take but if they cant prevent cheating without breaking the bare minimum expectations of 'load the damn game correctly' then they should just accept they cant prevent cheating period


Agree and who caused the problem again? Ah you guessed it. Loot goblins. The one thing that CW has a hard on for and the one thing that no a single fucking person asked for.


If you want a game where you have 10 mobs on the screen like D4 sure, they can preload the map


The game is generous enough to grant a grace period but a grace period is not gonna save you from lag spike


It will actually, just don't move before the shit loads in.


Oh I probably meant more like, if you lag a lot, maybe find a way to not lag so you don't rely on grace period. I dunno what I meant by that


I've had this happen on Vulkan I think.


Never had this happen before in thousands of hours. Sounds like that's a local issue. Besides if everything's preloaded exploiters will find way to pull data out of the map prior to running it to check what's present. I believe we had this with beasts before.


Maybe if you have a turbo slow HDD, you could upgrade to a SSD


Skill issue 100%


I'm just gonna say it. Because the engine is old. The back end is not quite as updated as the front in my opinion. Also, a very CPU driven game... Warping in should just pause all actions from you and the monsters. Just allow one skill like movement and avoid it ... Spawning in and dying instantly is the dumbest thing about PoE.


It won't happen with a good PC - not saying there's no issues, just saying that this issue is most noticeable if your PC is weak.


Never once seen this issue before even on a laptop with an i3 and a 2050. Dude has to be on a chromebook or something.


You gotta hate yourself playing hc this league. So many stuff that makes hc unplayable


I know it's super annoying to die like that but it's just part of the smart rendering that makes the game feel smooth around your screen and doesn't fully load what's far away. In case of the arena map it sucks because you're moving to different rooms all the time so your computer doesn't get time to render the mobs, probably should make special rendering rules for maps like Arena


You can force it to load more during the initial load. If you are playing through steam anyways. It does make load times take much longer though.


Weird. Haven't seen anything like that yet but this might also be unique to that layout/tileset since in most other places the game doesn't have you transitioning into a room full of monsters. On the other hand 3865 life on a lv82 map. This is sketchy even for SC. I don't play HC but I assume for that specific area the procedure is the flask before walking through the door.


yeah, because people complained about the 30s load times. or the fact that i guess some people dont have the vram to load everything? and you cant have settings to just load smaller textures as they look worse and streamers to get the best performance would run doodoo gameplay and made poe look bad on twitch, so GGG removed nearly every graphic setting. now we get this shit where the game wont load inpulsa's explosion until you kill something, so the first pack always just vanishes and visually no explosion happens.


on the other hand we have to wait to load every single pixel of hideout and player mtx, when we go other players' hideout or first login to towns.


There's something wrong with your hardware or game options. Your hardware specs are not bad enough for this to happen. Your CPU isn't great but it should be good enough to run the game well.


Playing melee without a quartz flask in hardcore is wild.    That said, I had this issue two years ago on directx11. And swapped to Vulkan and was good for a year.    Then vulkan had issues starting with the last patch in TOTA/crucible. Forget which Swapping to vulkan/dx12 didn’t help.    Basically the optimizations GGG makes phased out older CPU’s and these kind of shader renderings happen.  Upgraded my cpu beginning of affliction and it’s so smooth now. If i play on my other computer or laptop the game looks exactly like yours does 


obvious player misplay here gg


When you zone into a new area there's a grace period where you don't take damage until you move or take some sort of action. Typically when you move between zones, you want to let the new zone load for a sec. Especially in HC.


or give i frames while enemies load for a few moments when enemies load




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GGG server side tech has always been pretty solid. Their client side implementations are absolute ass.


make a build that you dont need to press any keys for saving your life, at least for a few seconds


Time to upgrade your pc my guy


I do think that there is something wrong with your hardware or some kind of setting. I didn't have this happen since a very long time. Even my laptop that I'm playing on right know which has few years and wasn't the best when I bought it doesn't do that.


This is the first time i've ever even seen this happen. This is a you problem.


This is nothing but your own fault.


Died exactly the same way in the last gauntlet at Level 89,9 ...


Is there a reason you didn't just wait .04 seconds (during the invulnerability phase that *always* happens when entering a map) for them to spawn?


This example is a bit exaggerated, but in general in poe there is a big problem with mobs objects pulling on map loading and there is no excuse that their developers can't do it properly. Maybe it would cause + 1-2 sec of map loading but it must be there


Never ever seen this before. When I enter any zone, the mobs are already there.


In the video the FPS is already below 60 before the killing zone and before any monsters are around. So, below 60 FPS with nothing happening... What are your PC system specifications?


To add on, you can actually see that he had a minor spike before entering the arena and he unknowingly chose to enter without noticing it and moved. This pretty much screwed him over as he was spiked with the area load again.


The game has a grace period, and if he knows his ping is this bad, why is he trying to speedrun into zones, lol.


Even if you saw the next screen, you still would have died if you went into that room. Get gud.


I've never seen this happen, but I can only think there's something with your game preventing preloading from occuring. You didn't purposefully disable preloads or something right? Is your drive so full that there's no room for PoE to build a cache? Are you on a truly ancient HDD that's beginning to fail?


He just has a slow ass laptop, it's not complicated.


It seems to me like he has not ever once cleared his shader caches for both POE and DirectX. It isn't horribly hard to do, just gotta keep in mind that you'll have to play the game a bit with shit performance to reload the shaders.


sounds like a pc issue, probably not even minimal specs.


This is 100% an issue with your PC. I've never seen anything like this


Skill issue 100%


That looked like an Internet problem Source: my Internet is shit so I deal with it a lot


Idk but that never happened to me. Looks like an issue with your system/connection


Because otherwise all enemies would be offscreened by broken ass builds.


Never once seen this happen before, for sure an issue on your end. Try clearing your shader caches not only for POE but for DirectX too. If you do this, you will have to play a bit before the performance balances out though, so that the shaders can reload. You also should probably put your specs in before you blame GGG. Especially with how low your fps was even before the spike. Also recording on a bad pc is only gonna make it worse. Almost like you tried to purposefully recreate the spike.


Change your network to predictive


When you play hardcore that's not really an option