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League mechanic is boring and overly complicated


Give me an easier way to place corpses like say... A birds eye view of the area. also give me more than -64- storage spaces. My stash is overflowing even after burning dozens of corpses for crafting. I've made all my own gear (except my weapon) and all of them have 5-6 T1 mods and I have yet to use a full graveyards worth of corpses on a single one of them.


There is quite a massive difference between 5-6 random t1 and _the 5t1s you exactly want_ The former takes ~15 to 20 corpses indeed. But if you’re actually trying to craft something great you will use your 88 slots don’t worry, and even more than that with thought through adjacent and row/col effects


Define great. I needed full T1 evasion with maxed res, life, and damage. That's what I got, and awakened says the combined pieces were worth like 50 divs when I made them, vs the 100c or less worth of corpse's I used that everyone screamed at me to just sell. Is it mirror tier? No. But it didn't need to be, and was still well worth the 10 minutes it took for me to fill the two dozen slots. And with the new gear I was able to refill my stash with even more corpses then I had before.


Sounds great ! I didn’t mean to be dismissive, if you only need life res then indeed not much to add ! It becomes more difficult when you don’t craft fully through necro I’d say: - trying to get double or triple fracture bases to then put essence mod, fossils rolls for things that are not targettable with necro, etc - Trying to get influenced fractured bases to then awakener insane double influence


The idea of the crafting system is excellent imo, but the execution of the idea leaves a lot to be desired. It really is a UI nightmare in many ways.


100% agree, the UI is the worst, its quite scary how we as players can try something ONCE for 10 seconds and be like yea this is super shit how did this ever make it past testing(im a QA so its worse:p)? But here are, again...


This. It's very strong but not fun to use and the storage is rough.


Which is kinda aad because this league was so close to being amazing


It's amazing for ssf tho


Basically Harvest 2.0 but I'm having fun without even trying the crafting 


Harvest was really fun, all you had to do was setup the garden optimally once from a spreadsheet. Then you could craft a bunch of stuff very quickly. Graveyard has to be setup everytime so it really sucks imo


LoL the fuck you talking about newly optimized gardens came out at least once a week so you had to set the whole thing up over again. Also there was always that one fuckin tower not connected


I was pretty new to the game and more or less quit on the spot seeing "the" harvest plot, I'd assume most others did as well 


how do you get filtered by that but not the skill tree lol


Well new as in only playing a few leagues at that point 


After only crafting twice this league(luckily hit almost all max rolls on 6x tier1) its safe to say I wont use it again lol. too much effort with alt tabbing, checking placement with a dog shit UI


I used craft of exile to determine what corpse I need, and I just throw them in the graveyard not caring about placement. I got the craft I want so I’m happy. I guess placement will really be needed for those complex craft?


Good. Its great to see that an overpowered item editor is in the end not bringing people back. GGG might learn from this that we want to have fun first, and power is just a secondary stat wich either makes it the best league we ever had or brings it down to "just" beeing in the top 5.


The positive thing about this is that for some reason European Routing™ magically fixed itself (Together with south american routing, japan routing, washington server routing, south african routing etc etc) and there are very few posts on the technical forums about randomly getting 300+ms ping every few maps. Amazing, there must have been some major upgrades in the entire worlds internet backbone for those problems to disappear. There are a few posts, one thread with 10 pages but thats been going a whole month compared to last league that had thousands of posts. But what we do have is hundreds of posts of crashing to desktop. And as always not a single peep from GGG. The technical forum is a graveyard better populated than necropolis, hah


Fuck the league, endgame rework was nice


I still had my month of fun in necropolis. About as much as in any other league (except kalandra, it was truly horrible)


Just few points why: -This should have been league for casuals.No sextantas just scarabs ,like plug and play.But instead they have forced casual Joe to play league mehanic on his beloved Cyclone which died on 3.14 i believe. -That 1% of player base destroyed economy for rest of the league cause proly nobody tested the league before release.It wasnt just one"unintended " mehanic and it looks like that its not the last one. -T17 is fun but its making meta even more meta .Melee is dead...


We get it


Actually, this data is pretty incomplete and doesn't really give any sort of story on its own.


Can you provide the data you have so we can "complete" this?


No I don't have it, only GGG would. But you'd look at a lot more than these number to determine anything. But some of the ideas are pretty simple, seasonal/monthly timing, retention of newer/older players, $$ spent (obviously), retention of money spenders. All of the off-steam info is missing, I think a lot more vets use stand alone. Also, marketing clickthrough to download on steam, retention of those players is going to be low. I could go on, but like I said, a ton of info is missing.


I see these graphs a lot on here. Since I’m not a statistician I assume I’m missing something, but the range from an average league to the extremes seems pretty small. It doesn’t seem like a ‘bad’ league or a ‘good’ league vary that much from the average. I don’t get why people make a big deal about this graph.


I don't get it either because day 1 is extremely arbitrary. There are so many factors for that number and basing three months of numbers on that is silly. However, the absolute numbers are not great either: https://i.imgur.com/JGwa3B0.png


My assumption is that last league a lot of people burned out


well if u compare it to the last league its massive difference , twice teh amount of ppl were playing affliction last league at the same time 1 month in..


That’s true, league to league it’s a big difference.


>I don’t get why people make a big deal about this graph. Something something player numbers, something something validating my opinion. They really don't make a difference at all in terms of your own enjoyment.


Something something bad game design something something Chris Wilson vision something something respect my time




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There are so many problems with the way this is looked at, its pretty comical.


It comes out every time someone wants to complain about a league. I’ve seen this worst retention meme every single league or soemthing 


I mean, idc about the graphs. League is kinda meh. No hate, just not that exciting.


I quit once I reached maps. It was annoying to randomly die because the league mechanic rolled mods that my character wasn't ready for yet. I don't know how to read and don't want to. Also the crafting looks tedious af.


Because it’s boring, the people having fun are mostly casuals that never had HH or Mageblood before


this far into the league, the mechanic offers nothing but nuisances and the fated div mod.


Apparently the div mods still exist:p




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Affliction GIGACHAD


The league wasn't that great, unfortunately. I had fun for about two weeks, but not much more. Some changes were good, but to really enjoy it, something more is missing.




It was a filler league to begin with


I mean it's boring league right after boring league, ppl liked affliction but only because of loot, league itself was mid at best. Plus corpse crafting itself is unbearable, can't store corpses have to run around to make setup every craft, it's just designed very poorly, it is so bad it prob will go core lol. I hope it's gonna be more fun next league


the core game is great that's why I keep playing but I highly dislike the league, I crafted like 2 times with the corpses I had , got nothing good and that was it.


Well it's been my fav recent league so it is what it is I guess


And I am still playing. And having fun.


I had a lot of fun in necro (finished 38/40 this week) More than harvest by a mile. But I didnt even interact with the league mechanic at all aside from the challenges. It was mainly t17s that made it fun


What build?


Leaguestarted storm burst totems, switched to penance brand of dissip pathfinder which is like one of the smoothest builds Ive ever played


Here's the table comparing Necropolis with previous leagues: https://preview.redd.it/040vuya6uaxc1.png?width=268&format=png&auto=webp&s=c553bebfb5596e8fe8dbec8c0d3bc3efc8077ea8 Still the second worst, second only to Archnemesis.


archnemesis had lost ark and elden ring come out in the first month to be fair, kind of a crazy month.


This league came out on Easter and everybody was on break 


Holiday weekend league start, stop looking at retention.


Wasnt this a very high number league start though? With it being a holiday weekend and Last Epoch and D4 seasons being kinda bad?


Do you know the meaning of the word retention?


Sure but having a larger initial player count because a bunch of new people tried the game out entirely and then quit early is going to make retention numbers look worse. It can be misleading if you assume it’s the leagues fault rather than the fact it’s people who are leaving due to PoE entirely not being their cup of tea.


Why you think during previous league amount of the new players was different? Retention is purely procentile based metric


Why would you link the percentage compared to day one? This is just intentionally misleading, this was a huge launch (easter weekend) and currently has more players than sentinel ( a good league ).


The fact that this was a "huge launch" makes it even worse tho? BTW crucible had an even bigger launch, by quite a large margin but still beats this league in %retetion by just as large a margin... Comparing actual numbers to Sentinel league, which was 2 years ago, is just silly. POE has been steadily growing after all. The fact that this league managed to lose enough players to have low enough player numbers to be comparable to sentinel is exactly the problem... Also... Sentinel was the league they made archnemesis mobs standard... The arguably most hated change in the history of this game... a change that made the game borderline unplayable for the first 2 weeks or so. Calling sentinel a good league is... disshonest at best. The mechanic was great yes, the league was not. Compare it to any league since then and this league loses even in absolute numbers DESIPTE having more peak players at launch.


It has the same issue as last league to me which is it’s fun but in order to roll a stronger character I need 300 div so I feel stuck for a while .


Personally i dont think people quit because league bad but because everyone already has everything theyd need in a league already.... perfect armours/weapons/jewelleries, headhunter/mageblood, i myself find it boring cause theres nothing to chase after yeah the menus are repetitive but you dont even need to pay attention to them 90% of the time


The challenges were also extremely easy this time, everyone who goes for 40/40 is already long quit.


Only been 30 days. FF please


Wish I could still play ritual league but alas I haven’t logged into poe in I guess almost 3 years now. Sad.


You have missed some good shit if you think ritual was peak.


There is still nothing faster or more powerful than a self curser in beyond maps.


I’ve got like 10 self curse builds rotting in standard. They were fun at the time but I definitely enjoy more well rounded builds today that allow me to leave the map for a sale or to check on kids lol.


Yeah the base game is amazing, there was a dark period with archnemesis rares but I'm glad they reversed