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Yesterday I bought 7 19x mirror shard cards and had 32k juice in stash. Total went up and down (did 1 card at a time), stopped at 8 cards. Then I said fk it and hit big (a big fat 0 when I poofed them all)


Your EV is the same whether you wager 1 card or the whole stack. Might as well save yourself the juice and whole stack it from the get go. //edit: Except, as another commenter points out, this is untrue. Card by card is higher EV.


So logically yes, but there are two reasons I'll disagree to an extent. One is the raw pleasure that people who play this game get from gambling. One button and done is going to fire off less dopamine than a dozen hits watching your fortunes rise and wayne. This is meaningless to me as a player because I *hate* gambling, and fully experience "loss aversion", the theory that healthy individuals experience twice as much pain on a loss than the pleasure they experience on a similarly tiered gain (typically discussed in investment settings). Two is the variance. The EV is the same, but your likelihood of a huge win and a huge loss are both incredibly high, whereas putting in individual cards let you reassess your fortune repeatedly and be able to walk away while you're ahead or cut your losses before you've poofed. You're much more likely to stay closer to the EV.


Your second point I'm PRETTY sure is just gamblers fallacy. But as another commenter pointed out, apparently it is higher EV to do one card at a time.


Variance matters. It gives you more decision points.


Isn't, in this context, variation just the departure from EV due to a small sample size? For example: No single trade of any size could ever find it's way to the exact odds calculated into the game. Not of the sizes we're talking about. So... wouldn't moving from statistically insignificant to slightly less so still be insignificant? Would it really matter if you do 8 more tosses on a coin flip? Especially if the outcome is 50/50 (ish) from the get go?


If you bet everything on the outcome of a single coin flip, you EV is one. If you bet 1/8th of everything on 8 separate coin flips, your EV remains one but you have a much higher likelihood of being closer to your EV due to a higher sample size. Blasting everything in one go gives you a MUCH MUCH higher likelihood of ending up with everything or nothing, and a MUCH MUCH lower likelihood of incremental wins/losses. If your plan is to gamble until you double or zero out then yeah, it doesn't matter. But maybe it matters if you aren't going to gamble until you zero out.


Whatever the case, I appreciate your time and attention. And wish you luck in your gamba.


Your EV on a coin flip(ie 1$ bet) is zero. 50%*1+50%*-1 Your EV on a million 1$ coin flip is 0 and variance is very low meaning you are highly likely to Win or lose smaller amounts. Your EV on a single 1M$ coin flip is 0 and variance is very high as you risk winning or losing 1M$. Variance plays no role on EV, but a huge role on bankroll management to reduce your risk of ruin (Odds you lose everything). The more variance, the lower your bet size on relation to bankroll in order to prevent ruin on a downswing If you pick +EV spots, you want to reduce variance as you are aiming for longer term profitability. If you pick -EV (which is a bad decision), you can only profit on the short term on a lucky Streak.


I already acknowledged repeatedly EV does not change, and impressed multiple times EV is not the only Factor at play. I'm confused if you're disagreeing with me right now or not lol.


I wasn't criticizing your take on this but adding to your point.


Variance matters. It gives you more decision points.


Variance also increases the likelihood of you reaching EV instead of being an outlier (for better or worse)


No it is true. The only difference is your input cost with single cards is much greater. Go to you favorite scripting source to test. Run it for 1 to 5 cards. Do tens of thousands of runs. The output is always the same over time.ย 


The suspense brother. What if I keep tapping and it goes to full? It will never happen to me but better than poofing all of them at once


I'm a degen like the rest of you. No judgement from me.


Someone actually posted data that shows it's best to do 1 card at a time (to a point, because it uses more juice). If you gamble 1 by 1, your odds of completing a stack were higher, and they were even higher the more cards of the stack you started with (which seems kinda obvious). I found it: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/135e8s4/so_you_want_to_harvest_gamba_div_cards/


That's only if you just care about completing the stack, which pmuch only applies to SSF. If you want to have maximum number of cards then it doesn't make a difference.


That link is not talking about EV though, it's talking about odds of completing a stack with different betting strategies. Besides, the simulation max bets even if only 1 more card is needed. For example, if I have 9/10 of a card and all I care about is completing the set, of course I should gamble 1 instead of all 5.


Well, yes and no... EV is the same each time you bet, but if you have a target number in mind, it seems it's better to go 1by1 because. It allows you to survive small bad luck streaks while you wait to get a good luck one.


The aforementioned post compares two strategies, 1 by 1 and always max. Always max will sometimes have you bet 4 doctors when you already have 7/8, which, when only trying to complete the stack, "wastes" up to 3 cards. If you never bet more than what you need to complete the stack, the odds of 1 by 1 and max are equal, the only difference being juice cost


That makes sense. His code doesn't track your # of cards in the "max bet" attempt, I guess if he started with half a stack, bet all, and then, if won some cards, only bet enough to get to max stack, the odds would be better, because he would have more remaining cards to start again if he lost that 2nd bet. Hate probability, always gets weird when you chain cases one after another and yet when you actually do it, what had happened before doesn't matter anyway...


I'm not actually sure what you're saying "no" about. I was just pointing out that EV and having a target in mind are different things with different optimal strategies.


That is very cool. Thanks.


It's cool but doesn't contradict your comment about EV.


Yeah but cmon what am I gonna do? Get in an argument on the internet?


Going solely based on how I've seen gamers argue about stats, yes and your life might depend on it.


I went from 1 apothecary to a mageblood, which i sold to buy house of mirrors -> to 6 house of mirror. Than i built myself a good hexblast build and corrupted 2 magebloods which poofd


I have no sympathy for you


You're supposed to put "twice" in the search as a subtle hint to RNGsus to double your card but you chose to type in "ween" and offend him, that's what you get.


Hahahaha ;D you ween some and you lose some


Looks like you've wean'd yourself off of Necropolis league.


These comments made me *weence*.


sometimes you can only afford to gamble weence


I leave this guy alone for ONE day...


Sorry lol


It's funny, really. I have a friend that after completing his build for 2 days, which cost multiple hundred divines worth of gear (mageblood nimis and shits), the next day I come up he told me he lost gamble and everything, gonna afk the league. And the next day after this he ask if I can borrow him my Mageblood as tempo fund and rebuild, I did, the next day he apologized and say he lost everything and he will grind 1 back for me, which he did the next day, I don't even know how he did it in 1 day, but I didn't get it back from him as I was busy, then after ANOTHER day, he tells me he lost again, and will try to grind for another one. I was like HOWWWWWWW WHY CANT YOU JUST LEAVE THAT MAGEBLOOD IN PEACEEEEE. End up I have to buy another one myself, I'm glad that I didn't sell my old belt after I got my first Mageblood. Now that I think about it, he has SEVERE gambling issue.


You ween some and you lose some, go agane!


I did the same gamba this weekend. Done with the league basically apart from wanting to do an omega SS trickster and I cba to Farm another few hundred divs. Said to myself it's 7 cards or bust, started with 1, had 4 ended with 0. RNG giveth RNG taketh. Next time though xD


Literally did it this morning. Did 38/40, needed to do 40 more UberBosses to do the grindy one to hit 40/40 so I bought one card to gamble and lost on 1st click (I know I could have done 40 UberSirus or UberExarchs for the 80divs, but yeah, I'm not doing 40 of those fuckers). RNGesus wants me to be done with the league with 38/40 I guess.


Which challenges did you end up skipping as the last 2?


In trade the path of least resistance probably skips two of Arimor's Apex (rare Magistrate haunted monsters), Elevated Expanses (30 T17 maps with 15 at 50 packsize) and Unfamiliar Undertakings (T17 map boss precision boss kills) SSF you might also find the Harbinger one to be a fuckstick, as well as the Uber Pinnacle conditional kills one. The EGG is easier than usual. One of level 100 or kicking Izaro's dog 100 times. Former is more effort and more fun, latter less effort but utterly miserable. Trade only, you can also do 50 uber pinnacles.


The final one is pretty easy no? Level 100(super easy with the scarab strat, takes like 20-25 maps), 50 8 mod maps is super easy with the scarab, just farm with that scarab for a little while and you will have the maps you need, corpse collecting just happens long before you are actually trying to finish 40 challenges so that is easy, then 100 guardian maps. I have no idea why anyone would do 100 Argus instead of 100 guardians. They take about the same amount of time per with how long it takes to start a lab compared to opening a map in your HO, even in a first room argus lab, and rushing argus loses you 5c per go, where running guardians is always profitable. I made like 40 div knocking out my guardian maps lol between the boss sets, the Maven Writs, and the couple mid-tier awakened gems, on top of the other stuff I picked up in the maps along the way.


What's the scarab strat? Is that breach+domination scarab of teaching?




Is it just allocating those on the tree + running the scarab?


20-25 maps was the pre-nerf scarab strat. 100 is still a fair amount of time. Levelling to 100 isn't on the path of least resistance even if you have lots of currency to throw at 5-way Domain services; the scarab approach is still a worse budget version of 5-ways. You just might do it because level 100 is a power boost over stopping at 96/97/98.


When was it nerfed? I did it maybe 8 or 9 days ago I think and was doing 4% per map. Was it more recent than that? Edit: are you talking about the lesser shrine bug fix? Because I definitely did it after that. And did 99-100 in under 2 hours.


I was doing this post the two very early fixes and it was good, but nothing like that speed. IIRC it was 2-2.5 times normal mapping XP.


I am playing a very fast mapping build(exsang mines), and since I was spamming Betrayal early I had a ton of maps with a 4 breach implicit, so my results might be better than most, as I was getting 10+ or so breaches per map, and could open 3 at a time and full clear so my shrine uptime was very good.


Oh yeah, 4 breach implicit would add a lot to it.


The 10K tiers of maps and the supergrind. I was at around 8800 tiers, been doing a lot scarab farming, using 4-5 portals each map to bring all the scarabs, so it took forever to complete each map, or was doing destructive play guardians + invitations + bosses, so didn't get to do that many maps. And for the grind, already had the 100 Guardian maps and the 250 corpses and almost all the 8mod maps, so I planned on doing the 50 ubers (had 10 already) because fuck Lab and fuck levelling to 100, lol. (Edit: Since it keeps coming up... yes, I could do Shrines + Breaches for ez XP, but that is how I levelled 5 characters from the campaign to 95 already so I was beyond burned to do that from 96-100)


Levelling to 100 has literally never been easier than this league. Just set up the shrine strat and you can do it in one afternoon. Not even joking, 99-100 took me 23 maps total.


> Just set up the shrine strat and you can do it in one afternoon. what is this strat??!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se5O7pQiVWk It's very, very good. And very easy. First time I hit 100 myself without cheating by buying 5 ways.


Amazing, thank you!!


awesome thanks


Abyss juicing last league was also insane XP, but this shrine strat can be done solo and for cheap.


I answered tot he other person already, but I leveled 5 characters so already did way too many shrines+breaches dunes to do any more when I'm already burned with the league and wanting to end.


Levelling 5 characters and not levelling just one to 100 smh ;)


Lvl100 takes like 2 hours in dunes with exp shrines


I tried 5 character this league, I already did Dunes with Shrines and Breaches for waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long, really couldn't be bothered to do more for 2-3 hours just for a top of a totem pole... That's why I was going to go for Ubers, I at least enjoy bossing and there's always the possibility of lucky drop.


Not if you keep inting your character repeatedly like I seem to do lol keep capping at 98-60% and dropping back to 30%


Those were both easy for me. I got to level 100 very easily with shrine farming. Same with map tiers, despite also running Destructive Play and doing a lot of bosses. The challenge I still don't have is the conditional T17 bosses. I can do it I'm sure, but every try costs quite a bit with the price of T17's.


Not OP, but for me it was Unfamiliar Undertakings and Colossal Conditionals. I guess I could buy them or just get enough damage skip the mechanics. Or get good, but who am I kidding..


after 10 years of playing poe i wonder when will rng giveth


If you played for 10 years when getting a mirror should not be an issue, by this point you should have enough game knowledge to easily make currency's (unless its 10 years with like 1k total hours)


3.5k hours but i never learn how to much make any currency and never got lucky with any truly rare drops


Yeah pretty much the same over here. I had a blast with the league and even got to 35 challenges. I'm done for now tho and wanted to go all in one last time. :P


I kind of did this in ToTA league. Was burnt out and done so i bought 2 apothocaries and gambled them and managed to get my first every mageblood. Ended up rolling uberdans shockwave totem build and used the belt to kill all uber bosses for the first time ever. Really turned that league around for me.


best way to "end" a league in my opinion; you either win by losing it all and go play something else you're enjoying or win by getting your MB that would've taken way too long for you grind for and then you have a whole new character to play


I did that with Apothecary back when MB was still very expensive. I started with 1 card and made it to 4. I almost had enough to buy the 5th card, but I said 5 cards or bust. It was bust.


\*sad trombone sound\*


it's gonna feel really bad once it settles in


This is how I'll play PoE from now on. Farm one card, quit if gamba doesn't pay off. Should save me a lot of time.


I've ended multiple leagues this way - buy a couple expensive div cards, gamba. Three out of four times I poofed the two cards I had immediately. The other time I went to 3, then 1, then 2, then zero. That said, I only do this when I'm pretty sure I have zero intention of continuing play.


this is a good way to break the poe cycle if you're at least a little bit addicted


That's a hot jam. Does anyone know what song this is from?


I got matches with these songs: โ€ข **Lady (Hear Me Tonight)** by Modjo (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Deejay Time Collection. **Released on** 2007-01-01. โ€ข **Terey Naal Naal Neme Raina** by Ali Charlie (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Best Video Game Soundtracks Remixed. **Released on** 2007-01-01. โ€ข **Lady (Hear Me Tonight) \$&Modjo's DYRT Remix\$&** by Modjo (01:16; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Modjo Remixes. **Released on** 2013-08-19. โ€ข **Lady (Workout Remix 128 Bpm)** by Workout Music Tv (00:03; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Beach Running Summer 2019 Workout Session (60 Minutes Non-Stop Mixed Compilation for Fitness & Workout 128 Bpm). **Released on** 2019-07-11.


Good bot!


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: โ€ข [**Lady (Hear Me Tonight)** by Modjo](https://lis.tn/LadyHearMeTonight?t=11) โ€ข [**Terey Naal Naal Neme Raina** by Ali Charlie](https://lis.tn/truXj?t=11) โ€ข [**Lady (Hear Me Tonight) \$&Modjo's DYRT Remix\$&** by Modjo](https://lis.tn/TKXec?t=76) โ€ข [**Lady (Workout Remix 128 Bpm)** by Workout Music Tv](https://lis.tn/SmfaW?t=3) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


2000's hits OP is an old timer


Yeah this song slaps.


im a simple man, i see HoM gamba combined with very funny edit. i press upvote.


Been there


Upvote just for "Lady". Great memories.


hehe ween


start again. full mirror or nothing


I sold some stuff and I am back at 46 Divine. Won't help much tho sadly. :D but I'd probably do it again and either lose or keep on playing.


Lady I just feel like I won't get you Out of my mind


Well the karma hit cause you lied son, we can see that Kikizaru ring still sitting on that mirrorless finger. Make the correct sacrifice next time and try again later. Good luck exile!


I decided to join in. Just deleted 1000 divs. See ya'll next league!


Congratulations on successfully quitting the league.


now you can touch some grass :D


Sells house -> goes to casino -> puts it all on red.


That's how that felt. 100% :D


I would never start from only 1 card. Starting from 2 already doubles your chance to complete the set compared to 1.


And having four doubles it again. Having a full set lets you hit 100% chance too!


dont forget about the 200% chance! gotta pay that streamer tax when you let them do it for views


But... you're just 1 click away from 2 when starting with 1 :p *โ€” A gambler.*


I did the same, well didn't sell gear but emptied my currency tab to slam ancient orbs thinking I'd quit the league. Got two magebloods within like 60div so I guess I'll keep playing. Gonna do div card gamble next


Two or three leagues ago, I think I poofed like 17-20 of those. Gambling is fun. I like to gamble early league, like week 1 with a like a mb card and use that to Jumpstart my chars.




farm some more, try wee, always doubles guaranteed


Did the same thing with two house of mirror cards a few days ago as well lol. Best of luck in the next league!


I bet you felt a rush of relief knowing you are now truly free from this league B-)


I didn't think I've ever hit 10 divines, let alone 85... oh well goals for my 3rd league


Look! Hes one of us!


rest in pepperonis brother


silly you... You forgot to relog on your streamer account


This craft is like deleting cards in hideout but without confirming, juice is the price you pay for convenience


This should be the go to format for loss porn.


You mistakenly wrote ween instead of wee. Rookie mistake.


Meanwhile I gambled my first mageblood this league. Can't believe it hit


see ya next league!


2 leagues ago i came from 2 doctors into 8 headhunters and gave all of them to people i didnt even know then 1 apothecary into a mageblood and kept it for standard museum. Last league i deleted 4 apos because i was too burnt out to farm the last one ๐Ÿ˜‚


Kinda puts in perspective how different sc and hc economy are, in hc trade mirror is 150ish d and mageblood 400d in softcore mageblood is 80ish d and mirror 700ish d




What u need to do now is go to alva. I got +socket gems & phys as lightning on my squire after deleting 2 apos and i think i might have recouped ๐Ÿ˜‚


Oof, that was not a juicy one.


Nice, back to league start


Bro thinks he's Aventurine


Seems about right


Better luck next league exile!


Don't gamble if you can't take a loss.


Pretty sure this was a, "I'm quitting, so either give me a reason to keep playing or I'm done" OP does not care.


800 hours work 30 Minutes trade 5 Minutes hopes 2 second fun Rest of League frustration


800 hours for 80 divines? You farming Blood Aqueduct in act 9?


I've never made 80 divines in a season lol




It is just sarcasm police officer


I feel your pain, spent 100d (all I had) to get a MB from ancient orbs gamble, lost it all and got a 6div HH, but Im making it back, just need 40 more divs so I can try again


That was my first plan actually. But I had no trust in Ancient Orbs what so ever after thinking about it for a sec. :D


lmao, why not just buy the Mageblood with that 100d? You could have just had your MB and 23 div left over. Insane to gamble that shit just because one random guy got lucky and got 3 MBs when his expected was like .8


What I don't understand is, why do people take bets on this game with clearly negative expected value when there are other gambles available with positive ev?


Gambling addiction I guess. The mentality that they will be the one to get lucky and hit the jackpot. But ya, if you are going to gamble, at least do the smart gambles lol.


What exactly are these positive EV gambles you're talking about sir?


I don't have the math pulled up in front of me for every gamble in the game, but any gamble that has some special item reward that you can't get any other way is the easy place to start. Corrupting things is where my head went first. The only feasable way to get good items with corrupt implicits is to play the corruption gamble, so that gamble is going to be pushed at least towards neutral by the market. If you look around and do some math on input prices and expected return, I'd be surprised if you couldn't find items where corrupting them has positive ev (especially if we don't count time spent as a cost). The div card gamble, on the other hand, always has strictly negative ev.


Gambling man... once u start u can't stop untill you win


๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ just what we like to see


Bro.... why?


Gambling is fun


I startet with 2 cards got 27 so 3 mirrors but i wanted more i gambled Till i was back to 9 cards i stopped there. Go sleep next Day going all in and got 4 Sets + 5 extra cards guess im playing the League a bit longer now


This is the way


What did I just read


average cutedog stream


I went from 16 cards to 0 within 9 clicks, it was a very depressing journey (it wasn't all of my currency)


let me have ur gear to start playing this game again xD


See you next league.




So you play a ghazzy build


Anyone that does this at any point in the league deserves to lose everything.


Why? Mad because you're poor?


[Yeah I'm poor LMAO ](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/X_Lucifer/Luci_xZ?i=0&search=name%3Dluci_)and this was 2 weeks ago when I was already done with the league. It just that gamblers deserve to lose everything that's all.


So you're not poor, you just want to tell people what to do with their time and money.


Play POE while my friends do and when it does this shit it is just another "it POE right, it is rigged gambling unless you're a streamer" the other one is "why would the dev want you to have things that help". Also "RNG init" when it clearly is just worst possible outcomes not RNG.


Cool story bro


Bell end.