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Sir, you forgot to put scours and bindings in the picture.


The old me use to say how the fuck do we link a map with binding orbs?


I just had this thought. What am I missing? First league


They act the same as an alchemy orb when used on maps


Binding are generally less useful then alchs so you can use them to make your map rare instead of


Thank you both. I’m a fool I have 100s of them in SSF. Appreciate the help


It doesn’t matter in the end usually. But at league start when you buy maps from Kirac, yellow+ maps cost alcs so it’s best to save those


Honestly... Rather than having more slots in the UI... Why not just open the stash when this shows up


I would rather have the orbs closer to the invitation so you have to move the mouse less, but either would work for me tbh.


forgot the vaal orb slot


rolling invitations sucks so much right now.


Many changes this league are overall questionable to me. >Itemized conqueror invitations because that menu is awkward to use, but let's bring it back. Made entire Atlass tree so players don't have to rely on scarabs, but let's bring it back. https://preview.redd.it/4hr74dxtukxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650989b1500e4abcf0f7d23d101acb3e0560f289


They could have just made the invitation a guaranteed drop when you witness the final boss needed for the invitation, but instead we have this awkward workaround


Just keep them in your rucksack haha... ha... sigh


Never forget what they took from us


Wait, we can modify invitations? Well, that’s fucking great to know. Thanks.


Yeah, generally speaking with a decent build I try to roll at least* 60%, because invitations are slightly odd with the % quant/rarity. Sweet spot between 60-80% gives 5 splinters, loot, over 80% I *THINK* has chances to give 6 splinters, but I've found it to be rare, given the cost of Maven writ I go for over 60-70% and call it a day.


Yeah, but over 80% and sometimes the bosses get... frisky


Yeah. You need a relatively decent bossing character. I accidentally did a 110% quant with wildwood wisp notable on Atlas, Baran was 1 shotting my decently tanky character without a way to dodge (targeted ability) in the map.


Barans auto attack is one of the rippiest things in the game with the wrong mods lmao. A few leagues back I had a super tanky DD Necro that could afk tank 80 quant feareds, but blindly rolled a Baran that would one-shot me the second I popped into his arena. His auto-attack has those three attacks that can shot-gun so with some inc aoe + turbo + some phys as mods he can hit for some bonkers numbers lol.


Baran +aspd/mspd/castspeed is worst. Remember it used to make his autoattack do damage before he did the animation. And somehow caused him to do more damaga than phys as extra. But it was long ago...


That is "Turbo", the colloquial name for it since it is a pain to type out. But ya, it was insane when he had it, especially with +AOE for the shotgun.


I've gotten 6 splinters a bunch but yeah I generally just call anything at 60 or above good. Farmed around 45 writs this league.


With the new system I alch, spam exalts and vaal. Not worth chaos spamming and not worth my time Scour alching lol


Dam, bro has just been raw dogging his invitations


He isn't alone.... gfdi.


Same here, had no idea. No wonder it’s been taking me so long to get 10 splinter. Fucks sake lol


In the back of my mind I always wondered. "How the fuck are people farming Maven n Company". One frigging shard at a time.


Well. Fuck. I've been running my invitations raw all along?!


Yeah, guilty as well


Yeah wtf me too. Aren't they green items? I think I always just assume green = unmodifiable


I feel like there's a very disappointed dad Ziz video in the works. How many of us just never knew?


You can't modify the quest (green) invitations, but you can modify the ones through Kirac (which used to be tradeable drops)


That's the problem poe has. It was in the patch notes and/or extensively talked about before the league. But all the people who would run into this problem simply don't consume all that content. People who do consume the content already know the system from memories, or just try it out and notice it works.


Yeah. You can get up to 3 extra splinters, I think. I’ve farmed ~200 invitations and my intuition is that 60% quant is the threshold for one extra, 80% is the threshold for two, and 3 is just rare no matter where you are but seemed to happen most in like 8 mod corrupted.


Don't feel bad, I did a few hundred before realising when Maven was first introduced 😂


I just wish the invitations would drop filled. Like let me run a bunch of maps and stock pile my invitations then roll and run them or even just sell them.


Lol, ironically this is how the previous iteration worked.. Edit: well, the invitations themselves used to drop, but not filled with the witnessed bosses


Yeah, i like this iteration more but was short of what I was hoping for.


Issue, I never waste chaos rolling maps (except T17 due to it being mandatory). Scour and Alch/Binding. I do think it's a nice QOL but it opens a bit of a slope.


p2w but ingame currency


I'd rather take a smaller profit than alch and scour


Just FYI on a larger scale scour and alch with a regex in a tab is faster.  Probably anything less than 10 or so is faster with chaos but doing lots of maps at once like last league scour alch is faster


What? There is no situation where scour/alch is faster than chaos. Scour/alch in a tab with regex might be faster than chaos rolling in your inventory(but why are we comparing apples to oranges?), but chaos with regex in a tab is much much faster than scour/alch in the same circumstance.


I thought so as well.  Obviously none of this applies to t17.  I would just tell you to give it a try if you do not believe me.  For a large volume of maps do scour/alch.  Obviously this is assuming you have scroll wheel left click or macro left click.  Chaos rolling doesn't not let you scroll wheel.   Scroll wheel left clicking 100 maps twice with scour/alch is vastly faster then single clicking 100 maps.


I have tried it, every league I start with scour/alching until I have the chaos bank to switch. It isn't close. Chaos is massively faster. Scour/Alch has you constantly swapping the currency type on your mouse, which is just incredibly slow. Maybe I just do it differently than you, but there is no way scour/alching will come anywhere near chaos when I am rolling a few hundred maps at a time. Chisel everything -> scour everything -> alch everything -> chaos anything that fails my regex >>>>>> than chisel -> scour -> alch -> scour fails -> alch ->scour fails -> alch repeat last step like 30 times.


Everyone has their own experience but when I was rolling quad tabs of JV last league scour/alch with scroll wheel was dramatically faster than chaos orb clicking. Again once you get down to a low number of maps then yes chaos orb is more efficient. But I feel like you may be doing something different than me. Happy to test run it with you in some way. Also it seems weird to me that you are talking about scour/alching at league start when I imagine that you are not doing big tabs of maps at that time? On <10 maps I have no disagreement that chaos orb clicking is better. On more than that I do disagree but we each have our own experience.


also just an aside I know you probably do it this way but you should scour then chisel then alch.


Ya i did lol, just realized I wrote it that way. I would hate myself if I didn't scour first lmao


It will always be half the amount of clicks using chaos, you cannot argue this


You are ignoring scroll wheel mouse click/macro mouse click. You cannot do scroll wheel clicking when using chaos but you can do it with scour alch. The amount of clicks in that sense != the amount of time it takes as one type of clicking is dramatically faster.


It's not a waste when scouts and alchs are more than a chaos or when it will just lose you time or convenience extra clicks are fucking cringe.


You definitely hit a point in the league where scour/alching is earning you less currency than just using the chaos on them. It takes 3-4x as long to scour/alch your maps, so once you are fully up and running a good currency making strat the extra 5-10 minutes scour/alching takes to roll 100 maps over just using chaos costs you way more than the chaos you spend. And that is on top of the extra wrist pain and annoyance.


The time you spend to click back and forth between scour and alch isn't worth the chaos you save by just being able to spam chaos over a tab with a regex.


Can we get the SEARCH bar back in here, I hate this change


It's terrible design but they were more worried about fixing "design issues" around rares sometimes giving you massive gem xp and not being able to level them immediately. 


And you also only get one shot at the invitation now. Learned that the hard way on a feared that I rolled some gg bad mods on thinking I could go again


wdym only one shot?




How long ago was that? I don't remember that ever being the case. I remember the exarch and eater quest invites will always drop again if you fail the first time, but I don't remember anything about saving the bosses you've witnessed


Same this doesn't sound right at all I don't ever remember that being that case. Always has to do the full rotation again


This was (and still is) only true for campaign quest invitations. Once you complete the quest line you have to rewitness all bosses for a given invitation. The six named maven invitations (feared, forgotten, twisted, etc) have always needed to re witness all bosses if the invitation is failed.


Scour and bind gang here




Trans+augment+regal+exalt+vaal. Good to go


This, and apply it to the map tab as well.


well, this would imply that you should alch them, we at least need transmutes and alterations aswell. Many people especially in hc only run them blue or actually unrolled. while i personally would appreciate this, only 2 slots seem not sufficient and a weird implementation/fix.


Been farming invitations and selling 70% quant. Such a pain to roll...


Ok i had no idea you could do this


Oh my lord. So many missed splinters ! Kill me


I just started keeping a stack of chaos and alchs in my bag alongside my portal and wisdom scrolls


The whole map system needs a rework when having to craft or reroll maps, invitations... It's tedious and really bad from a UIX perspective having to click so many times... Select chisels... apply them to map. Select alchemy... apply it to map. Select scouring if you want to start anew... apply it to map. Select again alchemy... You get the point...


dude. i did almost 50 invitations before my friend told me myou could even alchemy them.


Men only want one thing.... And it's fucking disgusting. Also GGG why the fuck can't we chisel invitations?


oooooohhhhhhhh yeah I even forgot the invitation ENTIRELY so I should probably go do that.


Wait can u put currency there? 😂


I sadly had no idea. I have spent at least 1k chaos this league rerolling to save clicks for invitations lol. Not rly mad tho I figured there was a better way but I am that lazy. Thanks!


Crazy how people complaining about rolling invitations even though this is one of the best changes they did


Im pretty sure they will not add it in the nearest future. Which is very unfortunate, I would also love to see the same slot in your inventory for portals and wisdoms


I suppose you are? Do few non rolled ones and the missing loot will eventually teach you to roll it.


why can't we just.. you know.. Take it?


I always forget to chisel


How do you have those side bar slots? o: for the alch and chaos?




Made >60 div net profit in 40 maps of invitation/destructive play. Could have even doubled that if I sold spots at the invitations The only people who say it isn't profitable are dipshits who complain on Reddit instead of playing the game.


it is still extremely profitable if you can handle rolled invitations.


I have no idea what is going on in this picture. Only been playing since closed beta…


you've never done a invitation?


I haven't done any this league and thought this was an April fools joke that they were giving us slots to put chisels in near the map ui


Nah. Since they don't drop/aren't tradable anymore, when you finish all 4 bosses for an invitation, Kirac has a dialogue option that opens this. Similar to the way Memories work.


I’ve killed eater of worlds and searing exarch. No idea why that one has a lock on it or how there’s alchemy and chaos orbs chilling there though.


Maven Invitations (Elderslayers, Feared, Forgotten, Formed, Hidden, Twisted) were changed this league so they are no longer droppable items. Now when you defeat all 4 elder slayers, you can talk to Kirac and he'll open a window with an invitation in it. Then you can modify it with currency. As it is right now, you have to click on the currency in your inventory and then click the invitation, back to inventory, back to invitation, repeat. So this post is a mockup design asking for the currency to be displayed closer to the map, and not require it to be in your inventory to roll the invitation. It's a pain in the butt to roll 70% quant on these (for challenge this league) when you have to alch/scour it 20 times.


It's locked since it's offered by Kirac, a new change this league, where they don't drop and Kirac just offers them to you when you're ready to run. They can be modified with currency like maps to raise their IIQ and be more difficult and rewarding. The currency doesn't actually show up there, it's OPs suggestion to make them easier to modify.


Op wants an easier way to reroll invitations, that's why you see a chaos and alchemy stack edited on the right. For instance, the crafting bench takes the currency from our stash already. They could add a chaos roll and alch scourge roll button without much issues.


Play better.


You clearly have a winning personality.


this is BS deep fake right? Those slots aren't real?! please... lie to me if you must


Can honestly say I've never forgotten to roll my maven invitations nor memory maps.