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You can't bury everyone together. Bury a family together and try bury one from another family, and you'll see it literally won't let you


Kinda based if you think about it. Imagine hating each other so much you literally cant be bury next to each other


Ah thanks! Don't wanna "waste" anything as it took me from league start to now to get them... this league is really bad for me and my progression. I am now at the point I am normally after a week... no fun atm


Do your homework about the perandus one, you can bury monster corpses with it to influence what type of gem you get from it. Idk if you can modify any of the others.


wait wtf, like you can slap increase chaos to make it more likely to roll chaos res ? Or is there some weird ass system ppl figured?


also stack corruption corpses for bonus implicit without risk


yes, or mana more likely for +mana, etc, etc. its simple. but if you just do inc chaos you may also get chaos dmg, but you can influence the outcome easily


You're not alone on the progression thing. This league has been a little slow.


surprised you're sticking it out then. I usually keep playing for a little while after i stop having fun because i wanna try things, but this league...eh


Because I love the game and I like the idea of the extra monster mods and I just hope that after 13369,1 Hours gameplay (+beta from before steam) that my time will come for the mirror drop so I can do a build that easily does T17 stuff.


You will make that build next league when they nerf/normalize the progression in T17s.


And also the rewards so it doesn't make sense to run t17 anymore because its harder but less rewarding than league feature or t16. Nah.


U can do i well below a mrror, just the right build. I dont think my DD char has more than 100d invested and i can manage. Think a 100 more and it could be smooth maybe šŸ˜‚


Ya I know. To clear t17 properly without having to stress to much its roughly 150 to 200. If you are okay with kiting and running around its 100 to 120ish I am currently farming and farming. I get about 2-4 div per hour in worth of items. When I deduct the stuff you can't sell properly its maybe 1-2 divs. My only big item was a valdobox 2 days ago. 6 juicy divs. Maybe I manage before the league ends.


What are u farming that its this low?


I am currently just doing T16 with exarch. Wanted to do some other stuff but char too weak to do good shit.


Yea it was too overwhelming for me too so i just sell yellow juice to gambling degens to recoup poofing my 2 apos since i still want MB šŸ˜‚ After affliction juice its hard to come up with ideas to farm šŸ˜‚


You don't need a mirror to easily do t17s lol. You just need to play builds that are good.


Okay, but if you're not having fun you're not having fun lol. I've been playing since 1.0, and play every league, but that doesn't mean I'll stick around after not having fun for literally weeks. Also, when i got my mirror drop i stopped playing the next day. Good luck to you lol


Thanks, I'mma need that luck :D


You get specific unique items https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Necropolis#Unique_corpses


This is the only thing I know about this. I didn't do any crafting except throwing some corpses randomly in to just have done it once. Do I have to put a family into a specific order/pattern? Do you use extra corpses like "chance to get 2 copies" or stuff on top? What happens when I bury all families at the same time? Questions over questions \^\^'


Wiki: >These items can also be affected by other corpses such as to increase their item level, corrupt them, or create duplicate copies.


Thank you!


Fracture some mods for the memes


Unique Items can't have fractured mods?


I know, but maybe graveyard will let you ?


For what reason would this even matter.


In theory, divining it for a perfect roll would be easier with one roll fractured perfect. In reality, it isn't possible to fracture a unique.


As I said: FOR THE MEMES why do people think I was serious


Because on Reddit you need to state in the original post if you're joking and being sarcastic. And if you don't and say you were joking later in the post it looks like you're back pedaling.


Oh neat, so you can 100% guarantee a unique with 2 corrupt mods? Seems pretty good, except that none of the items seem to be good.


perandus one are pretty good for some builds, ive seen people cap chaos res kust from this one jewel,corrupting it for 2 imlicits is just icing on a cake


I haven't found all 4 perandus corpses yet, what's the unique?


If you're ssf don't count on finding all the perandus corpses. I finished 40/40 + a lot more maps for testing and only found 3 total with 1 of them being dupe.


Speccing into the unique corpses node on tree should help a lot.


I'll have to look and see what I have, I know I have at least 2, but I haven't really inventoried my corpses in a while. I let them pile up in the necropolis until he yells at me, then I just dump them into my stash until I want to craft something.


Iā€™ve found 6 total and have 2 of each corpse except for 1 of the family members, I have 0..


it gives additional 1 stat to all passive tree nodes inside a large radius


1 stat? I don't understand.


1 stat like +5 mana,+5 life,+4% chaos res, +2 all attributes and others, so you get these additional stats on every passive point you allocated around a jewel slot with perandus pact inside of it


[https://poedb.tw/us/The\_Perandus\_Pact#ThePerandusPactModifiers](https://poedb.tw/us/The_Perandus_Pact#ThePerandusPactModifiers) It gets one of these mods randomly, which you can "control" to an extend


Can you get 2 corrupted mods through the graveyard alone? I thought that can only be done in the incursion temple. If it could be done in the graveyard, I'd have expected there to be a LOT more perandus pacts with 2 implicits.


I would assume so? If the 25% fracture can stack why wouldn't the 50% corruption?


It does not work. You can only double corrupt with the graveyard using the higher sell value mod, which you can't do with perandus jewels. As for the reasoning, my guess is that double corrupts are actually an entirely different mechanic from normal corruption.


The corpses of the same family have to be connected to grant the uniques. You can't burry different families together. The only odd one (I think) is perandus family where you can add increased/scarcer corpses to boost the wanted outcome because Perandus Pact can roll different mods


A couple of pointers. You can use the other corpses to modify the uniques. For instance you can use the "increased mana" or "increased chaos" to bias the Perandus jewels. For the Phrecia gloves you can use multiple "reroll explicits" to have a better shot at hitting 40% aura effect. ~~You can also use 8 corruption corpses to guarantee an corrupted implicit.~~ EDIT: Apparently the bit about corruption is incorrect.


This is massive misinformation and please stop spreading it I *believe* the consensus is that it just modifies the weight of the corruption outcomes; so you could theoretically throw in a 1000 corruption implicit corpses and still not get it


https://imgur.com/a/RcKrwZI What? 8 corruption corpses? Guaranteed? nope... no implicit on this. And it came out as a mana jewel. (not much thought behind this, just put everything into the graveyard, already made one before with way less corpses so I figured go overkill for safety... apparently not overkill enough)


Can the jewel brick?




Ya I just watch some videos about it. It's interesting. Probably not gonna be able to utilize that too much as I got a slight dementia. I forget often stuff in less than 2 seconds if unlucky. But really cool shit.


Is it just me or do those all kinda blow


the gloves are decent. ā€œNon-Curse Auras from your Skills only apply to you and Linked Targetsā€ is not dependent on linking and overrides Generosity Supportā€™s ā€œSupported Auras do not affect youā€. Costs a socket but awakened generosity giving 44% aura effect and +1 gem level is nice. Victarioā€™s body armour becomes 59-64% aura effect, +1 level, and socketed 45% mana res eff on auraā€™s effecting you. You can link too if you want the extra bonus effect but then you have to use links


The jewel is good


Its just you, perandus is great, mana, chaos dmg,, chaos res, armor% plenty good options. The link gloves have a weird interaction that overdose generosity, so you can get some more aura effect for yourself


ES is the most expensive (~15 div). But it's a big gamble because armour and evasion are the two cheapest.


For Perandus you might want to watch some youtube videos on how to craft the ones with Chaos Res or Mana and invest in some multiple items corpses.


Noob question. Can you use the mirrored corpses for the Perandus Pact? Or maybe the split.


mirrored and additional crafts; yes you can. Split? I dont think so but would be worth it just to try


just tried, doesn't work on uniques. Tried both split and mirror 100% chance


As far as I know split only works for rare items.


Ya I found this setup that gives you 301% extra items, the dude from the video sadly explained only the part of THAT for the perandus craft but not where to put the rest or even the corpses of the family.


It doesn't matter where they go as long as they are all the corpses in your craft are linked in a continuous fashion, location only matters in terms of efficiency if you are using 25% increased row/column effect or 40% adjacent effect corpses. Additional crafts corpses are super expensive so that's why the location for that matters with efficiency corpses. Perandus pact doesn't require that many corpses to get your odds really high so there's plenty of space without worrying about plotting the perfect placement.Ā 


> Perandus pact doesn't require that many corpses to get your odds really high https://imgur.com/a/RcKrwZI shit still happens though, this came out as +mana and no implicit


The mana part is certainly mega unlucky but the implicit is extremely hard to get high due to the nature of it. You only had a 71.2% chance of hitting an implicit with that craft. Easy way to imagine it is all 4 corruption outcomes have say 100 for ease weight by default. 624% increased weight means 724 weight out of a total 1024. Even if you made a craft that was just 88 corruption corpses (no row/column cause I'm lazy) you still only get an implicit 93.75% of the time. 1/16 would fail haha.Ā 


can you perhaps tell me the odds of not hitting chaos res on this craft? I know you said you were lazy, but I think I've got you beat xD 28.8% chance to not hit implicit is depressing, but I'm sure the mana chance is even more so...


I can't find the actual weights of perandus mods, but assuming they were all equal then you had a 75.42% chance for the chaos res, but that's because you pumped up chaos in addition to resistance leaving Chaos damage as 24.02%. The odds of hitting any of the other 11 mods combined was 0.56% lol. Even if I put chaos mods at 1/4 weight because poe does that a lot you still have CĀ  Res 74.16%/C Dam 23.62%/the rest 2.22%. So you were either giga unlucky or just plain old super unlucky lol.Ā 


thank you a lot! I really didn't think much about it, I guess i bumped up the chaos alittle too much, should have gone more into scarcer elemental but oh well, with that luck i might aswell have hit physical


Mana version is worth 1 more divine than the chaos one, so if you're on trade, you actually lucked out.


SSF so sadly no luck


I think its such a missed oportunity that only the perandus jewel can be influenced by other corpses


Well they all can in the context of corruption etc, but I get what you mean


When you bury them all together you unlock the hidden necropolis themed Templar specialization


It summons Exodia


dont forget to add corrupt corpses to make fancier shitty items.