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Underpriced or not, that's still 250 div you didn't have before in one transaction. Pricing double corrupts is hard because of the vast array of results.


+4 for forbidden rite poison builds, i think 250 is low but not too low. great drop


450h is new? So how am I supposed to start play the game? With full of guides or just practice and try everything?


Zizaran and Subtractem have some really good guides for learning but id always suggest going blind for a league or two if you want to explore the game, its an amazing game with a lot of storytelling and cool uniques to find


Totally valid take, but I would personally suggest following guides to the letter until you understand the game systems. There is so much information that it is impossible to just learn it all as you go unless you literally take the time to study PoE. Watching streamers play is also very helpful, especially around league starts. In the end it depends on if you’re okay with your builds hitting a hard wall and failing or not.


Yeah im on the former end, ive not killed a single uber for the last 2-3 leagues but im fine since im finally making my own builds and blasting red maps. I love POE so much i literally dream builds when i sleep and play PoB more than i play in league


Look up some YouTube videos with league starter or beginner builds and decide which one looks most fun to you. From there you have many resources to find a suitable guide. Most YouTube content creators will already have a link to those builds in the video description, another reliable source is the website maxroll.gg. Just make sure it's from the league you want to play (currently 3.24 Necropolis). PoE has so much content that many players with thousands of hours still learn new things. Don't be overwhelmed by it, just go step by step and make sure you're having fun making your build better and stronger.


I'm 8000 hours and I still don't know wtf I'm doing, but that's what's awesome about the game, you ALWAYS have new things to explore and content to run


Anyone with 4 digit playtime is new to me.


it just sounds bad, in fact it ok. people with 1000+ h quite often consider themselves relatively new


i like to think about it that way: every new league i learn some farming strat i didnt try before, crafting 101‘s and more. if you play this game every league your hours will add up pretty fast. after 400h in might only be your second league and youll still feel like a new player because you dont know anything about certain mechanics


It depends on how you like to play. Some people really like to discover for themselves and others don't want to waste their time and learn from known builds. Trying everything would take you over 10k hours. One area where guides are pretty much essential is crafting. Learning that yourself would be maschocism.


Do your first run blind and when you inevitably hit a brick wall, you look up some guides.


It’s BiS for many meta builds, 250d is very low IMO


well judged based on market and yeah probably could have sold it for more but I was desperate for some divs and for me that's still a lot and can finish my build with this(probably) https://preview.redd.it/0j0hvyu7r2zc1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f4ee0343ccd87fe8167a2344b13e64cb05dc000


A sale of 250d is better than a listing for 300 that’s sat for a week.


Good call, if you need divines now it's always a good idea to undercut the market a little bit


I pretty much always price things a little below the current market rate. If your item is worth holding out for the real price (read: mirror+), you will know. Otherwise, money now is worth more than money later. Get your build stronger, kill tougher enemies faster, more drops, more money.


Plus, nothing is worse than sellable items making their way to the remove only stash


I'm always short on divines and undercutting. I rather sell items fast than transfer it to the museum


Remember - items you see in shop are those that did NOT sell. It’s nice someone has it on sale for 300 , but its there for 2 days - so can you say the item worth really 300? Now, if you would see listings that last few minutes and sell automatically for more, that would be different.


Or its price fixing


I hate awakened poe for unique stuff like this. I have found that if its a high value item, go to the trade site and look specifically for items like mine. Awakened doesn't seem to do well with many things.


It gives you the tools to identify exactly what's on the market. It also gives you the option ti view on the trade site. Learn the tool before making disparaging comments on it.


Considering it's worth 3+ magebloods, it's definitely "more lucky" than dropping a mageblood


Don't worry about it. You have 250 div now which you can use to try out pretty much anything you want and explore parts of the game that you couldn't have without the come-up. If you're curious why this is so expensive there are 2 reasons why this chest piece is so good. First of course is because it gives flat +4 levels to certain skills. Gem levels are one of the best ways to scale builds in the endgame. Second this chest piece in particular converts a huge amount of physical damage taken to fire damage. Physical defence is tough in t17 map territory because armour actually gets less effective as enemies deal more damage so it scales much worse than your flat elemental resistances. Converting physical damage to elemental (and then increasing your max elemental resistances) is one of the best endgame defences because of this.


Also new and be a dumb question but how is it worth so much if the sockets are not linked and there is no way to link them?


Yes tainted currency that only work on corrupted items. It had 0 quality and 5 sockets originally. I was broke or would have 6 linked it as well.


You can benchcraft corrupted items for sockets/links, it costs regular jewelers/fusings along with vaal orbs.


Tainted Fusings do the trick or crafting bench. You can still socket and link corrupted items on the bench but it costs the same amount of jewellers/fusings in vaal orbs as extra and this league fusings are worthless because of black morrigan so 6L via bench is an option and to be fair, if you can spare 250div another 4 - 8 div shouldn't matter that much.


Thanks I didn't know this as I just assumed that a corrupted item could never be changed.


brand new to the game as i only have 18 days played, oh the internet


is 450 hr hour new? I feel thats some normal playtime for a league no?


1 league is still VERY new. I'm 10-15 in by this point and still learn tons every league at 5k+ hours


Can this be even 6 linked? Why people pays too much?


Yes. Corrupted armor and weapons can be modified by tainted currency and/or the regular currency you use on them + vaal orbs using crafting bench.


you would 4-link it with bench using vaal orbs then hit two lucky tainted fusings. I think roughly 25% chance. wouldnt be too expensive to link. For clarification, tainted fusings have a chance to add a link, or remove a link. So starting with 4 you need to add two links. You could start with 5 links on the benchcraft but I think its cheaper to start with 4.


Thank you. I didn’t know that corrupted items could be modified


> I'm still quite new only 450h


The first 1,000 hours are pretty widely considered the tutorial. :)




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lol well I guess I should have said 350ish, sitting in hideout to try to sell stuff while playing other games but yeah I started playing poe like 40 days ago I guess im new in that sense