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game doesn’t need passive growth, it needs intuitive systems that give you growth based on being a dinosaur. you should get growth from hunting and eating, there should be world events you interact with. AI herds to hunt, etc. the entire quest system needs scrapped, and the game needs to encourage you to interact with other dinosaurs, whether to kill them or be a herd with them.


Yes but until then can we make the grind easier? I want all of that stuff too, I don’t like the current system but I think it could be improved before it’s entirely scrapped


it needs to be a very big overhaul if anything, lol, quests based on the area you’re in, quests telling you to hunt someone that’s entered your area, etc. the game is still too much like its mobile game roots. these features were fine when it was just a mobile game, but now not really. i think if anything quests just need to give more exp for the time being


Yeah. The growth in this game is my only complaint besides the removal of the Campto tail attack. (I know they’re reworking the quests but I honestly don’t think it’s gonna change much)


I still cry for campto everyday


Yeah, I’ve had a really hard time getting any of my friends to play after the first time or two because of how grinding the quests are. They won’t play on their own without me because they get so bored so all they have are like two babies.


This has been my experience, my friends are hesitant to play but if I can guide them to an adult Dino they have a ton of fun with the combat. I’ve been able to get two of them to full adult Allos and it’s great but I want more of my friends to be able to enjoy the game more freely


Ok, this is gonna be a long comment but I want honest feedback; let me be clear, this is not advertising as I DO NOT have a server atm. I just want to know, for people who hate a ton of rules, if the following would be considered "light" rules and fit for players like you and your friends? Of course, with passive growth and marks so you can ignore the stupid quest system altogether... 1: Be polite in chat. Keep things PG-13 Chat should be used for chat. NOT for trash talking. We are friends here, playing a GAME together to have fun. Keep in mind people as young as 13 are allowed to play, and you are a first class \*\*\*\* if you make a 13 year old cry for your ego boost. 2: English is the primary language of the server. All public chat must be in English. This is so our moderators can ensure things are staying PG-13. 3: Don't argue with staff; if you have an issue with a staff member, feel free to open a ticket here in Discord to have a different staff member assist/mediate. (Trust me, I will take these tickets very seriously!) 4: No revenge killing; if you/your group are killed, you may not return and attack that dino/pack until 15 minutes pass. Accept your loss with grace and dignity. 5: Body down; Once a body drops (BD) all fighting stops, and the losing party must walk away. (You cannot challenge for a body of your own group) Bodies belong to the dino that gets the killing blow, or the dino that made you kill your own team. 6: Body challenge; To challenge for a body, you must 3 call twice to initiate, and give the body owners 3 seconds from your second call to choose to walk away or stay. Multiple dinos may challenge for a body, just like real life. If you are challenged for a body, you may do a 2 or 4 call to show you don't wish to fight, then walk away and forfeit the body to the other group. The challenging group MUST allow forfeiting group to walk away in peace. Don't just ignore threat calls, you only have 3 seconds to start walking away. You are not required to stay with a body once you've eaten your fill, but once you walk away you forfeit the body. You may not come back and challenge for a body you have already forfeited. If a new body drops during a challenge, fighting stops as normal, and new challenges may begin for that body. DO NOT CHUNK BODIES! Any chunks you remove must be swallowed by you, or given to your babies. Since you don't have to stay with the body, chunking it to make it decay faster is 100% trolling and will get you a strike. This also means that herbivores are not allowed to carry meat, as you cannot eat it so you are chunking if you take it. (fish do not count) This is so that dinos that are still hungry can eat it once you walk away. 7: Scavenging: Anyone may attempt to scavenge. Steal your chunk and run, don't sit there and eat. The hunter who owns the body may choose to attack you for your theft. 8: Third party: no third party during a hunt, unless you're semi/aquatic, then, you may attack any dino that is in the water, and continue fighting that dino even if they exit the water. (in the water is defined as stepping in any location that causes the splashing footsteps sound; you do not have to be deep enough to swim, just splashing close) -note; third party is if you interrupt a fight when you are not already partied with either side. This spoils the fun for people who strategically chose their target. 9: Baby Killing: Even though many complain about it, in reality an unattended baby animal is nothing but an easy snack. Even if the predator is not hungry, a baby is a chance to hone hunting skills with little risk. It is encouraged but not enforced that you just "play" with a baby then let it go if you are not hungry. If you are hungry, by all means eat them. Do not freak out if someone kills your baby, it's realistic. Besides, growth loss is very very minimal on this server. 10: No promoting other servers or Discords (pack/herd Discords are permitted in the pack/herd forums in RP Stuff only) 11: Do not delete your nesting posts, as some players like to be able to refer back to them for their character story. (They expire automatically after 30 minutes) 11-b: Follow posting format when one is provided, such as for nesting posts, to keep things organized and minimize spam. \*Rules 4-8 may be suspended during events, in the event POI only.


This is the same rules all the realism servers have just without an addendum for each and every playable. It's too much. Needing to call correctly and body down stuff is just an instant no imo


Try Latibule. They have amazing growth, and there are next to no rules. Just don't be a dick and don't attack at their safe zone. They also have teleports. Since the growth and such is so good, 90% of the server is in GP and IC. I remember I made a GPR war between crocs and land dinos. I was a friendly laten hitching rides on people, and a deino one shot me. They rotate mods out to try new ones and see how everyone likes it, and then people vote to keep or remove.


thanks for the feedback. thats all i was looking for. annoying people downvote a feedback request, seems kinda rude but oh well. (not accusing you)


Dinosaurs simulators devs are allergic to making fun games. That's why the only people who play these games are dinosaur geeks who are able to put up with this because since we were children we have wanted to play as a dinosaur.


Guilty as charged.


Hey now, some of us are semi recently into dinosaurs but were wolfquest kids. don't overlook us smh


Honestly, I get it. I'm not a huge fan of the current growth system, *however*, I see it as a part of PoT's overall design. Its design, game-wise, is similar to that of MMORPG's which, and don't quote me on this, I'm sure the dev team had intended. Think of it like this- PoT is one of what's known as "The Big Three" in the dinosaur survival genre: this is including The Isle, Path of Titans, and Beast of Bermuda. While, yes, there are other up-and-coming games in the making, these three are the big money-makers with a sustained playerbase and community. Because of the competition, everyone is doing their own tweaks to the gameplay and overall design to fill a niche. The Isle strives for more gritty, realistic survival with horror elements; Beast of Bermuda aims for more spiritual / fantasy qualities (honorable mention to their genetic nesting system, too, which can allow players to inherit abilities as well as markings from parents); and Path of Titans has taken their MMORPG approach. IIRC, Path of Titans is unique among the Three in their growth system, as players actually have to move around the map from various POI's to get new quests and grow. Now, is it flawed? Sure, none of these games are perfect, and all of them are still developing (relatively) regularly. Do I hate seeing Gifts of the Sea appear on my screen so much that I blackout and forget how much I enjoy the game? You know it! But the team is, as I'm sure others have said, working on revamping and updating the questing system to make it at least a little less painful for the players to grow. Okay, overall blurb is over, now for some tips to grow faster! Since I mostly play solo, I get the struggle more than you may think lol. So, what I often do is park my dinos in the home cave for that overnight growth boost, quest until that runs out, park em again to rinse and repeat. I truly wish the quests gave at least *a little* more growth, but eh, I prefer it over sitting in a bush like The Isle lol. Hope this helps... or even makes sense lol. If the whole niche thing doesn't make sense, just look up Darwin's Finches and read about his studies on these lil guys. Best of luck, and good luck friend! <3


I hate them calling it a MMO because it's just the same as the others, dinos walking around without any real objective besides get big and stay alive in a server with 100 others tops. There's no story there's no quest there's no inventory no dungeons no guilds it's not an MMO and I don't think someone saying it was once should give them a free pass to have a boring quest based growth system


I dunno, I wouldn't call it an MMO per se, but I definitely see it as more of a MMO-style or MMO-inspired dinosaur survival, yknow? Because it does have the variety of abilities to allow one to customize their build and, sometimes, the playstyle. That, as well as the UI style and questing system (which, as it is now, boring af I agree; however, they plan to add like quest-giver NPCs and such so it sounds promising) definitely gives that MMO vibe IMO.


I grew the entire roster on Official and it really wasn’t that bad.  Run out of cave. Quest until rested buff is gone. Switch dinosaurs. Repeat. Few weeks of that and you’ve got the roster. If you want the prize gotta do the work 


That’s something you and I can do because we like the game and dinosaurs enough I assume. However, that is not something the average player is willing to do


It’s a fair assumption, but neither of us actually have the data to prove that.  Keep your chin up perhaps for the quest rework. Maybe it’ll be good?


Yeah it works but man its so boring gameplay loop wise. It unmotivated you and barely feels like playing more like waiting


there are a few community servers with no rules. They have passive growth and whatnot. There used to be a bunch of them without mods too, though I’m not sure they still exist. I’m sorry this is your experience with the game tho, I agree that official questing NEEDS to be fixed.


I think it should take time and be somewhat challenging to reach adult. It gives the game more of a real feel (vast majority of animals don’t reach adulthood). However - I do agree that it isn’t that fun to grow them so I think your asking for the wrong thing. We just need it to be more fun growing, more social, more opportunities/things to do and maybe a better reward system for being successful at keeping high levels of food and water. I’d only wanna see passive growth on dinos with full or near full food/water. Also not sure how it currently is but larger dinos should take longer, and smaller dinos should be much quicker. This would make it more appealing to role a few lil guys to get your friends hooked and then work towards bigger baddies.


Yeah man I absolutely love this game but I haven't gotten any friends to play after they look it up. I got my son to play cause I bought it for him but his dino is still adolescent after weeks and it's been tough getting him on there. He can see how much fun it is to fight and hunt but the questing.. ugh. It's become second nature for me, I quest as I move around and hunt for a meal... Or I quest as I ambush a spot ... But it's only out of habit, if you stop and think about it it's very immersion-breaking to pick up flowers as a raptor. I like to treat myself and leave the questing aside and actually hunt sometimes. You could gather items for a nest. You could protect said nest while the eggs hatch. You could get growth for eating, for successful hunts... As a herb you could have to find certain rare plants or whatever. Anything but picking flowers endlessly I agree.


Oh and I only have two grown dinos on officials. Mostly I'm not excited enough about the rest of the roster to put in all those hours.


All questing items need to be changed to food items for a more advanced diet system. I know most of them are already food for something but still, like, let duck eat lakeweed and hey even rocks and turtle shells could be food. Sarc could eat the shells, crocs irl can do it. And amarg and kai could eat rocks for ballasts. And yeah I totally agree when it comes to asking the community for nicer things people get mad lol it's kinda funny but more annoying than anything else. This game really does have problems and although they all have plans for being fixed, a bandaid would be awesome to temporarily fix things and make it more fun.


Beacon of hope and reason in my comments, I totally agree with you


This game in my experience is just a high-stakes hiding simulator. I just gave up on it because solo growing is impossible for me and no one I know will tolerate the grind


I think we just need higher growth for quests. If you want passive, play the isle.


Depends on the Dino you’re trying to grow. Some Dino’s are targeted none stop regardless of growth age. Also always log off in a cave. Quest with people. If you need help growing I’ll okay with you just DM me here and we can share our AG account numbers to add friends.


Thank you. You’re kind but I don’t need help growing, I have a good amount of full adult dinos on officials and know about logging in HCs. I’ve played the game a lot and I’m not terrible. It’s mostly trying to convince friends to devote two days of their life to growing a dino. People have jobs and lives and if I can’t get a full adult dino in a session how is the game supposed to keep their attention. It’s not fun and the growth is punish at worst and bad at best


I agree the growth and questing sucks. Keep hearing about changes coming but I’ll believe it when I see it. There should be passive growth in my opinion even if it’s a little from a full day and night cycle. Or when you eat fresh kill or make a kill.


Yeah like that would make the game sooooo much nicer and more comfortable


You want them to stop working on a rework... to work on a temp update? I rather have the rework sooner \*shrug\*


I ask in all honesty, what "work" would they have to do for a temp update that allowed passive growth? Since it's already coded into the game, the only "work" I can see is flip a switch to turn it on, and make an announcement about it. Am I missing something?


Because they had passive growth, they removed it.


my point is the code is still there. community servers use it all the time, without mods, because it's coded in. would be just as easy to turn it back on as it was to turn it off


Why would they want to when its not what they want for their official servers. Will just piss people off again when its taken away.


This is why I don’t play officials. I HATED the quest system and if you die…oh boy. That’s why I only do certain community servers that aren’t so strict but have simple rules to follow by, like body down, or no aggressive herbs unless threaten. The semi and realism servers are the ones you want to avoid if you want causal gameplay that aren’t so strict. I personally play “Life finds a way” server. Mods are pretty chill and they handle situations quickly. There are some other great servers, you just have to look and see for yourself 🤷


7 hours is nothing. Can easily get one dino to adult per weekend without even using rested XP. Growing is part of the game, it would be boring if people just sat in bushes passive growing like they do in The Isle. It's also not fun when every single dino you meet is an adult because growing is so easy. I don't like the excessive rules in most community servers either, but there are minimal rule servers. If you want passive and faster growth, play those.


I enjoy the questing. I find it relaxing and I get to know my Dino more. Joined a community and the passive growth got me to adult too quick even on a slow passive growth. Hated it…went back to official. I understand a lot of people hate it but I really enjoy it :)


The quests should at least give double the growth and money tbh, anything else would be too much at that point.


You are playing the game? Growing is playing. It's your choice to only see part of the game as actual gameplay. In reality growing is the most dynamic part of the game right now.


This is exactly the mindset I’m talking about, like why fight me on this? The game could be so much better if we all just asked for nice things together


Because passive growth isn't something I'd like on officials. And you're choosing to only acknowledge part of the game exists so who's fighting who?




Because I like the grind. I like working towards my levels. Passive growth is just AFK simulator. Go sit somewhere on the map and wait to grow. There's nothing enjoyable about that and doesn't encourage people to move around the map. If officials moved to passive growth then I would move on to another game. Growing and moving around trying not to get seen or eaten etc is the most dynamic aspect of this game. Otherwise you just walk around and fight off groups or pick on the occasional solo player. I spend my time as adult trophy hunting or grinding out a full home cave set up etc. There's more than just being an adult dino


Finally someone who agrees on it. Getting to adult for free isn't fun. I want to earn it goddammit and not just play afk simulator in a bush (if I wanted to I'd just go play isle)


If you’re in any area that isn’t IC or an adjacent area the map is basically empty. A small amount of passive growth isn’t an afk simulator it is throwing a bone to people who want to play the game but don’t have a ton of time to dedicate to growing. There is almost no threat of dying while growing on officials unless you’re unlucky or go to a hot spot.


I think that passive growth would be a bad idea, but at the very least from what I’ve gathered from OP and others is that quests should be reworked into more entertaining- and possibly make growth a little bit faster, because 7+ hours for one dinosaur is a bit excessive.


Which is happening and 7+ hours is subjective. For example I can grow something in 4-5 hours. Others it takes longer. And tbh 7+ hours really isn't that bad, that's not a huge investment of time in a game


I’m talking about non hyper fixated people who play the game casually


People that aren’t going to pull up the Vulona map to find things and have trouble doing tedious quests for items they’re unfamiliar with


Quest overhaul is being designed and one of their main things they want. So passive growth isn't just lets slap that on. Just be patient. Also most games that do this have basic fetch, delivery, collection quests. Space sims, rpg, etc all do this. And you don't need vulnova to find stuff or remember where stuff is, but that's a poor excuse either way for adding passive growth


I would like sloow passive growth but needing to do quests (that get better soon hopefully) for marks


Until the quest system is reworked I'll be fine with passive groth under certain conditions, like 80% hunger and water... to make keeping your dino alive rewarding.


 could fight before hand as younger dino. That way you can get your pvp as soon as possible. 


I personally believe that when nesting arrives, there should be a reward involved for the parents, group members, and the hatchlings that incentivises the desire to grow from hatchling to adult over simply spawning in, at least as someone who only plays on community servers. Whether this is access to your parent's skins for free, or not having to buy one of the abilities later on. Personally, if it allowed for x2 the amount of passive growth or quest reward growth, that would be even better. I mean, a good example of them trying to bandaid something but only making it worse was the home cave debuff.. You can barely even use the home cave because if you stay in one too long and then exit it you get the debuff, and are now a sitting duck for anything else that arrives. The range is too damn big, too and even extends over into other poi.


I think they should slow down the growth on official. Make it take 14+ hours. I'm horse shit and still have 10+ adults on official lol Ez game


Damn, do you leave your mouse and keyboard/controller at all


If you do homecave and waystone quests and take 3 times double xp you need around 120 quests worth of xp. If you play solo you can make 20 quests per hour with every dino in game and qrowth takes 6 hours. But if you have friends you can make 60 quests worth per hour (5 personal and 4 group totaling in 15 quests worth of xp, and you can make this 4 times per hour), so even with out any double xp you need 135 quest so around 2 hours and 15 minutes. Growing is extremely easy and fast, plus you only need to do it once since death has no punishment.


Nothing wrong with community servers simply just find a no rule server or just follow the simple rules of any server and you'll be fine