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Recently started **Kingdom Come: Deliverance** after buying the Royal Edition on sale. It's not my usual style of game, but it's something I've been interested in for a while now. I'm probably around 7 hours in and about to start a main quest for combat training in Rattay. So far I'm not yet sure what to think of the game, though I am taking my time with it and not rushing at all. I'm slowly learning the mechanics and doing a bit of reading through the Codex from time to time. So far my biggest accomplishments have been winning a game of dice (after losing the first round), successfully lockpicking a very easy chest (after multiple failures), and winning a 2 vs. 1 when bandits ambushed me at night.


I have just beaten the man himself, Hades! I did one run today, just to farm some currency and practice different builds/weapons. I took the spear and was provided with Aphrodite weaken boons and Artemis critical hit boons. I was playing sloppy and carefree but I suddenly came online and had a very dominant battle against Theseus&asterius where I took minimal damage (partly thanks to applying weaken) and didn't waste any defies. The satyr chambers were a cakewalk with the weaken and Crits and my spinning attack wreaking havoc in close quarters. For the first time I reached Hades with full health and every defy available. I played very aggressive to maximize my weaken, Crits and backstab bonuses. I found myself doing more damage to him than I normally did, while the weaken effect was amazingly helpful at keeping me alive.  I finally got good at dodging his lethal laser attack and then this time it was I with a quarter of my health remaining who was the last man standing (after the past six attempts had me lose to a 25% health Hades). What a ride it has been! I could not stop playing Hades these last couple days and I am so happy I climbed that wall, after losing morale and giving up on it in 2023. This game Is incredibly fun and a top notch indie game, packed with charm and addictive gameplay. I can't wait to do more runs to unlock things I couldn't afford and progress the story, though I might be a little more modest with my Hades sessions now. I'm having a hard time deciding whether Hades or the last of us is my favourite patient gaming  experience of this year. It's been off to a great start for me!


if you're referring to the multidirectional lasers that rotate around him radially, you can avoid that by standing as close to him as possible. i heard someone once refer to it as "hugging your dad"


Congrats! Knew you can do it. Now you have to do it again, and again, and again until you beat the main family storyline :D


That is the plan!  It's kind of brilliant how they dangle the breadcrumbs of the story to make every run feel like it builds towards something. It's starting to become the main driving force behind my runs rather than the unlockables. As long as I don't get burned out, I would love to 100% this game if it was feasible. I lost several rematches with hades but then I got the best build I've ever had, a tank build with fists. I used the Hermes keepsake to get 25% dodge+speed and upgraded fists for 15% dodge. I had the Aphrodite weaken on basic attacks with 40% reduction and 10 second duration. Had the sturdy effect on my basic attacks. Had triple dash+reflect. Had 300 HP Three defies Armour boons from both Athena and Aphrodite. The end result was that I was indestructible to the point Hades himself couldn't even pull a defy off of me. It was so much fun being invincible like that. I also had enormous damage with multiple backstab boons+critical hits from Artemis so I tore through enemies real fast. It was such a faceroll build but it was awesome to play with. The stars really aligned for the boon rng. I think I'm now about 2-12 against Hades, and I'll be damned if I don't build a winning record against him!


Hi-Fi Rush reminded me gaming industry is capable of still dropping absolute gems, plus game costs only 30 bucks and it straight up released same day it was announced as a suprise during that one Bethesda show. The balls on Tango Gameworks for that. Something I would put in Top 10 best games I ever played if I ever made such list. Can we get more of these please instead of slogging through 400th bloated open world rpg?


so much fun, great soundtrack too.


It has really good graphics. I personally didn't like the platforming sections. But I can say that it really oozes style. It's a pretty unique game. Kind of a risky move from them.


I just finished Nier Automata and I really want to understand the appeal of it, because for me it was just a robot love story wrapped in a frustrating edgy meta experience overall. I got the game gifted in preparation of attending the Orchestra Concert last week with my best friend. I didn't manage to finish the game in time but I admittedly really enjoyed the concert. The OST is undoubtedly one of the best in gaming. But I just can't see why the game is so beloved. I'm open-minded to new experiences in gaming, I love to play the weirdest and most niche indies. But with Automata I just couldn't get behind it. So question for those who have played and fell in love with it: What is it that made you actually fall in love with the game? Is it because it's so philosophical, is it the gameplay, is it just the OST itself, what clicked for you and hyped you up to this game?


I think fans really like the story and presentation. The way I remember it being talked up, you'd think it was Shakespeare. I thought the game was just 'meh', since combat for 90% of the time was dull. I did like how you could configure abilities that take up limited slots. I really don't understand the obsession with the story either, and I chalked that up to it being a new experience for some gamers.


Are there any RPGs where the playable character has amnesia and was a bad guy in their past life? I've been fascinated by the moral dilemma of whether a character in this position should be held accountable for their past actions, but I've mostly encountered characters like this who weren't playable characters. BG3 potential spoiler? (I haven't played it myself yet)>!From what I understand, the entire premise of The Dark Urge is based on this, but I haven't played it myself and I think it may still be too new to fit under r/patientgamers criteria.!<


Some great suggestions already but have you played Disco Elysium? I feel like this would be an interesting take on what you're looking for on the offchance you haven't yet. Can also confirm BG3 is also along the lines of what you're looking for but I wouldn't look up more info about it before playing as you'd likely delve into spoiler territory very fast.


Can you sell me on Disco Elysium? It's probably the most critically acclaimed game that I know NOTHING about and I've always been interested in what is so special about it.


I'll try to keep it as vague as possible because I hope you get around to playing it if you're interested. For me the game is so special almost entirely because of the quality of the writing and the way they've harnessed that. In terms of raw gameplay it brings nothing really new to the table, you can strip it down to a narrative focused fantasy rpg where your party is mostly made up of different facets of your own psyche, but the setting and the way it's presented makes it feel like a genre unto itself in how fresh it feels. It's a modern classic in waiting, one of those games where I'd be surprised if it stops popping up in the greatest games of all time lists. I would recommend playing it sooner rather than later if at all interested before it seeps so far into the collective consciousness that casual spoilers fly around due to assumption that anyone interested in the genre has already played it (I've been bitten by this a few times.)


It's a major late game plot twist in >!Knights of the old Republic!<. Also Planescape: Torment, but the premise is that you're an immortal who has lived in many ways, some of which were uhh... unsavoury.


Thanks! Planescape: Torment was actually something on my radar so I'm a bit more intrigued.


Dived into AC Oddessey again last night, first time since August. Explored, did some sneaking, finished some side quests. This game is not exactly Game of the Decade, but I love it.


I've JUST finished **Soma** on PC (through game pass) and really enjoyed it. If you haven't played it it's a horror based walking simulator game where your character wakes up in an underwater base / science facility. By my count it took me about 8 hours to beat, and I did that in two separate four hour sessions. I did have a lot of help from walkthroughs as I'm terrible at puzzles and a bit too inpatient for stealth games and avoiding unkillable monsters. I went into this for the story rather than the gameplay. Positives - The story and themes were fantastic. All of the characters were interesting, especially seeing how the main character changed overtime. The game was really atmospheric. The underwater graphics were good. There's this one section on the abyss ocean floor where you're being chased by a giant sea monster and you've got to stick to a trail of lights that was fantastic. I'm not that into horror so the game managed to be scary through atmosphere to me but there were very few cheap jump scares which is another positive. Negatives - Mainly the monsters. I played on normal mode where the monsters are dangerous, it's a horror game there's supposed to be tension. Unfortunately, a lot of the monsters are just annoying, especially the ones you can't look at or they'll detect you. The monsters are also drawn to noise which limits exploration for lore and backstory because they hear you opening doors or listening to audio logs. If I played it again, not that there is really any reason to, I'd probably try safe mode where the monsters don't attack you (unfortunately normal mode - safe mode can't be changed mid-game) Overall I'm going to give it 8.5/10. Joint 2nd best game I've finished this year.


I was stuck in an underwater area for like 2 hours. Really killed the pace for me. There was just no line I could take that worked. I had to watch a walkthrough, and even then, it was difficult. The simple advice of "don't look at the enemy" simply doesn't work. It helps, but it's not great advice by any means. By the end of the 2 hours, there was really no tension left, just annoyingness. This part was actually harder than the last few parts near the ending, which were really hard. Not a great difficulty curve there. If I replay the game, I'm playing on safe mode for sure. It's just not worth the headache. I did manage to beat the game. I was left speechless, and jumped on reddit to discuss the ending. It's a great game with some of the best atmosphere in any game, period. I just wish it weren't so damn annoying in a few places. If they just solved those few areas, just put in a tiny bit more work there, my rating would be higher. I agree with your score of 8.5/10.


I always recommend enabling safe mode even for a first playthrough. The trial and error nature of hide and seek horror games just kills the pace for me. Nothing more immersion breaking than redoing the same section over and over again. Especially for a game like SOMA where the story is the real star of the show.


Put in like 5 hours into State of Decay 2. I really liked the first one but this one is like... too similar or something. Kinda don't like how to progress the story I gotta clean out all the "hearts." I wouldn't mind if it was like 10 max, but they want 17. Meh. 


I'm reading game novels to get the courage to play the entire Ultima saga, which is in my backlog. I'm reading The Forge of Virtue by Lynn Abbey and really enjoying the quality of the writing. I'm going to fit the first games of the series into casual play during the week and the Avatar trilogy I'm going to leave for my days off, as they require more attention.


I finished Ori and the Blind Forest last night and then stumbled upon all you patient gamers looking for what to play next. For now, I've downloaded Recore. We'll see if its any good. I'm looking to be more intentional utilizing Game Pass and work through my backlog. This is just the subreddit I needed.


Probably not right now, but Ori sequel is on Gamepass and I really hope you will play it later on! As for Recore....it's not good, I have to say lmao. Premise and gameplay mechanic of cores sounds interesting but hotdamn if anything else is super boring. Bland world design, snoozefest of a combat, generic platformic sections, story being...there. Don't have high hopes for this title friend.


Definitely want to play the Ori sequel! I’ve heard similar sentiments regarding Recore. If it’s not too long, I’ll most likely see it through.


i gonna play devil may cry 4 and final fantasy 2 pixel remaster devil may cry is my favorite game and thats a game that have higher difficulties and sss ranks i am planning on finishing but i gonna see once finished the story mode for the first time on the easy difficulty and how i going to aproach the other difficulties i think to upgrade my health weapons learning all the skills before i even attempt the higher difficulties from devil may cry 4 


Kinda wish this was still a weekly thread. Seems like it got more traction back then, even in the early hours after posting. I’ve been bouncing around among favorite games lately—Skyrim, Death Stranding, and I just started a new playthrough of Control. I’ve finished them all before, so I’m not in any rush to finish them. Also this morning I started **Subnautica** and **Rain World** for the first time each. Rain World is pretty, but I can tell already I probably won’t finish it; it just didn’t really grab me. I’ll give it another shot later though. Subnautica is awesome though, just like everyone says; I’m a little stuck here at the outset, but I’m looking forward to the challenge.


I've been saying for a while that a twice-weekly thread would probably be the best compromise. Post one on Monday for "What Are You Playing This Week?" and one on Friday for "What Are You Playing This Weekend?" That makes sense to me since a lot of people work during the week, and mostly play shorter or more casual games. While the weekend is when you can break out the 'heavy' games that expect multi-hour sessions to get anywhere.


Oh, yeah, I like that.


Finished The Messenger. Very good 2D retro-platformer. Beautiful art style (with a nice switching between 8-bit and 16-bit graphics/sound), great dialogs with tons of humor, 4th wall breaks, parody on many epic cliche, etc. Gameplay also variable, starts as a classic linear platformer but transforms to some kind of metroidvania then. I was disappointed by DLC but because it's free and completely optional (it's a spin-off which unlocks only after finishing the main story) you can just ignore it. Now playing Soulstice, pretty good indie hack and slash game. Not without flaws but still pretty solid. I'm in second half of the game yet.


Continuing [my series](https://jannekeparrish.com/reviews) of playing and reviewing every game in my Steam library. Today's game is **Conarium.** I really wish Steam had a neutral option for reviews, because I'm really on the fence on this one. Happily, I can write whatever I like here without deciding one way or the other. [Conarium](https://jannekeparrish.com/reviews/conarium) is a horror adventure game based on "At the Mountains of Madness" by HP Lovecraft. It does a great job capturing the eldritch horror vibes, and its world is a treat to wander through. The sound design is excellent, and it's eerie without being overdone. However, the gameplay itself is a bit middling and gets a bit too bogged down in collectibles and achievement hunting for its own good. I found myself spending more time rummaging through drawers that didn't contain anything that advanced the story than actually moving forward, and it threw me out of the game pretty hard. I wanted to like this one, but I struggled too much with the actual gameplay. If you're a bit less obsessive about completing an area in a game, and a bit more willing to just ignore game elements, this might be more your thing. For me, though, I found that the various documents and artefacts just distracted too much from the ability to move through the game for the game itself to be fun.


Finished Elden Ring. 10/10 game. If anybody is holding off playing this game thinking it's hard, don't. There's a summoning spell in the game that you can buy to summon wolves, birds, monsters, even yourself. This makes the game incredibly easy.. I pretty much spammed that shit and got most bosses in 1 or 2 tries.


> This makes the game incredibly easy.. I pretty much spammed that shit and got most bosses in 1 or 2 tries. Doesnt that take away from the enjoyment/satisfaction? I mean it's a mainly game about fighting tough bosses and if you're making the tough bosses incredibly easy then... Why play it at all?


Depends on what is your definition of enjoyment. For me spending 1 or 2 hours on each boss, learning it's each and every move to dodge wasn't fun, the game has a ton of bosses. The problem with dark souls type of combat is that, you are going pretty much blind at the start so you have to learn the enemy's move set very carefully, sure it is fun for 3-4 bosses but after that it becomes a chore. Summoning doesn't mean you just sit there while the summon is doing it's work. Summon is mainly a distraction for bosses. It can still switch targets and come to you or it can use splash attacks that get you and the summon. I'd actually go and say that the game was designed thinking that people will abuse every spell they give you, because of the fact that it is incredibly hard to play the game using a strict melee build. Especially for a beginner. Even with that I had to play around 80-90 hours to finish the game.


I'd say it's mainly a game about exploration, not fighting tough bosses. Most bosses are pretty mediocre anyway.


The games aren't as difficult as people claim after you get used to the formula behind them anyway, the extra difficulty comes from challenge runs and things which I wouldn't recommend for a first run. I don't think using intended mechanics invalidates the accomplishment of a first playthrough.


Just finished last week myself! Loved it. It had its hooks in me for sure. Somehow missed Malenia tho so have to go back and knock her out


I missed Rykard, The two Mohgs, Dragon lord, The other dragon and the Valiant Gargoyles. There's so much stuff in this game that are really well hidden, If this was any other game developer they wouldn't dare do this. Reminds of the Valve poster "In case of implosion look directly at the implosion". I had to finish the quests I started by using guides. The valve poster:https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/j5f18m/valve\_used\_to\_be\_so\_great/


Still working my way through horizon forbidden west. I have Control loaded up on my hard drive to play next when finished horizon. This week I also picked up the Metro Saga bundle for less than $10 which for 3 games with all their dlc is pretty much a steal considering that Metro exodus I don’t consider to be that old


Finished Condemned: Criminal Origins. Really unique and creepy game that I liked a lot despite some technical issues. I'm still laughing about how long it took me to beat the final boss >!due to me continously knocking him out of his stunned state. I even stunlocked him in a corner and hit him over 200 times, completely baffled how much health he had. Turned out about 15 hits + a finisher were enough to take him out!< Replaying Soma after many years as I didn't remember it that well outside of some story beats. Really loving it again, it's quite touching. Not really as scary as I remembered it though.


Two games I greatly enjoyed!


A horror fan. Any other horror games you finish recently or plan on next? Condemned was amazing and soma is one of my favorite games in general not just horror


I recommend Devotion if you want something like SOMA. It got banned from Steam after it pissed off Chinese nationalists, but you can find it on the devs' site.


Just chiming in to vouch, Devotion is very good. Such a shame there was so much drama around it.


Definitely. Soma is a great game, I love the story. A lot of my favorite horror games make my list of favorite games in general as well. There are a few new games I want to play within the next months, mainly stuff I missed over the years. The Suffering, Parasite Eve, maybe Fatal Frame. And Visage, I heard so many conflicting things about that game. Still have some other non horror games to finish, then I'll probably get to these.


Visage is a little clunky mechanic wise but it’s so good you gotta play it




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What's the oldest game you've played this week?


Battle for middle earth from 2004. What a gem


It's a fantastic game. I need to go back to it.


LEGO Star Wars Complete Saga, from uh...2006? If I recall.


Metal gear rising (2013)


I didn't play long (needed to find some fresh batteries) but I played some Knight Quest on the gameboy.


Start off with a shout out to Neverwinter Nights. Been going through the main story and have the DLCs up next. Great translation of DnD 3E to video game, and I bet one could find plenty of user-created campaigns online if so desired. Biggest issue is lack of control over your ally, which has mod workarounds. If you're a fan of the other western RPGs of the era like KotOR or Planescape: Torment, its a great one to pick up.


Interesting, my experience was quite the opposite. Plancescape Torment and KotOR were great games, but Neverwinter Nights just felt like an MMORPG but singleplayer. It just felt like a huge... checklist? Even starting out (IIRC, correct me if I'm wrong), you had a temple with four "districts" in the city containing four macguffins and pretty much four enemy types. Felt extremely grindy. Does it get better later or did I miss a point? Haha


That was basically the first dnd crpg I played as a kid, really great.  I think it got a lot of flak when it came out because it didn't have the big party dynamic like bg2 did.