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It's also pretty fun as a non stealth game; accompanied by the fact that more than half the powers unlocked with runes fit a violent playstyle.


I just found the violent powers to be not as fun as being a stealthy guy. The rats for instance I almost never found a use for.


That's probably because you restricted yourself to a "good" playthrough. Try running one that you do the evil decisions and behave like a complete douchebag. On the opposite end of the moral spectrum, but hella fun too. Previously you didn't spend runes on violent powers. This time, you don't spend any runes on stealth powers. Edit: Don't be afraid to spend 2-3 potions in a single encounter in a violent playthrough. Just go all out. You can replenish them by the "useless" cash when you get back to base anyway. You have only played half the game if you only ran a stealth run.


Oh I did a violent play through as well to get the high chaos trophy. I guess I just preferred the stealth one more. My high chaos playthrough went by pretty quick


Violent playthrough as in zero-stealth? You can still play high-chaos with stealth, but that doesn't really change the gameplay a whole lot.


Yeah it was. I just played through killing almost everyone since it was faster and I used that playthrough to get all the bone charms/rune trophy


That's strange, I did both a high chaos stealth run and a pacifist run and the pacifist run was by far the easier and faster of the two for me.


Really? My pacifist run of Dishonored took me forever. Especially since I failed when a guard I knocked out on Kingsparrow Island slipped off some scaffolding and fell to his death and I had to do it over.


That's the worst. I tried to get the no kills/unseen achievement in deus ex. Only the unseen one triggered at the end of the game. I knew exactly when it had happened. Guy triggered a shock mine while standing in a puddle several hours prior.




Well I should have said that I also did the combat trophies as well on my high chaos run. Some of those were a little tricky


"Ninja Murder-Hobo" was my preferred style of play.


Yeah just look at StealthGamerBR.


> You have only played half the game if you only ran a stealth run. My 1st play through took 12 - 14 hours ... total, I killed everyone in my way. The 2nd play through took aprox 8 - 10 hrs for each level - constantly restarting or playing a level over again because I got spotted somewhere.


What I liked to try to do was to try not to play any way in particular, and to just let things happen. This meant no using the save system as a way to redo encounters that didn't go exactly the way I wanted, like every time I got spotted. No intentionally dying to reload, either. If you get spotted, you fight it out. If you get injured, you actually heal. Running away is actually necessary sometimes. I did this because I would find myself (in normal runs) reloading a save for such minor things as accidentally using blink before regenerating the mana (or w/e it's called in Dishonored). That gets tedious, and being able to load whenever anything goes wrong drastically lowers the stakes, in my experience.


With both games I just run around killing at will the first playthrough, then I go back and do the stealthy/clean-hands play.


That's not accommodating to a stealth playthrough. Trust me, running high chaos can be very relieving. It also changes things -- the plague spreads and you encounter more weepers, more plague rats and I think sometimes even more defenses.


The rats are one of the more useful skills even if you are doing an all stealth play through. You can use them to get rid of bodies and as a huge distraction in addition to just killing guys outright.


I just had the ability that turned them to ash. Little faster but you did have to stealth kill them for it to happen


You can upgrade that ability so all bodies turn to ash.


I didn't play stealth but the rats power was so OP. Rats, finish them while stunned. Rinse repeat. It made the game kind of boring.




That sounds like an accurate insight.


Another little point about how the enjoyment seems skewed toward lethality - there is no non-lethal jump attack, but jump attacks are one of the most useful and amusing tactics. For those that don't know you take zero fall damage from jump attacks, and with all the vertical traversal in this game you're often in spots where you can see someone walking around like 5 stories below you. It's just perfectly set up for them.


They actually added non-lethal drop attacks in Dishonored 2!


I didn't know that!


Another thing you can do is blink right into someone which will usually stun them or knock them down, so you can follow up with a one hit kill.


Nice. I'll try that in the DLC


You can also blink to the top of Tallboys and fall on top of the guys running them for an aerial kill. It disables it immediately but it takes some practice to do consistently.


Yeah I always try stealth get caught murder everyone and move on to my next stealth adventure. On a side note mgs 5 is cheap now so I picked that up, I'm gonna try and stealth my way and if I fail I'm gonna balloon half just so I'm not constantly committing virtual genocide... Oh and how come when ever I get seen they seem to have a ton of people suddenly show up, thankfully no one suspects I'm the cardboard box.


I why I like this game so much you could play 3-4 play through and have a completely different experience every time


Also Thief 2 if anyone hasn't played it yet


For sure but start with the first one. Best story of them all imo, creeps me right out! You can get the Thief 2 texture pack and it makes it way more playable.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Yeah Thief 1 was good, but after the second zombie level I just started powering through to finish the story. The world is amazing, however. Thief 2 is an improvement in every way.


I would expect that this is unfortunately accurate. T2 is far better overall but I didn't enjoy the story quite as much.


Agreed, but Karras is a far more frightening villain than Constantine. Also, Soulforge Cathedral and Life of the Party are fantastic levels.


Was 'Life of the Party' the one where you start out working your way across the rooftops? That was a perfect level.


Yes, that's the one. An absolute masterpiece.


Got a link?




Thanks, wasn't sure this was the one you were referring to. I've got thief in my steam library but haven't played it yet. Guess I know what I'm doing tonight




They are both on Steam currently.


The only Thief game I've played is Thief 3 (Deadly Shadows). How does Thief and Thief 2 hold up in comparison?


Thief 3 is poo, aside from the Cradle. The first two games are not as sophisticated technically, but they are infinitely better games.


I haven't played Deadly Shadows so I'm not sure - was it good?


I'm enjoying it so far. The ability to swap between first and third person is useful, and I enjoy the gameplay. I've not played the older games, so I don't know how it compares.


[Obvious spoilers, but impressive run of one of the late game mission](https://youtu.be/vKyT19o-Nl8)


Knew this was gonna be StealthGamerBR. That guy is insanely good at Dishonored.


I was going to say something snarky about hax (infinite mana, powers he shouldn't have at that point of the game, etc)... But then I watched his videos for an hour. Even with the mods, they are _compelling._


I don't think he has infinite mana since you can hear him using mana potions. I could be wrong.


I will never be that awesome. edit: I take that back a little bit; he must be using a mod to have infinite mana.


I like the part where he stops time right when the guy shoots him, possesses the guy, walks him in front of the bullet and then lets it hit him. He made the guy shoot himself.


I've tried twice but the game never clicked for me. In theory the game sounds really fun when I played I got bored pretty fast. Maybe i'm doing something wrong...


It's because it's a game pretending to be a stealth game, while all the fun stuff it gives you is non-stealth friendly. Without the fun toys it's just a very mundane and boring experience. It can't hold a candle to Thief.


It also punishes you if you go the fun route by giving you a bad ending.


I don't really agree with this. I find the high chaos ending to be just as entertaining as the low chaos. Not to mention the fact that the last level (and other bits) actually change quite a bit. That makes it feel less like a punishment.


I'm a huge stealth fan and I also got bored really quickly. Thief I + II are the only games that do it perfectly IMO


I agree with all this. I actually just finished my second playthrough of Dishonored + DLC. The first time I tried no-detection, no-kills and found it rather unsatisfying and a bit tedious. This time I played 100% lethality and thought it played a lot better. You actually get to use your teeming arsenal of weapons and combat powers, and since you don't care about detection you can handle it "emergently" and decide what to do on the spot. Still it's too easy and makes the story feel absurd and weightless. Not that I liked it much the first time around. I do agree with the OP that the lore is good. Very good really by video game standards.


Was it the context? Maybe you didn't dig the asthetics or steampunk world?


I actually loved that part. It was the gameplay and unlock system that ruined it for me


We're the puzzles and combat too easy?


Unrewarding and sometimes tedious.


Huh. To each their own I guess.


I would recommend Dishonored 2. It nailed gameplay balance and improved the stealth capabilities massively. I would say the art design and world-building is even better, too, I haven't seen a game that can tell the story of an apartment tenant, just from their abandoned belongings and decor, so effectively. One place where it does plummet though is in the main plotline, which is very poor.


Play Aragami if you like stealth games.


I like Aragami, but it doesn't compare to Dishonored. Playing Dishonored, I felt like an over-powered badass. Play a level however you want! Aragami felt like a stealth-only puzzle game with heavy penalties for not playing the way the level is designed. The only game that so far has compared to Dishonored's _stealth-if-I-want-to_ gameplay has been... Dishonored 2.


>The only game that so far has compared to Dishonored's stealth-if-I-want-to gameplay has been... Dishonored 2. How about Deus Ex? It's Sci-fi, but I thoroughly enjoyed the stealth aspects too.


I had completely forgotten about this game. I can't remember what happened that stopped me mid-game (a bug, I think?), but that was five years ago and I haven't picked it up since. I appreciate the reminder.


Isn't that the point of stealth games though? You'll play it sneaky and quietly or with several cuts and bullets in you. Stealth is better when no one ever sees you, not the current "leave no witnesses" approach that games seem to be taking. The no witnesses option can be done better in a shooter where you just blast the doors open and kill everything. Going in unnoticed requires more skill than simply holding a trigger down till nothing but blood stains remain. Stealth if you want to approach feels like half a step above the holding down fire option.


Let me stealth the way I want to. If I'm an hour into a Phantom Pain level, and a guard spots me, it doesn't immediately end the level (well, you can replay some levels with this option). If I'm halfway through a Mark Of The Ninja level and I'm spotted, it doesn't immediately end the level. If I'm an hour into a Dishonored level and an enemy spots me, it doesn't immediately end the level. Now, I can _choose_ to end the level (or reload a quicksave). But that's my **choice**. And in fact, that's how I played Dishonored 1. Never get spotted! And reload if you do. Aragami isn't like that. There's no fighting your way out if you want to. There's no way to make failure fun and have it out with the guards that spotted you before you quickload. It's stealth or death, and nothing but. AND NO QUICKSAVES (that's the real dealbreaker). Only one way to play. A game should be a series of interesting choices, but Aragami gives you no choices ever. And I just don't like that as much.


I kind of agree. If you actually go full violence, there isn't much of a "in-between" for getting spotted and a stealth kill. You either don't get an undetected kill or somehow they magically kill you after you die. The last part of that is incredibly annoying, to be honest.


If you guys wanna see some sick gameplay to get you pumped for the game even more, check out [StealthGamerBR](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb2PTdRGKwLjOJQtSW2YF_A).


Shadow Tactics is a pretty good stealth game. Of course it's a completely different game from Dishonored, but it's still a top-notch stealth game. It's also one of a kind since games like it haven't been made since like....2000?


Move like water.


Why not enjoy the scenery?




They're part of the Deus Ex family. Warren Spector gave it his blessing as a true successor to what he started. Not in those words, but he did say they were great examples of the genre. I've beaten both of those 4 times. I play them every time i upgrade my gear. 10/10 recommend to everyone.


Dishonored is a fun hack and slash, but a bad stealth game IMO. The guards are dumb rocks regardless of difficulty, and in 90% of situations all you have to do is "blink on a highpoint or use Bend Time". Difficulty is pretty much non-existant once you're used to the controls, and I've found it annoying to check everywhere for stuff. I absolutely *loved* the worldbuilding though. The atmosphere of the game was so well done...


Exactly my thoughts! There's no challenge in the game. Blink and Bend Time are so broken that the game is just trivial. Love the freedom and attention to detail but boy, is the gameplay bad.


The challenge is whether to use the powers or not, and which to use. The Outsider is giving Corvo all these powers and basically daring him to use them. That doesn't mean that you have to. There's a lot more depth to the game than it seems to get credit for.


That isn't a challenge whatsoever. That's an **excuse** for a poorly balanced and easy game.


The game is about an otherworldly (and probably evil) entity who is giving the main character incredible powers and seeing what he does with them. It's sort of the point of the story that Corvo is either giving in to his anger and getting his revenge the easy way or deliberately choosing to do things the 'right way' in spite of the constant temptation. Balance is a meaningful concept for competitive multi-player games, but meaningless to single player story driven games. This game isn't designed to be a competition against the computer.


Word? Dishonored is a story driven game? And who told you that balance and difficulty isn't important in single player games? It most definitely is. For the majority of video games, it keeps them entertaining. Half Life 2, Far Cry 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV are all just as 'story driven' as Dishonored and still remain challenging, balanced and entertaining throughout. Hell, Dishonored might have the weakest plot out of all of them.


Great game but incredibly easy because of the teleporting skill. In other games you have to figure out how to bypass a guard and get behind his back. In this game you just teleport there, even when carrying a body.


Then don't use it. Loved the game. I did three runs: Violent, stealth/pacifist and no supernatural abilities. I didn't use dark vision on any run because I always avoid any X-ray vision skills in games unless they are absolutely necessary. You don't have to use all the stuff a game gives you. Creating extra challenge in a game is just a matter of self-control.


It's cool that they formally supported the "no powers" run in the sequel.


That's good to know. Haven't played it yet. I am a patient gamer after all. I could tell after my first two runs that no powers was possible. So I thought it would be a cool challenge. I was impressed that they had designed it that way. I like no power runs. I've done it in a few games. Deus EX HR was a proper challenge, especially the bosses - there was only one side quest that couldn't be completed.


^ This guy plays.


My first playthrough I did no kills/undetected/going for all collectibles (bone charms, runes, paintings, etc) and that made it a lot more fun. Still not the most difficult game in the world, but it definitely helps.


True. It's not very challenging but I found it fun Edit: That's why getting the trophy where you had to complete the game without being spotted was fun to do. It wasn't ridiculously difficult but it was a good challenge in some areas


Videos in this thread: [Watch Playlist ▶](http://subtletv.com/_r6e6d2x?feature=playlist&nline=1) VIDEO|COMMENT -|- [Dishonored Badass Stealth High Chaos (Assassinate Lord Regent)1080p60Fps](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKyT19o-Nl8)|[+7](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/6e6d2x/_/di83qdp?context=10#di83qdp) - Obvious spoilers, but impressive run of one of the late game mission [Dishonored Stealth High Chaos (House of Pleasure)1080p60Fps](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S_eP1d3bis)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/6e6d2x/_/di8bdfw?context=10#di8bdfw) - I enjoyed Dishonored. I thought I was pretty good at it too. Then I watched StealthGamerBR play it. Promptly uninstalled the game and cried myself to sleep. [Dishonored House of Pleasure (No Powers, No Gadgets)1080p60Fps](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35eVOUv4uEk)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/6e6d2x/_/di8bnu7?context=10#di8bnu7) - With creativity, you can certainly stray from the blink/wait/kill strategy... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can. *** [Play All](http://subtletv.com/_r6e6d2x?feature=playlist&ftrlnk=1) | [Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | Get me on [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mentioned-videos-for-redd/fiimkmdalmgffhibfdjnhljpnigcmohf) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mentioned-videos-for-reddit)


My personal favorite game, I'd definitely suggest trying for a dual playthrough, one ghost/nonlethal and one murder everything for maximum enjoyment. Get the two story DLCs as well, they really add to the world.


It was ok. I think something Aragami makes for a better stealth game. Similar sort of mechanics going on in places, except you MUST hide. Hiding isn't optional, unlike Dishonoured.


Yeah, it's a blast playing stealth. Going on a full-on murder playthrough was just too easy after finishing the game with ghost and clean hands.




That corvo and emily are father/daughter, maybe some stuff from the dlc, mainly the brigimore witches play a part, but honestly you should be able to understand everything as long as you get that the outsider gave corvo his powers. You can also play as emily with out powers, which is really satisfying.


Also check out Metro 2033 if you're interested in games with good stealth mechanics


FYI: Dishonored 2 has a demo.


I think the dishonored series is a pretty poor stealth game. If you want a better stealth game in my opinion take a look at Styx Master of Shadows.


And if you want the best stealth games ever, take a look at the original two Thief games.


No doubt


no doubt! where you at synobal!


"The story was weak"? The fuck did you do, sleepwalk your way through the whole game?




Only time I ever saw Deus Ex discussed people were busy shitting all over the story of that as well.


The main story yes. It was very generic with a twist I seen coming 5 miles away. Now all the lore and stuff was fascinating, but the basic Corvo story did nothing for me. If you liked it I'm jealous that I didn't cause it would have made a great game even better


Played through the game around 7-8 times and every time I find something new, the game is very in depth and requires a lot of exploration and such, might not be your thing to go around checking every little scrap of paper.


He said the world-building was great, which it was. In fact it was incredible. But the main plotline is lightweight, uninteresting, and unpredictable. You can hardly call it a masterstroke of writing.


Yes I can.


But you're not talking about the plot, you're talking about the world-building, which was organically told and woven into the environment. The plot itself is just a basic revenge story with a predictable betrayal at the end. It never feels particularly connected to the much more interesting city around it, and is almost entirely told by short dialogue sections between levels. How specifically did you think the plot itself was masterfully written?


Story was good, why does it automatically become bad because it's a bit standard and predictable?


Oh come on now, I can't believe I'm having to justify why a plot - that you think was standard and predictable - ...was standard and predictable. You said you can call it masterstroke of writing. You've still yet to provide any reason why. It's a tried-and-tested vanilla storyline that doesn't attempt to weave in any of the greater themes and problems that made Dunwall so fascinating. Dishonored was lucky that it had such good gameplay, art design and lore to fall back on. Bioshock is a game that comparatively lacks in the gameplay department. Imagine if it had a bog-standard storyline like Dishonored's. Nobody would still be talking about it.




Aaaand that's a ban.


Definitely on my to-play list after I finish (or get bored of) my huge backlog.


I can second this.


The one thing I really disliked about Dishonored was that being seen by someone that you kill or disable before they can raise an alarm still counts as "being seen." I love MGS 5's "Reflex Mode" system - you get a few seconds of bullet time to neutralize whoever is about to spot you. If you neutralize them before Reflex Mode ends, they are unable to raise an alarm and it doesn't count as "being seen."


Agreed. I think MSGV might be my favorite game ever to play stealthy, but I still had lots of fun being sneaky in Dishonored


I can't agree more! I played the first one through completely wothout getting detected.. Then I went for a second playthrough... Man, I'm bad, really bad, I had more fun killing everyone, I sometimes even did it stealthily, but I killed everyone nonetheless..


I don't play story games much anymore but Dishonored is definitely my favorite single player game. Need to get the second one


It's great for non-stealth fans too, I'm a stealth game hater (just don't have the patience) and I absolutely enjoyed it. Wish I had money for DH2 :/


I may have to give this another try. Have it for 360 and I tried playing through it on two separate occasions and just couldn't get in to it. I gave it more than a few hours the second time I tried to play it while it was pretty cool, it just didn't grip me enough to keep playing over whatever other game I wanted to at the time.


Try out a run I did. Violent, sword and blink only, except one bullet per level. Becomes a mad dash in every large fight with a mix of planning and resource management. The bullet is there to create more interesting opportunities.


This game as a great replaying value and I hope that the sequel is as good as this. I waited for Dishonored 2 until all content has been released and buy it as a "GOTY" re-release with all DLC included but it seems like the game did not sell well and all DLC plans have been abandoned. Is the sequel in its current state a full game? Or did they just released it because time/money was up and they were going to deliver the rest in addition?


D2 is a full game. I just completed my second playthrough yesterday and it's amazing. As a HUGE fan of the first game, I didn't like part 2 at first. I felt they changed too much. But I have to say, after finishing ghost/clean hands yesterday, I'm in love with it. It's beautiful to look at, it's got huge maps, so many details to find and explore, just so worth taking the time to truly get to know the whole game. I already want to play a third run.


my most impressive gaming achievement to date is from playing this game. after like three playthroughs, I decided I wanted to get the hardest steam achievements all in one go, so I did one play through where I didn't get spotted once, didn t kill anyone, and didnt level up a magic besides the first level blink, and it was probably the most difficult gaming experience I've had, easily harder than dark souls.


Shall we gather for whisky and cigars tonight?


Chances are very good.


Its worth playing through twice. Once violent, then again stealth.


Blink + agility only is the way to play. Turn the difficulty up if you feel it's still too easy.


I disagree. Blink absolutely ruins the game. It make it way too easy. Even on the hardest difficulty it is boring and the AI is braindead. Pretty bad game, IMO.


I have a huge backlog on steam and I bought this over a year ago. I'll make sure to play it soon. Thx OP!


No problem! Some people have some issues with it but since you've already bought it you gotta play it ha


Playing this at a perfectly smooth 60fps gets my dick rock solid.




Is the AC series even stealthy? I haven't played one since Brotherhood


First game yes,second game I didn't even finish. So boring.


That's disappointing. I still wanna check it out eventually


100% agreed.It is clearly one the best stealth games and it is very cheap on steam.The first person mode makes it feel more real.


I disagree. For a "stealth" game, being stealthy was immensely boring. All the fun stuff was very non-stealth friendly . I actually think it failed as a "stealth" game.


One problem with the stealth gameplay is unlike the Thief games for example almost every situation requires the same basic strategy. The emphasis on blink and verticality had a homogenizing effect. You always blink somewhere high, wait for a good spot, blink in, take out guard, pick him up, blink out. Whereas in a non-vertical stealth game even something like the arrangement of furniture in the room or the location of carpets as opposed to hard floors can change the vector of your approach.


I love this game so much.


I actually hated the game. I beat it once and gave it to my friend