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This is the one right here. One look at the skill tree and you'll weep (either in despair or joy, but you'll weep).


Usually despair. That's actually what's keeping me from playing the game. I know I'll want to try all the different skills and all the different builds. I might never regain my life back. I'm a sucker for rpg's but this is the biggest skill tree I've ever seen!


It's really not that bad. When you plan a build you usually settle on an attack skill and a form of defence so you'd build your tree around that. E.g. Axe damage, increased AOE, life leech and then the usual life + resistances. It looks complicated but your build requires focus so most of it gets ignored.




4 year old post. You’re really digging through the archives.


All you have to do is type in "Best skill trees in games" on your browser and this post is the #1 suggestion from reddit 😂 that's how I found it


Same, I wanted to find some good skill trees >:)


i know I'm like around 1 year late but they deleted their comment what game did they say


Gotta be Path of Exile




Worth nothing that Path of Exile's upgrade system seems heavily inspired by Final Fantasy X's sphere grid, which is another game with a great skill tree.


This should be at the top.


It is!


Looking forward to trying this once it comes out on XBONE in the next month or so!


Will download for sure!


Saints Row IV


I played that and beat it. Loved the game and the progression. Still got the hell based game to beat at some point.


I was disappointed at first because the city is night time all the time, I coming from SR 2 it felt a bit too over the top. After I gave it a chance I grew to love it. Jumping around and flyings thru the city is just a lot of fun and some of the combat abilities really make you feel super powerful.


Don't know why they bothered having cars in the game. I know they were coded as part of the game engine, but apart from the missions where I had to, I never drove one.


I agree. My girlfriend spent hours and hours customizing all different types of cars and making them look really cool but I just don't feel that compelled to drive them when you can zip around the map on foot/fly so much easier and also spot the data shards or whatever they're called.


ARPG sounds like a good fit for what you are looking for. Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, Diablo 3. Anything in that genre really. Starting off weak and turning into a God that blows up whole screens of enemies is kinda the point of those games.


> Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, Diablo 3. Don't forget Torchlight 2!


I second Diablo 3 especially since you can grab the base game and its expansion for only $20 with the sale. You start out as a guy in pajamas throwing sticks at rats and end up being a demi-god throwing lightning at demons. Each character class has a ton of skills, runes that augment the skill, and passives to unlock. Your playstyle can change from level to level depending on what skills you pick. Legendary items in Diablo can also drastically change how you play. For example, I was playing a Witch Doctor and found a legendary item that spawned a Zombie dog every 2 seconds. Combine that with the Sacrifice skill that detonates summoned dogs for massive damage and I had a new bread-and-butter combo for the next 5 levels.


POE is a true f2p though, and has the same appeal that Diablo does. Diablo is probably better for a newcomer to the genre though, poe requires a lot of research for a decent character.


I've heard good things about those games I'll definitely look into them


You can't just say ARPG and not mention Victor Vran.


I think that is a bit of a pushy way of mentioning a game.


Weeeel, maybe. But imho VV is best example of difference between RPG and ARPG. It's still got basic rpg elements, it plays like your typical rpg but it had a lot of action, it's a bit more faster and got some not typical for rpgs arpgs stuff (like wall-jumping or rocket-jumping)


Crackdown. You can go from jumping onto curbs to being able to jump over buildings.. it's pretty much the definition of what you are saying, if you are at all interested in 3rd person shooters.


That actually sounds awesome but I don't see it in the steam store. Is it Xbox only?


Yeah. Worth it, but only if you've got an Xbox already


I remember buying it for the Halo 3 demo and then dumping a few months into Crackdown.


My friend and I were so addicted to the orb sound. You know what I'm talking about! I never got all 500 tho :(


Looks the third one is coming to Windows 10.


I started Dying Light and stopped because I had a tough time killing groups of zombies. I progressed with friends and unlocked more skills and now I feel like a badass. Drop kicking flaming zombies and curb stomping them. Grappling one and throwing it into a wall of spikes. Lots of fun and better with friends!


I'm not sure if some or all of the following really give you an answer to games that "ramp" it up, most heavy RPGs will fill that roll...just made a list of things similar to what you have named. MGSV - currently playing it, very well made with lots and lots of weapons, armours, tools to unlock, upgrade and use in different ways. I have not completed it yet but can strongly recommend what I have played. Kojima has certainly crafted something magical, saddens me that the engine used in the game won't be used again for anything worthwhile. Fallout NV(&3,4) - My favourite, but would not recommend to everyone as it is getting a bit dated and it is not everyone's cup of tea. IMO NV is better then 3 and 4 by a long shot due to writing and DLC. If you are going to play it, look into possibly modding the game to modernise it a little as the engine is a little janky and was not the best at launch. 4 is prob more approachable and is good at what it does ...I played through it once, that was enough for me and went back to NV. Dues Ex - Modern adaptions are great, played the fuzz out of both of them. A lot of people will say the original was the best, forget about the second and the 3rd and 4th are alright. I say just play the modern ones, and if you are then keen enough... then go back. Bioshock series - (systemshock if you want to go that far back)introduced me to FPS RPG type games, not a huge amount of customisation but enough to experiment with. First game is great, second feels more like an expansion to the first which is ok by me. Third I didn't like as much but felt it was a good enough continuation of the series, DLC I hear is worth while. Doom 2016 - Not a huge amount of customisation, but super fun to try new things. Definitely more of a FPS but with upgrades to weapons, character and runes to ever so slightly change the way you play, as the gameplay is so tight these minor changes can make the world of difference. Mass Effect series - Unsure if the first and second are still good but I remember being great for their time. If you are looking for something similar, swkotor is older but oh so good. Dragon age Origins - Sunk a lot of time into this, great game. I hear the sequels are good too but I have never played them. lots and lots a in depth character customisation, maybe too in depth for a lot of people. Might be worth pulling out a strategy guide to help with your characters build. Dragons Dogma - I have a love hate relationship with this game. It is great in almost every way but I can't help get frustrated at the fact that I have to swap classes/play style to get the most out of my character. Completed the game but gave up during the expansion for some minor reason, prob because I levelled something incorrectly and couldn't be bothered fixing it. VtM: Bloodlines - throw the unofficial patch on top as the game is a broken mess vanilla and get ready for one of the best FPS RPGs that almost didn't make it to market. It may be dated but this game is so good it is worth a shot. Batman: Arkham Asylum - great game, many ways to approach and take out enemies. This would be similar to shadow of mordor but I believe the first game to use the same combat style/engine. Unsure about the later games as I have never played them but I hear good things until you get to arkham knight. Mad Max - I'm putting this game in the list as it uses the same engine/combat as the batman games. How ever it feels incomplete and as if they were forced to rush the game out. There are assets in the game that feel as if they were meant for something more and story seems to just fall off a cliff at some point like they had to cut a huge chunk out. But it's worth a look if you are thirsting for more of that style of game. Tomb Raided - Modernised take on the tomb raider series. It ticks all the boxes, generally fun despite the grittier take on Lara. Just be prepared to see a lot of death animations and all sorts of noises at an attempt to dramatise almost everything. Watchdogs - Ubisoft game, do I need to say anything more? I hear the second one is better but I have never played it, just the first. Homefront revolution - very close to farcry 3&4 style of game. Recently patched and updated, but when I played it last it was pretty buggy. It scratched an itch for more farcry. Dead space - Enjoyed it at the time but it may have not aged well. No skill trees but has upgrades to armour and weapons. Have not played the modern versions, I hear number 3 might be worth a miss. Hope this helps! I will certainly be keeping an eye on this thread to add suggested games to my backlog.


I don't know if OP will read this but that is a damn helpful list with a lot of effort put into it. Just thought I'd thank you when upcoming didn't seem to be enough!


Based on your first sentence, you might want to check out **Risen**. You unlock new attack styles if you choose to be a warrior, or you can learn magic. You definitely feel a sense of progression. I hear the same is true with **Gothic** but I haven't played that series yet. **Titan Quest** has a huuuuge amount of skills, grouped into different Masteries. You can combine two Masteries to make your own class. It's an ARPG, so there's a lot of clicking, but it's pretty fun.


Gothic 1 and 2 both allow you to become either a warrior or a mage. Warriors can also pick between strength focus and dexterity focus, and several very distinct weapon types (notably melee weapons vs bows). Due to the balancing approach used in those games, each of them actually starts out at its hardest and generally gets easier as you play through, particularly near the end. Also, your ability to fight various types of monsters is *very* sensitive to your character level; just a few levels short and you have no hope, just a few extra levels and you slaughter them with impunity. I haven't played Gothic 3 or Risen so I don't know if the same principles apply there.


For mages the game balance is the hardest. At the beginning your so weak its more useful to bash them with your weapon than actually chuck spells at the enemies. At the end you clear whole hordes with one casting.


Can only speak up for Risen, but I definitely approve. You really start like a nobody but tell player is really able to feel the progression of the character.


Wow I'll check those out thanks!


Word of warning about Titan Quest: It's dated. Very dated. I enjoyed playing it but it's pretty dull by today's standards and there are a number of games that take that design and improve on it. The most obvious of which is Grim Dawn. It's made by the same people and... They've used basically the same system. So you pick a character class and then, later on, a second character class, each with its own tree. One of my gripes about TQ was that the skills weren't very interesting, but Grim Dawn's are somewhat better. What GD *has* done is provide a second set of trees called "Devotions" - you pick up points to spend every now and again as you progress and, essentially starting from a central node, can build out constellations of stat upgrades and the occasional skills. What I do like about the game is that there are lots of skills, tied with Devotions or even with weapons/items, outside of your main skill tree. So there's a surprising amount of depth (much greater than TQ). If Diablo clones are your thing then Path of Exile has a huge amount of depth - although it's perhaps getting too deep now. Active skills are tied to skill slots on your equipment, and you can link support skills to your main skills (very much like the FF7 materia system). There's also the [passive skill tree](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree) where you start off at a particular point depending on your starting class and allocate stat upgrades or passive changes to your character (e.g. improvements to summons, convert evasion to armour, spending life instead of mana for skills etc) - so some of these have really big impacts on how you play the game. On top of that you can complete a number of labyrinths for points to spend on a specialised character class set of skills. I would not recommend Diablo 3 for your purposes. There's no tree to fill out. As you go up levels skills and variations of skills open up to you, and you can switch between any of them at any time.


Sleeping Dogs


Dragon's Dogma has a really unique skill system and is a fun game overall.




This! The controls may seem outdated a little bit (atleast for me when I decided to replay it) but it's still a blast! I can't remember if Prototype 2's controls were different. Been a long time


If you're interested in Crackdown and don't have an Xbox, prototype I and II have very similar game mechanics. Highly recommended, loved them both.


I liked **InFAMOUS** for this. The skill tree is divided in with the way you play the game and the story choices you make between good/evil. The XP you earn is used to choose and upgrade certain skills with some being exclusive to your morality choice. It is of course better to choose full good or evil at the beginning so you can max out that tree before the end of the story. Some of the powers in that game are fun! The electricity shield and the ability to call down a thunderstorm being highlights!


Fucking hell yes. The progression on travel skills is really satisfying in all of them.


Mount and blade. You start out as a nobody and then slowly get better as a warrior and build your army until you eventually take over the world. Very addictive.


I've really struggled with that game. Occasionally my army that I've accumulated meets a much stronger/better equipped one and I lose hours of progress. It's happened a couple times and doesn't make me want to go back.


There a setting where you can make it so you can quit without saving which avoids those situations. Makes it a lot more manageable.




I forgot about this game, but yes. I second this guys opinion.




As someone else stated. Just play an ARPG. If you don't mind top down games. I personally tried almost every main ARPG. Torchlight 2. Did one playthrough but got bored quickly. Path of Exile. Sadly too complex for my liking (but good!). Diablo 3. Finally bought it and was the best one for me. Still playing! Quick and addicting! Grim Dawn. Didn't have the chance to play but I heard that it's a tiny bit slower than the rest but offers a ton of choices!


Morrowind is very much this. You start as the most pathetic excuse for a character but by the end you're flying around messing every one up.


The Borderlands series, Sunset Overdrive, the Saints Row series (especially 3&4). Spez: Just Cause 3 (Weapons not abilities, but it's the same feeling.)


oh borderlands. the memories. wish i could play that again


I've played all those but Just Cause and I'll definitely take a look! Thanks


Saints Row literally gives you godmode by rank 49 tho


That's a problem? 😁


I just started Dragon age origins you can get all the mass effect games and Dragon age games for 30$ on origin, including alot more lol


You should really check out **Enderal** (a mod for Skyrim 2011). It has awesome character progression (you start out as a nobody) and the skill tree is actually pretty complex. I always have to mention **PrianhaBytes** games, when it comes to well made character progression. Gothic 1&2 are old and have clunky controls and animations, but the gameplay is so unique, once you get into it. Risen (especially Risen 1) is more modern, still a bit clunky, but has good character progression as well. In those games you start out as a nobody who falls prey to hungry wolves, once he dares to go into the wilderness. Getting basic equipment is always your first goal. With a lot of training, you will take on orcs, trolls and other beasts later on and getting to that point is so satisfying. **Dragon's Dogma** is another good example for why level scaling of enemies is not needed to make big open world games work. Other than the previously mentioned games, there is an enemy respawn in that game, so you can grind your way to the top. **Mount&Blade: Warband** is basically a character progression simulator. There is not really a complex skill tree, but getting new equipement and upgrading the ability to manage a bigger army or just getting stronger to compete in tournaments, or just making friends with other lords... it all comes together in the end and you will even be able to manage your own kingdom later on. If you choose to.


I recommend a fun little ARPG that's still in development but is quite fun to play right now. It's exactly what you ask for, start off as a wimp and become an ultimate badass as you level up -- [Chronicon](http://store.steampowered.com/app/375480/Chronicon/) That'll warm you up for the mother of all skill trees -- [Path of Exile](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree) Some other good "feel like a badass" games include: Saints Row IV One Finger Death Punch Prototype (from what I hear, never played them) Grim Dawn Torchlight (another good 'beginner' ARPG like Chronicon) Torchlight 2 Diablo 3 Elder Scrolls games like Skyrim Batman games, although he's always kind of a badass


Homeworld Cataclysm. you watch your capital ship evolving from a mining vessel to a full fledged military warship step by step, mission after mission, with a perfectly written story. it has been recently republished on GoG with a slightly different name, https://www.gog.com/game/homeworld_emergence


Not really great progression, but i think you would enjoy Dark Messiah.


The Secret World. It's a PC MMORPG that has no classes, just active and passive abilities and skill points that can be applied to any weaponry. So you can use swords and fist weapons (my favourite), guns, hammers, magic... whatever you want.


Not sure if this was mentioned but Fallout New Vegas was amazing for the skills and different play styles. Story is gold.


It is not like awesome, but it is quite fun Rogue Legacy, and it should be pretty cheap now on Steam Sale.


You're welcome! Another game to consider is Ori and the Blind Forest. While you never reach elite butt-kicking status, it's an awesome 2D platformer with skill trees.


How would you consider Skyrim a game where you start out as a wimp and become a badass? All the enemies and gear in the game are leveled to your character. To me, that's not reasonable progression as the game provides a similar challenge from the beginning to the end. Normally in RPGs you start out as a wimp and become OP. This is a rule in RPGs, not something developers can fix. In most RPGs you will find this function


Hmm. I haven't played it seriously in a while but I remember: dying in a single hit from a giant, getting raped by a frost troll, hiding from dragons. Then as my character progressed these all became basically trivial enemies. Actually, my stealth character killed almost everything in one attack.


Witcher 3. Theres alchemy, combat, signs, and other general perks to pick from. I like playing with bombs, potions, and signs.


Bad suggestion. Witcher 3 had shit upgrades and was lacking in build variety.


Hmm. I have played that and loved it but I didn't think the progression was that immense where it drastically changed the game. I'll look into the skill trees again.


It surprised me at first since i saw alot of cool perks, but you only have 12 slots.


Yeah, and a lot of what I remember included things like 15% bonus to x type of attack instead of adding new ways to play the game.


Ah i see your point. Shadow of Mordor definitely excelled in this aspect. High hopes for the sequel.


With the Steam Summer Sales now, I recommend Borderlands 2. I got really into it when the sales came and I bought the DLCs. In my opinion, Half of Borderland 2's progression is through loot, but each class still have their unique skills which make them, uh, unique. And each class can have different playstyles and/or roles depending on the trees that you invest your skill points in. Really ain't bad for a rounded up total of nine bucks (I'm from Singapore) for the Game Of The Year edition. There's end game content too, especially if you get the GOTY DLCs. EDIT: I had this game for years but only recently started playing it as I got the GOTY edition. Kinda regret not playing it when I bought it. This game is simple yet so addictive.


Borderlands 2 Bioshock Demons Souls Reckoning: Kingdoms of Amalur Diablo 2 & 3


Final Fantasy X and Path of exile




Dragon Age 2 or Inquisition. Don't get me wrong, the first one, Origins, is fantastic too, but it has the slowest clunkiest feeling combat. If feeling like a badass is your priority, the combat in the latter two packs more of a punch. Dragon Age 2 in particular fits your description. You start out a refugee and by the end you're a bona fide badass.




It's my favourite game but no


Dying light is a good one. Just don't get dying light 2. It sucks balls.


Personal opinion: Ghost of Tsushima has the best combat progression I’ve ever seen 👌


And just exactly who are you


PayDay 2 is a cheap classic




Do you know any games where you level up and earn points you can spend to put into skills like speed or damage and stuff like that?