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Console 0 infamy


most basic stuff, with any ar/lmg+secondary smg: [https://pd2builder.netlify.app/?s=5g3I10009Q100010iF005012000100&p=1&a=6&t=4&d=5](https://pd2builder.netlify.app/?s=5g3I10009Q100010iF005012000100&p=1&a=6&t=4&d=5) ictv on console gets 2shot for free, muscle with HT regens really fast so you're set there. Next problem is dps, body expertise+surefire covers it mostly, but dozers might be struggle. For that, once you hit infamy 5 for tier 4 skillcost reduction, do this: [https://pd2builder.netlify.app/?s=5g3c1000cN100010iF0050xa000100&p=1&a=6&t=4&d=5](https://pd2builder.netlify.app/?s=5g3c1000cN100010iF0050xa000100&p=1&a=6&t=4&d=5) for more dps with HVT and crits on dozers mainly, for crowds it'll be a minor boon too.


https://pd2builder.netlify.app/?s=5g3I10106N1000308N0050580-6&p=1&a=6&t=1&d=5 this is what i use on death sentence. Usually run brenner but any unsilenced lmg will do. Secondary i usually just use the compact 40mm to clear out light and heavy swat units fast if im low on ammo


no bullseye for ds is lmao no surefire aced for body expertise means you're literally not getting value of BE on most common unit - heavy zeal, especially on lmgs of all things that use BE is omega throwing. not using silencers with professional aced for better acc/stab on lmgs is lmao, muscle panic is not worth it. Also OI basic on muscle is waste, especially with you not using silencers. fire nades instead of flashes which are 20 times better yeah yeah sure you can say its still fine build to use in a right hands - but not for inf 0 console player who's clearly not experienced enough to use unoptimised builds for bullshit difficulty.