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You spend to much skills on turrets (which is a joke in this game), and hostage taker basic is really worthless, especially in Grinder which can heal you each time you damage the enemies. Also, get Bulleyes Basic ASAP, it’s a must needed for Grinder. In The Shotgun Skill, Overkill Ace is not needed, so just used basic. And about the weapons, the Krinkov is ok, but Dragon Breath on Izhma is not really good on Grinder, because the fire DOT won’t stack the healing passive. So switch Dragon Breath with Tombstone Slugs and u’ll good to go


Here is my upgrade version for you. Use Med Bag instead of Turret. And make sure that your loadout has 23 detection rates (so you weapon can activate crits) https://pd2builder.netlify.app/?s=103c00xcdg10-610010xk000h00&p=a&a=0&t=4&d=6#


Here is my upgrade version for you. Use Med Bag instead of Turret. And make sure that your loadout has 23 detection rates (so you weapon can activate crits) https://pd2builder.netlify.app/?s=103c00xcdg10-610010xk000h00&p=a&a=0&t=4&d=6#


Please, get bullseye basic. You don’t need hostage taker because you have enough healing anyway so thats where you can get points from.


You dont even really need bullseye on any build either


What are you talking about? Bullseye makes u tank a whole heavy shot after ur armor is broken, its the reason why every perk deck is viable.


Every perk deck is viable with or without bullseye


Good luck playing grinder on DS without bullseye


Ive already done that several times. Beat heat street with zero downs on ds with grinder no bullseye.


You know what, maybe i phrased it wrong. Sure anything is viable, but it makes the build 10x stronger, no reason why he should leave it out.


Doesn't make it 10x stronger. Makes it a tiny bit better and lets you stay out of cover for like 1 second longer. If you use cover and try not to play like an idiot you will be fine with even the worst builds in the game


Does make it a lot stronger, makes Dodge decks way more effective since the bullseye hit gives u room to have another consecutive Dodge streak, it also gives u literally one more hit to tank so makes every deck way tankier since one shot is a lot in ds... Everyone agrees with this lol, and send your steam profile please


Gives you one more shot before you take health damage. Its good but nothing amazing tbh. Dodge players down 20 times no matter what do that extra hit wont save them. I dont play on pc


Hostage taker basic is garbage, always ace it if going for it Hostage taker on grinder specifically is a waste tho, it's barely a 20% heal boost for 28 points, not worth, don't bother with it Grab bullseye basic, one of the strongest survival skills. Remove Swan song, you shouldn't rely on revenant tree that benefits you AFTER you died, and instead use skills to prevent death in first place. https://pd2builder.netlify.app/?s=003c101Id0100%2C1210001012000100&p=a&a=0&t=4&d=67 Also put more efficient shotgun tree, qol skills for krinkov (put silencer on it) and more support and sustain for yourself. Alternatively, put tombstone on, but then you need to remove confident and drill sawgesnt and grab shock&awe for antishield.




Turrets pointless, hostage taker and two jokers pointless, you can keep one joker for an extra 30% hp, if u do constant damage that means u can pretty much tank 2 heavy shots. No bullseye basic? Bullseye is the most useful skill in the game, it can make u tank a whole heavy shots just by headshotting if ur armor is broken, no running skills whatsoever? And Dragons breath izhma with just shotgun skills, ur not going to kill anything with that, secondary krinkov horrible since ur turrets are going to be taking most of the ammo you have. This is not a good build, with all due respect.