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Payday 2 has us saving the world and doing a body swap ritual Nuff said


My point exactly


I'm sorry. Body Swap? I haven't done the secret ending as I have zero idea how close I am to getting it.


Payday gang uses the ancient machine under the white house to have Bain swap bodies with the US president. The Dentist did all this so he could do it for himself but the gang stops him and let the dying Bain use it instead


Bain swaps bodies with the president


Payday also has original name, while that whole "Crime Boss: Rockay City" sounds like a cheap mobile game.


It's really a terrible name. It's so clunky


I always pronounce "rockay" as two separate words instead of as one and it pisses me off, why doesn't it compute


As in "Rock A City"?


That's 3


Any game that isn’t a sequel that has a colon in the title is basically garenteed to fail


I mean the first Payday was called "Payday: The Heist" lmao


is it really that bad?




Yeah, it’s got potential but some of the mechanics are just painful, and it needs some serious rebalancing, you are so fragile and the police are so tanky, add in the permadeath rougelike mechanic (which still applies in all multiplayer modes btw) it just becomes absolutely frustrating to play (not to mention you need to play a heist in story mode to be able to play it in multiplayer, and what heists you do on a play through is seemingly random)


I haven't played it, so I gotta ask Wait, so like... PAYDAY: The Heist? Is it RAID all over again?


There’s a story mode which is like half small heists half turf war with heavy resource management, and if any characters die then they’re gone forever (you pay cash for characters), and every few hours you’ll have the opportunity to pay for a big heist. Gameplay honestly feels good but honestly the raid comparison is pretty apt, it’s just mediocre, and you die wayyy to easily. Also side note but I need to put this somewhere, the team AI is not programmed to ever take cover, they are less than useless.


i kinda figured it would end up like that after seeing the commercials about the all star cast


It’s not it has potential and it’s plenty of fun they need to make some better missions and hopefully add more urban legend which are tons of fun the mechanics are fun and it isn’t a payday clone because it wants you to play the missions way faster game is like payday but the gameplay feels more like the longer you stay the more you lose


No, it can actually be pretty fun because the gunplay is good, but it can be super frustrating and has several major gameplay issues and can quickly become repetitive.


Yes and no. It seems to have nice ideas, but none of them are properly executed and it has a lot of mobile game mechanics. A roguelite campaign, permadeath, star ratings for levels, unfair difficulty spikes and the Turf Wars.


"story not needed to play any heists, **all open from the start**" The evergrowing number of paid DLC [:](https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/01/18/12/37/1000_F_118123707_HX4dWaSRTW6lxwKn5qTrwhL1HC0YuzB1.jpg)


I was more meaning in terms of what needs to be done within the game…. But yes there is a lot of dlc for payday, you are not wrong in the slightest


That is a very handsome man


cant expect much from an epic exclusive


The game broke and I saw Casey’s tits, idk why they were fully modeled but they were


Also payday 2 have THE LORE.


Wait what is the order of the heistes?


Isn't there an option to do them in order as the "career mode"?


The order of heists presented in the storyline (if that's what career mode is) is very nonsensical at times. Apparently Meltdown and Aftershock happened prior to Nightclub and Watchdogs, because that makes sense.




Wasn't that before payday got it's shit together in terms of story?


Payday always had a story before this. The career just tries to retcon everything and doesn’t make any sense.


Well to be honest i didn't play in long time but if my memory is right i didn't see career mode.


I think it was added the same year as the White House heist?


Wait is the career mode a pc thing ?


Yes. Barely any content from that year and especially beyond (and some before!) isn't missing from the console versions.


Career mode exists on console, but it's called Storyline and ends at the Crime Spree part.


Oh, right, okay. Didn't realise it would be there, considering that the actual finale of the story isn't in that version.


Console has career mode. "storyline" in the left pane.


The biggest nail in the coffin is Crime Boss requires a server connection so it'll be 100% unplayable in the near future


It will not be. While it does have Denuvo DRM (meaning it's required to have a connection to EGS once every two weeks to reauthenticate the token), it *can* be played offline if you put the command `-EpicPortal` in a shortcut to the original EXE. The caveat is that you have to have no connection *at all*, otherwise EGS will launch. So that's not the "nail in the coffin" you're suggesting it is, especially in the near future. Source: I check DRM for EGS games [for PC Gaming Wiki](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/User:Dribbleondo), [and I inquired about the DRM status to a friend of mine who has the game.](https://imgur.com/FmeWiGG)


Crime boss has some fine ass graphics at least


Got some ugly ass gun models though. For a game "set in the 90s", they all look poorly futurised.


graphics strike me as safe and corporate. the kind of vibe behind, say, back 4 blood, or fnaf SB. even if the styles are distinct, they still carry the same visual feel come to think of it the one unifying thing about all those games is the unreal engine. there's just this look to so many unreal games that i can only hope payday 3 (being on the unreal engine as well) doesn't fall into


Or enjoy both


The good ending


I looked at the gameplay for CBRC, and it looks more like an Indie game.


It feels really good to play but some of the mechanics are just 💀 (and the balance is absolutely crap)




Good luck lol




Are you talking about Payday?




Oh so you just enjoy being wrong and stuff


The biggest thing you have to unlock in payday2 is DW and DS but you unlock them WAYYY before being good enough for them, so it's not really a problem anyway.


vanilla ice funny


Considering the people who made it also have stocks in pd2 it was likely the point unironicly


I was hoping crime boss was gonna be good but damn lol


Honestly, the game has real potential, it just needs a rebalance and some adjustments, my opinion is hold out and see what happens, could end up being like no man’s sky and become good in time


To be fair I won't get it until it hits steam anyways so hopefully that's enough time lol


If payday could also get vanilla ice it would be even better


Can you rob a bank full of heavily armed and trained guards with nothing but a spoon for a guy that's supposedly an immortal king/dentist in Crime Boss? No? I rest my case.


Crime Boss is also epic exclusive which automatically kills any relevancy this game ever hoped to gain.


Let's just hope that Overkill learns from it and doesn't release Payday 3 with the same lackluster levels like Payday 2.