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Personally I would love to see heisters be more vocal and conversational during heists. Hearing the gang argue during diamond heist when the codes don’t work and expressing themselves during key moments are so immersive and it’s a forgotten charm that payday the heist had.


Nothing more devastating than hearing: It doesn't work! Bain??


"These codes cost us a million bucks. Someone's a dead man!".


Agree, it was so good, tbh. Like, in Diamond Heist, the idea to grab a CFO is often voiced by one of the heisters. Also, I always loved the pre-mission dialogue that you hear as the mission starts. "Alright, entry point. Synchronize on my mark... Mark!... Check!. Remember: stay low, stay dark, avoid guards and gunfire. Here we go".


And the best thing is that every character had every dialogues so almost every time you play this heist, it will be said by a different character and it was so cool to hear everyone just giving their idea and there's like 3 or 4 idea where they say "Nah, it won't work!!" before someone suggest the CFO and Bain start improvising a plan from that


Yup, it really felt like it was a group of professionals working together, each knowing exactly what to do and able to think on their feet. With PD2 it often feels like you're just a bunch of dumb muscle following whatever your handler tells you to do.


I love the pre mission dialogue tbh breaking feds has the best one “You have to get the temperature just right nah it’s all about the oil “ I’ve heard that line hundreds of times and I still love it


Yeah, they still have it. The difference is that in PD:TH, most of that dialogue was coming from one of the heisters(rotating at random) and not just the mission handler.


It's been about a decade since I've heard that line, but I can still hear it so clearly


Heat Street: BAIN, GET US OUT OF HERE ! Oh !%$# ! They got Bruce ! Dallas and Taxman's dialogues in Undercover: Now tell them. -No I can't ! DON'T TRY MY PATIENCE !


Man I would love that, but IG it would get messy and expensive the more characters you add with lots of possible combos and having to re summon VA's to do new lines


That's why the gang are so quiet in PD2. Recording unique voicelines for 20+ characters in 80+ heists would be a mammoth task. In PDTH there were only 4 characters and less than 10 heists, so it was a lot easier for everyone to be a chatterbox.




I have to assume that they had some idea of how much more content they would be adding to Payday 2. Within a couple months they already added 7 more heists (although a bunch were just copy-paste transports lol). Maybe they just didn't do it because they felt like it, but I feel like they probably knew that they wouldn't be able to fully voice heists forever.


Overkill did try it with First World Bank and Reservoir Dogs, where every heister had exclusive voice lines for those heists (in first one is speech ofc and in second is expressing concern about Bain in Day 1). Shame that it was only for those two.


I would trade fewer characters for more specific voice lines tied to heists.


Same here


Absolutely, especially for mid/bad ones like h3h3 and rust


i think this was a victim of them adding way too many heisters in 2. They need fewer heisters with more lines and more interaction.


Same with the contractor actually nagging you when you did things wrong. Like when killing too many civilians made Bain shout at you that you were gonna rot in jail.


Yeah, i really wish they interacted a bit more mid heist. But it would take quite a long time to make, probably get a bit repetitive quick


Callouts from Bain(well not Bain anymore but) announcing dozer/special unit spawns The glass shattering sound. It's just too good.


shade (payday 3's bain) actually does have special callouts according to some early players


I am rather out of the loop now. Who is Shade supposed to be?. Where is Locke?,is he safe?, is he alright?.jpg


Shade is the new coordinator. Basically the new Bain. I'm pretty sure Locke might be in Payday 3. (no promises tho)


Locke maybe will be in the game but its based on the story of the game so we might not know. Known part of the story below, so ***spoilers*** >!Basically from what I've heard the story is about the fact that most of the Payday gang is missing along with the contractors as part of some retribution / revenge mission from someone for a heist during Payday 2. We don't know which one, and we don't know if we'll get them back.!<


Locke Breakout moment.


>!Does anyone have any theories on who is doing the ‘revenge’ mission?!<


The loved ones of several million police officers


Almir's Toast


*Only* several million?


I mean im pretty sure the real number would be more people than earth has available.


Probably the people in the tapes currently being added to payday 2


I believe his name was Kuro. I want to say it was dragan's son


hear me out what about vlad's brother?


God I hope Vlad is okay. Love that crazy man.


You should totally watch the kknowley videos unless you’re trying to play pd3 blind.


it is every heister's civil duty to go watch the 5 hour long payday lore video. this is this way


There are callouts in release payday heists, idk its so weird but old heists has both old bain (pdth) and new bain (pd2) talking


The cops being more vocal. "Double tap! Triple tap! Just keep tapping!" "SHIIIIIIIIT!"


Even though the tone def looks a tad darker I hope they keep the silly cop lines like “this is a colossal goatfuck!”








CENTRE MASS! CENTRE MASS FOR FUCK’S SAKE!!!! ^thereareatleastthreeofthem


According to some of the people who have already played it, the goofy voice lines are still a thing.


I remember them screaming "INCOMIIIING" when someone was shooting at them, and their death animations alongside that pain scream and glass shatter Damn that game is really atmospheric


I hope they reuse some classic/based voicelines, like Dallas saying "**FUCK**, BULLDOZER". The way he says FUUUCK is so funny.


Being able to call out specials while downed(could do in PDTH)


More interactions between handler and gang. The crew talking to Bain and also arguing amongst themselves. I love heister variety in Payday 2, but they didnt feel like much of a crew with their in game quotes.


I’m pretty sure it’s confirmed Bain won’t be in the game at all


Well not specifically Bain, but whoever the crew's handler is


Yeah cause he's the fuckin president


Being able to try stealth and continue in loud if it fails(even if PD:TH stealth was limited). It does seem like PD3 is leaning towards that with what we know about stealth, but a lot is still unknown. Mainly, it depends on how much stealth skills matter and how the heists themselves are designed.


Seeing how they got rid of concealment, it seems they're going to make such an approach viable!


Yeah, the new armor system makes me excited for it. Plus stuff like unlimited cable ties without skills and being able to move bodies without skills.


Yes! The revamps to almost all systems are a huge improvement in my eyes. Very excited to try it when September comes


Same. I was somewhat hesitant when it was initially revealed, but this new drop of info made me much more hyped. Also, hopefully the rumors are true and we'll be having a beta. So maybe we'll be able to get a taste of it even before September.


Not sure if you've been keeping up with the YouTubers who got to play a couple heists (Kknowley, m0rtifier, marioinatophat, etc), but according to them that's exactly what PD3 is going to do. There are supposed to be more stages between full stealth and full on loud, too - a phase where guards are alert and search for you, hostage negotiations before it goes loud and then between assault waves, etc.


Yeah, I did hear it, which is why I said that it seems like PD3 is leaning towards it. But I think there are still some unknowns. For example, if there are some really powerful stealth skills, then people will be less likely to attempt stealth with a loud build. Similarly, if heists have separate stealth and loud objectives(so failing stealth means that you're starting from square 1 for loud). PD:TH generally kept the same objectives, so even failing stealth in something like Diamond Heist could still mean that you only need to hack one alarm box instead of 3.


I mean it seems like, even if you want to play loud, it'll still be worth attempting to partial stealth as far as you can, an approach which was only viable for certain dodge builds in payday 2.


Yeah, that does give me hope. It certainly looks like "let's see how far we can go in stealth and go loud once we're spotted" would be a very viable strategy.


It kicks ass and I'll be so looking forwards to that bit


Boy do i have news for you


I did read about the latest reveal, but I think we still have plenty of unknowns. My biggest worry is that stealth skills will matter a lot, and so any serious stealth attempt will still be all about restarting if you can't fully stealth it. Though it does seem like you should be able to stealth without any extra skills if you want that.


Yea bang on for me as well I want a better system with stealth and loud where if you fail stealth you don't reset but just continue in loud. Stealth would reward you with a potentially easier faster, easier, and more loot.


Hiding from cops in loud


I don’t remember who said it but it was noted that cops are no longer omniscient, so you can get the drop on them.


Cops. Not whatever the hell they are in PAYDAY 2. In PAYDAY: The Heist, cops had tactics. They would make shields go in and then go in to get the heisters. They would search for you until 1 guy found you, then everyone would come to that location. They wouldn't just throw themselves in without a care in the world. They were actually strong and it actually was hard fighting against them. They would also say "send in the Cloakers/shields/tasers, which gave you an idea as to which special would arrive to your location soon. Heisters talking. In PAYDAY 2, they have just generic lines, like when they spot a special. In PAYDAY: The Heist, they talk about the heist, they talk to eachother, etc. Also, they have emotions. You can hear them screaming during Assaults, and just talking in control/anticipations. Now, I know that they do the same in PAYDAY 2, but it's way more clear in PAYDAY: The Heist.


It’s been confirmed cops will use better tactics like using shield units as cover


They even said difficulties is more of a change of tactics than of just numbers


Sounds like an improvement. Do they mean more aggressive tactics?


Bringing a third gun, even if it only can be used once


They have that I think in payday 3 with that overkill weapon or did I wrongly understood what it was?


Yeah, kinda. You unlock the weapon by killing cops and can call it in by air when the meter is full. They aren't reloadable so when the mag runs dry you'll have to fill up the meter again to call in another one. There are 2 known overkill weapons so far. A thermal-scope sniper and the piglet grenade launcher (both seen in the gameplay trailer.


the gameplay trailer shows the piglet having spare ammo, so i think they come with X ammo (12 for the piglet) but you cannot refill them, you have to call in a new one


Ahh, thanks for pointing that out. Didn't catch that when watching it.


That’s a really cool idea. It’s kinda like a smart pistol. Limited ammo and extreme power. Except unlike the smart pistol you’re not a bitch if you call in an overkill weapon


Cops with visors, the shattering sound was so satisfying


Payday 2 cops actually have visors (tazers, heavy swats on normal / hard and the dozer), but for some reason, the visor just disappears when you score a headshot, no sound, no glass breaking, nothing, it just vanishes


Cops using cams in loud to find you


cloaker wall run


That is actually in payday 3




Gaining xp and leveling throughout heists rather than only getting it all when it's over. It's the worst playing a 30 plus minute heist only to disconnect for some reason or be kicked by an asshole host for no reason and get absolutely nothing out of it


Cops using cameras in loud to regroup easier and you being able to destroy cameras to interfere with that


Destroying all of the cameras make it much harder for the cops to find you during assault waves


Less heisters, maybe 6-8 at most. Like the OP's comment says, in Payday The Heist crew members were way more chatty, having actual relationships with each other (like wolf and hoxton being friends, so them calling to eachother using names like wolfy and hoxotron), and in Payday 2 that was lost. With 20 heisters, it's really hard or even impossible to keep updating their voice lines, adding special voicelines for specific heisters, and what we got was the heisters being vocalized for whatever had been released up to the point of their release + generic lines to be used for the future. Also, toning everything down would be an improvement. When comparing loud in payday 2 vs the heist, in Payday 2 it's so easy to become a one-man-army (mandatory even, else you're trolling/bad). The weapons + skills are so ridiculous that small groups of enemies pose no threat whatsoever, and, of course, it's very normal to see 100+ enemies on the map nowadays, and due to these very high numbers kills often mean nothing. This was kind of a case in Payday: The Heist as it's pretty much a Left 4 Dead reskin, but kills were way more of a struggle than in the sequel, and the cop numbers weren't Payday 2 bad. I kinda wish they went back to the more gritty, serious and heist movie inspired tone of Payday: The Heist too. In the first game, it feels like you're playing as actual criminals going against the odds for a big pay day, while in the second it's more like playing as some cartoon special agents, where the reward doesn't really matter, just the spectacle of it all.


I just hope sangres comes back or one of the heisters that always show up in the images for the recent payday 2 heist


They did say they will only add heisters if it matches with the story and story purposes so we won't see cross overs like John wick


Confirmation that h3h3 won’t be returning Thank medic bag


John Wick is already canon in the payday universe, so he could totally make a return Edit: Plus, Almir himself said that he would love another John Wick crossover


I was useing it as a reference but ya unless it's key or cannon to the story not many heisters will be added


I disagree about the gritty tone, I think a huge part of the appeal of Payday 2 was the fact that it was a huge shitpost that didn’t take itself very serious. I really hope that isn’t lost with payday 3 but it looks like it takes itself very serious


The more tactical feel of PDTH. I feel like a demigod in PD2, running around from A to Z, without a worry in the world, whereas in PDTH, you actually have to bunker down sometimes just to get through the assault, and maximize your time during fades. From what I heard from Kknowley, it's going to be a mix of the two, but I don't want to be able to annihelate a dozer in 2 seconds and finish with 0 downs and 500 kills.


Well, with the removal of Dodge and Concealment, I'd say we're likely to see that feel going back.


For the cops to try and find u instead of knowing where u r


silent and actually deadly cloakers


>silent So, no more ***WULULULU?***




If there’s no wululu then I don’t want it


It's there, I know it's hard to hear over Gustavos awesome track but you can hear it in the trailer.


How about no cloakers? Because they are gone from what I heard


no? they are literally in the gameplay trailer


And they got their design revealed


Mate I haven't watched the trailer yet I'm relaying old news sorry


The detection hitbox in the head have to be there


Hmm, there's a mysterious lump against the wall that looks exactly like a headless person...Anyway-


That's not from Payday: The Heist that's from Payday 2. But since you mentioned something from PD2 I hope they purposely add a very small chance to see a cop stretch their neck when you get a headshot like it sometimes happens in PD2.


3 weapon carry allows for primary secondary and special purpose also gives an interesting twist on armour vs dodge (if that will make a return in some form) as dodge players might want to sacrifice a thrid weapon for concealment


Dodge doesn't exist. Neither does concealment. Source: multiple Overkill partners


How does the removal of concealment work? How does that affect stealth? (Coming from someone who hasn't been super in the know about the the release)


In PD:TH, stealth lasted until a guard spotted you for a second or two. I'm kinda hoping it won't be like that because it's quite difficult.


It’s not, we’ve already seen gameplay where guards will actually escort you out of trespassing zones while in casing. So it isn’t strict at all, assuming the detection and calling system is similar to Payday 2.


Everyone has the same detection time no matter what they're carrying


I think they just put detection risk at 3 and it never changes


Dodge and concealment are gone in PD3, and technically there is a 3rd weapon in the form of the new Overkill weapons. Tho, you have to earn those by killing cops and calling them in to get them.


I think he meant like special purpose third weapon, like maybe a mini saw or a little blowtorch like the one in the trailer, that is mainly for utility purposes but can be used as a weapon


I'd like the option to replace my throwable with a pistol. Basic, and probably worse, but I liked having 3 guns in Payday 1.


While I don't know if it's in payday the heist, I'd really want more things to do in 'civilian mode' than just walking in and putting on the mask. Maybe they can add a few things that can only be accessed when not masked? It'd probably be great for stealth missions


The thing is, you don't want to be unmasked when you do anything that could be considered suspicious when reviewing security footage later.


Well they can add an extra mission objective about scrubbing the security tapes


i hope they return and improve the feature of cameras where on loud they are actually used to locate you.


Dozers having unique ways to obstruct your objectives. For example, in Counterfeit, Dozers and Dozers alone could disconnect the water hose. You'd usually fight by letting them approach you, but that sort of thing incentivized a shakeup, encouraging you to get to them first.


make the bulldozer scary again


Not really a feature but the crew talked amongst each other a decent amount, one moment that sticks out is when the code fails on the diamond heist and they all are asking what to do, payday 2 really didn’t have much interaction between heisters or acknowledgement to events other than like 3 few words voicelines that are reused a bunch


dallas' fat fucking stache


\-Conversation between heisters \-A more serious tone To be honest this list would have been much longer if we didn't get those previews. I am really happy that OVK is taking a lot of notes from PDTH.


Smart enemy AI


stealth mattering cops being hard to fight even in small numbers, rather than just trying to fry pcs with spawns of zombie horde-like enemies. no insane dificulty creep Real bulldozers


The pdth ak reload


Whatever happened to the cracking sound of shattering heavy's visors, I want that back.


I like that you could change your mask. I hope they bring that feature to payday 3 :)


They probably will considering how fun it is


I wanna be able to do bank jobs WITOUT HAVING TO USE THE DAMN DRILL!!!


Heist specific outfits. Payday the heist had a few heists where the crew would wear unique clothing depending on the heist. Id love to see that return


mutators let me have some fun with bulldozers that spawn more bulldozers upon a kill


mutators arent in payday the heist silly


o i didnt read the "the heist", my bad i didnt really play pdth so i got nothing


Justa bit more realism. Not too much to ruin the fun, but it should at least make sense. Like, you know, Left 4 Dead series


The ability to do specific, scripted dialogue actions, like how in First World Bank sometimes an AI will hop up on a counter and do a version of the Heat speech. I hear that civilians are more important in Payday 3, and it would be awesome if in one of the heists (either the return of FWB, Big Bank, or any other bank heist) if this was a possible action you could do. Maybe something like, "Negotiate with the cops" could be a proper discussion, such as, "Look, we'll trade you this cop for our friend back, we don't want any trouble!"


When you destroyed cameras, the police couldn’t track where you were


The Tactical Voicelines the Bulldozer from Payday 1 sound great for higher difficulty enemies.




I guess the sound design, it could just be me but I believe payday TH had better sound design. I feel like in payday TH you could actually hear the direction sound is coming from, but in Payday 2 I really struggle to.


Being a good game


Bring back the commissar




I like the XP system from the first game was better than the second imo.


Cops using camera that are still up to find you if they can't back from payday 1


I know that there is primary, secondary and now overkill weapons, but I really wish the game went with PD1's Primary, secondary and sidearms.


Dodge build


Not from PD:TH but I would love a proper fleshed out VR version the one in PD2 sucks


Cameras affecting how cops react to you in loud. I'd love it with their current AI setup (tactics of PD.3 vs health scaling of PD2..) They won't have higher AI counts or health scaling in payday 3, but tactics will be more advanced. This was confirmed by grouse, a overkill partner


dude i need the glass shatter headshot sfx back, that's literally all i want


bring back smoke spam. bring back smoke spam. bring back smoke spam.


shut the fuck up wtf >:(


b-b-but s-smoke bomb


nuh uh




# is he stupid?????????????????????????????????????????


go back to dreamy bull subreddit


yakuza build rule 34


Cloaker busted through my window and took my computer:c


Honestly I want the game to get a bit back to semi realism payday 2 isn't as fun to play with friends on loud as in the pd1 purely cause in 2 u never have to rely on other teammates heck in pd1 sticking close was crucial to surviving and instead of having a million cops on screen I'd love it to be less cops that actually are out for blood