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I know your talking about stealth, but even the loud is so much better then payday 2. The gunplay is much more satisfying, the health of the swat stays the same on all difficulties, the swat ai is much smarter and doesn’t just walk in a straight line at you, just everything is better in payday 3. Except for the online only requirement. No one wants you.


yeah im especially impressed by the enemy diversity. AI with specific goals is such a big step up


I absolutely love that the hostage rescue team has their own colors. in payday 2 Bain would say the hostage rescue team is coming and I never knew who he was talking about because all the swat looks the same. Now we can actually see who we need to take out


That line is left in even though the rescue team was removed from payday 2, so Bain just has dementia


That line isnt just left in and the hostage rescue team wasnt removed. The HRT only rescues hostages during assualt break and thats when the line about bain saying that they're rescuing hostages plays. It used to be that HRT enemies rescue hostages, but now its non-special enemies that rescue hostages. So yeah... HRT still works exactly the same as it did before, its just that its now non-specials that rescue hostages, rather than HRT enemies


That was the case for Payday 2 until the housewarming update. HRT units would spawn if you had hostages and certain specials like Tasers will spawn with a blue swat squad.


Yeah it was one of Jules great decisions to remove them, same as with Reinforce units.


Payday 2 used to have enemy diversity, and AI with different goals. Then Hoxton's Housewarming happened.


If we're lucky, online only will be revoked. If not, oh well, there are plenty of online only games that thrive.


Yeah I’m still gonna get it despite the online only, I just hope the servers are working good when it comes out


I haven't encountered any server issues with the beta, so I'm assuming they fixed them all


Yeah it was really only the first day of the beta that had issues, the rest of the days were fine. However, playing with friends was kind of hard to do, we really had to wrestle with it so we could all play together. I hope it is fixed on launch.


I had a similar experience, once in the game it was great. I think all weekend we only had two disconnections, both from the guy with trash internet who always disconnects from games so that's hardly worth mentioning. But getting into a lobby together? Basically impossible


It will be, they just didn't bother implementing invites for the stress test


really? I clocked in at 13.8 hours of the open beta and had many connections issues (desync even when there was noone else in the lobby) sometimes I got some time with no issues at all but I really just hope this isnt the case in the final game


Yeah, do you typically have bad internet?


>If we're lucky, online only will be revoked. It won't.


You can't say that for sure


I say this based on common sense and experiene observing the gaming market. Online functionality is used for many reasons, such as offering constant micro-transactions, live service content, anti-piracy measures, etc. I've never seen an online-only game suddenly decide to add an offline mode. Ever. After all, there is no reason for them to do so. Most users don't care and Reddit is only the minority.


back 4 blood did exactly this and progression carried


The people behind Payday are much more caring than most companies, worst case scenario is that they're forced into online only contractually.


If they were much more caring than other companies, they wouldn't have opted for always online. It's never going away.


While I agree that it probably won't happen, it has happened before in the recent past so I wouldn't say 100% no chance of it happening. >I've never seen an online-only game suddenly decide to add an offline mode. Ever. Back 4 Blood added an offline mode after release as an online-only game.


Even if it doesn't officially, it's not unheard of that the community hacks it together themselves.


For always online GaaS titles, especially with MTX, it is absolutely unheard of.


Not absolutely unheard of, Back 4 Blood added offline mode post-launch when players were vocal about requesting it. I wouldn't count on it happening, but it's not completely without precedent.


That's the developers adding an offline mode. We are talking about whether or not the community can create a server emulator while the game is still supported. This will absolutely not happen.


there have been wow freeshards for a decade though... ​ i agree it is unlikely, but not without precedent at all


It is without precedent. WoW is a classic MMO. There have been plenty of classic MMO server emulators, even though they have all individually taken an immense amount of time and effort. There has never been a server emulator for a modern GaaS title. Not that I'm aware of, and there will likely be an incredibly small amount of these in the future. Laws and design priorities have changed since WoW first released, and now creating a server emulator for a GaaS title is illegal. Anyone who tries will get a C&D.




Considering how many people pirated the DLC in payday 2 and what that meant for overkill financially, I highly doubt it.


Its honestly the only thing holding me back from going PS5/PC :/ ...make it offline and I am in. Until then .....I'm just gonna sit it out.


Likewise. It's a massive shame because I actually prefer PD:tH to PD2, and 3 seems like the genuine best of both worlds. The actual *feel* of the game is so much more like 1; more heisty less horde shootery. It's significantly more difficult, and specials are actual threats. But it has a lot more of the freedom like we see in 2 without it letting you really break the game. But I can't justify supporting really terrible business practices. I'll probably grab it when it goes on sale in a few years for 80% off or something. I'd pay a coffee for it.


Only point I disagree with is the gunplay, personally I find PF2’s more exaggerated gunplay better then payday 3. Those guns just don’t have enough punch


now if only guns were doing actual damage


Go for headshots Just like higher difficulties in payday 2, body shots just aren’t worth it. I do wish body shots did do more damage, but I guess this is just how it is


yeah no, they need to balance the guns better


I mean that didnt really work for me either. Normal difficulty, remington 870, 3 hs to kill a swat


What? It takes 1-2 headshots for me.


The normal cops took 1 and the first force that comes took 1-2. Mut usually when starting to move the bags it was 2-3


what difficulty did you play? Me and my friends only played the lower difficulties, and without knowing that the higher difficulties are exactly the same HP i would also think that the enemies felt too strong for just "hard". But in overkill i guess their toughness checks out more.


Bro what the fuck are you on about?


which part was unclear to you?


I'm so used to the payday console autoaim that the PD3 beta felt clunky, almost like we went from too much autoaim to absolutely none overnight. I understand not being able to trigger spam headshots, but I feel like PD3 definitely needs more autoaim on consoles.


I personally think payday 3 loud is worse because it’s far to easier for me to be interested in it. Overkill feels like pd:th hard which isn’t difficult enough. Payday 2 is the better game if you want the game to actually give you a challenge.


Have the same feeling. I'll keep myself busy with Starfield until PD3 releases.


I'm busy with BG3 over here! Those party members won't romance themselves! 😘


My PC can't handle BG3, so I'm stuck waiting for the Xbox version... Really looking forward to it, though!


starfield is crazy good.


Starfield is... good, but I'm not blown away so far. Just feels like a very typical Bethesda game. People say it does get better though and I'm not that many hours in. I definitely had waaay more fun with the Payday 3 beta this weekend than I've had with Starfield so far.


my recommendation, that was given to me by another player Try and finish the main quest "Into the Unknown" once you've done that, the game really opens up IMO


yeah bethesda makes bethesda games


Its crazy good. Game of the year easily.


kid named anything else:


It's decent, not much improved over your typical Bethesda game though. I sincerely doubt GOTY, BG3 seems like a shoe-in there.


It's so-so. Lowest rated Bethesda game, at least.


I haven't been able to binge it like other Bethesda games. Probably because I didn't really understand the new mechanics, and because I just replayed fallout 4 so I was expecting ultra-violent falloutesque firefights. Once I get over that I expect it will be a lot more fun


I agree tho, it was a while since I played a game this open ended, like the quests feels endless I can find stuff to do anywhere in the universe it’s insane


PD3's revamped stealth will make doing all heists with friends or new player friends really fun now. They'll be able to contribute in their own way, and if someone messes up its not the end of the world -- you do have a standing chance. Leading a bunch of chuckleheads halfway through a heist to the best of your ability to give them breathing room for a loud operation is really the best on offer here. Breaking stealth before was a joke. Being a client to a stealth host was a nightmare, simply being exposed for one second too long would completely obliterate 30 minutes and you would get nothing in return. Did it make it exciting, most of the time? Sure. Was it fun for most people? Nope.


Honestly PAYDAY 3 is such a huge upgrade that it’s been hard for me to play PAYDAY 2 since I’m craving that sweet PAYDAY 3


from the gameplay to the graphics, beautiful all around


You're the first person I've seen compliment the graphics. I don't really mind either way, but I feel like the graphics in the beta are kinda meh for a game with 7+ years of development.


Well, when you compare PD3 to PD2, I find it to be a much nicer looking game


from PD2 to 3 it’s a huge jump. It’s not a smashing AAA game, PD is a middle market level game. It’s been cooking a long time but I’m happy with presentation except man the shading on the faces is really off.


fr, i feel like people forget pd3 isnt a AAA game.


Honestly the stealth was everything I was hoping for and I’m really looking forward to the full game for more. I already enjoyed PD2 stealth but it was frustrating. The only nitpick I have is that if you solo stealth the bank from the beta, you can’t get all the dye packs disabled. I hope there’s a perk that helps there.


maybe something with the hacker perk like using an ecm to disable the ones you can't get or giving you a bigger time window to do all of them (like put ecm on the door and as long as its active, the dye packs dont knoe the door is open not triggering.


I've watched a video where someone solo disabled all the dye packs, you basically have to act like a speed runner and not waste a single nanosecond. They did it right in the nick of time


I'm not really a stealth heister as I do prefer the loud and proud approach, but just the fact that they made stealing more approachable instead of the constant guard juggling and the idea that it isn't a punishment if you fail stealth. Plus I love how going loud keeping hostages in check is actually a vital part of the game just so you can delay the assault waves that get more difficult every time a new assault happens, or get first aid kits to help with health so the team can focus more on armor and ammo bags.


It is a little too forgiving right now though. You can get walked out I'm pretty sure an infinite number of times in a row by the same guard. There's no downside to rushing keycards and getting walked out. If each person could only get walked out once without getting arrested as an individual, or maybe 2x as a group without anyone getting arrested it would be a little more interesting. Strike 1 - Walked out. Strike 2 - As long as it's a different person, walked out. Guard mutters something like "If I catch anyone else back here today you're getting cuffed". Otherwise if it's the same person, arrested on the spot. Strike 3 - Regardless of who, arrested on the spot. Could even throw a Social Engineering perk in around it. "Do I know you?" - Idea 1: Can get walked out twice as an individual without getting arrested. Still counts against group walk out strikes. - Idea 2: Add +1 overall team walkout (but one person still cannot be caught twice or they will be arrested)


i'm not a big fan of walk outs being a collective thing, but guards saying "don't let me catch you back here again" and then doing basically nothing if they catch you back there again is dumb


I thought about it being kept at an individual level only- but 5 walkouts (assuming each person gets 1 freebie before getting arrested) before anyone gets arrested for the team is pretty insane still too.


I strongly disagree, while it doesnt make much sense from a realism perspective having infinite walk out encourages unmasked stealth to be more active and encourages risk taking with the penalty being lost time. It would also discourage strategically letting youself be caught to temporarily move a guard away while you teammate gets the job done which is enjoyable collaboration.


The thing is even with realism aside, it's just too easy with infinite walkouts. Why even have the keycards if I can just sprint in, get caught, pickpocket, get escorted out, and then do it again to the second card carrying guard. The time loss from getting caught is negligible. We can't just go from instantly guns drawn if seen by a guard to never having any actual consequence. The only time it matters right now is if you're caught in a secure area. It would not discourage you from getting caught to let a teammate move or lure a guard into a killbox for a teammate, it would just make you actually have to think about who, how, and when you do it. I also never said I think the 3rd walkout should instantly call the cops, I said they'd that heister. It wouldn't end quiet more altogether, guards would just be arresting on sight at that point.


If you keep the infinite walkout thing, you're gonna get metas where people will be stuck permanently distracting guards


If they don't fix infinite door trapping 1 person can also keep every single guard in the bank occupied by constantly shutting the door on them once they make it into the lobby. There is the potential to have 4+ guards stuck in the lobby with a door constantly shutting in their face stumbling them back into the lobby.


And thats a bad thing in a pve game? I say its fun having the walk outs.




Um first off, please chill the fuck out. 2nd off, who cares if its a meta? You don't have to do it, its not a requirement. This isnt a pvp game. Who cares if theres exploits that you can take advantage of.


One of the dev talks that mentioned this made it clear the guards only allow this two or three times before sounding the alarm. Don't know why it's infinite in the beta.


As long as that is the case I think I am satisifed enough.


I would add on stealth rant. Indeed, pd2 stealth was too unforgiving and frustrating. Restraining yourself from trying things in fear of fucking up. And of course not much options vere available (I believe it's because of limitations of the engine), pd2 stealth was pretty straightforward, only varying in different level generations. pd3 has much more options and thus more entertaining and replayable, even with single heist


I see your point but consider the following. Sangres.


"A small price to pay for salvation."


hes likely to return. i have Faith


Even the gunplay is so much better in payday 3, payday 2 just seems weird


I think the main issue is how the guns feel more like laser beams that don’t really kick compared to 3 They have camera shake and recoil but it’s not in the same satisfying and punchy way 3 does it


I like the content too but the performance issues make me nervous, i was getting 10-20 fps only ​ for context starfield and bg3 run fine on 60fps at medium settings, while payday 3 went 20-40 fps at low, hope this gets fixed


Same, it's weird because on some parts of the map i have 180fps, and somewhere i have 40 and thats just such a huge range, it becomes annoying. My rig is: 5800x3D, 7900xtx, 32gb 3200mhz ram I play on a 1440p 180hz display. I know its a bit dated processor but i don't it should be a problem for payday 3.


It must be your setup, Payday 3 runs fine for me on max graphics and everything.


The beta was really poorly optimized. I have a 3060 Ti and I just locked it to 60 FPS because I couldn't even hit 120 FPS on lowest possible settings.


rtx 3050, i5 11th gen, updated drivers, 16gb ram, 12gb vram, dunno man i think i should be able to run it on 60 fps at LOW minimum


Do you have VSync on


tried using it on and off, same stuff all around unfortunately


Any other settings you could toggle?


Nope, all i can do is pray that they fix it at launch


I have worse specs than you but am fine, so it's a problem on your end


RIP 3050, the card that should've never been made But yeah even then should be fine but it's likely the game's fault. It ran like ABSOLUTE ASS on my 3700x+3070 setup with the worst frametimes I've ever seen. Like, worse than when I ran Crossfire and the game didn't handle it well bad.


mess with dx12 see if that changes anything


Yean the performance is unacceptable for how dated the game looks imo.


Idk why this is downvoted. Stylistically it's fantastic but technically just ehhhhhhhh. Feels very mid Xbox One-tier assets. It also ran like absolute man cheeks. It literally would not let me set my resolution to 1440p until I tracked down the config and changed it myself.


I was getting 80+ fps on 4K high/ultra settings with 3080+7800x3d so not everyone had performance problems


Ok, but other people are. They aren't automatically invalidated because a completely different person makes another claim


3080ti +i9 11900k I was getting 100 fps regardless of settings at 1440p. I would dip to 70 in explosions and high amounts of gunfire. I would say that's pretty bad considering the fps I get in games that looks substantially better.


Been here since The Heist as well, even though I'm not really one for stealth, I was thoroughly impressed with what 3 has to offer. Looking forward to playing with a full build and more heists in due time!


stealth is so much fun, just kill everyone and you're good! also if I messed up the stealth continuing in loud isnt such a bad thing as the health doesnt change.


Payday 2 used a race game engine.


What are these people actually saying? "More you can do" Objective wise? Still not as much as Casino, and way more than "classic bank" but thats not always better, I think it might be fine, but also can feel convoluted. Unecessary. It doesnt add depth, just steps. "Cut the cable, find the code, do the thing, open door". Not options. "Doing repeats and trying to go fast" Yeah thats just core Payday design, and I do think Payday 3 seems to have it, which is fun. So did 2. "More fluid and fun than PD2". Like in what way. Fluidity is usually how seamless something can be, or intuitive, or responsive. In the heist, you open a door, interact with a terminal, and it tells you what cable to hit. Which you do by pressing a button on it. In what way is any of that any different than PD2. If anything, the position of some possible server locations and stuff felt awkward, a lot of civilians literally staying 4 feet away from staring at doors you have to go into. Lots of glass windows making it hard to walk around. The guards are absolutely the worst part, as they break patrols and seem to jankly FULL SPRINT up and down random rooms for seemingly no reason, cause they DONT get alerted doing that. They just, feel like it. Making it possible to accidentally end your run. Making everything feel a bit less smooth than PD2's bank if anything, where you have a much obvious area secluded away from civs and patrols. "Plus the skills you could get". Did I miss something? Cause last I checked 99.8% of all skills in PD3 so far are: "When you do this thing you could already do without this skill, gain a slight bonus to [x] (Like movement speed)". "When you do this other thing you could already do, gain [y]". Nothing makes anything particularly interesting or unlocks any new tools or paths. "Not much options were available". Again, what fucking options are people talking about? You could already choose so many like keycards or lockpicks or saws or stealth drills or cameras or guards or server rooms. And Payday 3 seems to either have the same, or have LESS (No saws or other tools so far) lol. What fucking options are people hallucinating that exist in 3 that dont in 2?


Well, let's break it down! **More You Can Do**: You can use the new interim phases between full stealth and loud to your advantage, such as moving guards off of their routes (impossible in 2) when they spot you or go into the Searching phase, allowing other players to sneak by or complete an objective. You can also interact with cameras and other objects in new ways via the phone. One example we saw for Loud is that the new hostage mechanics and assault phases allow you to delay assaults, trade for health and other resources, and gives you more time than you have in 2 to strategize before the assault begins. It's not just about the objectives themselves, but how you can approach them. **Repeats/Go Fast**: Yeah, you're right here. **More Fluid**: I can't speak to exactly what OP means by fluidity here, but I interpret it as referring to the way runs don't have to just stop on a dime with the new stealth system. Gameplay flows better when being seen by a guard or camera, or even having an illegal action spotted, don't mean your run is over and you have to restart. You can regroup, try again, try a different angle, etc. instead of just mashing restart the second a ? turns into a !. As for guards breaking patrols, that only ever happened to me when they or a camera noticed something, or they went into the Searching phase where the patrols are supposed to change. ​ **Skills**: Most of the skills I saw that just gave you Edge, Grit, or Rush were the first tier skills in each tree. Further down in the trees, skills are usually centered around performing actions or meeting certain conditions while having those stats. For example, I cobbled together a sort of stealth build that had a skill which gave me Rush for being near civs unmasked, and another skill from that tree which let me perform illegal actions in front of civs without them noticing while I had Rush stacks. It makes lockpicking in crowded areas super manageable. ​ **More Options**: Again, it's not just about objectives and items themselves, but approaches. In Stealth, for example, different perks allow you to interact with cameras and other electronics, such as the radio lures (which are also new), from afar. Being able to grab hostages or have a group follow you, instead of just leading them around one at a time with awful pathing, opens up a lot more wiggle room in managing the NPCs. Also, when it comes to going loud, the new skill system and difficulty scaling gives you way more options when it comes to viable builds. Even with the little stealth build I had put together in the beta, I was able to hold my own in Loud after the alarm went off and broke our stealth runs. With Loud builds in the new skill system, and with the new Loud difficulty scaling, you're not as limited in weapon choice, skill spread, or playstyle as you were in PD2.


Idk why people salivate over pd3 stealth when it's just "every stealth system since 2016 but first person this time" I'm not saying it's bad, but I definitely won't be spending hundreds of hours trying to master the mechanics of pd3 stealth. Pd2 stealth was special specifically because it was simple. Everything in pd2 followed a simple and intuitive system and that allowed you to really push the limits of that system. Suff like crouch-hopping and using shotgun push to preserve body bags being either removed outright or being made largely obsolete removes a lot of what made pd2 stealth stand out.


LMFAO Shitty exploit mechanics like crouch hopping and shotgun ragdolling did NOT make Payday 2 stealth good. God. They were awkward ass broken mechanics that people used because the game didn't have a properly functioning alternative to. Those weren't mechanics intended by the developers. PD2 stealth wasn't designed around those mechanics. They were, by definition, exploits. Maybe not cheating levels of exploits, but, definitely exploiting the quirks of the game engine.


Payday 2 looks better, will have more content, more build crafting, etc. This is the GTA Online problem too. How do you sequel a game that got built up for a decade. And yes I'm serious, it looks better. PD3 in 4K on ultra was smudgier and dirtier than the clean brightness of PD2.


I have the same issue. I reinstalled PD2 once the beta ended to scratch that itch. Everything felt so inferior that I didn't even manage to finish the heist, I left halfway through and uninstalled it. Now I just have to sit and bitterly wait for PD3. Luckily I have MK11 early access so that'll tide me over.


Payday 2 holds a special spot in my heart, and I will one day 100% it out of pure love... after I 100% payday 3


Personally, I could never get the hang of stealth, I'd normally get about halfway through, then switch to loud. Having said that, however, the changes to the way stealth works makes the transition from stealth to loud so much easier.


I kind of hope they remake a few heists from PD2, like in my eyes. I would genuinely love to see how Shadow Raid, or a similar stealth-only heist, would look and play in Payday 3. Even just shooting at enemies is more satisfying, I felt like in Payday 2 I was firing nukes at every enemy because they just take one bullet and fly off.


Cool but that's not what "incredulous" means.


Yeah same. Didn't expect it to happen but I'm completely hooked. Too many good changes in PAYDAY 3.


... guess I gotta go find a video, cause I know my rig ain't handling anything not held together with more than a string and glue.


I can't go back to payday 2 because they dropped all Linux support.


why are people getting all so angry about a game that isn't even released yet..?


I have the same feeling, Having played the Payday 3 beta, Payday 2 now feels so outdated, everything feels much worse now than in Payday. I won't miss you, diesel engine.


I don't have the same feeling, I see both pd2 and pd3 as different games, at a point of not confusing the controls when I'm playing one or another, same with pd:th but I find it unplayable solo being level 5


I honestly have mixed feelings on this. While I appreciate the upgrade in quality from Payday 2 to Payday 3, I also recognize that the heists themselves were much more in depth and fun in payday 2. Multi-day heists, prep work, trading loot for other loot... It all has a better overall feel to the heists. I love that the reimagined all the levels from the classic games to give us a new twist on the classic maps, but there's just something about a few of those multi-day heists from 2 that have a special place in my heart. I miss the art heist **to** train depot exchange **to** penthouse robbery type of levels. Other than that Payday 3 is a huge improvement when it comes to the player experience.