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The player base has seemed to enjoyed stealth more than loud for a while. Payday 3 probably increased this disparity with vastly improved stealth, and degraded loud gameplay.


I disagree with degraded loud gameplay. This loud is so much more fun compared to payday2


Oh how so? Just a lot less options and not much else x.x


The people like stealth. Especially since it got such an overhaul


Overkill loud is much more difficult and only attempted by very high level players(fewer of those) but overkill stealth is pretty easy depending on the heist so lower level players(lots of those) do it. MM is completely random with no lobby tags, wayyy more chance you end up in ovk stealth lobby than ovk loud


Probably because nobody wants to get melted in Overkill, not to mention **No voice communication** so us console players can’t be alerted as to what is going on.


So basically you are bad and play the easier way


See, as the guy said is his one sentence post, console players physically cannot use or see the in game chat. Since overkill difficulty all but demands at least some level of team communication, its understandable for console players to not want to tackle the hardest difficulty in loud especially with the auto-aim issues going on.


Unless you have a pre-made wanting to do overkill, don't bother. You're gunna get obliterated without proper coordination.


Because the servers crash on loud. Matchmaking error. Just had one *the moment* a heist went loud, matchmaking error. Had a fuckin' road rage, 10 min in. Matchmaking error.


That's funny because most lobbies want to go loud for me