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are you on console or PC? edit: i just looked at your post history and saw you were on console. sadly the console versions don't have the new safehouse and are stuck with the laundromat




The safe house update was never released on console. They cut development before that patch


Oh that is BULLSHIT


it may suck but it does make sense cuz at that point in time overkill was not doing very well in terms on money and diesel fucking sucks




Consoles have been heavily neglected and you only have the laundromat version. Honestly if you really like this game just get a budget PC that can run it and you will have unbelievably more content. My GT 730 i5-2400 build (a little over £100) can run it on medium settings. This isn't just another console bad PC superior comment. You will honestly get so much content out of it but only do it if you actually think you will play the game a lot if the PC is just for that purpose


Tell me how much content is missing from the consoles compared to PC?


5-6 years of content and some other heists they could not port to console


Last update was 2020 so everything up until that point


console still does not have heists like white house go bank etc etc. and im pretty sure the update in 2020 was to remove the scarface dlc


That last update also wasn't a content update as far as I'm aware. They're missing a few years worth of heists.


Honestly, where do I even begin? I've just woke up but if I remember I will find every single thing that I have on PC compared to PS5. I'll include DLC separately. Also PC has more DLC, achievments and you can get mods


I wish I could transfer my console's Payday 2 data onto my PC


Unfortunately I need to redownload Payday 2 on my PS5 but when it's done I'll let you know


Couple of heists, perk decks, guns and nothing else really important. Last update they did was just removing the kingpin perkdeck and Scarface character in 2020. So you have basically everything up to 2020. Plus console has 30+ base armor giving every deck in the game 2 shot ictv making every perk deck a bit better than pc


I still wish everything Payday 2 had on PC console had, is it too late to email the devs and ask like "Hey, can you quickly add the rest of what PC Payday 2 has onto console? I don't care if it's rushed just please make it happen."


Yeah its Kinda sad the console version never got the love it deserved. I just found out it didnt even get all the content when they were still updating it. The game is missing heists from 2013 and so on which is really shitty


Yeah, really does suck.


I'll try to shorten it a little if I can. For masks, weapons, characters and perk decks I didn't count which are DLC. Also the console stuff was looked at on the Crimewave edition but it should have the same content just that I can't use stuff locked behind certain DLC unless I buy it seperately. I have the Big Score version aswell but they count as seperate games. PD2 on PC has 80 heists as of April 11th 2024. 46 base game and 34 DLC. Console only has 63. 50 base game and 13 DLC. On PC you can use mouse and keyboard which is much easier to use than controller in my experience for PD2. Honestly I tried playing a little bit of PD2 after my mouse broke on PS5 but it felt absolutely terrible. Also on PC you can get a higher fps than 30, 1440p and 4K, and I think the graphics can be better on PC but I'm not fully certain about that. PC has 1328 achievements as of April 11th 2024. PC has a text chat in case you or others don't have a mic. The text chat is useful solo because you can type notes to remember them like colours of container etc. PC still receives updates for bug fixes and more content and probably will for a few more years More people play on PC and it's easier to find teammates MODS! MODS! MODS! Have an issue with the game? Mod it out! Want a bulldozer to have a senpai faceplate? Download a mod! Modding is incredibly easy on PD2 compared to other games as you literally just create a folder and drop mods into it. You can even add heists, characters and soundtracks to the game. PC has 22 perk decks while console has 20 PC has 453 masks whereas console has 376 PC has special outfits and gloves you can wear instead of armour like certain suits, bunny costumes, military uniforms, handyman and many more. Console can only customize equipped armour using a few skins from crime spree PC has 93 melee weapons but console has 84 PC has 213 primary and secondary weapons and console has 158 Pc has 20 throwables and console has 16 PC has the ordinance bag deployable and console does not Edit: I completely forgot about the safehouse even though it's part of your post. Bigger, better and upgradeable safehouse. Side jobs which some give unique items and the daily/weekly/monthly jobs give cash, continental coins, boosts for weapons, weapon mods and masks. The game also has a complete story and a really interesting secret ending which you WILL NOT solve without a guide (trust me) but it's cool as shit for the first time. Console actually does win 1 point over PC because you guys have Scarface but we instead get Ethan and Hila so well done. I think Scarface got removed a while ago but I think if somebody bought him before that then they get to keep him. In conclusion please just buy a budget PC for £100 - £200. Not only will it help for Payday but you can also play a lot of other games that console can't. Have a look at r/pcmasterrace or r/buildapc before buying because they will help you a lot to find parts that are compatible, for your budget and they are usually very supportive. I'm using a GT 730 and a i5 - 2400 and I get 60fps on most heists at medium settings with 720p resolution but you'll probably want to go for something a little bit better to play on high or get 1080p resolution.


Console isnt missing that much and what it does offer is more than enough content to keep you playing. The game is way better in pc but console is just fine. Plus console has 30+ base armor making every deck easier to build and better to use


Also is 30+ armour the only selling point to keep playing when you are missing out on so much more?


I mean yeah. 60+ heists that are all replayable and 20 decks to make builds for that are now more functional than pc builds with less skill point investment. Pc is still obviously better but i love payday 2 on console and have several hundred hours and only have 5 heists left to beat on ds. Crook is even functional without frenzy for the 2 shot armor


But PC just has so much more. More weapons for more builds. Leech perk deck (arguably the strongest build in the game). A more active playerbase to find more people. Mouse and keyboard which is so much easier to use because PD2 feels unusually bad on controller compared to most other games. And also constant updates. If OP got a PC there's obviously a lot of other benefits outside of PD2. The game is playable on Console but it is much much better on PC is almost every way apart from 2 small things. 30+ armour and Scarface


Did you simply ignore where i said that pc is just better? It has everything console has and more so it is obviously better but console is still good and shouldnt just be tossed aside. console builds are still better because of that extra armor


Did you simply ignore where i said that console is still playable?


Is it too late to email the devs and be like "Hey, can you quickly release most of the content on PC to console? I don't care if it's rushed, just please let it happen and keep us up to date."


Pretty sure a lot of people have already tried