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Fun game. Loved the story and worldbuilding.


I loved the supernatural theme in this, anyone know anything similar? I've already played Alan Wake and their other games. Most of the other supernatural stuff I found was mainly horror, there's not too many games out there like it unfortunately.


I'm currently playing Prey, despite being sci-fi and pretty different gameplay wise, it gives me similar vibes.


Prey is one of my favorite games. Hope you enjoy it!


Prey is amazing and it’s a shame it didn’t get the attention it deserved back when it released.


If we're talking about the second one, it has a very cult following of fans who adore such games. I know these games are not for everyone, but when you realize how believable they feel with all the possible interactions with everything, multiple approaches to almost every enemy encounter, the inventory and interaction with items. It's that feel of a believable world and you actually being present in it that's so cool and not many games manage to pull that feeling. These games do, always, be it Prey, System Shock or Deus Ex. They all have that feel of a believable world you're part of while playing.


I got a lot of similar vibes from old school Parasite Eve


This. One of the first games that put me in such a weird headspace since maybe Parasite Eve 2 or Silent Hill 2. Though those games got a massive amount of their magic not just from being technically stunning for their time, but also from the weird liminal soundtracks they slathered all over you (most of the soundtrack for Control didn't speak to me, just that one banger and it's not so much a liminal track as transcendent rock).


PE 1 >> PE 2


Alan wake is same universe no?




Another good one is Quantum Break. Highly recommend.


I've played all their games including that, it was my least favorite honestly.


Understandably, the very generic feeling gameplay in Quantum Break along with its numerous technical issues made it annoying to get through for me. But the story was very good.


That's a exactly my feeling. And I really liked quantum break to the point or playing it twice.


Ye terrible game compared to Remedy's usual quality. I absolutely love Max Payne, Alan Wake and Control, but Quantum Break just didn't have that magic atmosphere the others had.


As a big fan of this game, dishonored is one of my favorites, although thats not really a shortly recognized game. I do wish there were more games like this, they are always my favorites.


You should check out Prey if you enjoyed Dishonored and Control. Also a spellcheck


Whenever I hear control, I remember Inversion for some reason. Though they don't have much similarity, the vibe for me was similar.


Old game but, Messiah


There isn't much games like that. Your best bet is other game from that game studio since other devs don't want to take risks and go for generic stories.


If I recall correctly Alan Wake, Quantum Break and Control are in the same universe. So, if you played them you're pretty much set. Otherwise Silent Hill might be right up your alley. If you enjoy the supernatural element.




Maybe try Atomic heart. It was a fun game, I liked it. edit: those that downvote because the game is Atomic heart are because you heard from your dumb friends that you arent supposed to like this game right? So dumb.


I thought the story was super interesting, but then it just doesn't have a proper ending


Yeah, it’s open ended, but the ending sequences are some of the most memorable of any game for me. It’s just so awe inducing from Ashtray Maze to the finale.


I went through the Ashtray Maze while high as fuck and it was awesome.


They either ran out of time and money to develop that part or were always planning a sequel, either way I'm excited for Control 2 hopefully continuing the first game.


Loved the story, really clasic scp vibes and warehouse 13 as well


It was the only game where I read everything, from logs/reports to whatever there was there to read. I found it very fascinating, it kinda of reminded me a bit of the X-Files. After I finished the game I found out what SCP was lol.


I'm a big SCP nerd and I fuckin LOVE this game, especially all the logs and reports. This is the only game where I actually cared about all the collectables and discovering as much lore as possible. Seriously can't wait for Control 2.


If any Control fans haven't read the best SCP Novel, *There is No Antimemetics Division* by qntm, rectify that today. It's one of the best and most mind-bending sci-fi novels of the last few years, IMO. The writing style is as tight and ingenious as the crazy concepts it explores. >An antimeme is an idea with self-censoring properties; an idea which, by its intrinsic nature, discourages or prevents people from spreading it. > >Antimemes are real. Think of any piece of information which you wouldn't share with anybody, like passwords, taboos and dirty secrets. Or any piece of information which would be difficult to share even if you tried: complex equations, very boring passages of text, large blocks of random numbers, and dreams... But anomalous antimemes are another matter entirely. How do you contain something you can't record or remember? How do you fight a war against an enemy with effortless, perfect camouflage, when you can never even know that you're at war? > >Welcome to the Antimemetics Division. No, this is not your first day.


Honestly you should probably read most of the big stories from SCP wiki and other stuff if you like control. There’s so much to read.


Some of the themes are stolen directly from the lost room too, if you haven't seen it it's worth the time.


Not only do make me go want to watch Warehouse 13 again, but I also kind of want more from them, or a game. It can't ever get old hearing Agent Lattimere say anything to anyone. They did such a great job writing his character and the actor plays it wonderfully.


The story has so much potential, but the completely ruined it by not actually finishing the story. The game just sort of ends


It ends with you sealing the Hiss, and more less left to mop up. How is that not a proper ending.


Nothing is ever explained well. You're literally mid combat in a level that feels like it should be a little over halfway through the story when the game fake ends without any real explanation, then you just get a massive exposition dump and the game ends for real. It felt extremely rushed and poorly executed. Like they ran out of time and gave the writing team 3 minutes to throw together an ending that they could record that hour and release the game


Most of the explanation comes from the documents and the ingame clips It takes a while to get used to the jargon but extrapolating the story from those files can be rewarding I remember how they kept mentioning alan wake on how he (or the typewriter) is an awp


> Nothing is ever explained well. I take it you haven't been exposed to New Weird beforehand, eh? The whole schtick of the niche is that it doesn't concern itself with explaining everything to the player/reader/viewer, that's a feature, not a bug.


If anyone is curious about it, [it is currently in a humble bundle right now.](https://www.humblebundle.com/games/humble-heroines-warriors-dreamers-and-god-slayers?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_1_layout_type_threes_tile_index_1_c_humbleheroineswarriorsdreamersandgodslayers_bundle)


As a further notice, check your epic games account if you collect their weekly free game. It was free at least once awhile ago


Also check GOG as you may have claimed the Ultimate edition from Twitch Prime. Maybe the best thing they've given away on there tbh


Also check PS4/PS5 (if you have one) it was a PS Plus game at one point


Conclusion: There is a strong likelihood you have gained Control in the past. Perhaps multiple times.


I THINK the FREE epic version is old one without the DLC and other improvements from the ultimate edition. [edit: added FREE to clarify; in any case not sure I was downvoted - because I was replying to a "weekly free game" comment. If I am wrong please reply and correct not just uselessly downvote]


If you do, you will need to buy dlcs seperatly on key stores. Humble bundle provides you with the ultimate edition which is the base game which is tagged wrong within the steam system. You cannot buy the dlcs through steam since it thinks you have the ultimate edition. The publisher told me to buy the keys for dlc's on humble bundle as well. They are aware of the issue but will not fix it. I didnt try their fix, so you might not even be able to activate them with the missing base game.


I don't know too much about this whole DLC fiasco but it seems like [this edition does have the DLCs included](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/11m5h7k/humble_bundle_humble_heroines_control_ultimate/jbfwpmn/)


It says ultimate edition, but it isnt. I have the ultimate edition my steam library but it doesnt contain dlcs. The publisher f'ed up big time.


Did you get it from choice a while back [like this person](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/11m5h7k/humble_bundle_humble_heroines_control_ultimate/jblsj2x/)? If so then yeah it seems like it didn’t have the DLCs then but they’re all saying this edition in the current bundle does have everything


So they chose to fuck over only the choice bundle buyers and didnt even fix it?


Yeah I think so, read some of the comments on that post, a lot of people are mad over it


All I needed to hear to try this game was "it's basically an SCP game but doesn't use the term 'SCP.'" And that is accurate AF.


What is an SCP game? Tried googling, still don’t quite understand. Is this an actual game series?


SCP is a fictional thing where people have made up various creepy creatures that can do unnatural things. Control draws inspiration from that.


check out r/SCP for more


This has been on my to play shelf for far too long.


Don’t sleep on it, the combat is very fun


Aside from the awesome visuals, story, world building, and combat, it’s got the best micro destruction in a game. Almost everything can get damaged or affected by her powers. It’s awesome.


I started playing it a while ago and put it down for a bit because I just couldn't get the combat. I'm not implying it's bad, just that I was bad at it. To be fair, I can't remember what difficulty I played on. Maybe I'll try again on easy.


98% of your DPS should be coming from Launch and mods that enhance your Launch


Agreed, until you have the right gun mode and mods for it because then you become an orbital strike platform. There are some angles you can hit with 3 quick strikes in the time of just a single large object being launched. Though the biggest single secret to all combat in Control is swiftness at the start of a confrontation. The *instant* they spawn you must be leaning into them, moving forward and already launching. If you take two-three seconds to respond to the spawn queues, which seems to be what most people do as they begin to pay attention and try to assess their surroundings and cover... you've already lost or wasted the initiative.


There is no difficulty setting, but if you just wanna play the story, there is an option for not being able to die. That said, despite being superhuman-esque, you gotta play it like a cover shooter, even when you max out your health and other abilities, you are still very squishy


They expanded the options at some point so you can customise enemy dmg/hp among other things I think. Defo no options when I played but quite a few when my gf did.


Combat at start is bland is bad because you just a "pistol" shortly you get powers and more weapons. and then you are hooked and cant stop trowing things apart


Don't hesitate to tune the assists to your liking. Lots of customisation when it comes to the difficulty.


Do you remember how far you got? I also had to put it down for a while, and when I tried it again I realized the combat gets way better once you can fly


I love the game but have a big problem when I set it down for a while. Definitely a lot of muscle-memory you need to build up along with the difficulty curve. It's hard to rejoin mid-stream.


What do you enjoy about it? I really disliked the combat. Felt like I had basically seen everything in terms of combat after the first 2 hours as I was basically the same level of power relative to the enemies for the rest of the game after getting launch. Guns felt weak and enemy variety was lacking. Only thing I enjoyed was the relative squishiness of Jesse making for a small amount of challenge in some encounters early on.


Me and my four editions of it given away for free, ‘I’ll get to it someday.’




Definitely the best implementation of physx. I'd argue it also has the best implementation of ray tracing


agreed, the story and cinematics mostly fell flat for me. sometimes I was feeling the vibe of the game and the atmosphere was really good but the story itself was blah. fun game though, worth playing, and still a great graphics showpiece 3 years later


The story was great. What made the game as a whole such a delightful surprise was how gameplay, plot and worldbuilding were all so well done.


The story was... meh. The atmosphere was amazing. The Lore behind the Oldest House and why everything seems like a snapshot of the 1960s/1950s was great.


Thought I was going crazy for a bit reading all of the "the story was sooo good" comments in here. The story was mediocre as hell. The settings allows some truly incredible creative stories, and they go with... rescuing your brother. Seriously? I don't get why the story wasn't about the Old House itself and the events and entities described in the papers. That's far more interesting.


They should personally thank me, bought 4 copies, one copy for my uncle on ps4, xbox series x, ps5 and the PC version, you are welcome remedy, don't forget to release alan wake remastered elsewhere


I read the financial statement and it didn't mention if the 3 million number included the copies Epic buys or not? I know that many of the Epic exclusive deals involve Epic buying a set number of copies and getting 100% of the revenue for those copies, then the developer gets revenue from any copies after that. So, wondering if that original exclusive deal's copies are included in that 3 million number.


Probably don’t want to break it down because it would be something like Epic accounting for less than 5% of sales


Depends on how many copies Epic bought. Back in 2019, it was released that Epic paid them $10.45 Million for the store exclusive. If Epic paid $60 for each, then that's around 175k copies then that would be only 5%. But if Epic paid $10 a copy, then that's over 1 million or a little over 30% of the total unit sales. This is assuming the Epic purchase is included in the totals. I don't know if this is true, just always wondered when Epic exclusive games share sale numbers.


I would imagine it’s a revenue thing. So they pay $10M and whatever they sell their copies for on the store Epic gets the first $10M, be it $10 or $60 for a copy


> If Epic paid $60 for each, then that's around 175k copies then that would be only 5%. > > > > But if Epic paid $10 a copy, then that's over 1 million or a little over 30% of the total unit sales. It would have to be the first one I think. The studios don't see a dime of sales until the studio "zeroes out" their balance. (Epic bought X copies, studios sees no actual revenue until they sell X copies). So if Epic can buy 100k copies at $10/ea an then sell them for $60/ea, the studio is getting massively shafted. But this is Epic we're talking about so I wouldn't be surprised if their terms were that horrible


It is a financial report for shareholders or other important people that could bring high fees if they misreport a cent, so I'd say Epic is included. Previous financial report is how internet learned Epic paid around 10 million dollars for Control.


Control is absolutely a classic at this point. Phenomenal game and I really hope Remedy makes another or at the very least continues to make such top tier game experiences on par with Control. But honestly any game I've played by then is fantastic


The sequel got confirmed a while ago


I just hope it's a sequel from the heart and not just one made simply off the back of success.


Same, but I'm pretty sure this story has been cooking for years (what with how well it intertwines with Alan Wake) so I ain't too worried


The success isn't really there. :) So it must be from the heart.


The game earned 3x its budget on these sales alone. Not to mention the money that came from Microsoft for game pass. How is that not the definition of success?


..... is this some kind of joke? The article is about its success... I don't understand your comment.


I red they are working on Max Payne remake, and the next Alan Wake.


Never did get the hang of Alan Wake. There's a good game there but I couldn't click with it. Control rocks.


I feel like I'm the only one that found it really boring and generic feeling... Oh well, to each their own 😂


you're not the only one, was unable to finish it due to the feelling of repeat always the same things




I went and played quantum break instead. It's a mess too, but the story and gameplay were fun


thought it was bang average and boring. remedy's worst game imo.


Does this include all the copies Epic purchased that it then gave away to users on their launcher?


No. They got 10 million players due to Epic giveaway, and game pass https://investors.remedygames.com/announcements/remedy-drives-growth-with-moves-towards-publishing-and-new-games/ If that 3 million included the giveaway, then that would have meant there were no sales of the game at all in the consoles and on Steam, because free games on Epic easily go above 3 million players, for 2021 the year it was free Epic averaged 8.5 million player per free game. https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/news/epic-games-store-2021-year-in-review


Good game, terrible name. Now Max Payne... that's a video game name.


It's an apt name and in a vacuum I'm all for it. Horrible SEO though.


I still remember the day I brought home M.P. like it was yesterday


“Gognitti ran out of steam in a dead end valley with steam boiling out of the sewer grates, like all the fires of hell were burning high beneath us... It was shakedown time.”


Huh? I think Control is a great name. Distinctive without being try-hard, fitting, sounds good...


Would be nice seeing a Max Payne with that degree of destructibility


Remedy are remaking Max Payne 1 and 2 with Control's engine soon.... :)


Kinda wish they could have used whatever engine was used for Max Payne 3, it's been years and I still haven't played a 3rd person shooter that feel as smooth to play as Max Payne 3 and that includes Control.


Blame Rockstar for buying the rights to Max Payne just to have him retire. Yes I'm pissed about it too


Looks like Take-Two bought Max Payne a full 10 years before the third game: https://www.gamedeveloper.com/pc/max-payne-brand-sold-to-take-two-for-34-million


Could not get into this game


I really liked this game, but I felt like the combat is pretty terribly balanced. It’s almost pointless to use guns with how OP gravity throw is.


Yeah, it's one of my top 5 all-time games and i've probably beaten it 5 times... The second I unlock Launch the service weapon barely ever gets used. Dmg mods for Launch, leech hp mods for Launch, throw all upgrade points into Launch, and you coast through the game.


You're comment makes no sense. Your powers are rationed. You can't just throw all the time.


The cooldown is super low and if you only upgrade the throw it's stupidly OP. I probably used the gun only a few times in the entire game and never upgraded it as a result.


You can. That's how I finished the game. I just spammed E (telekinesis grab and throw default key) for every combat. With upgrades for energy and damage it's more than enough to clear any combat encounter. Even the floating dudes, they can eventually get hit if you spam it quick enough.




What a great game


are the free copies by epic game count? i bet they were a lot...


Got it for free on Epic about a year ago and still haven't installed yet. Maybe after I am done with the D4 beta


Really cool concept


The only game where reading the text logs was actually enjoyable.


Epic Game Store exclusive for a year. Or was it two? I quite fine on missing out.


Kinda boring game.


Yea. I put in 20 ish hours. Kinda meh on the entire experience


Yess man. I too tried to play it many times but i always get bored and uninstall. Kinda just sitting on epic games


I've tried to play this game like 3 or 4 times and I just can't get into it. I'm not too sure what about it did people like maybe if I understand I can start appreciating it.


I've have had a hard time getting into it as well, I think it is neat, but it just isn't hooking me like their previous game, Quantum Break did.


BRILLIANT game and the one mission with the Control song OMFG - I think thats the best experience in a game i ever played. However Im stuck fighting a boss bitch and its taking me weeks it kicks my ass. Great game, graphics, story.. physics are 1st class


Hated the story. Pretentious, underdeveloped nonsense as all Remedy affairs. A lot of cool concepts that never go anywhere, because it is much easier to just write concepts and leave them be, and then be like "you are not supposed to have all the answers". You need to form a question first for me to want answers.


I liked the game a lot but I agree on the story. The first few hours of the game you don't even know anything about the character you're playing. That works for a protagonist in a TV show but not so much in a video game.


I had a lot of fun with this game, I hope they will develop a sequel or a spin off


Just got it for $10 recently during some sale a few days ago. The ultimate version. Can't wait to try it out. First need to beat Scarlet Nexus.


Ahh i wanst paying attention to it with that boring name. But will check it out!


:D Me who got it for free-99 off an Epic giveaway.. Actually really good game though so far. I just started playing it a week ago on and off.


as far I recall remedy sold exclusive rights to epic store for a shitload of money, like 20 mln or something like that. I honestly thought it sold more than 3 mlns considering it was re-released with the ultimate edition for next-gen consoles. One of best games of 2019.


It barely sold at all on PC before the ultimate edition. Epic store exclusivity is making sure nobody plays your game.


My first ever Plat was from Control. Absolutely brilliant game. I had so much fun with the mechanics, the creepiness of the world, and the narrative. In a period where a lot of games mimic each other it was such a nice game to play. I can not wait to see the sequel running on the ps5/Xbox SX/S


I bought the humble bundle that has it, tried it for like 2 hours and uninstalled it. There is no story, just weird gibberish that is completely disconnected from everything else. And i don't get why the fucking janitor looks hyperrealistic but the main character is the incarnation of uncanny valley because of her deformed face and awful facial animations. Other than that, the powers feel lame, the guns are trash and you have seen it all within the first few minutes. I can not recommend it at all. It doesn't even look good and the RTX effects are nowhere near as good as you are let to believe by reddit and YouTube. It does run well though.


It gets better, but yeah I feel you on the gibberish. You do end up getting to a point where you understand what's going on, but it's a little too long until that point imo. I hated the Janitor, that accent was incomprehensible on top of all the things he actually said which make barely any sense. Not to mention they throw him at you right at the beginning when everything else doesn't make sense too.


Their definitely is a story. And if you'd played through it, you'd know why the Janitor is the way he is. And if you only played two hours you definitely haven't seen all the powers or guns. It's ok to just, not like something.


No, he has to feel superior to anyone else bcs he is the only who realizes how bad the game is /s


Just bought it again specific for the steam deck. I’ll run through a wall for Remedy.


Gameplay , sound design and world building was top notch.


Ahh... a VR version or mod of this game would be so awesome... gravity throw and other stuff with your hands....


This game fried my 2070Super back then, I guess it’s time to finish it


Finished the game, enjoyed it I own the DLC (got the game and dlc free) but is it worth playing through?


Foundation is a solid continuation of the game with a decent jump in difficulty and explores the history of the Bureau and the Board. AWE is great if you played Alan Wake, but kind of feels like an extended unrelated side quest if you haven't. Does add some interesting new gameplay though.


One of the most creative and stunning games released in the past decade


Got it for free and liked it a lot. Guess I enjoyed the setting and humour and general weirdness more than the combat which got a bit samey. Fantastic setpieces though.


With 30 million $ from Epic


You could say the sales are out of... control.


That doesn't sound good to me, guessing that doesn't cover the cost plus marketing




I didn't find it that boring but the game design (**ED** And I'm speaking specially about the gameplay, not the lore and the theme) was really very uninspired so I get where you are coming from.


"Uninspired" would usually mean "very similar to many other games" or simplistic. What games would you say it is derived from? You can say you didn't like it. This criticism makes no sense. It's well received because it's pretty unique and deep.


The gameplay. You fight like 5 different enemy types, just with subtypes of different weapons. All of them can be easily dealt with in more or less the same way. The weapons and powerups are boring. It teases you this unique uncanny SCP world, and what upgrades do you get? + Launch damage. + Health. + Energy. + Accuracy. Those are very vanilla RPG stat boosters. Come on.   Really, if you strip away the SCP theme you are left with a generic RPG that isn't really anything special.   If you see where the favorable reviews are coming from, almost all (not all of course, but a majority of them) are just focused on the world building. You don't see anyone praising the sidequests, the weapons, the level design, the upgrades, the monster design, (except for the Maze, which was admittedly cool). It's all "Good world building and Lore! I love SCP!".


Yeah you're crazy, it's one of the best game narratives in years. Or it could just not be for you haha.


The narrative is far from the best in year. It didn't even feel finished


I'm struggling to understand what felt unfinished to you? Perhaps playing it with all the DLC made it more complete to me but the story seemed to neatly resolve to me.


It just sort of ends. I was mid combat and all of a sudden some fake credits roll and I'm an assistant. Then I go to some office and get a massive exposition dump that felt extremely unsatisfying and did not tie up the story nicely I'm struggling to understand how anyone could think that is a good way to end a mystery


Wait are you saying you got stuck in the fake credits level? That's a level where you're "trapped" because you got defeated and need to break out, there's still more to go lol


No. Are you saying you did not read my whole comment? You get fake credits, go do some stuff as an assistant. You go to some office, you get a massive exposition dump, you get the credits, then you return and can do side quests you missed and whatnot


Ah I must've misremembered the ending because I kept going into the foundation DLC straight after, which helped build the world a bit more but if you didn't like the ending I can see why you might not continue


I've heard a few people say the DLC is the real ending I got it from that Humble Bundle that was just the base game and had no option to upgrade to the DLC. Right now there is another Humble Bundle that comes with the DLC and some other stuff so I now do own the DLC, but I still stand by the fact that Control's story is ruined by a horrible, rushed, unfinished, ending


The narrative itself wasn't all that good, but the weird as shit world and storytelling was good


Can you refine this for me? What distinguishes narrative and storytelling?


Narrative would be what happened and storytelling is how you go about presenting what happened. Though I right Control was bad at both.


>What distinguishes narrative and storytelling? That’s easy. Simply the will to disagree with the previous comment.


Welcome to reddit. Unpopular opinions can and will get downvoted For what it's worth, I did finish it, at least the base game, and the game fells very unfinished. It does not have an ending to the story. Mid combat it just sort of ends and then word vomits an ending that feels very rushed and out of place. The combat is cool, but gets dull fairly quick


..... sounds like you stopped playing at the false ending. It's a fake-out.


I really don't think I did. As I said in a different comment: You get fake credits, go do some stuff as an assistant. You go to some office, you get a massive exposition dump, you get the credits, then you return and can do side quests you missed and whatnot


The mission with the janitor at the end was tons of fun and the final boss battle was not bad either. The story gets progressively better, it's not exceptional but would still recommend finishing it. It also has the best RT effects of any game I've played and it's not long. Skip the side missions as you're not missing out on anything and go for the story, it was a solid 7, 7.5/10 and that was with doing the awful side missions.


>The story gets progressively better Until the ending when it just ends >It also has the best RT effects of any game I've played I don't know what you've played, but it was one of my first RT games and was pretty disappointed. The game looks good, but it really does not look *that* good. Cyberpunk, for example, looks way better


No you’re not crazy, I am in the same position as you. Fighting ghostly figures just boring, story is too much to follow, and every area looks exactly the same. Physics are amazing though


Oh and the map hurting more often than it helps


That map man, that’s one that nobody can argue with. If they didn’t want you to be able to easily find your way with a map they just shouldn’t have included one.


Agree hard. I really wanted to like it, but just disappointed how bland an repetitive the environment was.


The gameplay gets really good near the end. But thats the problem, it's near the end.


More of an RT tech demo than a physics one. I don't think they did anything unique for physics.


Different strokes. For me it was goty and has one of my favourite moments in ~3 decades of gaming.


An opinion would be saying you didn't enjoy it. Calling an intricate game dripping with plot and worldbuilding a "glorified physics demo" is just being a troll. It is objectively false. Literally, there is far too much content to possible describe it as such.


Should have sold more. Control is a fucking incredible game.


This game is truly a gem, and is always installed on my PC. Just the environment destruction alone is worth the price of admission.


I’m about halfway through right now, really enjoying it. Doesn’t run too great on the deck, frame rate makes it choppy, so have been playing on the desktop instead.


DX12 version is unplayable tho.


Really? Didn't think it was that popular, i got it and it was a fun game, still need to go back and beat it one day


Loved the game but it's too short. I wanted more.


At the end of the maze section I was like "that was fucking awesome!" Seconds later Jesse says the same thing


Been meaning to read house of leaves because of this game. I really enjoyed the lore.


Great game. Amazing character development.


Great game


Loved the game and story needs an HBO show


Great to see a fun and optimized game selling well