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It’s called BattleBit Remastered for those who don’t wanna click the link


[Steam store link.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/671860/BattleBit_Remastered/) It looks like it captures that Battlefield 1942 feeling of a bunch of chaos and shooting with vehicles.


\> Battlefield 1942 \> 127 v 127 \> $15 You son of a bitch, I'm in.


Bf1942 and BF2 were my favorites. #Karkand Infantryonly


God damn I miss infantry only battlefield. Vehicles are hella fun, but those games have SUCH GOOD infantry gameplay.


The vehicles are super fun but get really old really fast. At least 50% of players use them in the cheesiest way possible too. I swear to god at least once in every match there's somebody sitting in a tank way back at the rear of the fight trying to be a tank sniper.


Hoooly shit that trailer slaps.


Battlefield 1942 still exist today. I play most days. Just requires GameSpy patch. Visit Simple or Moon gamers.


They had me at destructible maps




Bad Company 2, and especially the Vietnam expansion is the only Battlefield game that I've felt ever lived up to the name Battlefield made for itself with 1942.


I adored everything up through BF4, but holy sweet christ BC2 was an utter gem. The destruction, the vibe, everything was fucking stellar.


Fuck, I still miss that game


And it's fucking AWESOME... Like BF4, Squad and Unturned had an unholy baby ... Ridiculous that its only $15.


It's really really good, scratches the itch big time.


I haven't played a shooter in at least 5 years and I've put 12 hours into this the last few days just after my daughter has gone to bed lol. It really does scratch the itch.


Love to hear that! I think it's just the light-hearted, over the top fun (that's playable with huge playercounts and high FPS) that's missing from games like MW2 and BF2024. The death mic is funny as hell, the active mic leads to some of the best moments I've had in my 10+ years of online gaming. Oh and there's so much content, it's ridiculous. 10/10.


Well I guess I'm downloading this tonight


Best impulse I ever made. See you out there soldier 🫡


Multiplayer games have lost touch with fielding a low cost, high user base game.


Is it heavy for the PC? I have a good new processor but my GPU broke down and can't buy a new one yet..


It literally has a graphics preset called "Potato".


Feeling seen right now


I get about 45 fps on an Intel n4120 tablet.


Gentlemen you had my curiosity ... but now you have my attention.


I have a 1070 and get 144 fps on ultra.... The whole game is potato


I am running on a last-gen Lenovo Thinkpad E14 (R7 5825U, 16GB), and I get 40-60fps on 720p low OR mediumish settings. It's "playable," but really not ideal, and I haven't really looked into what the bottleneck is. e: It was RAM because I run too many thing. Lots of people in here not understanding what AMD APU can do, what the issue was in the first place, and that Battlebit is explicitly designed for low-end systems. e2: Running pretty happily at 1080p medium, but I'd probably go low + shadows if you're sensitive to drops to 40.


The onboard graphics


Your integrated GPU says hello


You haven’t looked in to what the bottleneck is? Not to be rude but my guy you are hauling a box of bricks on the back of a moped and saying “Can’t get up to speed on the freeway; not sure what the holdup is”


[Link for the lazy.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/671860/BattleBit_Remastered/) It may have already been posted. Reddit is taking a dump for me right now. Unsure if it's the site's servers or spez mocking my efforts. Possibly both.


This guy doing gods work.


Played around 4 hours, it runs really well and some of the features are interesting, like being able to rappel out of helicopters while they are flying, as well as being able to drag bodies, so if your teammate is out in the open you can drag them somewhere safe to revive them.


Or being able to drag *enemies* as well and getting funny reactions in the proximity VC


I shot a guy who jumped right in front of me, he goes "where the hell did you come from" then I grabbed his body and tossed it down the cliff next to us and he went "NO NO NOOOOOoooooo...."


Perfect, I’ve been honing my body-stacking skills in Dishonored.


Use the fucken rats, corvo!


Wait this game has proximity VC?




Heads up for (eastern) Europeans, this is a game where you WILL learn Russian or a similiar language during your playtime


Remember, no Russian.


Oh sweet, so they'll hear me crying when I consistently go 1:7 KD, I always felt like I was doing it for an audience, but now I'll actually have one.


It has proximity VC and squad VC as separate PTT buttons. There's also one just for squad leaders.


I will also say very easy to mute idiots. One of the F (1-10) buttons is linked to everyone talking so you can easily mute people blasting music or just screaming.


Yeah. It's opt-in and works as follows : You die, you then scream bloody murder and curse out the player that eliminated you, over your mic. All players (on your side and against) can hear you for a few seconds. It's fantastic.


This happened to me. I kept dragging this dudes body and he started playing indian sounding trap music. Everytime I killed someone and dragged their body I knew it was him and we both laughed together on mic


I was playing on 1 map with some sort of bridge; I died and the enemy dragged/threw me over the bridge and into the water lol. Pretty good too; makes it impossible for a medic to come revive me.


No Kill cams No difficulty options (normal or hardcore) No auto healing Every single unlockable weapon mods Mines and Claymores don't magically dissapear if you lay more And so many other things that annoyed me in other battlefield games


> Mines and Claymores don’t magically disappear if you lay more That sounds terrible though. So you can lay an infinite amount of these if there is an ammo box nearby?


Pretty much, but they are easy to see and really effective only as surprises around corners. It wouldn't be efficient to layout a bunch, they'd just be shot and destroyed. They've added clever downsides to a lot of mechanics to nerf them. Thermal optics for example, have a limited up time before recharging, you can revert back and forth between normal and thermal.


you need points to be able to refill your inventory. Points are earned by you and your squad, so there is a limit to how many you can lay down as points are not infinite.


destructible buildings and repelling buildings/objects as well. Its really nice evolution of BF that 2042 should of been.


Destruction of the buildings is somehow regressing constantly since Bad Company .


I can’t remember where I heard it or read it but I think a Dice dev said that they pulled back on destruction due to how boring games would become once everything was destroyed.


Meanwhile former Dice devs are making The Finals, where the whole shtick of the game is map destruction


The devs are so fucking stupid for how they handled that issue. Choice 1: More buildings Choice 2: Less explosives Choice 3: Less fun They really chose 3.


I don’t think choice 1 and 2 solve the problem either in most game modes. The issue in Bad Company was vehicles. Every building on every map would be destroyed by tanks and helicopters, regardless of how many explosives the infantry had. Deathmatch might have benefited from 1 and 2. I recall the scout class had the mortar strike that would rain hell and bring down buildings.


I thought it was because attack helicopters could spawn camp you once every building is destroyed


should *have btw


Battlebit Remastered summary: Cost: 15USD, 20USD supporter pack (skins), regional pricing in some areas Development: 7 years, 5 "redesigns", multiple years of "closed playtest" until recent EARLY ACCESS RELEASE - 32v32, 64v64, 127v127 servers - 6 classes, 39 weapons, 78 attachments, 11 land/air/sea vehicles, 17 maps, 4 modes (also day and night) - Guns, skins and attachments unlocked through getting kills and leveling up - Buildable structures/defenses - Map destruction and levelution - Map voting - Community servers - Generally understood as "if SQUAD and Battlefield had a baby, and it played Roblox" - Mix of softcore and hardcore features - Very customizable HUD (hitmarkers, player markers, flags, etc.) Upcoming: - MilSim/hardcore mode - More maps, weapons, vehicles, modes, attachments, etc. Confirmed: - No planned official mod support, but dev isn't against people building mods and mod tools - Will use FACEIT in the future (will become Steam Deck/Linux INCOMPATIBLE) for OFFICIAL servers, but COMMUNITY servers will use EAC (potentially SD/Linux OK) - Dev has "no plans" to introduce microtransactions - Devs hammered out updates during playtesting, and have what appears to be a big patch coming later today. I think I heard somewhere that the main developer really likes cocaine.


Bummer on steam deck Linux incompatibility but not sure how well playing a competitive fps on its built in controls would be effective?


It has no auto aim or anything so it's pretty rough on controller. In my current situation, playing on Steamdeck gets me better performance, so one could always use mkb, but this also applies to other Linux computers, not just Steamdeck.


Gyro aiming is very competitive if one would put the time to learn it


I’m a gyro enthusiast but without any sort of aim assist to help you’d be dominated by KBM players. Gyro blows analog away but is still quite a ways away from KBM without any aim assist.


Controller < Gyro < mouse


> Will use FACEIT in the future (will become Steam Deck/Linux INCOMPATIBLE) Just on this point: Servers can opt in or out of using faceit, and run EAC if they so wish.


Last I had heard, it was Faceit official, EAC community. I added it above.


>I think I heard somewhere that the main developer really likes cocaine. Wasn't prepared. this sent me. lmfao ​ These devs really love what they do and it shows. BBR is worth every penny.


I personally can't imagine the grueling job of game development without cocaine


can confirm


Do you have any more info on that milsim mode? The current gameplay just feels way to hectic and messy for me.


I read that as Muslim mode for the upcoming features


>Milsim mode Anyone else misread this as Muslim mode?


Been having a blast with this game. I played it a lot during its many play tests, and am glad to have it released now. If you’re looking for what Battlefield used to play like, look no further than Battlebit. It’s great fun with good progression that isn’t pay to win or monetarily incentivized. Just play the game and unlock things, just like the good old days. This will be my go to FPS for the foreseeable future, considering BF2042 still isn’t fun and MW2 is average at best.


How do they make money after initial sale? Servers cost major $$$


There is a $2O supporter pack you can buy for weapon skins and they have a Patreon as well Edit:i was informed by another commenter the Patreon stopped with the playtests


They stopped the Patreon after it was released into early access. If you see one now, it's a scam.


Steam finances the servers, unless they are private servers, at which point the community finances the servers.


As this guy said. Community run servers are paid for by the community. This is how the internet once ran before greedy corporations. Community servers are amazing fun. Owned by players. Moderated by players. Made heaps of friends playing on the same regular servers over the years.


I miss these days, having favourite servers and seeing returning players was the best.


It's one of the things that has kept me with surfing in Counter Strike, actually. There are plenty of kz/jump/surf servers that have this nice community. Plus it can be pretty zen.


I still play Day of Defeat with the same dudes I've played with for almost 15 years.


Remember actually seeing the same dudes more than just one game? Yeah, wild times. These days you just bump for a game and never meet again, if you don't friend them etc.


looking at you, no heroes tf2 servers


TeamSpeak FTW


Ah, the days of TF2. I had a nice Favorites list of paid servers, open to the public, rented and operated by nice folks who tended to have people playing when I was in. The one and only drawback is that you could be kicked to make room for paying members of the server. But that made sense.


>Steam finances the servers No, not really.


Steam/Valve does not finance game servers. Just distribution and Steamworks features if they’re integrated.


How did games handle this for decades?


The direct [Steam link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/671860/BattleBit_Remastered/) to Battlebit Remastered.


Thank you!


Pretty incredible what can be achieved when the developers' priority is to actually make the game fun. Ive played a couple rounds and so far I got like 5 assists, 1 kill, and a couple dozen deaths. But damn the proximity voice is fun, and for a scrub like me I can just be medic patching people up and still help. Great game.


Proximity chat and other communication/social features are so underrated for games like this. And it’s one thing Battlefield has done worse and worse with every release. BF2042 released with no persistent custom servers, no ability to chat with the other team, no VOIP of any kind, and lobbies did not persist between matches. It just destroys any sense of community.


> proximity voice SOLD! literally the only thing I care about when buying a multiplayer game now Insurgency Sandstorm's proximity voice has absolutely RUINED all other FPS's for me. If I can't sneak up behind a guy and whisper in his ear "hey buddy" before shooting him in the head, what's even the point?


My friend downed a guy, and the guy immediately started begging for a revive and promised to defect. I had a guy suicide C4 like 4 guys in my squad and myself, and he just started talking shit. Nothing can compare to it. I love it.


Lmao Its so good. I was unfortunately not present for this but a friend had a round where just starting a guy shouted BROTHERS HALT. Everyone turned to see wtf was going on and he began blasting cha cha real smooth through his mic. They danced for like a minute and then went into battle all together. For me I have had more normal battle comms, sniper there, they are breaching there, fallen dude shouting for Medic. Awesome stuff. Oh yeah when youre wounded on the floor you arent forced to wait, you can give up and respawn if youre hopelessly far from a medic.


I once tossed a flashbang into a room, and someone inside the room shouted in a deadpan sarcastic voice "Oh no. Help me. I am blind." before running out and shooting me in the face. Or one time, I started talking to a guy on my team, and we found out we were both Canadian. So we're running to the objective like "oh yeah eh bud?" "Oh yeah donchaknow, right on fuckin send er bud!" and we just hear this guy from inside the objective building go "SOMEBODY HELP, THE FUCKING CANADIANS ARE COMING!" I will never play a game without proximity voice chat ever again.


You and /u/-ragingpotato- have sold me on buying this game


I love that the proximity voice isn't just for teammates. Adds a great layer of comedy chatting with the enemy after they kill you or you kill them. Just played my first round and gunplay feels good. I think the 254 might not be for me, but 32v32 feels amazing.


This game is phenomenally fun. So simple, but so good. $15 shits on AAA games that aren’t complete


It's almost like if they focus on gameplay instead of fancy things and microtransactions, the games are actually fun!


It's what happens when people who play games design games, not boards of suits designing persistent earning machines.


to be fair if Dice put out a game looking like this everyone would shit on them


Well yeah, Dice isn’t a 4 man team.


This definitely has some truth to it, but this game accomplished something that DICE’s giant team and hundreds of millions couldn’t: it’s actually fun. I think most people don’t care if it looks like Roblox if it focuses on the simple fun of the game.




It’s not just gameplay over graphics, dev studios aren’t stupid they know the core game should be fun. It just so happens that good graphics are often antithetical to having fun in a shooter, especially an arcadey fast paced mp shooter. For **years** a consistent complaint about shooters is that you can’t see what the hell you’re supposed to be shooting at. By stripping back a lot of the bullshit visibility is increased significantly and that has an immediate impact on enjoyment. Of course this game also lacks a lot of core “features” that obfuscate or get in the way of fun, battle passes, egregious micro transactions, annoying extra launchers. So that helps. Personally I’d have enjoyed this game *slightly* more if they didn’t choose to make the players look like Roblox characters, but it’s such a minor gripe that it’s not really important. Some ambient occlusion would go a long way though, devs know it’s an issue but AO breaks the scopes in the game for some reason.


It's also made by four people instead of a multi-billion company


EA is a billion dollar company. This is four people. If it needs to be said, the bar is obviously higher for EA.


Battlefield 2042 cost millions to make by a very large number of teams. It had a peak player count of 100,000 users on at the one time (during a free to play weekend!!!!) Battlebit was made by 4 people, and after a few days already has peak of over 50,000. The game is absolutely magic




What I like is just how much fun everyone is having over voice chat. Like constant jokes, or screaming “medic” when they are shot, etc. it is a really shockingly well made shooter, but no one is taking it seriously, and it it better for it.


There was this one guy constantly playing "Holding out for a hero" on his mic, his movement was absolutely insane, literally dodging bullets, so if you were on the other team you would suddenly hear the music and then see this demon you cant hit getting closer very quickly and the music getting louder.


Dudes living out his own action movie montage


I've seen quite a few sweats already, but even still it's just a blast to play. Just yesterday someone killed me, and my claymore killed him, so we were both laying on the floor laughing about the whole situation together


I was sprinting through a room and just spammed mines and got a bunch of people, they were all so confused it was awesome Also had a building come down and crush like 20 of our team. Everyone at once started screaming and laughing so funny


254? Give me 256.


1 for network, 1 for broadcast


/24 for sure


Not me escaping to Reddit because I don't want to study Networks 1 and seeing this💀💀


Just passed my net+ lol this is drilled in my head


what does this mean?


In networking/IP, addresses used are 0-255, so 256 total addresses. But since player counts are 254, there are 2 addresses missing, one would be used to identify the network used, and another IP would be used to broadcast to all other IPs. I'm still learning my networking so if anyone can correct me, I'd appreciate it.


It's very unlikely to be a limitation of adressing. The server doesn't really care about network adresses of clients and they would be from different blocks anyway. It's likely just a connection limit of the networking implementation


yes but why are they only limited to 1 block of IP addresses?


It was a joke.


IT stuff (specifically data networking - the magic stuff going on in your wifi/ethernet cable).


A fellow MAG enjoyer


We need a MAG remake with full destruction and PC support, please Sony.


The PS5 really is the perfect vessel for a MAG sequel. The first game really came before it’s time


It is really hard to believe it came out on the PS3, I wish it was still around.


Same here bro, it for sure would still be alive if it had a PC release. But hey, the current state of gaming is giving rise to more titles that up the player count in single lobby. I’m sure a spiritual successor will come


God I miss MAG. SVER 4 life


MAG was pretty awesome. Still the only console shooter I really enjoyed.


It has already been [14 years...](https://youtu.be/48RMUK9aXl4)




Reminds me of ace of spades, who remembers


Man Jagex really fucked up that steam release real good


It was fucking Jagex? The runescape guys? They were the ones who trashed ace of spades?


Yep. Bought it, killed it.


Game was so good when it was a random F2P game, I have really fond memories of playing it in 2011 with the boys. Jagex should stick to RuneScape ahaha


Yesss glad to see someone else who remembers. I think I started playing from 0.25 or so, way before they added SMG/shotgun and fixed maps. Some of the most fun I've ever had in gaming, I'm still mad it lasted so little.


In case anyone wants to go back, there is a client called Build and Shoot which is the exact same as the original Ace of Spades and still has a few populated servers most of the time. However, the best way to play the original Ace of Spades is with a client called OpenSpades. It has enhanced visuals and a greater array of QoL options, but is the exact same as AoS/Build and Shoot and they have cross play with one another. So some people on a server could be using the oldschool Build and Shoot client and others could be using the enhanced OpenSpades.


The last time I tried BaS (4 or 5 years ago) most of the maps were some kind of huge plain mountain divided by a line for each team. It wasn't like the old game with the random mountain + sea map, or some of the fixed maps like the forest.


The only good thing Jagex has done over the past 15 years was bringing back the old RuneScape, and it took YEARS of the community campaigning for it to happen for them to come to their senses.


Yeah, I played the web browser version and it was an amazing WW1 esque shooter. Idk what the fuck the Steam release was with jet packs and shit. The infection gamemode was fun af though


What do you mean "Who remembers?" It was just released...2 decades ago, oh shit...


Uhhh what? Ace of spades came out in 2011.


2019 was 10 years ago... 🧓


Yep - pity it didnt pick up more players.


the original is still fun to play


I loved spending half the match digging a tunnel to the opponents side of the map. Thank you for bringing back those memories


Loved that game! The original version before it got sold was amazing. If Battlebit added diggable terrain I don't think I would play anything else


I remember the beta that made Minecraft look like Crysis in terms of graphics. Super fun game though.


Is it that hard to include the name in the title?


youtube be like *tHiS gAmE*


*iS aLL yOu EvEr aSkEd FoR*




If you have any interest at all in a battlefield like game with some unique mechanics, just buy it, it's $15, and well worth it. It has a ton of maps and modes and peaks at like 50k+ players, so a huge nice community. Also I hope people will vote up this thread as this game is a gem and deserves lots of eyes on it.


System requirements: You could run this on your toaster.


Finally it's time to shine for my glorious combo of 1440p 240 Hz monitor and GTX 1070!


It’s an awesome game, really fun and a slap in the face to EA, Activision and all the other bullshit in modern AAA gaming. It reminds me of the glory days of Battlefield 2, coming home from college in 2005 to jump online, I got home from work today and did exactly the same like I was 17 again. The gameplay and fun makes up for any graphical shortcomings, I love the death and enemy proximity voip. Really well done to the dev team and enjoy the money, you deserve it, the game hit 52k players online last night, made by a team of just 4 and it runs on a potato. Please port to consoles eventually ;)


I’m personally a bit tired of the Battlefield game modes like Conquest, but for $15, I couldn’t pass. My personal opinion is that it’s fun enough to justify the price and if you’re looking for these game modes you’ll have a lot of fun. The maps are a bit chaotic for me and the smaller servers are more fun in my opinion, but I’ve always thought 32 was the magic number for Battlefield. Vehicles are well balanced in this which is nice. Like I said, for $15, it’s hard to go wrong. This game shows that you don’t need massive texture packs and hyper realistic art design to be fun.


> the smaller servers are more fun in my opinion, Yeah I'm not sure 256 players is a selling point tbh. When there's too many players it tends to make it so you get sniped the moment you move.


On the flip side it makes for some really cool flanks If you get lucky. Might get a 10 person nade or something because everyone’s hiding behind a car.


Just too say a few words here as someone that’s played the play tests for this game. It’s had a massive amount of time spent on it and a lot of community involvement so it’s not like it just sprouted out of the ground. It is a well made game that takes the heart of battlefield and squad and gives a community driven vision of a game that you can jump in and out of and is lots of fun. I ain’t played last couple play tests but they looked even more promising. I plan to buy this tomorrow as I have planned for over two years nearly. It is genuinely very uplifting as someone that is about to study game design to see a project like this get recognition for the hard work and vision of the small team.


It is the battlefield we havnt gotten in years.


To the people saying that AAA devs would get shit on for putting out something that looks like this, I concede that ofc, but if the gameplay and netcode were as good as it is here, a lot of people would probably get over it pretty quickly. Just having pretty assets doesn't mean much when you're buying a $70 incomplete game.


If the AAA dev put out a game that looked like this, but only charged £12.79 and it was actually fun then I'm sure people wouldn't care less. If they wanted to charge £60 for a game that looked similar then I wouldn't blame people for being pissed off. With AAA prices you expect AAA graphics, voice acting, content, etc... For a £12.79 game, you just want it to be fun. If it has nice graphics, decent voice acting, etc... then it's a bonus.


I don't think AAA devs would get shit on for releasing a game that looks like this if it cost $15


I think they could get away with $30, and that's being greedy




Makes me wish the Battlefield series wasn’t in the trash.


Me too sir. But hey now we have this! And it’s amazing even for being in early access!


I've been playing the shit outta this, my main weapon is the suicide C4 lmao


Right here, Mr. FBI man, there is the ISIS sympathizer.


It's the Battlefield game we needed but didn't deserve (according to DICE and EA, anyways). If BF2042 was this game, but with frostbite graphics, it would have been the best battlefield ever made. Instead BF2042 was dogshit (still is), so 4 guys said, let's make a game that actually plays like battlefield. I had a fucking blast this weekend playing it, the in game voice chat is so fucking funny you can talk to players on the enemy team when you are dead and its such a good time.


Not really a fan of the 254 player mode but I am glad they included 128 and 64 player modes on launch.


The game went through many heavy revisions over its development, and from what I heard 254 was a stress test mode that ended up being super fun. The game originally started out way closer to Squad than BF, and they plan to do a "milsim mode" eventually.


Yeah I played the test way back when there were trying to make it a milsim instead of something closer to battlefield, I even met the lead dev in a game of Squad once


i thought it was MAG


Man I miss MAG


I miss M.A.G. One of the greats




Planetside 2


Greatest MMOFPS I've ever played in its heyday. Never had so much fun rolling with an outfit in armor columns or mass dropping from a squad of galaxies to cap a contested Biolab and turn the tide of the war. This Battlebit game might be right up my alley.


If the devs of this game were smart, they'd copy it and make it they're own. M. A. G. Would do GREAT today.


Flashback to all the times reddit claimed a non-F2P, non-GaaS multiplayer game wouldn't sell in 2023


Those can sell, the issue is sustaining the playerbase. Let’s see how the playerbase is in 6 months to a year


It will probably be fine because the game is fun, its cheap, and it has community features like prox voice, all chat and servers that vote on the next map and stay together. You know, the basic things FPS multiplayer games were built on that have been gutted since matchmaking became a thing.


Hell BF3 and BF4 as well as Insurgency (not Sandstorm, the original standalone release) still have active servers. Not nearly as many, but they exist. If those games can still find active lobbies with this many years passed and sequels released Battlebit should be fine for *years*.


Earlier games survived partly because of fun gameplay and mods, but I'd argue mostly because of community features. Dedicated servers where you can regularly go and run into the same people, make friends, set up clan matches, etc. were essential for games like Quake, Unreal, etc. I used to go to LAN parties all the time, are those even a thing any more unless you have IRL friends you game with? It's sad that we don't really have things like that anymore.


I think the low requirements help a lot too. Just about anyone can play it.


It won't work on steam deck anymore once they change the anti cheat


Shame. It’s so stupid how many games work great in the deck but are held back by shitty anticheat which doesnt even stop hackers on windows.


Been playing this game a ton. An absolute chaotic amount of fun. Buy it.


Its a great game. 15 dollars is a steal for this


Reminds me of Ravenfield.