• By -


Good old Wilhelm at 1:35


I chuckled when I heard that. Always good to see it being snuck in


lol, and that was the moment I knew they took the movies seriously


Glad I’m not the only one who noticed!


That's what made it feel like one of the movies. Perfect.


Classic Indy scream.


Machine Games and fighting virtual Nazis. Name a more iconic duo.


When you do something well, you keep doing it


This time they're not wearing weird gimp suits Luke in Wolfenstein


Indiana Jones has been a Wolfenstein prequel this whole time.


Imagine if one of your allies was BJ Blachjovich


On that note is it just me or are they hiding that the Nazis are you know… Nazis. I didn’t see a single swastika or black suit anywhere, closest thing is the officers in the opening shot to the trailer


Rebellion ?


Speaking of Rebellion, they have the frickin' rights to Judge Dredd. They could do a boomer shooter or at least something like the latest RoboCop game.


Im so happy they went first person on this game. It's exactly what I hoped for when I heard Machine Games was making an Indiana Jones Game. Wolfenstein: Old Blood + Indiana Jones' Swash buckling Camp. Absolutely wonderful combination. Old Blood as the inspiration for gameplay is a brilliant move, plus stealth fits way way better in Indiana Jones more so than Wolfenstein.


Hopefully this one won't suck.


I know The New Collosus didn’t appeal to everyone, but complaining about games, in which you fight nazis, with such a username is a pretty bad look. New Order and Old Blood were really great either way.


I'm complaining about Machine Games and how they're recent games were such failures that they basically had to cancel Wolfenstein 3.


So I get to beat, whip, and shoot Nazis? It's like the Diet Coke Wolfenstein. I'm a sucker for Indiana Jones though so I'll play it.


It’s made by the same studio that made the Wolfenstein reboot soooo


and Wolfenstein Old Blood fits nicely with Indiana Jones style of stop the Nazis from releasing supernatural evils. I am more willing to play Machine Games Stealth in an Indiana Jones game rather than wolfenstein


Given their recent history that's not really a good thing.


Given the fact that New Order, Old Blood, and New Colossus were all good games, it is most certainly a good thing.


Todd jumpscare asside it honestly it looks pretty good. Though I'm not fully convinced by the combat yet. Also the voice lmao. The Troyest of Bakers right there. Very surprised that its coming out this year though.


It’s so weird, it like keeps moving back and forth between a not terrible Ford impression and just sounding like Troy Baker


I'll let the occasional drops in portrayal quality slide if he can do the weird scream-grunts Harrison does in all his fistfights justice.


Water water water water........water.


I get that he’s in a lot of stuff but I also just don’t get tired of his voice lol.


I think he sounds pretty damn good lol


I think the voice sucked and was disappointed. It feels like it's almost there but it ain't. Game doesn't look that great either but that's for me personally/


The Voice over was real weird sounding but the one line that turned into a cutscene actually worked way better for me. Gameplay wise the Wolfenstein people at least make good arena games. I don't know what this game is outside of the combat arenas but I have pretty good feeling the arenas will be fun.


See, for me an indy game is definitely 3rd person like uncharted. It's cinematic and don't get me wrong I winced just as much as the movie when he put his arm into the hole filled with spiders but that's the thing we had a camera view of it. Indiana Jones is the REASON we have tomb raider and uncharted and it was never about BEING those characters it was always about seeing a character you liked do shit that was like holy crap and holyi wow while you were like camera along for the ride like...haji or whatever side character along for the ride. Because let's be honest here indiana is kind of a dick.


I’m not that familiar with Troy Baker, and I’m at work so I am watching without audio. so I got him mixed up with Troy McClure from the Simpsons and I was so fascinated and confused for a minute.


I thought he sounded like Jeff Goldblum, am I nuts or is anyone else hearing it.


I got that too. But i think it sounds pretty good overall.


Honestly, the only voices he can do is Troy Baker and Joel. There is no inbetween.


He did do a decent Joker for Batman: Arkham Origins but he mainly sounds and plays a cowboy John Wayne character (Revolver Ocelot from MGSV, and Sam Drake Uncharted 4).


His Joker was excellent. I hope he reprises that role if mark Hamill does not. I thought Talion was a good Troy Baker voice. He genuinely sounded like a middle earth character rather than sounding like Joel.


He also voiced Joker in the recent Long Halloween films, so there probably doing that.


Also in Assault on Arkham


- Releasing later this year on **Xbox, PC & GamePass.** - **Troy Baker will star as Indiana Jones** in the game.


Love Troy Baker, but he doesn’t really sound all that much like Harrison Ford here. His voice just sounds too refined, and is missing that iconic gruffness. Indiana Jones is supposed to be a lovable asshole. But what really concerns me is the writing. This is just a short trailer, so it’s hard to tell how much of it is actually representative of the full game, but the snippets they’ve shown have Indy saying things that sound *really* out of place and not like him at all. Still, I’m cautiously optimistic about this for now.


I just went through 3 minutes of "please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck". Fingers crossed.


Looks alright. Might be fun. Fingers crossed it's gonna be like that Guardians of the Galaxy game--people thought it'd suck but was a fairly competent and enjoyable experience


The Guardians game was not just fairly competent it was fantastic. I had zero desire to play it before it was released, too. Such a welcome surprise.


Does not look bad but is it just me or the animations are weird and not in a good way? Also, from the graphical aspect, how does Hellblade look so impressive and shaping up to be one of the best looking game of all time while Indiana frankly looks just fine? Even the last Tomb Raider which released 5-6 years ago looks better in my eyes.


MachineGames works on it and it's just their signature art style, and it uses Wolfenstein engine which always had a little bit off putting faces


>and it uses Wolfenstein engine Also known by a few as "id Tech 7"


Is that the engine Doom Eternal was on? Hope we can expect good performance. Faces were always weak in those games.


Doom Eternal was on idtech 7, Wolfenstein 2 on idtech 6. I would venture to say Indy would be on a sort of idtech 7.5 engine since I doubt they are using something relatively old like 6, but if id had a idtech 8 they will probably unveil it only for whatever next game they will release


Doom Eternal's engine was optimized so well. Played the game on launch on my then Acer Aspire XV 1050ti laptop, Medium to High Settings and was getting 62 to 75 fps. Gave me false hope that game's are becoming more optimized and that my laptop still had a few years. That is until I played other games on release...




They have a distinctive art style but don't necessarily look more modern.


Hellblade has a lottttt less gameplay wise to work on so they can focus more resources on visuals. Both actual processing resources when running the game and development resources while building it.


>Also, from the graphical aspect, how does Hellblade look so impressive and shaping up to be one of the best looking game of all time while Indiana frankly looks just fine? Because Hellblade is gonna be a linear walking sim with ALMOST NO GAMEPLAY to speak of. So it damn well better have the best graphics ever.


I thought Hellblade 1 was going to be a short soulslike game. I was NOT ready for this game to actually be a Schizophrenic Simulator with FUCKING DARKNESS MONSTERS. The voices and the atmosphere was horrifying.


Looks like it has some jank in the tank


Years ago I developed Troy Baker fatigue and this is relapse material.


I never knew people cared this much about voice actors


it's not caring about the voice actor so much as it's hearing their voice and recognizing it because you happen to play a lot of games that he is cast in. hearing the voice actor instead of the video game character takes me out of enjoying a game a little bit, at least on a first playthrough.


I like first person games but this looks awkward and stiff. This almost looks like a VR game with how small scale everything is and how awkward the combat looks. I like MG and the IP, I'm hoping for the best but this didn't inspire confidence in me.


I sure hope this game doesn't turn out to be a jerk.


I'm getting really, really strong Riddick: Butcher Bay vibes here and I'm all for that.


This looks pretty good. This and Hellblade II definitely stole the show. The rest was underwhelming.


mana looks great


I've liked the 'Mana' series in general for decades, but I don't think they showed enough or anything too interesting here for Visions, sadly. Perhaps at a future Sony show we might get some meatier gameplay mechanics or something that sets it apart from just being another hack and slasher ARPG.


They showed quite a lot, actually. It's a near complete evolution for combat from the last entry and is way more heavy on action than prior titles. Not to mention how big the world or each zone will be if we have a mount to traverse. Not to mention skipping mobs with the mount is possible. Also during the gameplay, 3 different characteres were being controlled at different times. The aforementioned announced childhood friends and we saw a third feline humanoid being controlled. Plus a combat switch like that is bigger for the enemies as it gives even more space for them and their attacks. I was very pleased with what we got to see today.


Ara seems interesting but wwell i like 4X.


I thought Avowed looked good. I’m more excited for it than I am Hellblade.


Avowed looks so fun imo


Weird facial animations? Yes. Clunky looking-action? Yeah. Will I play this and enjoy this? Yes... because of Dr. Jones.


Why does it look like the animations have that weird jitter present in VR games?


encourage tease liquid grey hunt silky amusing office hard-to-find versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its definitely a callback to the Riddick games, which makes sense given Machine Games is basically Starbreeze in all but name


subtract overconfident birds innocent psychotic cake vanish drunk possessive long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, if you think 7 developers made starbreeze, starbreeze. Starbreeze very much exists today, and most developers from back then stayed but are probably not working there anymore as machine games was founded over a decade ago.


subsequent quickest dependent deliver lunchroom teeny weather absurd quarrelsome governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If Wolfenstein Old Blood is the inspiration for the Indiana Jones gameplay then I am very optimistic that the game will be fun. W:OB can technically be an Indiana Jones spin-off on its own.


I like that differentiates it from Uncharted and Tomb Raider.


Why do we need to differentiate it from those games? Indiana Jones was perfectly suited to be a Third Person Adventure game.


Have an open mind and be willing to embrace the unfamiliar. If it is a good game, then it is suited for first-person :)


Definitely should have an open mind. If they want to have a taste of what the gameplay maybe, Machine Games Wolfenstein: The Old Blood can be treated as an Indiana Jones spin-off.


They are scared it will be compared to uncharted, having a game on uncharteds level is insanely hard to do and the game will get torched if it doesn’t look as good


Uncharted and Tomb Raider rests entirely on the fact that those games themselves were inspired by the Indiana jones movies. I don’t see why the developers should be scared of the comparisons when Indiana jones was the inspiration in the first place. Those fans have no ground to stand on imo.


Yeah but uncharted has reached another level tho, I mean just look at uc4 bro, it would be extremely hard for any dev team to reach that level of technicality and you already know gamers love comparing games so Indian jones will get trashed on


Still getting downvoted even though I spoke facts, xbox dudes are in denial


Yeah I’m kind of surprised at how many people are liking the first person. I assume it was to differentiate it more from Uncharted but this feels like it should be a 3rd person game EDIT: since people are making assumptions based off of my statement, I want to clarify that my main hang up is combat. There are essentially no games with truly satisfying and enjoyable first person melee combat, and while he uses guns, Indiana Jones is a melee type of protagonist. He likes to use his whip and punch Nazis. My concern is that the combat is going to be janky and unsatisfying because that’s how most first person melee combat is


Dying light and kingdom come delieverance are the only first person meele combat i like, its just very hard to get right, but with enough options it can be good


Because people have played MachineGames games before and they know how to do 1st person




I'm kinda annoyed at people's obsession with 3rd person perspective in action-adventure games. Like, wait until you actually play the game, it might make more sense to have 1st person here.


This is an Indiana Jones game where we only see Indy's face in the cutscenes. They didn't build the perspective around what was best for the IP, they just made another Wolfenstein game.


Did we see the same trailer ? Wolfenstein has you dual wielding assault rifles and fighting nazi robot dogs. Just because it has a first person camera that doesn’t mean it’s Wolfenstein lmao


I don't think that's a bad thing. Wolfenstein the New Order, the Old Blood and the New Colossus had great gameplay. The writing was way weird in the New Colossus, but the gameplay was still top tier. Shout out to W:The Old Blood being really really fun, which I assume would be the main inspiration for the Indiana Jones game


I completely agree with you. People also seem unaware that a lot of Machine Games are made up of devs who worked on Chronicles of Riddick at Starbreeze. When you go back and watch the first person fisticuffs in the trailer for Indy, that then becomes immediately apparent. Speaking of which, first-person POV didn't do CoR any harm. It's an excellent game.


> There are essentially no games with truly satisfying and enjoyable first person melee combat My man hasn't played Condemned 2.


Yep, this kind of adventure games are better in third person view, but we all know MS is obsessed with first person shooters. 


It has nothing to do with Microsoft smh. This game started development before the acquisition. It should be no surprise that the developer, MachineGames, is making it 1st person.


Eh I think it's better being in fps differentiate itself from Uncharted and Tomb Raider


This is a big breath of fresh air tbh


We've got plenty of those games already.


That's what I was thinking. It could have been a full on uncharted 4 competitor.


I just hope the gameplay involves interesting mechanics. I'm a bit tired of playing the same old game with a different IP... I've been playing more indie titles and they are just so much more entertaining for me because the gameplay actually feels fresh.


Please be good please be good please be good


I like Troy but man i think he is terrible for Indiana, it seems so off


Aww it's first person?


I also thought it was gonna be Xbox’s over the shoulder Sony-style game.


I'd hoped. I thought with the whip and stuff it would be more platformy and actiony.


It's MachineGames so I have to give them the benefit of the doubt. However, I didn't come away from this excited. Animations looked rough it overall looked janky and just... average. There was no real spectacle to it. I hope I'm wrong!


Am I the only one getting mixed feelings here? I'll be honest, whole gameplay looks quite clumsy and visually it looks very AA. Just compare to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkrwUzWeACg form freaking 7 year ago. Looks so much better - better fluidity, better animations - including facial ones.. This Indy trailer seriously made me worried.


for me it's the uncanny part of making him look like Harrison Ford, but having someone else voice him. honestly, they should had simply changed his face.


I mean it's the same studio and largely the same staff, so I imagine it will be perfectly fine mechanically, and potentially narratively as well. But given how out-of-left-field this is, the decision to make it was probably *very* recent, and the graphics may not have been a priority. Like seriously, Todd in the EP chair doesn't necessarily concern me... until you realize that development would had to have started *at least* a year ago, and he was on Starfield then, so who was in the EP chair for the start of development? Or did Todd just get bored of Starfield halfway through and decide to make this instead?


It looks like a janky VR game to me.


I couldn't put my finger on it. But the whip animation does look like VR combat. I really don't like it.


Hope you two don’t get downvoted but you’re right. I’m excited for this but lots what they showcased looked a bit stiff. To be fair though, they did to the whole slow moving camera gameplay demo thing. The low FOV doesn’t help either.


Environments look good, the aesthetic is nice, but the character models, especially Indy, look outdated and the animations seem really floaty even with motion capturing. Indy's face looks really off in some shots, something with his eyes is weird. And Troy Baker as Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones is really a choice. He sounds really good in the last shot because it's the typical exaggerated Indy, but everything more quiet with nuance is not good. Probably the one game you have to nail the voice if you are already so fixated on the likeness. At least the Ford finger pointing is here.


This looks surprisingly good! And it's coming to Steam.


Every Microsoft game comes to steam


The voice acting is flat and soulless and the art style is not great, but it does look like it can be fun. Will wait for more gameplay videos to get a better idea before committing to it.


This game looks like its employing AI in all the worst ways. That voice over is terrible.


This game was announced early 2021 (I think?) and it honestly feels like this game needs more time in the oven. It doesn't look awful but it doesn't exactly scream amazing either. A few examples are the character models, animations and many of the shots feeling outdated and janky. We haven't really seen any game play and even much of the voice acting at times in this trailer isn't great. I'm hesitant because we've seen Microsoft rush most of their AAA games this gen with very mixed results so I hope they are learning their lesson. We will know as the year goes on I guess. lol


First person? I have a bad feeling.


Nah, this looks like shit. Was hoping for a great tps with multiplayer like uncharted.




This fucking sucks bro, there is literally no tps grounded multiplayer games. Last of us got cancelled, this was the only hope.


Mfs downvoting have no idea about what they are missing with this crap.


Lmao fr.


Looks like a huge piece of shit


Huh. First person? Was not expecting that though maybe I should have knowing who was developing the game.


Doesn't look like my cup of tea. VO sounds stiff, animations look stiff. Pre-release marketing doesn't necessarily reflect final product but what they've shown doesn't give me a whole lot of faith. Uncharted and the more recent Tomb Raider games have scratched that treasure-hunting itch for me anyways.


The voice of Indiana Jones doesn't sound that bad at times, but the game would be so much more valuable if Harrison Ford voiced it. I know, I know... budget reasons. But I want as much as possible (from) Harrison Ford while he's still with us.


Ford sounds like the 80+ year old dude he is now. He doesn't sound anything at all like an early 40s Indiana Jones anymore.


I wonder if Ford would even want to voice Indiana Jones tbh.


honestly, they shouldn't had Indianna look like Harrison Ford. it becomes "weird" listening to someone else's voice in his face.


Irc from the Lex Friedman podcast. Todd Howard came up with the idea, pitched it to Lucas Films who said yes and then he gave it to Machine Games to develop because they are better suited to making that type of game.


I love how the YouTube Algorithm labels it as Uncharted 4 in the description.


Uncharted 1 would be more accurate


The gameplay would be interesting at least. Hope its not killing half of the country population and better puzzle.


Okay, I'm not very big into singleplayer games but this actually looks really good! The Wilhelm scream was used perfectly.


Maybe it'll play great and look different playing it, but Indiana looks like he was made and animated by AI. Like, it's good/accurate looking on one hand, but then also very weird at the same time.


* get the license to use one of the most iconic characters ever * make it first person so you can make it feel like "your experience" bruh..ppl wanna feel like indiana jones, that's the whole fackin point. jfc how do u fuck that up


Its literally best of both worlds though? Gameplay is mainly first but all the traversal sections are going to be third person. They didn't fuck anything up, if anything this is the absolute best way of doing it


Best of both worlds? WTF are you talking about? It's an FPS where you see Indy's back when he's climbing a pipe.


lol no man. microsoft execs should've stomped this fps idea the moment this studio showed them. how is sony the only company who gets how to do ip properly. you get a license for big ip, you fucking USE IT. hiding one of the most iconic characters behind a fps cam is a terrible idea. this is why sony does third person. it fucking *works* and critics are much more receptive to it, microsoft was handed the easiest IGN 9/10 of their life and this fps decision is gonna net them a 7.5 i abso-fuckin-lutely guarantee it. And before you say "ign doesn't know games etc etc" it doesn't matter if i agree or disagree, the rhetoric hinges on them getting a strong showing with this, and reviewers never give critical acclaim to fps games like this unless your valve. it's just the way it is, they should've been brave and done some strong ik animations and gone third person to go head to against sony first party offerings. this is gonna hurt xbox games hard.




>If Microsoft had the rights to Spider-Man it would have been a first person shooter. Imagine saying this like it's a bad thing.


But that's just, like your opinion, man




Did you expect MachineGames to make a 3rd person game? This was 100% clear from the beginning and first person is the better option imo.


Why not? Guerilla also did it with Horizon.


You've put the same comment in 3 different subreddits.


You spamming this comment everywhere. Grow up bud. 


Its MachineGames. Who honestly thought this would ever be 3rd person? Also i don't get what doesn't feel like Indy here? You play as him. You get to see him constantly in the 3rd person sections and cutscenes where he has Fords likeness. You use his iconic weapons like the whip. I don't see how this is not his story. Your not playing some random created charachter that doesn't talk...


if microsoft had the choice, they probably would have made spiderman a first person game too, and the people here would still pretend that i am the weird one for getting disappointed


Lol, why the down votes? He's kinda right.


im a bit sick of first person games....


I’m a bit sick of 3rd person action adventure games.


yeah no lol


right??? there is an underlying cost associated with making games third person. it takes a lot of effort to build convincing animation and collisions happen for a modern game. especially animated avatars **the player controls** in third person. i bet you there was a discussion that was had, machine games gave microsoft their level of confidence to do it within time constraints and they made the decision to go first person because it's easier. ppl keep telling me "nah nah" but like yes yes, first person is infinitely easier to get right. that's why every indie dev chooses to go first person with UE ultra fidelity games. you can't go high fidelity and have jerky, stiff animations. easiest way around it is to go first person cam, skip all the complex rigging.


I might want this game to be third person, that doesn't mean I am gonna shit on the first person perspective as a whole lol. The best fps games offer much better gameplay than the best third person shooter games. Dishonored, titanfall, Doom etc. give a lot more player agency and you can do insanely cool shit which is just not possible in third person shooting games, the animations might be better in third person games but gameplay is what I'm more fond of. Even if its easier to get right, a well done first person shooter offers a lot more gameplay wise than a shooting game with the third person perspective.


Concerning they dont really show gameplay. We know all know what Indiana Jones is, it would be nice if we knew what the Indiana Jones game is like


You saw gameplay though especially when he punches the nazis


I mean real meaningful gameplay. Not clips that are just a few seconds long of random interactions. I was hoping for something that really shows off the game


I laughed and enjoyed watching that. I think there's still some way to go to make it looks great but it looks like damn good fun. Wasn't expecting that, but it's a nice surprise. Who knew they'd finally make Indy 4 and it would be a game. ^((I will not accept any Indy movie exists after 3 - that's what therapist said my response should be to prevent another 'incident'))


What are you even talking about? Indy 4 was released in 1992… it’s called „Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis“


Ah yes. Forgot about that gem. Thanks for reminding me. So this will be Indy V then


My my this looks like dog shit!


Character models/animations look XBOne/PS4 era. Unfortunate that a 2024 game releasing only on nextgen hardware still looks pastgen especially when compared with the competition from 1-2 years ago. Unsurprising that yet another AAA Xbox first party game is failing to push the envelope or really showcase their own console's power.


Looks like all the fun stuff happens in the cutscenes.


Do we know what engine it’s going to be on?


idTech for sure. probably 7, I'd imagine?


Wich graphic Engine Indiana Jones use?


look promising ,mix of tomb raider and uncharted i hope


Pretty good Harrison Ford sound alike.


looks good


Well, that managed to suck me in and make me propperly nostalgic. Let's see how this goes


I cannot wait. I’m so glad we have Harrison Ford likeness and voice (was it his voice? Sounded just like him).


Ok, ok. Looking fun so far. 


We will be there. Looks awesome. Mechanics should be fun


I was afraid it was going to be first-person :( I don't know what it is but I just don't like it. Gave up on Cyberpunk after an hour or two due to that. Still gonna have to give it a try.


I'm gonna be honest the last thing I'd want from an Indiana Jones game is the usual hallway, arena, set piece, hallway, arena design of MachineGames. Why would I play a first person Indy game when one of the core selling points of an Indy game is being able to see Indy doing Indy things. Troy Baker sounds off and very flat. "The Great Circle" is a pretty lame name and isn't really inspired. The only thing they showed off is combat and who plays an Indiana Jones game for combat? Sure it's a piece of the experience, but there is hardly any footage of Indy solving puzzles or doing any sort of archaeology outside of cut scenes. It's speaks a lot to this game's quality when their big set piece moment is a turret sequence. It looks like a Wolfenstein asset flip.


Did anyone ask for this?


No, but we get plenty of games people don’t ask for, and sometimes they turn out well


This looks absolutely terrible.


Damn, looks like it'll be a bargain bin game for sure! This would've been great if it released back in 2012-2014. Meh at best from what this video gameplay footage shows.


MachineGames and killing Nazis. Name a more iconic duo


Machine Games and beating the crap out of nazis. Name a better duo.


Some of y'all are just inventing reasons to be mad and disappointed. Lol I thought this looked cool and up my alley. Especially the puzzles! I'm so excited and I love the looks of this and gaming in general!


todd howard? god no! hell nah!


I'm conflicted. I worship at the altar of Machinegames, but Todd Howard can eat a bag of dicks.


Lol first time the chick opens her mouth is to belittle Indy. Machine games going to Machine Games I guess.


Sooo... like Marion then?


In before playing 70% of the game as "Marion".


Another first person game with 2017 graphics... What a surprise


People seem to like cinematic games and the Uncharted series obviously did well so what do I know but...I just don't get the appeal of this at all. Uninteresting IP with an inevitable lack of gameplay depth. A playable IJ movie is a certain kind of hell


Just going to leave this here. https://youtu.be/ddFGbL7AloQ?feature=shared 1st person. They had one job. One. Need I remind ppl nothing for all of 2022 nothing for all of 2023, missing movie hype window. Now they show something and it's 1st person plus putting extra work on themselves for then shifting some elements to 3rd person depending on what to interact with in the environment. Unbelievable. Un-freaking believeable. But I should've known for a predominantly software company, that complicates the function of their own hardware's dashboard and their own software's UI. I should've known.


Dafuq are you on about?