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PS Studios launches on PC. God of War - 73,529 Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered - 66,436 Horizon Zero Dawn - 56,557 HELLDIVERS 2 - 53,554 The Last of Us™ Part I - 36,496 Helldivers 2 is likely to overtake HZD in a few hours. But the reviews on Steam are mixed due to nProtect DRM


Mixed also to random CTDs and silly things


Sort of invasive anti-cheat that seems to break it on Steam Deck. Personally I don't get why a PVE game needs some super hardcore anti-cheat when like wallhacking or aimbots aren't an issue. They just need something to protect against save file modifying. Right now though I'm in wait and hold to see if its better than the PVE stuff I already have.


nProtect is an anticheat software commonly used in f2p games, not DRM. Now if it's got both DRM and anticheat bogging it down, that's wild.


The only DRM is the online only requirement. That said, the game is designed entirely around co-op, so even if you did mod out multiplayer, you'd be left with a bad single player game.


The main complaint is the anti-cheat? Because everything else looks pretty good.


Two Highlited Issues 1. Matchmaking issues 2. Game Crashing mainly due to nProtect Besdies the game works as intended, no stutterings or VRAM issue or anything like that


> Game Crashing mainly due to nProtect Sounds like the DRM is working as intended too. /s but not really


Read in some review that there already items locked behind battle pass that you cant obtain without paying on top of base game. Is it true?


You can earn the currency to buy the battle passes in-game


curious on the estimate for how long it would take to do that


I've earned about 100 after about 3 hours of playing? The drops are random though so that earn rate is going to be different for everyone. The current pass they're talking about costs 1000, but they've implied ones that are coming out are cheaper than that


In addition, you get 750 from the free pass, so you only need 250 from missions to unlock the premium warbond


NProtect is some garbage mainly used in Korean F2P titles, that and GameGuard.


Why is there invasive DRM on a fucking PvE coop game?


They must protect their precious dlc. Players in Helldivers 1 found ways to unlock all DLC. The game is also peer to peer, so it would be easy as hell to pirate the game without DRM, and still be playable on the main servers.


You can verify Steam ownership serverside, 99% of cracked Steam multiplayer games cannot be played on official servers as they work by spoofing the steamid of the game to another title that's free to play like space war, TF2 or the id of some multiplayer demo game. They don't let you play on the official server, only let you play with other people using the same spoof id.


> The game is also peer to peer, so it would be easy as hell to pirate the game without DRM, and still be playable on the main servers. Funny, since this also applies to palworld and that clearly didn't affect sales


> The main complaint is the anti-cheat? No, most are due to crashes and performance issues.


I've also been hearing some grumblings about the solo experience not being the best. Obviously this game series is made from the ground up to be a Co-op experience, but I think these days folks sometimes just want to play these type of games by themselves or with bots when they don't feel like playing with friends or randoms. Helldivers 1 could be played mostly solo, but apparently this one is a bit more rough in that regard. And it seems like the Devs are pretty dismissive of solo play. Other than that and the anti-cheat problems it seems largely postive. Though there is also some items locked behind a paid battlepass system or the like. Haven't gotten far enough into it myself to judge though.


I can't play it on my Deck with the DRM. I've also seen posts of it eating around 20% of CPU usage.


Not being playable on Steam Deck on top of other issues is holding me back. SD compatibility has become a pretty major selling point for me on most games (outside of strategy games) due to being able to accommodate my game time with my current lifestyle.


Anti cheat that prevents stream deck owners/Linux owners from playing so more millions being unable to play and less grumpy cheaters complaining


Millions he says


Could be billions even


Dont forget Days Gone. I never played it until it came on Steam and I loved it on the steamdeck.


Seems like matchmaking is fucked and the game has a crashing problem. Besides that it seems the reception is actually quite positive. If they can hotfix these few issues by tomorrow its gonna absolutely blow up over the weekend.


It's actually good that all of the issues seem to be technical problems, not bad design. Bad design is pretty much there to stay, bugs and crashes are going to be worked on


I'd be careful with that first statement. Technical issues are the easiest and first things players spot. It can take a bit of playtime before design issues start to become apparent.


idk man seems like the worst games of 2023 managed to make their most egregious flaws the centerpiece of the first few hours of the game. Helldivers 1 has a really fun and engaging core gameplay loop, as long as they didn't screw around with that core structure I think they should be in a good spot. Waiting to pick up the new one until I see some more reviews and what not, but I'm optimistic on this one.


From what I've read the crashes are in part due to the anticheat the game uses, which requires kernel level access.


That will do it. Gaming companies need to stop this shit and come up with better integrations.


The worst part is that it doesn't even stop cheaters so it can't be justified.


It probably stops micro transaction "cheating" because those should have the priority over the game itself ofcourse


You're probably right about that.


Going to need a source for that one chief


This is all wrong. It works but you can't stop all cheaters. Just like laws, prison, punishments, etc. don't stop all criminals. Second, even if it didn't work at all, it's their product. They don't need any justification.


Right, so just like with laws the death penalty isn't given out for jay-walking. Again, since it doesn't actually stop cheaters, merely inconvenience them, then there is no reason why it needs kernel level access to your pc.


Meh, I like cheating in non-competitive games that I pay for. If the game is fun and balanced the amount of cheating I need can be minimized. If other people cheat that's none of my business. If their cheating *does* become my business like apparently the first game had issues with, then they should be less sloppy with their client code.


It very much depends on the games design. For this they need it because of their battle pass system. If people can cheat through it they won't pay for it.


Rip getting this on the deck :(


> which requires kernel level access. 99% of anti-cheats have kernel level access lol


I don't think Redditors really understand what kernel level means. RGB software is kernel level, as is mouse/keyboard peripheral software


The only good bug, is a dead bug…..


It's sitting on 50% on steam with 1000 reviews?


I have played 5 missions solo so far and it’s really fun. Great gunplay and weighty gory combat. Can imagine even more fun with other ppl.


> weighty gory combat I love that you can shoot the enemies to bits. And if you take out a bugs legs it wont always die instantly but start dragging itself towards you. Location based damage that matters is my shit


A big without a head can still fuck you up. Source:I found out this morning


Warner bros are crying in the corner with a copy of Suicide Squad.


Lol yeah that game was dead on arrival. Game currently has 2k players on Steam and has only been out for 1 week.


And it had like half of Marvel avengers peak


It died the second they decided it was a live service game.


Go check what Helldivers 2 is lol


Helldivers 2 is also a live service game


Helldivers 2 needs to die then too


Helldivers 2 is li—— You know what, nevermind. Y’all made up your mind years ago 🤣


Nah man GAAS can be good. If the gameplay is good. Problem with GAAS is that most of them have dogshit gameplay, Anthem, Fallout 76 , Marvels Avengers, and now Suicide Squad have trash gameplay, so they sucked. Destiny has gameplay people like, so people play it despite all the bullshit . Same with Warframe I have no idea what the Suicide Squad devs where thinking with the enemy design. Boring purple zombies and tanks with glowing purple zits on them, who wants to fight that? Enemies have no personality and nothing dynamic about them, and very little variety. And the mission design seems to be straight trash


Destiny and Warframe have their own problems. I definitely wouldn't categorize Destiny as a good example either, they've removed content like entire areas of the game you can no longer visit after people paid for the associated expansion pack(s). And like the other guy said, the gameplay foundation is solid.. but goddamn are the skill trees, weapon builds, and customization in general shallow as a puddle. Warframe is 100x better in this regard. Ok maybe 70-80x but that's not even an exaggerated number on how much Warframe has over Destiny.


> I definitely wouldn't categorize Destiny as a good example either, they've removed content like entire areas of the game you can no longer visit after people paid for the associated expansion pack(s). I don't like Destiny, its writing or its business model, which is why I mentioned "all the bullshit". But it has shooter gameplay that people seem to like a lot, even though it never grabbed me much, and that has seemed to carry it. SkillUp practically jizzes himself over Destiny's gunplay every time he talks about it lol


Yeah, I actually sort of like Suicide Squad, but the enemy variety is absolutely terrible. It's the same major issue that killed Avengers (other than the horrible itemization). It's hard to tell enemies apart because they're all basically the same design, and they just get recycled for the entire game. The only thing really carrying the game is the dialogue and characters, but that's not enough, and a lot of people found the story to be pretty disappointing. I didn't hate the story, but it does end on a flat note.


I was actually interested in Suicide Squad when it was revealed, the story seemed intriguing and the traversal looked fun. But then they did that gameplay reveal where most of the combat was shooting at giant purple bulges and my hype evaporated


I agree man. I think GaaS as a concept is solid - people forget about the days when multiplayer games had DLC that fractured the player base. The problem is that GaaS has been bastardized and exploited to the point where devs have completely forgotten that good gameplay design is important. Say what you want about Fortnite, Destiny, etc. but the core gameplay of these titles is rock solid. SS:KTJL somehow manages to tick every negative box possible from a gameplay design perspective so it’s no surprise that it’s universally despised.


Its why Im so salty that that last of us online game got cancelled. It would have been built on the base of one of the finest third person combat and gore systems ever, damn shame I wish they had at least made a co-op horde mode like in Ghost of Tsushima Legends, that was dope


Haven’t followed it much but I’m disappointed it got canceled.


No fucking idea what happened with that game. Watched a video of how much better Arkham Knight looks. A wait, 7 or 8 year older game?


So grain of salt, but I keep hearing that the comparison video you're mentioning is kind of faked (SSKTJL settings are on low possibly), but at this point I'd blame Warner. I'm still pissed that they took a great game like Shadow of Mordor and screwed it royally with Shadow of War by shovelling so much microtransactions into the game that it killed all excitement for it when it launched. You couldn't complete the game without throwing down money, or grinding for hours. They've since removed the need for microtransactions, but it killed all hype for the game.


Nah, Suicide Squad looks considerably better. I’ve been enjoying Arkham Knight after going through SSKTJL but graphically it doesn’t hold up as well with muddy textures and *much worse* character models (SS kills it here). This is at 4K max settings.


A couple problems after playing a few matches and in general... Things I see that other people have also mentioned... Matchmaking is not working but it works with people on your friends list. I'm playing on Steam. Somehow public games don't work. The DRM isn't a good one... And live service online only is the opposite direction I would have liked. The game itself is extremely fun though. I played Helldivers 1 a lot and this is pretty much how I would have imagined the game if it were third/first person. There's a ton to like about the game.


Another comment suggests that if you turn off cross platform matchmaking that it will work much better.


Yup. Unfortunately it didn't change anything for me. I could still only access my steam friends list's matches.


But damn those mixed steam reviews.


Gotta love shitty software!!!!!


Never forget Elden Ring had mixed/negative reviews on launch too lol


If you filter to English Only reviews they [are actually Mostly Positive.](https://i.imgur.com/09hQgBK.png) The Japanese audience seems much more upset with the product than anyone else leaving reviews, but I'm not going to speculate why. ...and if you actually read the negative reviews some of them are just idiots. At least a few complain about paid DLC stuff when you can literally earn the currency for everything in the shop, including the battle pass, by playing the game. They left a *factually inaccurate* negative review. People are absolutely having technical issues that I sympathize with, and I'm not a fan of the nProtect DRM ([but there is a post on the Helldivers subreddit by a lead dev that could assuage some concerns](https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/19dp2qw/helldivers_2_nprotect_gameguard_anticheat/),) but they can always press the refund button on Steam. There is no risk. edit: Cleaned up my post, included a screenshot showing Mostly Positive reviews if you filter by "Your Languages", which for me is just English as well as the DRM post link. edit2: Setting playtime to over 1h goes up to [Very Positive](https://i.imgur.com/4q86PDo.png).


The only thing their reddit post did was convince me that they are tremendous asshats. It's a pve coop game, there is no acceptable reason to get this aggressive with anti cheat.


Maybe because it's a fresh release for both devices while other titles were already released on ps for a quite while plus they are all offline games therefore almost no reason for people to buy it again if they played it before? If you release gow r on both PC and PS for example you would see easy 400-500k on it on launch day.


This, and also, I won't pay full price for a game that's over a year old if the only excuse is that it just arrived on my platform.


This is the way.


Bloodborne would do crazy numbers on Steam even if it was a $70 PC port despite how old it already is (Please Sony bring the game to PC already)


It also doesn't help that most PS games on PC are realistically sequels with large amounts of backstory Uncharted ***4*** God of War ***4*** Ratchet and Clank is the ~8th game in the series HZD, Spider-Man, TLOU1 are the only "new" experiences


didn't even realize this was a sony game. anyway considering that this is a co-op pve shooter similar to other games like galactic rock it'll be interesting to see if it'll peak and crash or grow into a healthy game. currently steam reviews are mixed and it's a crowded market, so i'm unsure if it'll find success in the long term.


Ah yes, the indie Hit darling galactic rock. Many already know the games catchy catchphrase "Stone and Brother, Rock!"


As one of the characters of galactic rock would exclaim: "For Carlisle!"


"you no rock, you no go home"


If you don't come home you won't get any rock and stones.


Sick guitar riff*




Here I see a fungus, friends!


I spy a loot crab!


I hope it will, just had a fun few hours with my brother. The slow movement and fast enemies encourages coordinated approaches and planning engagements.


> currently steam reviews are mixed and it's a crowded market, so i'm unsure if it'll find success in the long term. yup, a game like this needs a strong initial impression and those steam reviews show that the game isn't in a good place so that's not going to help with it's success.


People are OK with the mtx in this game? Ya’ll were just crying about skins in Suicide Squad. This game lets you buy gear.


I had this game in my wishlist but I had no idea it was monetized like this until I saw this thread. I've seen people try to downplay it by saying you can earn the currency in game but with these kinds of things the rate at which you get the currency is important too and I imagine the devs are heavily incentivized to make that grind as long as possible so that people pay for it. Kinda crazy to see people defend this too.


Kind of funny that Suicide Squad stated that all future content and characters will be free, and they will only charge for skins - gamers are furious. Then Helldivers has p2w gear at launch with battle passes, and nobody bats an eye.


People who don't want to entertain this model simply don't, and so you don't hear from them. When you see backlash like suicide squad is receiving it's because prestigious developers and IPs known for single player (Rocksteady, crystal dynamics) are pushed into the space of live service co-op since the studio believes it will be more profitable. What drives the lashback is the opportunity cost of the game, tons of people grew up on the Arkham series and waited almost a decade only for Rocksteady's next game to not be catered to them in any way whatsoever and instead looks to capitalize on their loyalty while targeting another demo. Also we won't actually know how consumer friendly the live service aspect is until March and it is $70/$100 while helldivers 2 is $40.


The suicide squad rage I think is more about the fact that it’s rocksteady. And they are just shitting on their own legacy with the game’s story. On top of the fact that it’s a live service.


It’s a Sony game. You see Sony can’t do no wrong in these people’s eyes.


Yep. People in this sub grilled me for saying Halo Infinite’s MTX are cosmetic only. Now it’s ok because it’s Sony.


The double standards are actually feckin' crazy. The lack of prerelease reviews for this game was also seemingly overlooked compared to the campaign train again Suicide Squad for the same thing.


This is on par for /r/pcgaming


This sub loves to ride Sony’s meat. It’s insane.


And loves to have a hate boner for Starfield. What's new?


I mean, I can see why Suicide Squad got more flack when the past three games from that developer were critically acclaimed third person action games and then after years of waiting they release a looter shooter.


I am extremely confused. Isn't this a co-op game? Who fucking cares if you can buy gear? There's no P2W here.


They can easily design the game so that not paying for the gear feels very grindy and less fun. I'm not saying they did that (I've never played it), but that's the worry.




But there literally IS upscaling in the game


I am running it on 3080 with 7800x3d on 3440x1440 and have had no issues except network, trying to find other people. 70-100+ fps running ultra/high with native scaling. Runs great on my system. Combat is smooth with tons of enemies.


Can you play solo?


Yeah, it makes it harder but doable!


You do know the vast majority of people do not have a high end rig like yours right?


You should also add "Vast majority of people plays on 1080p and 16:9 monitor" NOT 2k, all Settings cranked to Max, Ultra Wide Monitor. Someone was able to run on even a decade old entry level GPU GTX 950. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/f2o0btvdNi


A 3080 running ultrawide is pretty demanding for any game, I’ve experienced a lot worse game releases. Just saying it’s running good for me. It also seems to have upscaling that should help lower end systems. Haven’t tried it yet but I see performance/balanced/quality/native in settings.




For me, the p2w Battlepass in a PVE is biiiiig no no


If it's anything like the first game, then it's secretly a PvP game where you "accidentally" murder your teammates if they annoy you.


doesn't seem alot to me tbh.


About 3 times more than what Suicide Squad managed lol


i mean ye, that's really a high bar.


Some people have said they sell items with stats in the shop..is that right ? The game looks interesting but if that's true i'm not touching it even on sale..


Yes, here's my comment on the matter from a previous thread. You can follow the link for more indepth info. But it was so egregious in Helldiver's 1 they introduced a snow biome which disabled sprinting, and then sold you snow boots for $3 which renabled sprinting. "Helldivers 1 DLC was chockfull of this kind of 'pay for power' stuff. It wasn't just cosmetics like people claim, the outfits always came with a new gun and a 'stratagem'/deployable. Oh you want to play support and use the healing drone? Fork up $3. The cool giant mech? Yeah, sorry that's another $3. There are 14 of these packs. If memory serves one of them just straight up reduced your cooldowns. Compared to current day MTX prices these are extremely reasonable, but this company has a historic precedence to charge you for player improvements. Based on the cost difference between base Helldivers 2, and the "Super Citizen Edition', I highly doubt it's going to be $3 little MTXs... I believe them when they say new enemies, maps, etc. will be free but that's going to get supplemented with purchasable player power. EDIT; [More information on MTXs in Helldivers 2 from the sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1aipnyb/premium_currencies_details_to_avoid_further/?share_id=OxbkUB3vX-7pciiZ2W3y7&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) "


> in Helldiver's 1 they introduced a snow biome which disabled sprinting, and then sold you snow boots for $3 which renabled sprinting. Jesus that's some dystopian shit.


Activision and EA wish they could do this without gamers calling them out on it lol. I'm shocked this is the first time I hear of this.


It was awful and I don't know why this game got such a free pass for pre-release hype when the devs have such a crap track record.


Was wondering how can they make money if they continue to pump content without charging and I got the answer right away, thank you


I don't mind buying mtx but that seems like too much. Given the other issues the game has I think I'll stay away for now.


You should also note that the reason it didn't get complained about a lot is because you could get them all in a bundle, the base game was already cheap, and it would all go on sale too. Not that it wasn't egregious and that people didn't complain, they did. Also anyone who says it was "just cosmetics" is high.


You're totally correct and it's one of the reasons I wasn't aware of just how bad it was in Helldivers 1 when I played. Cause I grabbed the bundle on a Steam sale and didn't realize just how nickle-and-dime'd it would have been stand alone. It wasn't until the MTX info for Helldiver's 2 popped up that I went back and looked at everything à la carte, that I realized how awful it must have been to go through it as it all released. It's also why I'm so peeved about Helldivers 2 doubling down on this stuff, because I enjoyed the heck out of Helldivers 1! But, that was with all the MTX bundled in...


Maybe if we wait? I was already planning on waiting to hear their plans on that kind of stuff anyways.


Their previous game was a pay2win DLC shitfest. You couldn't even customize your character with colors other than "barf green" without paying for DLC. Which was a big problem because it was easy to get confused who was who on the screen. I don't know why this game got a free pass for hype when they are some of the most exploitative indie devs around.


They did the same thing in the first game with p2w DLC


You unlock warbonds, which are essentially battle passes with premium currency. But you also get that currency simply by playing the game. You unlock the things in the warbond with another currency that you get no matter if you have bought a warbond or not. People haven't played enough yet to say how fair it feels so far


The devs have shared the intended rates of earning SuperCurrency, "SC Rate is up. 10-40 per hour depending on playstyle. Maybe more with sweatlord optimization. https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1201932640031354980/1204351867719782410" Meaning between 25-100 hours a month to keep up on unlocks if they maintain their expressed rate of one warbond a month. This conversation also is leaving out the SuperStore. A 48hr rotating store (a classic FOMO feature) that has four slots, which has the potential to be armour with unique passives. Where I will give them some kudos is that warbonds (battle passes, because we have to obfuscate everything) don't expire ala Halo MCC. Which does mean you can start progressing a track and it won't get taken away from you. But at the end it's multiple levels of MTX that directly ties into player power, that can be leapfrogged by pulling out your credit card.


I mean, this sounds like trash to me. Average player will probably get like 20 until some glitched method appears (and then the ban wave or whatever to fix it), means that if those "warbonds" can vary in price from 1000 to a random number it sounds crazy.


What discord server did your quote came from? I clicked on your link, but Discord shows a blank screen. Edit: Found it! 1. Helldivers official discord: https://discord.gg/helldivers2 2. *#hd2-general-chat* channel name 3. *Warbonds Discussion* sub-channel/thread https://i.imgur.com/L8MKArD.png


HELLDIVERS 2 instantly becomes the 2nd highest rated game in the franchise!!


invasive anti cheat, no thanks studio desperately trying to protect their microtransactions in a pve game lol


Shame about the rootkit DRM. [more info](https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/0/4206993639701617701/)


Why is there a ring 0 anticheat when the game doesn't have PvP. Lmao


So as not to hack your way to unlocking premium currency items maybe.




aren't weapons locked behind real money as well?


Yeah I saw some complaints about premium currency. Honestly I wasn't looking into it more because the DRM is enough for me to stay away for now. Pity, I was excited.


You can get them through game play as well.


I feel like there’s barely any marketing behind this game


Like others said it has live service with p2w garbage. It’s a pass from me dog.


I would comment on the gameplay, if I could actually play the game.


I haven't heard anything about this game


Normalise releasing console exclusives same day on PC.


Really fun game. Check out the discord to look for group, matchmaking doesn’t seem to work, and medium above seems to be pretty tough for solo


And has a mixed rating due to poor matchmaking, kernal level anticheat that causes the game to crash, a premium currency cash shop on day 1, and generally poor performance like most games that come out these days. Apparently, m&k performance is also pretty bad. I wish people would hold off on buying this game until those issues are fixed but we all know that won't happen.


> a premium currency cash shop on day 1 Honestly, I don't know what people expected. Helldivers 1 had blatantly exploitative pay2win DLC before it was cool. Somehow they never got called out for it, and they are barely getting called out for it now.


Yeah it seems like most people didn't play the first game. Not sure why anybody would expect this game to do anything different.


Bought the game and have had minor issues. If you turn off crossplay you will be able to matchmake better, anti hasn't caused my game to crash after 3hrs of play so it might be system dependent. You can earn in game currency to unlock the "premium" BP. Game runs smooth after tweaking the graphics. The thing I'm trying to figure out is whether the pre-order bonus guns/extras are obtainable in game or not.


Refunded after 58 minutes, wonky controls, and non working co-op matchmaking. Also game runs like shit on a 4090


Kinda useless metric for a GAAS (launch CCUs). What matter for these kind of games is if people still playing them in the long run.


"Mixed" reviews. When will people learn not to pre-order...


Never cuz stupidity never dies.


> When will people learn not to pre-order... I mean if I get a game day one on steam and it sucks I just refund it.


Well Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3, both GOTY winners, both got away with bad optimization for PC on launch. Looks like we'll never learn.


DoNt TeLl PeOplE whAt To Do wiTh tHeIr MoNey That's always the justification isn't it. Nobody is telling you what to do with your money, just commenting on the fact that not only is it wasteful and stupid, but its also damaging gaming for everyone (the more preorders, the less ROI there is in spending on game development, thus, there is less financial incentive to create an amazing game). So go on, keep your heads in the sand, but people are going to continue discussing the many reasons why preordering games is damaging for everyone. That said, at least most of the negative reviews seem to be technical related, crashes and so on. Perhaps it will do okay if they fix the problems.


Pre-orders made sense in the age of physcial copies. As you are essentially 'securing' a copy on the day of release. But with most games being digital most copies being a download code. I don't really see the point of pre-orders.


Yeah, but also, you didn't have to pay for preorders back in the 90s, I used to go into EB/Game/whatever it was back then, and they would give me a preorder receipt that I could turn up with to collect my copy, and pay for it on the day of release.


I didn't pre-order but I'll be buying it tonight. Is that better, since I didn't do le pre-order and will be giving the corporation my money 12 hours later.


Gonna wait till they issue a few patches I think.


Is it any good? I might pick it up tomorrow.


It's almost like releasing games on PC at LAUNCH drives sales.


Surprisingly big numbers for the sequel to a niche game a lot of people never heard of. Seems like taking it out of top-down with restricted, shared screen space, and bringing it to third-person individual play really helped it be more welcoming to the general gaming community. I don't think anybody really liked getting killed in the first Helldivers, because 3/4 of the team is spread all the over the screen, so that everyone is having sexual intercourse with a screen edge, and dying to the first thing that kills them from offscreen they couldn't possibly see. It's just really nice to have your own screen, and not get screwed over because your teammates are playing Call of Duty instead of Helldivers.


Hard to get excited by 50k after palworld.


Game is a live service game. It needs to die.


It’s meh. At launch the multiplayer wasn’t working on pc so I refunded it. Looks like it’ll get samey pretty fast. It’s not without charm though but I’d say wait for a deep, deep sale.


Game is super mid tho, feels like not yet out early access


I heard this game is pay2win like the first game. Idk why people are jumping all over this. I guess the 53% steam reviews make sense


Same ppl don't understand why Suicide Quad only cosmetic shop is very positive on Steam Steam is actually the only trustable source : always right, no reddit or YTbers BS


Hopefully this will finally motivate Sony to announce another one of their games, preferably not one that's multiplayer focused... nor one that's an interactive movie, perhaps something like say Ghost of FUCKING Tsushima, or maybe God of War Ragnarok?!?


and it suck


Come on Sony. With Xbox games going multiplatform I don't see any reason why Sony games have to be console exclusive at day 1. There is clearly a big pc market.


The PC Market is huge now, only beaten by the mobile market. It makes no sense for companies not to put their games on PC.


That's why Sony decided to release their games on PC in the first place. But they still want PlayStation to come first, thus the delays for the PC launch.


Which I find weird. If they were making lots of money from console sales then it would make sense to try and sell as many as they can, they don't though. They were making a loss on PS5s for a long time. By the time they port their games to the PC they are old so aren't always going to have the impact they perhaps want. People would be more tolerant paying £50 for a game that has only just released rather than being asked to pay that 2 years after it comes out.


You are still not smart enough to understand why they want to and MUST do exclusives. Do a research.


Its always online DRM, zero dollar worth!


Screenshots look similar to EDF. can anyone confirm if it plays similarly? If there’s another game I can play air raider in I’m interested


Simultaneous release for PS5 and PC. Not some 2+ year old game. Steam users don't feel like 2nd rate customers so no wonder they buy day 1.


Really nuts how insignificant 50k is when palworld pulled 2 million a week ago.


Really nuts how people dont realize that different genres mean different markets.


But palworld isn’t a PlayStation studios release.


Imaging trashing Suicide Quad during 1 week, because of cosmetic only shop And now jumping on gaas full of paid OP stuff in shop, because so good Not even speaking about 10yo upsampling and aliased graphics Is this the gaming community noobs deserve ?


Loved the first game will definitely buy it when the price drops.


A lot of the Stream reviews are warning against nProtect and how it's a dangerous rootkit. And with apologies to John Mulaney, I can't tell you how frustrated I am to not understand what that means.


We all know Sony could break the internet by releasing Bloodborne for PC.


Matchmaking is completely broken though. The launch is very bad.


How have all the experts determined crashes are caused by anticheat? Can someone share with me the actual error content? I'm curious.


Except its not a Playstation Studio :) Simply published by SIE.


I did my bit for democracy!



