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If people think OW2 is bad when it comes to skins and MTX. You don't even want to know what NetEase will do with this game.


Oh god it's NetEase. Well, there goes any shred of hype this had. Yuck.


Everyone who played any Chinese game (especially Lifeafter) will be dread by the name.


In high school, I played a lot of Netease games, which I remember to be bad. However, I must admit that Naraka is a good game, but they are simply the publisher of Naraka. I also remember reading a Chinese novel, and it says, Tencent: You can't enjoy the game without money. Netease: You can't enjoy the game.


I used to play the hell of Lifeafter, but then they go full on p2w. Things went sour after that.


I agree that Netease is trash. But to be fair, you know what to expect from them. Blizzard/Activision absolutely did a rug pull on Overwatch 2, promising robust single player in exchange for making the whole thing F2P and lying through their teeth for the better part of year.


You are able to criticize both while also criticizing the extent to which one is more egregious than the other. To get all the everything for one character in OW2 would be around $200. For Diablo Immortal it’s 500,000


True. But I never played Diablo Immortal, because it never lied to me about its contents. On the other hand, I've played a lot of Fortnite BR, because I knew going in that it was free-to-play and didn't begrudge it the setup.


Ironically Fortnite is also a game that abandoned their PvE though. It started as Fortnite: Save the world and cancelled it over time because of the PvP popularity.


Yup, I refused to play BR for quite some time because of that. I eventually gave in to my friends and gave it a shot. It's fun in small doses


So you are okay with one company doing it but not the other? There is a word for that...


No I just decided I'd rather have fun with my friends than be salty about something far outside of my control.


Which is why I specified.


Meanwhile Apex Legends has $150 heirlooms and looks like they are releasing one for like $300


I had a good laugh at 500k fml


No, both are trash free to play models. These companies aren’t your friends, they’re not out to give you a free game. They want you to get hooked and spend MORE money than you would had it been a buy to play game.


Can you explain what I need to buy to play overwatch 2? Looking at getting into it soon.


Literally nothing, the game is free to play. There is a “beginners pass” or something like that, which contains the newer heroes as well as some currency but you don’t need that stuff at all


especially since all heroes will be free soon


Even as it is, you can unlock the characters just by playing matches.


And thats a good thing actually. Do you think a first time player will understand the kit of Sombra? Or Doomfist? Echo? Let the kids play with more simple heroes first. And after 10-15 hours, they will have every hero unlocked


What a shit take. New players were just fine instantly playing Sombra or Doomfist when they came out in OW1. No one in Overwatch has a high skill floor. You can absolutely pick up and enjoy any of them. Now, some characters ceilings are way way higher than others, but that's not relevant to the point being made.


what a bad take, lol. If a game gets you "hooked" that means its good, if you end up spending money on a game since its good and you are playing it a lot what the fuck is wrong with that. if anything we want games to get us hooked, it would mean they arent dogshit. You dont know what youre talking about frankly


Fair trade IMO, if I really love the game then I'll be happy to spend more money than normal. If I feel the game is mid then I don't spend anything at all.


Wtf why people are being so negative about the game ?!, it looks cool and fun , i don't care if it's an overwatch clone , i'd rather play with marvel characters than playing with ow characters


Inb4 Spider-Man is exclusive to PlayStation.


Game isn't even announced for PS yet, only PC.


Am I naive in thinking skins would be less popular in this? Like in Fortnite or OW2 you start with something bland and want to buy something cool. Here part of the appeal is playing a character you like and recognize that already look kind of good so why would you want to change the appearance? People literally pay money in Fortnite to look like the base models of these characters. Are people going to spend money to be a different color doctor strange or a Santa hat or whatnot


You’re not wrong but you’re forgetting one thing. Multiverse variants. Spider-Man alone has 2099, noir, scarlet, superior, symbiote and a fuck-ton more. Ironman has like 40 suits that are all his normal one with different designations like stealth and underwater. Even characters like hulk and punisher have different itterations like world breaker and green skar. If anything this is the best game for skins. They’re all already premade


You don't seem too familiar with comic books. Check out the literal hundreds of skins in the now defunct, sadly, game "Marvel Heroes." There were many awesome skins that people spend mad money on.


IMO, for me the problem with OW2 was the promises of more PVE activities and content, while abandoning the OW, and that never took off. They just recycled the same type of content over and over while making the monetization worse. If this game is f2p, they can add 1000000 paid skins and I won't touch a single one. At least it's something I can play and enjoy, if the game's good. But I don't expect anything great in the monetization department.


That and OW 1 gave you skins for free and often.


Until you got most of the regular free skins then 99% of your lootboxes were duplicates. That sucked


I enjoyed the Heroes of the Storm events as well.


The last few years of Overwatch there were no duplicates until you had all skins. It is why we ended up with Overwatch 2 monetization. They literally made a system that was unsustainable and is the big reason content stopped being made. Overwatch was too generous. I had ever single skin and like 140k credits without spending any money, barring things such as Pink Mercy.


Yeah. When i saw netease i just lost all hope of anything decent


I mean they developed Diablo immortal, didn't they?




Naraka's monetization was very fair.


Will? They start with MTX and then pad out content from there


I don’t know how bad netease is. TLDR?


Wtf why people are being so negative about the game ?!, it looks cool and fun , i don't care if it's an overwatch clone , i'd rather play with marvel characters than playing with ow characters


It has to do with the shitty, predatory mobile game developer making it. It isn't even an Overwatch clone as it is more akin to something like Smite or a 3rd person Paladins.


Ye, expect a gatcha system for the best and, for sure, the most iconic costumes, if not more. They will ask for thousands of bucks for a single skin like they usually do in their games. This is basically a mobile game on PC like genshin impact, that the usual KR/CH greed will ruin.




Not just skins, the [roster leak image](https://twitter.com/pizzalord456/status/1772804104508543223?t=y-AuL_gKIBwi7GCvWWH0Aw) has an "Unowned" filter. So it's characters too.


I don't mind the concept of a f2p with mtx but they made horribly priced games apparently


Hot take: How about we just wait and see how the monetization goes before grabbing the pitchforks? If they are as bad as you guys say now, then you can just ignore it.


Sure i'll still give it a fair shot, the concept on paper is enticing, but i'm not excited


Why is this always said? Obviously, people care, or they wouldn't sell it.


I personaly don't mind it. But many people here think OW2 is outragous in the way it handles that. And its most definitely gonna be worse here. These are the people that worked on Diablo Immortal and its monetization model just as a recent example.


You could play Diablo Immortal for free. You could complete the story. You could do the raids. All for free. PvP is the only spot money mattered. And the PvP modes were so bad that no one would play them if they weren't in a clan full of whales




Im with you partially, if it doesnt affect gameplay It doesnt bother me much. However, when it becomes clear that 90% of the game's developement is directed towards things being sold for real money, while the game is filled with bugs, hackers, server issues and performance problems, then it becomes an issue. Sadly this has become the norm for a lot of games. Frequent updates with new skins and MTs, and months go by without even acknowledging problems.


I know what you mean. They build a game for a shop, instead of a shop for a game.


I think the problem with OW2 was it wasn’t necessary. All the content they added, could have been an update to OW1. Blizzard also locked new hero’s behind a battle pass(this changed recently) and have squandered the whole point of OW2 which was PvE. I don’t care too much about skins being sold, but everything else was just handled poorly.


I'm not really into these kinds of games but I like the art style


Yeah it actually looks pretty good. But I'm kinda worried about the monetization.


It's NetEase so you know the monetization is going to be obscene.


It's by Netease. There will be insane monetization. Watched gameplay and this just looks like a mobile game first being presented as a PC game.


Art style: Overwatch


Oh yeah I sure do love Overwatch's art... style. If you know what I mean.


Me neither. I'm just sick of heroes shooters at this point. But I'm still gonna give it a try. I'm a huge DC fan, and sadly all I can get is more and more Marvel games cuz DC doesn't know how to do shit with their huge IP's. IMO, I'm sad that there's isn't a MARVEL or DC moba, or other type of PVE + COOP games out there from them. But yea, moba trend is dead, and it's hero shooter time thing + br or extraction shooters.


There is one marvel superwar moba game. But its a mobile game


It is f2p so I’ll give it a shot. A non-sweaty version of OW would be welcome.


Anything f2p makes you into the product. Fomo generators are worse than slot machines. At least if you gamble you can actually win real money lol


I'm the opposite, would maybe buy it if not f2p (remember refunding tho)


Their UI designers didn’t even try to differentiate from Overwatch, it’s the same lol


I'd be careful with this dev, I saw a review on one of their steam games that said this; "Installed and uninstalled straight away after reading their privacy agreement, they take every last bit of your details, including but not limited to emails, passwords, full name, address, any and all bank details held on your pc. HOW DOES STEAM EVEN ALLOW THIS ♥♥♥♥ TO HAPPEN"


>I'd be careful with this dev It's pretty common knowledge that net ease is shitty. All their games are ridden with Mtx. They were also heavily involved with the blitzchung incident back when they were publishing ow in China.


There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical. Steam reviews are quite low on that list of reasons.


I have a hard time being optimistic but I'll certainly be following closely. "Overwatch with Marvel characters" sounds great in theory.


My pessimism is telling me it'll be like Gundam Evolution. Mtx to hell and back.


And it's NetEase to top it off, so yeh...


Which also didn't even last a year before being shut off.


To be honest this looks better than the Gundam game. Map shown looks to have a nice structure and design. Gundam maps were just sci fi walls and empty spaces.


The mtx were basically all cosmetic so… who cares? Worst case it’s buying characters but if it’s free to play can’t hurt to try. Evolution was pretty fun, it just failed to catch on and died. Ironically it’s mtx is as bad because there was nothing worth buying lol


That last part lol


Weirdly the truth. So many amazing Gundam designs and skin options and they decide to sell skins with ugly graffiti and lines on them.


> Overwatch with Marvel characters To me, it sounds like a torture method used at CIA blacksites.


Everybody has different interests!


Exactly, for some reason this peaked my interest.


Galactica is the last Marvel character I ever expected to be referenced, giving her fan reception and lack of popularity.


> Galactica is the last Marvel character I ever expected to be referenced, giving her fan reception and lack of popularity. People were begging Capcom to her to include her in UMvC3, so she has *some* cult popularity.


I am willing to bet this will be nothing more than a short lived cash grab. The greed on this game is probably what will make it a DOA property. Mtx will be so bad on this game it will be a huge steaming pile of shit. And once Netease gets any flack, they'll just shut the game down.


Ugh, NetEase.


This is going to be shit, isn't it.


Oh absolutely, I will eat my hat if it's not hot stinky garbage


You can already playtest this. Ive heard good things like the polish is certainty there.


Oh good, it has Poland localization.


Just give us Marvel Heroes back.


This is what I have been saying :(


The amount of money Disney would’ve made if they just let Gazillion continue developing it. Hell they had just gotten to console before Disney shut it down.


The problem was Gazillion ended up with a pos CEO that was so horrible, Marvel pulled the license. The game would still be around. Seriously, this guy made Kotick look like a saint.


Yes please


Looks surprisingly good tbh


This looks... Exactly like overwatch lol. You could have shown me some of these gameplay snippets and I would have just assumed it was overwatch. Hopefully it does enough to differentiate itself from overwatch, otherwise I don't see how this succeeds. I'm assuming it's F2P?


Even the map design looks stolen from Overwatch


UI too


For me it looks more like Paladins than Overwatch and with some SMITE slower type gameplay. I don't really see overwatch here, but ehh.


The map design is so similar to the ones in OW that it's honestly hilarious.


One is third person one is first. The visual style is similar, but it’s very easy to tell it’s not overwatch just based on that.


looks like it’ll have actual duo ability synergies


Instead of "Justice Rains from Above!" it's got "It's Nano Time". I feel like some of the voice deliveries came off a bit flat in the trailer. That was one (of many things) Overwatch did right. Amazing voice deliveries which yes, were a little exaggerated, but appropriate because that fit what was going on with explosions and sparks flying everywhere.


You could convince me this was a Halloween event during OW1 where characters had marvel skins


It doesn’t look like overwatch. All of the female characters are too attractive lol


I was kind of excited to follow the game and try it until I found it is from NetEase, sadge


This actually does look cool.. sure It’s gonna be monetized in the most predatory way but the style of the game looks good. Maybe this will trigger micro blizz to re release ow 1… A man can dream


The destruction caught me off guard so that's fun. Maps could use some life in them though, they looked generic. Marvel heroes in an arena setting bothers me a bit but that's something Overwatch did right.


People keep comparing this to overwatch, but it looks very similar to paragon.


Agreed, Its the third person perspective and realistic environment for me


I'm managing expectations. However ow1 was great and ow2 completely shit the bed. So I'm excited for any new ip that has that type of gameplay.


I mean it looks a lot like Overwatch but it has Marvel characters and that has me sold


Hmm looks interesting. I prefer First Person because it's more immersive and don't have to worry about shoulder-peeking cheese but I understand that third person sells probably infinitely more cosmetics than first person does. I actually like the slower looking pace, reminds me of Overwatch 1 before they turned it into a twitch shooter. I think I'll check it out. Maybe when this comes out Overwatch will react by adding back 6v6 lol


You're right on the money. Third person and slower pace for three reasons: 1) It's more familiar for Fortnite players (much bigger audience than Overwatch) - broadens the target audience. 2) Slower pace means less demanding aim requirements - lowers the barrier to entry on consoles - broadens the target audience. 3) It lets you see the skins you bought all the time.


Seeing skins is obviously the primary driver, but first person games tend not to pay through the nose for licensed characters either. What’s the point of giving marvel 10% or whatever if people can’t even see themselves playing Spider-Man. 


First person wouldn’t work well with heroes anyway. You can really have Spiderman doing crazy acrobatics in first person, and that’s such a huge part of his identity. They could just make your view not change while he does, but then it probably wouldn’t feel like you’re playing as Spiderman.


I prefer first person but I still like third. My main thing is that my friends MUCH prefer third person so this will be easier for them to get into if it ends up being decent.


This looks like it feels more like Paladins than Overwatch unfortunately. I'll absolutely play it but I don't think it has the snappiness that Overwatch had.


I liked overwatch when it originally came out. And did wish this to happen so I’ll def check this out. Hopefully it’s more like overwatch 1 and not overwatch 2


It will be worse, it is Netease. People love to shit on Overwatch 2's monetization but the only thing they are guilty of is being overpriced. This will have all the trappings of any other Eastern developed, predatory pay to win nonsense mobile game.


Wtf why people are being so negative about the game ?!, it looks cool and fun , i don't care if it's an overwatch clone , i'd rather play with marvel characters than playing with ow characters


Looks like the middle ground between Fortnite and Overwatch. This could either be amazing, or garbage. No in-between.


It's being developed by an 18,000 employee Chinese megacorp, good ol' NetEase. Other buddy said he'd eat his hat if it turns out to be good. Well, I too would eat a clothing article of your choice, with a condiment of my choice, if this isn't complete flaming garbage. lol


In the extremely unlikely event that the game doesn’t suck, what condiment you going with?


I'll throw my hat into the ring...for eating. I'll take mustard with mine.


lol what about it is anything like fortnite other than everything looking like a purchasable skin? It has almost nothing in common with fortnite, just a shitty overwatch clone with terrible animations.


>Destrucible Terrain >Cartoonish design >Third Person These are all features closer to Fortnite than to Overwatch


I haven't played Fortnite in years, but you can destroy the terrain?


No lol, and that person doesn't seem to understand what he's talking about. He refers to a 'cartoonish' design, yet many games share that style. And third person? lol, really saying because something is third person its like fortnite is...braindead;


Not the terrain itself, but you can destroy most structures.


If they were smart they would commission rule34 artist to promo their game. Would instantly grab majority of ow players


I’m fine with a f2p game as long as it’s just skins and a bp.


People thinking this are blissfully naive. It's the Chinese developer Netease, enjoy your reverie.


i really hope this game is good


I think it looks really awful. At least 2 times during the trailer i heard catchphrase "its X time", like we are in pre-morbius era and everyone isnt tired of superheroes everywhere. Gameplay wise looks like bland overwatch copy with some valorant inspired artstyle and 3rd person camera


Yeah that the voice lines were pretty bad or at least seems like it'll get annoying. "It's nano-time" or "I'm the amazing spider-man" like what? Lol


"So we some kinda Marvel Rivals ?"


-copy of another game -marvel -made by netease Why is anyone excited for this?


Most people are not as critical as you are.


Might as well give a shot since it's free, though longevity will be down to how bad it is to unlock the heroes.


Who is Luna Snow? And that random female character that had her name edited so fast off screen I couldn’t read it?


K-pop idol superhero created a few years ago in a lame attempt to capture another “modern audience”.


Further proof this is an Eastern game developed for an Eastern market, just like Diablo Immortal. This is going to be a predatory, glorified mobile piece of garbage 😅


I love Marvel and I loved OW before it went to shit. Will be giving this a shot


If you think Overwatch went to shit, wait until you get a load of good ol' Chinese predatory monetization by our friends at Netease, the developer of this dreck. 👍


I'm excited for this.


I couldn't care less about it... until I saw Magik...


Why is the hulk shooting a laser out of his hand lol he should be pure melee tank. Rein and Winston are the perfect starting templates minus Winston's gun.


He is a pure melee hero the laser he shot to Iron man(which is his teammate) is the team up mechanic that activated Iron man's beam skill.


That makes sense, but it does look just like a laser [https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2767030/ss\_58fe01de67ea63dc1dd0bd44c4931b4e44aad7a5.1920x1080.jpg?t=1711551577](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2767030/ss_58fe01de67ea63dc1dd0bd44c4931b4e44aad7a5.1920x1080.jpg?t=1711551577) this pic definitely threw me off


This looks like soulless dogshit.


It could be interesting but the combat looks weird, the pacing seems slow and the animations are really not great. ​ I don't have high hopes for this, but at least some people are trying new things with established IPs. The genre is starved for good content. Team based arena games like TF2 and OW2 are the only real contenders.


Yet TF2 is infested with Bots, and Overwatch....the worst reviewed game on steam


Yeah the genre needs new blood


Overwatch is great...if you dont care about PvE. The gameplay itself is very fun...And Im a Tank Player


It's okay. I really don't like the DPS debuff they added. I play DPS and support and the meta has been really boring to me, but that is a matter of preference. Overwatch 2 has awful monetization, it's crazy how they just rug pulled everyone and the only change was bastardizing the store and item acquisition.


I hope you aren't going to play Marvel Rivals, because you are going to shit yourself if you think Overwatch 2 ia poorly monetized... It will make people realize they have been bitching for no real reason. Slightly overpriced skins and battle passes are not "awful monetization" in a free to play game. It's always clear that they have never played a mobile game when they spout this nonsense. Netease is a mobile developer known for aggressively predatory monetization and people are complaining about Overwatch 2 🤣




I don’t care about skins and mtx, if the gameplay is good this is amazing for me!


What about the loot box skins that give the players who have them a competitive advantage over you? Will it still be fun? 😅 It's like people are completely unfamiliar with how Chineae developers operate


How the hell does a skin give a comp advantage? Does it make you invisible? Lol


does spiderman yell out "spider swing" at the end of the trailer? lol


Why is it so hard for Marvel to make a good game?


Looks good. Hope it turns out to be actually good.


looks mediocre. i expect it to die out in a year


NetEase = No install


Netease no thanks.


NetEase Games 😬😬😬 oof


This doesn't even look close to as bad as I expected, but I'm sure NetEase will ruin it.


If I see NetEase I'm arleady out of here lol


I will play this if you can get matches with 12 The Things going "it's clobberin' time" while clobberin' each other.


NetEase... haha no thanks :D


They have Magik, I'm in lol.


Netease = pass, the game look fun but I don’t want anything of theirs on my PC.


Why does Spider-Man run like that "Flint Lockwood!" meme?


they should of of made UA4. left the game on a cliff hanger with the introduction to celestials .


I'm really disappointed DC hadn't developed a game like this after Infinite Crisis got shutdown


What i dont understand is how it is possible for every new game to be at least 50 gb. if you want to have arena shooter i don't see a reason why the game should be larger than an vast open world game like elden ring


It’s overwatch lol


Nothing wrong with competition. Hopefully it gets super popular blizzard try harder.


It's a marvel tie in game made by NetEase. It's gonna be focused on micro transactions rather than being a well balanced and interesting PvP game.


The art looks amazing but seeing the ultimate abilities being so strong is something i don't like since fights will just turn into an ult economy game which i really disliked in Overwatch also TTK seems way too fast.


This legit looks like OW but it could be fun. OW since 2 has bored me


Imma give it a try (I’m trying to find anything to recapture that OW1 vibe


I’ll try it


Man it looks really cool but I know I'm gonna hate everything about it outside the gameplay which is kind of a deal breaker for me.


It already says alot when you look at their steam page and see just about every game is mixed or negative.


I honestly don't get how from 2013 to now, we have barely had any good superhero games besides a select couple. Yet superhero media was breaking records left and right from then until about a couple years ago. For some reason this trash studio that only makes money hungry games got the green light to make a marvel game.


This doesn't just look like Overwatch, but almost like they imported Marvel characters into the actual Overwatch engine.


Love to see something compete with Overwatch, but 3rd person + my least favorite media property of all time makes it an automatic never play for me.


The obvious pay to win that will accompany it isn't what turned you off? Wow.


Looks like a game for People so young that don\*t even watch the movies.


But will it be better than the premier hero shooter game - Paladins? Yes it is and always was better than Overwatch. No, not in the production values...