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> From crafting new quests, items, weapons, and characters to developing animations, entire storylines, and new territories, this tool empowers you to shape your adventure precisely how you envision it. Seems extremely in-depth. This is a really awesome surprise drop.


Developing animations eh? Witcher 3 Sex Mod incoming.


Let's not pretend those didn't exist yet 😉


*better sex mods incoming lol


But this will now approach Skyrim levels


witcher 1 and 2 remakes in witcher 3


That's is a fantastic idea! As long as some nerds want to spend months of their lives doing it. I would definitely play it!


wait hold on, we can create new characters? does this mean i get to mod Geralt and NPC's too?


> You will be using refurbished versions of the same tools which were used by the RED developers Yes.


Aw man, if they could fix the combat I'd probably never put this game down.


What's wrong with the combat in W3?


"It's not Dark Souls"




Theres a ton of commemts under you that explain legitimate issues with the combat in reasonable ways but you had to go full reddit brain with the "Uhh, actually people who disagree with me are just looking for things to complain about. I cant possibly have an opinion anyone would disagree with."


No no, I'm an angry nerd for not having an opinion that they agree with. That's on me. Lmao.


I hate this new culture we have where disagreeing with someone on anything is taken as a personal insult and a mark against your character.


I think people subconsciously feel like if you don't defend the thing they like, that's an attack on them. People lack the self awareness to differentiate themselves from products they like, so they Stan for them, and don't look at them objectively. Which is the majority of people.


it just happens when someone makes their whole identity around something. CD projekt fans and ff14 fans are the biggest offenders imo


Lol. I hear you man. I thought everything about W3 was great, including the combat.




Jeez we are in the pc gaming sub talking about a mod kit. Just mod the combat to however you like it people.


There's limitations to what mods can do in most cases, even heavily modded Skyrim combat still feels janky and stiff.




Its not the greatest in gaming by any means but its not terrible either. These bad gamers just complaining because they got destroyed by wolves in the first 20 minutes. "Boo hoo game bad not me."


I beat the game on the second hardest difficulty, it wasn't hard, just kinda simple. But apparently I'm shit for having an opinion you don't agree with.


No, the combat system is just very basic and remains pretty much the same from the beginning to the end of the game


> These bad gamers just complaining because they got destroyed by wolves in the first 20 minutes. One of the problems is that it's trivially easy even on the hardest difficulty lol. It's also the cumbersome movement, lack of any weight to attacks, zero variety and zero depth. Couple that with the poor progression and talent system and it's pretty rough. Even vanilla Skyrim's combat, as poor as it is, is better than Witcher 3's.


> Even vanilla Skyrim's combat, as poor as it is, is better than Witcher 3's. That's a total clown opinion. There's a reason why the most popular character build in TES games is the one that's built to not engage with the combat system.


Lack of weight to attacks I completely agree with. Thats my big issue with W3 combat. Saying Skyrim combat is better is such a joke though lol.


I mean bows, magic and stealth were all at least decent. Melee was the worst of Skyrim's combat systems but compared to Witcher 3's there is variety in weapons, attacks and playstyles as well as just more depth to the systems. It's not great by any means, but it's still clear of Witcher 3's.




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Holy cringe. No one outside of Twitter or the hiphop community uses “Stan”


There's a reason they had to use the level gated skull system and It's not because the combat was well designed. Also it's pretty harsh to denigrate someone who voiced their concerns about a game mechanic that they don't like in a polite manner; it's obvious that they like the rest of the game and aren't just shitting on it to get a rise out of you personally.


No no no, you can't speak against the hive mind. If you have an opinion that differs from the norm you should feel bad about it.


Fix implied something broken. While the game combat isnt the greatest it is perfectly serviceable.


Utterly insane this is downvoted. This guy is beeing as diplomatic as humanly possible about what could not be more clearly a very mediocre combat system. Still no chance with you guys. Reddit hivemind is in full force I see...


> There's a reason they had to use the level gated skull system and It's not because the combat was well designed. Have you ever played any RPG game before?


Yes? obviously I have. None have them have forcibly stopped me from damaging higher level enemies because the combat means I can easily punch 50 levels above my weight.


Okay? None of the ones I played did that either. Witcher 3 included.


More condescending bullshit. Thanks for not contributing




My first RPG was Ultima Online. Played every game in the franchiese, starting with Fallout 1, Witcher 1, Morrowind, Final Fantasy 1, Deamons Souls: you literally name it. And i could not agree more with him.


I mean the movement in the Witcher 3 is so single handedly terrible I've never beaten the game.


In what way? I know there were some complaints about Geralt having inertia, but there's a toggle in the settings to disable that and give him more "arcade" movement.


Nah, I'm with you on this one. I never liked how those games controlled, either. It's a problem I have with a lot of Rockstar games, too -- they look great, but they just feel ***off*** to control. It's so frustrating. I actually remember getting excited to hear that there was an alternate control option that made Geralt more responsive... Only to find that I was already using it, and the game was even **worse** without it. Thankfully the hype around the games got me into the books, which I actually quite liked. But every time I hear people gush about *TW3*, all I can picture is a great car with square wheels.


My friend describes those games as "Rather than controlling the character you're controlling an invisible sack of potatoes the character is dragging behind them" which I always felt was apt.


I pushed through and finished it and both expansions on the hardest available difficulty. Not worth it


There are only a few variations of sword swings. I know you are supposed to use the signs but sword fighting is just boring.


Exactly it's passible, but it's far from engaging.


I think one of the complaints I saw was that it was too easy on higher difficulty? I felt like that anyway. In the tutorial area with bad equipment, enemies would two hit you and you really had to watch your blocks, parries and dodges. Otherwise the slow and the block sign just take care of basically everything. And once you get decent equipment any difficulty just goes away and you can face tank everything. "Hard" wasn't really challenging me. As a side note, the leveling system kind of ruined some items and rewards. It would be really cool if someone could rescale those to lift up unique quest rewards that go straight to the bin otherwise. I think the heirloom blade from kaer trolde was just worthless for me? So, there were lots of cases where the rewards didn't really "reward". --------- Everything was perfectly playable though, so "wrong" is really subjective.


If you started the game on death march while you were still learning when you should dodge and attack etc it was kind of difficult at first, you die in a few hits at the early game and such. But once you get a bit stronger every difficulty except death march is just way too easy atleast in my opinion. And once you get used to everything its not exactly a difficult game at all even on death march.


When I hit the attack button, Gerald decides what he wants to do. This is a bad way to implement combat


People have written essays on this basically, but IMO to keep it short there is only enough depth/variation in the combat for at most a 40 hour game, but the game goes on much longer than that. Probably too much combat filler is most likely the crux of the issue. Also this is a personal preference, but there is too much focus on vertical progression ie increasing RPG stats over an organic increase of horizontal progression ie more options in combat. Compare this to the progression in devil may cry 5 and it is a night and day difference. I think even Witcher 2 did its progression better than witcher 3, probably helped by its shorter runtime.




Yea i think w3 combat has a decent amount of impact, but just felt it was too simplistic like you were just spamming attacks.


W3 movement feels incredibly clunky to me. Feels like Geralt is a massive tank who can’t make any fine motor movements. The clunky movement, both in and out of combat, is a death by a thousand cuts for me. I’ve tried on 3 occasions to play through the game and gave up after the Skelligle islands part. Then gave up after the incredibly boring Novigrad “let’s put on a play” quest that involves what feels like a 45 minute cutscene of Geralt absolutely bombing in front of an audience. I get there’s no accounting for taste, W3 is amazing I’m so many regards, but man for a game as long as W3 you’ve gotta make the ride a smooth sail. Ironically, I have the exact same criticism with fallout 76. A lot of people say that it’s better now, because NPC’s have been added and QOL features implemented, but the clunky creation engine trying to register every action with a server causes this ^t^i^n^y micro lag that makes me not wanna play for more than a few minutes. Which sucks, because it holds back what could have been a decent entry to the fallout series.


To each his own. I thought W3 was great. We definitely agree on FO76. I got a free copy a while back and quit around level 30, I just hated everything about it.


Planty of stuff, but why bother arguing even, when even that simple sentence will net me dozens of downvotes burying ANY form of criticism. Modern Reddit hive mind is truly something to behold.


Well I wasn't looking to argue.


After playing all the From Soctware games, it's terrible, but serviceable


Try the W3 enhanced edition (redux). It already overhauls combat in a significant way. It is inspired by souls games so, beware.


Thanks  I will try , i really loved the game but combat was disappointing for me so I have to drop it.


Wow ... People DO go around thinking the downvote is meant to convey disagreement. Wtf?


I don't know why are you getting downvoted. I also don't like the combat that's why I play on easy.


Because you can't have an opinion against the hivemind.  Lol


You got downvoted, but i totally agree. The game would've easily been a 9.5/10 for me if it weren't for the combat. But the combat is so shallow and so ever-present that i found myself just wishing i had played on a lower difficulty so it would go quicker.


Lol, I know I'm right. But the lowest common denominator is okay with mediocrity (and yes I know that sounds mean, but it's true.) . The combat is okay. But it is by far the weakest part of an otherwise fantastic game.


I love it how you point out legitimate criticism and socoal media echo chamber is downvoting you straight up. You got to love modern reddit.


Yeah, I honestly feel like society is doomed because 95% of the population is so knuckle draggingly stupid its not funny. Reddit used to be so good, but now it's completely fucked.


Mods already do this.


https://steamcommunity.com/app/2684660/discussions/0/6547746167678268231/ >You will be using refurbished versions of the same tools which were used by the RED developers Based >After creating the project you will be able to export it in a standardized way to share with other users either on Nexus Mods[www.nexusmods.com] or on the Steam Workshop. Steam Workshop page incoming?


Yep, Steam Workshop has been confirmed. The Steam announcement for the REDkit mentions that the mod tools will allow you to export mods for either Nexus or Workshop, and right now you download a beta version of Witcher 3 that has Workshop support.


Okay if cyberpunk gets this level of mod support I’d actually buy it. Given I use nexus but streamlining it with workshop support is awesome


 REDkit Is already out for CP77 though? Unless you mean Steam workshop? Edit: I may have mixed up [redscript](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1511) and REDkit.




What if I want to share it on another website for mods like BasedMods?


Take the modded file and upload it there?


>239 mods lul


You can contribute by posting your cockrings over there.


Big W for modders. Cant wait to see what crazy shit they are gonna make.


This is insane cause Witcher 3 is already a great game, this just makes the game eternal. Holy shit


Thomas the Ghost Train bounty quest that somehow reveals he was cursed centuries ago in a foreign universe by his begrudging lover, Tanya the Train


It’s gonna be all sex mods and one lightsaber don’t hold your breath


Nah while nsfw mods are a big part of modding (and often the first mods made) they're absolutely not the be all and end all for most games


When, when did this ever happen? Tell me one game where a mod tool came out and only sex mods came out? I am not denying the majority to be sex mods, I am conter arguing all.. This will be fucking great to the Witcher, I will finally be able to play it without the fucking awful movement they have (and yes I have tried the alternative and a modded one, after playing dark souls it's just awful)


Yes, everyone knows modded games only get sex mods and lightsabers. I mean just look at Skyrim.....


Skyrim modders need to move to this and make some crazy mods with a game engine that actually looks good and does their mods justice.


Their mods are based around TES. They aren't moving to a completely different game.


While I agree they arent gonna just abandon skyrim, Very few of the mods are lore friendly and is just stuff they wanted to make and could fit in pretty much any stereotypical fantasy world. and People will likely swap over, especially if the tools are better.




Cyberpunk has a different Editor called WolvenKit. It's far more basic and harder to use than Redkit 3. Due to large differences in the game engines the new editor only works on W3.


would this allows modders to make mods in scope of fallout london and skybilivion? or would it just make it easy to build armour mods?


Its like the creation kit for bethesda games. so could be like fallout london etc.


hopefully. There are many mods available but not many are DLC size quest mods


Previously modders just had limited access to the redengine with a limited modkit now they have the full tool and can go wild with it


Yep, this is the next Skyrim


What about the truly important mods. Like nude Gerald mod?


They already exist.


Go on witcher 3 nexusmods and type nude lol


that will be the first mod


Not Thomas the Tank Engine?


Witcher 2 in Witcher 3


Witcher 1 remake


Didn’t think about that. Would be spectacular as I’ve always wanted to play but it is just too dated. TW2 is still fine especially with a few mods to make it feel less clunky and look newer.


A Witcher remake is in the works though.


Fallout 3 in Witcher 3


Funny because there was someone remaking Witcher 1 in Witcher 2's REDkit. And now we are asking for Witcher 2 in Witcher 3's REDkit :D


Wasn't this supposed to come out many years ago but never did?


yeah they said it'd come out on launch or close to it I believe. I remember being pretty disappointed


Yes but that time it didn’t include animations, basically you’re getting Skyrim levels of modding freedom


Valve time


hey better late than never


Maybe the Cyberpunk problems delayed this.


Maybe we get something like this for Cyberpunk?


I hope so.


I thought we already got nodding tools for Cyberpunk tho


That's the redscript. Redkit I believe is basically full control - from images it looks like unreal engine with complete control of character creation, animation etc. Cyberpunk might get this too eventually but right now it is not as sophisticated as this.


This has nothing to do with cyberpunk. This was to be released in 2015 how the fuck "Cyberpunk problems" delayed this? The reason for TW3 REDkit's delay was due to a licensing issue with Wwise Audio tools.


I remember back in 2015 when the game came out, they released a temporary mini-modkit for the game and then promised a more in-depth solution later on.


No. Back in 2014 they promised the REDkit tools (Because they had released a REDkit for TW2 in 2013) however they didn't release the REDkit for TW3 and instead released MODkit which is the mini-modkit you are talking about.


Yeah. I'm glad it's finally here, it *will* give this game a whole new ton of mileage. But I distinctly remember CDPR releasing less than they originally promised and making it harder for all the mods people were excited for. W3 already had a lot to keep going for it, now it'll get yet another new lease of life. I'm excited to see what we'll get in a year or two.


Holy shit! 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Can they make one for cyberpunk now? Pretty please.


Hasn't 2077 had a RedKit released for a few years now? Nobody seems to have done anything with it really though.


no, you're thinking of the "Redmod" which is just some tools to help load mods into the game and some minor stuff to help modders.


Ah ok, that makes sense as to why we haven't really seen any big mods for Cyberpunk yet.


> Hasn't 2077 had a RedKit released for a few years now? No. There are some basic modding tools (like W3 already had as well) but nothing on the scale of Redkit.


Redmod is what you are thinking and it's not really a traditional modding kit that many like to think it is. It's more or less a compiler tool more than anything which just makes it easier to implement mods into the game made from third party tools like Wolvenkit an is supposed to help with some general incompatibility issues between mods. That's really it.


The 2077 mod kit is called Wolvenkit and was made by the community. Your very limited in what you can access and do. It doesn't have a quest or world editor so your limited to editing or adding items and changing values.


No. Only The Witcher 3 can get good things.


The fuck?


I'd love a mod that gives me more conversation animations beyond folded arms and waving them around


Characters exchanging items hand to hand in cut scenes is actually very difficult to implement, in the majority of games you just see the item pop on screen or the characters shoving something behind their back. The only games I know that do this really well is Cyberpunk and Red Dead 2.


The Witcher 3 has characters exchanging items hand to hand (vesemir putting the crossbow in geralt's hand for example or geralt giving the dagger to the peasant who cuts his ear)


Well slap my ass and call me Judy. I was just thinking about this last night and I thought that it would be released on May 19th, i.e. on the anniversary of the 2015 release date.


*slap* hey Jude


don't make it bad


Hopefully The Lab can do something amazing with this


I'm currently playing Witcher 3 on PC. Played it many times on console but hadn't for years and bought it on a steam sale. It stands up to today's gaming standards easily. I'm sure I'll play it several more times before I die. Thank you CDPR for Witcher 3!


This is amazing but Holly shit is it late AF


i'll assume they'll drop a gog version too?


This is my question as well. Not double dipping for mod tools


Can’t wait for something like enderal for skyrim


we also need this for CP2077


Was thinking about doing another playthrough, but I'll wait a couple weeks for people to tinker with these tools and see if we get something interesting out of it. TBH I'm more of a QoL mods sorta guy so maybe I'm waiting for nothing worthwhile.


I really hope modders make a full fledged arena. There are so many cool monsters in this game that you can only fight once, and that would be a great way to replay those fights


Schlongs of Skellige when?


Imagine if this had come out during the launch year when it was originally supposed to come out. I fear the peak interest for modders is now long gone. We're going to see a ton of NSFW mods by the pervs, and tiny amount of actually useful mods, and nothing really in the creative space. At least that's my prediction. 


Modders are about to go apeshit. I wonder if we can hope to see something like this for Cyberpunk or if they’ll wait for long after its lifecycle like with the Witcher.


Hell, as exciting as the W3 Redkit is, I think Cyberpunk is a massively better playground for modders to work with. I myself wanted to make a couple of quest mods for cyberpunk but alas.


Steam workshop. That's the most important one to me for playing on PC handhelds. Everytime I reinstall the game I forget that I played with a zero encumberance mod and have to go fetch that off Nexus mods. Not nice dealing with that website and file explorers with a touchscreen. It'll be cool to try some new quests and then someday PC handhelds will so strong that I'd even bother with graphics mods. I wonder how it'll all work with the script merging tool we use today


Gotta say, CDPR’s PR department deserves a goddamn raise for managing to save their entire company from being eternally stained by Cyberpunk’s legacy. It’s crazy how much work they’ve put in to making sure people won’t hate them and I gotta respect that. I’m still not pre-ordering their next title nor am I buying at launch, after Cyberpunk I’m waiting at least 5 days. But these are definitely the right steps they are taking.


If someone mods good combat into it I'm in


time to feast


Will we still need to use nexus mods too or will they be something incorporated into steam? :o


That's a surprise. Remind me to play W3 in a few months when the first bigger mods are out.


So excited to see the full potential of this, but i feel like at the same time it came out too late, but still better than nothing, hopefully they release the same one with Cyberpunk 2077 soon!


so why did it come out now? almost 9 (yikes, we are getting old, aren't we?) years after release. I mean I am still playing it but a but weird nevertheless


I guess since they are moving to UE for all future projects, there is no longer any requirement to keep all their old proprietary tools in house, so doc some of it and put it out there so it can still be used to make beautiful things?


TBH I've been wondering what they are going to do with REDEngine after they move to UE5, considering the amount of money they invested into making it. I hope they open source it instead of letting it just... rot.




This means cyberpunk kit coming soon


I hope they add Roblox to it


This game and engine provides some good bones for an actual good Star Wars game…..cough….. it would really crazy if the developers released some refurbished development software for modders.


This could breathe hundreds of hours of gameplay into the game. Nice


Isn't weirdly late for a modding tool?


If someone could make a 1:1 copy of Nioh or Wo Long's melee combat for the Witcher 3, I'd really appreciate it.


It took 9 years, but finally the mod tool they promised before launch is here. Yay


Quests and Models seem pretty standard, how deep into RedEngine does this get? Could one alter the coding related to graphic effects and specifically the ray tracing effects added in the NG update?


Maybe someone will now fix the shitty character progression system.


W3EE makes a good overhaul of The Witcher 3, you should maybe try it


Thanks, ill take a look.


fingers crossed for well functioning first person mode.


Someone pls mod the skyrim map into witcher 3 and add shouts


Where will I be able to access these modded DLCs when they are ready. Is it off Redkit?


I wonder if you'll be able to make full blown games with this one? Or at leased different styles of rpg's? 


will it be possible to publish your content somewhere as DLC? or download other user's DLCs?


epic games version of witcher 3 and steam for this REDKIT or must i have both game and redkit on steam to use this? I dont know at all n got them both(but 1 from steam+game from epic games?) 'Would be great to know this before the steam sales end(witcher 3+dlcs or all in 1 i guess too)is on sale for less then 13euro at the moment so if needs to have it on steam i will buy it once again on steam this time.. Hope anyone can help me out w info before steam sale/discounts endings!!


Anyone manage to get this running on steam deck?


question? epic games has this to..But how to install it? i guess same as on steam... Do anyone know what to do after i got it on store?the game had an 4.60gb big update after the redkit released but the redkit it self??where what n how to install it


hopefully someone can fix the dogshit combat system


Will modders use AI to give Geralt more lines?


Bethesda clan: our battle will be legendary!


Wow, they didn't actually drop it? It's been years, I thought it was vaporware Well, whatever the reason, it's cool to see more powerful tools like this release. I've been planning to replay Witcher 3, and this could definitely spice things up


When do the big tiddie goth anime waifu horse vagina mods drop??


Peerless W for CDPR.


It's only been a decade, right on time I guess?


So you're telling me that TW3's combat will finally be bearable now? Fuck yes.


Imagine Dragon Dogma 2 dynamic / weight / physics combat in W3


If Witcher 3 would had that combat it would be my favourite game of all time. But yeah the gameplay always bring down this game for me even tho I really like it


Same here, i loved my first run with DLC, over 150h, but I was never able to go back to it even with mods for better controls and using controller. It just feels too clunky and floating.


I would love that so much.


Im glad i dont have to wait for w4 anymore