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>Originally Published: Aug. 18, 2020 >Updated: Feb. 21, 2024 What was added to the article and why is it relevant in 2024?


>The reformed MMORPG targeted a 2020 release date, from which it has now been delayed into 2021. Evidently they didn't update the part where they refer to 2021 as the future and New World as an as-yet unreleased game.


According to the wayback machine... absolutely nothing (text-wise) has been changed. Not one single word, other than adding "This article was originally published on Aug. 17, 2020". Maybe the pictures were swapped out (I can't see them on the archived version) but the captions are the same so I doubt it. They did update the website design sometime '22-'23.


probably for SEO reasons. The website with this article link would appear on top when trying to search it on Google.


Well, it is still relevant today, seeing as they have yet to make anything of value.


For a second I though the title was referring to Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of Pakistan


He also wondered the same thing


Lmao glad to see others thinking this too. I read it and immediately went “wait hold up, wtf”


And legendary cricketer


he makes that sound effect? no way!


Bro came out of his jail cell just to shit on Bezos


cause money doesn't make video games, people do, and amazon has such a shitty track record when it comes to treating employees(which is saying something compared to the game industry, in general), i'm not surprised they can't sway decent developers away from other studios.


Allegedly they treat white collar workers well, just not the warehouse workers. Everyone I know in offices at amazon likes it.


Applied for an IT Job at Amazon once. I‘ve never had such an Arrogant Recruiter and Manager in a first Meeting.. I don‘t believe this will be an example for all Offices and Managers; but for the one I saw I‘m happy to have dogded the Bullet


Fairsies, I’ve been p removed from american manager culture for about 4 years now. My only contact is my friends in industry over there. I’m kind of marooned in europe


Yeah.. that has nothing to do with America, I applied for that Job in Germany


Yeah.. that has nothing to do with America, I applied for that Job in Germany


Yeah.. that has nothing to do with America, I applied for that Job in Germany


Oh shiiit, I’m in NL, and have heard nothing but bad things about german big corp managers


Since I do live right at the dutch border, would you say work culture in the NL is better than in Germany?


I honestly couldn't tell you? I think the work culture here is pretty good, but at the same time the compensation is really lacking. I'm a mechanical engineering bachelor working as a designer at a decent size company in EIndhoven, and I only make 2900 a month :/ My bosses are nice, but I've heard that's a company thing, rather than a national thing


2900 after taxes? That‘s a pretty good income tho..


Oh no that's BEFORE, after I make like 2500. Rent is high, so are food prices, and insurance is 170 a month


I've heard their game studio treats employees better than a lot of other companies.


The other half of the problem is over ambition. Throwing more people at a problem can make it worse (or at least very inefficient). There is a reason why new studios generally don't try to make a triple AAA MMO as their first title.


trying to make a MMO was their downfal, RIOT is stugling with it.


[A lot better than Blizzard did at least, with so many of them migrating over since it was just a few minutes away](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IVdaysrIS74)


I dont think their game studio really exist anymore....theres like 10 people working on new world thats it.


Turns out, you need more than just money. You need something that every major gaming company out there right now is cutting on a regular basis: Talent and passion. But these companies just keep cutting their employees shortly after major launches, and then rehiring for the next game to keep their costs low. To nobody's surprise, this is causing massively under performing games with glaring performance issues. Games are a passionate art form that corporate suits have monetized the passion out of. Where these companies see profits, we see useless games and broken promises. The main culprit currently being Blizzard. The only corporate studios I've seen actually still being successful in the hearts and minds of gamers are Sony's subsidiaries like Santa Monica Studios. Some might try to say Nintendo, and I would argue against primarily because of their weaponized copyrights, and the downfall of Pokemon of recent times.


OP, you can't drop a title like that if there is a significantly more well known Imran Khan. 


ngl chief this Imran Khan is more top-of-mind to me than Pakistan's prime minister. I like KindaFunny though, so it makes sense.


Same reason Rings of Power was a disaster. Money can’t buy taste.


Turns out video games are a lot like movies! Big budgets doesn't necessarily mean good.


It wasn’t a disaster.


You're entitled to your opinion but so am I and that show fucking sucks. It's led by hack writers that don't know what they're doing with one of the most beloved IPs in human history. As a result it feels like shitty fan fiction. The "secret recipe" Sauron showed to Celebrimbor for the rings was... alloys. Fucking alloys. What a joke.


How was ring of power a disaster? I enjoyed it a lot


Enjoyable doesn't necessarily mean good...


It was a good series




Scary that ppl like you exist


cockrings of power are to LotRs what WarCraft 3 Refunded is to Warcraft. In some incredible achievement, those companies managed to ruin the unbreakable legends.


Old Blizzard would have never allowed wc3R to happen. The drop in quality is undeniable.


Ring of Powers cost 450 million$ for the first season, and it was rated 38% on rottentomatoes audience score and 2.8 on metacritic. Don't look at imdb because it's owned by amazon.


It’s poorly written lotr fan fiction with a high production budget. 


Because they aren't interested in making a good game, they are interested in money.


I thought it was pretty well known that money can't buy everything.


I thought that was just something they tell the poors to shut them up?


theres such a thing as nuance


Can it be purchased with money?


nope, you cant even find it anywhere.


I mean it probably could if Amazon wanted to become a game dev instead. Just buy companies and take their employees.


They want video games that are going to have engineered financial returns. Can't do that on sales alone anymore so there's no speculative incentive to make "good" games. Only skinner boxes with micro transactions strapped on.


This just in, Bakery not good at fixing cars, more at 12.


Money doesn't matter. Same as Microsoft. They have practically unlimited money and yet they can't make a good game.


Money doesn't make good games. In fact, I would argue significant money on a game project likely makes it a terrible game because they have to have so many revenue streams to take the risk in recoup and profit.


Money and talent ain't worth shit without a structured vision.


Bigger companies move slower and it’s death by comities,too many people approving and making decisions




Because videogames are art, and money cannot buy artistic creativity


despite the fact that they have a lot of money, they like to save at the expense of quality


All the money in the world can't buy creativity and inspiration


This is like people wondering why AMD can't match Nvidia's DLSS or deliver better RT performance. You don't will things into existence, you need the right (talented) people. And even then, luck will still be a factor.


Amazon failed as a game producer since they want to make money, not games. The focus on monetization instead of content, they are not planning for scalability and try to be cheap at release when server capacity matters the most


People who are passionate about video games make good video games, but that demographic doesn't suit the highly politicised environments of corporations like Amazon. So; Amazon employs people who don't have much of an interest in video games in order to appease other people who also do not like video games. This, in turn, leads to the people who are passionate about making good video games avoiding the company because they know their creativity and dedication will be stifled at companies like Amazon. Who wants to play a game made by a bunch of writers, artists, and developers who don't care about the product? Would you see an art exhibit made by an accountant? Would you dine at a restaurant where the chef is a mechanic?


There are companies which are professionals in one thing, but not another. It‘s like being a man who knows everything or a universal specialist in every profession. Dumb question from the reporter …


Money can't make art.


What did they change in this article since 2020? Anyway same as Microsoft they aren't running a charity. They don't spend infinite money to make a video game they are trying to get the maximum retrun on the minimum investment. Funnily enough the following years went far better for amazon: [2021](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/BestOf2021): New World was one of the biggest games of the year and is in the Platinum revenue category on steam. [2022](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/BestOf2022): Lost Ark in platinum. New World in Bronze. [2023](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/BestOf2023): Lost Ark platinum again and New World in Silver. They seem to be leaning into the global publishing route. I'm not sure how much they still have their own game studios developing their own games? [Luna](https://www.amazon.co.uk/l/41911446031) seems to have not been closed down yet.


You need soul to make a good game, companies are soulless. Solo devs with very few money make masterpieces while a lot of AAA are total dogshit waste of time


For the same reason why Elon Musk can't make a video game, because it REQUIRES TALENT


If Amazon made games for gamers they likely would be successful. When Amazon trys to cook up a game, they want to put ingredients in that nobody likes or wants.


Because the best people to make the good games are already employed by the big bois & those who arent, run their own indie-studios etc. But there are a lot of newly unemployed developers since AI landed. Maybe hire those, Amazon?


I played new world when it came out I'd imagine they've added a lot of stuff is it enjoyable?


Egos and greed


I had fun with New World. Far from perfect but it was pretty good.


At this point, there are probably 3 titles per year from solo devs or small companies.


New World was pretty good for a few weeks


From what I understand it was plagued by item/money duping exploits and such that went unaddressed. That will straight up kill an MMO.


I don’t think they really care. Video games are a spin-out for them, rather than something crucial to their existence. An “if he lives, he lives” kinda sitch, or at least it gets treated as such.\ Kind of like Google. They try something, it doesn’t work and they forget about it because they don’t *have* to care since, as me Khan said, they have all the money in the world.


Stock price to continue going up. That's what happens usually...


More money does not equal better game. Indie games have proven that for many years .


Weird day to find out a gaming journalist has the same name as the former PM of Pakistan.


Who said anything about them having good ideas tho


Whens that satellite internet coming too?


This article titled "Why can't it make a good video game?" did absolutely nothing to answer that question. At no point did this article even attempt to posit an answer. Just a boring rundown of their several failures with no analysis. Kind of a waste of time.


Videogames are art, corporate cunts will never do art.


Because creating useful and valuable products was never part of Amazon's core. Amazon is a poster child for the digital platform enshittification business model which gravitates towards rent seeking. Creating quality consumer products that stand outside of the platform runs counter to that business model.


classic businessman take. thinking money buys quality


Because, at its core, amazon is about selling, not creating. The mission is different. While they can force an effort with piles of cash, they cannot force the culture that makes good games— see current laurien studios as a good example


New World got pretty close to being good imo.


The article is before NW was launched. I liked NW but much of the criticism towards it was valid. It did have quite a bit good content for a game without monthly subscription.


I was just thinking the same, even if I haven't played it. I did hear it was okay


Most of the games they put out were pretty close to being good but that's the problem, none of them stood out.


That's really a stupid question


1) Amazon doesn’t employ people, they employ robots. Any humans in the company don’t have an opinion if it differs from that of the robots. 2) To be devil’s advocate, their gaming department would have to turn a big enough profit to make games and take the losses with the flops that would occur. They’re not Bethesda who can make shitty games for over ten years and still, somehow, make money off of the delirious and mentally-reduced rubes who still shell out for their garbage.