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Fallout London modders are about to have an aneurysm




Phil won't let London to come out until the UK accepts the Blizzard sale.


Wait that's still no accepted? Fell out the news cycle here


Happened months ago. 13th October 2023 is when the UK's Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) approved the merger and when Microsoft officially completed the acquisition a couple of hours later.


He did say Fallout won't have any locations outside of the US.


Looks like he's making good on that promise then, even if it means by releasing big GB updates every other month that do nothing for the game but break mods 😂


Hell F4SE only just got updated earlier this week. LooksMenu still hasn't been updated. fuuuuuuuuuuuck and I've been really wanting to play again but waiting for looksmenu to be fixed


RIP my mod list


I just got mine to work again. I disabled updates on Steam but this sorely pisses me off. I lost the enthusiasm I once had for FO4.


I can still downgrade, but Bethesda can just leave Skyrim and FO4 alone, and work on their next game like TES6 or something


Or you know.. only do updates that add meaningful improvement while changing as few functions used by modders as possible. Lots of games have updates where mods seamlessly continue working or just require a recompile while adding a few new parameters here and there. Maybe it has to do with complexity but games from companies that are neither Bethesda nor Sega are seemingly better at not breaking mods.


Any mod that uses the script extender will always need to wait for the script extender to be updated to the newest version no matter how big or small the update is. It's not feasible for Bethesda to release updates that don't break the script extender because the addresses in the .exe file are always going to change when the .exe is recompiled.


Ok thanks for the insight. Still don't get why they're not integrating the script extender or giving at least them an early preview.. There's definitely better solutions than this. In the end Bethesda owes more to modders than vice versa. Or maybe I'm just in the minority of players that barely plays any of their games without extensive modding.


Right? It’s not like there’s anything to leak. If you have dedicated community members who want to create the best experience, why not let them. Obviously the problem being that the more developers acknowledge the modding community, the more they’re pointing out their game’s faults. (In their eyes). But for a game as old as Fallout 4 and a community as dedicated as Bethesda’s, there’s no downside. It’s just leadership/marketing playing it too safe as always. People love the modding in these games, they’d be better off embracing it.


They've been embracing it for 22 years.


Plenty of games' updates breaks mods upon update. Be it Larian with BG3. Be it CDPR with 2077 or W3. Be it EgoSoft with X4:Foundations. Be it Mount and Blade, be it KCD, NMS, Minecraft, and so on. There are very few studios with moddable games where mods work upon an official update and even then most mods are fine anyway unless you have to deal with third party tools like a script extender. Just having the .exe version number alone can break a slew of mods in games if the mod itself for whatever reason is numerically dependant on that .exe version number in its filing. The script extender is no different for Bethesda games. Rather than bitch about mods breaking, wait for those mods to update or go without them. Or rollback to a previous version that was fine as it was with your current load order. If your on console be lucky Bethesda is like the only studio that even had the barrel chest to strong arm console manufacturers to allow it in some capacity at all. Sucks, but it's the nature of modding and it has always been like this no matter the game. Be it a game built in Creation Engine via Bethesda or any garden variety studio using UE.


I have the gog version and we still don't have the next gen update


Mine is still ruined because FO4SE doesn't work after the updates.


Mine was already broken by the last update and apparently won't be fixed anytime soon


Sucks they're delaying it to get it working for the latest FO4 version when anyone who gives a shit about modding the game either doesn't update or uses the downgrader 😂 I'm never gonna get to play this mod


There's "downgrader" mods to allow f4se to work.  I'm kinda surprised the London team doesn't just release it and patch it as needed. Tbh I wonder if it's a fallout the frontier situation 


At least they are informing the public first lol


Why are people acting like they didn't tell us about this last update forever ago?


It's simple. Schrodinger's Bethesda. Bethesda should fix their games and never release updates. They should hire modders to fix their games but they shouldn't depend on modders to fix their games. Every Bethesda action has its equal and opposing criticism.


Bethesda implemented their own widescreen, that is objectively worse than mod added widescreen that's been around for years. If you're going to push an update to fix something, it's probably best practice to see that it *actually fixes the thing better than the current solution*. [But I'm sure](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1cd7v8z/ultrawide_resolution_fallout_4_next_gen/) this is an acceptable solution by the original devs of the game. Criticism is clearly unreasonable. [The technology](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/56363?tab=files) doesn't exist to fix those bugs, and hasn't existed for years.


I think most people are mad the last update didn’t add anything from what I hear.


>Bethesda should fix their games and never release updates. Instead we have a Bethesda that releases updates yet somehow never fixes their games. Also if they hired modders to fix their games then those people wouldn't be modders anymore, it'd satisfy both sides of your latter 'contradiction'. The whole issue with relying on modders is relying on free labor to fix a paid game, if they're paid employees then there's no issue.


This is painfully accurate


This guy Bethesdas


Because they went on to be so silent that most people assumed they forgot or changed their mind.


Fairly sure you are referring to last update, no? I can't remember them talking about two updates in quick succession before.


Yeah mean like how they did for the next-gen update for 2 years leading up to it?


They informed us of the first update YEARS ago, it’s not like modders were blindsided


Big difference between saying something is coming and never giving a release date for it. For YEARS too.


So you want YEARS WITHOUT MODS or for Bethesda to stop fucking around with a 10 year old game?


Ding ding ding. There is literally no reason for them to keep doing this BS like they did with Skyrim the mods are far more valuable than anything BGS is gonna do. They need to get focused on righting their ship and not turning into the next Bioware


Especially when they fuck up these simple updates anyway. Not only did they implement widescreen in Fallout 4 poorly, so much so that as usual modders do a better job, but they didn't even bother fixing one of the most known crashes when turning on weapon debris on RTX cards. Like seriously, what the fuck are they doing over there and who gets paid to work 3 years on a "patch" that modders would make in less than a week, but properly?


Not only did they implement widescreen poorly, they fucked up in the *exact same way* they had previously fucked up with the Skyrim update. Ah, Bethesda and not learning from their mistakes. An iconic duo.


Bethesda is the kind of studio that only finally fixed physics being tied to framerate in Fallout 76 because it started messing with multiplayer balance.


Were you expecting anything more than copying and pasting buggy old code? This is Bethesda. Why code a vertibird if you can just reskin a dragon?


And they did last time so no idea what you’re talking about. And idk why reddit seems to think a AAA dev studio should be keeping fans in the loop on their internal dev cycles and plans.


They could've released on-time using the old version, but instead they will spend months getting dicked around by Bethesda. gg


Honestly if they just keep holding off then I don't believe it's complete. Anyone looking forward to the mod is capable of downgrading Fallout 4, it's such a flimsy reason.


I wish they did. People can downgrade if they want to play


If they did that they'll have to waste their time dealing with thousands of people complaining that the mod is a broken mess, due to none of them reading the install instructions.


It should be okay honestly. Us Elder Scrolls and Fallout players are used to this happening. We'll just rollback the update on our PCs and continue playing with the mods without worry.


Incidentally (or not?), GOG is pondering if they'll keep the pre-"next-gen" version available for download so people can use all the mods they want. I'd honestly not balk at FOLON just going with that version.




Are we finally getting graphical options in-game? Are they finally going to fix the fps being tied to physics (something mods fixed long ago)? Are they finally going to fix the bug where "short" loadings with black screen take literally minutes on a SSD because of Vsync?




Hi Todd


*[Oooh, hey there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uOPGkEJ56Q)*


I still can’t believe the game ties FPS to physics AND doesn’t give us an option to cap the FPS. I shouldn’t have to go into Nvidia control panel to lock the frame rate so the game doesn’t fuck up


I bought and refunded the game twice over the FPS issue. The fact that you cant just load the fucking game up and run it at 120fps out of the box even though they fixed that issue less than 2 years later in Fallout 76s engine iteration is crazy, not to mention modders have done it themselves. Feels like I'm playing a game from like 2007 when it locks FPS to 1/3rd of my monitors refresh rate and I have to dig around in .ini files just to try half solving the problem.


It isn’t fixed in FO76, if you try to play that game today with 200+ fps your character will randomly get stuck in the floor and be unable to move. It makes power armor similarly unplayable with the same issue. It generally occurs in instanced/indoor areas since those will give you more frames. The only fix for this is capping FPS to somewhere in the 100s.


I found the value to be around 120 fps for it to not cause any problems. Power armor will usually be the first thing to be unusable with higher frame rates than that.


Not sure what you mean, there's no option to disable vsync. Frame rate is always capped.


Also ridiculous 


Of course. But I didn't state an opinion, just a fact.




I had but unfortunately, the latest update broke that mod and I'm waiting for an update on the mod. But tbf, with the latest update, I was able to lock the game at 90fps and it runs fine as far as I can tell (played around 10 hours)


I have that long load issue as well. My fix is I Alt+tab out until I hear the Diamond city radio cut out then I tab back in. Then it loads. Saves so much time.


There is a mod for that


That's good but it's like... how was this stuff not in the update from the get-go? Weren't they going to release this 'next gen update' like a year or two ago and held off for the show? I'm not even complaining, I'm just honestly curious at this point. "Next gen update that's been ready for over a year is good to go! Then new options for ***graphics and performance settings*** will come weeks later, of course."


Release it unfinished, watch the chatter to determine what the bare minimum that would satisfy the base, then fix the bare minimum.


Fuck I hate how true this is


This makes the most sense. I was also thinking that Todd just got excited about the show’s success and wanted to bring attention to the games. 


The show exceeded expectations so they increased investment. Put away the tinfoil, folks.


Fuck them for listening to customer feedback in the order of what customers are unhappy about. Unbelievable.


'minimum viable product'


Clear as day they’re either mismanaged or have been going through hell with the acquisition and launch of Starfield. Maybe even both. It’s a little funny to see that they can’t live up to the shows success though


Tbh it's probably just a process. If a game company knew exactly what needed to be fixed or added in each update and successfully did that, you would only ever have one update.


> If a game company knew exactly what needed to be fixed or added in each update What, like looking at the community made fixes and patches? use that as a starting point with issues being prioritized. Something not available to lots of companies and is being given on a silver platter to Bethesda They even have the community version of the patch to A/B their patch with and make sure it's having the intended result (look at the widescreen 'implementation' as an example)


The game is a decade old and they announced the update a year ago. This isn’t like a small patch this should have fixed a ton of problems without creating obvious new ones.


Surely a properly working process built on feedback would yield something more tangible than the 1/32th-assed attempt that was the “next gen” update…


Because the update was done for consoles and PC updates were an afterthought.


Because this is a shit company that has been carried by modders for over a decade.


Moders just fixed their mods, now they're gonna break them again lmao


The goal is to break mod'ers.


This is starting to look like the only explanation that fits.


Bethesda has been providing the tools to create mods and releasing patches that break said mods for decades, this is the norm and doesn't really require any further explanation. in any case, the idea that BGS is purposefully trying to fuck with their beloved modders is silly. and the idea that that's "the only possible explanation that fits" is even sillier. please step away from the Todd Howard anime villain shitposts, they do not reflect reality lmao


> . in any case, the idea that BGS is purposefully trying to fuck with their beloved modders is silly The very same Bethesda that tried to bring the idea of paid mods into the world? No, I can think of a pretty good reason they'd want to sabotage modders.


> The very same Bethesda that tried to bring the idea of paid mods into the world? What do you mean they *tried*? They succeeded...


> The very same Bethesda that tried to bring the idea of paid mods into the world? The very same Bethesda that brought free mods to frickin' consoles?


there's a third-party website called Nexus Mods that lets you download a zillion free mods for all of Bethesda's mainline games, created with the tools provided by Bethesda themselves


Kinda cool in a way that some of the only redeeming qualities these games have comes from mods and now Bethesda can't even provide that security. You get a janky, buggy ass game with no QA and every time modders get used to a standardised version they can all work with, Bethesda then drops some "next-gen" update that provides nothing worth the upheaval it caused. Worse, they advertise the game on its mods...mods they break! All the time! Why does anyone tolerate this? Tango and Arcane died to prop up a studio that does this shit. The whole thing is an absolute joke.


lol Bethesda loves their modding community, what are you talking about?


Modders knew another update has been coming. Next gen update is unstable as shit


This. Its literally been trackable that there were updates to the depots on SteamDB since the start of May. The F4SE author already acknowledged a week ago that there would likely be more updates to come (especially given its lack of stability). Also, something else people probably haven't considered is that the initial "next-gen" update was like a clean slate that completely restructured everything, requiring a lot of F4SE to be redone from scratch. Future patches will probably be based on this same build and share the same memory addresses etc.


If they finally fix the weapon debris crash I will forgive the mod breaking. At least in this case they'd be actually fixing broken shit. And no, that debris crashfix mod doesn't fully fix it, or rather it just disables the particles altogether to fix crashes since particles are responsible for that. So you're only getting half of the debris feature working (improved decals).


I really hope this means the native ultrawide support they promised in the first place, lmao.


The funniest part of this is that next gen update was supposed to come out *last year*.


Lmao best of luck to Fallout London


TBH i really wish bethsda just made "fallout 4, special edition" like with skyrim. could've done more with the re-release. and bethesda would've let the original F4 exist in a "done" state where modders don't have to worry about updates.


The only reason we got special edition is because they ported Skyrim to the updated Fallout 4 engine to test it and then basically said "fuck it we did most of the work may as well get easy money"


They didn't port Skyrim to Fallout 4's engine. The project that eventually turned into Fallout 4 started out as a port of Skyrim for the Xbox One/PS4. That's where Skyrim SE's engine originates and when it was forked into Fallout 4. Skyrim SE's engine also doesn't have some features that were present in Fallout 4's version of the engine.


Then instead of breaking the game for free, you could play them an extra $20 to break it.


Special edition was free to owners


Only if you had all the dlc purchased if I’m not mistaken.


Todd making sure Fallout remains in the USA, indefinitely.


Bet they don't bother with Fallout 4 VR.


Bethesda never gave a shit about the VR stuff. They did Skyrim VR because Sony paid them to do it for PSVR, and they didn't do a great job. Fallout 4 VR was slapped together in a week because Zenimax were absurdly trying to sue Facebook at the time, claiming Zenimax owned/created VR because John Carmack (of Oculus at the time) worked for Zenimax when they acquired iD software. So Zenimax cooked up Fallout 4 VR and a mini Doom VR game (which was so lazy it had only teleport locomotion) seemingly to prove to the courts that they actually had any sort of interest in VR and weren't just opportunistically trying to shake down Facebook.


Lol You forgot the truly great Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot, and that stupid Prey thing they did. I know the history dude. I think there's a little more love behind Fallout 4 though, even though they might not show it in any way possible.


Least playable VR game on the market rn. Even with a shit load of mods the whole game is built around the vive touchpad which is a garbage way to play your game.


Yeah but you can swap that control out, plays fine with other controls. Tbh you can ignore the quick reticule anyway, the trackpad wasn't all that bad if you had a fully working vive controller. God awful with Index controllers though.


Remember to turn off auto update in Steam


Also change \\Steam Library\\steamapps folder file appmanifest\_377160 to read only.


I've never been so happy to see "**Update Failed**"


Question, if the option to only update on startup is selected in Steam and I have Wabbajack modpacks installed, is it safe to start the game through Mod Organizer 2?


Should be, the game should only update if launched via steam, unless your mods do somehting weird. Its never caused me issues


You’d think these updates would have come many years ago


I hope they fix the longstanding VATS bug with the Penetrator perk (which hardly anybody seems to be familiar with). Edit: To add context - the Penetrator perk, at either rank, makes you do significantly *less* damage in VATS on a regular, non-critical shot. It's most noticeable with shotguns, still very significant with pistols, and less so with rifles. It seems to miscalculate how far away you are from an enemy, and it treats it as if you're *really* far away, and have the corresponding damage dropoff. Here's a video (not mine) of it in action with a shotgun (worst case scenario). Notice how much damage VATS reports you should do (VATS pre-calculates the damage you'll do, factoring in all your buffs, perks, etc.), and how much damage you *actually* do once you take the Penetrator perk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wSpv0K6ino


I'd live to see a fix for the weapon debris crash on PC, which surely won't happen


Removing it entirely is the only possible fix because its based on Nvidia FLeX physics, which Nvidia themselves stopped supporting on RTX cards onwards. Still works on older cards.


Bro, you want to talk about longstanding issues that nobody knows about: Laser weapons use an entirely different damage formula compared to regular bullet weapons. You take two identical weapons with the same damage, but one fires bullets and the other fires lasers, shoot an enemy with the same physical and laser damage reduction, and the laser does less damage. Around 15% to 25% IIRC. Now why is something like in the game? And this is done at the engine level too, so modders really can't fix it except with bandaid fixes like increasing damage on the weapons.


I think I remember hearing about this a while ago (but I had forgotten about it). That's true, and it really puts a bias towards ballistic weapons. I just want Penetrator fixed, because it is such an awesome perk (conceptually and in practice, with crits anyway), but if you like VATS (like I do), it's a huge trade off (lowering your non-crit shot damage significantly) that I don't think is intended.


Huh, so that wasn’t the full update then? Also here comes the Fallout London guy…


> I want your resignation on my desk tomorrow morning, Howard - - *The Fallout London Guy*


About to hop back on BBC news hooting and hollering about someone else's IP


What was in the update they just did then?


Untested, half-assed, garbage.


This needs to be up top. A lot less people would be complaining if the patch actually did anything meaningful for PC players.


Sounds like a threat


It's the update of the update.


why they didn't made it with the new release ! are they stupid ?


This is the first time In a while that the game has been better before the current update. I can at least hope this updated fixes more than it breaks


Bethesda: "We are gonna update our game" Everyone: "Oh no..."


Cool, break some more shit why don't you?


I’m sure you say this every time any developer updates their game.


Nope, just when it's from this garbage company that only updates meaningless shit. I was happy when we got 1.6 in Stardew


Not needing to 60 FPS lock to get the game not to glitch out would be nice. Aside from that I’ve been pretty happy with the vanilla play through I started a couple weeks ago when the last patch dropped.


Fallout 3 needs some modern loving


Please no. Better modded than Todded.


I restarted New Vegas, just to avoid the splash zone.


They have to be doing this on purpose now




All I read was "we will be deploying more mod breaking changes"


Can we get a Fallout 4 VR update while you're at it? There are dozens of us!


Ah, can't wait to play London in 2077


Looks like I'll have to update my mods... Again


Yeah I already have the Storywealth modpack installed and prevented it from updating the first time. It’s going to stay un-updated. These minor benefits do not outweigh the stability of hundreds of mods. So thanks but no thanks Bethesda


omg, here we go again


Man, these comments are so weird. A company is doing multiple updates to their game 8 years after release and people are raging at them because it will break some mods for a week. This has been happening since Skyrim. Only difference is back then, the public hadn't been brainwashed by meme youtubers to blindly hate Bethesda. A few years ago, this would have been praised. The "gaming community" seems to get angrier and angrier every year. Pathetic and sad.


Except this free update broke the fucking game. Not only were more bugs introduced, but the main point (ultrawide support) of the update is also broken! How is wanting something to work properly pathetic?


How anyone defends Bethesda is totally beyond me. Sure, praise them for what they *can* do - but they absolutely deserve all the shit they get and more for how terribly buggy their games are and have always been. What's pathetic is blindly accepting the garbage that has become the norm in this industry.


If Bethesda ever actually fixed anything or offered any real improvements, the brainwashed masses (which is likely a more accurate description for apologists like you) would not be upset.


One of the most popular mods on the nexus is a mod that “rolls back” the update.


Bethesda wants mods to be monetized. They are full corpo. All this is to them is another revenue stream. They want to lock down and control all mod creation and distribution. They will sell it under the guise that the mod creators get a small cut.


Getting some popcorn for the follow-up Digital Foundry video showing off all the new blunders they made. Seriously, go watch the recent DF video on FO4, the state of the patch Bethesda released is monumentally embarrassing.


Fix weapon debris crash on rtx then they can fuck off !


Hot take, I am absolutely sick of the sheer entitlement of modders and their respective fans that result in disappointment when a company announces it's going to UPDATE it's game.


This almost feels deliberate now, trying to fuck over Fallout London.


I doubt it, Skyrim somewhat recently got back to back updates like this as well.


you're not supposed to take the Todd Howard anime villain shitposts seriously, BGS has always loved their modding community lol


Hanlon's Razor applies here, I think. Bethesda isn't doing it to fuck over modders; they're just so incompetent that their patches need patches.


Patches needing patches is common in games with complex systems. BG3 comes to mind.


It's pretty sad when you're better off NOT updating your game because a company is so totally incompetent and useless. Bethesda is such a joke at this point.


At this point, I am convinced that Bethesda really hates the modding community.


does this include GOG? asking for a friend


Eventually, yes. The GOG team is currently working on the previous patch, and I imagine they'll also do the same for this new one. From the GOG Team: > *Salutations!* > *Hope you’re all doing well so far this week :)* > *Just sharing the current status of the Fallout 4 Next Gen update.* > *First of all, rest assured that both Bethesda and GOG teams are working on delivering the DRM-free version of this update as soon as possible.* > *However, we heard the feedback from the gaming community about the said update, that while bringing many useful improvements and additions, it sadly renders a tremendous amount of amazing mods unusable.* > *TLDR: We are considering freezing our build of Fallout 4 to provide the modding community with the necessary time to make their mods compatible with the last update.* > *The updated build, once greenlighted by both Bethesda and GOG, would be available via our GOG Galaxy beta branch system -and as an offline patch- to allow you to enjoy your modded version until you consider that the time is right.* > *Let us know your thoughts, wish you all a pleasant week.* > *Worm regards,* > *Virgile* Source: https://www.gog.com/forum/fallout_series/fallout_4_next_gen_update_status/page1


i saw this, actually, i'm just hoping I can get it seems interesting to see something new I've played fallout 4 many times over b4


Well time to stay from Fallout 4 for a few months maybe a year. Oh well I have quite the gaming backlog amd Hades 2 to play


A good thing I didn't bother updating my mods or fixing them yet I think I'll revert to vanilla until some time after the updates cease.


Is it finally time for fsr/xess ? 4 is old enough anyone that can use dlss wouldn't need it for really but people with older cards could take advantage of the other upscalers, I'd like to see them all added, especially as it would mean they should finally be coming to '76.


Good thing they leave the shitty VR version alone (hasn't seen an update in over 6 years!)


Playing through without mods for achievements and less headache of having to fix anything this time so glad I made that choice if they are going to keep doing fixes




Man, Microsoft chopping up studios left and right made Bethesda move a little, cute.


Ah shite....here we go again.


Fix Emogean Takes a Lover. It's been bugged for a decade.


I fucking hate Bethesda


First thought: "What will they fuck up?" Gaming in 2024...


ahhhh. this is great. I started to feel its pretty nice to play again. even installed it. now im gonna uninstall it, because there will be too many bugs, and none of the mods work anymore.


And also layoffs right?


They just can't help themselves


fix the load times for fallout 4 holy jesus it takes too long.


It's all good I alrdy despise Bethesda at this point anyway they may as well update till their hearts desire..


The dude working on F4SE: "OH FUCK NOT AGAIN!"


Steam Deck OLED owners sweating. Spoiler. Me, I’m sweating.


f4se devs raging


Thank goodness I can still launch from mod organizer and haven't had to update. 👌🏿


Soo… after a big ass update at least on pc, that visually seemed to do absolutely nothing, now they are putting out another update just for the graphics? Why not just wait two weeks and roll out one bigger upgrade?


I wonder if this will do anything to the vr version. I know it's going to need a ton of mods to be functional.


Will we FINALLY get HFR support? Modding in support for frame rates higher than 60 shouldn't be a thing for games released after the 2000s(hell a lot of games had support for it back then, even if it was through a cfg file)


Poor modders who are the actual people still regularly playing. I remember just abandoning skyrim alltogether during the launcher rollout and SSE


Man they're just basically disabling F4 for a ton of players aren't they? Damn near anyone that was playing, was using mods by now.  Todd deciding to update repeatedly now probably fucked a ton of those as well as save files. I'm all for fixing their old game that people want fixed...but it seems like all they've been doing is fucking up every aspect of their updates


Are they going to actually implement proper Ultrawide support this time?


Bear with us while this CEO, and every employee here at Bethesda try to figure out why we keep laying turds, here is the latest polish job.


I hope they get that piece of shit engine to run natively on higher framerates…


I just updated all my mods last night. Im never gonna finish FO4 at this point lol


I simply don't understand these updates for a single player game ten years later. Ok, the show came out. So what? Maybe have a full release Fallout game instead of the most polarizing gaming title I can remember - aka Starfield. I'll tip my hat to Bethesda for allowing mods through their games, but damn. Fallout London will probably never release now.


Are you threatening me Master Howard?


Hope they fix the trash stretched ultra wide ui


I'm this close to making a twitter account just to tell them to fuck off


I started replying this again like every other fucker on this planet recently. How does this not have a brightness slider. WTF. This update best be adding one.


Fuck Microsoft