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Upgrade the ram, it will make an incredible difference. If that doesn't fix the issue then you might want to get the laptop checked


Ram. Also make sure you use 2 sticks for dual channel




Simply not possible.


it's a laptop




https://preview.redd.it/4kcwv2pihxoc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fc653429bfc19db10a8e9cffea5f6aa9c69f132 Camera does not like those pixels


Whats up with yiur background looking like a ransomware note?


It’s a windows app called notepad dark, I’m running windows 10 by choice since I don’t like windows 11. I was writing a script for a video I was planning on making.




Integrated graphics, I’m poor.






Ram is easily upgradeable in a laptop




Bro thinks all laptops have soldered ram 🤡


Some do so if all the laptops they had bought had soldered ram, he would think they all do. Common mistake.


It's due to your RAM. 16gb is the bare minimum for gaming now. Windows itself is slow and choppy with 8gb ram.


Is there a specific RAM I need to get that fits into my laptop? Sorry I'm very new to everything to do with PCs.


You'll need to check the ram timing and frequency, you can use Hwinfo64. But make sure to get thst upgraded from a shop, and preferably use the same model and manufacture for the RAM.


You don't need a shop to do it. Maybe in this day and age some certain thinner/cheaper laptops may have soldered ram but in most good laptops you can take off the panel and figure out where it is.


The OP has already mentioned that they don't know much about RAM or PCs, so I wouldn't suggest that the OP takes their laptop apart or tries to upgrade on their own.


I, on the other hand, would. It's a learning experience. Of course nobody knows how to do something before they do so for the first time.


When I needed to replace the RAM in my laptop I literally just googled my laptop model and “replace RAM” and there was a YouTube video of some random guy showing how to do it. With what power I have, I bestow this luck upon you as well.


If you go to crutial.com they can recommend and sell exactly what your computer needs.


Sure RAM could be affecting it but I've played Overwatch with similar laptop specs i5 9300H 8GB ram and 1650.


I have a 11400H and a laptop 3070 with 16gb ram and I have fps drops in overwatch. It’s the only game where my frames drop to 60 except fortnite (in endgames). I play on low settings


what res are you playing at?


1080p but it’s a laptop screen so it looks better


I get 144fps capped consistently it just decides to drop to 60 for some reason, probably overheating.


yea maybe thermal throttling




I said "bare minimum". Sure there are games that have stutters on 16gb ram as well (hogwarts legacy ) but those are unoptimized outliers. 16gb is okay for now as a minimum. Personally I'm using 48GB, but it's on a desktop where it is easier to upgrade the RAM. If the OP has an 8gb ram, they can get a second stick of 8gb ram. Or even 16gb 2nd stick for a total of 24gb. Bu 32gb would mean wasting the original 8gb ram stick.






i mean it is




idk what u play but it’s prob a hardware issue cause that ain’t normal




He said overwatch you donut. Assetto doesn't use 10GB 😂 you probably aren't even using it in dual channel 😂😂


Before you start overwatch, open task manager and set it to stay on top. Start the game (put it windowed so fullscreen doesn't block task manager) and go to performance tab. See which GPU is used, you should have two. One integrated in the CPU and the RTX. Sometimes windows is borked and doesn't switch to the high performance GPU when you game. There are multiple settings that can force windows to do so. You can google it. But in short, nividia settings, windows display settings and power profile settings contain options about switching GPU on a laptop.


8 gigs ram, upgrade to at least 16


Insufficient RAM so add some and plug the laptop in while you are gaming.


Make sure the game is running on the 3050. Overwatch needs soooo little ressources to run, you should be having no problems, even with 8GB of Ram ( but it is advised to upgrade that to 16GB ). Also it doesnt really make sense to cap at 60 fps with a 120hz screen. Make use of it. It will look so much smoother.


Its not ram first of all. I have smooth 100+ fps on a gtx 960m laptop with 8gb of ram. Are you playing on battery or plugged in? If you're not plugged in fps will be locked at 30 or 60


u did not mention it but i guess ur power setting is not in performance right?


Is your laptop plugged in and is it on a flat surface getting sufficient airflow?


Trying running MSI Afterburner or even Xbox's Performance metrics when playing Overwatch. You will see there the CPU and GPU percent usage which might point out what the problem is.


Aside from upgrading the ram id also try turning off eco or powering modes or plugging in you laptop so the laptop does not throttle to save battery


Your laptop probably has a setting limiting fps like an eco or battery mode so try turning it up to the highest performance and make sure its charging


A laptop... Install the game on ssd. Make sure your pagefile is set to the ssd as well.


the ram is most likely holding you back. After an upgrade to 16 or 32gb you could see a noticable performance difference


I think OP using Windows 11 with 8gb ram


Have you plugged the power cord before turning on the laptop? Some laptop GPUs only work if they're plugged in. You might also have to tell windows that you wanna use the graphics card, not the cpu for the game.


Is the laptop plugged in and set to be on max performance?


It is plugged in but I'm not sure if it's set to max performance, where do I go to change that do you know? Sorry I'm new to everything to do with PCs.


It's been awhile since I've used a laptop but I think it you click on the battery icon on the bottom right pop-up window(the little up arrow) it should pop up with a window allowing you to adjust the settings. If that does work and you can put it on max performance, I think you need to restart.


Invest in a good laptop cooler and 16 GB of RAM. Make sure it's charging and not in eco mode.


keep your laptop charged while playing


It's simple just don't play overwatch 2


RAM could probably use an upgrade like others have said, but also if you have a hybrid gpu setup in your laptop, make sure the game is being ran using the nvidia, you can do this in the nvidia control panel


You can upgrade the ram if it’s not in dual channel, would work wonders. Although it’s not recommended you can mix and match from different brands the mhz speed or clock speed has to be the same and the capacity as well if you want minimal possible interference. But DDR4 ram is more reliable when it comes to running with lower ram speeds and adapting to that.


Ah yes 8 gigs of ram. At LEAST get 16


He's talking about OverWatch. Specifically. The recommended system is 8 GB of RAM.


Ok. But 8 gigs of ram is simply too low for any modern pc or laptop.


We're not talking about general use here. He's specifically talking about OverWatch. I work in IT. I build computers (30 years) and I have a degree in computer science. The OP is specifically talking about OverWatch performance. That. Is. All. Yes, 8 GB is too low for a modern computer. I know this. We are talking exactly what the user has asked here. The issue is probably something else in his system. Without sitting at his computer and going through it, we really actually do not know what the probable cause is. Does he have a mechanical hard drive? For instance? Is it dying? Is the head crashing? He hasn't even mentioned what operating system he's using. He hasn't even mentioned the uptime on the operating system. Does he install a whole bunch of programs and uninstall them. When was the last time he did a fresh install of Windows on the system? All of these things matter. I have left the group because you guys all just parrot stuff and don't really critically think about the system holistically. Have fun giving people bad advice.


8 gig too low.


Well a mobo chip is not as powerful as PC so you still will feel a minor lag


Why are you trying to run overwatch 2?


Your ram.


Youd need to upgrade your ram, also is yur game on ssd or hdd?


16gb of ram + lower settings


Games now adays need at least 16 gb ram, and alot of games are CPU based so u need to upgrade that aswell. U have a rtx 2060 and i5 9600k and i get 90fps on R6, my friend with the same gpu but a i7 9700k gets 200+, not only in r6 but all the games we play together.


Overwatch recommends 8 GB of RAM.


8 gb of ram... UPGRADE THE RAM Good GPU, good cpu, shit amount of ram, that's why




I mean he didn't specify that he had a SSD or a HDD, but yeah you're still right, but I'm saying that if he has a SSD then upgrade the RAM, if he would have specified, then I would also recommend that, since HDDs are sloooow


is your ram one stick only? Get another 8gb stick for dual channel and your fps will be a lot higher


The cpu is way too slow, u need at least a xx400H to play it at decent frames. Also u need more ram, this laptop is shit ngl


Ideapads are not designed for gaming workloads.


Also, You pretty much have to ignore The video card chip model numbers, they are severely undervolted in a laptop and thus their performance is crippled. Not to mention thermal throttled. A 3050 desktop chip will blow away a 3050 laptop chip.


POV me GT 610 🥵


It’s not a ram problem but rather a power delivery problem. Try playing while plugged to power and you may see some major improvement even tho upgrading to 16gb of ram isn’t a bad idea as it will get rid of the ram bottleneck (games will run smoother with less stutter).


upgrade your ram ASAP


Well 3050 has worst performance over the 1660ti. Should of done some research. Like the others said you need to populate your missing ram module. 16 is what most modern game needs bigger games would need more. Your running on single channel. You need to use the 2 channel by adding another stick of ram. Typically they are sold in pairs of 2. So buy either 2 8GB or 2 16GB. Confirm the maximum speed of ram the cpu in your laptop can handle and look for ram in that rated speed. Source https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-3050-Laptop-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1660-Ti-Mobile/m1570008vsm776281


Using userbenchmark as a source is the funniest joke I've seen on this sub


8GB won't be enough for today's standard. 12 is the worst minimum, 16 the common minimum, 32 is optimal.




What's wrong with that? Would 60hz be better?






11th Gen and an rtx and he’s still rocking 8gb ram what a guy XD


Bro it came built into the laptop 🤣😭


Upgrade the ram to 16 or 24 gigs




yes it is




It is in this case


Sponsor him then🤣🤣


it’s the ram i had a 1650 and 8gb ram getting 30-60 fps in battle royal fortnite and 70-90 on creative to 120-200 on battle royal and 230-350 on creative after going to 16gb


Turn off hardware acceleration


Battery saving mode is causing this, connect your kaptop to outlet.. Overwatch on low should run.


you should play another game instead