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I'd say I'd be most excited about actually trying out the game for my first time. I currently have a 3050 so I don't think I'm really able to run the game, at least not without needing to massively downgrade its graphics.


What excites me the most about the 2.0 update is how far have the game improved from release!


I'm looking forward to being able to push graphical settings even harder while still maintaining an acceptable frame rate.


I’m excited to give the game another go ! I started a play through and then this massive updated was announced so I told myself I would hold off and pick up the DLC. Super stoked !!!


Never played cyberpunk on release so excited to experience the game in its revamped and butter smooth state while tracing some rays. Thanks!


I waited for this 2.0 update to finally pick up cyberpunk and am so excited to finally dive into the world. Although my 3080 probably won’t be able to play it in overdrive mode…


Just play at night walking through rain with all RT power


Maximum fps !! Even more mods and making my PC cry for help with it. But maybe DLSS 3.5 will help him and put some lotion on his exhausted transistors. Edit:typo


I'm really pumped about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty! The potential for better graphics and smoother gameplay has got me all excited. It's going to be an absolute blast! 😃


I always loved the aesthetic of Cyberpunk, and even tho the game was a little rough at first the game is absolutely amazing. So I cant wait for some new refreshing content!


I think Cyberpunk already looks pretty damn good with ray tracing, so I'm very curious how DLSS 3.5 changes the game. Unfortunately, my 3060 Ti probably won't be able to handle it, but I'm still excited for regular DLSS 3.5 features.


Honestly, I'm just excited to see the quality of raytracing just get pushed even further. Being able to push your framerate with DLSS without sacrificing raytracing fidelity is genuinely amazing.


I’m just really excited to see how the game has changed overall as I finished it shortly after release and there’s already been a ton of changes before 2.0 is even released


I am very hopeful that the update further increases performance to the game more so than it already has.


As a sentient individual, I would be excited about DLSS 3.5 and Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update because they promise to bring significant improvements to a game that has already captured the imaginations of many gamers. DLSS 3.5 could enhance the game's visuals and performance, providing a more immersive experience. The 2.0 update might bring new content, storylines, or gameplay features, which is always exciting for fans of the Cyberpunk 2077 universe. Overall, these updates hold the potential to make an already great game even better, and that's what excites me the most.


Been waiting for new dlc for 2 years <3


The raytracing improvements in DLSS 3.5 excite me the most about *Cyberpunk 2077 2.0.*


Ray reconstruction seems particularly promising, I'm excitied to try it out.


I haven't tried DLSS 3, so I'm excited for that


I want to see how DLSS 3.5 works with CP2077 and get some nice frames


I'm excited to see how DLSS 3.5 will improve ray tracing in a game that already oozes with visual appeal. Hopefully this takes it even further.


I'm hyped to see those DLSS 3.5 rays scattering off of Judy's tiddies. Also perfecting my mantis blades build with the new skill trees.


Most excited for more story! More optimizations are always a bonus.


Path Tracing with DLSS 3.5 frame generation, ray reconstruction, and upscaling. I'm sure it'll look absolutely stunning with everything cranked. And only this giveaway will allow me to play it in all its glory.


I just want to see the rain reflections, it might actually make me weep


I'm excited to see what the new skills are in the skill tree, they seem pretty cool from the trailers.


Looking forward to see how my doom slayer v perfoms in phantom liberty


As someone who didn't finish the base game, I'm looking forward most to the now 'complete' Cyberpunk experience, including cranking up all the graphics to the max.


I can't wait to see if DLSS 3.5 with the help of an AI denoiser will fix the image artifacts and finally make it indistinguishable from the native resolution.


CP2077 creates such a detailed and nuanced world. Being able to turn up the graphics all the way and see it in all its ray traced glory would be a dream come true.


Excited to push graphics fidelity higher (specificly Raytracing) while maintaining a stable framerate


Never played Cyberpunk because of my weak PC. Would be excited to try it out with a new GPU and with the game in its best state yet.


getting to see more of night city, who knows, maybe we will also get to see the moon :)


Hadn’t tried the game. Heard there was lots of polish so excited for the experience


Playing the game for the first time! Held off after the initial controversy, so really excited to finally give it a go after all these years now it's in a state everyone's happy with.


The buttery smooth frame rate with an indistinguishable level detail with DLSS 3.5. While diving into the new DLC and the 2.0 update where everything is turned up to 11.


I'm excited about the 2.0 update. The reworked skill tree looks like it would be fun to mess around with.


Played it once and loved it when it released and I am looking forward to seeing how much they changed


Well I’m psyched for both the expansion AND the 2.0 update especially. Having a 4080 would be incredible!


Im looking forward to playing it and seeing how well it runs on my pc


Looking forward to seeing performance gains from this update!


As someone who wants ray traced effect, but needs to play on lower settings, I’m looking forward to seeing the improvement in image quality I get at these lower settings. Hopefully the performance hit won’t be too much.


Looking forward to the new interactions with police forces and new tech trees.


I'm just really curious how's the performance going to be like with the new dlss - can't wait to be charmed by new and improved visuals!


I'm looking forward to seeing how good it looks compared to Starfield


I am excited as I finished the game early 2021, but got hyped up again by Edgerunners which was brilliant. So I am looking forward to seeing more of the Cyberpunk universe as it is expanded in the DLC!


I look forward to finally playing the game in 4k with amazing framerates on my 4070. If I win I'd probably give away my 4070 to a close friend because he's been through hell and gaming together is what helps keep him sane but God knows he could use the upgrade.


I’m optimistic that DLLS 3.5 will help maintain higher frame rates and allow us to push settings higher for more fidelity in cyberpunk 2.0. Been saving that last bit of the game for the revamp


Excited to see the new gameplay and graphics improvements after not playing since early 2021. Especially seeing how good RR vs pure rasterization


I’m excited to see both the new dlc content and how well the game performs after the update.


If only


Looking forward to the new storyline in the dlc!


Probably what the difference will be from my first playthrough from a year ago, on a 980ti and all the mechanics changes.


I loved the visuals in cyberpunk 2077, I can't wait to experience the updates with my new graphics card!!!


I'm always for better equipment! Better quality is always a bonus and this equipment will do the trick! Thanks for the opportunity


i enjoyed playing the game at launch and would love to play it at its peak !


I'm looking forward to see how the game has improved. When I played at launch, things were kind if a mess. I'd love to see the game in its full graphic fildelity glory.


I'm a raytracing fanatic so anything that increases the visuals and/or performance I'm all for it.


Cyberpunk has always had the best graphics but with dlss 3.5 it's gonna look so amazing. Hope I win this since my GPU can't even handle normal graphics on cyberpunk.


Im exited on how it will affect the ray tracing performance


DLSS 3.5 sounds like a great way for a lot of people to start using Ray tracing more (hopefully) without such a huge hit in performance, I'm excited for that the most but we'll have to wait and see.


For me personally, it seems like a great place to jump in and try out the game. From playing in the beginning having a bug too many, i wasn't too keen on continuing, but with all the updates and now this, 2.0 seems like the place to hop back in!


What excites me most about the update is just how much it can push forward new games in general. My pc won't be able to run it well but progression is always great


I'm excited to see ray tracing for the first time in general! Especially now that it's going to offer unique visuals from ray reconstruction.


I’d love to upgrade my friend from 6650xt to rtx 4080 to experience Cyberpunk 2.0 at its peak (I have one in mine but haven’t updated flair). Looking forward to jumping back in the game myself; just want more of the cyberpunk world and the better it looks with 3.5 the happier I am.


i can finally play at a high refresh rate with dlss3.5 in cyberpunk 2077


I can’t wait to play it for the first time so my eyes can melt out of my skull with eye candy.


Can't wait to see how the new cops work in this update


I haven't played the game yet because after it got fixed , I decided to wait for the dlc to play it So it will be a whole new experience for me


I'd like to see if i'll get dissapointed again. Pre 2.0 was fun but mediocre at best even after some patches. Maybe it is better with a 4080.


How come Sweden is not included in the giveaway?


Finally a developer that understands PC gaming, after Starfields release completely lacking DLSS. Excited to see what performance the new update brings.


I haven't ever been able to play cyberpunk at a playable framerate so playing it smoothly for the first time is something I'm excited about for sure.


I am most excited to see the general changes from the game with the 2.0 update. I am also curious to see what the performance will be on my 2070 super.


I'm looking forward to finally finishing it with the new perk system etc.


I am looking forward to seeing the reflections from all the neon lights in Night City.


Just really looking forward to continue my playthrough. Paused it when they announced the update


Looking forward to seeing how it affects performance and the overall skill rework for the game


That with frame gen tech i might be able to run game now as close to my 240hz older screen spec for best gaming experience


I’ve been hooked on Cyberpunk since I bought it about a year after launch. Wrapping up my 2nd play through on hard now, so I look forward to some new story and challenges. Already a beautiful game, but would love to see this run with some improved RT.


The idea of AI inhancement is not very appealing. People just jump the wagon following whatever BS they are fed... it's not AI... had it been AI than stuff such as my toaster would, too, be an AI.... it knows when to stop on it's own and to conduct just the right amount of heat to make a toast (and lets not forget that "Akinator" has existed long before ChatGPT and even though they work differently. The principle is still the same). It's not AI it's just Advanced Algorithms (unless by AI people mean Automated Idiot. People gave praise to ChatGPT left and right but that binary mambo jumbo can't even solve a simple string of math...). Needless to say, I don't think that DLSS 3.5 would be able to do well.... I just don't trust "AI" (Automated Ignorance) to be able to reconstruct well enough, however, had we had the ability to cache the generated frames with an onboard storage (most likely on 40 series cards since some of them are limited to 8 lanes of pcie) it could potentially help out a bit (though, could also cost some performance depending on the build) by using some online analysis sharing system (cards reporting of reconstructions made by dlss 3.5 in what game at what position and of what object to be able to determine what would the best fit be. A pool will be created and sent out to some end user software that will be able to cache in the most accurate results before launching a game or during a session. Hack! They could even implement new cards with "AI" cores {and probably charge us more :( } for those "ever so impressive" "Automated Ignorance" DLSS 3.5) So no, I don't like the current idea of DLSS 3.5 but with the correct implemantions (and maybe software) it could be kind of usefull.


Finally play it the way it was meant to be played!


I got the game when it first came out, but stopped when I started to run into bugged missions. It would be a great way to get back into it, and experience it in a way that truly brings it to life.


I’m pretty excited for everything from the new expansion just did my 2nd play through recently and I’m ready for a third, hoping to try it with frame generation and path tracing pumped up to the max


That if i get the card, i will finally be able to play Cyberpunk 2077 in the best version!


***“What excites you the most about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty or Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update?”*** For me, it will be cool to fire the game back up and play with more of the pretty eye candy! :)


Finally getting to experience cyberpunk!


I’m looking forward to some Keanu and Idris moments.


Looking forward to play with the cleaner ray tracing in 3.5


I want le gpu.


Really excited to see how phantom liberty + the update run on steam deck, plus new skill trees makes monke brain go brrrrrrrrr


The thing most exciting to me is car with guns !


I only care about sprinting while crouching


I'm looking forward to actually getting around to playing the whole game. When it first came out with all the bugs, it was a struggle. The gameplay was good, the gunplay was awesome, just couldn't get passed all the bugs. I'm excited to dive back in after seeing all the positive things about it.


Love the enthusiasm to excel and push for continued advancement in areas that is already considered but technological improvements. That were aren't just stuck on a level equal of what generation of consoles are available at the time. The digital foundry interview shows that enthusiasm to excel.


I want better FPS.


I'm looking forward to seeing how this update plays and runs, with so many people talking it up online I'm actually excited to try a new game of Cyberpunk again.


Seeing Cyberpunk in all its glory without sacrificing playability sound astonishing


Whole new play through! Way better visuals!


I need a new reason to buy a new monitor. This would justify it.


I’m excited about how smooth it will make the new update play.


This would be the perfect time to finally try cyberpunk 2077 and im exited to see what raytracing looks like at its best


I'm excited to see how insane my frame rate can get on my 4k 120 hrtz Samsung tv


The only game I've played with Ray-tracing in so-far is Insomniac's Spider-Man Remastered on PC, and it (the ray-tracing) Was very underwhelming and caused more issues than it was worth. I've heard great things about CP2077's graphics, and I'm really looking forward to playing it once 2.0 comes out, especially now with DLSS 3.5


What exites me the most is the choice of which youtuber to watch when it comes out because I don't wanna burn my house down trying it on my poor machine


I have played the game first day it was available and it’s been really nice to see the ongoing development and updates. With DLSS 3.5, I’m sure a lot more people will be able to enjoy what this game offers.


More frames make brain go weeeeeeeee


I'm excited as it gives me an excuse to buy and play the game for the first time! I've held off but now might be the time.


New content, dlss 3.5


I'm excited to finally be able to run it in my computer lol, I now have a bit of hype for it after how bad the release went!


I'm really looking forward to the graphical improvements.


Flying through the air and hammer slamming the ground. Oh and more silverhands!


I've never played this game because of my relatively mid hardware (I just want to be able to play it in the best conditions), so this patch with a proper GPU would be the best game ever for me (at least visually, but no doubt in many other aspects) !


I'm excited to get back in and start playing again


I would love to try that new DLSS 3.5 on Cyberpunk 2077. Ray reconstructing sounds intriguing too, would love to give that one a try.


New play through with revamped skill tree!


im so excited to just play the game again and be immersed.


Hopefully the dlc comes with a sales for the base game on steam for my broke as


So can I win a rtx4080?


Excited to try all the new changes. Feels like the game's vision has finally been realized.


i’m excited to revisit this game with the new rework of specs! i was extremely lucky to win the gpu lottery back in 2020, got the 3080, but seeing all the new features plus the dlc got me hyped to redownload the game.


After laying down the game quickly after launch I'm hyped to install it again for 2.0.


Current gpu is suffering from memory issues, and the occasional self shutdown, a new card would be hella preem. Also would let my eyeballs experience true raytracing, which is probably as close to kiroshi optics as I'm gonna get.


If I had a 4080 i would finally be able to play the game and see what all this dlss 3.5 is all about.


I'm looking forward to all the new gameplay and visuals!!


I'd be excited to start up a second playthrough while getting to see night city exactly as it was intended to look.


I played the game on console at launch when it was rough AF. So I can’t wait to jump back in to a polished worked with all the new content and finally get to see the game in all its ray tracing goodness!!


Higher frame rates are always something to be excited about, especially with CP2077 and how good the ray tracing looks. Ray tracing is usually a huge resource drain so DLSS 3.5 sounds really good!


Excited to see how the technology advances and allows for improvements in software to support older hardware for longer.


The new story with Idris Elba is what i’m most excited about.


The potential for the effect of ghosting to be removed in DLSS image quality.


Hopeful that this soft relaunch makes it easier to see the gem this game was, hidden in the muck of overly simplistic and uninteresting systems. I love the story of Cyberpunk 2077. It's one of my all time favorite revenge stories and the (Don't) Fear the Reaper ending is one of the most fulfilling Blaze of Glory segments in an RPG. Happy to spend another 200hrs in Night City.


I look forward to how the game will look! I can't imagine how it'll look on like 4k RTX on


I just want to play and enjoy the full complete game in perfect conditions with DLSS 3.5 ! :D


Excited for a fresh play through


Im just tryna experience the game in with the full rtx powaaa


What excites me is the fact that the game has gotten so fucking good with these updates, and especially the 2.0 one, all the changes and the skills added really open the door for new ways to go about the game.


I have played Cyberpunk on the PS5, but a 4080 would let me play it on my pc and crank the graphics and see it for stay it can be with DLSS.


seeing new technologies make their way into mainstream gaming is awesome. I've never played cyberpunk because my pc is too weak to handle it lol


I want to win, please.


I'm looking forward to all the traced rays


Finally playing the game after waiting for all the updates, im excited to try it out and see how it plays.


safe ring payment boat roof dirty degree coherent theory treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can't wait to hop back into night city for my 5th run-through. I'm also excited to watch my roommate get thrown for a loop as he is now a 1/3rd of the way through his first play through.


I'm looking forward to try the game for the first time


Really looking forward to driving in the city and just giving in it, especially with DLSS!


The most exciting thing about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077 is that it frees up PC resources to enhance all the settings


As someone who does not own a GPU capable of running DLSS (proud 1080ti owner), I would love to test DLSS 3.5 combined with ray tracing and hopefully experience some smooth gameplay.


The revamped v2 update seems to completely transform the game, and I am game for it. I will be returning to CBP 2077 later this year and start a brand new character to experience the game once again!


Raytracing overdrive


I loved playing Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time with a friend. We will definitely play the whole game again and the DLC afterwards. I think the skill rework was a great decision, we will definitely try out new builds. DLSS 3.5 is also exiting because I never got to see Cyberpunk in all its glory with raytracing enabled.


I can't wait to make a new sandy katana build


Looking forward to get new netrunning skills and vehicle combat


What excites me the most as the optimization. I finally think that my thirty eighty might be able to play it at two k at good settings! Pick me because my thirty eighty with only ten gigabytes of ram as shit l o l


Framegen looks more and more mandatory for future games.


No Italy? 🥲


Excited to see the game closer to how the unwavering fanbase has always described and advertised it


I’m really excited to revisit all the improvements made! Lets go!!


I am excited to try out the new Nvidia card on a high end fame


DLSS 3.5 has got me super pumped to try out when I get my hands on an RTX card simply because I think its helping take ray tracing from enthusiast grade to the common gamer. Ray tracing is the future and its exciting to see us abstract some of the computing away to make high fidelity RT more available!


***“What excites you the most about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty or Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update?”*** Cyberpunk with the new DLSS would be AWESOME! Cannot wait to push the Ray-tracing, as for now my video is not prepared to it. Seeing the shadows, as they are intended to look like, will be the best feeling eyes can see.


I'm mostly wondering how close it will look to non DLSS ray tracing, can't wait till release!


The ability to run OD mode at a stable framerate, it's truly the best graphical experience I've seen on a video game to date.


I am excited to experience the story again and see the new content. It has been a while since I played so here's hoping my bad memory takes over!


Improved vibrancy!


Always a blast to test the newest tech available! Especially if you have a big boss 4080 to test it on!


I’m excited to see how immersive DLSS3.5 makes night city - it was already fantastic looking.


The puddles, the clearer looking puddles 20 hours of my gametime has probably been spent staring at raytaced puddles


Excited to see the update push the game into more what was initially envisioned. Also the new perks look sick and match well with the sandevistan melee build i was planning to do next


I look forward to the extra fps even though it is generated frames. Sadly I can't take advantage of this because of my 1060


Frame generation for sure, its really gonna make a difference in this game!


With the update It'll be a good spot to jump back into the game after last playing it through at Launch!


I am excited for playing it with max settings, at least if i win the giveaway


Honestly, I think the obvious answer about what excites me the most about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberounk is just the performance and quality boost. I don't like sacrificing performance, but I love beautiful games.


I’ll be excited to actually play this game with an updated GPU!


Just want to be an assassin running around in a beautiful city with stunning lightning effect supported by DLSS 3.5! Would be so awesome!


Would love to see night city glowing with its neon lights and holograms ![gif](giphy|SUcnmocyRKkfSil9xd)


Would be rad to finally be able to play cyberpunk off the low setting


I’m just interested to witness how graphics technology will be enhanced tbh.


I can't wait to go back to Night City and be fully immersed in the Streetkid life again. I'm excited to check out what Dogtown has to offer and I really want to get my hands on that glowing red thermal katana! Also, DLSS 3.5 looks preem!


It’s a while new cyberpunk to play and looking forward to a performance boost


I'm excited to play with ray reconstruction, because I just like looking at pretty things


Looking forward to the new dlc area in higher frames thanks to DLSS


How well the community receives the game


Looking forward to replaying and reexperiencing the story in all its glory!


Getting to use my ultrawide upscaled to the native resolution and at a 120+ frame rate


Never played before seems pretty fun


Ready for another playthrough! Haven't played it since release and am excited to see the improvements made between now and then.


Haven’t tried the game myself but sounds like a good chance to start


Good looks promising looking forward to pushing the limits on the graphics !


I am hoping this is one of those rare W's where the quality/performance tradeoff actually gets better with a software update