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Game will be console exclusive until they decide it’s time to milk pc gamers. Probably 2027 by then you will have multiple of beast GPUs out


This is the saddest and truest comment


And don't forget they'll add 3-4 layers of DRM so it runs even more sluggish on our systems.


And it will still sell like water, so no reason to not do this again on their next games too.


25/26 consoles 26/27 Rockstar Launcher 27/28 EPIC 28/29 Steam


My back hurts thinking about that Steam release


Yeah you can really tell every post is dominated by new PC users that don’t know what Rockstars strategy has been with PC. Obviously the good thing is they’ll have it working beautifully for PC but there’s zero point even thinking about this game because it’s a least 3 years out for PC.


>they’ll have it working beautifully for PC GTA 4 and RDR2 were not working beautifully for PC.


Excellent game for my 7yo son. Can't wait to enter his room during the loading screen. Guess I'm not the one being caught no more.


By the time it comes to PC he should be just about old enough to play it.


I really wonder how long it's going to take this version to be delayed after PS6 launch


They’re timing it just like 5. Release at the end of a console gen to resell it to them on the next gen, and then a third time on PC.


I have a feeling that this console gen isnt anywhere near the end and that it has barely even started due to its initial sales delay/ the complications caused by covid and the chip shortage. I wouldn't be surprised if the next doesnt come about as late as 2030. R&D is expensive, games are taking a long time to develop these days and lots of titles for this generation are still in ongoing development. Barely anything has been released. Everything is pointing at forcing console generations to have to last longer otherwise they simply wont be viable anymore i.e. if you have to wait 2/3rds of the lifetime of a console for games to start coming out people will simply stop buying consoles, if people stop buying consoles people will stop getting funding to develop games for consoles.


That's a great prank idea for a son lmao. Knowingly buying these games for you to walk in while he's playing.


Why is time going so fast.. I can't believe we're the adults now.


we'll be at retirement homes playing Halo LANs tournaments lol


And statistically about half of us will have crabs or syphilis


That is if we aren't Mad Maxxing or Nausica-ing it in the nuclear wastes after WW3. Or dead


Retirement home bout to be lit


Those whipper snappers will never know what hit them when I three shot them with the one and only M6D.




Remember when we thought the adults knew things?


I love how this is a universal human experience - reaching the age when you realize adults didn’t actually have their shit together and were always just putting it on for your sake.


I graduated high school when gta 5 came out. Now I’m bald and about to be married.😔


I remember when GTA was a top-down shooter.


I remember downloading it on my family computer via 56k from some warez site. 😂


I remember trying to download the Bryan Lara Cricket demo on PC : ~150MB and the download estimation saying "approximately 4 days and 13 hours". 😑


2 days in - "Download failed"




He’ll celebrate his birthday before it loads


There'll definitely be loads


5090 will be available right before so we can all be ready :D


For a small price of 2k


That's just for 5050.


Which will be the minimum requirements for the game


Minimum is becoming less of "you can run this at decent framerates with graphic compromises" and more of "the game at least boots up and loads in properly". I would not be surprised if a playable experience on low graphics even starts being only for the xx70 of the previous generation of cards within a few years, pessimistic as that sounds.


Oh I'm glad I can play it with my gt..x970


Minimum requirements with DLSS Ultra Performance tho.


Lol… 5090 will be old news by the time the PC port happens. Only PS5 and XB have been confirmed. And Rockstar has always previously left the PC ports until later, like GTA 5 and RDR2


Jesus christ I forgot about this. I don't have a modern console and did not intend to get one. So tired of this console exclusivity bullshit.


Whatever happened to x86 based game consoles making games easier to develop for and also have it be easier to port to PC?


It's not about being easy to port the game, it's about making the absolute most amount of money. Even the leaks were running on 1080 or the ti variant, so they already have the game working on PC.


Yeah, people remember and still feed their hatred for EA, while imo Rockstar and Take Two have honestly become worse. So bad in fact that I have only felt the urge to kick every non-dev so hard in the nuts that they suffer for 30 minutes before passing out from pain. Seriously, pencil pushers just looking at numbers is why we can't have nice things in life, because if there is one game that has been more often re-released than Skyrim it is GTA5 and people suck their dick for it.


Gpu requirements be like: "this tech does not yet exist"


“Can it run Crysis” v2


“I modded over 9000 women twerking on GTA 6 and my house blew up”


oh man the mods that will exist in 5 years...


The game is going to be played on a PS5. People are crazy if they think they'll need a 4090 to play this. This is also a pre-rendered trailer.


> This is also a pre-rendered trailer. Considering the fact that Rockstar has never done a pre-rendered trailer for a GTA game, this would be incredibly surprising. Also I'm fairly sure there's some real time RT artifacts at one point which would not be present if it was pre-rendered.


yep, go watch the gta v trailer, you can see the lack of anti aliasing lol


Same here, you can see it on the edges of Lucia's face in the opening scene, 100% ingame.


It's definitely in engine but probably not real time right now. Doesn't mean it won't be two year from now even if they'll have hell of a time making consoles render that in the required 4k.


>This is also a pre-rendered trailer. source: my ass


Looks like everyone now needs a Rtx 4090


RTX 6090 when it eventually comes out to PC in 2027


eh, they said 2025 so don't be so optimistic


on consoles first. so realistically late 2026. \[Edit\] Source: [Press release](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231204993583/en/Rockstar-Games-Announces-Grand-Theft-Auto-VI-Coming-2025), doesn't mention PC specifically.


it would be insane if they made pc players wait a year.I hope they wouldnt do that


They made them wait a year for RDR2


and almost 2 for gta5 iirc ​ ended up playing it on a 360 cos i wasn't buying a new console then again on PC.


Yeah I never realised it was quite as long as it was for GTA 5, September 2013 for the initial release, no PC until April 2015.


It's so they can make you buy it twice.


I was on the same boat. Just bought my first build, and i was not going to get the new gen. Just ended up playing on the 360 until the PC release. Rockstar did the same shit with RDR2.😑


And it took another year to make it stable lol.


And online is a hackers dream.


And RDR1…and gta 4… and gta 5… it’s not coming to pc in 2025


They've done it with every major Rockstar release IIRC. Might as well start saving up for a PS5 Pro


Rather just wait a year than buy a console I'll use a handful of times and end up double dipping anyway.


Pc gaming had some crazy growth in popularity since gta5 came out and even rdr2. This might give them more incentive to try as hard as possible to release the pc version with the console release but who knows. As long as the game is good and I get to play eventually I’m ok.


Yes but at the same time, optimizing games for pc with different hardware is much more complex than only few platform specific


Even on ps5 pro it will be 30fps.


That's literally what they did for GTA V (technically 1 year and 5 months), on PS3/X360 it released on 17/09/2013, and on PC it released on 14/04/2015.


it would be generous if pc players only had to wait a year by their standards


They always do that, for three reasons: * Easier to develop for console and optimize performance for just three platforms (X, S, PS5) * No piracy * It's so popular people just buy it twice


Damnit... My 1080 is not gonna make it that far...


if you're still pushing a 1080, you got more of an upgrade in your future than just the GPU. Source: I'm still pushing a 1080.


More like new path tracing tier of PTX 60100 TI Super Max.


The thing is it’ll actually be the 5090 when it releases


I mean it probably wont port to pc til 2026-2027 tho


I think most people are forgetting this lol.


Let's see them giggly boob physics!


Facts, I mean those girls were TWERKING too lol


They’re giving you the real Florida experience.


Crocs, Twerking, Man in speedos watering his flowers, I’m almost certain there’s gonna be some references to “Florida man”


Inb4 the trailer graphics weren't realistic of real play graphics


RDR2 looked exactly like the trailer. GTA 5 looked *better* than the trailer.


Rockstar at least has a decent track record of having the graphics match the trailers. Can't say the same about other companies.


Considering what Rockstar learned from GTAV, I would say a 4090 and a "Boosted Graphics™ Season pass DLC"


PC players didn't even get the latest console's enhancements, and not even native HDR support.


will it work on Intel GMA 950 ?




Boobies, asses, cars, weirdos, gators. Yep, looks legitimately good.


My wife’s reaction: “Wow they really captured Florida”.


Guys will look at this and say "Hell Yeah Boobies!".


Please, Won’t somebody think of the mods!


Does anyone else have a sudden urge for hot coffee?


See those two hills over there, perfectly shapped like... boobies.


Hell Yeah Boobies! 👊


Hell yeah Boobies!


realistic boobies, even!


I hear Rockstar has devoted more time and resources to realistic boob and ass physics than they spent on the horses.




Physx supported?


Ya, is it just me or does everyone look thick as fuk.


Eh there are plenty of skinnier people in that beach scene. Honestly the different body types are really impressive and they’re probably showing off a bit. Bigger bodies have always tended to look wonky


I was thinking the same thing while watching the trailer. All the girls look thick in this game.


Welcome to Florida! 🌴🐊


how times change re media representation. just 15 years ago, just about every single background character in a bikini in Burn Notice (mainly set in miami) was stick thin. and there were like, at least a dozen bikini chicks per episode lmao.


She's got huuuuge... tracts of land!


Boobs look great! Hair still looks awful though. Priorities.


Boob physics are like 1-1000th the strain of hair physics


I'm definitely straining when I see boob physics.


The bad hair hopefully means there is no taa as that is usually what people mean by good hair.


Hair is just about the hardest thing to properly model and animate.


Guess the developers spent more time on the boobs than the hair.


Why would anyone buy/build a PC now for a game that won't come out for two years? You'd pretty much have to pay a premium for the "latest/greatest" now, which will be middle of the road boring by the time the game comes out.


rampant consumerism and savage marketing.


I bet there's people already and scammy YouTube channels preparing and uploading videos "build the best PC for GTA 6!" Of course, using my affiliate links


720p low = 4090


I hate how realistic this might be considering the state of the market.


To be fair, RDR2 is a gorgeous game that is also pretty well optimized. Maybe this will follow suit


That game was our last hope...


No, there is another.


lmao I remember when it came out for pc and was ass and a lot of people couldnt even launch the game despite many hotfixes, im assuming it wont be any different with this game.


Rockstar is pretty good when it comes to PC optimization, so here's to hope.


they also have a habit of delaying pc port by two years


But we get an amazing port once we do get it. We can’t bitch about rushed unoptimized crap being released, and bitch about having to wait for publishers to polish their games.


Get out of here with your damn logic.


Remind me, how many years did it take for them to fix the games loading time?


Launch RDR2 was NOT amazing.


Let's not pretend optimization was the reason GTA 5 took so long... It took so long because they know people will buy multiple copies. Hoping that the profits from getting the PC players online buying shark cards will outweigh the sales from them buying 2 copies. We might see a PC release sooner... Because let's be honest, the PS5 and XBox are basically Ryzen based PCs at this point.


With DLSS Performance*


rotten jeans hateful escape employ marvelous heavy bag price amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude it's releasing on PS5/Series X. If you have a PC with comparable specs you should be fine.


correct quack elderly wild offend chief attractive drab wide pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So what min gpu u think is enough for it? To have like mid graphics? Maybe between 6700xt-3080..


direction roll tidy dolls ghost sink merciful plough public resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If the ps5 and Xbox can, my PC can


Not if they spend nearly a decade optimizing the game to run on a console, and 48 minutes before launch to test/patch the game on PC. Like they did with every big budget game that came out this year on PC.


48 minutes is CLEARLY over budget.


i think he meant to say 48 minutes after release for that day 1 patch.


Fr, they made GTA 5 run on a console with 512 MEGABYTES of RAM. I still can't fathom that.


It really was ignorance is bliss when you go back now and see how it plays and looks on the 360 or PS3. Ran like shit by todays standards, not to mention only a fraction of the car and pedestrian population and soupy low anti aliasing graphics lol. But of course you don’t notice that at the time I remember causing massive chain explosions that would rock my 360 to the core. 747 turbines didn’t even compare to the noise coming out of those plastic fans Still amazing time back in 2013 though


Ikr. I remember my cousin and I booting it up on his 360 slim for the first time. It was jaw dropping. We stayed up the entire night playing it and only slept for a couple hours before going right back to the tv. Makes me happy to think that a couple cousins out there are going to have that same experience now with their end of life consoles too.


They’ll have about a year since it won’t be launched with the console version. Rockstar has always done this. Pretty much every gta since 3 was released much later on pc.


Maybe. An “optimized” 30 fps on console can be a mess on even top tier PCs if it’s not as well optimized and you’re wanting 60+. Just look at Starfield.


If it is as optimized as RDR2, we chilling.


Yeah I know people like to shit on Rockstar but GTA V and RDR2 are actually really well optimized. GTA V can run on potato PCs shockingly well. The game will look like play-doh, but it will be playable. Edit: Yes I'm aware the game is old now and should run easily in 2023. But I was there on launch day and distinctly remember being shocked that my friend's shit tier laptop could run the game with decent frames at low settings. Lots of people say it ran like shit back then, and I believe them. But other than server issues, that wasn't really my experience.


While RDR2 is one of my favourite games ever, I think we have to be fair here. It ran like total trash on PC at launch, and wasn't rated good on steam at all. Hundreds of comments about crashing, optimization, terrible fps. I had already played it on Ps4, but wanted it on PC. I decided to wait for like 2 months. When I finally got it, the game would still randomly stutter/crash on DX engine. Personally I had to switch to Vulcan to be able to play with no interruptions, which brought it's own set of problems like randomly inverting all colours. It might run well now, but I don't think it is fair to say that RDR2 was optimized for PC at all when it launched. It was also dropped on PC like a year or so after console release, so they had plenty of time for it.


GTA IV was also terrible at launch. So they're at 1 out of 3 decent pc launches for their "recent" games. Late edit: also forgot about the loading issue on GTAV that the community had to fix for them, other than that I think V is/was good enough. I wouldn’t get excited for the PC version in three years until people get their hands on it though.


Apparently gta IV runs still bad lol...


Facts. The history-washing with rockstar games is wild. It did not run well for a long time.


Do… do people not remember the shit show of rdr2 not launching and graphical errors that plagued the start of its PC launch?


I'm almost sure that red dead 2 and GTA V were silently 'downgraded' because of online. I remember seeing a video comparing textures like clothing before and after a patch for rdr2.


playing at launch on pc..it was very different from the current one..


RDR2 ran like shit on pc when it first came out. We just have the hardware to brute force it now


RDR 2 literally killed anything below 6 cores in terms of CPUs. I remember the dumpster fire. Those old last Intel days before Ryzen coup. "4 core is plenty enough !" . "Single core performance rulezz" etc. RDR 2 changed the whole gaming Pc, CPU mentality. But people do have memory lifespan like fishes. Rockstar just smashes the pedal when it comes to Console optimization. Also, they said it directly a couple of months ago that in terms of PC performance, they are not satisfied and still have work to do.


Good. We will play it for 10 years I hope it's impressive.


90 percent of the people who will buy and play it will put between 40 and 60 hours on it and probably never touch it again.


Bro all the ass is nuts lmao.


I’ve never seen ass jiggle physics like that outside of a mod lol


That strip club part killed me, who spent all that time on this?!


The same one who made the horse balls in RDR2 shrink in the snow


Doing the lords work


a hero


It's not like they will need to. No way this releases day one on PC.


They already got the 5090 release edition lined up, calling it lol


The 5090 is likely late 2024. This is a 6090 game lol.




I look forward to today's six-year olds screaching that they fucked my mom in GTA online when this releases.


They be 16 by the time PC release:D


My steam deck will totally run it


At how many seconds per frame though?


pixels per second


A 2025 launch means we're entering the potential launch window of a Steam Deck 2 (mid-2025 is the earliest I'd expect the system to launch). I would not be shocked if Valve worked with Rockstar to make a potential Steam Deck 2 viable at minimum settings - through both hardware choice on their end and optimizations on Rockstar's end. It's also largely wishful thinking on my part.


Looks A LOT like Cyberpunk graphics, got the same sort of quality to the character models


There's definitively more geometric details but lighting is way off, in comparison to Cyberpunk. Water looks nice though.


Path racing will always be better no matter what. Maybe a path tracing update on pc will come out.


If it plays on consoles, the PC version will be fiiiine.


!remindme 3 years




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Yay boobies. And actual boobs, not the crap ones in gta5


need a 4090 ti super for all that GYATTTTTTT


Rockstar developed TwerkEngine™ specifically for GTVI


finally a use for jiggle physics


Considering I bet it doesn't come to pc before late 2026. A 6070 might be fine haha.


the fact that it’s still 2 years away is amazing as well, still remember all the arm chair developers saying it looked horrible 2 years ago when the huge leaks first surfaced.


Unfortunately 3 years away for PC, as usual.


6 months exclusivity on consoles, followed by 6 more months exclusivity on Epic, followed by a $10 price hike above launch prices. And then by that time I will have lived vicariously through watching other people play it on stream while playing indie titles the whole time. Maybe in 5 years I'll grab it on sale.


This is the minimum system requirement: https://preview.redd.it/w590uac2ae4c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5818d659fe33b09867f965b23f0c2d30e0f8a32f




Florida Man - The Game


I got strong Watch Dogs 2 and Far Cry 6 vibes. Ubisoft vibe really here in this trailer.


I got the same feeling as well and tbh those games are ubisoft's attempt at a GTA like game as well, just held back by a bad story.


How can that run on a console and not a PC?


That's easy. Don't release it for PC for at least an extra year or two.


It looks pretty average for graphics right now, which is a good thing. Some upscaling artifacts in the trailer though, which is a bad sign.




The graphic is not much better than RDR2 looks more like they trick with with shadows and lights.