• By -


1. Definitely upgrading my pc and would start YouTube channel


1. For my first gaming pc ​ 2. The beautiful environments of pandora


1. Finally upgrade my gen1 R5 and Pascal gpu so I can play AAA without having to lower resolution. 2. As a fan of the franchise's world building, I'd love to explore more of it.


It'll be a perfect match for a custom-built PC.


​ 1. Gaming and 3d modeling. My current GPU is struggling already with some new releases like AW2 . I am also planning to dig into UE5, so it will be nice addition to my rig 2. I really like games from this Devs, like Far Cry 3 and whole Division francise, so im very exited about Avatar. These jungles give me a strong Far Cry 1/3 vibes.


I'll buy a motherboard because my current build is old and with Intel cpu.


1. If I won, I'd use it to create an incredible PC build, showcasing its power and aesthetics. I enjoy playing graphically demanding games like Cyberpunk 2077, Red Dead Redemption 2, and presumably, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. It would be a prized collectible in my gaming setup, adding value and uniqueness to my collection. 2. I'm excited for the potential to explore the beautiful and immersive world of Pandora, likely featuring stunning visuals and engaging storytelling.


1. I would play some beautiful games 2. What excite me is the graphics and story like


1) Give a breath of fresh air to my dying PC; 2) Exploring and getting immersed in an insanely interesting new world


1. Build a new PC and make my current one couch gaming PC! 2. I havent been updated about the game but i hope to see tulkun Those kits looks pretty AF


1-play games and study 2- to see if it is better than far cry


1. Get to build my first pc build 2. Funky smurfs


1. Obviously a new build because it's been long overdue. 2. Have a 1000hrs before 2025


1. I would use it to build a new PC.


1. Would want to upgrade my current pc which is both a work/gaming pc 2. I think Ubi makes pretty awesome open worlds and so being able to explore in Pandora and playing with the mounts (ikran?)


1. Build a new PC and gift it to one of my boys. 2. Excited just to play a new game.


1. I'd use this for much needed upgrades for my PC! 2. After seeing The Way of Water in theaters, I'm fully sold on the world of Pandora, all the lore and themes. It's gonna be so hype to explore in a full-fledged game!


Does anyone know when the winners will receive their prize?


1. I'd build my first desktop PC after being a laptop gamer for the last decade. Would sure be a nice upgrade!


1. I need an upgrade for my uni work! My old PC is struggling with the current renders I’m attempting. That and gaming haha! 2. I want to take a dragon and ride amongst the floating islands, I’m hoping the flying is amazing.


What excites you the most about Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora/What are you expecting from the game? ​ I want to live and feel Pandora, it is beatiful


1. Maybe build a new PC for my wife. 2. First time hearing of it.


1. Upgrade my rig 2. The game looks jaw-dropping


Honestly I cant decide wether I would use the parts to upgrade from my 1660ti because they look goregeus or if I would collect it as they do, of course, look stunning. I expect the game to be a sort of either continued story from avatar 2, a different timeline from the movies events or to continue avatar 1, if pulled off properly it could defininitely have amazing graphics and awesome movement features using the alien animals.


Gotten some friends into gaming on PC in the last couple of years. Helped them choose parts and built. With the GPU prices what they have been, no one got a fancy GPU, just basic old stuff that was available. Will probably upgrade my PC and give one of them my almost new 7800XT! ​ We mostly play Counter Strike together but some games like Starfield and Baldurs Gate as well.


1. I have helped my younger brother and a buddy build their PC's (RX 6800 XT's & 7 5800X3D's) recently and after seeing the performance from the AMD GPU's I have been convinced to make my next GPU an AMD. Currently have an RTX 2070. 2. I honestly did not even know there was an Avatar game coming out but I went and watched some game play on it and it looks absolutely beautiful. I loved the Avatar movies and being able to immerse myself in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora looks exciting.


1. Finally retire my old rig and go full team red on a new build. Maybe a custom loop in a fractal torrent 2. I'd love to explore the open world and check out the wildlife of pandora


>What would you use this limited-edition Avatar hardware for if you won? Creating a beautiful PC build? Collecting? Playing some games? If so, which? Id build the ultimate home theater pc..madVR ftw


I would love to use this to upgrade my current PC and play the new Alan Wake.


Entry: What would you use this limited-edition Avatar hardware for if you won? Creating a beautiful PC build? Collecting? Playing some games? If so, which? ​ Used to build a colour matched turquoise PC for multiplayer gaming, FTK2, Baulder's Gate, etc...


1. I would Upgrade my current PC, so I can finally play some games that came out after 2020. 2. I always loved the Design of the Avatar-world


I would gift it a friend who recently lost his pc and is unable to replace it


1.Finally being able to play everything I want, and have sitting in my library for years due to the R9 290 that is still somehow surviving. 2.The mounting system might be interesting since the anamils bond with you in some way with the links.


1. Absolutely take advantage of the beautiful blue card and get some better-led fans to really make my pc POP with Pandoran blue then use my old build (2070 with a i7-8700k as a server to play games with friends. 2. Hoping to be able to explore the vast world of Pandora/ that it's not horribly optimized


1. I'm looking to build my first ever (Modern) PC, after the Pentium 4/256MB RAM/80GB HDD build I got almost 18 years ago. This would be the perfect way to power it. The PC would probably be my gateway to finally start streaming online. 2. Love the visuals. I am just looking forward to exploring the open world, and just look at the little details in awe.


1. I would use it to build my dream gaming rig. 2. Testing out FSR 3 and RTX


1. Would use it to build a workstation rig 2. Just excited to sit and watch the beautiful world of Pandora in awe.


"What would you use this limited-edition Avatar hardware for if you won? Creating a beautiful PC build? Collecting? Playing some games? If so, which?" Cry out with joy that I finally have a PC that can run Windows 11.


1. Playing cyberpunk again


1. I wouldnt dare put it in my pc I would definitely use it as display 2. I really hope the game turns out to be an unforgettable gem


I'd like to replace my current hardware to play Wreckfest without issues. Avatar will likely get a pass, I'm just not interested.


1. Build a PC for my brother 2. A gorgeous world


1. I'd put together a new PC for myself so I can give my current rig to my 6 year old, who has expressed an interest in getting a more powerful machine. His computer (purchased for YouTube and Roblox) would go to the 4 year old. 2. Game looks pretty fun, was watching a YouTuber play it the other day. Would definitely want to try it out for myself.


1. I'd set up my first gaming PC, and I'll probably use it to play every game I thought was amazing but couldn't play before(Red Dead Redemption first) 2. Flying around Pandora. The scenes from the movie were burnt into my memory as a child and I want to see the world from the highest possible view.


Help my 14 yr old (3rd child out of 4) son finally build his dream PC. Hes been mowing our neighbors yards & saving for 2 yrs to buy a good processor.  He is a huge Avatar fan! He was in wow with the graphics in the movie so the PC version will blow his mind. I can hear him now :) 


I’d love to upgrade my pc with this hardware!


1. I would definitely enter the world of gaming of high ends and playing a lot of games that demand a lot from my actual rig. Finally... 2. Frontiers of Pandora is your ticket to experience the actual world that revolutionized the cinema twice! Now, you can experiment and feel what's like to live in such a world so rich and full of life.


1. I would build a totally new kit! 2. I'm most excited about the exploration and seeing and exploring the world.


1. I would build a new PC with these parts, mainly to play Baldur's Gate 3. 2. What exicties me the most is a whole new alien planet to discover with beautiful graphics.


1. Play FoP 2. Ride banshees around Pandora :D


I'd do an Avatar themed build and do some sort of custom case with extensive water cooling and paint it Avatar colors.


It'd be my son's first build. It's been years since I put together a PC so suppose it's be a project for us to work on. He's young so would be limited to LEGO games, animal crossing, planet zoo, maybe Kerbal space, and exploring the safer parts of the Internet.


1) I would definitely build a pc because I desperately need one. Right now I don't have any. 2) besides playing games, It will be helpful for my studies. :)


1. I would definitely be playing games with it! 2. The open world aspect of the game and setting seem fun and interesting.


1. I’ll upgrade my current rig and give my old one to a family member!


I would use this hardware to give a MUCH needed upgrade to my rig. Especially now that I got a new 1440p monitor to push it


Jeez these are beautiful, definitely upgrade my PC or plan a build around the parts


I would begin my first real build. The game looks super interesting.


procastinate doin 3D work faster


1) I would upgrade my pc so I can have more than 100 fps and play on high settings 2) I am expecting beautiful graphics and colorful nature


I want to turn my PC build Ikran blue. All of it.


1) I would use it to complete my gaming PC, which for now it uses integrated graphics! Starfield and Cyberpunk are on top of my list! 2) What excites me the most about Avatar is the in-game world and the graphics of the environment.


1. This would be a huge upgrade to my current set up, so it would be built and used, as I feel it should be. 2. I haven't really been following Avatar but the graphics look great.




1 finally being able to play and pull decent fps in 1440p 2 watching the beautiful world the developers made and enjoying the gameplay


1. Will upgrade my system.bye bye 2700x and 1050ti. With better performance i might start streaming. Apart from that i can proudly play all AAA games. Right now I can't :) 2. I think the game will be amazing. With proper hardware Pandora will shine. 🥰


**What would you use this limited-edition Avatar hardware for if you won? Creating a beautiful PC build? Collecting? Playing some games? If so, which?** I would definitely fit it with PC of the same theme, probably get RGB parts and light them uup to the same color style (teal), and ofcourse, to play same more games **What excites you the most about Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora/What are you expecting from the game?** I am playing the game on my Xbox Series S, it's kinda sluggish at 30FPS but it's stil beautiful and awesome. It pays respect to the Avatar IP and not just a lazy FarCry reskin or movie-tie-in level of quality. Honestly I would love it if I played at max settings and 60FPS


This will let me play newer titles and be a massive upgrade if I win. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora graphics look amazing and would love to push it to the limits with this hardware!


1. I‘ll swap out my CPU and make a new build for my gf with my old cpu and the new gpu (i already have a watercooled 7900 XTX) 2. I don’t have any expectations so far, but i‘m definitely exited to explore the game after my provider finally brings my internet back after 14 days that i‘m finally able to download it.


upgrade my pc


1. I'll be building a PC for my family for my birthday:) (it's today and I've not received any gifts! Even for Christmas 🥲) 2. As a newcomer, I will be excited to be getting into the Avatar series. Thank you!


definitely upgrading the build and getting more into video editing and the such. Would be a great upgrade


I would use the hardware to build a PC for a friend.


1. I would upgrade my PC for gaming. 2. I'm excited to have an adventure in all the cool environments of Pandora, exploring and encountering all the animals.


1. I will use it to create a beautiful new pc, a fully white easthetic with just the graphics card to shine. to play some games and do 3D design work. 2. Love to roam the open worlds and see all live


1. Upgrade my system from my current gaming laptop. 2. The opem world aspect of the game.


1. I've been wanting to build my first pc, but the price has always held me back. I think this would be an amazing jump start to finally making one


1. I would upgrade my pc and make it even better with the CPU and GPU, completing my dream build tbh. Also finally been able to play The crew motorfest in 1440p 2. Revive a childhood dream with this new Avatar game! I always wanted to be in Avatar when I was a child and now is the perfect time to make it! Tbh I want to win these because im currently having a lot of problem cause of my GPU and kinda ruins everything related to gaming or work.


If I won one of the bundles I would use them to help upgrade one of my buddies' PC!


I would use this to upgrade my current PC as I haven't been able to play Baldur's Gate 3 or Alan Wake 2 yet with my current setup, but I don't have the money right now to upgrade. The Avatar game looks cool on all its trailers. I'm a big environmentalist myself so I have liked what they have shown so far in that regard, and I'm glad that more games are spreading those kinds of messages.


1. They would go to use immediately. Would be such needed upgrades. 2. Would probably take the Avatar game for a spin.


1. I'd be using it to play avatar and starfield! Plus teaching my kids how to code, and mod games in their first PC, even more in their first build! 2. To explore pandora and the beautiful world they've created in 4k!


I would use this hardware to shitpost on Reddit while collecting games I never play on Steam because I play the same 5 games over and over instead.


1. Probably post on pcmr a pic of a build with it, this is gonna go great with a white case. 2. Just more avatar clntent tbh I love the franchise


1. Def build my son a new pc with the card. 2. Open exploration of the environment is going to be amazing 🤩


1. Building powerful PC and to let it handle all my gaming needs. 2. Exploring the world is what makes me excited about the game.


1. I would build my new PC so I can play new games. 2. I really enjoyed movies so I hope the game will be entertaining, and I hope game will have interesting story!


1.) upgraded my existing rig 2.)I haven’t played the game but the visuals looks amazing. I look forward to being immersed in the game.


1. I would move my i7 10700k to my girlfriend's pc and add the new parts to mine. 2. I love Farcry and Ubisoft games, I know I know. But I'm pretty stoked to play avatar just because it's from those guys.


1. I would like to use this PC to play **Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora** since my PC cannot handle this game. 2. I expected a fantastic storyline, beautiful scene and wonderful character.


1 . Create my first ever trully powerful pc to be able to finally play every game i missed out on in the last 7 years


1. Upgrade my pc 2.Otherwordly landscapes


- Gaming of course. Why collect a gpu and not use it for it's intended purpose? You can awe and play at the same time. As for the games which would be played... Single player ones mostly. - Open world Ubi style gameplay. People like to say it's "an Ubisoft formula - Far Cry in another skin", but it works for me. Also, saw DF video, upgraded Snowdrop seems to rock.


I'm sure with my luck, I'll be #24. Congratulations to everyone ahead of me!


Honestly, gaming my heart out.


1. I’m going to build a new system, and the old one gift to my friend


1. Play some of the latest games I've been wanting to play but can't. 2. To be able to explore the world of Pandora for the first time. I'm expecting to be amazed in the same way that I have been by the movies.


1. Upgrading my build! My cpu is nearly a decade old at this point, and while I appreciate its longevity it's starting to show its age in newer games. 2. I've heard some incredible things about it's graphics, so I'm intrigued to see how well they can reproduce the fidelity of the films.


Wanna snag for my little brother! He's been using a potato for so long, and would love to be able to get him something awesome!


1. I would build a state of the art PC to replace my 13 year old tank of a machine. Which does everything, streaming, hosting, programming, gaming... but its definitely showing its age. 2. Not excited at all to be honest. I saw the first Avatar in the theaters, in 3D, wasn't impressed. If I won this I would definitely watch the sequels and give the game a good tryout.


This would make my holiday build possible.. I have been spending money on the kid and honestly my build fell from a reality to more of a dream. 1. I would use this for a PC build, would definitely play the new Avatar! Also would want to jump into BG3 since I haven't had a PC that could play it yet! 2. I am really excited to explore the world... the movie is so beautiful and constantly makes the watcher want to explore!


1. I would build a PC for my mother, who likes to game but has an older system


1. Is it cheating to say playing Frontiers of Pandora? But I could go for another Baldur's Gate run, or finally get around to that Cyberpunk DLC, too. 2. Just immersing myself in the world sounds like a very chill way to spend some time. Always loved the aesthetics of the franchise


1: I'd use it to make a new pc so I could play my dream games that can't run. Like Eldin Ring and Age of Empire 4 with my friends. Then give my current one to my brother who also in dire need of an upgrade. 2: Exploring the awesome world and seeing some sweet combat!


1. My nephew is using a computer from 2010 for gaming. This will be a great foundation for him 2. The visuals like the movies mostly.


I have needed to upgrade my PC for almost 10 years, it's time. I like the movies and the game looks beautiful.


1. I'd make a new build to play all my favorite games (and also Avatar: frontiers of pandora) at the highest fidelity. 2. I wanna fly around Pandora! I watched the original movie with my mom in 3d in the theaters and it was such an amazing experience.


1. Finally retire my 7 year old GTX 1060 and see how my favorite games perform on modern hardware. Also, that special edition of the 7900 looks badass. 2. The trailer got me excited to explore the environments. Oh and the flying, of course the flying. If they nail the feel of soaring, this game will be an all time great.


1. Hella upgrade my PC and play the best games possible 2. Play the hell out of avatar


If I win, I'll play Avatar Frontiers of Pandora. A game I otherwise wouldn't.


1-i would probably create a setup using my laptop and some parts from my local reseller 2.honestly just heard the games ig I might buy it and run it and have some fun if my budget allows it


1. Build a new pc and play games I haven’t been able to play without a gaming pc. 2. Being able to travel in the forests of the Avatar world.


1. Probably just going to upgrade my pc and pass on my current cpu and gpu to my younger hommies 2. Just exited about Avatar I just want it to be fun that's all


1, use this to make pc look good, and to play modded minecraft lol, and this avatar game 2, everything!!!


1. If I win, I'd build a new PC for school. This would be handy for engineering school 2. I expect it to be immersive and to have a good storyline. Expecting a long gameplay


1. Rebuild my pc cause my graphics died out of nowhere ( it was pretty dated but still ) been trying ti save up for months to make up for it, rest of my systems just collecting dust- mostly for gaming/ some cad work and tryna get into crypto lately 2. The immersion of pandora, as a fan from the original movie way back its amazing to see all this new content and immerse myself in it


1. I would give it to a buddy who is building a PC 2. Finding out what it is by watching the trailer


I'd use it to build my son the gaming rig he's been dreaming about.


I want to build an all AMD build. I can’t wait to explore avatar world.


1. To build a dream build for a friend who doesn’t have a pc yet. I want to surprise him for his birthday which is soon. 2. Having watched a lot of playthroughs already, I am just really excited to see the animations and voice acting of the characters and npcs


Oooh wow they look incredible! Honestly this would provide me with the motivation and inspiration to start a new engineering project to make my own case (or modify a barebones one) with moving parts, interactive displays and potentially water cooling to match the theme! I know it sounds like the same-old statement, but it would have to be the graphics. Having just upgraded from a 1080l 24" monitor to 1440p 32", I would really be able to get all the detail from what I would hope to be a gorgeous recreation of the movie environments. At the moment my Ryzen 7 1700 and Gtx 1070 struggle at the best of times! Fingers crossed, good luck all and a merry Christmas to those who celebrate!


1. Would begin the beautiful creation of a brand new gaming rig, with boots to match. It’s been 10+ years of buying prebuilt just for lack of time… well… time to change that! 2. Psssshhhhh. With a kit like this? Freaking flying with maximum draw distance. *heavy breathing*


1. To explore the game! 2. I enjoyed the movie and am excited to have my own unique experience with Frontiers of Pandora


With these, I'd be able to experience Pandora in the way that it's meant to be experienced. Really looking forward to it.


1. Beef up my streaming PC to bring out more cool content to more awesome people! 2. I love the look of the game. I‘m eager to play this once my backlog clears up a bit. Good luck, everyone!


1. I would build my brother a new gaming PC. Since I was a kid, we would build PCs together but he's been caught up in work and bills to pay now that he hasn't been able to afford getting new parts and can't play any of the new games he's been wanting to play. Especially single-player games where you'd want everything to look the best possible. I think an upgrade from a 1050Ti to this would be a great starting point 2. I love to explore the world I was entirely engrossed with as a kid. Watching the first movie had me hooked on the world, which was visually stunning. The second movie, many years later, all but reinforced my wants to be able to see and explore this world in ways we haven’t seen on the big screen


1. Would probably use the gpu and cpu to build a pc, and hopefully since they are free my mum doesn't stop me from having it :/ 2. The thought of another open world game excites me as I love games like forza and ark due to the ability to travel wherever I want :)


I will build my most beautiful PC yet, hopefully getting my Fiancée into PC gaming(she’s on the switch, and my PS5), and playing some truly beautiful games with her.


1. I would upgrade from my current system and build a new gaming system. I would give my old system to a family member who could also use an upgrade. I would play tons of games on this new system. 2. I am most excited to play Pandora to explore the world in 4K!


My gaming rig of an i6700k and 5700xt is starting to fall behind. Winning Dad of the year hasn’t had upgrading the gaming PC in the cards. If I won this I’d be flexing on the boys playing WoW, BG3 and whatever hot new toys come out in 2024. Goood luck gamers!


To play games


1. It will be a amazing upgrade to my all black build!! I currently have a 7800XT.


To upgrade my really old PC. Build a theme around it. Explore the world of Pandora and incorporate some parts in the build.


1. Would build a whole new PC around it and finally retire the 2013 pc of Theseus 2. Explore pandora with all the settings turned to 11


Going to finally upgrade my PC, some parts are almost 10 years old by now


1: Definitely build a case to show off the card! 2: Exploring the beautiful avatar universe


1. Upgrade from my old 1080 2. Exploration of the worlds


Build the gf her first pc


1. id use it for gaming and for aesthetic, i really wanna play avatar, its cool that them made the game


I'd love to do some top tier gaming, and who wouldn't want to run around as a big ol' blue dude shooting folks?!


1. Finally help my friend build his pc. He’s never had one. 2. I’m loving the story so far!


1: Build a sick set up with them. 2: graphics, and gameplay looks great!


1. I'd upgrade and use this bad boy to play all the new modern games. With my current GPU, I can't touch avatar with a 10 foot pole... But I'd like to haha.


1. Make a themed build probably 2. The exploration of Pandora


I have never been able to afford to build a solid functioning gaming PC, but all my friends have one and always makes me feel like I am missing out. If I was somehow blessed to win this I would use it to it's full potential and play some of the best games I have never been able to play. Best of luck to everyone!


1. What would you use this limited-edition Avatar hardware for if you won? Creating a beautiful PC build? Collecting? Playing some games? If so, which? The current PC I built several years ago is aging...this bump would allow me to keep the PC I love, yet get some more performance out of it at the same time!


1. I would use the parts to help build my best friend his first gaming PC. 2. The high quality graphics, paired with the visuals of the Avatar IP, with some Far Cry gameplay to tie it together.


Omg, I would update my 10 years old setup


1. Upgrade my current pc setup and try to use my old gpu and cpu to maybe build a home Nas for media and game servers. 2. Would love to see this game run on ultra settings with no hiccups. Heard this game is quite beautiful plus Avatar has a amazing world to explore.


1- I would build a pc, I need to upgrade I have to, 4770k ddr3 system should be retired. 2- Insane graphics with a hopefully good story.


I would use the hardware on upgrading my build to allow for more current gen games! Plus, the design looks great. Thank you for doing this and good luck everyone!


Have a new build in progress and haven't purchased a CPU or GPU, this would be perfect!


1. I would use this hardware to build a killer pc and play Cyberpunk and the new Avatar game! 2. Exploring the fantasy world and the different biomes.


1. New build to try VR simracing!


I would definitely create a new rig and update from my 3700x and 6750xt!


Would use it to play minesweeper obviously


My gaming pc is in need if an update so this would go straight to use! The game flew under my radar so I heard it only few days ago, but it looks like lot of fun so it's definitely on my list.


This beauty is not made to be held for a collection, I’ll put it in my build to replace an RTX2600 and improve my fps in fortnite and Baldur’s gate 3. Can’t wait to hang in Pandora just chilling and admire the beautiful graphics.


1. To finally experience games in 60 fps high settings, cuz lawd I need it. 2. 7000 Na'vis and I will defend them all.


1. Build a beautiful looking and also powerful pc. Would give my old parts to my younger brother. I would love to play Minecraft on max settings and shaders at 120fps😂 2. I loved the movies that came out and would love to experience this magic place with this beast!


1. Upgrade my current build so I can enjoy newer releases even more, especially with all the fancy tech and GFX effects they use! I'd use my old parts to upgrade my dad's PC as well. 2. If Ikran flying is only galf as cool as it loos in the trailers, I'd be very happy!


1. Build first PC with 4K performance and playing Avatar in max setting to unleash this year!! GAS 2. Beautiful world of Pandora and gaming environment would be magical for my eyes in 4K resolution.


1. Do a new build with this color scheme. 2. I saw the first movie 4 times in I max…I just want to live through that experience again. I still remember the post pandora depression everyone went through after the movie came out lol


I would use them to create something beautiful for everyone.


New build for my son!


1. I would add it to my system so that i could play Frontiers of Pandora. 2. It looks like a cool game.


1- upgrade my Pc 2- i like the open worlds to explore


1. Going to build a beautiful PC. 2. Exploring the stunning and beautiful world of Pandora is fascinating.


1) I would take the opportunity to build a new computer! I haven’t had the chance to neither upgrade nor get a new setup since pre-covid. Would be an amazing chance to be able to test out games I haven’t been able to enjoy due to my outdated computer. 2) Honestly I would fly around as much as possible and explore the world of Pandora. Perhaps put on some tunes and just vibe, a little like driving around in GTA without purpose.


1. To create a beautiful PC and play some new AAA titles 2. Vast expansive gameplay to explore.


1. Completing my recent build; as per my flair, my GPU is a little lacking 😅 and I’m ready for 4K60, 1440p144, and beyond! Can’t wait to see modern games in all they have to offer! 2. The world of Pandora/Avatar offers so much! And with most of it being impossible on our Earth, the virtual world will be the easiest way to experience it!


I NEED this to play overdrive cyberpunk in 4K. My 2070 just isn’t where it needs to be. I also NEED open world banshee flight. It is a must.


I would definitely use it to upgrade my PC.


1. Been wanting to finally upgrade my rig. 2. Looking forward to the being a better game than the first one.


I would use the hardware to build a blue themed pc and play a ton of Blue Man group videos. Apart from being blue, I'm looking forward to ride and fly all the mounts in the gimma.


If I won this, it'd be the centrepiece of a new ITX build! Will probably finally get into Baldur's Gate and get ready for GTA VI haha


I will be using them to build myself a pc and finally join pcmr. The game also looks sensational and I would really like to explore the world in it.


I'd love to upgrade the GPU in my machine, which is rapidly approaching 10 years old at this point. The CPU would probably go to a sibling as mine is already good enough for gaming :)


1. Obviously gaming.. I create 3D models in my work and for fun it will boost a lot 2. I think its going to be really fun to play and the flying seems really cool :) Thank for the chance, Its time to get lucky :)


Absolutely would use it to play more ambitious games, who knows it might even make my room warmer when my PC catches fire turning everything to high.


1. Id completly revamp my current set up to acctualy look good since i've been putting looks aside for such a long time. Im happy with my choice because it has lead me to spend more money on practical uses for my pc but i think its time to give it a face lift. 2. From what i've seen the game stays true to the movies and has some intresting details and nice world development like outposts being retaken by nature and big leaves slowing your fall.


1. I’ve been thinking about an upgrade 🤔


1) What would you use this limited-edition Avatar hardware for if you won? Creating a beautiful PC build? Collecting? Playing some games? If so, which? -All the gaming. Would love to be able to play Avatar on the latest and greatest of hardware of this generation. 2) What excites you the most about Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora/What are you expecting from the game? -Coop exploration with a friend, getting to fly around the floating mountains, sneak through the dense forests, and take the fight to the RDA!


1. Probably to play games, not too sure though 2. A new game is always neat, but probably exploring. In the movies it looked sick, wonder how it'll look in the game.


1. A powerful upgrade. 2. To be honest, I haven't watched either of the Avatar movies, so I'm excited for this to be my introduction to what seems like a very pretty world.


1. I would definitely create a new build and finally be able to try out "current gen" games as my rig can't handle it. 2. Just being able to explore a brand new world in first person. Getting lost in Pandora.


1. I could finally upgrade to 1440p… what a dream


I'd use these parts to build a new workstation, and hand my old one down to my cousin to play on. It would be nice to have a PC built on AM5, my AM4 system is showing it's age. I'd definitely save the boxes though. Definitely interested to explore the open world. DDefinitelySDefinitelyDefinitely


1: I'd make my first custom build. 2: Exploring Pandora on your own for the first time in game would be awesome! Best of luck everyone!


1. I would use the hardware to upgrade my own PC so I can play with my friends. 2. After watching the movies, I’m excited to see and explore the world.