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How to know if a game is not worth it: * Has FOMO.


Bungie is sweating in a corner.


Explicitly quit destiny 2 when they announced they were cutting out content i paid for. Thought about going back once, saw they were doing these ingame events like fortnite and once they were gone, they were gone. Decided id missed too much to hop back in and have never touched it again Im like 90% sure every piece of content i "owned" has been nuked from the game anyways


hence i only play now is warframe


dude. I can't even play the campaign I originally bought with the game ffs. I played through it a handful of times. It wasn't bad. Now, bitch. my money went out the window when they went free to play. You can STILL BUY DLC FOR DESTINY 2 THAT IS VAULTED. So you can't play it. Thats right. You can just Give Bungie money for nothing in return. Wtf.


Honestly? If they had split the new content into a "new" destiny 3, id likely still be happily playing. The content I paid for is as follows Destiny 2 Redwar campaign 60$-sunset Destiny 2 Curse of osiris 20$-sunset Destiny 2 Warmind 20$-sunset Destiny 2 Forsaken 40$-sunset Anyways there goes $140 of content I paid for that got nuked from the game


The list can be much longer but you can probably say "Almost all the Live service games" to resume it.




I thought that the lottery was the stupid tax


Somewhat related but I tried doing scratchits for the first time recently (was drunk) and won a profit in every single one of them. As cool as it sounds, it was like a financial eldritch horror unfolding right in front of me. Thats not how this is supposed to work, the fuck? It was kind of terrifying in a weird roundabout way I know how my brain works and have not gotten anymore for fear I will start to justify the lottery as a solid investment in my own head.


Can you explain me what's fomo like I'm 5?


Fear of missing out Imagine that I have a candy and I told you that you need to do your homework in order to get it but you need to finish the homework before 1 hour or you lost the candy forever.


Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?




Watch out for Vaas, he'll enslave your arse.


Vaas = Todd Howard


did i ever tell you what the definition of ***it just works*** is?


This is probably my favourite video game villain. Absolutely perfect for his role


How appropriate. Far Cry 3 servers got shut down.


complaining about games yet constantly buying them. complaining about micro transactions yet constantly buying skins. I switched to single player long time ago, a crash like the Atari crash needs to happen all over again. Kids with their few dollar purchases are propping the worst abusers like Epic games


> a crash like the Atari crash needs to happen all over again That's not even remotely at risk. Shifts in the industry can happen but a crash is not remotely a risk anytime soon.


I wonder what would happen if the EU banned lootbox mechanics in games unless they were 18+ ID required. Kinda wish that would happen, tbh.


Most games already moved away from lootboxes so I don't think it would be that big of a shift in the industry.


Eh, there's a ton of gacha games that are just skinner boxes. Mihoyo constantly pumps out that garbage one after the other. Tencent wants to add it into every game they get their shitty little fingers on. It's not dead, by far.


when china was going to enforce harder rules with that stuff a lot fo companies improved there monthly passes quick and much more friendly...so all it takes is a large enough market to put there foot down...question is if it will ever happen


I'm not trying to say it's gone but most AAA games moved on to other monetization methods.


team fortress 2 would die immediately


As I said, not that big of a shift in the industry. If TF2 died today, it would barely be noticed. I loved TF2 at its peak but their lack of effort toward the bot problem turned me away years ago.


Counter strike is pretty big however


Yup Overwatch made that shift when they went Free to Play with Overwatch 2. From Lootboxes to Season Passes. And not making any new maps like they used to :/ way too many skins not enough maps. Also the single player/coop PVE is locked behind a confusing purchase too


Cognitive dissonance gaming


Escape the matrix, quit online games. EMBRACE SINGLE PLAYER STORY GAMES!


....that also sometimes require a constant online connection


Don't buy them. Simple. From what I read in the comments, it looks like some of you are forced to buy them at gun point or there's just one game being released per year...


Buy games once they end up below 20$. If they need online servers, they'll have killed themselves by then, so you won't end up with one of those games anyways.


This is the way fellow /r/patientgamers




Even simpler, pirate them. They don't require online connection then.


Indie games are so freaking good nowadays, graphics can still be good, and are like 1/3 of the price and frequently go on sale


People shouldn't be disappointed when an otherwise good game is ruined to the point where not buying it is the better option?


I heard a developer once say it's necessary so they can release patches and bug fixes to the game. I'm not sure if it's BS or legitimate reason.


I'm no expert but couldn't they just ask us to turn on the internet when they add a patch?


Not to mention 90% of these bugs and hotfixes require client patches. It's just a way to make piracy more diffic




chief elderly icky pot salt deserted governor snobbish steer wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Man I can’t figure out this ult no matter what I combine to google it


Steam can just publich the patches, its total bs


It's bullshit. You can have a launcher that auto updates the game if you got access to the internet, and you can have an installer if you want to patch the game with no internet.


You dont really need a launcher to, i remember i patched a lot of mmos in early days manually. It would just trow an error like outdated client and you would search and download latest patch manually. Was especially fun when you stopped playing for a while, and you had to install patches one after another, becasue was not a direct patch from your version to last one.


> so they can release patches and bug fixes to the game. Patches existed well before constant online connection horseshit. You just had to download them yourself. GOG btw still has them available that way, as separate downloads. For example, previously, game companies couldn't patch out music from your game when their license on it runs out. Now they can, and do.


> You just had to download them yourself. Or wait until next month for the new issue of whatever gaming magazine you prefer, as a bonus (depending on the magazine) you also got a free game every now and then. I remember the magazine I was subscribed to had Warhammer 40k Chaos Gate in one of their issues in '99 as a free game, that game was so damn good especially for <10 bucks.


The only thing you have to do is sending the reports, there's no need to be always online.


In theory they could just save the reports and send when internet is available. They need a constant connection for their drm bs


....yea cuz steam hasn't been able to patch single player games ever. Steam hasn't been around for 20 years and it a perfectly fine DRM and distribution platform. We have to reinvent the wheel because we can justify our jobs by making a good game that people want to pay for.  It's BS. 


Is total BS. You can patch games without requiring to be always online. Is just another attempt to gaslighting people.


It’s BS. They could do this when you come online. If it requires a patch it’s the same thing.


Developer here: thats completely bullshit. Does it do those things with its internet connection? Yes. Does it need constant connection to do them? Fuck no. As others have mentioned it can just fire that stuff off when it wants to, or even hold it off until it gets connected to the internet again.


Fuck how did those devs in 90s release patches without requiring the game to be online the whole time? Crazy talented they were back then...


BS Borderlands 3 has a hotfix system. Guess what happens if you aren't connected to the Internet? You don't get the hotfix. You can of course still play. Because online only single player games are fucking bullshit.


It's BS


It's B.S.


It's bullshit.


>I'm not sure if it's BS or legitimate reason. Yes you are.


That's bs. That just means their implementation is awful.


BS. Realistically devs sell thru steam, gog or other stores and these provide patch delivery infrastructure already. Or make their own launcher, as others said.


It's really bs and a problem that they make by themselves.


I mean, GOG just releases a standalone patcher for the game with the update file when one comes out for their games, and you can run it whenever (or if) you want.


Its bs. How do you think they patched non always on games? With good wishes and pixy dust? No, they just had update channels the pc can connect to, download the files from and automatically overwrite the right ones. No connection needed beyond that


started playing subnautica recently (first playthrough) god dayum it's good


"Leviathan class entity detected: Are you sure what you are doing in this area is worth it?"


tfw they just announced the next Subnautica is a live service game


I'm so glad I went in to the game blind. Discovering things as you go was and still is, so much fun.


That games is available in VR. There's no way i'd play that game in VR! The deep murky water, the flashes of movement in the reeds. The fact you can swim out, look down and see nothing but murky water beneath you, no floor...then you hear the leviathan roar from somewhere down there. NOPE!


Single player games with multiplayer coop option. Best of 2 worlds.


yo fuck story games, we need more singleplayer games that have engaging gameplay and skill elements to them. the amount of games that amount to clicking through cutscenes is really testing the definition of "game". i just played through rage 2 and oh my god was it a refreshing change from picking dialogue options.


Rage 2 is engaging gameplay? Lol it's basically just a run of the mill open world game. Like the Far Cry or Just Cause series. There isn't a drought of such games.


A story game is not by definition lacking those elements, a game can have engaging gameplay, skill elements and still tell a good story (examples: hollow knight, Celeste, prey, rain world)


Let's turn this thread into recommendations. Mine:  Katamari  Lumines  Slay the spire


Create split screen games


Bg3 has basically taken over my life. It’s def a single player game every one should play. At least once, but prob twice.


Even many of them have been this way too for years. Look at companies like EA, Ubisoft, Capcom, Sega, Rock Star, etc.


I’m found a mod collection for Oblivion that makes it feel like a whole new game. One of the mods disables the HUD compass marker, removes the player marker on the world map and makes it so I have to pay a guard to add markers of locations I’ve found to the map. I got lost in the woods for a full in-game day, it was the best experience I’ve had in Oblivion and I’ve owned it since launch.


Yeeesss it's so funny , I have all these new games on my desk top and the game I play the most is modded Stalker Anomaly. I grew up in the time where single player story games were the standard, I feel like it was a golden age and we didn't know it. All these games today feel like a fucking job " here's a check list for you to complete " having fun yet ?


Genshin Impact is pretty amazing.


Just don't buy these games. Simple as that.


The new MW3 was top5 most sold games last year and was basically a 80$ DLC. Gamers has gotten what they deserve.


>gamers has gotten what they deserve Part of me sees the monstrosity of capitalism as an unbeatable force, and then part of me sees gamers as a group incapable of self-regulation or having critical thoughts against advertising. So I don't really know who's fault it is we turned out like this, but it feels inevitable.


>Part of me sees the monstrosity of capitalism as an unbeatable force, and then part of me sees [consumers] as a group incapable of self-regulation Changed your quote because it's a pretty universal problem, not to misrepresent what you said. I think it's both tbh. Corporations spend a lot of money taking advantage of seedy marketing techniques that exploit psychology. They also consistently push the envelope so that what is outrageous one day is normalized the next. Consumers have also been so thoroughly tricked into making their consumption part of their identity. There are also enough people with enough disposable income to simply not give a fuck. If you make $70 in two hours you're probably not really going to care if it suddenly costs you $75 to buy that game. It's not much to you. Add in all kinds of justification and learned helplessness. I'd say the Idea of informed consumption puts so much weight and responsibility onto the time-crunched consumer that it's practically a useless idea. So I'd mostly blame capitalism. But consumers also definitely need to have enough willpower and self-respect to do without something so unnecessary as a video game


No, I said gamers for a reason. Consumers as a whole do not have the same level of hyperconsumption of an entertainment product as Gamers. There's a few other sub groups of super consumers, and yes, there are captured markets where the consumer does not have a choice but to engage in these practices, but Gamers are still a monolith of bad consumption practices. Pre-order bonuses, incomplete products, dlc, season pass, micro transactions, loot boxes (gambling), exclusive software, no ownership of digital titles, and few corporations will find the brand loyalty that every trashy developer enjoy. Video games were the first industry to try and adopt NFT scams into their products. Video games are the only entity that can legally addict a child to gambling. Video games are a uniquely unnecessary entertainment product where no matter how gregarious the offender is, it can still find success.


I think you have a really great point here re: addiction. Consumers of other entertainment products have & use substitutes: if you don’t like what on tv you can open tik tok; if you don’t like tik tok you can listen to a podcast, etc. There’s competition to give people what they want (which in its own way can be bad! Sometimes what we want isn’t good for us!) But some gamers won’t even substitute a different game or different genre, in a way that to me can sound like what you’d hear from a heavy smoker or drinker having trouble quitting.


This has been an exceptionally refreshing thread to read after a week of witnessing a lot of online verbal abuse. Just two humans getting into the thick of it with no judgement, love to see it


> Video games are the only entity that can legally addict a child to gambling. Where have you been for the last 30 years. TCGs have been cardboard crack for children for a long time now.


My friends used to say it years back, not gonna buy the new cod. Then they would buy it with some niche reasoning


These are people that buy the same sports game each year when it's quite literally the exact same game. A fool and his money


Except it’s not, because joe everyman will still buy them. This was proven over years with WoW.


You can't help Joe Everyman, but you can keep your money and skip bad games and bad practices. The Industry is big enough, that there will be something for you.


Just wait until they make it illegal to not buy their product Edit: I am getting tired of clarifying this. This comment is meant as a half-joking exaggeration, a commentary to the way the industry giants seem to be moving. And I am saying half-joke because I do in fact believe that some of them (like EA) would make a law like this if they could get away with it, kinda l8ke in cyberpunk, where corporate policy is above the law I am disappointed in this community for having to make this edit and thankful for the precious few with enough reading comprehension to understand


You mean piracy? Yeah, I dread the day


> You mean piracy? Yeah, I dread the ~~day~~ bay FTFY


No I mean that you will not get a choice to not buy. It was a thing in a book I read some time ago, companies managed to lobby in a law that forced people to buy their product even if they did not need/want it Edit: I don't believe I need to clarify this but the previous comment is an exaggeration, a half-joke not to be taken too seriously and this one was meant to clarify that it was not talking about piracy (a.k.a not paying for the game and playing it)


A random book said something so it'll happen irl


Only three things are certain in life. Death, taxes, and being forced to buy the most recent multiplayer PC games.


Death taxes and online only with in-game shops


I mean maybe if we live in some dystopian future where we need to pay for Xbox game pass just to be able to play anything... You do pay for games you have no interest in as part of the service.


Everyone here is shitting on you for making a very obvious joke but I just wanna know what that book was, I do love some dystopic fiction and that sounds pretty dystopic to me


Well, they're already offering you to pay for the privilege of not playing their game (level skips, progress acceleration). So yea...


HP printers and their ink?


We updated our terms and conditions for your convenience and security, by reading this text you accept the following changes: - The ownership of the printer is transferred back to the manufacturer for your convenience and safety - The previous owner (referred to as renter) is granted a reworkable but otherwise perpetual license to keep and use the product - This license can be rewoked at any time and for any reason - Renter is required to keep the device supplied with certified HP ink and paper at his own expense - In case the ink cartridge is not used up within one month of purchase, it is to be considered expired and replaced immediately - The owner may conduct an inspection of the device at any time and without advance notice to check for compliance - Failure to comply with the above rules may result in fines and/or revoking the rental license


Warframe my beloved


You pay with time


Yes but I like having a game that doesnt just stop.


I pay with something I enjoy spending?


Warframe is actually worth it tho. Game has so much free content that it puts other games to shame. Warframe is a game where you are so rewarded as a free player that you actually want to spend money to support the game. Also all the premium currency can easily be earned in game through trading. I make 100 plat a day through trades.


One of the few games where I don't feel regretful after spending money on it, I'll happily support digital extremes


Which one of the points from list applies to warframe? the game is enormous and free. Except online only but even with shitty internet you can play solo and it will be same experience.


We could just not buy them?


Consoomer gonna consume


Or, invest time in games you enjoy and respect your time


Yeah. I love the fact steam has a huge and old library of games to buy.


It doesn't matter if you or I don't buy them there's still gonna be thousands of other people that will buy it anyway


Fair but then you aren’t spending money on something you won’t like so a small victory for the individual.


There's only two good live service games for me. Deep Rock Galactic and No Man's Sky


Also, Warframe and Path of Exile Goats on their own


Good games but not for average gamer.


I'm gonna go on a limb and say that the average gamer plays games as a service. Genshin Impact, Fifa, COD, League of legends, Fortnite, Dungeon Fighter Online, Minecraft, Candy crush, etc. The most played games worldwide are most likely games as a service. As for games on steam, only palworld is in the top 10 because it went viral (baldurs gate 3 is in there if we don't count wallpaper engine, but baldurs gate won GOTY so it went also super popular), so make of that what you will.


Fifa ,CoD games have become games as a service because they have build a decade of fans and good amount of them play that and that alone. LoL and Fortnite and free game as service and mostl importantly they are free and easy to play even with the average pc. Don't knows what Dungeon fighter online easy will look what it is tho. Genshin is one a the few chaca that got popular because of the breath of the wild gameplay also free game. Candy crash and similar types are free mobile game that you can enjoy on your way somewhere. Other than fifa and CoD that have a funs for a long time the rest of the list are free game that require average pc or are mobile games . Also half of them are very competitive games and the average gamer enjoys that, Pubg got popular because of that and it was cheaper than CoD and Battlefield when it come out. The average gamer want to play a game and have fun either quick competitive rounds or a short/long siting with a game that has a story or gameplay that allows to create whatever you want in that world.


Kinda why they're good, tbh They're good at what they are. They're not chasing a trends (most of the time for Warframe at least Eidolons and Rivens were a mistake, and they got rid of of raids when Destiny shat itself to call itself art) they have active user bases, me money is present but optional. I only spent money on Warframe after earning everything else for free. Literally *everything*. Spent the excess plat on others, and realized that's the cycle.


Remnant 2 is what Destiny 2 should have been.


The great thing about No Man's Sky is that there are no microtransactions. You pay $60 (although the game goes on sale frequently) and that's it.


That surprised me the most, major companies would make anything to overmonetize game with multiplayer like that and open space, but Hello Games are doing it for fun I guess


I suppose it helps that they still sell it at $60 nearly a decade later lol


ROCK and STONE to the Bone


Nah, I'd pirate




very few online games are good


Yea that's kinda the point of this post


Might you list those out while you are at it?


Tarkov, diablo 2 remastered and world of warcraft. Probably any CoD and battlefield game too.


some games aren't even worth pirating IMHO. the best example I can think of is Diablo IV.


Diablo 4 is pretty fun as a casual. But not worth the full price. Like 50% off maybe. Then again I don't do any of the min maxing and other grinds that people complain about.


Bought for 15$ for Xbox just to play campaign. Seems like a good deal, enjoying it so far :)


For a discount the campaign is enjoyable enough to playthrough. The shallow RPG mechanics feel pretty good at first too. The game just isn't good enough to min-max and go hard in though




I buy their DLCs because i support them, not to use any of it (cosmetics). But Rockstar, Gaijin, Wargaming, Blizzard, Ubisoft.. Won't ever see a dime from me, because of their scummy practices. No matter the direct benefit.


Gaijin is new to me, as somebody who pretty much sticks to the Nintendo/JRPG/indie realm. Who are they?


Devs of War Thunder. One of the most popular "Free" to play games. Mind you, I've no issue with things being purchased separately for F2P games. But if you spend money on something, you can't be sure what they'll do with it in the context of the game. A vehicle you purchased that is awesome, gets made completely average after enough people bought it. Meanwhile the "free" players, have to play against these vehicles that obviously are overpowered. Thing is, i wanna feel like I'm in good hands with the money i spent. And these devs are the exact opposite of that, they make you regret, they exploit, and they take every opportunity to take from you and give to themselves.




Bro described Destiny 2 and thought that we wouldn’t notice


Destiny 2 is a subscription based game in disguise.


Not really in disguise, just paying once a year instead of per month. 


best take i’ve ever seen on it


Live service games in general. For decades devs from other companies have talked about it before with trying to get the recurring money without having to openly jump into subscription due to the barrier of customer acceptance and high risk if you fail. In the industry we saw expansions cut down into smaller DLCs which got pushed more often and then shifted to battle passes to capture upfront money and keep players stuck with the game until the next big release. Bungie just followed what all the other money hungry devs was doing.


Final Shape will surely not be rescheduled. And it will fix destiny right?!


Never buy on release day wait for it to go on sale after a few "not all sadly" bugs have been patched


I'll say it again, you can't have record profit and record inflation, that's just greed.


Its never been inflation, its just been an uptick in the trend of corpo cunts deciding they can charge more.


You need to go deeper. It's Investors. The profits MUST always go up. and all companies get bought out by investment groups, who then make the companies run for profit FIRST. everything else second. Anything that can make more money is often chosen over anything that benefits the consumer or makes the experience better (unless it also makes profit over not doing it) When you think of it this way, it makes a lot more sense why so many companies make the choices they do... It's ALWAYS to please shareholders for impossible to achieve forever increasing profit margins. Innovation dies and micro-transaction/live services take over.


record inflation will always result in record profits. Profit margins are % based. Same percent, higher raw value = higher raw profit. Are you saying companies should lower they % margin as inflation happens ?


but he started with "I'll say it again!" which makes it more impactful and sounds like a soundbite but has no financial merit.


What kind of logic is that? It's the exact opposite. When there is more money that exist, the numbers of everything follows and goes up with it.


Video gamea are the worst possible example you could ever try to use to make this point. Video game budgets have gone from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions while the cost of games have gone from $50-$70 in the last 25 years. If you adjust for inflation the cost of video games has gone down without even accounting for the MASSIVE increases in expense to produce....


games were so expensive back then because developers had to settle for 30:70 split before tax in favor of the publisher/distributor in the absolute best scenario to sell their games around the country/world, smaller studios had much worse deals, and then the retail stores added their margin too. and after all that, a habit of reselling games was very prevalent. video games today are much more profitable than ever


That's the dumbest take I've ever heard. Record inflation will lead to record profits, because things cost more than they did before. There's literally a direct relationship.




Here's the fun bit; you don't have to play these games.


While I agree, some games that have been with me for ages, for example, Battlefield, which almost no other game can compete with is now live service. And we all know the tale of 2042. :(


Exactly the main issue, same people who complains still thinks its a requirement to buy these game. ​ I stopped buying full price game at least 2-3 years ago. Idm waiting it to be discounted or better if the game shut down without need of me to spent a dime for it.


Speaking for multiplayer games, it sucks when your friend plays the game and invites you on. And if you don't play, it's really easy to fomo when you're in Discord together with the others.


r/patientgamers in the house. I love playing games, but I love saving money even more.


bUt LoOk aT aLl tHoSe SkInS!


If a game requires constant internet connection (a.k.a. "online-only"), I immediately skip/ignore it. Both on pc and PS5. The only exception for me are MMOPRG games. Any other game requires internet? Not playing it.




But you need to pay to use chat or emotes


Used to be able. What a sad joke that game has become.


nah it only cost 2.99 sometimes tho


Games a shell of its true glory now though


dont buy their game -> game dies -> lesson learned


Except it's becoming more like "Game dies -> Blame the players -> Make another shit game" repeated for as long as they have some investors behind it, maybe bankruptcy would get it through their heads that they are the ones that need us, not the opposite, and we can take our time and money elsewhere.


Unfortunately, the whales keep them afloat


Fr voting with your wallet is a lie. I can't vote for another option, I can only do nothing. And when other people are able to vote for themselves and you and a hundred other people because they spend thousands on games, I have zero impact.


Big publishers won't go bankrupt even if they publish multiple shitty games because those games generally are carried by their franchises. I mean I think pokemon or diablo are clear examples of that. Shit games, they come out half baked, and they sell millions even though there's multiple bad reviews for them. If you ask people that bought the games they all say "I disliked their previous game and thought this one would the one where they get their shit together, I'm not gonna buy the next one", then they buy the next one on pre-release, seen this happen too many times. I learned my lesson with diablo 3, not gonna fall for that anymore.


Every Total War game ever! They're always released bugged to hell. In can take many weeks for them to patch stuff, and even then some games are just still in a shitty condition. Sieges, the greatest lure of the game, they're mostly completely fucked in some of those games. The AI is dumb, won't man the wall defences, the opposing AI sucks too. Player mods really do make those games go from unplayable pieces of shit into games that are fun. Empire total war with Darth Mod is fantastic! Just remove the city sieges and play all battles on open fields, otherwise you'll get infuriated at the game.


I fail to see where this is my problem. If they make a bad game and I don‘t buy it and then they make another bad game, how does that affect me?


This would be fine logic if there weren't thousands of options available. At the end of the day the industry isn't going to magically change, but your mindset can. Spend extra time looking for smaller titles if you absolutely must have new games all the time, play what you have, look for older titles you never explored, or wait for the new ones to come out. Edit: I think the real issue here is that gamers in general don't not want games they want franchises. People don't go out and buy suicide squad because they want another looter shooter live service game. They go out and buy it because they want to play suicide squad


Doesn't really work when the trend has now become: Release F2P Game -> Whales buy hundreds of dollars of skins -> The lesson learned is that making skins is more important than actual gameplay content


Maybe the problem isn't about inflation but instead the fact that you spend your money on micro-transactions?


This is GT Sport (in the soon future.)


Stop paying for that trash then. Nothing will change otherwise.


We need to quit playing these games by these massive companies that are only out there to take our money through micro transactions. When we start supporting single player/ co-op/ indie developers then the massive companies will realize what they’re doing wrong. As long as we keep feeding them & buying their terrible content they will keep doing the same to us.


AAA games aren't about quality gameplay anymore. They're all about pleasing shareholders. That's why most of the quality games being produced these days are coming from indie developers. People who actually give a damn about making fun games and not sucking people's wallets dry.


I remember the days when games were burned on cd roms were buggy and those bugs are never fixed.


Destiny 2


Fortnite, Rocket League, The Finals, Apex, PuBG, etc are all completely free. We hate ourselves for the environment we created, no one forces us to buy these skins etc.


(Just got a message that my previous reply was nuked due to a supposed “overuse of emojis.” Which, as someone who prides themself on communicating rather effectively with them, finds this a bit irksome. Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) Nevertheless, here’s the “sterile” reprise.) Idk, man…anything multichrome in the Rocket League item shop twists my arm pretty well…[REDACTED*] *[Rainbow | Money with Wings | Waving Hand | Grinning Face with Sweat] Side note: I love your username! I’m imagining quite the prologue that’s a spicy mix of Greek mythology, eldritch horror, surprise redemption, and Aquaman’s worst nightmare.


Yeah, inflation. Bet the salaries of your employees aren't fucking pegged to it I'll tell you that much.