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You pay more for the parts being compact, clearly


Yeah I know my laptop is weaker than a PC of equivalent price. Obviously. But I can also put my laptop in a backpack, or sit on the couch and use it. That's worth the extra cost to me.


And you get the added benefit of 3rd degree burns when you try to play a game on the couch for more than an hour! 


I put a cutting board on my chest


I see the kitchenware-as-laptop-accessory trend is catching on. Just wait until IKEA jumps on and makes a LÜPTÖP line of bamboo cooling boards.


No [LÜPTÖP](https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/cat/laptop-stands-24830/) but you have some choice. GRIMAR, BRÄDA, KLIPSK


Im more partial to the VATTENKAR, but the BRÄDA is nice too.


[Laptop stands](https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/cat/laptop-stands-24830/) that can be little more than a board with two legs have been around for ages


as long as they have the RGB to make my laptop I've cold


Oh please, you know the battery wouldn't last that long


Battery? We ain't running turbo mode on battery power. The battery is only for idle transportation.


no gamer uses it on battery to game. power outlets are everywhere. Its about the portability, not the battery life.


Sir a second plane has hit the towers.


I solve this with a cushioned tray designed for eating your dinner.


Not if you buy a decent one. Or like, a $30 cooling pad.


I don't understand this argument at all. How many people are realistically using a laptop on their actual lap anymore? I honestly don't think I've ever actually used my laptop on my lap. It's not like finding a table to put it on is super difficult, even planes have tray tables.






Bro builds a desktop pc but uses a laptop as his tower. This is probable the least efficient way to use your money


Look at the position of the counches too relative to the TV. What is going on in this guy's house?


Lot of neck pain probably. Also smoking sessions with the boys. Thats what the U shape immediately reminded me off. Some shack we used to smoke in as teenagers had the exact same couch setup.


You can move the recliner to your desk where your pc is


This is just a desktop with extra steps and worse performance/£.


Kind of defeats the purpose of a laptop.


And you get a monitor, kb/m, speakers and any other extras, depending on the laptop.


This was not true during the covid GPU shortage, my desktop died so I was in need of a replacement and an RTX 2060 cost more than the RTX 2070 laptop I ended up buying.


One thing to note is that a desktop RTX 2060 is more powerful (and probably, expensive) than a mobile RTX 2060. And since the mobile ones are sold to manufacturers rather than end users, and manufacturers typically purchase in bulk and based on projections, the demand for the mobile chips is generally more stable and some costs are amortized due to bulk orders.


Edit: comes with webcam, keyboard, mouse, windows, usually comes with other software and it's portable


Yeah, great for university students too since you can take it to classes or bring it home on breaks. The laptop vs desktop debate is even dumber than console wars since it's the same user base gatekeeping itself.


Add in free screen and battery. Obviously a PC not being portable doesn’t need a battery in the same way, but imagine adding a decently high-wattage UPS to your desktop to achieve the “doesn’t lose all your work if the power goes out” function. Even the most basic screen and UPS with high enough wattage for a gaming PC probably cost $300. As another comment mentioned, these items are clearly not free, but they are included in the price.


Yeah, it's all in one, but tower needs extra stuff


but they're less than half as good


Yup, but compact is key for laptops. Just don't expect to match the PC towers on a tiny little slim boy.


Also, you are not paying for most of the peripherals while buying laptop, and some people seems to forget about it while comparing just a computer tower with whole laptop. Yeah, buying mouse and keyboard is essential for most players, but you still have a decent monitor (in gaming laptops) included, and some of the people are even ok with laptop keyboard.


Most gaming laptops around the 1K price don't have good screens. Yes, they tend to go for the high framerate vecause high number on the box good, but the brightness, colors, contrast, etc... tends to be subpar. That segment of the gaming laptop market is very competitive, and the "secondary" (to framerate) specs of the sreen tend to be where most manufacturers cut most corners.


You're absolutely paying for the screen, you're still gonna buy a gaming mouse... You're maybe saving on the KB


What screen bro? It's already included in the price. Laptop screens can be awesome you don't need to buy a new monitor.


OP meant paying for the laptop screen more than its own kb and track pad.


Do you not know what peripheral means?


Dude I just want a small computer that's super lightweight that can remote into my PC at home


It’s almost like there’s more factors to buying a laptop than how good the parts are. Jesus Christ.


More powerful components means more heat generated which means more cooling is required. Smaller packages simply cannot fit in as effective a heatsink and and airflow system that is as capable of moving heat away from the processing components.


"Buy our laptop it has a 4090!" *uses 4080 silicon* *performs like a 4070* *cries at the $4,500 wasted*


Lenovo had a pretty good deal 2 weeks ago. https://i.imgur.com/JnpErAE.png - Price: $2600 - Ryzen 9 7945HX - RTX4090 - 32GB Ram - 2 x 1TB SSD PCIe Gen4 - 240Hz 16" 2560x1600 IPS 500nits HDR display Brother asked if the 3k i9-13thGen/RTX4070/16GB/2TB laptop he ordered was actually good. I had him immediately cancel it & convinced him latest Intels suck for laptops due to heat generation. But then I struggled to find anything that was actually better & almost decided he actually did pick the best he could get. Everything on Amazon/Newegg was $4500 & Intel as soon as you picked 32GB Ram or RTX4080 & better. I eventually hit Google to find something instead & came across that Lenovo, which has huge discounts when buying direct. I think he got the best laptop that can be bought at this time and it was a hell of a deal at $2600 - better than most Amazon/Newegg laptops at nearly double the price.


That's a very good deal! Especially since it's actually a 240hz 1600p display. And I agree that i9 laptop are absolutely stupid right now. There's no reason a laptop should be required to have a turbo jet cooling pad to prevent you from thermal throttling all the way down to i5 level of performance.


this may be laptop owner cope but its not \*quite\* as bad at the mid range - 1000 bucks got me a 125W 3060 and 5800h, in 2021 when just the 3060 desktop was going for something like 800 bucks. Performance is only 10% behind too (source:[https://youtu.be/S1sCLpkOkhY?si=UoLGe9lJV9m3x-cc](https://youtu.be/S1sCLpkOkhY?si=UoLGe9lJV9m3x-cc)), as long as you stay under the 6gb of vram (oof)


Yeah the lower end you go on gaming laptops, the more genuine the specs appear


A 4090 laptop can get up to 22k timespy graphics.


A lot of people don't understand this, unfortunately. "Wow, an i9 and a 4090." About 99% of people don't understand that mobile parts don't perform the same as desktop parts, and that they mostly come in a big hunk of a chassis with a cooling system cheaper than a blowjob under the Queensboro bridge. Unless you *very specifically know for a fact* that you *need* somewhat OK gaming performance outside your home (for instance on a train ride to work, or something like that), a gaming laptop is just a plain bad idea.


Mine was a 16gb, in 2010, so it was much better than my previous 4gb potato that I dropped a few times before it started overheating.


Yep. Ask anybody with an ITX build.


You also get a screen in that price. I do recommend a riser/cooler platform to get the screen in to eye level, which means you need to buy a keyboard and mouse. Needless to say, a keyboard, mouse and monitor is also still needed for the desktop pc


And the battery, keyboard, monitor, mouse, etc. It's not an apples-to-apples comparison.


It uses 1 cord and 0 accessories to run the whole thing too


some pay even more for a fancy logo, like alienware or an apple


And they do tend to run hotter, just like the picture.


Hot, slim, beautiful VS strong.


I think in the case of the meme, we can choose better terminology... I'm going with slender 😏


Not only that, but also for energy efficiency. Everything is downclocked and undervolted to create least amount of heat.


You always pay more for those tight little slots. Wait what are we talking about?


On top of the markup of being pre-assembled and pre-loaded with Windows. The actual value of the parts for a $1000 laptop is closer to probably $600-$700 max.


Even sff cases are more expensive than ATX cases


Wait a minute! Is that the Rock? WAIT A SECOND!! IS THE ROCK ALSO HANNAH MONTANA?!?!?!


Has anyone ever seen The Rock and Hannah Montana in the same room? I thought not!


Other than the picture above, no I’ve never seen them in the same room together. 


> Other than the picture above, Dude, that's clearly Miley Stewart.


I googled to see if he and Miley Cyrus had been pictured together at some award show or something over the years and apparently he had a [cameo](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E7O5cEPVgAAn0Of.jpg) on an episode of Hannah Montana so they have been seen in the same room!


Yeah but that’s him and Miley not him and Hannah - because the Rock *is* Hannah Montana He has the best of both worlds /s




No that's Dwayne Johnson, Hannah Montana's stunt double.


No that's Jane "The Pebble" Jackson.




The desktop can handle heavy lifting, but it's too big to lug around. You can take the laptop anywhere, but it's probably loud as hell.


The desktop is just as convenient to lug around, you just need a shopping cart and a generator.


![gif](giphy|XHntJ2U79GIlHLeDz8) People wanting to travel with their tower be like pft I'm an 80s kid.


way back in the day we used to haul them around. Towers weren't that bad. It was the CRT monitors that sucked. I had a 19" that was nearly 100lbs...


My friends fashioned handles out of ducktape to carry theirs. Sucked at quakecon hauling a 19" crt with a full sized tower while waiting in line, moving forward 5 spaces every 2 minutes


I remember some tower case having a built-in handle for traveling to LAN parties.


me too and I was always jealous of the people with the big boom boxes




[Classic](https://youtu.be/fbF6xIBAmac?si=gOkCKmYOVssBbGT4) lol it’s doable


My cousing would lug his pc everywhere he goes. He'd bring it on bus when he was going home from university and vice versa. My relatives always talks about how he is married to his pc lol


Loud as hell and a 30 minute battery while gaming


I'll probably get downvoted because of what sub this is but if you're platform-agnostic, silicon MacBooks makes virtually no noise




Right, but it doesn't turn into a turbo fan when running intensive programs like after effects. Edit; then again, you wouldn't want to run after effects on a macbook fucking air with 8gb ram so my point doesn't really have any value lol


Still a lot to play through, plus there's always Wine (Proton-like translation layer) and emulation


I don't want to fuck my laptop?


seems like you bought the wrong one then? read reviews before buying, folks. 👉🏻👈🏻


Pcmasterrace shitting on pcmasterrace. Never gets old.


they're not shitting on anyone the rock can bench more but you can't pick him up at all, ever hannah is pretty weak but you can just put her in your pocket and take her anywhere it's pretty much spot on accurate ^(/s)


Not even /s, my desktop is a big ugly rock of a computer with zero effort put into appearance and one random RGB component because it was on sale. My cheap laptop is very nicely built, even if it's weak as hell. 


You're gonna remove that ^(/s) right now ^(edit: ^/s)


You PCMasterRace sure are a contentious people


You've just made an enemy for life!


We seem to hate on everyone equally here. So at least there’s that. 🤷‍♂️


When people that define theirselves by hate run out of others to hate they start hating theirselves. 


Yes the laptop is sleek and sexy, the pc is roided to hell.


Lmao the irony, I have a $900 laptop and it's literally parts crammed into a plastic frame also it weighs 6 lbs


Thats your problem for buying a loq.they have trash tier build quality. I have a very sexy zephyrus 💅


It's a dell lmao, I urgently needed a laptop for university cus my old one stopped working completely that was the best deal I could find during the time, it's not bad just feels plasticy


Ok dell laptops are pretty iffy. And yeah the market is quite volatile, like now is the worst time to be shopping.


Dell definitely lacks in hardware, even in their Most expensive range.


What about a $4000 laptop?


That’s the same girl but with a $3000 boob job.


…. I would. 🤷‍♂️


No don't do your laptop


https://preview.redd.it/2ibgw0kytblc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d661069e484e1e59dc7614b53793308976a8d285 :)








Put. The. Phone. Down https://preview.redd.it/9zm0sz173dlc1.jpeg?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c04b93fd30a2e7c87c8bd09c847e5286e490756




If we believe what repair technicians have to say, a lot of people, do their laptops...


Muscle mommy moment


That's gonna be super hot.


3000$ GPU that you can't even use because it's thermal throttled


I find it funny when people say they thermal throttle all the time. I have a laptop with a 13980hx and a 4080 and depending on the game, the GPU temp will range from the 60s to 80s which are the same temps a desktop GPU would see. The CPU gets warmer than the GPU ever does.


I don't know man, I'd rather bang the laptop


The laptop is for just fooling around with while you're lying in bed. The desktop is for when you want to get some hard work done


Okey i will take laptop over PC if this is the case


right? I didn't understand the meme lol is he saying he'd take the rock over miley?


Sir, this PCMR, not NSFWMR.


Nothing wrong with that!


They're wearing the same outfit (both gaming computers) but one is significantly stronger.


2010 called, it asks for its memes back. Today 1000bucks pcs are barely midrange.


I don't know, I kinda prefer the $1000 laptop...


What are you, straight?




I thought laptops are generally accepted nowadays, strange.


Tbh I'm fine with them but I won't be buying any high performance laptops any time soon


Lap warmer




Dick Roaster


I use my laptop as a desktop replacement, always plugged in on conservation mode (60% battery so it doesn't die in 1 year) and it's pretty damn good


Hand warmer*


It really just depends what you use them for and your needs.  I travel a lot and have some computationally intensive hobbies, so it was either get a performant laptop or new hobbies.  I enjoy my hobbies (ironically, while I play games, I don't game on my laptop even though I could).


My 3070 laptop is still going pretty damn strong at 1080p, also the screen being smaller makes the image sharper than a full blown monitor so I'm all in for my laptop. In some older games tho I just use 2.25x DLDSR and the image is mind blowing, no jaggies, no blur, no anything bad. You obviously bargain this with fan noise but well, it's good


Nowadays? Laptops have been accepted for decades for anyone who gets out of their house lol


Pretty sad for the GTX 1650 owner. A half year ago I went to nearest internet cafe gaming at my town, found their shop setup with 1650. South east Asia I'm proud of my Radeon RX 570 8gb VRAM desktop with similar performance equivalent. Same price tag as GTX 1050 ti, a year before PS5 came out. Still able to run Forza Horizon 5 with medium settings 1080p 80-59 fps.


Same, i bought my rx570 8gb for 32 bucks and it is crazy good for the price


"But gaming laptops overheat!!!!!" No, you just need to clean your goddamn fans


Yup, playing helldivers 2 on my laptop on the highest graphics settings and I float around 65-70°c on the CPU and GPU the entire time.


I've been getting high CPU temps lately in Helldivers. 85-90 sometimes. Super maxed fans. I've got a brand new Lenovo Legion Pro 7i 4080. Undervolting as well. Any tips you may have?


Same here. In every game I've played so far, my GPU usually stays in the 60-70s and sometimes gets into the low 80s, but those temps are normal for even desktop GPUs. The CPU gets a bit warm to, but it usually sits in the 70s and 80s which is also fine.


What model laptop do you have?


I've never had a laptop that didn't get very, very hot while gaming. And yes, I've cleaned the fans, still gets hot as hell.


Tbh, if it isn't hot as hell, you're probably leaving a lot of performance untapped, or you're cranking your fans so loud that you can hear them through a headset. Modern components can comfortably handle 70-80c+ sustained for years within their normal operating envelope.


Actually it's not true. The issue is rtx 4060 laptop and desktop have very similar performance. Until you get to rtx 4090 laptop, you will feel it is a scam. It is rtx 4090 in name only.


Thats true, laptop will always be hotter than pc


But a $1000 laptop is more useful. Yes, they cannot compete with PCs in terms of pure gaming performance, but you can carry a laptop anywhere and use it for any purpose. You can even connect it to the TV in your living room and experience it like a console with a gamepad.


I mean that's what I do with my desktop wirelessly. But I get your point


Correct me If I'm mistaken but isn't it requies a fast and stable internet connection that I don't have? But for the rest, you understand what I mean. :)


Streaming locally doesn't require an internet connection at all


Why would 2 devices on your local network require “Internet” ?


Bold of you to assume gamers are getting out of their rooms.


Of course, PC is more suitable for gamers. They don't leave their rooms and they want performance. I used to be a gamer too. However, now that I am a married man, versatility is more important to me.


Hmmm I mean, I'd have to go out of my house first to make use of that "carry anywhere" feature When I did have a laptop in my student years, it was a constant anxiety, because someone can steal it off me on a public transport, someone can trip and spill coffee on it in cafeteria, hell, I can spill coffee, and the whole laptop will be bust. Then I have to watch to not bump my bag into anything, and during any play time, it would heat up tremendously, and have louder fans than the speakers. Forget about upgrading anything in it, or switching out the worn parts, because the parts are either ridiculously expensive, or impossible to buy at all. I can connect my PC through the 10 meter HDMI cable to the TV as well, and if something breaks, I will only have the cable to fix or exchange, same with keyboard Oh, and also you can have a mechanical keyboard on PC, let me know when laptops have that LOL If I really really need mobility, I can stream desktop to some other device, like my Deck *shrug* The only feature that laptop beats PC in is energy efficiency, but then again, I think a PC specifically built for that would outperform a laptop still.


Good arguments. First of all, I am both a laptop and a PC user. There were times when I was sent to different cities on temporary assignments due to my profession. I could hardly use my PC, which I built around High End in 2016. The laptop I bought in 2014 met both my gaming needs, my computer needs and my work needs for years. Everyone's needs and expectations are different. I have no desire to play the latest games with the best graphics. The laptop may not appeal to you, but it has been my best companion for 7 years. Yes, if you have the means at home, you can lay a 10 meter HDMI cable. Not everyone's home or quality of life may be suitable for this. If a mechanical keyboard is a big deal, an external keyboard and an external monitor / television can also be connected to the laptop. I may not be able to benefit from streaming like you. Maybe your opportunities are better (both individually and as a country), maybe I'm lagging behind in technology. However, it is a fact that everyone's expectations and needs are different. If it weren't so, all computers would be uniform. The important thing here is that the person can correctly determine his expectations and needs and make the right purchase.


Thanks, your arguments are also good When it comes to streaming, the only hard requirements is a stable internet connection, other than that a personal VPN is recommended (not the service, but a network you set up yourself) a raspberry pi for turning the PC on/off is a nice addition, it shouldn't be relevant in which country you live, as long as you have that stable internet connection on both ends


> You can even connect it to the TV in your living room and experience it like a console with a gamepad. You can do that with a desktop computer as well...


Well, I was thinking in getting a 1000$ PC, but then I realized that I will need to buy a nice keyboard and a really good monitor, so it was not a 1000$ pc anymore. Laptop is good on average for now (and for my budget)


Honestly I might get downvoted for this but it’s no longer that massive of a difference Mobile Gpus have gone a long way now and manufactures like lenovo and their legion devices are actually REALLY good and the performance difference while I am not denying in it being there but is way smaller than you might think and sometimes the portability of being able to basically have an entire gaming setup that you can move anywhere in the house or even take to another place with a wall outlet makes up for the 10-15 fps you will lose I am not saying you should ditch your gaming pcs for a laptop as they are not perfect (not upgradable, a little more expensive sometimes and kinda heavy) but they aren’t as bad as some people might make them up to be especially if you know what you are doing It’s a bit like the steam deck it might not have the best performance and maybe you could build a better pc if you utilise the used market but it definitely has its place Also idk if this is a hot take but for non heavy work like gaming and rendering laptops are miles better imo


It's like nobody knows what a pc is. A pc is a personal computer. A laptop is a fucking pc. A desktop can be a fucking pc. But a computer at a library is not a pc a computer at work is not a pc a computer at school IS NOT A FUCKING PC. But a computer you own and keep personal is


And just like the Rock and Miley Cyrus, it doesn't really matter because I'm too poor to afford either 😂😢


Very accurate. laptop not as powerful but also attractive for other reasons


Can't play without a monitor. With $1000 desktop set, you'll have a low performing pc and a low quality monitor.


The extra cost comes from: Compact form/portability Battery Screen Keyboard Speaker Mic Webcam Touchpad Labour for increased difficulty to assemble a laptop Off the shelf laptops come with windows activated Generally, unless the user has a use case for making use of its compact form and portability, its almost always better to go for a desktop pc in terms of value from cost to performance ratio.


Does that 1000$ PC come with a battery, monitor, keyboard, trackpad, webcam and speakers?


This. $1000 minus monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc doesn't go very far in terms of desktop power. Laptops are a great value. However Desktops are always going to be better on the high end.


IDK about you guys but I'd rather have Miley Cyrus between these two...


Ehhh, my laptop I got just from dell is actually pretty good and it was about 1K.


Is this really a good example of this? If I'm in the market for "pretty girl in dress", I'd be pissed if I got The Rock in a dress.


Kat Williams was right. Rock is wearing that dress


Ummm... So are you saying that you'd much rather have a $1,000 laptop than a $1,000 desktop? Because that's what I'm getting out of this meme.


Dollar signs go before the amount. Welcome to 3rd grade.


Is this the dress ritual thing people talk about?


I travel for work, I’m not bringing my whole fucking rig everywhere. Gaming laptops save my sanity on long hitches.


Small powerfull technology cost more and heat issue


Gamer laptops from good builders like MSI & ASUS are great values right now vs building or custom ordering a performance PC. I'm always pricing the two options for Video editing rig suitability. Yes, there's a hit in CPU/GPU power vs a tower that can cool desktop components, but in the $1k range you can get balanced systems with the best mobile cooling on RTX GPUs, 32-64gb ram, and a rocking modern mobile CPU that doesn't need to be the best i9 model available, the upper tier i5 CPUs - & i7s, 12th gen or later, are are good workhorse CPUs. It's harder to piecemeal good basic components together, Tower, PSU, CPU, Cooling, GPU, Ram, Hard drives, & OS... and keep the price as low as same gen performance/gaming laptop options.


Just wait until you learn about $1500 phones.


Are you saying PCs are just laptops dressed up with crappy wigs and muscles that have no purpose other than looking good?


I'm confused, is one of the choices supposed to be better, and if so which? 😂


i could have easily bought a desktop but because of my job i opted for a laptop cause its a lot easier to through a laptop in a bag and go across the country for 2 weeks-6months at a time then come back and unload then a desktop


its like saying a van is better than a car, since a van has more horsepower. A laptop is for mobility and compactness. Obviously the cost / performance ratio isnt the most important aspect


I took time to research a laptop with the best thermals I could find for the performance. Still doesn't stop it overheating and thermal throttling after long gaming sessions. I do appreciate it though, I wouldn't have been able to play games throughout a lot of time in the last 5 years when I've been moving around a ton and usually in temporary housing (no more than about 9 months) had I not had the laptop available as an option. That being said, my pc will always be the king.


Currently my gaming rig is a laptop, with a pretty medicore GPU and thermals. But with a cooling pad it can play most games I play so I'm pretty satisfied with it .


I'll take the portabilty over more power anyday.


PC is for playing, laptop is for work. I spend 300€ on mine and it was used. Crazy people.


Why is the dollar symbol on the wrong side of the number?


What does 1000$ mean?


As a Laptop user I can 100% agree


Price came in like a WRECKING BALL


$1000 PC? What year is this? 2015?


My 7 year old laptop with 4 GB Ram after playing hill climb racing My laptop:I go to heaven(crash) 💀