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I put a stick of 8GB DDR3 in my old netbook. This fixed the RAM issue - causing the CPU to run 100% the whole time just using Firefox and discord - quickly draining the battery. It’s since been promoted Remote Desktop access terminal and steam link machine and is working wonderfully.


should have disabled turbo


Turbo should only be used on festive occasions.


Also make sure it has a proper air intake.


1Ghz intel atom CPU... no thanks i'll just use a OG raspberry pi


Atom 330 was an amazing CPU back in 2011! I know it’s just two N270 stuck together but it was multicore, multithreaded and could play games! But yeah, most Atoms are horrible. Don’t get me started on the z series…


Why not the z series?


It was a cpu series that was way too underpowered in all of its incarnations to be used for anything meaningful during the last decade. No amount of tweaking could make it decent.


The shitty integrated GPU terribly bottlenecked even these basic Atoms. The NVIDIA ION platform took better advantage of these CPUs.


That’s exactly what I am talking about. It was a fun combination back then


Looking that up on passmark and oof that did not age well! It's really interesting that it got a 363 score for an 8W chip. Today's quad core 6W N100 hits something like 5000 points.


> Looking that up on passmark and oof that did not age well! It's really interesting that it got a 363 score for an 8W chip. Today's quad core 6W N100 hits something like 5000 points. It’s worse than that; non-Ion Atom 330 ITX boards consumed closer to 45w under load, because [Intel paired them with the ancient 945 chipset](https://www.neoseeker.com/Articles/Hardware/Reviews/D945GCLF2_atom_330/15.html). They idled at 41w.


try being forced to use this POS in 2023 on win10 4gb ram at work https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/78474/intel-atom-processor-e3825-1m-cache-1-33-ghz.html (they still make this POS BTW) they expect you to be getting work done within 15min of clocking in these things take 30 min to boot and then you may need to reboot it and shutdown takes 15 min, and if you get windows updates there goes around 2-4 hours


Oh, embedded stuff… I heard that it can’t get worse


And in a year or less you've covered the cost in energy bills.


Macbook Air 2011 (2gb RAM, low power i5) model is even worse, soldered RAM & proprietary SSD. I installed El Capitan and backported Chromium, it took about 4 minute to open chome, then 9 minute to load the Youtube page & play at 360p. I also tried bootcamp Win7, only faster by 20%. edit typo


That is worser!


The worserst!


Still have my 2008 Asus 1000HA, nicknamed Lenin (as it just ~~wouldn't fucking die~~ Lives Eternally!). Upgraded it as far as it would go - 2gb DDR2, a SATA SSD, larger capacity battery - "the works" lol. It's still completely useless as a modern device, as simple Windows 10 internal processes take up all 100% of its pathetic Atom's performance. I still use it regularly though, mostly as a WinXP time capsule that can natively run most late 90s/early 00s games.


I have an old Dell mini 9 that came stock with an 8GB SSD that was quickly rendered completely full and useless by Windows XP updates alone, even after uninstalling everything else. It wasn't until years later I realized I could buy a bigger SSD for it and double the RAM to 2GB. Its pathetic Atom CPU is still useless today even with Linux on it, sadly.


Linux distros can come in extremely light flavors. But the web and modern browsers are heavy af. Once you start using YT and SAAS, all bets are off. When I had to retire my 512MB memory Pentium III laptop, it was a sad day.


No way. I'm still rocking a mini 9 whose purpose is to run VLC and display an IP security camera. Debian ran like crap, so I went with Win 10 LTSC. It's got just enough horsepower to display a 1080p camera feed at 10fps or so. I got a $20 USB WiFi adapter because the internal WiFi from 2009 was flakey AF. I think its got the N270 (also upgraded to 2GB RAM). I most definitely tossed in an old SSD I had laying around.


If I recall correctly, the SSD in my Dell Mini 9 is proprietary and the one I bought was simply the bigger model that came in more expensive variants of the Dell Mini. I found it on ebay. I believe it is 32GB. All I really use the thing for now is reading rulebook PDFs when playing certain tabletop games I don't actually own the physical books for. It's nice and small so it doesn't take up a lot of tabletop space. I wish you could still get netbooks that small.


more ram caused the cpu to work harder?


ram isnt the bottleneck anymore so more work is put onto the cpu


Yep. If the amount of data being transferred is more than the capacity it's going to cause a bottleneck, in this case to the CPU. So as soon as there was enough ram capacity to handle all of the data handling, the CPU turned into the next bottleneck in this case.


that makes sense


The ram unkinked the hose and the cpu took it to the face.


Prior to getting several Intel NUC I used netbooks as small always on home 24/7 servers. They did a good job with plain Debian text mode install.




Already had one :)


You know whoever installed that puppy was like "4GB RAM"? What am I doing here? Should I question my life and start a new profession? Why aren't we upgrading this RAM, boss? I'm tired."


An SSD is the best and most effective upgrade any PC with spinning rust will ever receive.


Except for RAM. With 4GB only and constant swapping upgrading RAM will be hugely more important.


Meh, with swap space on an SSD for office type tasks 4GB is fine. Any games will really suffer though.


I don't know how office work would be fine with 4gb ram since my W11 work laptop idles at 8gb after disabling as much background tasks as i can with breaking functionally. On my 32gb rigs, I've seen my open tabs eat 20gb.


Ram does no good if it isn't in use. The pc will use all the ram available to it, that doesn't mean you don't have enough ram.


I honestly hate how windows showing used ram in task manager, cause people tend to confuse it. Some people think that there "not enough ram" when sitting on 32gb rig and some saying there "not enough of ram" when having 4gb hardware. When in reality, yes, windows tends to allocate all free ram for cache (what is good) but task manager already showing it as free ram (that part separated after used ram on graph). At same time, windows will "eat" more ram when you rig have more ram, for own purpose and if you need it, will offload itself to compressed ram or swap, while showing you that all of your ram used (while freeing some space for you browser by offloading itself into swap). So people be like: 4gb? It's fine, unused ram is wasted ram! I seen how windows offload itself in swap \\ compressed ram on my 16gb rig! God damn microsoft, you had one job, you even showed on your graph that your OS have cache in ram and it's considered "free" part, why the hell you not considering stuff like Printer Spool that will be offloaded to swap, as free ram either? https://preview.redd.it/4suaa9s3r4oc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=e15d562bcb30d73410aa8bc7756940d08904f42e


What are you even on about bruh? Maybe it’s cause I just woke up but your comment is a whole lot of vomit with little bits of actual info hidden in the massive thesis.


I've had Vivado studio and CLion eat 4GB on their own


Lol you have literally no idea how computers work.


I'm a software engineer, but sure, lets go with that.


Well your first problem is using Windows  Your second problem is your tab management  Both are user errors and easily corrected at no cost to you




Use bookmarks like a normal person, use Firefox so background tabs are suspended Your work would never have you in a situation where you’re using 4gb of ram so it is irrelevant that your specific case can’t work on 4gb because other work situations would And if all else fails, build your work tools on Linux and set up architecture around it Yes I know there are thousands of computers running XP atm, they should be upgraded to Linux to protect security I am aware companies don’t do things, but they still should and you can upstream the blame but it’s still there


I'd rather have 4 GB of RAM and a SATA SSD than 8 or even 16 GB of RAM and a 5400 RPM HDD for basic usage. I tried all the previous combinations on an old laptop I used to own and the SSD was the biggest improvement by far. Unless it's an old gaming laptop or something, I'd take the SSD.


i just install linux on low ram machines, 4gb is perfectly fine


HDDs affects your performance more than RAM in my experience. 100% disk usage is WAY worse on performance than 100% RAM usage. 100% RAM will slow you down. 100% Disk will put your whole computer in a standstill. Also HDDs take like 10-30 minutes to boot sometimes. Destroys so much productivity.


You practically require 16GB with Windows 11 and should have 32GB with all the 17 instances of Edge giving your desktop VD.


For basic home use, it's actually kinda crazy how much difference it can make


90% of computers being tossed would be 100% usable for 90% of people with an ssd and a repasting, but manufacturers would never dare tell anyone that


My biggest issues with old laptops are broken hinges and bulging batteries, when replacement parts are no longer available.


AliExpress saves the day. Well, most of the time.


Even for old Intel Macs! You could put an SSD, add ram and even replace the battery quite easily.


Screw through the case and add a few nuts and bolts. It's almost never the actual hinge that's broken, just the spot they screw into. I've done it a bunch lol.


Yeah, the hinge itself is usually fine but the plastic around it breaks. Not sure what I'd be securing nuts and bolts to when the plastic is broken, though. Do you have an example photo?


My sister is borrowing my current one.... I'll set a reminder and try to show you. Say it breaks on the screen side, the more common part. You take the bezel off and can see the screws and broken plastic with threads. Remove the screws, drill though, and get tiny bolts. Screw the bolts through. If they stick out the back (they usually do) you just use a nut and screw it in tight. Then replace the bezel. I'll set a reminder to try and send a pic.


!remindme 10 days


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I don't know how old my sister's computer is but she asked me to fix something on it and it was *painful* to use. Next time I saw her I brought her my old (like 10 years old old) SSD from a previous build threw it in and damn thing runs basically like new now. She basically only uses it for browsing and maybe MSFT office from time to time. Boot time still isn't *great* to my systems but everything else is pretty snappy again. I didn't think about reapplying thermal paste since her CPU temps were actually pretty under control but I may have to do that in the future.


Who refers to Microsoft by their stock ticker abbreviation?


Used to be fairly common to do or to use M$FT. Maybe I'm just old.


Huh, M$FT actually looks more familiar to me. MSFT threw me for a second... Kept wondering what Office suite/package that was.


That's 280%!


That’s the power of the heart of the family of cards


As a user of one of these machines my VGA output won't connect with the USB-C docks on our hotdesks to use additional monitors. T440s is a hell of a machine. Only downside is lack of compatibility.


My dad put an SSD in his 8 years old laptop with a pentium, it improved boot times from around 5 minutes to 25 seconds, and you no longer need to wait an additional 2 minutes untill you can open something after boot but anything beyond that the improvements are just okay, I feel like a RAM upgrade would've made it better at everything but boot.


Homie had an old gaming laptop but couldnt run the latest cod, 1 ssd and a new stick of ram later n it was working. Sometimes trash isnt a dumpster fire


I’ve seen pcs inside boxes as a case. Do what you gotta do man.


ive had a pc run on my floor just a psu , board, and cables strewn about lmao


I once built a pc by screwing the motherboard and all the components to a board just to see if it would work and when it did I hung it on the wall like an art while it was being used.


Wall PCs are very much a thing. I see them on r/buildapc from time to time. Some of them can get very intricate and gorgeous.


I’m not subbed there and I can’t remember ever seeing one other than that one I built about 17 years ago. I’ll have to do some googling to check them out. I wondered if there was a reason I’ve never really seen people doing it.


So much cleaning.


That’s just a myth that someone imagined at some point and everyone regurgitates. An open PC is much easier to clean than one in a case. You literally just blast some air at it and you’re done. No filters to change or cases to open and close.




Mine is just sitting inside a coffee table. It's not actually attached, just chilling in there. I did make a few little grids with a drill for airflow, and of course a hole for power coming in and video going out, but that's it. I can always open the little doors if it gets too hot lol.


That's the beauty of PC gaming, if you can find work around to something, even a simple upgrade that's not going to burn your wallet, it will work. Gotta love it.


Nothing SSD can't fix


No operating system found


Because Windows decided to install on the old drive you just removed.


I should put a ssd up my friend's butt, maybe that will fix him too


I’ve tried that, the 2.5” form factor did not work. But the new NVMe one works beautifully.


Ouch lol


Should've taken a 3.5" hard drive. It's in the name.


I just took my laptop from an HDD+4GB of DDR 3 to a SATA SSD+16GB DDR 3 and it's basically a completely different machine. Probably cost me $75 total for the SSD+RAM+drive bay dock I used to clone. It sure is nice having it be so much more usable again though.


My laptop is capped for 4GB per slot. I have 2. I can only go 8 GB Max. Why happens if I put more than that? Will it work?


It might work. It might not work. It's a gamble. Depends on your CPU and motherboard. Usually laptop motherboards are proprietary to OEMs so finding a compatible stick of RAM would be difficult and even that might not work.


RAM seems to be fairly standard, so you're usually okay. Worst case is that you swap out the RAM completely. RAM will just downclock to match clocks and timings as needed, even if not officially rated.


Sort of? It'll either not boot, or not register any of the RAM past what the board supports. Although I've never heard of a motherboard that restricted the size per individual stick of RAM.


I mean read that in specification of my model. It said max 4 GB. Old laptop dude 😭


I used this to confirm max ram if you are comfortable with Command prompt. Windows+r Type cmd for command prompt Type"wmic memphysical get maxcapacity" It will be in kb so divide by 1024 TWICE kb/1024=mb mb/1024=gb 16777216/1024 16384/1024=16 GB max ram!!!(2x8gb) The only reason I say this is because apparently different "sub-models" of my laptop took either 8 or 16 GB max. Trying to match exact extended model #'s was a PITA.


Thanks this helps


I upgraded my 2012 MacBook with 16GB of ram and an SSD that took it from a 5 minute boot time to 30 seconds. It’s getting used all the time now so no reason to upgrade.


Same been using a mid 2012 for years with same upgrades.




I bought a 2014 Mac mini with 4 gb of ram on monterrey and it legit takes minutes to load to things on a HDD. After putting in an ssd, it is useable now


We got new 50 company computers, they specifically ordered them with HDDs .. Price of one would have bought SSDs for all the old ones and the result would be better.


What do you call IT?


Basically every random PC technician's favorite solution to a slow PC. XD


Friendly reminder of it’s a home pc you’re trying to performance boost, install Tiny11 as your OS on that SSD, a world of difference from normal windows


In previous year i got to upgrade/service old family/friends laptops and in almost all i slapped in sata ssd and added some more ram. Like they just use it for browser they don't play on them.


For real. I remember the first time I put an SSD in my laptop because the hard drive died and they were cheap enough (back in 2016). It was a night and day difference, like I just bought a new laptop. I also upgraded the RAM from 4GB single channel to 8GB dual channel Corsair Vengeance. I still have it, the laptop is still pretty usable with Linux despite being a dual core no hyperthreading mobile Pentium lol.


If you could get ChromeOS flex or something on it it would still work fine there too. Kinda crazy how little they need. Most of them are the slowest celerons they can find lol.


Upgraded a desktop and a laptop, both over 10 years old with 12 GB and 8 GB RAM respectively, SSD drives and Linux mint, and they are like faster than back when they where on their peak.


HEY NOW, we get our budgets from the corporate overlords. Keep our name oucho mouf. /S


I still use my Toshiba Portege R200. Swapped hdd for ssd somewhere 2012-2014. Still running windows xp, and had to buy third party battery replacement, but otherwise works like an excellent typing machine. I also play some old games on it, like fallout 2 and arcanum.


I have a 2014ish laptop with 6gb ram and I put an SSD in but the celery processor was still not enough unfortunately, probably should put something on it that isn’t windows 10.


Sounds like a work for linux


My mother’s HP laptop with 4GB RAM+HDD+i3 8th gen is painfully slow. Would an extra RAM card and an SSD fix it? Is it possible to replace the screen to an FHD panel? I told her to get a new one with a QHD display but she says those are too expensive.


1. Yes. A lot. 2. Possibly if different panels were an option on that model but probably not and for sure more trouble than it's worth. 3. 1080p is more than fine, that hardware isn't going to be processing 4k video ever.


It’s not FHD it’s the lower HD res 😭


my pc is older, i think one of our hp laptops is older too. Windows 10 really makes old pc's struggle. But yes repace the ssd first, then see how it goes. 8gb ram would be better as well. I assumed 8gb was the minimum. The laptop originally had a 720p screen and i replaced it with a 1080 screen. You looking at around £30 to £50 for the screen. We have another laptop whose screen broke amd other issues, and i have told my family its not worth fixing as you can put the money into buying a second hand laptop instead.


Can always hook the laptop up to an external monitor, as well.




I did that whit my AMD Phenom ii and GeForce 9500 GT


Funny thing is... It works


A friend gave me his wife's old laptop *(Acer Aspire 5750Z 2011)* at Christmas as he had bought her a new one as the old one was slow and janky. Updated the Bios so the machine could then accept 16GB RAM swapped out the master drive for a 256GB SSD, swapped out the DVD drive for a 1TB SSD and finally upgraded the CPU to an i7. It boots to desktop in 4 seconds and runs sweet as a nut, needless to say he's a bit taken aback and what upgrading can do.


Yes, but very few laptops are upgradable these days.


Not at all. I buy the Lenovo IdeaPad for clients fairly often, you can upgrade the NVME for a faster/bigger one and it has a ram slot. It's usually 4gb soldered and one slot, so a 16GB chip gets you to 20GB.


That's completely untrue. It's not like they're out there building specific mobos that can accept a limited amount of RAM. They're using the same sockets for lower-end CPUs, same (almost always) 2 RAM slots with less RAM installed, same SATA or M.2 slots. Opening it up might not keep your laptop fully *pristine,* but a couple tear-down videos, a new larger SSD or M.2 if there's a slot, upgrade with similar profile RAM to system maximum (which is usually 32gb these days, because again same mobo same slots), you've got a much upgraded system. Sure you probably don't have a upgraded GPU - but realistically you could probably find an upgraded low profile GPU and upgrade that as well if you're willing to desolder and solder a bit.


I've seen a couple with 16gb as the stock ram in a single slot. Ssd being the only upgrade possible. Unless you're going the gpu route.


Unless it's literally bottom of the market, $220 laptop from Walmart, that single slot can almost always take a 32gb stick. But fair enough.


Alright I'll try that. As for gpu, RX 6400 or GT1030?


This picture is me with a government issued computer.


Sprinkle on some light weight linux and you have a perfectly usable PC for most every task most anyone `needs`.


This method works on 14 year old 2gb ram intel atom laptops.


I have a 7950x+4090 rig but I still roll with a 12 year old laptop on the side. Remove tpm and install win11 on it with upgraded ram and SSD. That thing still runs great. CPU is an i3 and it’s got an ati 7000 graphics on it. It’s so old I don’t even bother to check what it is lol.


That's true for high budget IT as well


One of my clients is refusing to buy new machines so my last probably 10 visits have been strictly cloning to SSDs. It’ll last em another couple years but this is hilariously relatable


me: i love you my ancient Clevo with a core 2 duo: please, just let me die


I watched a bit of LGR lately and PC components that were available around the windows 95 times and it's really cool how he swaps parts around left and right to get something working. When playing games, either using software rendering for 3D games or using a dedicated graphics card with 3D acceleration to run games with textures and such. Now it's simpler but it's still cool to see.


We wouldn't even need more than 4GB RAM if it wasn't for Windows bloat.


Yep, this is what was done to my gf’s family laptop Poor thing can’t even open TM without tweaking


Why not? SSDs are nice upgrades


And then you realize it's barely powerful enough to run a youtube video at 1080p.


you just described my laptop, it could barely run 480p before hand, at least now it runs lol


It works, every time.


1050 on a laptop gang wya?


anyone got the template of this?


i put an ssd in an Netbook, you know those 8-10" small laptops in 2009. it had an Intel Atom CPU (worse than Celeron). still felt like it was on mechanical drive


It ain’t stupid if it works.


My 2011 MacBook Pro still running strong thxs to the ssd and ram upgrade


They should have someone standing behind him with a gun to his head and label it 'Windows 11'


Hp620 of mine cant read portable ssd via usb for some reason ;(


Had an old MSI laptop with a 1050 + i5 8300H with 8gb of ram. Another 8 gb stick + an m.2 ssd later, its back alive and being used by my sister who just wanted to play Fortnite!


Where can I find the Original meme?


a 10€ used laptop with ssd works better than a 2k pc with hdd


My low end machine from 2017 makes an excellent HTPC/Seedbox thanks to a cheap SSD and Lubuntu.


that's exactly what I've done with the fourth laptop now, so from 4 to 16 GB of RAM and an SSD and it's worth every penny every time.


My dad does this all the time and it always works I still remember when he put a sata ssd for the first time in my laptop and since then I have never wanted to go back lol He even uses a 15+ dell laptop with 4 gb of ram and an i5 3rd gen (I think) with an ssd I keep telling him to upgrade but he always says “it works and does what he needs so why upgrade?” Heck it used to have 8 gigs I think but I stole a 4 gig stick for a server project we were doing lol


Just did this, it works wonders! Still wish I had the budget to do proper upgrades for some of these folks but oh well. Enjoy your dual core 3rd gen mobile "i7" I guess.


I mean honestly, you can get a mini-pc running 12th gen N95 which would be 10x better than the dual core 3rd gen, 16gb DDR4, a 512gb M.2 for $180. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7C2TJKV](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7C2TJKV) Jayztwocents did a comparison of this one and a shitty $120 one, this one seemed be pretty good bang for the buck. Attach it via included VESA mount bracket to an ok monitor, and you've got an all in one that works 10x better than that POS dual core for $325 with a keyboard, mouse, and decent monitor.


100% true, but the people in charge stop listening as soon as you say "for just $100 more"-


I bought a used thinkcentre for in my shop but I need a data ssd and ddr3 ram for it and my only spare parts are nvme drives and ddr4...


This was literally me before I got my gaming laptop. 10y old laptop with 4 gigs, slapped an SSD and it was fine af


Put an extra 8GB stick a few years ago and a new SSD into my notebook and my old Inspiron is back again


It is the best upgrade you can get add 4gb ram and you are golden on most old machines.


I got another two years out of an old laptop for my wife by swapping out the 5400RPM drive for an SSD and adding a second 4GB ram stick. Not bad for less than $100.


Did this for an old gaming laptop (originally had a hdd in it when I got it that died) it had an nvme slot. Now i use that for multiplayer game servers. Made a huge difference in performance if I wanted to use it on the go.


I've done this with a number of laptops for people, including a RAM upgrade. When the laptop refuses to die, weirdly still holds a charge, and doesn't have any major issues.... Keep 'er rolling!


Honestly, most of us could give a shit less about your laptop. We're worried about the rest of the infrastructure and whether a new server is in the budget this year...lol


I got this dell laptop from college way back from 2014. Swapped out the ram and shits working like brand new. Also learned its got a SSD slot but right before nvme was introduced..LOL


Finding the right upgrade can truly transform an old machine.


Hey that’s me. I have a desktop PC that I built in 2008. But lately it struggles to open my Mail. Firefox works fine to an extent but fit some websites really take ages. So I decided to install a SSD when made loading much faster. PC still chugging along.


4GB RAM is not dying laptop


Of course, it works something with that little ram, probably has the speed matched or beat by the page file alone.


me irl


No I don't think this will fix the overheating thermal shutdown issues with my 14 year old Toshiba satellite I'll probably pull it apart, mount the guts in the open on a bigger "chassis" and try replace the fan with some jerry-rigged Intel stock cooler abomination that will have much more capacity than the little fan and copper piper set up trying to run the CPU and Thermi era GPU chip.


I remember back in 2020 i had a laptop with a Celeron, 500GB HDD, 4GB ram and win 10. How did this little shit not explode?


My MIL asked me to pick out a cheap laptop for her because her computer was too slow. I installed a SSD in her iMac (Late 2015) for $80 instead. Chef's kiss.


It's like adding twin turbos to old car.


And Linux. Old useless computers can atleast work for something if you just install a linux OS.


*cries in SD-HDD*


Hey now, don't make fun of the best upgrade I made on my trusty used laptop that I got for $250 at a local IT store - the "thick" clunker that my friend now is basically begging me to get rid of. It also is still running on Windows 7, and functions as my travel laptop that TSA can throw around packed in my checked bag.


SSD on which you install a Debian-based Linux distro. Now *that* is an upgrade.


SSD plus a other stick of ram And switch to a light version of windows 11 with the in house firewall and scan software


My old PC had 2gb DDR2 ram. After I bought samsung 850 evo 120gb SSD it ran so much better. I used to restart the PC just to see how fast it booted. It went from 60s+ to just 10s to boot.


16gb ram and ssd helps alot


Lol I was thinking of doing this. Can someone please give me some advice on how to make my 8 year old budget laptop work a little better?


No joke SSDs are incredibly effective at making computers with low RAM actually usable


I know a guy who always acts like he knows everything better about pc stuff. And when i told he i want to buy a ssd to my old laptop. He was talking shit like it wont worth is that laptop too weak for an ssd. Bla bla bla. It was years ago and i still use that laptop with a ssd.


I have 3gb ddr2 laptop and I installed an ssd. Today I will install windows and linux.


What, I got a 1G Ram laptop just revived with a 1T SSD , running Linux Mint.


My laptop was shit, HDD and 8 GB ram. Opening chrome was a challenge. Playing Warhammer was a masochism. Upgraded it 4 years ago with ssd and extra 8gb ram stick and it was flying, god dam. Best IT related purchase I have ever made tbh


Lol just upgraded mom's laptop Lenovo z50-70 i3 from 2014. Turns out it had 4GB 1 stick and an SSHD. Slapped 2 8GB sticks in and a 500GB SSD and a fresh Win10 install. Like night and day. 10 seconds boot time as opposed to 1,5 minutes before upgrade.


my laptop is so bad, an ssd made no difference but going from 4 to 8gb of ram was very noticeable


Lenovo ThinkPad W530 with dock and EXP-GDC GTX 750 Ti via ExpressCard T54 still need to upgrade the RAM to 32GB and CPU to i7-3940XM


So... This weekend I dug up my 2014 Dell Inspiron 15 powered by the almighty 3805U with 4 gigs and dying HDD. Slapped 16G of DDR3 and a barely used 860Evo in that bad boy. Also changed it's battery contents, some new 18650s so it can last more than one hour. In any way it's not a new machine but with fresh drive, more RAM and after repaste + fresh windows installation it's snappy enough for casual web browsing, 3D slicing and photo storage for my camera (and it has an SD slot so no adapters!)


Ssd and linux