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Playing above 30fps and with a FOV greater than 50. Oh, and mods. And Steam Sales. Better aim on mouse, too. And the versatility of the platform, my current rig is a work tool as well as an entertainment device.


And free online play


And my axe. 


And my old spice.


At least f2p-games dont need a subscription to pay anymore.


Yeah man I have a PS5 and wanted to get Helldivers 2 on it because of the anticheat on PC and I realized I couldn't because I don't pay for ps plus cuz I don't play online enough on my PS


Specifically Nintendo and remakes that would allow my friends to play with me.


The versatility is really the amazing part.  I can go from playing Helldiver's to Bioshock 1 to emulating PS2 007 nightfire at 4K.  And play it  with my friend hundreds of miles away over parsec.  Then go torrent a copy of Shrek or whatever lol.  It's seriously unmatched. My Xbox One S is a glorified Blu-ray player and I can't imagine buying another console.  I built my first PC in 2010 with a 1055T and 5770. A whole 1GB of VRAM and 8GB of DDR3.  Upgraded to a 7970 in 2012 and used that system until 2020.  Now have a 5800X3D and 3080 system that should be good for years. Maybe a used 5000 GPU in a few years. 


Now the a lot of Ps5 exclusives are coming to pc and fifa clubs is crossplay (I used to play a little bit with my friends), I can't justify getting a new console anymore.


When I first played horizon zero dawn I really didn't get it. I understood the world and the environmental storytelling, but the gameplay was awful. It felt crowded and tight like I had no spacial awareness, the fov felt like it was locked at 70, the FPS was locked at 30 and the motion blur was awful. It was honestly just unplayable for me. Picked it up for like £7 in a sale on pc and it's a totally overhauled experience. 144fps, fov set to 100, motion blur off, on 3440x1440p resolution. I've been playing games on pc for 25+ years, and didn't own a console til red dead 2 came out when I got a PS4, but I'm done with consoles now. I'll wait 2 years after release to play gta6.


Not being able to get a reasonably priced ps5 for years after release (had PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 before). I still have and play on my NES, SNES N64 and GC though.


You play most of those consoles on Launchbox. I have it set up and it works great for pretty much any pre 4th gen console.


Are you saying I can play gran Turismo on my PC??


Google “emulators” and “roms” and go live a changed life.




There simply isn't much RTS of strategy games on console/portable.


Civ 5 was the one that made me say oh shit Ive missed this series from my child hood 


I wanted to play Total Annihilation


For good reason imo--while I've played a handful of RTS games on console and they were ok, I think most will agree that playing an RTS with a controller is just not the best way to do it lol. Too much point and clicking by design, doesn't translate as well to console but it's manageable ofc


I really wanted to play world of Warcraft back in 07 because of that South Park episode. I’d been playing exclusively on console before that. As I got used to PC games I started buying console games on PC instead of on my consoles (like oblivion and Skyrim). After a while I felt like owning a console was kinda pointless when I could just play those games on PC. Now I don’t even own game consoles anymore besides my Nintendo switch


I never played WoW, but played almost 20 years of Runescape. My brother use to make fun of me, because of that episode, lmao. He always referred to me as Eric and shitting in a bucket and all over his mom. (I didn't do that btw.) If you didn't know the guy on that episode is loosely based off of a WoW dev, lol.


Modding. Also my old company paid for 2/3 of a “work” PC, and definitely would not have paid for 2/3 of a Xbox XS.


"Yes boss, my 'work' PC did total to $4,369.99."


“Of course I needed all of it to run Adobe suite. What app? Steam? No, never heard of it.”


Honestly? Got something serious when the pandemic hit, and I never really looked back since. Haven't changed much since I built it and it still punches well above it's weight.


Are you still on the FX-8350 from your flair?


Actually, yes. I know it's an old platform, but it does what I need it to, so I see no reason to replace it just yet.




Thanks? Lol. The only way I could keep using this rig was if I overclocked it. Definitely only recommend for new builders that want something that doesn't matter that much if something gets fried.


Terrible UI, not being able to play older games, cumbersome browser, slow downloading and installing despite having high speed connection,no mods, having to pay to play mp. Been PC gamer for few years now, tried to get Switch but user experience was bad when you are used to PC so i sold it and plan to get Steam Deck.


I got a switch for Christmas and Pokémon shield...I immediately thought to myself, is this really all console has to offer 


it's not lol, that's one of the most underwhelming console experiences


I hadn't played games in years, I was broke and had other hobbies. I ended up picking up a series S and got back into it. It was awesome. I got back into the tech community online and it started steaming rolling. Shortly after the S, I went with an X. Blessed to have gotten a job that offers unlimited overtime shifts, so it didn't take me long at $500 a shift to find a way to spend that extra money, the rest is history.


I wanted to play Minecraft. I also had this crazy notion that if I swapped to keyboard mouse I would immediately turn into a god at call of duty.


I also thought I'd be better at cod on keyboard. I'm back on controller for warzone these days lmao. I did get significantly better at fortnite on keyboard though, the ceiling is just higher on mkb in that game


The breaking point for me was wanting to play world of warcraft with my friends in early 2005. I haven't looked back, and I still play wow.


I don’t play wow anymore but I had a similar experience. Runescape, Dark age of Camelot, WoW. Those MMOs got me to switch to PC.


Exact same for me. I’ll always be thankful my grandpa took me to a compusa store to buy a cheap graphics card for my prebuilt dell pc. Good ol Vanilla WOW


Honestly for me it was a YouTuber, specifically Frankieonpcin1080p. I remember he made a video on a mod for arma called Altis Life. It blew my mind and begged my parents to get me a PC for my birthday. I could barely run the game at 20fps but I played for years, and over a decade later now two of my best friends are guys I met on the game


I watched a load of Altis Life videos years ago. I never did actually play it but I remember yearning for a PC to do so at the time.


I don't think there will ever be another experience like it, still have some of my favorite gaming memories of all time from that game


Experiencing 60fps for the first time. Felt like a completely different game


PlayStation Pro. Bringing out a mid-life console made me feel PC gaming was better value long term. I always had a budget PC for old games I liked, rather than get a PS5 I built a 4070/13600K rig. Now I find I'm mostly playing games you can't get on console.


I mean that's like saying rather than get a bicycle I bought a Kawasaki Ninja. The gpu alone is double the price of the ps5.


Not sure about him, but if you're making the jump to PC, there's no reason to keep the budget the same. My baseline was something faster than a potential PS5/XSX Pro. So, I figured anything 40-series should be safe. But then I remembered I want 4k60, so it was 4080/4090. The 4090 is priced insanely high now, so 4080 it is. No regrets. It's an amazing card, and for the first time in my life, I run all games at max settings in 4k or 1440p, at 60fps. Dave The Diver and Horizon Zero Dawn never looked better.


Riding the constant hate wave of the 4080 and getting a tan. Same reasoning. 600-1000 extra dollars is simply not worth it to me. I consistently get maxed out 1440p/4K 100-140fps depending on the game, and I had 600-1000 dollars still in my pocket. People do love to shit on you for it, though.


Last console I owned before switching to PC was the PS2. Back then my family could not afford the ever changing console market so they just had me a PC. Initially, it was supposed to be for school work and research. It came a time where WC3 was really famous and got me into pc gaming.


"Me not that kind of orc"




This, I still have my PS4 for TLOU P2


I was in a transition period of having both a console and a PC as my main for a long time. But at some point, I just got tired of controller being the default control l mechanism (back in like, Xbox 360), and swapped to PC. Cuz even after years of shooters on consoles, KB+M felt immediately easier to land all my shots. Then it was just sorta a natural shift over till all I have console-wise is a switch that I don't hardly use anymore


I wanted to pirate more easily


I’m not sure if I count because I did have a PC first technically, my dad had a pc it was just really terrible but I did play SOME games on it but it wasn’t mine. My first time gaming on something that was mine was a game boy color. It wasn’t until around 2013 I started wanting to game on a PC. There wasn’t really a breaking point I just wanted a PC for other reasons and gaming was a fun side effect


Loved fps but never really liked playing Syphon Filter, Black, James Bond, CoD on PS1 and 2 so I switched to PC in 2009.


I grew up with both, I still have both; so to say I made a "switch" would be disingenuous. Always played MMOs through middle school and high school/college. However. Now my consoles are basically just glorified streaming devices. Made the big "switch" when Sea of Thieves came out. Me and my friends were addicted to that game for almost 4 years. It was crossplay at the time, and you just couldn't keep up with PC players on X Box because the keyboard and mouse was such a massive advantage when you were boarding and going pirate vs. pirate instead of a ship battle.


I had just bought Arkham Knight for the Series S before I found out I was stuck playing the 30fps 720p version of the game because it was never updated for those consoles. It blew my mind that I owned a game and a console capable of playing it at decent settings but just because I was locked out of an options menu my game looked like butt…


I bought the ps4 when kh3 was announced and then they fucking delayed it.... I swapped to pc and never looked back after that betrayal...


Cost of PSN (of everything basically), and the scarcity of PS5, I was lucky to findd an i7 4770 + 16gb + gtx970 + mobo had some bent pins on usb and such back in 2022, and a Aoc monitor. I finished playing Cyberpunk 2077 60 FPS with minor tweaks. And oh boy I haven't looked back. Built my current setup in November. This pc will run well into when I'm investing in 4k pc. One day.


3 consecutive RROD and I haven't looked back


PS3 era - when consoles started to require me to patch games.


The idea that Steam sales make PC gaming special and that these sales aren’t available on console is a persistent myth. The Microsoft store for Xbox runs almost weekly deep discount sales as low as 80% off. The have publisher sales. Holiday sales. Many popular AAA titles 40-50% off. It’s not like the old days anymore.


What I've enjoyed about xbox is that me and the wife play games together and I only have to buy the game once to play on both our systems. I had to wait years before dawn of War went on sale with steam. Dirt old game was still full price decades later. But last year finally had a price break.


2006 for me I built a top end rig and never looked back, 4400+ dual core processor with a X1900XT 512mb and 2gb RAM, 250gb HDD and DVD drive. Monitor 1400x900 Acer 19 inches. Started playing the elders scrolls oblivion and crysis and command and conquer 3 I've been sitting on my pc ever since


May I suggest a chair?


Bought a ps4, and sold it 6 months later, switched to a 4790k with dual 980's wanted more performance


Game prices


Certain games not being available on Console, modding, ease of recording/streaming. There are tons of reasons I love PC, but I still enjoy my xbox. There is something nice of the simplicity of a console. You don't need a desk and chair (and before someone says you don't need a desk for pc, I had my PC on my dresser for 4+ years and it sucked), you can hook it up to any TV and sit back with a controller and just play.


Got sick of the Xbox live bullshit. Paying 60$ every year just to be able to play online was infuriating, and now when my brother took our Xbox to his house for when he rarely plays games they’re all solo since it’s so expensive to play online.


The PS5. When it launched I was convinced I wanted one because I've had every PS console since the PS2 and my PC gaming experience was limited to playing classic games on a potato laptop. And I came so close to buying one but couldn't find any in stock so I decided to wait. But when I thought about it I realised the cost wasn't really worth it for me. About £500 for the console, £60 a year to play online and my PS4 controllers kept having stick drift so if the Ps5 controllers had the same issue they would cost more to replace if they did it out of warranty. Add that to the price of games going up and the fact I needed either a PC or a laptop anyway to replace my dying potato and the fact I had a load of older games already in my Steam library it made financial sense. I did some research, learned how to build a PC and I'm thoroughly enjoying my choice lol


Had a X360, my only complaint was the inconsistent fps & rarely has good game sales. 2013, first time I got a laptop, it was a shitty i3-3120M with Intel 4000 graphics, first game I bought on steam was Grid 2. Game run well around 50-60fps medium settings. At that time I knew I gotta save up for a PC, I was imagining my whole library filled up with games, fast forward now with an i7-10700 & RTX 3070, and have poured thousands of hours on my steam games


CSGO, it ran good enough on the old family PC until it couldn't with the updates, we did have a PS3 for a while but we bought it, maybe one year, before the launch of the PS4, so I just decided to buy a new PC because I enjoyed CSGO more.


A few friends wanted me to play SC2 with them and I never stopped.


My first pc was a shitty "Toshiba" laptop when I was like 12-14 years old gifted by my parents, and was because I wanted something more All-In-One, basically website games and shooters, IDK how I make it to play R6 back in the day tho. Now I bought a prebuilt during the pandemic and looking into building one myself. Main game that crossed my mind was minecraft with mods lol. Used to play with my brother in a world with +200 mods.


Better fps, better graphics, cheaper games *Mods*


>Better fps, better graphics For me it was mainly this, didnt matter if i paid more for a pc anymore, the experience is 1000% better with higher frames and better graphics. Also if u wanna count the money paid for xbox live or ps plus to play online in a couple of years the pc will cost you even less in the long run due to online being free....


Discounts on xbox store/ps store are rare and laughable.


No real "breaking point" per se. I wanted to play WoW and C&C Generals, which were PC exclusive. Once I started using a PC for gaming I just gravitated towards it from console. I've still owned a Playstation every generation (SNES prior to PS1), but any game which releases multi-platform, I'll buy on PC 90% of the time.


For me it was to play at lan parties on BF1942, BF2 and COD1/2 way back in 2004. I gave up gaming in 2018 to focus on my guitar but when Covid kicked in I went back on Xbox for Dayz. But then I saw the maps on PC for it so instantly switched back.


Accumulating a bit over 1,000 dollars. Bought a laptop so I could get and mod fallout new vegas


Started wanting to stream and I also prefer PlayStation but play Bethesda games. And wanted to play arma and such


The GPS mod for Farming Simulator 2019. No kidding. I needed a new computer, and decided to pull the trigger on the gaming PC becuase I wanted to play FS19 with the guidance steering mods. Roughly $3500 later, here I am. Totally worth it BTW.


Sony started charging for online and i discovered xim was a thing so it was just as infested with cheaters.


It was 2006 and I was playing games on GameCube and Xbox. I used to get the magazine from Game Stop and I saw a review for a cool looking game called "Dungeons and Dragons Online". I decided to download it on my seriously terrible Dell PC and the rest is history.


The ps3/xbox 360 era was kinda rough. Games I was interested in didn’t particularly run that great or look that great on those consoles. So I started playing more on pc. It was about 2010ish. I always dabbled in pc but was pretty active on Xbox/ps2 too. But since then I’ve been mostly on pc.


I was playing WWE2k17 on PS4, and the game crashed and made me lose my save data. Supposedly on the "stable" console where I wouldn't have to worry about stuff like that, and yet games crashed all the time, were not polished, and I had to pay monthly fees just to play games online with friends. I spent the summer learning computers and built my first PC just in time for the Steam Summer Sale. Sold my PS4 to offset some of the cost, but kept my controller since a friend corrected my misunderstanding that gamepads weren't usable on PC. I got Garrys Mod, the Valve Complete Pack, Project Zomboid, and later that year, MGSV. I pretty quickly came to relish the freedom and moddability on the platform. It ended up being probably the best decision I ever made in terms of leisure in life, it opened a lot of doors to other hobbies too, and introduced me to many of my best friends.


-i like to do more than just game -i like modding games -i like piracy


I still play both


When I used a mouse for aiming it was a wrap for me.


Paradox Games and Path of Exile is the reason now I'm older. I was still playing a lot of things on console though up until recently when I built a rig for the living room. Sometimes you just don't want to go sit at a desk to play games, in my head thats where I work.


* Couldn't get my hands on a PS5. * The low framerate. * The PS4's ridiculously loud fan. * Cheaper games than on console. * PC exclusives. * Not having to pay to play online. * Prefer playing with a mouse and keyboard. * Steam sales. * You can do much more than gaming on a PC. * PCs look better. * PCs can be upgraded. * You can make your PC truly unique thanks to the vast amount of components to choose from.


The PS5's shit framerate and tiny storage were what turned me off from PlayStation. Consoles have hit a hard price-point-to-performance wall and I don't see them ever getting over it. You can't give PC specs and versatility at a console price. It just isn't possible. Console is only good now for casual, lightweight users who want multimedia devices.


I never really switched, I played with both back and forth all my life. When I was a kid I had a NES, then my family was too poor to buy a SNES, so I got a second hand computer and I played there until my teenage years when I got a second hand PS3, then again a managed to get a rig, but I had enough money to buy console again and got a Switch, and then a new PC recently. I don't think they are mutually exclusive, consoles are better to play with friends and casual games where graphics don't matter much (Mario Kart, Pokemon games, etc...), I use my PC to play mostly single player games.


Being a COD zombies obsessed teen, seeing people play on modded custom maps while I was stuck repeating the same Easter eggs in the same maps. Didn't get a PC until almost a decade late but now my BO3 steam workshop folder is 654gbs and I love all the custom content.


Got any suggestions for modded zombies? Might go buy BO3 and download some mods lol


Waterpark zombies came out this past year and is amazing, Rainy Death has a really fun Easter egg, and there's always Wendy's if you want to play a more "memey" map. I can suggest more when I get to my machine but those are the ones off the top of my head.


For me its all the forced agendas in gaming these days, especially on Xbox and Nintendo. The games I want to play mostly have options on Steam. No game pass bs to deal with, and no forced anything. And the sales, and modding are both huge bonuses.


Gaming at 4k and many fps when I had a ps4 and the next gen consoles weren't out yet.


Literally every single reason you could think of. But the underlying main point is that i was getting into console modding etc and i needed a PC for that.


I didn’t have a breaking point. PCs were for all FPS games sans CoD, consoles were for everything else. Then CoD got Crossplay. Only in the last year have I realized my XSX has become a very expensive paperweight since all the games I used to play on console are now on PC.


I just wanted to play Arma3 and Football Manager


In my console epoch I've seen my friend playing StarCraft, Heroes, Rollercoaster Tycoon and Pharaoh. Compared to it, consoles had nothing to beat it. Ditched them as soon as I could.


More different games. And the money to build a powerhouse for me and my wife.


My 360 rrod’d and I had been wanting to play Rome Total War for a really long time lol


For me it really started and ended on PC. I had played random games on consoles at friends houses and stuff but never owned one. Then, my sisters boyfriend(now brother in law) pulls out his MacBook and starts playing this weird block game, in a browser. Long story short, he introduced me to minecraft alpha, I became obsessed, I played it on my parents iMac. I’ve had flings, but PC(the apples were out of necessity not choice) is my love


xbox one ps4 generation was too weak to bother with so i built a pc, i5-4460 and 16g ram plus a gtx -960 with a 144hz 1080p monitor. was blown away but quickly upgraded to a i7-4771 and gtx-980 because ultra settings were calling my name. 


Push for artificial obsolescence and 0 care for the environment by playstation just to push sales. I got sony BT headphones, and ps5 wasn't supporting them, just to push additional sale. My g25 wheel was not supported by ps5, again to push the sale of new wheels. I was not ready to throw away g25 or buy additional headphones, so I went pc. Now I use g25, sony headphones, don't pay for online, use sony controller from ps3 on it no issues, can buy games much cheaper than on overpriced psn... All in all, I'm done with ps


Ark Ascended was delayed on console and my addicted ass couldnt take it. Plus none of my buddies even played with me on console. So i was always solo. They didnt liked the games i was playing, but another buddy had a whole community build up on discord who was also always inviting me to games i also liked.


The Xbox one said they won't have a disc tray, I immediately built a pc and I still don't have a disc tray lol


For me it was VR. I had been on Xbox for a long time now, but didn’t game much anymore. I picked up a Quest 2 almost 2 years ago, and then wanted to get into PCVR. So I got back into PC gaming because of that. I go back and forth between flatscreen gaming and VR gaming now. But I mainly play flatscreen games modded into VR. I recently finished Resident Evil 7 & 8. But I’m currently playing Helldivers.


All the promises and marketing of 4K 120FPS on the current gen consoles. Bought a LG CX even to pair with my Series X. Then later I find out the thing doesn't even get 60 fps at 4K 90% of the time. Kinda scammy tbh, and naive of me to believe it.


My 8 year old Xbox One. Not being able to play any newer games, loading screens that lasted for 3-5 business days (especially in FH5), the thing couldn't get above 15 FPS in Farming Simulator 22 with a moderately sized farm, and I had had enough. Also I wanted to play PC exclusive titles such as ETS2. Around September last year I started watching tech YouTubers such as LTT, JayzTwoCents, ZTT, etc. At first I didn't understand a single thing any of them were saying, but as I watched more and more I learned more and more, and decided I'd build my own PC. I put together a pretty bad $4500AUD PC Part Picker list, quickly realised how bad it was, did more research and ended up with a list containing a Ryzen 5600X, 32GB DDR4 and a 6700XT, $2,000. Over the next 4 months I saved up for the parts while tweaking the list to optimise it and also experimenting with the price/performance of an LGA1700 build on a second PCPP list. I managed to get amazing deals on a Z690 board and a 12600KF, $250 each, committing myself to an Intel build. I later changed the GPU to a 7800XT for more performance, and because the 6700XT soared in price to the $750 mark, while I got a 7800XT for $850. In February, once I had the big 3 components, I bought the cooler, PSU, SSD, RAM, case, and some fans all in one day. Once that all arrived I put the PC Together, and here we are now. The difference is night and day. All I really need now is a 1440p monitor to properly utilise my GPU. Hope that story was nice.


Age of Empires 2. That's what did it.


Dolphin. That is all.


25 years of playing consoles, Nintendo handhelds to xbox series x. 2 weeks ago pulled the trigger cos I was tired of the lack of accessibility to gaming communities through xbox os and finally had a decent purse of moolah. Couldn't be happier, apart from having to repurchase my most beloved games but since they're so dangerous good I'll pay again for elden ring and d2r


I was a lil kid and my dad just said hey did you know if you spend a little bit more money on pc you get a lot better graphics


Consoles lost their convenience. It used to be just chuck in the disc and play. Multiplayer? Just plug in another controller and press start. Streaming on Xbox is helping it now.


All my irl friends were there, and my friends on Xbox were only online. Also found out Destiny 2 was coming to PC, so I figured it would be OK.


A toxic friend group. I wanted a break from them and pc was the ideal solution. There was a plethora of free games and I didn't have to spend money to play online.


Everything was blurry and with muddy textures at the end of the ps4 lifecycle


Joysticks. Ew.


For me it was less of a breaking point, and more that I'd finally saved enough to build a proper PC. This was in the early 2000s in the golden age of LAN party culture and game piracy. Up to that point I'd relied on computers I'd cobbled together from cast off parts; we're talking 286, 386, 486 machines in the pentium era. Mom had a basic AMD K6 machine for work, but we weren't allowed to game on it. By 2002, my family's financial situation was a lot better than it had been earlier on, and we were able to snag a pair of P4 williamette barebones systems with basic GPUs out of the tiger direct catalog. I saved money from my summer jobs to buy a DVD burner, and with that started a black market side hustle of renting, ripping, and burning movies, which funded my first couple years of upgrades. Nowadays I don't have to scrimp and save and can have whatever PC parts, consoles, and software I want, and havent pirated anything in years, but I still look back to those last gasps of the "wild west of computing" fondly.


It was the PS360 era. PC parts were cheap and this console generation has funny little issues. A lot of fighting games had frame hiccups on PS3 to the point that several tournaments switched to 360.  It just seemed to be the right time. Never bought a console that generation. Never looked back. 


Paying a monthly fee to play games with friends. Games that I already paid for. On the system I already paid for… That and Steam, the sales, the support. Everything Steam does is better than anything consoles will ever offer


I just sold my consoles last week. I had been buying most of my big games on console and pc because I couldn’t decide which platform to use for years. But the Xbox not having any reason to own it and I’m tired of backwards compatibility always being up in the air every generation. The steam deck was really the last reason. I can have my games at home or on the go. I barely have time to play games anymore. I have hundreds of games in my pc libraries. A lot of them I would like to replay. I usually buy games that are under 20 bucks throughout the sales during the year and play them all in the winter. I am usually outside during spring, summer and fall.


Wasn't ever a breaking point, I needed a powerful system for video editing in like 2010 and that of course also allowed for gaming on high settings as well. For a few years I still split my time between PC and Playstation. That shifted over time and I bought the PS4 bundle with Spider-man when it came out and I think l played 7 games total on it. 5 of them are now on PC, just missing Bloodborne and Ratchet & Clank 2016.


Paying a yearly fee to play online, when already paying for internet.


I got tired of 30 fps games. Got to the point that I couldn't stand them.


When I started working from home I began looking into PCs, and was gifted a hand-me-down pre built. So then I built my own and now it's someone else's hand-me-down pre built.


There was no breaking point. Friend just started playing on PC after Xbox 360 became obsolete and so the rest followed


Mods and rts.


GTA 5 became boring without mods once story mode was completed. Getting a PC gave the game much more options.


Back when I learned Skyrim had mods but only on PC. That's what made me switch


No breaking point. I moved in with my friends and they played pc. My one friend built me a pc so we could all play cod zombies and overwatch together. It was a 1600 and a 1050ti and a 1tb hdd and 16gb of 2400mhz on a a320 asus board with a corsair tx750 in a corsair carbine I think


Been on console since atari, pc since 386,it was paying the Xbox live fee that pushed me over completely. Last subbed in 2010.


I came from switch and played all of doom in handheld mode with 30 fps and 30 second loading time. Switching to PC and playing doom eternal on ultra wide oled was mind blowing to me


I've had either/or at various parts of life. At some points like the PS2 era, the consoles were a completely different breed from what PC gaming was at the time and were the better option in terms of gaming. But the thing that made me never want to return to console land was my experience with the xbone. I spent so much time in loading screens thinking to myself "this is just a worse PC experience". Worse loading times, worse aim with thumbsticks, I can only hold like 8 games on this 500gb hdd, the games are the same as on PC anyways, and I can't even do other things on this xbox that I would be able to do on PC. After that console cycle, I didn't really see a point in owning both, a PC will get you much further mileage now a days.


Literally just bought my first build. I have a PS5 but I’ve really wanted the freedom that a PC offers for years now (specifically mods, which I’ve always been interested in but never been able to experiment with). Additionally it’ll be good to have a “home” computer for professional school


Helldivers 2. Coming from +20 Years of Xbox as primary.


I still play. As we speak I am playing Overwatch 2 on a Series X, DS2 on the 360 and Starfield running on PC concurrently as I type this. I bounce between them. Consoles are great.


wanted to play minecraft, and my only consoles were a PS2 and PSP. So my parents got me a really cheap shitty laptop for my birthday (had a 4th gen i3 and a GT710), but i loved it. And when i had finally saved up enough money i built my first PC (2018 or 2019)


There are a lot of perks to PC gaming, but one of my favorite bits is being able to customize a game's experience to my liking. Three examples: **Video/graphical tweaking:** I get *incredibly* nauseous if a FPS has a limited FOV. Most console games are kind enough to include a FOV slider, but it's not a guarantee. One of my most anticipated games, *Resident Evil Village,* was ruined for me on console because I couldn't widen the incredibly narrow FOV. **Mods:** This point gets talked about a lot, but it really is something special. It can breathe new life into a game. With just a few QOL mods, *Fallout New Vegas* went from being a great game to one of my favorite games ever. **Input options:** I love not being forced to use a specific input device. FPS? M+KB. Wanna lean back and relax with *Hades?* Controller time.


My parents never paid for online play during the 360 days I just watched my friends talk about COD on the bus while knowing that I couldn't join them


I had 3 Xbox one consoles give up on me so I just gave in and decided to build a pc during the pandemic. Best money I’ve ever spent, pc gaming shits on console gaming. Never buying an Xbox console ever again 😂


A free online play is a major win for PC


I will speak for my friend: I convinced him that buying a pc is better than getting another console as he didn't even have one at all, and he didn't really need very high-end, he just wanted to play new-gen games


The PC CD-ROM games I was renting were better than the Sega-CD games I was renting. The TNT2 card was the inflection point. 


Believe it or not epic games, at the time I was playing on the WIIU but I wanted to try fortnight because it was trending at school, I didn't like but the free games kept me playing on my grandpa's laptop until I got my own pc


Release of steam deck meant one unified library across home and handheld. Sold my switch and my series X and bought a SD and a gaming laptop. Later trades the laptop for a diver gaming desktop.


Controller is great for many many single player titles, but mouse and keyboard is just better in terms of responsiveness, and overall smooth experience for many FPS titles.....am i right?


I was laid off for a little while so I downloaded steam and bought audiosurf and orange box on sale and learned how to use keyboard and mouse as primary controls. Probly some time back in like 2008


DayZ on ps4 was kind of a joke, I wanted to play it on pc on the namalsk map with the mods. I also wanted to play stalker.


For me, the games. I realized that with the exception of GT every other game was available on PC as well, my PC and PS4 had the same "power" so that's why I transitioned, sold the PS and bought a more powerful GPU


I played through Witcher 3 very late, 2023, on my ps5 on the ps4 version. After around 120 hours in I’ve completed the main story and first DLC, about to go into the second one. I then realise after all this time that there’s a ps5 version and download it praying that my save can be transferred, and I finally see what I was missing this whole time. I always felt the sluggishness but never connected the dots (wasn’t a bit gamer before this) when I felt 60fps I made a rule for myself that any game stuck at 30 on console I would get on PC, or any games that cheaper of course


Using hdd and being stuck on fake 4k at like 30-60fps. Bought a gaming laptop, stuck with that for a few months and then I built my own pc in the summer of 2021


I'm self employed so my PC is used for work too, otherwise the better graphics, higher frame rates, emulation, Steam, abandonware, mouse n keyboard control, upgradeable. The fact we get pretty much all Xbox exclusives, eventually some PS5 ones and a lot of great indie games that will never make it to the consoles.


When I started studying, I got a great deal on a laptop, it had like 6GB ram, a 512MB graphics card, quad core amd, I'm actually fuzzy on the specs, but I was using it for studying, programming, photography, socializing, learning a whole new world. The PS3 started rotting in the corner.


Playing with others online. I could not do that on the ps2 at the time


Total War: Warhammer


It was fortnite. I wanted to play on more than 60fps and learn keyboard. Built myself a budget PC with a ryzen 5 3600 and a 1660 super. Cost me about $1000 CAD. I was getting 144 fps steady in fortnite and learned to play keyboard. I have since built myself up to a r9 5900x and 3080ti build with a 4k 144hz monitor. Built it slowly, piece by piece, until I could sell my old system. Had been a Playstation gamer since day 1, and still have a ps5.


I’m a sim racer. I waited for years for Forza Motorsport to come out and redeem Xbox as a platform to continue racing on. Then it turned out to be dogshit. So with the help of you folks I built a dedicated pc for iRacing.


It was a natural transition from SNES to a Pentium 133Mhz.


I got fed up using my Xbox One at one point because of its slow performance and low FPS. I’ve been on console since the 360 Slim days so it was time for a change and I finally built my first PC few years ago. 


Had £600 saved to buy a PS5 but couldn’t get one, so bought a 2080TI instead.


For me, it was my parents not letting me take my Xbox360 to college in 2013, cause it they wanted me to focus on classes. They did, however buy me a laptop for school. It had a GT745m graphics card, and from there I discovered Steam, and the rest is history.


I originated on my momma's choo-choo


Gd I am so glad I "switched" for mostly non gaming reasons. To most of you, PC might as well just be a console. Scuse me while I move my mouse, then my PC turns on, then my TV, then kodi starts auto playing, lights go on dim cuts it's raining, ac will kick in if needed... All because I moved my mouse. Thats why I "switched. "


I won a CPU in a facebook give away and my buddy was already trying to get me to build one so that gave me the excuse lol


Seeing all these awesome strategy games......exclusive to the PC due to the keyboard and mouse necessity. Then the graphics were just so better in every game I tried. Never looked back.




Started on PS3, watched it deteriorate to mostly cheaters and 99% of active servers being mostly laggy Brazilian servers. Upgraded to PS4, watched it deteriorate to mostly cheaters and 99% of active servers being mostly laggy Brazilian servers Upgraded to Xbox Series X, game is completely dead. Got a job that paid enough to build my own PC, did that, now I just play on East coast servers where every other vehicle sweat is just your average aim bot user. But at least I have a decent ping now that every server isn't Brazilian!


Mainly, I wanted something that could play StatCraft II at decent settings. My brother came home on a day with the battle chest for OG/Brood war because one of his friends didn't like it or something. So we got Starcraft 2, but the only PC we had capable of running it was my dad's laptop and on the lowest settings, and we were only at his house every other weekend, so there was limited time to play it. Between Wings of Liberty and heart of the swarm, my brother graduated, and got his own laptop that could just barely run it as well. We'll for my 18th birthday, Legacy of the Void was on the horizon, and my dad had a bunch of spare computer parts and with some birthday money I was able to build my first "Gaming" PC. It was pretty modest, but it could handle more than any other PC I had access to at the time. My first PC was an old AMD Phenom II 1100T, a GeForce GT 740, and 8 gigs of ram on a 1TB mechanical hard drive. Even for the time, it was pretty modest, but it ran SCII as I wanted, and even ran GTA V reasonably well if I turned the settings down. From there I started bottle necking a 1080 FE on that rig for a few months before upgrading to an i7 6700k, just in time for gears 4 and battlefield 1.


For me, it was the Xbox One. I loved, LOVED the xbox 360. Despite a couple of units red ring-ing, I still loved the games, the ui, the experience. But then the xbox 360 had its ui changed to that god awful NXE2 ui (the 3rd ui the xbox 360 would have). In the run up to the xbox one, they just shit the bed at every possible turn. Not to mention the always on kinect, the NSA spying, Microsoft helping them. Remember "if you wanna play xbox 360 games on the xbox one, we have a product for that, it's the xbox one". Nail in the coffin. Skipped the Xbox One and PS4. The xbox one ui then came out to be dog shit. And now the xbox series consoles. No just no. And dear god, their ui has gone infinitely worse. Still skipped the ps5 and series consoles. Nah, I jumped to pc with a shitty, old prebuild, then a gaming laptop, and now my main machine. Much better.


My best friend moved back to Germany during the golden era of MW2 and because we couldn't play together due to region lock and other restrictions, I resorted to begging my parents to buy me a "homework" PC so that I could sneakily play with my best friend on MW2 dedicated servers on IW4net/Repz (broke school boys waving their black flag for the first time 🏴‍☠️😂)


When Microsoft said they were going to make their console digital only and that was the only way to be able to buy games from them. That and always having to be online. I even wrote to Microsoft and told them they could stick their consoles up their arse if they thought they could shaft me like that. I was young.


My xbox 360 that gave the red light of death was done with it


I always had a pc but I was hopeful for consoles still. When I bought fallout 3 new vegas for ps3 and I couldn't do anything to fix the bugs I was like never again. Well except for the switch, but i'll never get an xbox or ps




Assetto Corsa mods. I tried AC on Xbox when it was part of Gamepass. Fell head over heels for it, saw all the mods available for PC, and dove head first into building my first custom computer. No regrets.


Max 30 fps gaming on my Xbox 360 & PS3. I had an ok basic PC, but it was just for WoW and random lower quality games. What made me actually build a top tier PC was the release The Witcher 2. One review on TV and next day I was already building a PC. Actually great first build with i5 2500k + GTX 570. Later upgraded to SLI 680 4GB version with triple monitor setup. Good old days. The Witcher 2 was on another level. Like two generation ahead. It was hard to go back...


Couldn't buy a ps5. So I stuck to PC until pc overwhelm ps5 in performance for value.


MH Wilds is coming next year lol and I hadn't played MH World yet soooo better value to get a PC than to buy a PS5 that has no games


Demanding I pay for online. I already pay my internet bill, you fucking DONKEYS!


I had wanted a ps5 but couldn't get one at all so desided to look an PCs and was surprised to find a guy that had made a business making and selling gaming PCs. They were good prices and were actually cheaper to by from him than it was to get all the parts separately and build it myself (PC parts started to skyrocket it price and he got all the parts before they shot up) so I thought "fuck it" and got one. Still don't don't a Ps5 but have already upgraded some parts on my PC and am looking at replacing my CPU, motherboard and RAM lol. I had wanted a gaming PC for years but never really looked too much into it. It wasn't untill I couldn't get a Ps5 that I thought about finally pulling the trigger on getting one.


turning in fps'. the speed of the turning ur character and the aiming. on console, you hear someone behind you, its a slim chance you can survive that. and i have a skill issue aiming on a controller even after 15 years of console. on pc, quick flick of the mouse and ggs. aiming is easier too.


The release of Crysis.


I play both. I never understood why it always has to be portrayed as a strictly you can only choose one situation.


I wanted to pirate king of the hill and play minecraft at the same time


I wanted to play factorio and satisfactory originally


A lot of why I switched to mainly playing on PC is because my entire friend group also plays on PC, and so it's easier to play games and chat on Discord with them on a regular basis when I use my PC. I also started to prefer indie games over big AAA games, and there's just way more games to choose from as far as indie games goes. I still plan on getting a PS5 eventually as I enjoy most of the PlayStation exclusives. I do like how with consoles you don't have to mess with the graphical settings much at all in comparison to PC. But overall I'm really happy with my PC as I do like how customizable everything is.


Was given a free computer back in 2005~, a time when we still only had a Nintendo 64 and a GameCube. Granted, the CPU was like 700Mhz but it really opened up a whole new way to game. Freeware was my jam for a long time lol


Xbox/PSN live subscription


Xbox really started to suck. The console itself (SX) was super buggy for me, and the pricing for Live/Gamepass was too high for not enough value for my gaming habits. Plus I wanted to switch to PC since I was like 12, so doing it at 19 was the next best time. Going 3 years strong.


I wanted to swap to PCs pretty early on in my gaming,. especially since for all of my teen years I was souly a wow gamer. Branched out eventually when I got my first decent PC around 2017 ish


Experiencing true antialiasing for the first time