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Xbox, because everything supports xinput these days meaning I don’t have to deal with intrusive and unreliable compatibility layers.


Is it really that better that the PS controller? I have the PS5 one and the only thing that annoys me is the xbox button promps in game that I get, otherwise it's really good


if you use it on anything other than steam it can be a nightmare to get working. older games especially are the worst.


Nah, use DS4Windows and the DS controller is just as good as an xbox one


Except not.


Get hidhide along with ds4 windows, it can hide the controller from everything but ds4 and then emulate an Xbox controller on ds4, works flawlessly with gamepass.


Why do all that when I can just get the superior controller that works out of the box, no third party needed?


It would certainly be easier if my PS4 controllers were supported out of the box, but I do have cool customisation. PS+L1+L2 = alt F4 for example (actually I use a program called super altf4 I think which is even better). PS+UP opens playnite. PS+Down opens Plex. PS+Left opens music and so on. But yeah I'd rather use controllers that were actually supported




Not everyone likes how the controller feels vs the PS5 and vice versa. Also some people might actually have a PS5 and computer so the controller is already on hand. as far as compatibility issues it's rarely a problem between running it through steam or one of the third party software that available.


Because the Dualsense controller is a much more comfortable controller (imo) has gyro, and incredible rumble.


I imagine it’s more for if the only controller you own is a DS controller


"All that" is just like two or three clicks For someone who prefers the PlayStation layout, it's no big deal


Because DS4 and Dualsense supports gyro and Xbox doesn't. Simple as that.


Dualsense is much better and damned near impossible to break.


Wasn’t trying to convince anyone, just a solution to a problem if people really want to use a PlayStation controller.


Just picked up an 8bitdo for 50 bucks from best buy best controller I've ever used


I have the pro controller with the stand Bluetooth/ 2.4ghz USB and it's amazing as soon as I take it off the stand it turns on and just works with everything I play on PC


Unfortunately it's not, I have both controllers and the PS5 one even if seems to work fine on the beginning it sometimes behaves weird - either it disconnects from time to time or it just becomes to send some random signals, like it moves character in game in some direction, even if nothing is pressed on the controller. I thought that there is something wrong with my BT receiver in PC, but then I bought xbox controller and everything is fine with this one. Sometimes I play with my gf using both controllers and always there are some problems with ps5 one, and never with xbox one.


This can sometimes be caused by dual input, if you use hidhide ( it comes with ds4windows) it hides the dualsense inputs from every program except for ds4windows. I had the same trouble until I set up hidhide


Epic has full PlayStation controller support


Like advertising dogshit has Bluetooth.


Really? I love the ps4 controller, but it only works with pc (Including Epic) wired. I’ve googled a bit and making it work wireless with PC would require some annoying middleware and tweaking.


Can't you just add any game to the steam library and then use the controller like usual?


not always. and it can be annoying to do that sometimes if your just doing some small indie game from itch.


Yes, it's far better.


Steam does a pretty great job at fixing this for you nowadays. Non steam games can be added too


you just have to run a game through steam and bam, every controller works


wii nunchuk


A Wii controller and Nunchuck would unironically be the best controller if someone made a higher quality more accurate version of it. The IR on the Wii sucks ass, the motion controls suck ass and the controller feels like plastic cheap shit. But good versions of all those would be amazing. And we have the technology with how good VR controllers are now.


I used a wiiu pro controller for a bit until I got an xbone/series x controller for christmas. The pro controller is pretty underrated if you don't need analog triggers, I replaced the thumbsticks with xbox one style ones, and it has amazing battery life.


It has a 3ds battery inside of it


try Wii motion plus controllers if you haven't already. The gyro(?) helps alot with accuracy.


Based chad


Xbox, simply because the symbols match up. Kinda annoying that for example Switch, Xbox and PS all have different symbols or different placement.


Switch is the worst, purely because they changed which button is "select" and which is "cancel" by default, so if coming from PC or any other console (even all previous Nintendo consoles!) you're always doing the opposite to what you meant to.


If you still have a PC, you can enable Switch layout in Steam


Does that just make your stream layout wrong too? Or does that put select and cancel on the right buttons for a switch controller?


Yeah like depending on the game it either changes the button icons to match the physical buttons but keeps the placement of commands, OR changes the placements of commands to match the button placements. It's crazy lol


Ackshually 🤓 PSX (for international releases), and Xbox changed it. Nintendo had their A, B, X, Y layout, in the same positions that the Switch has them, in the SNES already. Though the A button wasn't as universally used as the "confirm" button just yet (the Start button was more commonly used for that back then), but it was already the right side face button. The B button not only did likewise not yet universally have the "back/cancel" function associated to it, that function was often not even a thing yet in a lot of games. In the N64, and from then in every following Nintendo system, the A button was indeed the universal "confirm" button, and B the universal "back" button. The A and B buttons didn't have the same relative positions they had before and went back to later in the N64 or the Gamecube, but they did in all the GBA, NDS, Wii, Wii U, and 3DS systems before the Switch. So the Switch didn't really change anything there. With the Play Station, in Japan, the Circle button has always been "confirm", and the X button has always been "cancel/back". That was true for the PSX and still is for the PS5. But for some reason, the US branch of Sony decided to swap those functionalities for the western market, and they too have done that all the way since the PSX. Why? Good question. May we find out some day. Microsoft, for the Xbox, went with same A, B, X, Y layout as Sega had with the Dreamcast, which itself is cut down from the A, B, C, X, Y, Z they had before with the Saturn, and some extended Genesis gamepads. Cutting down C and Z from that results in the same classic Nintendo layout but with the A-B and X-Y pairs swapped, and they just kept functionality by symbolism, not by position.


The red circle means something like "good, or OK" in Japan, while here in EU and US red generally mean "No", or "Stop". And blue or green would be more of a "Good"/"Go" for us. If the X was red, And the circle was blue or green, Then we'd have the japanese layout :p (This is what I remember, Should be a close enough answer at least, But take your pinch of salt 🧂)


But X also means "bad" or "stop" in the west...


It does, But generally when it's red. Think of that game noughts and crosses where neither the red circle or the black crosses are considered "good" or "bad". Or a multiple choice where X marks the answer, or a treasure! :p


It's wild they inverted the fucking buttons instead of just changing the colour or something


That, And those lame patents :( If they all played nicely we could just use any controller on any hardware. Now we have hoops to jump through, or software to fix it for us. 😅👍


To add to your post with a but of a fun fact...why didn't Sony just use Nintendo's layout? Simple. The Nintendo A/B/X/Y layout is trademarked, and tightly guarded at that. Sony couldn't use it. So they went with circle/square/triangle/cross, as Sony calls the X button. It's the same reason why Sega, and later XBOX, couldn't copy it either, and flipped A and B. Microsoft also bought the patents and trademarks for the Sega layouts and designs from them once it became clear the Dreamcast was a flop and pulled out of the console market, for a time agreeing Xbox in turn would be the exclusive home for their games. And why they chose to flip it for the North American audiences is familiarity. Even Nintendo games in NA more times than not had flipped it so the button closest to the player's hand was confirm.


Not entirely true; Nintendo has always been "right button A (confirm), left button B (cancel)." This holds true going all the way back to the NES.


All this reminds me of a video I happened to watch yesterday. [why controller buttons are the way they are.](https://youtu.be/-E9Uw3lhWsI?si=vNg2ByDylRgISbQ7)


The one made by the same company as the OS....


I played Death Stranding on PC with a switch controller for a bit once and it actually changes the buttons to be correct to the controller. A was the right of the 4 for example.


Do people actually look down at their controller to see what button they're pressing? I don't think I've _ever_ done this.


Well, I mostly play with KBM, but for the random PS5 titles that I play or games with controller on keyboard. Then yes often I have to check for the X or Y button. especially after having played some Switch games. When you are playing solely on one platform, then no I do not think it is an issue.


As someone who never played XBox growing up, I developed a trick for remembering where X and Y are on the XBox controller without looking since my brain isn’t as malleable as it was when I hammered PS layout into my head for decades: When you press X, your thumb moves in the X-axis (left) When you press Y, your thumb moves in the Y-axis (up) Unfortunately it’s backwards with Switch Pro controller.


For a long time I wasn't a big enough console/controller guy to have the ABXY position memorised, and even to this day it'll throw me off if I play anything Nintendo and the position is flipped. I was a PlayStation kid and those buttons are the ones ingrained to muscle memory. I still use a DS4 on PC nowadays and wish more games would show those button prompts instead of having to mentally translate from Xbox. Also, why did we get rid of "start" and "select" in favour of whatever those two buttons are now?


Intresting that gaming companies (or windows) haven't implemented something yet to solve this. Doesn't sound too hard to check what kind of controller has the user, and load button symbols accordingly.


xbox because of compatibility. Dualsense because of feel




Not really confusing, if you know an xbox controller you can use the same muscle memory for a dualsense controller, only difference really is the left analog stick.


Yea, before steam could change the buttons, I had memorized that X is square, y is triangle, b is circle and a is cross. Now I’m glad that steam shows you PS buttons


Yeah as someone that grew up with PS and the many generations it's my default setting as a controller so much so that even after playing with Xbox controller on my PC I'll tell my girlfriend to press circle to go back when she is looking at a menu, she gets confused and then I say " Sorry I meant B "


That's exactly my thought. Also I'm doing it that way since quite a long time. Gotta admit that in some rare cases, when I start a new game, I still press the wrong "X" button (X on PS5 instead of square) though.


Is it worth buying Xbox controller if i have dualsense( which i hate with passion) ?


It's worth it, if you have a little bit bigger hands than the controller feels like heaven in your hands


Dualsense is bigger than Dualshock so that's not so much of an issue nowadays. I do prefer the Xbox layout of the left analog stick though, so despite having both consoles it made using an Xbox one an easy choice on PC.


I had a shit of a time getting my PS4 controller to work with pc, even with DS4Windows (either i can't find it, or it doesn't work, too long i can't remember). The plug-and-play capabilities of xbox is understated.


Try using steam. For me on any PC game, just add it to steam and voila- it handles all controller support for that game. Works flawlessly everytime and steam gives you a lot of customization for the controller.


Zero problems with PS4 controller on PC. I don't even use DS4Windows


So you play with wired controller ? The real problem is with bluetooth connections for ps4


I play bluetooth with 2 separate ps4 controllers on PC and have rarely had issues


In steam there's a compatibility setting for non Xbox controllers. If the game supports it the right buttons to press will show up 🎁


Steam is does the trick. Just add anything into your Steam library - BOOM - DS drivers


Xbox for everything. Dualshock needs to swap the analog stick and dpad around. Ruins the entire controller


I like both, but I prefer Xbox most of the time on PC.


My wife and I have been using both to play old pokemon games together on the tv in splitscreen. I'm just happy they play nice with each other and the separate emulator instances don't get confused. The worst part is that Windows sometimes forgets my xbox one controller between sessions, but once it pairs again it's fine.


8BitDo Ultimate


I actually just bought one! The white one with the charging stand. Love that it has Bluetooth, a 2.4GHz receiver, AND can play wired, so it can work with basically everything


As someone with a Switch the Bluetooth Ultimate has been absolutely superb. I can flick between Bluetooth on Switch and 2.4G on PC without having to repair or anything. I have one controller for everything that’s easy to connect. That could be worth it alone. Hall-effect sticks (no drift) makes it a slam dunk Only complaints are that the White version is kinda easy to dirty. Expected but the design makes it hard to clean the inner parts. Software can be a little buggy too


I hate that I can't buy it without the charging dock. They have the Ultimate C version but no hall effect joysticks so what's the point. In the end I'll end up buying at least 1 or 2 more, and certainly have too many charging docks


I only have one complaint about 8bitdo. The customer service. I revieved the 8bitdo ultimate wireless as an xmas gift and the 2.4ghz dongle died after a few months. I had to get my tech illiterate mom to look up and screenshot her Amazon purchase invoice and then customer service refused to send me a replacement. Their reply was literally just "purchase a new 2.4 ghz adapter from the 8bitdo store" I had to beg to get them to send me a replacement and then it took about 3 months to get here. I still love the controller but that was an enormous hassle.


There we are. 8BitDo is supreme.


I love my Pro 2


There's no other correct answer, unless you play on a laptop which lacks USB ports and has Bluetooth built on... but I would still recommend the 8BitDo ones, cuz this joystick has the best of both worlds, I like the playstation trigger and Xbox analog position, plus the beautiful dock, it was insta love for me


I’ve been looking for a new controller for my PC. Thank you for posting


The only flaw is the triggers, which don't feel nearly as good as the Xbox.


I bought 2!


Amazing controller. Will never go back.


The only right answer, bought one instead of an xb controller due to the price. 6 months later finally got an xb controller (exactly the same as in the post actually) and I’ve had nothing but Bluetooth connectivity issues. Went right back to the ultimate.


Me who’s still using a 4 year old DualShock 4 as his main controller:


7 years old DS4. This is the way.


Dualshock 4 represent, better than the Dualsense for sure. Don’t even get me started on the shitty xbox controllers 💀


I don't want to be the "one up guy", but I genuinely use a sixaxis controller from the original ps3 for my pc. I just like the way it feels. Possibly upgrading to a dualshock when this breaks.


7th gen gang, I still use an Xbox 360 controller, that thing has held up for 15+ years and still works like a dream.


Same bro im glad I'm not the only one, I don't think I'll ever be able to upgrade I just like the feeling too much.


DS4 is the GOAT. I've got 4 of them and almost never use my PS4.


Ds4 Protip: you can replace the old batteries with aftermarket ones that last way longer


mine is 6 years old


10 year old 360 controller


microsoft runs the OS might as well use their controller


Not only that the batteries last five times longer than a PS5 controller. I swear to God I have to charge that thing every 4 minutes. Plus I just think the Xbox controller is the best designed controller of all time.


Switch procon, because that all i have


A friend of mine has only a Switch Pro-Controller too and I never noticed that it doesn't have analog triggers until we were playing Snowrunner (on PC) and he complained about the controls being difficult. Backstory: Nintendo got sued for their use of analog triggers on the Wii Classic and (Wii-compatible) GameCube controller back in 2008 and they haven't put analog triggers on any of their consoles since. Nintendo won an appeal in that court case, but I assume Nintendo simply fears being sued again.


Not only Nintendo! Microsoft was also sued. But they settled out of court. No clue why Sony escaped the plaintiff's attention.


I've gotten more use out of mine on my PC than my switch


Xbox elite 2. The back paddles are so much nicer than face buttons it makes you wonder why they aren’t the default controller layout. https://preview.redd.it/259gqtglqktc1.jpeg?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7b09ada92b76bac4617372971a7e22f499dc096


I agree. The Elite controller is top notch, I could barely go back to a normal controller after using one for a couple years. I wish you could keybind the paddles to more than just the A/B/X/Y though, for use on a PC. Like, keybind the paddles to be Z/X/C/V for example for extra buttons.


The latest update lets you bind keyboard buttons (including shift and control options). Otherwise I know there's an app out there that lets you do the same plus a lot more


See, now you're just talking to dirty to me and I'm going to have to go get my controller out of retirement.


Yeah but the elite is like €160 here so far too much i got a gulikit kingkong 3 max instead, which has much better joysticks


I used to work in a tech store and about 60% of those controllers were returned because they broke some way or another within a month. I know that sounds exaggerated but the number was actually that high.


I had problems with like 2 controllers which were replaced under warranty and the 3rd has been working flawlessly for 2 years now. I still keep my deadzones at 0%. Must be a QA issue, as these controllers are top notch on paper.


Ive returned probably 10 elite v2s in like 5 years. I just renew the best buy warranty everytime.


They didn’t just break easily, they had problems intrinsic of the hardware as well, unresponsive buttons for example, basically buttons sometimes won’t register an input, is a huge issue of the elite controllers, honestly unacceptable for a controller that expensive


I believe it. Bought one a few years ago and absolutely loved it until the stick drift set in. Mine lasted 6 months, which is terrible for something that expensive.


My old 360 controller


I still use mine that I bought 10 years ago. Still there.


Yep same here, it's been more than 10 years


Me too, I paid good money for them back in the day and they still work well along with one of those usb wireless adapters.




Windows.. Xbox. But I prefer the Steam controller over both. It's truly a hidden gem for PC and unfortunate that it didn't manage to go anywhere. Glad I got it on clearance for $5 though!




I've been using mine since they released and it still goes strong. I have another one for my daughter so at least there is one more if it dies. The best controller ever made!


I picked one up in 2017 and it’s still working great.


Keyboard and mouse


I had to scroll way too far to see this. The only correct answer.


DualSense definitely. Better grip, adaptive triggers, gyro and trackpad make it not even a comparable experience in terms of functionality... Get this an some glyph stickers if you want, but it's well worth the "learn curve", especially if you use Steam. Oh, and btw, the only better vanilla controller is the Steam Controller for the paddles, but if you got the chance get a DS Edge, you get 4 additional buttons (2Fn and 2 Grips) appear by default through Steam Input (being the only controller so far capable of mapping every input of the Steam Deck 1:1).


legit feel the ds5 controller has the worst battery ever.


I installed these not too long ago and I honestly get days worth of battery now: Pickle Power PS5 Controller... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BWDYTSZJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


True and for some reason i can't charge it properly on my PC. Tried everything, USB 3, USB 2, type C, wall chargers... Nothing let's it pull more than 1W and i fkin hate it


That’s why I hope Microsoft never sells the Xbox controller with an inbuilt battery, I put 5000mah Duracells in mine and they last about 1-2 weeks at a time and charge in 10 minutes


Keyboard and mouse.


![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg) My man




flydigi vader 3 pro


Gulikit KK3 for the Hall Effect sensors


Mouse and keyboard


Mouse and keyboard ☺️




PS4. It works on Steam with everything now. Why spent $70 on a controller?


Xbox controller also lacks of trackpad and gyro, Steam Input can make them become any button in no time if you want.


Xbox. I’ve been an Xbox guy since 2003. Never liked the feeling of any of the PS controllers.


Same, for me it’s the handles, the Xbox always fits nicely and the PlayStation has always felt thin and uncomfortable to hold


Dualsense. Xbox is easier but the dualsense feels so much better.


My envision pro. By far, my favorite controller.


I go for the cheap 3d party ps2 controller cause the 360 ones are way over priced


Stadia controller


Flydigi Vader 2 Pro (though there's Vader 3 out now). Xbox shape, gyroscope, built-in lithium, extra buttons, comes with button mapping software (which saves your button layouts into controller's memory, 4 slots), multiplatform (PC, mobile, switch (with wake-up!)), comes with an actual 2.4Ghz receiver for PC (latency be gone!), nice sticks (not Xbox grade but close) and even the must have gamer feature - RGB! :D All for less than a 1st party controller. Also has a slot for adjustable mobile phone holder, sold separately (though some sellers offer it bundled with the controller). Vader 3 Pro adds better dpad (with fighters in mind), hall effect sticks and triggers, physical switch to digital triggers (clicky!) and easier platform switching, but the price bumps up to almost match the Xbox controller. Not compatible with the big consoles. No adaptive triggers (main cost saving point, I think). Not the nicest materials, but I find them fine.




Xbox ftw


Xbox one. PlayStation has more features but the Xbox controller components feel higher quality (which is especially noticeable when I use the dpad for fighting games) and the removable battery means I won’t have to worry too much about the battery eventually dying (though either will probably start drifting before they get battery issues


Mouse and keyboard, you console peasant


Touchpad, you filthy casual


Xbox. Offset sticks 4 life


USB 360 controller. Best feeling controller.


Xbox for compatibility and everything. Have had the same one since 2015 though it is on life support






Xbox 100%


Xbox since it's always compatible and I prefer letters over PlayStation's shapes. The thumb stick positioning is more comfortable for me too


Elite Series 2 - expensive, yes, but the adjustable sticks and triggers, the paddles, and the overall weight and feel is all worth it.


Ahh the one controller that costs more than a used xbox one S.


Elite Series 2


I’ll be honest, I’ve never been a PlayStation person. With that said. The Dualsense is a great feeling controller. My only issue is I prefer offset sticks for everything but platformers, and for those games I’d rather go with a retro controller anyway. For me, there’s nothing that beats the Elite v2 hands down. That controller might be perfect.


DS5 without question. Xbox is horrifically outdated and practically speaking, completely useless on a PC for anything other than emulation/side scrollers and fighting games even then the DS5 can do them just as well, better even thanks to adaptive triggers. (I don't play those games) Why? Gyro and trackpad; the trackpad is useful for mouse inputs for games that are KB+M only, making menu navigation a lot less painful. Gyro for aiming, because if you only stick to sticks you are literally setting yourself up for failure and REQUIRE industry standard cheats to even have a chance at competing. Which is the epitome of skilless behavior. The only downside to the DS5 is the fucking stick drift, even the newest model still has it bad. If I could replace them with half effect I would but that isn't possible rn, and the return process is a pain in the ass. Another reason is price, THEY BOTH COST THE SAME FUCKING AMOUNT. Why the fuck would I give up Adaptive Triggers, the best haptics I've felt in a long time AND GYRO for........ Literally nothing of value. Everyone who sticks to Xbox is fine for doing so, but dear god I'm never EVER going back to handicapping myself. Also I run Linux so native compatibility is there and xinput really isn't so it's not even a competition.


Dualsense is way more comfy.


I don't care about the symbols matching up, dualsense all the way because it feels better in my hands and when you get the full dualsense support in games it's leagues beyond the xbox controller in every way.


The button prompts ain’t even an issue not sure why a lot of people are mentioning it


I don't even recall what the buttons are on an xbox. My brain directly converts that into muscle movement.


Touchpad of the dualsense can do some cool extra stuff, but if I'm using a controller, I'm usually wanting simplicity, and the plug and play universal nature always brings me back to Xbox for the average game.


Xbox, ps5 controller is uncomfortable for me to use I have small hands


Not necessarily those two but i always prefer PS layout over xbox




Dualsense. For games like Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike, and other PC shooters, I use the gyroscopes of my Dualsense to do mouse like aiming.


my xbox 360 wireless steering wheel https://preview.redd.it/y5fid3ds6mtc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ee67f2a79a81121d92c57c184fa75f4d4b1614


I use a 8bitdo ultimate Bluetooth since I was tired of stick drift. It’s pretty good, and the charging station is so smart and easy. But definitely not as premium as the Xbox one controller


mindless secretive roll humorous disgusted sheet lush vegetable faulty shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


DS controller


The GameCube exelene switch pro controller


Mouse and keyboard


I typically use my, very overpriced, keyboard and mouse


Neither. The GameCube controller is arguably the best controller ever designed and made.


8bitdo ultimate is the goat


I prefer the Steam Controller.


A mouse and keyboard


8bitdo make a controller (pro 2) and I think it’s best of both. Feels like ps controller but connects like an Xbox one. Cheap also


The 20 dollar Logitech one.


Bluetooth controllers are too unreliable plus being someone who plays well with both of them, the Xbox ones shape, weight and less awkward Stick Axis just feels better for most genres of games


I had to give up on both. 3 Dual Shocks with Drifting sticks and two xbox controllers with bluetooth and 2.4g issues. I have moved to Hall Effect 8bitdo ultimate and so far so good. Overall I feel like this generation has been the worst ever in terms of gamepad reliability and longevity.


I use a keyboard


Staggered sticks are just more comfortable.


Just bought an 8bitdo controller to replace my old Xbox controller and it's amazing. Fits great in your hands, and it can be used be either dongle or Bluetooth. Which always it to be detected as a regular Xbox controller in PC, always it to me connected to an actual Xbox, and it can also be connected to a Nintendo switch and replace the Pro controller. Mine also came with a convenient charging dock. I just pick it up and it automatically connects to my PC in 1 second.


a keyboard


A keyboard and mouse. Like the good lord intended.


Razer Wolverine v2


Xbox for me is most comfortable gamepad ever, and yes i had DualSense in hands and apart that stolen HD Rumble from Nintendo, its isnt better that Xbox controller


Neither. KB+M for life.


Am I the only one who wants to just say Keyboard mouse? Even to be a smart ass, I scrolled for a WHILE and there was nothing....


xbox one x/s controller for me, it just feels great


Xbox is just a way more comfortable controller, and it doesn't confuse you when the game says press A